J iff The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls Papers;; - .- uui'PUiwwnw WrtKU IHWMI Wi BHV10M Ik nun-ftta Btfalfc. 41 EVKKIlNIMKWari PRINT TUB IflWt, KOt : n " .. .. ,.. r. J '2 i -'& - ' r ,, e- i a ' ttttvtU Vwm No. fcWW KLAMATH PALLH, OHKGOX, THURSDAY, JUNK 12, 101 Price, Vive Ceatoi - '. Former Friends of Accused Umpqua Indian Take An Active Interest in Getting Him a Fair Trial KUYKENDALL IS RETAINED TO BE AMICUS CURIAE FLAG DAY WILL BE OBSERVED KLAMATH FALLS H4ii.li i:i:iuihm at iuvi:itHii)i; SCHOOL 'rtl" Which Ilia Hand, I'lfo Mil Drum (.'itrtMi ' A, ' W, " IX, ami ntlrit Will l'nrllilnli'. m ,'l'nirli!l' Program Ml Wri ftidr nIkm.I An' Aiming the I'm larr llrllrf Cor tiplr Will (ilir llin School a Hag. Aliliouxh prepamd on rallmr short sutler, Ilia observance of Flag Day In Uts city Saturday will bo highly p Koprlila (or the occasion. A pro inus li been tenlatUoly arranged (or tbe obiervance. A troerulon wit bo una of lliu fin- UfH. Thlf Will iosm at :. JO Saturday Under the direction Pssbtr, city supe Marian llollins Leading Tourney TROOPS MORO T I lswd Jaii:'v.J ' 1VT JM HORDES FIGH Coughs 'em up Alive S. P.-U. P. CASE Germs? Nope; ran T ON JOLO ISLAND tor weoxs .mckcis nus uevn suuor-, Sl. AMKRH'A.Nrt KII.LKIi HUItlNCJ "K (rom sovero stomach complaint McItKYNOLIW wMr-l, liifrtml tilivalpfniic fini! tlirr.nl-. l'nul Nickels, a Sodus township' farmer. I n human ncauarlum. For! - i several days ho tins been couglilng upl small ill z od brook trout from two to flvo Inches In length. l'or weoks Nickels has been Buffer- COMMENCED May Etheridge Jilted by Lord FEDERAL COURT iiatti.i: which baffled physician und throat-j PEHSOXALLY cKAitrn: at kt. paul IN imed his life. Recently lie was seized (with a Oolent spoil of coughing nnd coughed up a (our-lnch fl.b. :Aorjlcyi) for Union Pnrlllc 3Uke a Ui.Vf.Knl nltinl iHfttllt MtUlIIC IlflVA I oKiilii AmiTlriiii Aiitlimll)' It-Misltr followed, ond each tlmo tho farmen Proportion Whereby the Fcnnyl I.. Pllrl balflr TIm- llrlwllli.ii.',"u omllUd nh' -f 1 1 filial of tint Hiiltmi of Jolo to I Tribi-Aiiii'ii Thmtv t'p Knticiirli iiiiiiIn mill I'm Up StuhlHiiii lti-.lt-mint llcfinn Itmit by tin" 'rrooK.'m. EXCAVATOR luted I'rtss Hen leu MANILA, Juno 12.-,Slx American trooper were kilted aud twelve were woudded this morning, when Aniurl IS HARD AT WORK mnlu Hyutviii Win Trailo Its Hnlll nmrc & Ohio Mno Stock to Union 1'nclflc for letter's Holding In the Southern 1'nclilc Company United Press Service. ST. PAUL, Juno 12. In order to 'affect the dissolution of tho Union Pa- cIDc-Sonthcrn Pacific merger ordered wounded mis morning, wucn Aiuun-. ,v.mv-- . -- -,": ran troops under Colonel Pershing lli:.M.i:V DIIAI.V IS IIIUNtt IIKKP-. by tho govornraent, the Union Pacific . . . . .... . ... .. .-.. .i.i'iiim nrlufiMi In (rniln Its Southern I vjiv.it ami wii)r..i:i out ux "-;- "--:;-"2" -.,. ' hnttled wltll rebellious Moro tribes-, men nt llagsagu. Thu Moros Moru led by tho Sultau tcoiitmueii ItHrlnt, II.iIIIi.m. in,utf.r,i a.tM.itv ntut v.a . w,wf -.. wi.... ntlilelic gill, sliowcil rvntnrKniiifl torni ,lf Jn0. nnd nut uti a stubborn fight. .form at the court In the Mitropolltnn golf tournament Tholr loss Is not Unovwi. I afternoon, lover tho links of tho Nassau Club on fho fight emtio as n rmult of thei of Prof. II. H. Long Island, fihe was tho runner uPri)fulin f t10 Bultan of Jolo to rcc-' rlutandviit or mo in tho championsiup contest last year, K..io Amcrlcnn iiuthorlty. Ho do- ou rage 4 1 il.nntiiiuu-j nn I'sgn 41 , i. m.i inn i mn ii ii in i mi i i iimn nil i m i tiii: 1IIC THACroil OAKOUNi: DIIIVEN t, Pacific stool to tho Pennsylvania sys- r r- , '- M i bsbIIbbssbV t-EhssssH aflHHEafialsEsSsaCliKssssasssk SBL.SBPSBSBHVSBBslsBPaH ssHssssaV. r Mtsaim r: i m.