The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls mufpubd BY THE tMTKD.riUMMI NKWi HKHVIOU U unim Tftfrl' efafo. S7 ...t i vnnMH print no bhwb, mo : iaiv r H Horri.lll Year No. S.OtKI KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOOlf, WEDNKHDAY, JUNK 18, 101S Senators Say Sugar And Railroad Interests ' oatjaaav e.Ba Are Resorting to Every Means to Thwart Bins . . mm - "T Lobby Investigation Getting Odiferoiis as End is Neared uiiLTcn DccnDc A RELAY SIRING 'LOBBY PROBERS P. B'. Willis Champ Speller of Wash. NOIIIIIH MAYS RAILROAD MHIIIY IN ACTIVE .rlrwkau InlriMlurr llonliillnii in .iiiiissii: nirr.i..M, winner or ust . lairs hai'i: wn.ii ii.wi: ril.ll(ii: lll'TII vinimi sua i;k iait: Ki iii.vd 111:111: 0 Tin) lulrtt IjIiIiIit for tumor In thu nU inlln cowboy H'lny mrp nl llic I :ika linden In July in llnrry HUH of Dili rllv Hlllt. mIid iiwii inm line I'uiigrraa, .taking lltHl liirtln ttr -. linn rlucii of the fiihtoM. Hon .'iHiimlllri Tutu the Whlln and lln-y rn Iwlni! trained nt the ...... . ... 1.1 CrUler Hlllta inncli. i.iiic nl iMMWir .mii-.nim, J(i,inI), ClleUllU WM iny .. i.f lpiniNUlUr if iln ItnllnwU cured l" trnln the HUM lrliiK Cope- by lU.l...l "'" l !' , '"f "" W"",,,,K kUltlRMt laat )fir'n linden " Already Hum l a rilny "trims hen. t nllcd l'rrt Hervlco awaiting lb" Hndeo TIM came In WAHIIINtlTON, l. t, J""" Isil nlRlit from tlm Hnmll rnntli mar 11m m-bIp IhU flrnn-ii iMil lli Ullirr I -ike Although raiiKe horn- M.rrU by a U.....I........ '' ;.I'"H nmWh.B ';'"" r mnrknlily fast, and tlio Htiinii rnticn ,Ar" , ,an hopr f cnrlliiR Immr (I10 lionom. ximlnc niuniy li aWo represented. United Pre Ht rvlee .1 ... li..i..k rimii In Til (ml 11 If iif.ulltvlTnU II It.tiM IK. ... IIIm Vnllnv. trmllni! n itflnK of 11 ... ... ..n. u i,i.i. it a a imii nr. h. ...I.. il iinlfii t tint there will I IIBl till! InllWRf ,WWM ... -" --- 11. - riiii.-. ... " tlv.i ill Ilia irflit olon of rongrvia U Inrtio dflvufttlon here from Motloc aaaamWam ammmW'Vc KikaaaaX mk?''fiam ETW ,aaw va .iwaii-iXMmmmT ammmmrkm-aT mavm$ BBBBBBLW?NtALHLBBBBBfl LLLbbbbIv riLLLLLH UTiiWtf HUHM mTLwagam Ke- ' BBHuHeJEBH Hi, 'bWWH MARCHO FREED BY JURY WITH C. J, Ford Named as Public Printer INSTRUCTIONS IIKNHON ORDBK- A VRHIUCT hV ACQtiin.U. u'ARiiixflTON. U. C. June 17. tlvt mihoirMentolon or conre u Inrtio Ucieuionereiruiii...uu. .... I. tlio r.llctloii timiln by Hntor (Jeo. fnUntr t .0 tlio lloilro nml imrtlcl- Krank U. Wlllli. ex-MlioolmMUr, M . ' ' " ' .... ... .1... .nnlMl. ... .(.....ulnn M.u.llr tt WAfthlBBtiMt. IC'onUniinl 11 h I'nitn 4) pMn III tin' eontcit. Jlho clikiiiplou ulr of WMblBftOB. Wilson Denies Rumor of Leaders Divided Newspapermen Are Summoned For a Special Conference By Presi dent. Currency Bill Mondav fnlled I'rtu flarvlc WAHIIINUTON, U. C Juno 18. I'rrildenl WoodroW WIHOU louay era Plinllcully denied tlio reporH current to the effect Hint tho lender of tho ik-mocratlo currcucy reform mciuuro nro dliagreed us to tlio iroitroin for tho Introduction of tlio menuru. Tho president broko on oiHablUhed uutora by calling tho iiot"H'er " lu hi offlco today In order to rcfuto din runnriM. Ilurotoforo ho lio tnkon tho uowipaiior mon Into conferoiico only at cerUIn period of ttio wco. , Wtlnoii ld that tho currency re ..,. 1.111 will hi all probability bo prem-ntcd In congres Monday. It I ttiniiRlit that copie 01 uio i. will bo Hiiblmlted to tho banking and currency committee tomorrow for their I WIlMin itated that ho expected tlio gnpport of tho republican member of tin. houo on till mcnmiro. ' llo lnltod thai thoro I no dUpulo 11 1,.. .nnnmiru. 