i I V r t I . 'V- Vr fl .4J IMhWWi The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Fall iurruMi by nut unithb humm Ni mmvkm gibe ItwsftA He ram -. .? r ,' )'(- i 'i l . 'I -t. . C? '"; yt 3' . f f f Vi r ' .tj, h :7vjb , ? mmm IfWIMjVWi MMIr u Wi jr, '. V rr ma 1 Vrf, Hevrntli Year No. K.1M KMMATM rAUA OflattOtt. TVMnMV, JULY ft, Itlt MMMt - jt Frvao, Pp' CMmW rf.-,. ttava vw tttfS' AW m' REYNOLDS IS LOUIS FURBER IT CIVIL PASSES BEYOND SERVICE RULING MAIN! Count Tlsza New Premier of Hungary OVKHrll'Ll OI'INIOX IN TMr'. AKANT CAMK VKM KNOWN IIIII.AM I'AHMKII MtXItMHH AKTKII AN KXrKM. KM Hlt'KNKMH MIOM. IIUHll OIHKAHIM Rl--iM (.th NuprrlnlrMlrnl l Again Re liieelrd lu KrlgH by Hrcretory Following u luits HlneM, l.oul Irvlii Kurbor Uttl Monday ul hi ranch near Midland. Death wai due 10 blood trouble. Uuie of the Hepurtineni of llir In -p,,, funeral aervlce will bo held rlor An.nl ey He Will '" ! llrmo M. i:. church In thlH city nt . ., . I o'clock till afternoon. the Mailer Into the tiirl ami M ,,tb(r M u yat. 0, nKU( tight i Ow I IMtli .nut U well known In (lie county. Ho .w . , In siitvltvd by two hoik, ohm of them Tl.. detUlun by tbe civil .orvlco m -ear Kurbor. who wa with comn.U.lui. Ul W. Krunk a.i. m '"" ttl,,,u "" ,,l,", uirlnlendviil of Crater Uke N Mnkdm lim-Hu.tlJiu llonal I'aik, In itubjeil to tlio civil ijulttd 1'ret Service. ' Mrvlce, lia been overruled In an AI.HANV, N. V July Kormul opinion given the department of Hie UiuritiH llial Htiireino Court Juillre, Interior by Attorney Oeneral Mclley Colmlan did tut udti.T ktrlctly 0,,.uu)l 8,e,,Man Tlw. U ld to be a nolUa. Judicial etlilen. wete Iminlred Into lo.i . h lAr.nl baa been nollned of IUI. rul- ,hif ,,, ,10 le.Ulaturo a.arted Ita umn ' . ' ' urbu' IM. In connection with It, he haa, ,llttlKail..n. It wna generally tw lent parliament In the aime Iron wny ukuliv been aaked by Secretary UnehveU Unlay ilmi Juatko Cohalau wllhaa hU pre4KMor. The ciurt wm .. .... ........ ... ...i... i.. t..r nf ... ............I .tf Hi- l.vlitature. Iki.eaker of the lower houM of Ibe 111 .1113 HIIBIIWI .' iv.i.11 ... "" ' UV v..w.w. w ---- -w- WEJ jaDlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBfl I JP HHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB ! 53bb1HbWBK2bT2 MITCHELL SEEN AT GRASS UKE THIS iUlllN6 aixmjkb mmMermkv m mtaxa rvnttvm x .i.ilhcrN CatitonkU Omren Ai afc on Ihe Trail rf 04Mttr,4t4 Ma Ca4w la Mwii'ieMarHy SanWcd. Ctiarlea Hwritac. HttaK lww Waa Htolrai, la MtaH KJtltoJB da) tbe Trail of HU Hhv4 Man , Men Involved in Mulhmll Charges Tli new premier of Will (I. IHeel. (bMllauert on fam- T 'wblcli la utrouily made ut of Tain- I many membera. HuiiKJrlan parliament till tbe fall of the lnl nlnlatry. when he undertook the work of forming n new cabinet. Hla career will be watched by 1'iotta aniia nf HuiiaarktHa and br AoetrtaM jthroiigbout the United State. V MttlhaU Ready to Tell His Stoirtoeominittee;yy(5 yfl FIGHT FOR LOST LANDS Congressional Investigators Will Al low Wall Street Man to Tell His Story Without Interruption WABIIINOTON, 1). C, July H b) Mulhall to aubatantlale III clmrge M. M. Mulhall and a acor. of iirom). "Mlnat the manufacturer., wta.nu. ho aut. imvo cruatieu a numoer in uo nenl manuiacturer are nere, reauy - (lorKon Mitchell, tnt young man Ichargcd with the theft of a horse, a .silver mounted bridle. aoiue money mud n Colt, revolver