Ll " The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls Paper MurruMi mx M UNITED HUM NMWl KMV10M Ik tieniM aafl H' efalt. ca ' Konnlli Year No. ,(WI KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, Tl KMIAY, JUNK 17, 191 PRINT ID RaTWaV Ml MOOT "- ; , I -- - - 4 knrtMb Vtf9 OHM -4, , i my 100KS TO SERUM TO CURE EVERY DISEASE OF MAN iiumci.w mavm rxi:t.'m,u .t.NII fOXMtJMITIO.V TOO Cie" 0 c Miners Indicted Krlrilmiiiili Dcerla) for (JriniHiiy. tU) Ml' Haa N'lrt llrrtl Ohm Hnf. Ililriii Time to lrriMnlrli' iln" WIMIMc of II U fuliutv for Curt t TmIkituIiU. MoIIckI A mUtlou Will Orwlitrr Multrr l MrHlng United l'res Service MINNEAPOLIS, June 17,"lii Imi jrr' tltno, serums will conquer ev ery hutnnn scourge, mm ur. Jiiini Wlthorapoon of Nashville, Tcitti. fVi; "" h PrlmM? SjP, 4 ' JlgtmBBB7 meev viamaamm aaamVv ' ' '"tTV mM bbbbbbbv ' ,15MH IOTOTk vr y, v mBBBBBBBBBBBmev iflHi til JARGENSEN SAID TWO QUAKES TO HAVE SOLD A ; ARE REPORTED TEAM NOT HIS rmiriiAivr IS I'll.CIl iv A. YADKN U.OH A.WJKLEM K)I,KH HCAItP.D, HUT NOT HUltT HUNDREDS KILI.KD IN TKKMIILOIt WHICH . HHAKK8 SERVIA I'littiMT IU-kIiIIiiu Vi-ir TliK CHy U Arrrotifl by CoiMnhlr ftliiillotk mi L'nltcd Priss Service SOPHIA, June 17. According ELECTRIC STORM HITS OHIO AND KILLS PEOPLE SEVERAL KILLED AM) INJl'ltKD, IIY DOLTH Witt: Slayer Who Must Return the official report, ono hundred peo- io . Frail Crop la Wyandotte County la which taut nleht destroyed the cllr of Clinrc tif Ijtricii) by Mallei I 'rernovo ArrnuuliiK fur Hull Today Yadca Thcro were fully 300 Injured. .tlli'lC" Ttul Jargrwieii Hold Home on Willi li VhiIiii HhiI a Mortgage Jiilih I. White, thkf of llin Untied Mini) workers, hna bii'ii llulltlcil by United I'reu Service I.OH ANGELES, June 17. A quake of several seconds' duration waa folt . . ... , . . m . !t 3 o'clock thla morning. lh.rg..l Mil. larceny by bailee, J. J No,)ody WM nJ(lrC( and ,, J Jaarsctiaeii. who nan n rancn about damage. Many peoplo ran Into the al iiilli-a bi-low Klutnath Kall, wa urei't. panic stricken, iiinitril Into InM night by Conatable' John ricliallock. Badly Damaged IJveaUick Ixwa la Very Large Hewral Realdeacea Htrark by Ugtitalag, Take Fire, and Hunt to tlie Oroaad Toledo Huffera Ixmm of Several live C. Yadcn. the ar- JarRtitupn l today arranging a .Mldenl of t!, American' Slcdlr.l '""' "- Jury In Weal Virginia fn"'' Ml for l,l 'cl- AidKlatlon, which U In acaalon here. 'ur """I'lracy uiiilrr thu Hlivrniau act. t 1 'i complaint ogalnnt Jargenacn "Hiruma have he-n evolved which"'111 ' " of tlral. If nut tlm Drat, 'alli'K that ho Kohl n team of honea mmtiat auccpMfully typhoid fevor, cnalona nn which labor leader havo which wero avcurlty for a mortgage, .mill l. i al..l ni.nliielll." .nl.l ll.o "IUICICII IIIHIur tllO act, WHICH Una tti''" r Jnrgi-naeii 10 A doctor. "I a no rcaaon why they hrrrlofor.. been died eicluilvcly .The. Information preceding .bouhl not .e culture, to cure tuber- "tn,",, ,r,",u "'", '"'"hlnatlona of nM wna orn to b Yadcn. tulnala, pneumonia and other all. i"l'loyer. . ractita. Tim inuiciiiiviit rninr ituriiig the "1 believe Krledmann'i work, oven liiveallKatliui of llu Weal Virginia If In llaclf It does not prove the hoped i strike altuntlon by thu senatorial In- for euro for the while plnguo, Is a iatlKatlon rommltlec, which wnaun-' steal atep In the medical profealou.dertnliin at the luataiira of Henator . . . . .. .. ....! ... alu it will nt !.. .iiiiiiiini. nil. .ip tttiv. John I. Kern of Indiana, democratic tlclani to take up the rnenrch Into'lmder of thu upper iliamber. tbla form of aerum, with result bene' flrtal to the race." FOUR WITNESSES HEARD IN TRIAL A. E. ELDER BUYS MERRILL RECORD CATTI.KMKX AND IIL'TCMKKH COM t'Klt.NKI) AUK TIIK FIH8T TO UK I'laCIII) ON THK HTANI) IN THK I MAIK'IIO CAHK L'nllcd I'raw Hcrvlce i NKW YOI1K, June 17. I'rofessorl Frederick Krladmann departed today I on the ataamer Kaiser Wllhelm der (Jr)M for (lermanr, to mako an ex-J traded star. "I don't conanur ttiai llin caaes i ............ ..,.,.. "...',... ,... , ,i.. i. i-i i.-r r r.illv rln.,.,1" Mn.rtHrtri".".i niKii ism. w ,iiiiwii ...-- .-..- - tttasu tn-aivu nvit' rssi .w-fcf KlUTOItlAI. WOIIK I'liANH TO CO TO Mi:illlll.l. IN A hlatory of cattle transactlona In Klamath county, and a lot of Infor- i aid Krlcdwann. "The time I have ben hero Is loo short to fully prove an) thing." 'features of .the trtnl of THIS MEETING IS IMPORTANT KT TtXiKTHKR" WILL BE PRK DOMINATINQ THEME AT CHAM BEfl OF COMMERCE THW KENING This evening, the regular BOataly meeting of the aMBbeni and friends of the Klaaaata Chamber of Cbv merco will be held. At Ult Ubm will be taken up tka atttter of. lacraaalag the efficiency of tba Chamber of Coat' merce aa an organisation, worklag for the upbuilding of Klaasath comaty. All are Invited to after suggestion. In this way It Is hoped to arrive at the best methods for carrying on the work. In addition to the "get together" Ulka, the meeting will aUo dlacuaa Klamath IHrert rrlmariea lUlly yNMIANY. . Y Juno 17. Theo-i r.ou Itoosnvell mil Oovernor Hulterj arc to be the "big guua" this evening si a rally la the Interests ot direct primaries throughout New York stato. timi: KhrraoM Kwls Jews United I'rea Service 8T. I'CTKKSIIUIU), June 17. The rlulalon of Jewa from the govern ment of Kherson, which was suspend," ' today's proceedings In 1' II Mtmvm Ihn PnnllliA nrnnntftfl ratlrnsd fro! .IIIU llt.l k 1. -., v .wvi...V ,..w.rvvv ...-www .w A HIIOHT Valley rancher, who Is charged wlthjFalls to Eureka and other pertinent tliu larcouy oi a steer. iquesiiona. Tim ultnoaaes on tlio stand today I . urr nnif-id and Stukel. cattlemen. The latent ihniiKn of owiiersuip ""w,0 declare that Marcho took one of local newspaper elide was effected their steers, and Dalton and Hosley, late Monday, uhen Albert K. Uldor t, Merrill butchers, who purchased I purrhuaed the Merrill Itecord from 1.. u,(, animal In question. I ft f l(r A iniirnT It llrooks. UrooUs Is one of Ihu beat usl night tho Jury went to a local I" All VV llftfr knouti and moat capable nuMspapor ihery "table and made a thorough In-1 UnUULU sill II Lll I men In Southern Oregon. Ispectlon of Iho steer that flgurea In I It la Klder's Intention to mote to, thu caso. ( " Merrill as soon ns ha can strnlKhtcn his affairs here. Ho will hang out, Charles Drew, who has a rancn United I'ress Service. CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 17. A ! terrific electric storm swept the state ' today, causing heavy damages and I loss ot life. At Toledo, six people were killed by lightning. The loss at Marlon waa one killed and four Injured by lightning. A number of residences, especially In remote districts where there waa no lire protection, were destroyed. After bolng struck by lightning they were burned to the ground. I JBg" ' I MBBBBBBBBf mVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal .SaasaaaaafmVHaaaaaaaaaaaaa'ei ' 'BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'kVaaaaa'aP' l mmmKmmmkk I sHL'BBBmPlli aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW 'vSaaWJ SPRING CREEK HATCHERY IS i NOW mm f. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT A HANB TAKBK rankaii sae I Bttntai7 Laae Wiraaamaaali Tka - (Mate Be Allowed to ' We Fresa Isrfiaae Leads Work May Be This Hammer H h Alee to Have Bee Ratrksry at After nearly three yean ef and disappointment, Klamath arty la at laat assured of the eetahlmlimaat of a state Ssh hatchery ea Syrlac Creek. Thu waa the anneal made by State Oan Stone that brontht the hearty ap plause of forty or mere seortemea at a meeting held Hoaaay ivsimg rer the purpose of efectlag aa ermtalatv tlon. Tho secretary of the Interior haa recommended that patents leave la the people to whom the Thu fruit rrnn nt Wvandottai poun. ' ty waa badly damaged, stock Industry In that suffered severe loeaea. The live- county aUo NEW YORK, June 17. Porter Charlton, the young man who threw the body of bis wife into Lake Como been allotted oa the reaerratlea. in Italy three years ago, after be had permission haa beta granted far mm NaslKV CHOLERA KILLING DULGAR SOLDIERS TWO HUNDRED NEW CA3Kb DAILY, IS THE REPORT BENT IN FROM ARMY MACEDONIA , killed hor by throwing a small copper statue at her In anger, aa he admitted here, may break down before he la deported to Italy la accord with the United Statea supreme court decision. Charlton haa been a prisoner la the Hudson county (N. J.) Jail since he waa capture when leaving the liner on which he arrived after his wife'a death. Ho haa been a model nrieea er. Hla father, who waa a lawyer la the oBce of the attorney general at Washington, haa visited him fre quently,' and haa eeadnetea the Seat for him. It is possible aa effort will be made FXC.IMPED IN t0 MTe th" yoUB Ba 0B te arena that he waa Insane nt the time of the murder or Is Insane today. LACK OF LIGHT l!nllwl PnuftunlM 8ALONICA, June 17. An epidemic !of cholera haa developed among the Bulgarian troopa camped at Macedo nia. The plague is rapidly spreading. Two hundred new tcael are report ed dally, according to the thief ut the (medical corps. There are ocorea ot deaths every day. nl during the winter, but only after i hla shingle ol Merrill, nud In nddl- the Hccord the io. sorrow, smceaaos unu wio B i,Mt.i m . I..... . .lld.,....ul.itf llirfiilnli Uorous protests had been made ln ".""", thu Duma, waa bogUn today. Tho Kornuient agreed to atop tho oxpul Ion of Jews until June 17. achievements of Merrill people, will nlao dlapenao legal advice. ho neir llllilebrand. Is visiting the coun ty nrat. Mian Lulu Forsythe Is here Mcdford, Ultlng Mrs. Wylcy. from HARDWARE MAN HALED INTO MUNICIPAL COURT THIS MORN 1NOSAY8 DIDNT KNOW THE LIGHT WAS OUT "Purity Sunday" Designated in Firfht on Social Evils Campaign Started to Make Observance Nation Wide in Hope of Awakening All to the uoiiy oi a aimm Courae. Date Designated is November Ninth MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., June 17 I'lniil steps were taken hero today to formally request evory church and ro Htiloun meeting house In the United Hiatus, Canada and Mexico to observo "Purity Sunday", which will fall on November tttli, noit, with sermons "id adreases urging co-operation among churches, city, stato and na tional officials nud sociological soc lutlos In war on the social evil. "Pur y Sunday" haa been designated by tho seventh International Purity Con gress which will convene In Mlnno upolls November 7 nud contlnuo through November ,18. The convention, which la expected to he the greatest gathering the world Ims yet known In the Interests ot the Huppresslon ot white slavery and pub lic vice, will be held under the aus pices of the World' Purity Federa tion. Ita purpose, beside combating tho white slave traffic, will be to pro- moto "high and lal standards of morals for both men nud women, the Hiifu and anno Instruction of youth In ox hygolue. '! ' furthorliiK such social, civic, economic and moral re forms as will coiuorvu tho very high- I,.rnetr lIUll life." TllO SIO uai i...."