-I ' ?(t -X'u- The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation ot all Other Klamath Falls Papteta t wrrum ntrmm united nam news kmvk He ftenina rfali. l o '"W.M EVENING NftWMM print the mnn, no : ' i Hotrnlli Yi NfcfcMM KLAMATH FALLH, OKI HON, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 11, 101S PHee. Witt FIRE PATROL mncTQ i pfnt AN ACRE HERE CONDITION 810 rt t GRADERS PASS Hindoo Princess Jilts Native Lover mi: hi:co.m i:..mi.n.'iii)v ret: . 'iiiisi:iii.iMj.vo.vi:oirrvol si'iucrrs ik , imi:.T nt'crims, j AH ALL PAHS I tiii: ,hmm:iation mi:i:tm with PAYOR Tin) rnnk of Kliimntli county liny MIl'l,rlrl,lMroll.ln.llh(..r.,",1 "lrl wl, nru i,MU"1 " ,,""'r ... . ., . Ililicli cIhhjI iut full ho Immi In r( Arras fT Hrra I n rlit nn ... ... rri-niiril by tlio rorrt'Cllnti of llio m Anr. While ta Mown. F..rU ..f tlif ., ,., .. ,. ,.,.., . ,. ('.unity, the rw( t Jul Half Hint ,tniiual HhmII UmInt Owners Mr (llvre) MaMe lrutrctloii. V, I.. Ollham, a member of tho Day llruthrra Lumbar company, toft to. lay for Portland, after spending n wrk In (he city. Mr. nillmm la r-- Mciit of Hi nmltintlon ludd Inat wruk. Thl wn fur pupil Iiii fnlk-il In on or (ho illijcctf Inat month, and wcrn ron itlllonoil. Thn surceaaful were: KUiiinlh Folia--Arthur Meaner, Tom Owotia, IMnn Mollinav, lcfjrg Flalirr, Robert KIiIiit. William Mel Im... l!nvitiin l.lnkf-itlritrh. Until Vim Itn . ........... .......... .... ....... . .. KlamattfLakn Countl'i,imort. (Inlillo ('nldncll. Curl Hilton r'orii Klro Association tonfcrrlng wltti J. K. Kimball, Ilia rcretsry ami treasurer of tlio aaao elation, and auditing I tie account of (lie arcrotary for (ho season. Under the new law. which went --, -IM'llWIt iMI 1 niunillt s aiaswaa Jlo WMi licro,(.ffor, itnmltii, Klorcncc ChrUniaii Karl Minor, darner i.unny. kiiii Blade, little Wllaoii ami Ufn Dry. den. Odeaaa I'nul Wamplur. Henley Men In Donaldson, Into effect June 3. all tlmtior ou iters 1Mrrm.:mma lltodKntt. Akih liar of llin state muat tiatrol their lMidrows. u n protection egalnat lire. ThU' Fort Klamath Kltta Hcott. ork ran be done by tho tlciuor . oiono Zella Taylor. oanira themselves, anil If not, will, t done by the eUU, In which caio an ' , a. Applegoto returned to tin luvn aMatnent sot to eiceed C cent per hdi today, nftvr tpcndlni; n row day at home. trrn ran b Mate to cover the o Ptnio. TU llaakA mmmm flflirf that ttlMVl f. f f L.!.!... !? .if .!. I ntf can do thla work at much Itwi coat.cr Klamath iJiko ranie warden, loft by cooperation, and the KlamatlclTueaday with her young child for Lake Coiintlee Korrat fire Aaaocln- imuburg. Calif., for n vlall with rN l(JNiAriuit n i'aKi l I alive. $700.00 In Special Prizes For the Rodeo Businessmen of the City Are Con tributing Valuable Merchandise K. D. to Give a City Lot B-njn -mmmmmmmmmMmi aBK'Ov iiHtaUilH .Hide HURLS SACK OF FLOUR AT MAN Beautiful Baltimore Girl to Wed Son of Secretary McAdoa M.l,i: HUI'T ALMOST H1TH llltlT-l Mil l'HKMIi:it WITH U.N'tHUAI.' S.IHHI.K IM NDCMOML'M FOI ! l.OWB . i United Vrtu Bcrvlce ( LONDON, June ,11. The wlldettf acci i-i) etur wltntnncd In tlio liouae of i commons broko out today when n mnlo Hui.ragotto ymimthlxer hurlcij n anck of flour at I'reinler Aiqullh, who wa apeaklng. Tho mlaale narrpuly mlaacd tho premier. Striking f.Lu floor, It'burat, and a cloud of now white flour, en-, circling tho mlnUtvrlal bcnclic. ul- moat ainotbered the, member of tho . cnblnet. SPORTSMEN MEET TO FORM A CLUB LONDON, Juml 11.- I'rlmeu lu ll ra, dmiKliter of tlio (laekwnr of Ha-; rodn, the Indian prluco who waa ro-l culu'il ao favorably In tho I'nltod. i!tnl.. ii fitu vinr ni'ft. linn mlftlitiul i:Kll.h and American wayn. Ilk. ,,er,'ATII VMM MMIHIUM IIOPK father. Ht.o ha Jilted her natlvo lor- TO OIUUMZK KOI AU OL.N I CLUII AT MO.VHAY (lATHHItl.N'U MOHrS ' I or. und U on her way to Indon, per-' hap to hldo from him and hi lit tuition. Tlmo wa wbeu n marrluKv nrrnnccd between potentate of India Oreanlzatlon of a rod and sua club .. n , ,, ,a...t. u ih. .nnnMnccment made hare. iniant that tho brldo had nothlnK to,U to bo Uken up at a meeting of! ' MiM ucCoralck Is one of the bailee ay about It. 8ho had lew to ay tlinn'iwamaui coumy porumea ra do oeia i . -w.