Jf. !t -H, 'y J - The Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath Falls Paper '& HUPTLUW BY TMK vmtki) rnwm mew hkhvioh lie JWfllftll cfald. f " r ('" i Krieiilli Year No. B,WW KLAMATH FALLS, OHKQOJf, TUKHDAY, Jane 10, 1018 pmnt in tain, mimhi , i ' Matt jYIvs OMl 4 J fi CHARLTON FAILS COMMENCE WAR LOCAL BOOSTERS 'GREENWOOD ON 10 REVERSE NEW ! ON MOSQUITOES GO TO YREKA TO I POLICE FORCE Are Fighting for Control of Frisco JERSEY COURTS I'Ulll.HJ UCWlll AM) MAlllVI. HOM'IT.W.HLItVICHWILLKWAI ji:iihi:viti: ah vi:ll as iiii:' TALK RAILROAD! cou.vriiM io mixt to. MOIIIIOW HOllV FOUND IN THU.NK TllllKi: otH:.V lot'll YKAftrtAOO . United I'reis Horvlco ., ... Mori of YI.MM4 Mlllloutlr.i lo Srcur.' WASHINGTON, I), C Juno 10. Klniimtli C..inil l. I. u,MUsi Will Join (Jttlclnlo of tlio I'nelflc Health anil JIu I'in'iTio.v Hi(i.vi:i) hv ovkr two humhikd ki:hiih;.th is prk hi:.s'ti:i) at ("ouxcil hall w I'OU.N'DMASTKIl I'rrrtloiu hf Habeas Corpus I'm-, renting l Itofmitod by Ilia Uiiltr.1 rlim hospital son Ice today buKmi pr llinlunry sklrmUlilm; (or what will I Mali SaptveHo Ctoart History of noon imlop Into oicn warfare oiii ll.n I'M Coaerrne Criminal d-lra ,,, """"ib. "IB. ltlf"roui., Frank O, Greenwood, whoM ap polntmcnt as patrolman the council Willi Klmlliir ('oniiuliiu-H from Hl. ',0'l,M1 lo confirm nt Its meeUng li,., ,, , ,, ,,,.. "vuiv t,v, wn reuipoinica ana COB kl)..u, Irloll) .....I II.i.i.Im.I.11 Coun.nrraed ,rBt oroo, ftf(er a vMVUm im- io iriwn ijir.iimjiiiiii)' or n "iRncu vy over juu business men and of Tm Nalluaa, l'CiklllliiK innmiulto, I With tlio uitlro nntloii aroused against tlio liouaorty, tlio government health officials bcllevn Hint ulrnllnr i lliillrouil I'iihii Tldeunler Klninnlli 1'iills lol 'citlicns, Including quite a number of jnuiiii-u luivia, oven prcsemea io j tlio council. Councilman Matbowg ttaUd that To discuss nlih cotiimlttix.il from tho mayor was responsible for tbe activity should bo directed uKalntt (Humboldt. HUkl)ou and Trinity coun-p1,5,nf of lhocl"'' nA thathewant il... mMnrin mrrvinv ..... a u..ii'.im n i ii... ..... oU "Kenwood on tho force, and that United I're! Rervlcc WAHIIINOTON, 1). C, Juno 10- Tbe I'nltcd HlatM auprenio court lo- ... .... .. . ' uc",lio wan convlncod that the people of . . ... ,lli'f1ncd IlKht nnnllllt tlio moU to inn mttlioln of ccurlnc n rnllrna.l frnm ... i. . .ii . ,V d.y .fflrmed lh -Ircl.lo,, t , New',,,,,,. ,- ,,.,.,,', ,,, ,a."0,U of .MJCUr,"B n rn,lroaa 'rom tho city wanted him, .o ho mored that I j,r.ry coutu In tlio action of IMrtor Kmrnmnt nMclM, beIow, ,,,,, 'Ma'aMU ''- ,0 " "" t fcurc ho petition bo granted and that Mr. ('hultou lo aocuro hla liberty. The u not Kvncral t'niiurl. Ikn' ,l,rt0 i"tnubllo load of local Greenwood bo condrmed aa patrol- " 1 . rtl nil flnAllAB -kM-l tf .-. ! .1 AaJ. a. o.!.,r,.l .PI....H.I. ulll .....I.. ii... bootUra oft thu Cliainbur of Com- -""' """" " 'iu" ujwin, corpui illgmls-al waa u hbi'8 lalce.1 Tli( ilocUloa today camo Jiut throe iiiiwt elllrlont ny In Hhlch lo ellm- liintn thu inonqtilto diirlnic tlio romliiK jr after the body of Charllon'. ,u,mncr lnniu$, and n -mm a poi. U.-..rd victim waa found In a trunk ,,, n rrJl0rl ol )o(r flndlnK will la Ukn Co mo, Italy. Ono of the moat brutal crime In KuroKau annala was thai of Churl lon', to which ho haa confcuoil. Aii lun at an Italian village nati.ed Mai- ttrtlo, waa lb aceae. Hotel etnployca hnrd violent quarreling between Mr. nod Mm. Charlton on the night of June 7. 