The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls'. i w -. v f , . e K F HUI'I'MKO HV THK VNITICtt I'llKMI. NKWM HKHVIOM mm eftlft. w -' PRINT 1MB HaTW, MOV eWNMr r i " ' ' - - Vi1. HiriiHi Vir N SI. KLAMATH MU,H, Oitl'.GON, I'HIDAY, JU.VI2 18, 1018 V "Thirty Seven j - i ' II- , gg"-"' ,i - . - r v . rip -Ten" Homestead Contests Will Go to the U. S. Suprbme Court-Notice Is Filed Willi HELD HERE BY WIRE FROM SOUTH S ( ir.UKM.M UITII IKS! ISO lt.ll papiik (tlrf of I'nllfi' Hmltli ami I'nlitiliiirn WalLrr ,tnt Mini Wniilril In HI ,)iiu ( oiinl) Hlmill) ,Ilrr l(rrl. InK llrmlilr NoiIiIi-iiIIiim lll Urnll riirH'illll mi fI.iiU.ind liniik (i llrlutci-il Nurtll I'mlr-liil. Can. il villi Imilnr. n dnft ' u nt OjkUt; j bank In wliMt Jin had uo ttuit, 0 II. Htoull. n tutrU wen ex rulrd s'mrtly nfinr noun luday I'V Ctiflcf I'oIIik Hmlili and I'nttn'm u Wslktr Tkr -iimi rntiir n r n' Icr tint oltlret irn witHlnl li I'.i iUUUi attorney at Yrokn to loo it tu ts? mat: Ho U tratellug In nn nuu octllv, mill tlm utiltttm wrrr will" t Idtnllfr lilm by ItU linno muiit-r Jftw'l lusUts lUt llH'tii lint ittvv lorno irS take. 4I U bring hell n. 1J Ik !, until nn olUcer anTves to UK hl'ii to California. Illix II In clinrgnt with obtoiulne l flout a bnnfc nt Wed on nn Oak Iii) Unk. The draft U said to have Un r turned, irolrtoil. Emmeline Pankhurst Sufi. Leader Caught While Trying To Escape INDIANS ELOPE FROM YAINAX; ARE PRISON ! j I teat TliU, Cnn nu? llnlto-J vrcH Service MlI.WAL'KKK.Jun; 13. Th , stork In not afraid of Krldny, the thirteenth, nlnotccn thirteen, In fact, he bellcvca a tlttto, In num- berg. " , Thl wi nttcstoil nt tho Ma- hllp'lM Any I'rom Clio .SuIh.Ikwjt tcrnlty homiltal hero thli morn- .Mmi.luy MkIK, tl.o Cuplo nnil the l'C '"" thirteen bable. wore uurn uuiuru o u wiuviv. Only 7th Son of 7th Son !T ifidAfinn Ttatec Willi m Fool is Safe'LlU8aUon Uaf eS m .17., Back to First of Contests in 1904 IIISnWilAKKIt 1MHCH 80J1IJ DKTKC- tivi: woitic Oilier Klmlo llio Atilhorllle for HtitcrnI IM)n VMt With ItclallrcM ill Ki'nii llt'kiillN In Ciipttito ilrl lit I'oiirtnii Venn of Aiti'. f-1 i e ' , President's Rivals Friend is Honored Delegates Are Back Joyful From Yreka Boosters Say Meeting Developed Close Feeling Between Counties Next Meeting to be at Eureka Should It be thnt you got up thl morning with n peculiar fore boding thnt tomcthlttg unpleasant rourtccn-yoar-old I'earl Schndloy, wan going to happen; If you had tho Jlmtnlo Colo and Archie 0Mp, nli'bad luck to get out of bed thl morn- Klamath Indian, wcro arretted last In f n mornings with your left ... . ,,,i i :,, foot flrt; If ou Intended popping tho n ght and nro Incarcerated In tho ' ' , . , ., question to the lady of your dream county Jail bpro na n rcult of nn cs- toan).b0ware. This la n bum day to capndo In which tho three figured, 'start anything you want to hare lucfc nnd which kept tho Indian nnd civil ; with, for It's Friday, the thirteenth. authorities of thla county buiy for Thnt Isn't such a rnrlty In Itself., mcrnl days. for tI,ero liavo becn numcrou other1 Jlmray Cole, who Is 24 years of ngc. Friday tho thirteenth In the past few , U charged with eloping with the')"- This PrWay. the thirteenth. dcbadley gill. Chlpj. I held as an "f today, however,. Is peculiarly po- .. . fnr vll In lln iMikn-un. accessory, Having uriven mo icnui - ---"- .