I The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls Ft i Q HVITUmiBYniK t,sT,;, I'Kk-M NKW HKHVIOK Ik ftaniita ilefalft. ,1 : v S VIMINI nrawi vl7v I'Kint m inwii roii - v '1 3 Krtrnlli Vml ' a.0"' KLAMATH FALLH, OHKUON, MO.n'dAV, JUNK 10, 1018 rrto'm Big Railroads Given Further Jolts By The U. S. I Supreme Court in Rulings on State Legislation MIDDLE WEST SUFFERS FROM INTENSE HEAT Hl mi: IX I'HIUAIIO IX TWKXTV- mint iioititH Chamber of Commerce Holds Meeting Tuesday Aims of the Organization and Plans to Bring About Their Culmina tion are to be DLcused sti Editor Scott, Oets Prison Sentence TIkiumimN ( lls at 'i flilr-gii What Urn Klamath ki.-L VmhU Suffrrlng 1'n.lM Urn ( .linirrri l doing. Ilr.il. IHc In Tlirlr I'm Two Hur- mult nl I'lilliMlrli.liU Mllwii-n IV...I ,rv AUo Kuffrrlng I'mni lb ,n NulU-Hrf III Sight flinmhvi it full lit- Wlmt Hut Klamath Cli.iin.nir of CcmiHitC" nuKlit to do, Whit tlm Klnmntli l.-.iii'iimr , Commote- nipi-cta Hi it"; of i( prlimi Importance, mill (iMiilonru l desired. All ulin ill" Inliir.'Klcd In tho work, of (In- niKiiiiltatloii nro luvlttd to bo, liri'MUl w In tlier or not they nro mem-1 of lii.fi of tlm Chamber of Commerce. There Mill lio discussed matter of In-1 ,M tlm members ilim.. .If. for "' ""-' ' j Uv Chamber of Commwe. This meeting soinowimi in u.i ., . .,,. g,rlM I T,r... nro a fe f the "Uitir Hint naturo of a "get-together meeting. ' Ultra I res B.rvlcs u ,,, w ,)0 mucl, ,alk on Ul0( WICAUO. Ju. l -HU i;oH.J; f r,IItlln,.rco ltnorrow itrnlnie. .uJct of bettering tl.u organltatloii. ,l,d niiil hundred prostrated U the , MnK 10 r,KU1,r mouth In addition, tbo delegate to tho roll- irtor.l of lb. heat '' "r "' . ,...,.. f ,,. mt.mbcr of tho roal convention nt Yreka will also .ut ti.ciity.four hour. .,..,., ,..iiii.u. Tin. meeting l "taken report aa. ....... ............ m t. ... n . .1 .... . r ...a. Iliv lien. yrBivi.i- ,.,..-.. - , Uttri. Thousand of wolo spent Ihoi night on tho roof of tenement, ami mivny iimtv slept In tbo cly lark In tbr vntu liopn of b roollliK brcoie. . Ho far, Ibrri' la no promUo of cool tr wrathtr. CHUG-CHUG FOLKS INSANE WOMAN f'J ,tiiktfi-aW:H CIRCUIT COURT OPENS; GRAND JURY CHOSEN M. V C()SKI!(H)M W C1IOHKN AB THK (XBKMAN KcTrral CrlmlBal Acllorui, Includlri CtilM htcallni anil Munlcr, Are to lie Tried at TliU Tcnn JUrclio' Trial la tbo Flint to Its Taken Up. ' an.l Jurr la Selected Ilenaon Lcc-1 turn Tardy Jurors. Kansas, Missouri and West Virginia Laws Are Upheld CURRENCY BILL MAY COME SOON 'two cent vakk laws n BE VAUO IX MOOT'M i '. I CAHBS 8UBMTTTBB MJIo PatMCtatcr Rate WaM B , APPEAR IN COURT, TRIES ESCAPE!, i kM(n mi MlluMukre Lolled l'r Borvlce. 'HKVKIIAI. MAKK FIVK MII.WAUKKi:, Juno 16. Tbobeall ,W,VAT10XH Ttlt'lT ?inday kllltil ! rona, nnd aovcnl rre tToilrated. In addition to tbono , .!. ait- III th hospital, tbrro are acr ril lrtlm of auiutroke. i iM)i.Mu;viii: TIIKAH- Alexander Scott, editor of the Weekly Imuu, tho pa;r which de- fvndid tho striker In tho silk mill llerta tbo Grand Jury Foreman M. W. Coaeboom, a farmer, Klamath Fall. John Koonlz. farmer, Klamath FalU. Mile Moore, farmer, Merrill. A. I). Black, mlllman, Bonanza. II. F. Chapman, farmer, Keno. .Albert Durgdorf, farmer. Dairy. Will Humphrey, farmer, Klam ath FalU. I'llKBinnVT HAYS MEASURE MAYl HTAItT IN TIIF. HOUSE BEFORE THE END OF THE PRESENT WEEK tutted l'rei Service. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 16. Tho currency reform bill, ono of the adinlnUtiatlftn meaaure. may b tortcd in the houe of repreaeaUtlTM Friday. Thla waa announced by Prealdest at today' aeml-woakly coa- ! WlUon ference with the newapaper sea. The leaders of the party are united on the meaaure, ay fi , PracUcaJly Conleeatery to the Smaller I. taw ta Bellerea the Sis Ltvajeet Afford to Hani for That United Preaa Serrteo . WASHINGTON, D The rallroade were kt-rlni of defeat lovrlac Ms coattrtlo. that MM lin the rlcht to wwun mtmi in II lib It borders, tho 17. mil rente remit asoao tuM the raHroao In aMiHr e where tho raHroade Oaiiwl m regarding nneoHallen? mt I -rrws .-, MoW 'after thla week," said Wllaon. Tvit at IMillailrlplila I n led Pre Hcrvlco. I till 11111 LIMA Jiiim Ifi ate drail and cort proMratrd n a Mu Humlay by tho police i. luL i'Mianon. ;. J.r tue nome oi me. " .-, - AmDiiirinK lis ruunn uw Hi: ok WOHHE.V MEIlClfAXT Ararican nnarchUt. wa given an, with the selection of a grand Jury, and tbo message on the aubject is at- tot. cal. lBe court deeUre Itl'NK A WAV KIIOM A'rrr.XI-lndctirmlnato sentonco of from one Bnd preparations for the trial of w-.rcadr prepared. Kansas has the right . tin nriKon nnrH for nubllihlnir an cdl- if vtnrphn. chnrced with larceny, the! ... .. ... . .., , nhtit maximum rata tc ANT is miuaii i..iii.i contained this para- juno term of tho circuit court for . , , iW .,.. ' .... ..... i iki. replace me lann in vuo tnucBu. 1. 1 .inn. u no" iKrapn; iviamain couuiy h uuiiutm. .-.-, I ..i. ,..,. ., nh(tnnmutht mornlne by Circuit Judge Benson UHV ItlH MPEEIHXH AXH OTH- i:k orrr.vsKH mult of Urn Intense hot spell. HIRAM BUSY WITH HIS PEN AND INK trtf, and Climbing 1'iiHi.l Press Service MILWAUKEE. Juno IC At noon tmtuv Mm innrrurr rrdstered UU do- crci-s. It Is iirrdlclod that It will bo-M.(t limit. ... ..-.. .. ...... iinHni intv nrrniinn iti ..... . ...... .Al..ni m.i it.irnrti ..w-.iiU i.m tits nitv iT I n a niiiCHi. ino lime juuko wcmvu wv w .- tleorgi. Oaprnn, ..seceding si'fle.i i """"" ,.oti.d of brnM buttoned anarchlsU. remind tho Jurors that their summon limit. .. """. '. , ,. Ti.., nolle anarchists, headed bj ordered tbem to bo In the court bouso ,.uko CUPI. .iHiuc nrllllon. Ilcei... l. "i; urc tho bos. anarchist. U.mson. not only at 10 o'clock. ' , I'lnto. . ..'..,...., m Vnii-iAr it belief in lawlessness, but they prac- After tho graud Jury was drawn, M. ....,-,.. nu Mr. l.uko Clapp. snmo cna go. snow, ai o.h .. - ,",ki:.ow... tlco It. They don't waste words with w. Cosoboom was named ns foreman l ii-iw --- William I. Johnson. exceedlnK th h.rlf 'ruJV' '""".,, rknKmcn-they simply crack their und I'erry O. DeLap a bailiff. The! SIGNEI FIVE HUNDRED BUX8 lUI1""'! " -- -- (oiiiu vrn warmor. Hugs Killed ("tilted Press Service (IIICA0O, Juno III. Two thou snn.l hog at tho stock ard died as i result of today's Intonse beat. The li'M la estimated at $35,000, Mrs. Arch Y. Tlndall lolt Humlay fur I'etoaky, Mich., whoro sho villi lu'inl tho summer with relative. SINCE THE LAST LEGISLATIVE SESSION i. . a. . a...... ...... In na.fl rtktlVtiA (A i-t'i, ........ Mioaus. jury wis iueu inmu .u u ....- I All appeared In tho I")" "'""'that It Uiu. . . mUar to 'commence deliberations. I !,,.. morning and v,ere lined 15 .ad.. ..We... I', ou my way. "an., . d ,. u ""ZZ Thrfi nro only two crlmlnal CMM. , ,'ol.co Judgo .....v. t. jo, mo . Mr. Vil..n.o.uuuon.y Zi passed soon after the.ftwa.t.ng tho jury from tho Justice- will appear later. .. hi. Is a Juror In from cr nltendoni and ran toward " President McKlntey. t0urt. F. E. Burton was bound overUnUe(, PreM Service tin-circuit court. mm raiiroau n.. 1,.i,im i.caw nunishmont for in this body on a charge of forgery., cir-nAMPXTO June 10. Qover- . Tho police wero 'nmedlBy ".11' hoidlng up to ridicule any part of the dnd T. K. Butts must appear In n-uor ,,ran. Jobatoa today affixed his t'lauiln E. Mnill .' mluriiod ,loit, IlIld their search led tnom toiiio ....., of a 8tat0 or tno UnUed gwor t0 charge ot demolishing a Bl(,anture ot approval to 20S of the horn I'orunnu, nt.i. ..r . Wiiipi... -- ....,, ktates. Now Jersey also nas a iu neighbor lonco. iuiii8 passed by tbo last legislature Thero are a number oi imporiauw .. ....,.ni n.t.i via. ...ii int'iiud. ,i-.i.'