-..-!jmrm.i.7. PlssQttBWB"'vc.iay'.. . 'y i WE-8SESitim WHYTU ACTIVK IX BKRAI.P THK IXMAX OK, uaaw mwwm -w ..v - ,- - . . aar- -j - jk .1 a L MtBssssssssssC .tern for on equity In the Ualtlmoro &. . vnnM ,. ti.Mr- Ether- loul0, , ideo's dream of nobility Is over with. ' Attorneys tor tnoratroauouuinea, pjt whMe of deepening and widening ' MXt mta htt mm ' ley drain .'&Sr Zt Work thu HcnlcV I along nicely by tbo big gasoline exf- Wells, Fargo Wants to Buy Baled Hay Express Company Notifies the Local Agent That it Will Need Two Thousand Tons For 'Frisco tiro nrchlpellgo to ro than submit. I Firmly entrenching "i Continued or. Pag 4) . .-.. .... tho lord objected, uui ms lamuy am. UiUtlh svvs mj mv o - ' .. t1yn nnrlAV nilVIIAmnlir AT ATi clared that ho would stir up tno on- ,cavntor ow ncd by lbo rociamatIon scr- """ "l" . - i- oiuiion ruimr. . ,,, ...v.inr nnA ii. rmw aro . . . .. ,,.u. ... w.-.-.-. M. MrRoyn-yms wiu-prescni tuo gov-- n( unrk nn tlm Zncharlah ranch. ......... ., ,vi. j..i ' ... . -. Arnmnni a aiLiLuao ri'KuiuiuK mio ucu. . " " r.. '" "C' V L. """I":;' o drain, by being de.pened n ; - IMI0B of court. I near iiagKu. ."- - ".widened, furnishes n better drainage .... LoomI. for tho UnIc .in inllltnrv headauarters that they ,..,....,. ...,. ,h .ii,. i ., Attorney Loomis tor mo umc I - . . . ..... .. 'i"r iiiu iuiiuo u.iuv, ..,.....-...-. . .. , n-nin .ntrirpRtPd lb ,woilld not suumu 10 AinoriLuu u-(ectol, .n..n w'linn ilm irnnn nnnroAChcd lfral of Illg Lumber Cowifwy, Who Formerly CasMlocled Tradtef Vent' at Yoacalln, In the linnM Valley.' Having In Mind the Intereata e Alien TrilmmnH Accuarx of Mmr-j der, (IrlM Local Attorney to Appear Chenowelh Umpqua. Indian, will t... ,l.n .(..fAMt1itll In unit nt th MnAf. lunusual criminal actions ever trlee In Klamath county. Forrnsr aeBawt oncM. nromlnent white atea. are de termined that. If guilty, he anall be punished to the full extent ot tie law, but, If Innocent, he he aee.ltte4. D. V. Kuykendalt, forsser etn attorney, has been especially reUbM br former acqualntaacea of the !- Milan to appear la court startac the e- (Coaunueu om ra " 41 iti imrrlrndo tho Moros opened fire I Tho battlo wns fiercely fought, but! 'tlm I'litrcnchmcuts oro finally cap tured by tho troopers. Tho sultnn i held n prisoner. A chance for Klamath county farm- course, must bo choice Kindly lot rs to land a fat contract for bay Is mo know ul your earliest convenience contained In tho following letter from what the prospects nro In your local. i i ,. . . u i... ...i.-.. . ii v in i. irk mi thu wholo or it part of WrlntcndsiU of stables for tho Wells this amount, also tho price per ton. , .. . . . ii.. ,.i ,i nni Lnnw ulifithnr nr not tho rsrgo lixpreas company, to j. j. i .......... - - . kr. tho compauy'a local agent: hy I ' Immodla ely by the "Wo are In the market for 2.000 Han I'rancliro aincc." sum .Mr. iarvr lom of tame oat hay, or timothy, today. ...... , . tabd, f. o. b. cam at a point on tho "I bellow, though, that tlio letter lines of tho 8. V. Co. Thu hay, of , refers to hay for fall dollvory. WOOL AND SUGAR SECTIONS READY SENATE PROBERS 60 TO COALBEDS Union Pa cific this morning suggested that tho lUnlon Pacific stockholders bo allowed to fix tho minimum prico per share for their stock In the Southern Pa-i clflc. I 1 This was strenuously objected to by Judgo Smith. Ho stated that tills would enable tho Union Pacific stock holders to fix a prohlbltlvo price, en abling them to maintain control of tho Southern Pacific. 