- . nied br tho counio In!ng-thclr getaway 'cnt ,uar w,,n l thlr,entn ot tne The girl, admirer and tho drlv-'" f on a Fr'Jn'r- u W"J cr slipped iiulctly out of Yalnax Mon.,be nt ,caEt 10 c&n b?,!e. f0 ?!" ,. , rlnlil IliirrtltPI r. I't 'I "" "' """ """ ,'"",i day ocnlng. and upon complaint of M ' comninnt on or nuny, e ,11 1 h M l rlu l"l. "...I the Sub-Agont Wolford. United State, thirteenth. In the thirteenth year of a .i.rl IJI I.He III: Mi. I m.U lUl.cllvo Commissioner J. O. Hnmakor of Do- century, so when you write Jun 13. . .ni0 rnuiera. n well lis a ilftectho. "' " ,,. ., for -13. today, beenreful to cros your I'ankhurst. tho bulfrn- .i,,iff. nfflm i,r, finger to keep off "detonjun (UUII HUVOH lV .......- w....V h.v, i.aiiotit Mrst lliOir lirrcsl. mu biiuiiuo umtu uuiu fiii. IruttUr. nn silo tried recently to .t,rt ,,,,innii nmi DAimtv Slmrlfr Ilrow wenpo from thu lltltlsh govornracnt baker took chargo of tho enso. hilo mipposedly III nt tho homo In- I.envlng Ynlnax Monday night, tho Woking of l. Ulh.1 8,lh . trlend. Si? Mrs. I'ankhurst was sentenced to C1pji Uroyo h tcam tQ threo eftr becnuvo ot her numiBsions Morrm to fccd them, icmcrnlng tho bomb outrages of tho icaVng Merrill, tho party drove to 3 mffrngcttcs, but when sho began n porrg( nnJ rcmnlnod there omo liunger strllio In prison hiio was ro- tm0) ,t wag tJlc intention to take liaii-d. It was snld slio was vory 111. ,,,0 trn(n from there to some point Detectives watched tho homo ot Ur. (n Cnf0mla. f mtli, with order to tako her when i00ro g.olng south, Colo wished to sho was well enough to go back t ' vUIt rolntlvea living noar Keno, no ho prison. , nnd tho glr) drovo to thnt town. Brow- l)r. Smyth scut for nn nuiomouiia jjakor( learning this, nutoed to Keno 8unburuvd nnd travel slnlned. but Mimibeis of tho pnrty were C. C. , ,nKo Mm. IMnkhumt out for a rldo ,aBt n,B,)t nnJ nrr0sted them, and go nil,..i um. r.,....,r rnthu.luBin lw, K. Hiultli, II. II. Dunbar. Oeo. or ,0 gho 10r a chaneo to got away. , (0 ,)orrg ho nrrc8ted Cllpp. who nicd lth oven Kroner i- ' j w A) Ai unllin, . A. Km-ipcrim, to I'arU. wbero ouo of Her , ftW ltlng tho rcturn 0f the dusky . ol l.u prospect of Kin. . Uo, . J ,, wUll0Ul l0 JurlfIovq rom Keno. t..l drle mined to get) n Mr a. m . o WU s Qf MMx government. A, Tho tlirco nro lieM ln tho county downtor, tho Urn J CoinIilM,oniir John llnggcl- d.-tectUe caught her at tho gate of JftlIt ownltlDB Ml0 nrrlvM 0f. omcer I. of Conunerro delegate reUirno I J J u c ,. mld baca or wny t0 tho from 10 rc8orvnUon. Thursday In nutooa from k. ,' ... ,,.,,,. laillnnini10. Then ho hustled her off lra they attended a meeting of del- " uch brougll nU ftt ()0 mwt. to vtlwa m 0 Broua llmt ,ho wn8 , uZ:.! "" .?',"'"": .7". IL". Jl..R nt Yrola to show that tho pro- K0ll enough to begin sorvrng ..or Bu ,I,U" MIUHMW1 " viv.. ...- r-r.-rr: npnin. NEGRO IS HANGED SHOT AND BURNED OKLAHOMA MOII 1CAL8 OUT BUS- MAHY JUSTICi: TO 1IL.CK WHO WAS ACCt'SKII OF 51U11DEHIXG a vouxa un' J! , -4 I S&T'lSllH 1M.' .iBBsU sBBiftk3:;vslfei I IPATK.NTS IWUED TO KXTRYME5 tX INTKUKMI DBPARTMKXT After Betec Bevtcd by the 1 ot the Interior In Contetlwg nre or PjUcbU, Cms la Take to the Federal Mstrict ComH am4 Mm Court of Apffl. WHh Jfe SaereM i WASH1NGTO.V, D. C. June 13. Il'rcsldent WlUon did something un usual In politics when he named E. K. been Although effort to aet aelde tke patent Issued to alxteea atryate In the "37-10" country aave wHk no aucccM la the United SUtes Um4 oSe. the dtotrkt federal ewt far Oregon and tae etrealt eeart e ap peals, A. D. Daaleto. who U aeekias to