from the Bant ing ranch near Marrlllj lll aoon be In Jail, according to laUriutlen reeelv- Hungary, rd nl the aherlK'a oiUej hare. Word waa received fcr; that .MK rtiell waa aecn near Oraaa like. CaMf., early thla moraine. The borae ha wa riding ahowe4 ,erl4eace of hard uaage. and waa ataialy Mred. A poeae iroHl uraH ijiks m in vhisuiv in ic fugitive. I In addition the oatcara at Bray. Dorrle and other tovgii Is that Ttatav lty are looking out far Mitchell. It la etpected that he will be rap'tarai thla afternoon. Churlca A. Uuntlng, the Merrill farmer who waa robbed by Mitchell, la at III on tbe trail of the man. Aa aoon aa the theft waa discovered Mon- .....a ikamiIbi. Yt....tlM. aaJJIaJ kPla. Iumj nmininst iihu.ik w-b.w p. ..- and started In pursuit,' leaving hla wue io Boiur me anenn umw un. .iammmmmmmaHP' lmm ammmmmmmVaWtfew " f'TM lamlllH'nKtMf aammmmid '"'uAaTgfcjJ nmmmms't 'if KM&f .aamaammmmmmBSBVaJB amKWHT ' dj'igggHgiSgigggggggggm4' VaBC!!aBBmVmmBmmmmmmVBmmmmmmmmmlaBVHaBmVV BaSa BANKING OWMMITTim Of MIK MOl'HKWHI TODAY MAKIJKj'tI t HTt'DY OV MM3UX AaMilH TRATtON MCASVMC L'nlUd Free Service WAHIIINOTON, U. CI JW I. ' . u The hoaaa kMklag eaaamKtoe today (MajaM ... .. ...wJ" . . eifaBecv IVWMHVI ffl.UV VJmW) earreaer referm laaanra. ,v - ' Oiaaa ateaa to riaart a k kiuu. tka - kv Ault. MMt ilk. Um MtMtMd ttuf Iw WltWMt It wMl U the mhMla of Aag aat before j th kou. i it '" -- tke the koaae earn Raise ;.5S:1 v portance t ' Jni. COURTy MMY INMD I . nmm CURRENCY DILL IN COIIIUEE v; ' .": v atat v '..r-U .i , U V( 'n una Mww' aa samal. idaaws' f L -t i .--- i' i feJ'J i nHMK nivr , . uvi6,o (jaaaav aeaBaBew W'pn 'KB ,- '-1 .'.---. .v. f i.' ' ija thOMa MaWBr fc (to PaBTaS i 'S ni I W t WW J laH i ,4 I 4 It to eapeetea that tbare will tae a ,An aetkm h4vka'a number of "epaeeltlon" currency uMtratmmmVkmmmamm Diiie lairoaaeea. ;. i "j ' n.. vui u.. w i . mnuLmM t'4 Jm Mm stantanM eanrt by tta MM aid daughter.. Mlaaa Margm an4 KtHwil ,ny tt. Tim MijIIB ri.tltriM 'Wllllaaaa. leave be tha.4 aBMrjajMaelBV -i -, . .wit i. vuiv-r b. i4 the- daesadant la Caamilai Jj. W. emswe aateaawm -wth em was - -t-w , - c TkT will tM'.wa'y akwut aUIsa, uatr fe ,"! 1 i.uiiUNurti a MUM A I Band Asks Council Think th I J 4to. James W. Van Cleave Kx-prealdent Manufacturera John Klrby Jr., Mltoholl la atmut S vaara olil. medl i'""".". :."... .1 t ,um height, naa light cuney nair ana- I.ORTK ANNOUNCE HUI.TAN'HIV ""'' "-"7-., vL:.;- 'i. ttmCKH WIIX HKTAKK TKHIII- ,,c,rea wj,n lho jBtter'a property. aoclatlon i , tt)KY WON HY THK AI.MKM IN , - John Klrby Jr.. the preeUefet: at Mm I LONDON. Juno 8 Sylvia fault- National Association ot atanuiaeiur- BcUeving Members .teJl Turning Down con :en rUtton, Ask ReconsiderkMi ' i M fjajnnsaMJmVmHMVt 3 JBi IM1 - ' ?-.. JlaYal t-'-'"-fS v t. alhwwJgJBil aVmyanamlkiBk '?? JaVammmmJKBm 'fij , MV -.-.. IIAI.KAN WAR There Is much consternation among, la resolution the member of the Klamath Falkf Military hand aa a reault of the eltr couneir. action mat night In reflating the petition t the baad far an an- tiiantU on the part ot working men It baa been arranged for Mulcall H 1 buret waa laal night arreated for art. a Jamea W. Van Cleave, the aa- pronnauon w aaee ier a - atreet apeaklng and after n fierce re- president,, both ot whom were In of- weewy concert, in ue para "" ,- . ...I ,i '- j...i-- . . k.. r-i u th