-. - .of BalUmore, where tnere ere geeaesssssssssea. I " HaaBaeaaHPaaVi? f F aTl y H'4aWl f B aeBeBeBeHffiHaeaeryV I mi mmmmmmW aaniBV. mmmmwm1 eaeH rile? meai IVkaBeBeBwd,' 'aBaVaaeflBeBeMll eaaav. eBTaE3'-ftB'aMBT DIRECTORS OPEN HORSEFLY BOND ISSUE SATURDAY TIIIH IHMUK IS THK HK8T OKFKR Kl) ItV THK niHTRICT r -l l I Flmt gao.tNMMI Worth of HohiIm ot the I Authority K7.W mill lHe le to He X Mil hi IWniyln.; Hie' Upv.i f ! Henmiiir':. HHrri-y ot ilie Homtfly IrrigAtioM MetrieC Thla Humnter. I i ' O. K. UlttliiEcr. who ha bcon vU- (ItliiK hi brother. K. l IJIttlnBor of The 13 000 In caah prle to bo.prlic. Tho larget prlio t a 250!lo Klnmnti, FnlU laundry, ha ro warded to wlnnera In the various. lot, to bo given by tho Klamath Do-'turned to 8an KrancUco. cri.t,t. r ih. Rodeo bv the Klk 1 volopmcnt company. Other donation I ... .i i- t,A r .w.nl Tho 'follew: . Ml Hornnrdlno Hnnnon, who no builncM men of the city have taken! Klamath Dyo work. ult of clothe; lbwn teaching .chool at Fort Klam maitiM men or llie cny nave mucin - - - ,, ' " , an Interoat la the mailer, and are Uradley llarnc. Co.. .liver lead Mall, iB,n, i, returned. . . . . - ir if oinm aii It nf rlnthea! llcc-i . xTTnZSXV Uor Store, ..II of Mr-. charlr, II IIIU, ha gone to tV! ..rr'J L.'.venlcU.tho.i Klamath Kail. MuMo Houo, Oakland to ...end a few week, with POPULAR Y0UN6 TEACHER LEAVES MISS O'KKKFK HAS KARNED THK REFUTATION OF HKIXG ONE OF THK UKST UUlUIi TEACHERS IX KIMATU COUNTY TURKISH 6RAND VIZIER KILLED L1LMUI BBVKET F.8HA AND COMPANION SHOT WHILK iflD ING IN AUTO FUSILLADE IS FIRED AT OFFICIAL I Mr. Fred Meloy la here today; from liroadvlew Perm, near Alumoat, vla- Itlng friend. the nverngocontlncntntyounRWoinRti Monday ovtnlnt at tho Elks' Club. iTy 0f the treasurer, William O. Mc- 5,ftUuful wobm. Her raoUer It Hrs. i i- .........i i. i.. All innriimrn lntaratnd m.Tm invltaMl ' . ..i hk KMiitl. Ia... c lm.mm nnk nf tk 1mAm. ftllOSO luurnabU is nnbu u ui - .---...- .-,.. . yvuoo, IS lO Ufa WJarriwu v w wven..'-niMn; c, bninivi wj w amw parent. to uo prctcni nna parucipaia. i Ethe, MeCoycK ot BalUijoreJojHaltlmorejoclety. u . ... t.-i - i.in .. ! a.i in i 'inn orcanizauon is -mo antw a - .. -. iiii Trlnco Jltcndra, brother of tho Malm-'cloaor rolatlonhlp among the porU- ..i.i. f rnnrt, Iti.lmr. Ilna ror tlin men o mo touuii nuu m utuiiuv tun .ii.. ..... .....I... n.n i,n tim iironer kind of eamo Drotectlon. In necamo that tho prince, had hrok- addition, tho organlratlon will take vn off tho engagement. Bho .tnrteu up lor mo poriauiuu . it.u- for London. Tho prince, unable to "ou oi more aurae paiu iuw !,oll..vo audi modorn way. had bcon'Klamalh county, and the Intereata of ........... i.. nn ..f iim inmiine fnm. tho (iiorUmcn In matter, almllar to IIUUIIV11 uj u..v . ...w ... .n ... - ( Illc nmong the prlnco of India, pro-.nro comrovcr- over mo nuauo, .., ceeded with tho plan. Hut It I .Iftl- "J 'ur '"" b'""" i"i '- I . .. i r.. .M 1, pa mni incro is no nupu i "" would not .urprlio London If Prince. Indrn woro to wed an Kuellihrnnn, nn.i iimt wmild eorato n tromendou. l. ..!.. Ih .w n.lUii Inmt. I sruanuuu in im .!... . IIV.U auwviBi 1I - -.--- i .,. . ,. , , to wlnnera la addition to the cah' n.oiitinueo i'hkb TT " i relative. New Registration Opens; Lloyd DeLap First Booked Under New Election Law Passed by Last Legislature, Rertlttration Is Made Permanenl Unless the Voter Uavea the Precinct in Which he is Registered United Pree Service LONDON. Juno H. A ContantI- uople now. agency baa dispatched the a.alnatton ot Hahmud Sevket Paaha, the grand vlier of Turkey, this morning. The aaln wa. not cap tured. 