have these pateata declared trW tees of tHI for hlat. will earry aae atHI hlaher. .r- 'i. . A... T U PaMlkM VkA MB. " reaenu Valentine Bernhard. Mark T. s Howard. VesUl WakeBeld and Jeta r t ..... .J 9rmA It UUU mttar. "t j. MVVUMWf m m aw ney for Jesale Waaaer-Xabertec. local patent holder, have received notice of appeal filed by Piatt ft Piatt, attorney for Daaleto. Daniel I claimant to benefetol In terest In certain forest Ilea eeleetle . He Is endeavoring, by meaaa of tat suit In eaultr to have the eUteea Unv bor and stone cUJaaanU, who have Issued patent by the United ji f J -'m I'rospoct ot a railroad. iv'iiuiiuueii on riigo Siemens is Ordered to Pay Court House Fund Warrants THE INITIATORY DEGREE TONIGHT United Press Service OKLAHOMA CITY. June 13. A nistK tiilo mnmlnp hrnlfrt tnifl thfl iftll nt Aundarkd. captured llonnle 81m-jStanton J. Peele UlUUOi UVfeiW ViUthVt net. "w .-. dor of 16-ycnr-old Suslo Church at . tM.t luMAknil lltnY . Aukui, UUU lUVUSl .M. The black was banged on a cotton- wood treo. While tho body was dang ling In tho air It was riddled with bullets, after which oil wn poured on It and cot fire. Campbell, a strong friend of 0car W. Underwood, chief Justice ot the court of claims. Justice Campbell, who hall from Virginia, wo one of the orig inal Underwood men when the fight for tho democratic nomination for the nresldoncy came last year. But he was named for tbo court on the rec ommendation of Mr. Undorwood, who was a strong rival ot the president be fore the Baltimore convention. Judge Campbell Is 55 years of age. Ho succeeds on tho bench Justice Circuit Judge Benson Makes Permanent the Alterna-j live Writ of Mandamus Issued &ome nmc ny Actfon Commenced by Klamath County Court m:oiu:n tkam or the odd ff.l- I.OW8 WH-Ii I'UT ON T1IR 8AMR WOHK AS lVi:X IN THE EXMI 1IITIOX IIKFOIM: GRAND IiOIKJE Wm. Uhrman nnd daughter of Yo na Valley are here today attending to homesteaders. business. States, to hold legal title to the In trust for Daniels. The action grown oat of the nulahment of land In the tat Cisco Mountain forest reeerve br tne Altec. Land and Cattle eoatpany, Use- . tted,lnl904. In lien for the land rr UauUhed Ue eompany waa leaned . script and nude application f er tk lands now Involved. These were 'Be- n inr homeiteaded by the defeadaata ' In the case, aad the nutter resulted tat lively fight In. the land oSee, Artec prolonged contesting, daring ', which eeveral big hearing were heard 1 aad voluminous note were taken, tke 'i matter waa decided In fever ef the In rebruary, lilt. (Coatiaued ua rage 4 v - Well Known Bonanza 'a Judgo Hcnuou Is- Ynnlcht nt I. 0. 0. F, llttll tho degree tcam of the Odd Follow will nut nn tho Initiatory Degroe. Thl Is tho degrco thnt was put on by this toam boforo tho recent arnna t-oago nt -Mn.lford. nnd Will llO 8H opportun' Ity for thoso Odd Follows who could not attend tho (Iraud Iodgs to seo VALUABLE DOG POISON VICTIM "DOC" MIMiEH'S TUOnOUGHlUlED CHKSAPhKE SPANIEL DIES. OTIIEH DOGS HEPORTED TO HAVE IIEEN POISONED Woman Passes Awayl Hlemiuuitho chock, on the court " SiK 'nn o dor ' of reviver, substituting I In what mnnner (heir degree team At tho tlmo mo pioiuunii't. - - , ,., . -ountv trcas-ircpresontett tnem. i..ktituted. County Ju.lgo Worden ana ,tno ".. u. , , or ( County Treasurer J. W. must pay all warrant on tho special "iiuty court houso fund that am pre-j ,)r,lUo jouruojed to Lalior .tiier. Dag.'teara Is still Intact, and In tlv plncea y,.....i . .. . ... ....i ll.,., wntf Illllll- nn .