iByniaieJ ww an ii inJmw ' ?-$ im niiiu' Mm tmMlinumtvmw.mmirtn 'I, W 'rf Tie Herald and Republican Uave Three Times the Circulation of all Other KUmmthm N ' i ' ' ' , ' ' ''' ' i -" i Hot jtotitittQ Hefali. " '"" '" mmm i.ihi,..Mi ''-.-- 'J...--: .;' ''' ' ' . -i.i ,i.i.- iw - i ! ., . .i ... ,.. .. , i . ,i , . , lm - - .. , , . M j . - ., MMMOfi Mevmth Yrar- Nn. a,OM KliAMAni FAUA, THUfMHMY, JUNE It, Mil anHMMH ' ' :. -i ,''r5L' . SS..A. ...t j ',-'.! j rf n. " - President Wilson Expects to Read Personally On fe-v ' HO ' Monday His Message to Congress &. i f'S'iw: KV- "' "'.' ; FOLSOM TIGER REPRIFVEO BY 60VJ0HNS0N KXKCUTIO.V MTAYKIt FOK TMHKK WKKKM MOKK ttV b "BOMB" SMS TURN OUT "BUM" COCKNKV JOUKNALH FINK) OUT THAT MANV FMKt MNCMM WAXK0 WKALTHY FINMNfi FAKK BUFF OVTKAaHH MOTOR OVER HERE FROM CROOK CO ItKMI IH'MI.VKNM MKN AMD ON THKIH WAV TO LAKKVIKW, MAY TMK HOAI) TO FORT KLAM ATH III fink United Pre Serf lea I.ONDON, June 10, London new. For Jakey OniMiwr PrexMac (( Oatrom of Hie Oak- bratrtl Fubuttti lrtMft-r' Appeal la lltn Kuan-en Court of ltie UnMrvl KllnH. irKMiNM ttrronl Clyd M. McKay and J. 0. Rhode rilfli 111 lmml VliBtll tiaf aiilntanklU T.maorary Commutation of Hrattwce' . ,. .. ... .,. .. . .. . .I'Mf"!" lirun II.IS HHHVItCU IV lUU'llWRl IXVUU MT fltltlf I VICTI BfHl Ulvrn rcl that they livi been vlcllmlipd donl and inanaget of Iba lumbar da-j io mo ient or many dollar, by an Ipurimeni of tbo Und coapaay, aad eMIroly now same that of "boinb'Ml. o.. u -..... ,.v- b.-j HmJI.M " ""'- " .Wi w. W BtHV nnumi Tlio u(fragl(0 United I'reaa Btrrlea HACRAMKNTO, June 19, Gover nor Hiram Jobnaon today granted a rrlevi of thrr weeka to Jakey 0v penbelmrr, tbo "KoUom Tter," who li under aentence of death for mur dering fellow prlionere at the folaom prlion. The renrlere la given beading the -'- - - f i .i i.i i.i icoatiauvj nn ruwo bomb I'ark company. ,, Tbo gentlemen are outrage nn .i,.i, ..v . .vi. .tarted It all. The method adopted Ty t ,. for ?kH aulfragello literature. In. omo public flUon , Uror8 dow ibT0k ru Place, and then ''nnd" It. and Hw KtaBWlh .,, t0 Mwn turning It over to the pollc, run to u, UpKmv .,M ,.., ... , .. M.M.A.... nl. ..., ..II ln.tl 2 " - --, -- V ..ow.).., u.mrNHU.:iMn rf MiftWn Un -ad rt tn.mk .A i , -w... vv.. .,H w we nil j a. au eiclu.tve. Many nw.iaper.l i THIRTEPH KILLED OOLLISION r1E4R VALLEJO MHTora or MArA vAixky oahm Mi vAtai. v,,. Z. T . oV Mm-rillaw Hevl titem Oeen em a Cnrtr, aa4 Ter rMr Imawrt Teem l TraHtv KIM POytmV eWmWeJIWl IKNliV eMeM VTCeWeftel T Hull Mile O floa TwfeHy-Kivf r Members of Ladew Party Held by Japs AraMMemrfl A throughout Kngtand have fallen for the tunt, and today the police are nn I ,lu tine .haiw. but the reamlnder of I the lookout fladera." for dotena of "bomb I cum (i down the weat aide of the lake. C. U. McWIIIIama of A.hland It Klamath FalU vlaltsr. V '.' Tries to Ape Crazy Suff; Is Fatally Injured Unknown Suffragette Sympathizer Attempts to Stop Hone Leading Field by Waving Banner long em io ASSIST MS KI'rX'IAIt I.KVY WIM. MR MAIHC TO DKFKAY KXI'KNHK OF FUNMR AIJ AND UIVK AID TO THK WC-lKMKNT8 CaMiel Freaa SmicV "t i tALLKIO, CWrM?l Twelve mm;m m Hm4 girt were lawt ly klllM, aWteremty-flve w.