8evket wa. .hot aa he motored to the aubllmo porte, and bl. companion, Ibraham Dor, wa. auo killed. They wore met on one ot the .treets by an other auto, from which, a. It ap proachod, a fusillade ot shot were Doth were rid- I . A meeting of more than pasatag Im lortance to the Horsefly Irrlgatloa district wll be held Saturday after- ("noon at Bonanza, when the director lot tho association wit receive and 'open bid. for the first bond Issue of tho dUtrlct. i i no bona aaveruioa are tor , 1 000. Thl money Is to be need la making permanent .urveya, location, (etc., of the project Work ot making the permanent lo cation, will be commenced aaseea aa possible after the bond are sold. Aa much o'f tb,'work aa possible will ha completed this year, la order ta kaaC? en the advent of water far taea.aaaa ot acres ot rich lead ia tae TteaaRy C Doaaaaa. Tha Bonds far which k4aa wiUke opened Saturday la the atat laaaa at tk Uenaar district. The alraaaara are aatherlaed-. br a vote of the ataek kolders, to bond the dl.triet.fer 7M. ooo. The eaalltr of thla aaiaencr to Issue has been esubllahed hy tha circuit court. Fight ve Deaths Fifteen Injured and Steamer Set fire When the Unionists Attack FruitH Concern's Strikebreakers . MUs Anna O'Keefo, who baa been tnachlne school at Keno, came In jfiom tho community today, and will louvo soon for San Diego, CaUf. Sho ...III r.m.ln III (tin RoUthaTB tltV. II... .V...I..M ... .-- - .... ., For three yoar. Miss O'Keete boa, fired at tne omciais. hnd chnreo ot tho Keno achool, and .died with bulleta. ha has earned tho reputation of be-. i.. .. nf Mm tinal rural dlstrlCl 1116 uuw w. "w ,-. - . i innrimra In Southern Oregon. Her i doparturo I groatly regretted at Keno', especially by the uireciors, who tried vainly to 'induce her to touch another term. United Press Service NEW ORLEANS, June 11. Fif teen men were badly wounded, Ave fa tally, nnd Ave men were killed thla morning In a riot on the levee front, in which hundred, ot men partici pated. Th battle Is an incident of the strike of the employee ot tha United Fruit company. It was aa attack on Uexlstratlon under the now law oii'tiod at tha court house I his after non, when Lloyd De Lap, ago SI, naldent of Waat Klamath Fall, los Ll clerk, aad native f Orcgou, wa. Hi" first to duality aa aa elector, Under the new Uw It wll be'neces ory for every Tatar ta ragliter again buforo any election, but once regls lirod will alwayi be registered In the future. Tha new Jaw replace, the old book system with modern card and nrtlflcata aysttau. . To register now tha voter mu.t give hi or her name, residence, occupa tion, age, birthplace, date, plaoe and court of naturalisation if naturalised, length of residence ia Oregon, party omilatloa, height, weight, color of bolr and eyes. When registering at H'o general registration office no wit nutaa ara naoaasary, hut under the now law tho county elork may appoint official registrar and whin register, lug with theo It will bo noceary to have two freeholders ns wmn. i..,i.ir,.r will bo aunolntod by Coun ty Clerk Do Lap lu all product out- ldo ot the city. The two wltuoiso wilt who oo hv- ossary In all cases In which corn.. cates 6f registration which nro fur- nlshod each voter aro ioi. i - -such loss the former rcgUtrnllon will bo cancelled and u now roKllratlon mado. in case of cunngooi ! -of addro. tho former reilstration will bo cancellod and a now registra tion Is niado. ., -,t i.w make, registration compulsory before tho gonornl eloc tlon in l. rai""" '-7 -.,-' election within tho wanmai p.. including a general election .or n tat. offlcera will result in me cam,....