--- . nt tho FiHlcratlon in l.l.. Itu nhloct Will publicity concerning tho shamo of the cltlos." According to plans mapped out today by tho local committeemen a spado will bo called a spado" In nil i. irtdreaaos and uiscuhbiui. Mi,.m.niiniln leads In the movement hv onenliiK ovory church and every hull fur tho discussion of these aues- tlons? wo nsk ovory clergyman lu the world of whatoor denomination or creed, to deliver at least ono sermon tnuiinir with these problems. Its light tojlMnal orders and uplift societies are bo "Fullest ircqueaieu o i -' -- - appeal to the nigner oihcibw churches, to" the heads of fraternal bodies, to the rulera of all countries, to tho gftvernora of atatea and pro vinces, and to the mayora of all cities laauo proclamations uesignanua Will W. naldwln la the latest auto- mobllist to run afoul of the police for Infractions of tho automobllo reg ulations. He was stopped laat eve ning b Patrolman Walker and told to appear In pollco court today for not having the required number of lights on his machine The police are dil igently looking up automoblllata who are exceeding the speed limits or In other ways violating the automobile regulations. Quite a number have paid fine. This morning Baldwin told judge Uavltt that he had lighted the tail lamp when he started the machine, but that It had gone out and ho had not noticed It. After a dissertation on "The Light That railed", Leavitt stated that he would not flne Baldwin. GEORGE MOULTON CALLED BEYOND Cooler la Chicago United Presa Service. CHICAGO. June 17.--A cool lake brcezo today relieved the suffering, and the thermomete" .vaa well below 90. Yesterday a maximum of !)M dgereea waa reached. Premier Inspects Veesel United Preaa Service , VICTORIA, June 17. Promler Sir Richard McBrlde today inspertea tne whaler Karluk, which sails this after noon for Nome, to be joined by Ex plorer Stefansson rnd used la hi polar Journey. und V"- i.i -vii .n.i tho whlto slave traffic every city of slse In tho wjrld will ho presented In fullest detail. Tho nppeal wont out to an cnur tlio lormai uui- imlnv rnirnl'rilhK ' . . II HilmliaVAr ance of "I'urlty nunuuy ..--. people gather for religious worrtlp read: "On this Sunday whon the great Congress U In session, and when Page for Aiisbaesador United Press Service WASHINGTON, D.- C, June 17. The following nominations were aent to the aenato today by President Wil sen: Ambassador to Italy Thomas Nel son Page. Collector ot customa for Montana Andrew King. N. B. Merrill is here from hi ranch near Merrill, attending to buslaeea matter. He Is Known an mruuga and urging their member and people the valley as "Uncle Nate," and hi . .... .. .. ,1 usiak la MMaamlslaavA. to nssemblo on that day tor me ser ious consideration and discussion ot these probloms which are ao vital to tho wolfaro of people everywhere. By the co-oporatlon of all who believe In higher things, tni uay ean vv "" "(Coutlnued on Page I) tho splendidly arranged ranch I consider ed among the dosi in mo couaiy. p. l. Fountain, who has been con' lined to his home for the Pt eoveral day, la able to be out m the etreeta agaU WELL KNOWN RANCHER A VIC TIM OF HEART FAILURE THK FUNERAL SERVICES WERE, HELD AT BONANZA Word has been received here ot the death of