111 lie. Ill cnb inct and tho toador of both houw nro In oiitlro accora. Senator, corrwpondenU, cabinet ofl- r.m and other official felt before him when ho appeared at the 'pellln ben" of tho National rreta uiud. Senator Mile I'olndexter of Wub imrinii. Hi only member of the upper branch of congrc who put Dimwit down In tho directory a a progre nlve, stood to tho tat, or almoit tho Init , with tho Ohio rcpreenUtle. Then tho ecrctar7 of agriculture, the former president of a college, who acted a Hpclllng master, put him a hard word, llo stumbled. ' "If easy," said the Ohio man. '"It li.y-d-r-o-s-e-p-h-a-l-u-." I Tho charge ha recently been made In New York that the school teachers 'tl(,rithero arc ome 17,000 01 them enn't pell. WIHU has proTd Ifi different In Ohio. County Clerk C. It. D Lap, wife and daughter returned last night from Ashland, whero they haT heen visiting tho formor's ton, Chester I Lap. I MU Bthel William of Dandon Is tho gueat of her aunt, Mrs. Lyle O. I Mills. -r ! Vallt-y IUher, Cttarned WHIi I he Ijircriijf ef a Hirer bjr Merrill Initio Men, Man Hrm In Clr .ult Court fl Two )rralo, Jaryi iMunMiM tk Oilur Time Xo I. lll.v Ilia. 1mtmAMmL. W. II. Marcho was this forenoon ac quitted of the charge of larceny of a steer, for which he wa Indicted, and twice stood trial In Hie circuit court.' m. mmrAtft nf "not ulltr" was re-1 turned by the Jury upe Instructions from Circuit Judge II. L. Benson, roi- lowlna the motion of Attorney rrea Milts for thw form of verdict. unu hmti that the evidence wtro- ArA br tha nraaacutlon showed that Btukel ft OBW, the owners of the steer figuring In .the case, stated Be fore the sale of the animal mat wey h.ud It to ba Marcho'a. and so told un itarche: that one of thee, nrur I examining the teer to And his brand. .iiii member of the meat nrm ox rtaito llmlor to tell Marcho to de- iir.r ih iittr to the meat company. thereby giving the consent of the own er to the transaction. The evidence for the state ciosea this forenoon, and Immediately atter L.r.u Attornur Milts for Marcho ...l. tho mntlnn for aCQUlttal. TUM .. .ii bv Mill and District At torney Irwin, and Judge Benton de cided In favor of Mllta. Instructing the ury accordingly. The ult grows out of the sale of a steer to Dalton ft Hoeley, butchera at Merrill, by Marcho. Btukel omeio claimed that the steer belonged to them, and on this charge, Marcho was Indicted. At the December term of the circuit court, tte matter wa m court several days, and the Jury failed to agree, after a Ions deliberation. It t mmBmmmm I leBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBFdBn. ggBfsBSmBBBBl 0ARI.1& WORK OF ROBBERS FAILS KVERY POMIKLE MEANS 1 BEEV KMPUIYED TO IN iXVEMCfi WS.VATOBS HOLD UP TRAIN. TRY FOR TWO I HOURH TO OPEN HAr'E, AND E8 I CAPE IN HEART OP SPRING FIELD, ILLINOIS '.... a. - " - ,tuuuimami rim an ..ct " ; of PrrMure Drought to Bear by InterrsU In Order to Defeat a Costa the Passage of the V: 1 wood TarW BUl's Previeiest j Free-Ltetlss Sesar. I Cornellu J. Ford, nominated by 'president Wilton for public printer, jls an otd friend of the president, who knew him In New Jersey politics. Mr. I Ford Is prominent In organised labor circles. He has been at the head of organueu lanor in . -I president of the State federation of (labor for the last teneer- He nas rvii thrM terms In the state legis- !..... mwA mrmm an IfnnAHSBt factor IISIUIV, SIU rm m .wr-. 'in h.inin nut through the legislation I . ...- ....Il.a a Km wntcn attracted ine www Vnnnirv to Qovernor Wltoon. Mr. Ford was born In Hoboken In 18". He graduated from the Hebo- ken high school and Immediately en- 'tered the printing trade, and has had thirty year practical experience In that craft. He has a morougn-goia 'knowledgo of the mechanics of prlnt 'lug, and at the present time holds an . 1-- .m.. oiih h Hndaan ' Observer, one of the largest papers In New Jersey. 