- -viiiuu iu mm. With two or tin co exceptions, tho ' " .: v.. 1...1.1. view, where Judgo iiensou w... .- ''erliig him to honor tho warrants onjto an nUornntlv ore Judgo llen-on vr "- ""'"XXZLnA war-! whore substitutes will be nectary A peremptory writ of mandamus, or- ,, cou. t. and secured his slgm. ur. fi mlgatl0ll reBardig brothers of Porlcc. I b wojj sides huvo niu.oarcd r nX V- Qi Tsjri. r.n vaWtt to Rallv From Para ITAS SIWi mmmmmm - -- t , lvtic Stroke. Has Resided Here For Past Seventeen Years V ' k "'.I -"- t 1 ..v l 'C : v , ;-v ---'. -. ' a:--? T'..A Tho many friends tn this city ot lira wiiiinm floss of Bonansa were Tho dog poisoner Is again nctivo ln,llJ01)iy grieved today to hear of her Klamath Fall. A a result several' i w hnmn , n.jn o'clock dogs were poisoned last night. i m.nlt Ot these, one belonged to "uoo - -Miller, a well known local sportsman. On the evening of May 83d Mr.. iTh. ,in. wn. . thorouahbred Chea-.Uoss sunerea a airono wi ir , '1 ' '.-. i.. H'o spolcal fund, wn signed today by i Hlnco thoro have boon fovornl inollona ur Circuit Judg Benson. A copy of tho rlt wnh Boryed on Sloincns. The peremptory writ comes as n ro sult of the ntandnraui proceedings In "tltuted against former County Troas ...ur Olnudo H." Dnggott about n month ago by the county court. At Hint tlmo Daggett refused to honor tenat.vo writ ot mnudnnnu, rant. du. j JVZS u wroll win V." used, so that the degree will that tlmo attorney, for boll ho legality o 'u ,bo ot ,ntoro8t t0 aU. ve appeared on tho enso, and for ork oi ho siruc uro ( compUm0nt8 were received IiaIii nil nn nil us. tit l . .. lU'lU H ' 'XVbT-Tta a towiby CPn.n Piel nt MedfoTd, .:.?..! innri houso construction, other members of the lodge . llimu itttiv '--- -. i iiued. .Thl. mornlnB Judge V.T".," '?.., roi.rt houso construction, signed an order making no ai.e. , - Judg0 Bon80n ttvo writ a 0IBP,or "Vlni, ltac. 'today makes it positive that the work site tho alilt vra. Instituted 1)B today thef WRr. ZSttlSSZ-fr:" and by. concern ing mnnnnr in which the team per formed, nnd vory fayorawe compar innna were mndo with the work ot the other exhibition nnakn snanlel. valued at 1100. This Is the third tlmo tni. year mai tho poisoner has been operating here. John Schmore, one ot the prosper ous ranchers of Swan Lake Vnlley, is In tho city today on business. August Llskey of Midland la a Klamath Falls visitor. He conduct a j livery stable at that city. nnd since that time waa confined to her bed, the entire right aide of her body becoming paralyzed. Her condi tion was such that her entire lamuy was at her hodsldo almost constantly. On the evening of June ,IQth she .ut tered from another stroke, and from that time untl the last It was appar ent thnt her demise was but a matter ! .....' . V Ul UUUII. .. Gathered at ber bedside at the .tune ' if r , of her death were her bubad,-Wa. .';, ',3 n... kV.I. ,a.A ,Biutiia4l T.mna anrf Irlll, 4Uhta. WML. UtSH "V W( ? ry Nlchoto. Mlee .Dera Oaaa, Mri fsfpr' V ;"" Chastaln ana ,nr. uarnw MBjVjnw - ,- lira Hniia wu ka Is'TtlliStM k ' ' " ' 164, and'UI. tmikfiJimk ti , vantaa" VMM ICO. SettllnCtn-eh A '' noaaaaa eountry.virnew;' sT,"Mk since resided, .d. tkejr. resided, and VMtm ;m i entire cowmunl regard kef ued friend and n4er. tq assist U,Ue tlne,ec saasy frienda nro MV saonr of heVwerth to tWt aulsUaee to IM be Uelr word.; of eeaada ssWisk treated 't -' ?. 7ZK i Tl ui . ;S ' ,JW4 -Si