aaat twa maaMtha. Heretofore. i ll.h 1 l.a. O.eela UlllnOU I IVm t7v VI.wj Il(,IIUiV WWB IRIWVU Ifl ! -)- evw wi . . -, ,0 testify in the Investigation of the ".7 for M.IUII H CONSTANTINOn.K. July -Tha arraigned In the Bcr Stree, Conr M M W -- chargea of a combine ,0 aupprea. ... K,vo hh u-atlmony In a cronologica, por. y y c a that urary J-JM--'.J. .S, hor. which will be l.ken up tomorrow nw.nner. He wll tell. I. atory wj. , rejee u jy 7 y Mfut,Bf lfoM .. ieMte ,obbjr tamLjMlo. to by tbeaenate Judiciary committee. out Interference. Implicating whoever w" o pqt up hQBi fc MntMM of , ,,, Uo ctfM ,,, bjr Muk,u Chairman Overman and Bonn lor he deslrea. ..,., ' A. the allies oppose thla movement three month, wa. Inpoeed. When that money waa epeat for and agahut Heed nud Walsh, composing the jtidl. After th I. testimony all ln.pl ''.Vbmu.J.0 "JJimltal the'.he wa. taken away ah. cried 'Til member, of congraaa. The . clary committee, have been carefully by Mulhall will bo subpoenaed and 'T'J, huB, r,k.''. tlou I. one of the Urgart U the eou- co,.slderlng the testimony .ubmittod'aske.l to testify. The, Turkish troops are preparing ' try. and IU mamhara individually to Immediately Invade the territory. r. ana mm, ey vmceiu w mi - ..,. . .- . their children, are In thla cltr far a I are mora than 4,000 member. It John nnd Henry Bchtnor were hcre'tiiiiple of daye on bualncaa. They ex- grew to IU great strength under Um i,... u... i..k. Mnndnv. Httendlac Vrct to return to their Lanxclt Vnlley I admlaletraUon of Van Cleave and t,. business matter.. Jhome on Thursday. jKlrby. Ui naovtwa mantaa. thla ittrmlattM each Mmmer. and Um eeaeerta have been enjoyed by em wda' that' Hd the nark. BeKevtag that the cauacllmen aetod too aaatlly In the mnttor. th band, before taking any aetlon Uemaelve. n askina ror a reeoaaiaenwiea m Box Factory Employee is Injured by a Saw Cliiford Rambo's Right Leg is Al most Severed at the Thigh by a Saw. Limb May be Saved W w " "'.- w. 1 ( "-'aa -. .i - the annrenrlatlM reaneat hy the wanayi.waaneiiween, " .. .w. .w. iu-! :."'",.'9asa'ar'ak3zr)M ' ' Council. ISWHS ue i in mi"-' v" ? v . ,. --,.- ssamaaaaaasa v -n- San Francisco Wins Signal Fight 1 Struck by the whirling blad of 1 nitoat aaw at the Bwauna box factory, Clifford Kainbo, ir..yar.old aon ot (tr and Mrs. 0. A. Kambo, la at th lllackburu hospital, hla right leg nearly aevered at th thigh, and hi I luht foot badly cut. The lad aufered Intensely from hi horrible wound, the terrible .hock and the Ion ot blood. A Dr.. Hamilton and Whit state that lliu lad' pluck through the ordeal ivua remarkable, and tbay r oonll. dent that he mill aurvlv the ahock. 'i'lio limb I. severed elear'lhrough th hip bone, but th surgeon ar mak Iiik hard ngbt to save th limb. ' The accident occurred about 6 o'clock Monday night. Attempting to Jump vovr, the cutoff law platforni. the lad', foot .truck tlio carrier, and hla right foot waa carried against the aaw, almost' severing th foot, thla cauMd him to fall to the carriage, and hla right thigh waa Immediately Btrnek by' the Mad, which tore and cut thrauah ieah'aad bone, narrow ily missing n compute amputation. when th lad, anirerlnc Intense agoalMi waa takn from th aaw, he wm placed In a .witch engine, and rushed to the hospital. , The lad', condltlan la erlttoal, hut the surgeons ar hopeful ot a reeov ry, 4 Kambo attained .nine tarn