1910. The next day tho cou (Continue.! mi I'agn l - - '-1 bo iiublUhed and unit all over tho country by tho Rovernmeut. William Tnllmau n a Monday lltnr In the county tivit, He hat a ranch on I.oit Ither. iifleriioon, bound KtiRlncvr William Hargrnnl of tho riclamntlon orvlro hai gone to Cali fornia for medlcat treatment. Hill Residents Want St. Improved Petition it Presented to the Council For Macadamizing Good Road way Up to Their Residences merco tlili Yruka, Calif. Mciiibur of the party aro C. C. Imvt car It. 1.'. Smith, It. II. Dunbar, (Icoriro J. Walton and A. A. (tollman. II. A. Km mitt car IiwU Wyldc, Ilev. (Ico. II. Kccio, County Commla- ilonur John Hagolitcln. Hum T. Summon car Sid Kvum, JudKo Wilt H. Worden, Krod Qarrlih nml It. C. Hhlploy. Tho commlttcci named by tho vari ous commercial organlxatlons of tho four lutireoteil counties will meet to morrow at Yrokn. At thla time It la thoiiRlit Hint Bomo permanent organ- Iratlon wll bo formed to take up the work of securing the railroad. The plan at proiont la to follow tho Klamath Itler na much o possible from hero to tho coatt. In thla way, an excellent grndo will be possl hto, and tlioro will bo opcuod for do- elopmcnt a rich section which has long remained dormant. for K'vlnB "" n roason that three police men were enougn. Tlio motion, bow cer, carried with docller, SaTldge and Hamilton voting against It. W. Hall, former patrolman, waa ap pointed an poundmastcr, and the' mayor was authorised to employ Mr. I Itaybourn as city teamster at a aal ary of 185 a month. C. E. Meldrum was appointed electrical Inspector. hTo salarlea of tho city attorney and city onglneer wero placet! at 11,000 a year. ' Mm. Anna McUougalt, who has been lsltlng her dauRhtcr, Mrs. Her man Force, returned homo Monday. NEW COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED The realdenta and property owner beet nml most easily Improved np on tho hill want certain street Im-'proach to tho hill. Tho petition asks proved so that It will be moro con-'Hint Third street bo lmprocd vinlcnl for teams and automobiles to.mncadnm or otherwise thirty feet time MAYOK MCIIOLAH NAMES UNDER. WOOD C1IAIHMAN OF STREET COM-MITTKH ROGERS HEADS n.VAXCi: tX).MJHTTKE Mayor T. F. Nlcholaa distributed Slio was accompanied by her dnuRh-jfnora In tho way of committee ap- tir, who will lslt for n few weoks. '(nBaanmMaaaiiaiinsHMMBMBMaKMaBiasaasaaaammesij aaBHPaBBaliBWaaBBH BkaH LaHHBaaiHlSnL rf f aHmimHaV K&'Kmm AJ&'H BBBBBBBBBmlmlKLj t B ia -m I sssssssssssaaaay aWaaHIBVrBHZmiH ' amaV bH"' m ""- . . . rmM aLaV YfMflvWnaBBBB Vk. . maV aHalWmiW PAPERS MOST GIVE STATEMENTS PACTS HHOARDINO OWNERflBTIP, CIRCULATION, ETC., MUST BE PRINTED, ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT United Praaa Service. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jmm l5. The UalUd BUtea eupraaa court to day declared valid the law leqiUrlac newapapan and other period I cala to pebllah aUtementa aa to the!r owner ship, circulation, etc. The law ako requlrea papera to Ubel "reading" advertlsementa for the beaeflt of the public. Alex Martin Br. haa returaed froaa a bualneaa trip to California potata. Mr. Martin la nrealdent of tha rlnt National bask. PETITION ASKS CHANGE IN BIRD: - RESERVE LINES IS ADDJUMUSB TO PMM WOOBMOW WILSON Hesieiaaiafcst 4W bTaam W. fjajaavaA Lewi. Betai pmm.1 ReMlkj mTs Lee Teak oa Bird Ptwtaetaw, 'aai. "--' f illltii ilsfcanTti - " "t-iiti TtiMlnilii Bi - j A glasa bottle blowing maehlne la- vented In Qermany haa a.apeed of 1000 bottlea an hour, equal to the work of 360 expert glue blowera. polut8 at tho meeting of the city coun tell Monday evening. Aa thero were 1.ia rll.tin1il la l.nplr frntii Rnn lonlv ultin rnmniltlnoa and tmn pnnn. vv ...v.rt........ . -" ... . . - ...-. nv ..M wH , .... . . rmnilsro, where ho wont a short'cllmen, thoro wero not enough chair-, um Jer nenoe, oui way oroae. wnl. innmhlm In rn .rnnnit. nm.nHlm.n I "u "uu iuyUl am iron ou B. r. Toakam Jamea Speyer NEW YORK. June 10. Two known to the railroad world for yeara will figure promlnanUy la Ue Inveatlgatlon by the lateretato com mere commUalon of tho reeelveraklp of tbe '"FrUco" ayitem Jaa. Sperer, tbe New York banker, and B. F. Yoa kum, president of the company. The real story of the break between tbeae men haa not yet come out. Juat now lawyers for both aldee are pre paring for action In court. The Spejr era, It Is understood, have determined to force Yoakum out of control. They represent heavy foreign Inveatora. Till within a ahort time Speyer and Yoa- A Kanaaa girl observe that March la the shortest month In the year be cause the wind blows three daya oat of every week. C. W. Sherman Br. la hero from Dairy for a ahort vlalL Mr. Sher man la well known In Klamath ceaaty aa a newspaper man. A little hit ditereat "amokerleea aaoker" waa Ue "Lowta- tete Lewla naaaaet" street lata aJsJat by local aeortamea la neater of A at Alva Lewla of the Motraoaleal ear vY, departmeat of agrlealUre, bat after receiving teteohoale word treat Mr. Lewla that ho would he aaaMo to reach tho city la time to parUeleate, the mea preeent nettled dewa to a good talkfoet oa teeal tloaa. Meet of the talk i poeed eaaace of koaadary oC aao Low er Lake bird nroeorro. la order to al low toeal aportaaaoa the baaeat of aao lower river ehooUag. Toward ead U followlaf petMloa to deat WUaea waa drawa a , ami Baa tueatlaaed oa jrata jf "' Herald is Designated Of ticial Paper of City Northweatern'g CircniatioQ Takes 4 Awful Slump Between Sworn Statement and Actual Lift ii ko to rcceho mciurai ireai- mausuipa io go arouna. uouncuman Ills health Is much Improved. Hamilton, who failed to receive a . khalrmatishlp, was placed on two of Mrs. C, I.. Aukeuy and daughter tho most actlc committees which will nidi their honiee, and from Iho nt-jwlde, to California nxenue; also from mct, hu tluiflu of Iho clly couucll Monday Third nloiig Jefferson to Fifth, north-' . n'glil the much desired lmproement erly nlnng Fifth to Lincoln, mid nleni: will lx) made Just aa soon oa tho city I Lincoln to Sixth. nre here from Kugeno to visit her give htm plenty to do eulnoer can get time to mnko n sur- As II Is tlio Intention of tlio city to mm, Frank K. Aukcny nt tlio Ankcnyi Tho cholco of tho nppolntmenU Is vy and estimate of the probable cost. mproo Tenth street and Sixth street, ranch. Iconsldcrod tho chairmanship of the A petition waa presented by II. II. Urn city engineer was Instructed to Utreet committee, which la the most limt.ar lo tho council, which was'einiiloy such assistance ns necessary. An association of LiirIIsIi poultry-(Important committee In the city gov- .!.,,,.. i.. ........ii- .ii n, ii,. ,..,.. m, ... t Ki Uie"sureia and esllmutcrt men who bond about 200.000 eggs to.crnmcnt. This plum fell to Councll- env lm. .ir,-j i. t,.. iIM, i. m. nil of tho contemplated Improve- Loudon each wcok aro candling thcminnn Underwood of the Third ward cldod that Third atreet would bo llio(nients ready naoon us possible. with X-ruys. Minnesota Rate Decision Cause of Much Rejoicing Jim H1U Refuses tp Make any Comment on Supreme Court's Ruling. Commerce Commission Look for the Upholding of Other State Laws United Preaa Barrioa WASHINGTON, June 10. Mem ttfir- n .. . .