George E. Moulton, a well known Klamath county rancher, who had property near Dairy. Mr. Moul ton auccumbed to heart trouble Mon day afternoon. The funeral service waa held at Bo nansa today . Mr Moulton Is survived by hi wid ow, one dauahter and two son. He waa 64 year or age. Disolils BEING THRESHED jmammfmamma; MEMBERS OF THK CABINET HEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL TELL OF THE PLANS OUTLINED BY THE KAILROAM Unite Pre Berne WASHINGTON, D. C, June 17. The plan for the dissolution ot the Southern Paelflo and Union Paclflo railroads, a outlined to the federal court oi St. Paul by counsel tor the roads,' were given In full to the mem bers of th cabinet today by Attorney General McReynold. No.deflnlte action waa taken by the cabinet Misses Pearl and Mabel Leavitt are visiting friend at Bprlng Creek. The young ladle expect to be away a fortnight. sale of the land to tho etate. Acuity la anticipated over the t of the land, aa the aaerlateadeat f the Klamath reservatlea haa aathef Ity to make the deaL All of the detalle wttt he arrestm so that action can he taken at th next meeting of the etate gam ah commleelea the latter aart f th month. It la timet that th hate-, ery aad aeeeseary balleHag wW eaa between fS.OBO aad SIMM. Wet. will comemnee thle erythlac wlH he la i pawn early la the i la addition to th Striae' Oreek hatchery, the eommlmlea I i a lease oa a tract of lead ea I Creek. Imarevemeata are to b i aad thle will "be eentlnaed a a -sutlon. Th eemmlastoa haa had aae nomeaal sueceae la their qrlaat at Spencer Creek thle year. Over 1.600.000 eggc have been aefe4 at a cost of about 1560. Taeae' been all black spotted trout cam are valued at $3 a thoaeaad. meana that th commlatiea kai cured $4,800 worth of en el I Creek at a coat ot f 500. According to Mr. Stone the eaawa of these wild trout U far uaertr to that taken from Sea la eapUvRy ler the reason that the percentage tkat.m' batched le far greater. Abeat SM.tM of th spawn Ukaa from' 9fmm Creek thu year wlU be tamed keck la the stream after helag hateke. The remainder haa been ahlaasl to other point In the state. Th ' mission will hlp fry of ether i of trout to Klamath couaty this ; Exams For Teachers Start Here Tomorrow & m Klamath County Pedagoguei Wilt Aitemble at the High School for the Next Four Days ? .y , r IT' V,". l The Klamath county high achool building wll be the scene ot much activity for tho next tew days, the oc casion being the state examination fur teachera dostrlng certificates. The examination will be held tomorrow, Thursday, Friday aad Satnraay, aa County School Superintendent Fred Peterson wll have charge'. The examination ar for applicant for primary, one year, nve year an life teachera' certificates. Following la the program arranged for the examination; Wednesday Forenoon Writing United State History, Physiology, Afternoon Physical Georgraphy, Readine. ComDoeltlon. Method In Reading. Method In Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, Hlatory ot Education, Payoolegy, Methods In Geography. Afternoon Orammar, American Literature, ,. t od la Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. VwtAmm roruilUMl Practice of Teaching, Orttmmyt Engluk utaratare, uaaMry.. Afternoon uregea Botany, Algebra, CIvU Oer ' ' l . ' CiV'W ?fi t- r ! &J(' Qeology. ' ll Afterneoa 0ari HIgepfr keeatac ,v . j?". Thesto fur rlmary eerttaeMk be wrttten oa any ea tttmtl InvaukUaia- fc . "iA. ' "What SheaU Be Tea' mary Otades Net Tat ''HosM'Oeejraaky hi thjpX qrsaeg." 'flto.U. Flret!wi? ,lF!M,L "Natwr wumr w yj 1 m .' v ii kl"U T" ,