..i.iinii iir,.,' inut u a t)t.a....n.. - . in.. me !. : "..". r.:.. .... ...i, !,, crime to work on' . E. It Hani')" Iikh returned to War den niter IU l Klamath Falls. Twenty-five Couples Ask for Separations June Term Equity Docket is Heavily Laden with Tales of Marflal Strife and Discord .... . uiiirn mnKQfl il a t rated the hut or sirs, in, "".., ...,, anuihor forbidding the! . h tri,i nt the nresent terra cioiieliid behind a Pllo "" "iCXpre8slon of unbelief In Christianity. nf the clrcult court. Today the Ulal foro the olllcers could reach her she ad slipped ut on the ot her ah o of oM . I. J arc h tho Pile. M.or sho uiko,. u, .rnilQ 01111111 II xho trial ot Cbenoweth Umpqua Is irolmaii Walker. Tlllln lllTllll I 111 i,,n nf th early cases. Umpouo. a til. iinfiirluiinto woman loft tlila, Willi MlilH" ' di... t.u-i U ehsreed with morning for tho nylura at Salem. nlT.r... nmfs tho murder of Frank Jack, a Klamath Indian, nt Fort Klamath. nn of tho cases attracting mucn nttontlon Is tho trial of Frank Ferris, on a chnrgo ot child stealing. He 'e held responsible for the temporary disappearance of 14-yearold Harriet rink from her home lasi mi. Pamlly quarrel appear t6 bo num-Klemlng, 0. U Corey v. F, . I Corey. cou. , Klamath county at this time, l.ou.sa Bav.uso ,n . M-J son, ah - -;, 1Inpn. rail. Emma Horn vs. 1,11. .-. a.r.h WBoks . Mlko Weens, aiarga- for suits for separation form a large Hurt of tlm iiua-iimm of tho Juno torm of tho circuit court, which commenced today. Of tho titty-four actloni In equity uhlch are contested, twonty-nvo listed In tho bar docket for tho term nro actions for divorce, ao Circuit Judgo llonaon should become an oxport at unraveling matrimonial knot. Tho divorce listed for tho presonl torm of tho circuit court follew: ChnrlM PauUnn vs. Emma PaulsOII, Hyko W. Hamaker vs. nuelah Ham- kor, Winnie lllevon v. Oeorge uv uns, Jerry Toobey vs. Annie Toohey, Irene Lane va. Frauk I-ane, Caroline Williams vs. William Williams, Barah Nancy riemlug vs. Qulnoy Adam MANY SLEUTHS PLEA GUILTY . ... Illtllt THOSE WHO IHI " Allis uivr.. .MXi: MONTH SENTENCES TWO WIM. VimiT THE CHAIMIE OF CONSl'HtAOV FOUR GRANTED CITIZEN PAPERS! TliU makes a total ot 500 signed since the dose of the session. This Is the last day tor the gover nor to approve or veto measures, so he v, III be busy until miamgoi. John A. Durst Is here from Mary- vllto on a business trip. Kansas has the right to ix a able maximum rat to ho hrge hf railroad for the trsMportitlon oC oil and oil product within tho MM. The supremo court hM UK too Missouri 2-cent passenger rate ml tbo maximum freight rata taw fM not confiscatory as it applied to six of the larger railroads operating In that state. It was held, ihougb. that tho law was confiscatory as to a nnmsor oc smaller railroads. Reaffirming the rights ot the statos to regulate Interstate rates, tao su preme court held valM wast tw- , glnla's passenger Uw. This provMOC n maximum charao of S eoata a i The Missouri com waa one that watched by the eatlro West On tho decision today