1 1 - REALTY AGENT i TAKES A WIFE United Prea Sarvlce I SPRINOFIELD, Ills.. June 18. Posses are searching for two masked bandlU who held up the Illinois Cen tral's Diamond Special this morning. The robbers left the train In the heart of the city. The nair worked for two houre to open the safe on the express ear, which contained $15,000. They usee nitroglycerine, but with no success. j United Presa j WASHINGTON, D. C Ji That the Wg tatereeta are mm to ctaaee b. the l'l la the reset neat n hrra of the spatial to ImsiIIssI Mm') chame that am at work I SPECIAL TRAINS FOR THE RODEO SOUTHERN PACIFIC WILL RUN PAftSKNGER TRAINS RETWEEN HERE AND THE FAIR GROUNDS, UEHIDE8 EXCURSIONS . ft Mfltettfa) Manv ImDortant Matters Talked at Regular Meet Member, and Friends of Chamber of Commerce Dte- cugg Vital Topics. Hill "se " People Will Write Message to Publicity Bodies STEER RACE TO ' BE NEW FEATURE PUNCHERS WILL BB CBVKN AN OPPORTUNITY TO SBOW THKIR SKILL ON THB BACKS OP ATM UBTIO BOVINBS K. M. CmXCOTE AND MItW SUE DURNETTE QUIETLY MARRIED AT M. E. PARSONAGE EAHLY THIS MORNING Special excursion trains will be run by the Southern Paclnc each day dnr intt the Elks Rodeo, both from the Isoutu and the north, and return. Trains will run from Meva, tne northern terminus of the road, to Klamath falls, and from Bray. Thu win enable neoDle at Dorris. Mt. Hebron. McDoel and Bray, and from Chlloguln and polnu on tne res ervation to attend the Rodeo and re turn homo for the night. Accommodation trains will also ne run from the city to the grounds dur ing each day. The 1 close a gigantic plot on the 1 lavaaMfactarera to create 1 catlmcat that wtU force eesksrese e defeat the free sejar claws. "1 want the entire country to knew that the sugar people are using every means and weapon to defeat tne tree sugar clause." said Senator Jaasee A. Reed of Missouri this afternoon. n lth Senator Overmen, m really In charge of the InvesUgeAlea. The big sugar interest are name every possible subterfuge and went they can," he continued "They ae enormoua wealth at their comenenc. and do not hesitate to use It te fur ther their cause. it has been established that -they are using the press of the nation Is the most daring manner In order te Influence the senators and rserosonta- tlvee. in addition they have even enuet- ,., th id of tha railroad and their lobbies In tho hope of getting eongres- slonal action favorable to mean." A telegram from George Hajsnteii, ..'m.ilnue.rou Has hT If a persistent clamor from resi dents of Klamath Kails, tho develop ment organisations of Oregon and thu loadina busluos men of tlio coast count for anything, tho Mil wUI he continued from It present teruii- mio at llend, to Klamnth Fall. ' an wore outlined at last night' meeting of the membors and friend of tlio Chamber of Commorco for a campaign toward this end. knrAin. tho iilan arranged, residents of this city will write lettors and petitions to the Oregon ueveiov mun i.a..n. tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, tho Hoard of Trado and other uig org Uatlons of the kind In the state, urg- . .. ... .... fimlr Inlluolico. Sllil IHK mu. -" "--, , ,,.. liar letter will ni" HI'S llll' , . ,, 1 1-ho Plan wn. suggested by U i.,i,. and Ho .ubmltted .1 form of I 1 i... uniimttted """ """:..:. ; .u.d. m tm lotlor innt i-oiiiu here I iwlnlod out tho groat nd vnntane l'orttiuul merchant would .octlon, which 1 ""-,- "- li-raiicUco. Tho roaourcen u. ...- -uT am. wtat their P- memiH to tlio onuro i - - ";r - -1-2 iiccoss In ovory wuy, mw " -,-"ucc?" ". ,iiv 1 Buro to rcault. Th- work of tho committee that at SodSotrVcounty railroad meeting . OB Atlft. ,al YroHa a Bliori time aau w- w-.