-re .erlea.ly' VpVgneav Hat em H0gMraHg) COwWema Off ffWO ff earn am He Xmaa VaMrf Mm MO T.M f- ... . 4 . riemi keW am ewrre. Tke earn aaet waWml SOHjPPJC erOgrCOf fMM CllOjr VW9 HM mMMVAamaMatamlaV gajUBat!amleBBkael ma.a amn VaBamBlS VOBagmrSVlmEmjl ItfUP "Jawal JaWmmV HneH WnMR CB1 of Mm kleaeV ' 1- v Vw . i United I'reaa Service LONDON. Juno 19 At the (lold Cup race today a male auffrago aym inlhUrr, wboee name la not known. wa fatally Injured white attempting a repetition of thi event at tho Kngll.h Derby which coat the llfo of Kmlly Davldaon. He waa fatally injured, Tho man waa Injured In front of tho king and queen. Ho attempted to top Tracery, the entry from the llel moat .table. ' Tracery waa leading the field when emammmmamaaaemmnmHatamB mmmaBew. I flitted f'reaa Service i I.ONU MKACII. Calif., June 11 By a vole of ten to one, the taxpayera ot Long Iloach today adopted an ordl Innnco providing for a tax levy to be 'nit ftlK ImllBlal . . t .. Ik tmt M.s la the agitator, waving a u(Tre banner I victim, or Kmplre Day, when the nnd, ahoutlng aomethtng about Ml (municipal auditorium vollapeed. Davldoa, ruihed on the track and A part of thl wilt be uaed In car graaped at the bridle ot the iteed. Ho jinx for Urn dependent, wa .knocked down and Injured by the, Tho ordinance provide for a tax hoof of the Hying horae. jtryy of :u cent on eactf uxablo 1160. Tho horae and rider eacaped un-1 worth of property. It will yield about hurt. Owing to the Incident tho Bel-j 160,000. mont entry waa delayed long enough i to lone tho race. Attorney D. V. Kuykendall haa Sir ThoHin IMIklngton'a Prince I'at- Iroiiu to Drain for a abort vUlt. Mr. atlno wen the race, and lord Derby'ajuykundall and the children, have Steadfaat camo In aecond. bcn thero for him time. 1 ..j m. awiuaaePBaBBtBaMW i ; Fourteen Year Old Girl , First Witness in Trial j Harriett Unlr, Lassie F. Ferrte la Charged With Steal- v ing, Tells the Court of Meeting Carpenter, and His Of fers to Melp Her Go Away From Klamath fBsonftggfr ' AflggggggggggggggggggB v aamBmBmBmamamammmml kaaaaaaaaaaam' gVgVgVgVgVgVgVBBgVgVc. amamBmammammV ' -.BmBmBmBmvBaBHBammaw''' O ammaK A ' JR& HaVSaalammaVS gaamSamamamamaaBammmu f aBvBBi aomamamamamaBmam ' fleawgggggggggggggBw'.' eagggggggggggggc FIRE EIOMS FRAME BUILOINGS !o. K $ So far aa kaown. the Itot of Sa4 fatlewa: Kd JuM, J. r. Raale. Vttllejo. Paal Herbert. Nana. H. O. Hunt. r.UC. Joakar. T. Me- Qaald. T. H. Daytoa. ChrUi Kirk; Ooorge CalUtoga. Sam PraacUco. Alfonao Salamaat, Nana. Motormsn Hough, Calmtoga. In addition a number of foreign laborer going1 o work on one of the! car were killed. Tbeaewerosoatly jcd a cloted port, Wakayama. For a MiMm t i. Harvey Utdew Mlale Ladew J. Harvey Ladew. the leather aer chant of New York, with m party of friend, got Into trouble In Jaaaa when hi yacht, the' Columbia, i mingled boyond recognition. Dire confuilon followed the Impace of the onrusblag tralna, but aooa ev ery' available man waa baay