'KAII.UIli; OF GOVWINOB TO MAKH TltAIN COXNKCTIOXS MAKKS POSHIIII.K AN INSPECnOX TBIP 11V I.vr.STIGATOIt8 Second Unit Work Almost Completed Work Will Be Finished on Griffith's Lateral in Ten Days. Most of the Ditches Nearly Done Name Committee to Incorporate Railway Worden, Dunbar and Walton are the Klamath Co. Members. Meeting at Yreka Most Enthusiastic NO CIIAMJK WILL UK MAUK IX THI'SK FltKK LLSTKU AHTICLKS IIV THK riNANCK COMMITTKi: OF THK SKNATK United Press Sorvlco WA8111NGTON, 1). C, Juno 12. The llnnilco commltteo of tho sonato this itfturnoim approved tho frco wool nml sugar schedules of tho unuer- nuod tariff measure 'rt.ij ln.ivfii to of tho most Impor tant schedulos substantially tho Bauie us when thoy passed tho house. COPS WANT TO PLEAD GUILTY TURKS JUST BE AT 10 NDOORS United Press Servlco CHARLESTON. W. Va., Juno 12. Accompanied by tho attorneys for tho nimoslne sides and n party of nows- papor men, tho sub committee nnmou in- tho scnato labor coraraltteo to In-, vestlgato coudltlous In tho West Vir- clnln coat fields left today lor tnoi sccno of tho recent warfare. j Thoy will spond tho day Inspecting 1 tho mines ami conditions there Hi mnM ot Mahmud Seyket Pasha, Is possible that some witnesses may . . t lho Turkish empire, bo examined thoro. wil0 WM assasslnnted yesterdoy, wero Tim trln today was made owing to ,....,.. ,,t-.. mhMi enromonr at- tho fact that Govornor Glasscock, who ltcnued tno interment. was to hnvo testified today, waa un- jntenso oxcltement provolls all over ablo to bo present on account oi miw- t, country ar n result of tho shoot Work of excavating tho main ca juals and sub laterals of the Second ior Poo Valley unit of tho Klamath 'project Is rapidly nearlng comple tion. Most of the sub contractors working undor Maney Hrothers will ,..ln.,v ..- lfl liv Tlll'il.n H?ilnliiil 111.! 1st Of July. "''""l',lu1 " -.. v" (--";--" -- --m. ..- . , .. AUTH01tlTIi:S-fiUANI)VIZKIPStcompIce(1 r t(n day4( accordIng to ltK.MAl.NS AUK lXTr.UHKD WITH POMP CONSTANTINOPLE, May 12. Tho officials of the reclamation service. on the North and South Poe Val ley laterals on the Nuse Lake lateral the sauio nrocreM Is belag aaaae. ii Is tho belief of Maney Brother that on the 1st or July seven of the Has outfits at work'-aow will complete their schedules. The two reatalalmg schedules wilt bo completed la tea days' longer time. Hollovlng that the only way lu which to get the proposed railroad from Klamath Falls to Humboldt Harbor Is to get out and work for It, a committee of nine members, throa rom each county, waa named at yea lorday's meeting at Vroka to tako chnrgo of the organisation and Incor poration of a railroad, Members of the commlttoo are: Judge Will 8. Worden, Oeorgo J. Wul Ion and It. II. Dunbar of Klamath ountyj K. a, Clark, J. T. Coonah nnd P H. Horet of Humboldt county; Joromo P, Churchill, Edward O'Con nor and O, F. Ilellmuth ot Siskiyou wunty, Large delnatlons from the three counties net af Yreka yesterday and much enthusiasm was manifested by ll In the railroad. Tonnage statistics submitted leaded to prere that tho road, In addltlea to opening a vast undeveloped 'territory, would be a Ing n train. lug tlon Tho authorities fear a revolu- In order to chock this, nit citizens iimn hwn ordered to bo lu tneir huccosh llnanclally from the start. Tho following resolutions woro nuopicn. "Wherons, No nreu of llko oxtent equals lu richness and volume tho limber und mlnoriu riw v. . -, land lying adjacent to Humboldt bit), to Klninntli nnd Trinity rivun. tho tributaries of thoeo atronnw n Humboldt niul Siskiyou counties In California, nnd Klamath county, Ore- gont . t ''Whorons, Tho dovolopmont of resources depends in a largo mowuro 1... .nnndV estllhlUIimOIlt Of communication by rail between tho lutorlor mid tho son; mm, . -M.n nnrlv COIllPlotlon Of (tho Pnnnmn'canal and tho marvelous development Hint ovoni win .