there depone awoh future legUUtlon of the samo typo. Elshteen railroads fought tho . ourl Uw, applying forvlajuBOtlo. and declaring them uacoasUUttaaaL The railroads won la the Uwar eoarts. which declared the rate regnUMoaa confiscatory and void. a ihi case acalast the t3lago. Burlington and Qulncy .railroad waa appealed to the supreme, oonrt aw both the state authorttlea and tho railroad, the Utter allsglag error at rconilnued on faao 4), '"" "v" ". F n..nnv mi Dennoy vs. uiarunvo . - - -r.ri . . SvoSr vh, Wesloy ClJ TWO CANADIANS AND AS MANY FHENCHMEN SWEAK AIXEGI ANCE TO THE STAItS AND STItll'ES United Pre Service AN FIIANCI8CO, Chas. Pickett was In the city Sun- .i... ovnnint? from his home In Tuie ....... . i i, ii.. in it rnturned In the even- Four more names wero nuueu i ..- -.. ----- - .. JSl of American c.tUens In Klam-Slng acompan.ed by h s augh e g,. ath county Just after noon ioaay,(i - - - ,h-in n Clrnilt Judge Denson granted j PieU. who .have bee vUmng Miss full tltlxcnslilp papers to tbo iouow-i-ormuu ..- r - ing: mwm V of Marcho is . First on the Calendar ' Poe Valley Rancher is Accused jbf Stealing a Steer, Ten Member! of the Jury Are Chosen - Juno 16. u".vo . " " :..'. i. Dudley. Hel I-. uuuioy . " "- ,,...... Ua Hcndrlek. vm. prou . -'7' John 8. Hhook vs. uora ouuu, .....-- johnslon vh, Kdwnn. a. ---. Iloso noddnrd vh. jom """""" riclc Jims v-. MokhIo Jim. Ooldla i. (vnonovnn vs. John h. u '' iniuii. - . , ..vnn flllldya M .MCUOIini.. - ..- ..I.I 1.1 . II. llllllH H. mvtuit Da"' .. . .. .. .ia.on .i Inrllv OI IIIU ., ..v-v. tlonl. the grounds cited In tho com plaint. Somo of tnom, uu. based on charges of cruelty. ....i in,r, rlne. ueiecuvcs .. Il.llll... M..- -' (low an, Mcllugh, Josopns, uruiev.u nnd Oulllvan pleauou gumy . when broiisht Into tho suporior co.in Alox Helon J. William Ilobort Drotherton, native of Canada. Alfred O'Klof Farrell. native ot .Canada. a lt .. HnllVil Augusto boon Aiiunuu, ... Franco. Henri Andrlou, uatlvo of France, of ,.. woro sentenced to nlno, All of tho menb avo resiuou ... " . i,... i.. irimoi. .nnntv for several years, auu r iiu -"Sir Voro'o;;;,:;: Vp. -,s i.u n,,irtlvoa Taylor ana mci-iiuo. ioomub iui u) '- Louis lloagland has aone to Iko vlow, In tho lutorcsts of the Gordon & Ualdwln garago. for a couplo ot weeks. Ocorgo C. Clark Ih here from Al ... whoro ho has charge of con struction work for the Algoma Lum ber company. W. H. David ana Ml. ."- .r fl..t criminal action to be Uk- have been In rortlana atten. . k - 0upb"; 'th0 June term ot the circuit session of the state grand lodge. A. F. on u ny in fc A. M.. have returned to Kiamau, ,- J 5 Marcho wtt3 Fall. Ii.it,,.. i hv hB lftit arand Jury on mSlS ,n the seat visitor. . ! a a.iVl. Merrill cat- .'HBO BIW v.w.a -v .-. tlomen. Tbey say that Marcno au posod ot a teer belonging to them to Merrill' butcher shop. Miircho. who is a well known Poe r..ii.tv rn ncher. has retained Fred H Fred O. Brown Is here from Cry.tal Mill as hi. attorney, A bitter Ugal ..n.bnalnaattrip. battle U expected. n. o. Johnson, salesman for tho 8. S. Johnson company, left Sunday for u .v.t aAlAiira 3on -Frnncuco, aiier u iuuu .. here. ttf. rV v . I , r K i.fl 2 ms Ten of the Jury were. the regular panel toaeylo being Wtuism 'iaarr .,' Johnson, Qeorgo Woodard, I w. Meyers. Charles O U lAVtf aMal W. K. K., AS. aar.w- - " '"- - . . a .n-eui vasdra waa 'atastag ew Judge BsMoa to, U:tt asaohBss two chalra In' tho jary aa JJ rrad Noel and . V. first two1 of the laad. wero anaplesL trtet .Attorney irwen lopealag remarta to tM 3 V A 'v ,rs i,! ". Aiy