aeareklng through the burning nilaa for pin ioned.' victim of the wreck. Of the twenty-lve Injured, all are more or lea mangled, aad at leaat tan will die. ' ''f"':K' : ' : V..7JT '1 ' ?,; Tha trial of Frank; Farrla ea a. JTrake of thoapeclal venire were ox-.l'iU klndnc to them, and hi ocea; charge of child ateallne; eomaia bbmI lni'!uaed br the' elate, nnd tho UofoiwMlilonnl gift of quarter and half do! tha circuit court thla afternooia. atteriaxcuaod John Cox. C. M. Morrltt ami lr toward their amuaement, werfj tha eppoalng counl had accepted tho oorga J. Walton. Hxcuned by thtoli "V 0 lr,' orabaraaed undelr follewlnc Jury t , wurt vaa William P, Johnaon. ilho conconirated ataro of the throng. W. T. NWott, KUwaUt Falla, : f Chartea FaMa, M. F. TwMIe, Lamila, faMwri t. W.O.lml Ft. VUmmlli. ''" ' e W.X- vu mmlh; farmer; I 'X'WftU'il.iiiM.'iif; 1MB lUrBMlM rw -- . -it -- . .-. v ik? KrtT3ZZZ??Zl-: f-y' 1 l t..tt'"".' yollowlM the .election and awonr-,1"" aep"ure oi mr iriwe.am aw , l . t ll..fe lik nlnvin ami a It a mnria irlailtcf h'V In. of, tha Jury and the opening re "" ", ' ., ." -.? IIUfDVt III IIIU .,V)'. ft l '1'ho yearning ot, the young Slrt to r tho llfi in a city, tor tne cnanoe jo lenvo horae and earn her ownilVlng KiircMi in the heart of young ,'Mbta Fink ut the time her companloaa lah. wlio uld in her tetlmony. Djirlng .....f. ... .1.. ...!. .!... th.MUal' VIHIIB vu mo row" uw, hi ,' nya alio rouflded theio dealrea to him. Ferris, .no ay, reponieaiy oiwea i marW by DWrlct Attorney John Ir- wla 'fori tkaaUtaaad Horace M. Mail- nlnr for, U . a abort rece. wMtnkea'n ThV taking of teallmony eoatmtmcad at, I o'clock, Marilatt Flak, the H-year-old girl FerrU I charged .wltk'aplrltlng away from ,aome, waa thairtt wltne. aalka. ne court room; w- nnea iwKh a curloua crowd, moatiy.men, when tke. girl, who la well. Mitured, former ;yentp, took 'the itMd forha Mia. '. . !"'" ,;' Themaatlag. of ' Fwrla. aa, aha' aM to help her, and, In July ahe accuptad hi offer. .With money fui him ahn aava ahe nurchaad long aklrt; and 'other, ciothlagij aa; mm Mi SEEWR CERTAIN AMKHfCAN MKAKtP AT WORU GATHKHIXO OF HUFFH SAYS XKW YORK WILL OKA NT IT IN NIXKTKKN, FBFTMKN United Preaa Serviee. BUDAPEST, Juno II. New York ataU will sraat women, the vote la 1915. Maaaachimatt will do Ukewtee about the aame time peaelbly before 1I1S,' aad other New England com monwealths' will, be, quick to follow the exarapw aet'tby the' Kmplre aad the. Bay autw. 'Thl waa the claim made her today by Mr.. Carrie Chap man 'CaU.'tireehlMt.Qt.jtne great In- t-rnat)onar Woman 8Srage Alliance, j which 1 holding It aeveath annual convention here, with 1.000 delegate. repfcaeatlng twenty-eight oountrie, In attendance; , Mr. Catt .declared that the ight in America la about to be won, ad that from now oa women who are (gating toltave a hand In makiag jiha lawa by which they areto' be governed, will center their VeTecta on the' Kmplre aiite.;1i;iaaplatiiinj thf campaign mk'pped"' out) for'oiha' 'auKraglrt. of America, Mae. Catt described bow uc- ' ''.I. M ,. A A ' ' ' U '' eeee, m nw vi i vihh wonderful moral, ef act on the. New Maglaad aUtes, '8hf decUred that the South .would ee,morV!ready "to tall into Una'' aftar:NeW.York'la won". (Th.o far Weatera eommonweaHh.'