-'inod In full, and the local people were glvon figure to show wnai mo m Htructlon of a lino from here to tlde wutcr will accomplish for Klamath. Wknl lias hn UOnQ VY vw- ber of Commerce toward the reclame- .i f mrh land on Lower luaiua.u Lake was outlined by C. C. Hogue of tho reclamation servlco. He believes tho results of the woric win m - conio ovldont. Charles V. Sherman sr., one 01 n . . i.nm nawananar men lU the -..... t.ikad to the meeting, telling 'of tho Immeuse power possibilities un developed here. W. 1. Beaver -othora present also talked on lines of goneral Interest. A race with wild ateera for eteeda Is the latest Roaeo event w - ranged, and from all appearances, this in k. f.illv aa alanine an BTSWk mm mil ww .. ' .. the wild horse race, which never talis to be one continuous periormance hi thrills. . All the entrios will ne given a sw-r to ride, and should none of them stay .k. t....rinn dack until the bo vine makes the circuit of the track .-. 1. hiahiv nronaoiai tne y IWHItii . w.a- -- - will be awarded to the cowboy ataylng on the longest. instead of a saddle a rope .; will be used on the steers. Contest; ants will be allowed a rope-aau-i... hold. Edmund M. Chllcote and Miss Sae 1 Burnett stole a march on their many friends early this morning, when tney I were united by a wedding at the Methodist parsonage oerrormea oy d- n-nrmm H. Feese. They left In the Chllcote automobile for Spring Creek, where they will spena weir honeymoon. Mr. Chllcote Is engagea in too roi .. huatneas here, and his honest efforts have won him success in tnia line of work, as well as a host of friends. Mis Burnett haa been one of the teacher In the local schools, and, like her husband, haa many friends In Klamath Falls. 'l y. ,V Carpenter to Serious Charge ,1 j. 7 n n . LUTON ACCEPTS TERMS FOR tUWV. Frank Ferris Will Tomorrow Vbt- Tried on a Charge of Child Steal-$ ing. Local Girl in the Cai - i - v . el the DDnu Tun 18. Beginning to day owners of public clocks will have to pay a tax on tne ueri. -...v ' ,.i . B-rankfurt. seeking for I something to tax. fastened on public clocks. The ciocsa win i - .... . h.n atae. ClUsens who have been relying on these clock for years, have enteres n awns, . believing It will W 0WBW1 will take down the tlme-pleoee. United Press Service . BELFAST, June 18. The Royal iit.t..'vi.h rinh today accepted the sailing arrangements of the New York Yacht Club, holder or me nr- Inn ml tmnhT. ThU means that Sir Tnomas mpton will again race for the America's cup. He wll soon commence work on his challenger, and the race will be held next year, n 1. Hoiudav. a wen nnown resi dent of Langell Valley, to In the coun ty seat today, giving attention 1 business matters. nn nf the most widely known ...iminai case in Klamath county will come before tho circuit court tomor row, when the cae of tho state vs. Frank Ferris Is called from the dock- let. Ferris U chargea witn cnuu - in. .nd waa indicted on this charge last December by the grand Jury. , The arrest of Ferris, agea "& yen, a carpenter by trade, grows out of the ji..uihiim nf Harriet Pink, the U1MIVBI'"."-"- w" w.vA.r-nid daunhter 01 airs. wink, from her home here last Sep tember. Leaving for scnoot one morning, the girl tailed to return home, and was entirely raleslng for several days. A diligent Inquiry tnrouguoui .....t. -..v.aiari the tact that n girl answering the description of the ntlsa . .n..nmtar was seen going throngh iKeno in a buggy driven by as eWerly man. A similar report seme couple being seen nf 1 Th. nMoaira arraataat M days later. He sUted, ss taken the girl to Dorrla;! TMjjBfr and that he had pureheeed hsnh t to Orovllle. CaMf.. anal he Bt hjr :t et to Orovllle. Calif. ,j on the train. ;' tviraa war aaat SOUM I and the lrl wanoatedta; -at sir - ii" in 1 i tr w.-tIm atatad that the sdttgetfBBt 'I'' him that eke was nmtmM,wm and had neked him U netf ew, sip, that ke knd, dog ,,,. ftfj inaietea oy t" " . -r heenntUbertr nnee. The oeealty upon eM charge ef ehlM'stes to n twuitir-nve -1 WHston.B. BtW , . iJm- -'?' reme.) - 7 r'V ".'