13 1 tv, 3tf HIIITMKD MV THK jtlll) l'HIH NKWU 1KIIVI0K ranks Ptamina tftdft. ' HVBftlMI HMWsWj PRINT ThTJI KIWI, MM ftVflBS ' J" fr . ---J T " ll ' I Mfi.(li V.r N. . KMMA'III FAM.H, OHKflO.V, .MONDAY, JUNK 0, 101S V State Right to Regulate Railroads is Upheld By the U. S. Supreme Court in Minnesota Rate Case DECISION ENDS LITIGATION BY SEVERAL STATES i a-1 n-n-njL '""" i"" BALKAN ALLIES CANNOT MAKE A SETTLEMENT M.IUIA UllVT JOIN IV Till: t'OV. ii:hi:nci: BANKS ARE ASKED F OR A STATEMENT Sen. Cummins, who Forced Probe i omim itoi.i.i.ii or i riiucvrv is- hi IIH I'AI.I. I OH HIII'OHT or ! roNDMio.Nh .ir ri.Hi: or hi:- ri:.TOAV II'iiKmI Iim Kcrvlcu. , ,' WAHIIINOTON. II. V. June 0 ittiliiiiuil Trillin I" Arrmign I'lnnl .... , l,Ulh of IVnic Coiifrniiri' An- lh trw,.ry dwrtmilil l.r Ih-im 1i MihIi Ol.apHntnl l.'nioy I'mm f"' lmHt of 'be n.l tl n , . .,f nil ii.tlmi.t hank, al the cloio of l.i.H. (iiimlil.- Uf f"r llii-lr bwitiM Jl(lt) ,Ui i,tr Mniiy I'iiIiiIn Alt Irf'lt Mill 1'nMlllnl lLAWLER DIES I nrninnr mm btl'finnlt IKIflL six I'HAM'isro i'oi.h i: ,rn'si:i oi' iiuAiTi.Mi .Mi.sr in: iitn:i TiMiiriiii!ii iii:i.ii:vi: laioia' wii.i. roxn:v Mr 1&E&V' ga ITALY LOOKS TO PACIFIC FOR A GOOD TRAFFIC n-ooi) or IMMKJItVriO.V CANAIj VIA President Yuan Shi Kai After Hearing Wilson's. Proclamation In.lol I rc Htrvlro IAMiOV, Juno 3. -It m mil cflflsll cniiuntireil Hint tlit prospw'ta cr 1 1 llcmtnl of the llalkau ltua lien -i fur from .atlsfMCtory when IU ta c conferenro adjourned after i fruit!' three liour session. Hcrr. refuted In partlclpato In tin; confucr. if 'iiMlinilCH IWli.n.ii. ij.m.. WABIM.STiTON, II. C, Juno Nrsrlr nil of the do (.'gale lintel ., . .. ., . "' I III.IjIII.I 1- IJki HllinrA. II I IIIlTIllllll III II1M11 IU1II II lp hum, TU.re I. no iinxfrrl of i,, (), ,,cmocrac toa.IVrHhIi. 0,ullo- nffcct bolh North an1 VSiSSi .."..orlant mnttcJ to ANO. -H- j. -S;!'.:: Sl "!,r Ili P - " " " .MUr.l m nt Inr Ju.180 Uta oJHtn V. !li..-.iiilo of It Hut Senator John h tlio canil o.cnH . ;m.ti.i. mr noiKirnio .r.. ."";' ,..,,,, - An a rt.ujt of tho uhdiux oi u.o crcai II. Infill Wl llilll.1M " .)...w.w. ... I- .., Illllll IIIIIIHftlMMVH w liiMitiitlon liilriidiKiil In I'nj Ilium lit AliliiK Tliut tl'. CViiMilnrt l mi tint I'm ll'c CiiimIh r llolli North nml honlli Aim-rlru lie IiicicivhciI. 0kiiIiii; of Omul In Hrllrvttl .Will Ho mi ImikIii to Kliliilim I nllrd 1'ross Service. HOMK, Jun ""'" Hnl" ,-ircln to bi'Como u fnctor In wurlil'p BlilmilnB wlicu tlio I'anarau oiii I In (ijivnod a Indicated In I'nr llnmcnt today, when Deputy illllnnn lu-Kiiti'd n reHolutlon anklng the In cieino of tlio Italian comular nervlco on tlio I'nclllc const. Tlio Increase, according to tho rci- JW Honor, H l.u J'-i'W" ',0 '"'"" ".w"0 ,"UUm,'lM.r.noKo I., time to tho fad that r. Iifl4irie lilKli rliool n. Hoi M-B for i..Mlracy. MtlKntlon. naturally Brovr. I'tcd. r.tlf , . WM to M-C...I llic M.m,or