- urao an irieaaa ana reiauvea were con.lderably excited, kellevlac that the action followed becavee of tha preaent relation between Jaaaa aad the Untied State. In the party be ddea Mr. and Mr. Ladew,, were Mlaa Hilda Holme, daughter of Artema II. Holmea of New York; hie aieee. Mia Bwle Udew, aad her brother, Harvey 8. Ladew; tha -two Ladew mm. Joaeph and Oliver; Mlaa Aaae M. Wall, daughter of Frank Walt e( New York, aad Juan M. CehaHM. eon of the late J. M. Ceballoa, tha baaker wheee Srm went lato bankruptcy a few year ago through the defateatleai of a clerk In Havanna; whoae thefta amounted to 11,900,00$. The. Columbia la a ateam yaeht, IIS feet over all, brlgaatla rigged aaSf built for comfort oa dees water erabv lag rather than for ipeed. Frata Ne ea ahe pawed through the. Sue ea- aal, the Ked Sea aad the Indlaa Oaaaa aad reported at, Bombay. Her aaat long atop1 waa at Calcutta; aad froa thero ahe made taa raa tareagk taa Strait of Molucca, to Slagapore. Ska touehed at Shanghai aad' Heagkaag, aad her arrival. at Yokohama waa re ported oa May ita. ' Mr. Ladew, when Interview! at Yokohama, aala that ho ataaaea ta cruiee back through, th lahwd Sea to Shufaghal, aad that he alight; take the yacht up the Yang-Ue-Klaag River. HELHASE HAS APPENDICITIS I -rr ! v IiOOALaCAPITAliT HI STWCalKN IN ,MUMJtUT COUNTY- TMU:- n,n 'imMm U&' WB.4mJmmteirmfMlMm " . n- ' A'W"',?,aiaamaai . ." ' . i ' iiHakmmatihaaamltSm on Currencs ' 'r",, i,v' t,.l'. ' '--Haft i 4 Tt.-i " VI - . rir(nLl nil i n tum latH . iA ' ji'SV -r r'". J,rta TIDICCMnOBK Ifi mmaanaa xajauer g.,amv n: aamtaaaam'aaaarailrfnffTllH MMan. '' J " HTCMaLaaWc,'B" aMneMPflflM "awmil Jr v " WT .' "?Wf-vat TmaSMeaWaaM';" JVS: ' ; ..5 - mH flu A t ?r r ' 0tmO! ii- " - f " . - '-'"- -v v7mm araaig . I - y j,, ' . . -. . . ,. .: MUM "--'---"--- r u avvaaaiariajaiaamaaaaaamaaMgrB e-flThakmam , kaJ-Ht I S) , m jJhV M p .amaawBMaaBaaBBBaaBaBaa 7 ,'pSBeOJl!,gBBSJm ' j sllBWaPp ';' f amallFjMaS aroaaajm 4BgrmaT waaamaw ' X, t3T . - 'iVt,...; '' . J flIP UadFreaaSarrM - ".'ttidaJ M5r VWA4INtmi(XK Ct,' .tfV-. '."fflffi BeMamaaaam ..i .-(' ,'..-i - ...l. waiiSBfil ' " aaamaF. fPJ rlNUf Heteai laejirMnmum aar mWSJaV;iSS aaavMrea.ta - - t," aaej -;ji-ra OmVOlO WOOW - .WWrHaaVViJmfl Tilltliar. atilillii ' w pwmag lam a) ammm f lfMifa J rta.,t PavvsH T-W?m'"rwPfWMgggm1 . ..'.-. .-p ajaBa Ag alBamamaBBmnfl maeiiBaifaaB.BaBBmmiaBaaaBaamBBjBBaBaaaKaBaaaB I BBmammaVJUalenB-lam jL Fl M-VofnlnElft gggggagggggaTdmYdmlggggggggmBT ' j 'ft aammmUaU fff-BIlT (! yeawaa,S vASGeBBSI X '.''-. .' A4 rftfj JBBj ' aammmamV 'jrwjgWHmaamamlt ' araaWamamr' I'SKSfi - 'flHal - VjgHggBmt' ' IllKlui aaaaaaaaBBBHamaaaaaBmaamaaaaaaaaBaBi CtM t. . .. ,"' i ' " ru I STROYmm AN UARA4W i' . wrm tJAtouxK mi "j a ; '. -'.t .' .w "-v,i- a aamaer af frame) turea ea Stath atreet wre by a Sr whlek aartr aW traeadi tha' O. KTTraaafar ' fWaVVV Near tha aoaSigrallea ara'Ua Jaaat garage, where a aaaaUty af Um la etared, U Martha Braa.' mW. '.K. B. Watteaaara'a earaeatar'aaaa " KA i-t - M ' -. 