-A- - ...... v. mo laieravaxo coawvreo tnlasion andattachee of tho depart- Hilt lit lt luatljt. mtmt. At,. .A fArtt nt lliu 1T-.I1.J HAA - . .! uuuea viaiM luprems court uu cllou yeiterdty In qs MlonwoU rait- tmtm vnmm m una o ui w coping of UU yeara. Confidence It eipretaed by govern xxint offlelala that the aupreme court will uphold the validity of the othor 'to lawa regulating railways, which lmvo been Ukaa before that tribunal bx the railroad. United Preaa Service ' LONDON, June 10. Speculator In tlio local Block market are by no moans pleaaed with the ruling of the united Statoa aupreme court yeiter d"y In the Ulaaeeota rata cam. This waa ovldencod by considerable Helling of American railway stocka todny American stocks iieciiuou from ono to throe points. Tomorrow Is settlement day. It ' feared Unit thoro will bo n gonornl .inoiinn of Butllclont sovorlty to cnuso a number of failures among brokor- ugo linns. United l'ress Bervlpo ST. PAUL, Minn., Juno to. -xou ...I. .i,i n woll talk to n lamppost. I'll novor talk on tbnt subject," suld Jas. J. Hill, rnllwny mngunto, today, when a ronortcr nskod him to comment on tho rato case decision. Aa a result of tho decision, tho rail roads must rotund approximately .i nnn.ooo in Minnosota pooplo. This Ib tho charges over tho rate flxod by tho tat for. railway tolls. I "This Is tlio greaiesi iriuiupu ior tho nrinclnlo of Eovcrniuent control of corporations since tho light commenc ed," said Governor KUorhardt today, l.'liorluirdt led the state's, light against the railroads. "Tlio doclslon,'"ho contluuod, "Is a nrocroBslvo Interpretation of the pro gressiva spirit of tho constitution." United l'ress Service WASHINGTON, D. O., Juno 10. "Tho decision of the aupreme court lu tho Minnesota rate case Is an abso Into definition of the rights of tho state to reeutato Intrastate rates." Unto public utilities commissions," uld Attorney General James McRey nolds today. 1 "it sets nt rest onco and tor all tho question of tho right of tho state to rcgulftto Intrastate rates." Tho selection Is considered a very wlso ono, as Mr. Uudorwood, during his three years on the council, haa taken a ory active part In all of tho public work of the city. Another Important chairmanship la i that ot tho finance committee, which waa given to Councilman Rogera of tho First ward. Tho dlstrlbuUoa of appointments aro as follews: Rogers Chairman of finance com mittee; member of fire, police and water front. Goetler Chairman ot water front; monitor of water and light. Mathews Chairman of water; membor ot flro aud pound. Townsend Chairman of police; membor of street aud judiciary. Underwood Chairman of streets; member ot pound. Hamilton Member ot water and lights. Doty Chairman ot Are; member 'of streets. Huson Chairman of Judiciary; member of finance. Owens Chairman of pound; mem bor ot police and judiciary. Savldge Chairman of lights; membor of nnanco and water frost AmctiK tho curlostttea of the Now Palaco, Potsdam, Qermany, hi the gea- ealogical tree, showing the name of King David ongrossed at the root ot It, with that ot tho kalaer at tfco ton. tho descent bolng traced through his mother's family. v Mrs. V. J. Logan of Fort Klamath Is here to visit to Klamath Falls frleada. Imls banking Interests. It has been stated that this fight Is oii. ot those which could not have taken place had J. P. Morgan lived. Many times he prevented such out breaks In the business world. Though the 8peyers are Important enough to be Independent, Morgan'a Influence might have brought about peace. PRESSED STONE CONTRACT MADE SAN FRANCISCO FIRM WILL MAN. UFACTURB