--ot the registration and a new regis tration must bo mado boforo an cloc .,. o,,., vntr. Tho sm oaring In of vot ers at tho poll by socurlng the signa tures of six electors 1 uono nwajr nu by tho now law unlciw the supromo court declaros tho compulsory regis tration Invalid. Another provision winch win aaocv ia tht which uormlts tho regis tration' of porsons who will complotoj tholr rimldonco or gam mu b - wjillo tho books nro closed Deioro mi oloctlon. Tho 11OAV law pornma incso to bo roglstorod whllo tho uooks nro oncu nnd to hnvo tho dato upon which thoy will fulfill tho requirements of cltlsenshln Indorsed upon the backs of tholr cortincatea. 1'i.n mcutratlon book, will now bo kept open throughout the entire year with tho ojccoptlon of thirty days bo foro each goncral or regular election, and llftoen days bofore each .pedal oloctlon. STEEL NAMED IN ARANTS PLACE APPOINTMENT OF REPUULIOAN CAUSES DEMOCRATS OF SOUTH. KllN OREGON TO SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE WILL COMPLETE THE BIG CANAL company to load with coal ita fruit steamer Radae. Three hundred Union mea,.neaiy.. foreigners, attacked the strike Break ers, and during the melee the vestal with Ita cargo ot coal took Ire. Tha entire stern was blown out by tha explosion ot coal gas. The engineer of the vessel aaa w two helpers were killed by the canto- slon. It la feared that there ara ota- the strike breakera employed hy the'er men In the burning hold. It EIQIITV MEN AT WORK ON IN. DIAN PROJECT WORK ON THE DAM WILL NOT HE COMMENCED THIS VEAK Announcement In the Portland pa llors that Will a. Steel ot Portland, rnrmnriv head of the Crater Lake books nro cioaen ueium i -i - . . . .. tW law permits these company, ha on appointed s Intondent ot Crater Lake Natioaai Park by Bocretary of the iBterior i.. tin settled the aeramhla tor iSuperlntendent W. Frank Arant'a po sition in which many aioumern unr gon men participated. There Is much comment on the fact that Steel, Hko tho man "ha aupplaaU, Is a republican. Tho, majority or wa meu seeking tho post were demo crats. Eighty men and sixty teams are at work on the mala canal and laterals ot the Modoe Point reclamation pro ject, according to Bagtneer H. W. Hlnck. of the Indian service, who is In charge of the work. Mr. Hlncks returned to the scene of operations today, after a short business .sojourn here, "The force this year will be kept busy on the ten miles of main canal and laterals." said Mr. Hlneka this morning. "Work ot constructing the concrete dam across sprague wiver will not be commenced unui nasi spring. "an far there are six rauea 01 imvu excavated. The canal la to he con-J Much Bitterness Is Shown In Charleston , , IIM , Senate Committee Commences In vestigation of Conditions in the West Virginia Coal Fields United Press Service CHARLESTON, W. Va., June 11. Stories ot martial law la the coal Holds of thl. atate and acts ot mill mrv trihunals are being unfolded be fore the subcommittee named by the I'nii.d atatea senate committee an labor matters, to make an Investiga tion of coadttlona here. The bearings opened in this city this morning, Military officers ot the state ware the first wltnessea called. Included In the number were several aumia offlcera who have been in command of atate troops in the coai new troubles. Mother Jane, the aged the striker.; and a number el are also here 10 taauiy. , jimwm,.'f aaadSjjasji V1 l- Imp''' ii , ?v .vudarn Advocate Oeaeral Qaorga creVe lire'd. and much steel numlng'wallaca and Adjutant Oanaral Mllott will be used." w11 ne a11" " - Jones will tble afternoon daaatlbafl nrrest and Imprisonment. it-J- That ter' muoa iff?ye, both siaea W erieeai me j wi 1 ti. Thla'bodjr kw'.warnc4JatBa torneys that they mart eltmiaaaa sonalltlea that will tend te aresmi .i ' . Vi , f . It L Hembera ol the sssanUWaa ff tolled that the stHhara WAS "---"--' ' hut hmaa .raaideaa: 'aJraswR 'iiha't tha r iaa aaaeatasaast 1 ... ,,.-. -,-. XY1 federal eoaatttauaa tff- snjaav lkted. and the HM to HsBT ;:.:-i-tia'i- ,- ..;i1 w" ew. v - w s,-i- f ; -1 - i- . --'ft I" .t1