'M " ,wxmmr ineeaa airweiaraa.t -Taaaa. were aavad fey a alajr af waaer tram taa are) aaae. , . U Taa Sre la aappaaed to' laawa aa.taa leraee aa wa ahoa Wheat ateeavered at' I aVaeeak,' It waa aaralagSerW. '""'. '.''' ' tb are aeaartmeat alarm readUr. aaS'fer aa taa aalaa ta .fVUlS?" An.I4MS3mi HMiMi Tauar a --' la tkk di . Fraak WaMe.fca lata Two Die Mkl Hart In , -rt-'. Berber Hotel a Mass of RuiM wle- suit of larlj MorUni Btase. Flaaf li f rtsaltt mi " - :t UaMad J u itvji a . - -.r CHICO, Juaa 1. Tha i3?i . UJ.tf w ..';' "'''. talj.a three atary atraetara. was eaaa pietaly deetrayea. aadthe pwat'afta DlaaaoadMateh eemaaay waa aarlaaa lyveaaaaared Jar.aevaralhearaaa a reaatt f a eeaaacrauaa awiepiag that aart ad Calea at aa.early 'aaar thtomarahag.. .'',' ' " J?';( two maa, aenaaaa w whea taa hatol aaraad lajurad totaJa twaaty, theaa aiaydia. , , .Th dead are; " Flaaaar Tmi'lBH;f B4-aama''.a "" .' 'M Frf. aftkairai WtiMekr 'K om t.:M feraa. .Taara wara ",'!.,)M,'.tt J .,tiK;waa tanaaaaa thaafSt tsr a aaaavTaftaan ajB bwra. t' f ' w ijanTweuuu r law v , r . m- . a ' ' V npvRaaMaMi rUgi.-eV tlmlMlMiatB) Sstmra''aaa OBaA' BaamMmatamaMml gaammSO 'ftagSaal lal flt t.'g a ..a.a . 'it '- . L F . J V ZSSm : r v;- , i , .v f m , unsunoion xL GRAPHIC ABVIOR BAYS YKRYBAD ,. aaTV' ji ')'ta-v.''"- . . .... ey and His Manager jsuivsuv; fjMsu.fixivatxu j avrwvjasta., , vm b"?sFBjl; ff F..J."3 tttf3 I J. 'MtKL'V 1AMM...' At Allui wujf,:iw :JW T f .n.-. ;-i SaauamK 'r Ritchie His O wa Mautfer ' .. ' " '''";? V ' . i"a .j"1 :w Mle?AHr'aj . f'-. . . - i.t . i SAN FRANCISCO. Jaa II WUUe k '-. ,!Sv -.; f '. iiIl' ':v eavaPJr9a , nSMmamjaaajBBBBBa amaaBBj SgaqmBsm Vfa adjgaV - V V 4 ' ' . ' a .. '-,- kW-"1 ,'"t1 arM. aad Maaaser Nalaa;: waa, haa Uf A telegram n reqoVvfta. today "Iw attorney Charla i :oac from Mr. frcd. Melhao, (tiling that Mr. Mel iiuse la uKerinx'f ' 'anttaeaTvaf ariWdlcitle' AocordlBS' M ' iha taU- gram hie conUH'oa',! eerloue. ;K ,,. The MMBaaea are at Areata, yai A '.' L.'..r.iji.v.k.'A.H.i.kU aba haWK. T -j . y ' ,'y ?The break waa. aSaelad." Sata taM t BMrslat, alih'oagh iae troVbw hadras upUJt'-eomateaayimtWaeJafMa,' Ua'a'.raavbaj' ' Mto'lwf IJmaS.feiaBV ltt"Ww.ea:4,V jtaaattaSm l.aaaaa,ac.wa aaaraif.;.iiai W Utt alaaTUaatAaa -. .' ..il ".1 'V ..- f.''. !,. 4 f.Wf'ivr' 'SJ' "'SWWPrl ivr.j- v..v " aawaaa. aa , ..a 'WBf'IMMtl SC .famr:'-. - .' - TheiaaetlBS af Farrla. aa. ahe aad k- .s-.atrmlali1aaaCh-wA.iik.-voun alrU ealled. at the aaad wwa w paoaaa ;a .wo mwm.mwmtn .. vf., itt -r..) y,y -n, .awaa.Hi .nm. v... rWMDwrx&ii-i'j.- "7?:r':'z-,r-fi'. .. ---.:-j--" ..'.k .....' .. iwiikiJL,.j -,. ; v i:rTT,jfjflaaa..vawjr-ri : -" -'" --' v,y 'h1, , i aarias aa .ajaaarae. ' t"v "tt ." w-1 aaaatiaaw'-rraaK j aaaaaaiar.a.f i aaaw(iyv.t(, l,'. iw ? " ": . t. "r"TT-'-i.,T,".-Tr.-". .eft-.-1. Ti7 .w- .,Trn.. ; J - . , 'itrcihi..-Vi'.ivi a.'JF,: : ;.S!,K2' .-,-. ;''vv,.v. --s,-B(..iv:A7,vi-iieis:j;Ji. raiak- waa. ISM.U1 r W Hl 2.' ,.,ll1