-- -?."'.... i.ooinn const must omplin- Clso the necessity of such communlca- t'0HWh?aas.rrholicartycooporaUui ' (Continued on I'ago V) OOALnURO. W. Vn., June 12. ml. A diiK MnmtnlttnA thta after- noon personally Inspocted tho minors' nome8 Uy io o'clock every night shack homes, tneir uuuuv iw houses nnd tho company's stores here. tikTitU'r ATTOHNKV FICKKItT It was found that machine guns DlbllllCl 41 wins, nro.mounted In n position to com-' SAYS UK 18 CONHIDUULMl THK countryslde. , MATIKK, HUT WILL SIAKK u COMMENT Unllod Proas Service. o im piiAVfiiSCO. Juno 12. Pa trolmen McOoweu, nrollotto, Mcllugh Moro Catholics In Cana United Press Servlco nOME. Juno 12. Tho Catholic church Is still tho predominating re- j llglous sect lu Canada, accoraing to figures officially given out at tno voi- DOVE HOVERS OVER BALKANS Less Than a Quarter Of Veterans Survive Compiling of Statistics at the Pentioa Bureau Shows That the "Boyg ' of '61" Average 71 Yean t v,t- United Press Service arfLwmg PM,0"l r tfc n. w WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 13.-' fno avera a - - "- r. , Of tho great army of veterans or tho .veterans Is today 71. t"' -iClv.1 War who passed In grand re- tho average , death t, 1 J view before President Grant at Mpii''--:;, a' ti- ' id W fj-. joVoplm nnd Sullivan. Ilvoot the San ,,can today. The census pub Ishcd ..0bT ...,.,.,, indicted tor con- ...-we that 39.3 or tho population or . y wl o eiders want to plead !Canda Is Catholic. Tho Presbyter spiraey nii "" , .f.,n..a n,i v.n aconal Inns to- KUlUy, , .,., ,, ..,' .-i0 Ji n nnr cent of tho Tho report was conurraou iouuj guuier .u...i'.. - Prosecuting Attorney Plckert. Kick-'population. ort Bttilod that ho Is considering the HOTII IIULOABIA AND SI IHIIITKD TO HAVE RUSSIA'S OFFEIt TO TRATE THE SOltAP muttor. Tho Pollcan Day mill boys aro flt- ,. iniBohall diamond. Thoy hnvo orgaulsod a basoball team, and will chnllougo an croauou r championship. Get Quarterly Dividend United Press Borvlce mew vnnK. Juno II. Stockhold ers of record on May 27th today re- colvod trom tholr Heading atoca mo regular qunrtorly dividend ot 1 por cent United Press Service YIENNA, Juno 12. The uuiganan government today rando nn unquall rled nccoptanco of Russia's offer to ar bitrate the nulgarlan-sorvian uispuio. It Is roportod that Servia lias al ready accepted tho offor. . This virtually means peace Detween the two nations. PAiAnrniinu imi iiiuiifc... v,ftw.. .k,iw - - --- t . t. . . ...... .. ,n.ixi. t . tt declared today, the DaWM i . . .!.... .... .i,. ni hA navinr no more veaeseae. to ABBI "" , ' , , , nivii War veterana., la iTe.PeeeaJL lAflirno nr viiiRrniiH ui nuiD va -- -- - --- ,-- , ,- -- t- rnitod States. This compilation showed that on May 30th last, there woro In various parts of tho world 4&7.O0O sun-Ivors of tho civil war. On the sumo day there wero less thaa 1.000 survivors of tho Mexican War. There is not the name of a slugle sur vivor of the war of 1813 on the pen oinn rncords. but there are about ISO widows ot vetoransot the aeeeaa war Included iiti nrat Britain who are today laJtoa kSJ ' , V Is expected that there will he Blnf, mvibKM Tim ""i" i','". in the. laat tweMeM-'M the government atea , annually to oar sasseae. sjssi year it cpsU awe, fw'tojMi "dollar-n-day; peaeiea saw, wassw i become fecUve.:,Lae;year4Jse lay wait aeeat fl MJkaf.ee , the eftMtm M'jm'A -Vi JC, r T & ' - ' H ' V),- "- v-