aa sprinter anil na n football player ln.1 the grammar school last year, H m to enter the high school thla year, and was counted on u vn member ot th l &J&. UTM t". t?48 Public Lands Committee, After Executive Session, An nounces That it Will Report Favorably Tomorrow. The Authority of Secretary Lane is Broadened was, adapted f th band teday: r v . - to the H arable atmjrer aad CMy "We,. the aabes f th Military hand, deale. to t HIHH nTSrvMJnVs . Va'JB'MaaWa'H a bat to th HMlM ff m mpV T V .r Te the Connett k "It la Ha worthy eane(lnMa fait to-Ufeg I consideration the fact tkat a a nioat dhBciih ernanltolton to 1 j 1 It la evident taaaMM T Starts a .: ' .1 .?..;.- . . Fund for Rodeo Park M - ,( (. .1,1 Sf Vfr. - Donates His Wiiinkigs in the CoaV av ' VaBBl- -W..V:' ' ...V't. aai.aaaaSkata, ...... a.1 sin now ru9mwv9m m. Quarter muc Trie , r Th irst atop toward enrlvB new Rodeo ground, wm, token Man- I day, when'D. M. MeLamor. vkaa . VJK ajWUl amefjamjamy WASHINGTON, 1). C July . .wefa to expedite the aegutoltlon of the The house coiumltte on public -1.':" .. IiaIhb HdD.IIIV ID. 1 t. wHl on revuru " "va - ... favorvof the hill allowing the city of Ban Krauciico to aeoure u tiling on the Hetch Hetchy Valley ns a reaer- voir alt. 1 In executive aesslou, the commlt- iMvconaldwred th bll thoroughly. It w' taken up section by section, and ' . . 1 a aawnaefi as u wm ru 'V - .1 ' ( amendment i ' mide Secretary Las ot the department of th Interior In handling tbe matter, Th committee alto provided rgu latloa tor the right of way tor the elty'a wtr nln lln through th Hetch Hetchy Valley, tc,i , The committee f ordered today al the hearing. In the. matter closed. U U expeeted that th eenmltt will complete (to tavoMe, report In tl for prMfttaUoa h th how of r It developed during th aarlnga that the OMaealtlon to.ta IUn wm altogether on th part ot'eor poratteM now furnWiln water to MM altf. Th advt of, th lty water.MnfW waw neeeaMrlly mean tha death' of thM eempaalM Intt.alAt La aua ml th -- kSVS toalrOWaV L. iL" mj .. .-.. ......' ..v. 1fav nit'aida la 'ai (a mwmm, , Ct .TT Wi"!!"? ' 'w resentatlvM torw. Inward U. mMnN fffl35 2T- rJlSSni Tha gam. Frwulaao dgat4n. w w ,. ..ww. -r t ----- w, -----jj" wi.i.1. ku h k i tbJ.!iuaratotinwoIMtoa for- tMt .nnrptoe. m of securing Urn llhH a aeum of -Vka Uvo.lMaM.oniWriaaoaM supply for a municipal water aretem. " n.aw-jiif,w.-j--.-. ar Jubilant ovr th TMtorjr. tMr r ttMgMv to eaaetala ar ctobratln la big style. ., kt, dto. the ,j pwk. .will; f, SBaBaBaWU SUS aIaaaS BMW . a . --r -'-r - w---s -r t' -e-i TtM.aVratMtaVRod proved .to ... . j a... .u..,aSva IBtt IUW am 1 Wliailiai waaaaBBi. : aaM Redee Ju etes4 prvd hM Jauki atSSiak BaBVaSV aBaSa.SSI SaB SUmaSI asl amaaSSaSSaBiaiBaSl IJf -HJMJJVJ, M-JiR mm - - ," 1,- .,--- -- - T- .Aui VAL.m.u. ..a.KaK-S ask. 1 asvlsBkana I lkaB anflnMmnnmnTamnm. teW-namwaifW emsaww mw. -.. a ai M-jia . every yr. "In1 otdor to show bigger, and hotter oMk tm K iim,S tMMin4 would ho v Im netJltal ItoiwToa insMil or fat lhJmt heWtotlto BnSSIS ',V kv !r ron. eempaalM. r . "- f .-. ,, e- - -r-r ;A v w . n ' i!s-v jtVW '" M& c v ' ' ' ci , ' ,1 V.rHsCTaWB! 11 .1.1 1 . iiisrwiiai-'nin'iia.i miniums m 1 ,''lll'U''''yiLJV-!?3gSfei8iaWmnVM i J ! , i Nt J&ir v? -iytfliralfjmi SIBatmmnmafai . .' 1 ki - JS'4Sla4jJt 'nlflnnnatlamnmnmmnmm ... il. ..' j , r i. KTTJlnvKjSaamnmammnmnvlafJBl