ARTIFICIAL STONK TO BE USED ON THB NKW COURT HOUSE Juat before deparUng tor Yreka thla afternoon the county court ot tered into a contract with L. M. See field ot San Francisco for Ue manu facture ot artificial atone for use oa the new Klamath county court house. The contract price for Ue atoae work la 114.160. It la Ue tateattoa ot Bcofleld to ahtp hla equlpmeat hero aad com mence maaufaeturlag Ue pressed stone at once.' Thla te to be uaed for facing oa Uo exterior of Ue court house. Fred Bertholf, a well known youag resident ot Bonansa, la a Tuesday vis itor la KlamaU Fall. J, 8. Short of Fort Klamath waa among Ue arrivals oa Monday'a trala from Chlloqula. A kite which, eaa be assembled, ready for flight la 10 mlautea, Ue InveaUoa ot a German, haa lifted three men together to a height of 40 foot By a vote of eight to oao Uo city council Monday night awarded Uo contract for prlnUng Ue legal publi cations ot the city for oae year to Tho Herald Publishing company, pub lishers of Uo Evening Herald, that paper to bo designated aa Ua oaUlal paper of Klamath Falls. Tbe sworn lists wlU Ue names aad addressee ot Ue subscribers wero aub- mltted by Ue Evening Herald aad Ue KlamaU Falls Northwestern. The list of the latter paper showed a total ot 354 subscribers In Ue city of Klamath Falls, and an enUre circu lation of 8 J 5, including all of Ue subscribers to the Dally aad Weekly Northweatera. Tbe Herald'a list contaiaed Ue namesand addresses of 401 aubserlb- era la KlamaU Fatla. aad a total ad 70C altoteUer. The bid of The Her ald agreed to pubUsk all of Ue legal aoUcee of Uo eky te Uo Bvealac Her ald aad aUo la Ua weekly llcan, wKeout ssr addlUoaal la Ue latter puaUeatloa. Aa Uo lat ter paper haa a boaa Ida elrealatloa of 1740, thla permitted Ue eHr to reach a total of .1441 subeeribova, hick Is Urea Umee aa great aa all other papers to KlamaU Fella.- Juat a week prevloua to Meaaar'a meeUag the Northwestern submitted a sworn statement that that nator had 1500 boaa Ode subscribers. Aa- parently during oae ahort week that paper loat nearly 700 subscribers, aa It waa only possible to skew MI names. Old Historic Furniture Goes at Big Auction i -V i .. Curio Hunters from Everywhere v la" ,r ' - tJHfl Rush to Gotham to Bid on Astor House Furnishings ' United Prees Serviee . NEW YORK, June 10 Carlo huat- era and their represeataUveo from all over the country gaUsred aero today to bid for the famoua old Aetor House belongings. Besides Ua proteasloaal curio buyers aad sellers, Uere waa a goodly number of private eolleelora oa hand to bid for the eKeeta aad fur nishings ot what la perhaps Ue mast famoua old aotielry la the Ualted States. ' Amoag oome of Uo relies placid under Ua hammer today wero oaaire which, furnished Ua suite of rooms la whtaa. Ua lata Klag Bdward? Uea Ua Prlace of Waloa, oeeupled. The far alsalngs ot Uo suite oeeaaled by Uo Qrand Duko Aleala of .Raeala,' and many arUclea off furniture te Ua sultea ooeuptod at varlout Uaiea ay s Heary Clay, lachary Taer; Ua'mv,.' ... T...I. i a.-i.. i-.ZL -T wuata nwn uwa, inwm y Walt Whitman. WtefeU Seaat. Mppf-: . 4S OMaaamK aaadaamV mmamV Alltn Psa Andrew JMkso awrnVWawBalf WCP trMrvSS nammertoaay. .v, v-, t. Still other surloato ao aejMkHaaJi today wart Uo funkUleaV el w lag room la walek every i in7j A tho Ualted Statoa alaea aao (BW wiutaosaiegaliaol havaUlMBaaaala....'.- It had bee aeoed ar era that Ue osa tiSmtlM ... II".. . 1 T -. werowrttteataasBBMMtai ij 3" BFtBjBua tbrwaVa) ipV ltJ OdBtJ kf Uator'aatato at (ft ft wBmBBj, eawaFWPa'ia BBBw i"Pwap I loaf Iteet f I y & . v a. BmrSfwl