l u """ u'"k4p "R "' ,' . ,, from Ul0 president', public .t.te with l,.i pnrriiU, Mr. and Mr.. John 'H ' f " ' ""J1 ,0 J ,,.,, ouBht to c.mo from tho men of ' L1 1" 1" .. ' f.i 1 . .. i iliU imrty. Accordingly. Senator Cum- ' ' '"" "" . ., .i ,rt -.im iinforolio'mlim' rcnolutlon a chaiiKcd consld Chil Holt w. hero Hunday from rll..ni of ho Kraft Mcm hoforo Ho R I . - ' : ..HH .ikHPkiiiiiiiiiim. ikiHKikikm vrAKr umiiiiiwLikX -wBiiiiiiiiiiiiVriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVjiiiiiiiiiiiiim. c MMiiiiiiiiiiiBvMHVAiiiiiiiiiWkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIi' I ft KiiiiiiBi ! H L.Hl I T'jy BH H HI iK I Lt Um LBflHIiWiiiiH iiHLiiiiiiiiiiiiiv , .. alKISHKiliaiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH 'LKSSiliMiLiHlKLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH bMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHHHkikiBHHHBHHk l JJmimsJ 7ii TimMm . VmJmnmi WWICAM . tht drrrufUld l'nrmn. it Keiilcnced tomorrow. 'ornhly, nnd In that form It passed. ,Most of tho republican, voted for tho K'limnilui resolution, while tho demo crat, lotod for Sonator KcrnV. COURTHOUSE JOB Rivers and Ritchie At rst Are AstrecdlSPRMBFIELD, 10. Articles Will be Signed Late This Afternoon. The Champion Will Make Weight at Riiigside SWEPT BY BLAZE loss wii.i. nrx rwisiiTo a mii United l'ros. fiorvlc. " MiM umx2"' JAN PIIASCWCO, Juno 9 Wllllo on vlctori KHelilo nnd Joo lllver. will meet toro rhami-lnn In tho oli.ut i..i in. in n HIUlilo ha. finally iiBrwul wii fliu ItllVKlUUli Mill '" " ill Umly round bnttlo for tho IlKht- 131 rlnB-Mu. lRlit chami.lon.hlp of tho orld. Mnl.ir ""'' ' , , ,B OOO to $1,000,000. This ha. heel. ..tiled by tho t o lltllo hero rm I. Aiigelw, . nl U u wmi )g g - . iiinriiiiii; i-4i i tj .....-.- rraiuiiira ,tn......-ri . ... ..!.. .Il..4.l la jtnAmfft! . i. i.i.i inn imiirii iiisiiiLL id aui ."... . .....: .. ,.r., i.r.i from tho former, riiim..,""" " .-vnicies oi ncrcomcni win uuih'"- - ,,,,,.,! I l o'clock tlil. nftornoon. rdy I., -ten t ho ng ee me. ( 11 ha. not bean .locWe.1 yd lo " """ " "' "" ,0WOrr lll referea tho mix. Tho """ """ '" their tritlnlnit nuartow. i:n yn. X(MIX l'HOM SAX FKAXCI8CO Hen 0. McDouKall, the architect who planned tho now Klamath county rourt houso and tlm White Pelican I io croHHIX(l TO HIXOHTS. hotol, will nrrlvo till, nfternoon from ' '" .. ...v ........ it tiiru Son Francisco to confor with tho! iii(!iiwixnrA.Ns'iin.iiiAMus, ioiniy omculi rcgarUlng y,0Tk ol, n mtrriox or CITV l)OOMKIlii.o court house. Tho work of con-. 1 ' .miction I. to bo resumed In a few oior tho I'nllcd 1'rcs. Scnlco day.. ....... i ' KPHtNliriin.I). Mo.. Juno 0. Flro AcrompauilnB Mr. McDougall to to wolRh today I. .weopliiB tho entlro north- Klamath Falls Is a San Francisco .cnHtorii noctlon of tho city. manufacturer of prcssod etojjllo 1. Tho Ion. In oatlmnted from uu.- also .hlppliiK his oiiuipmoni. ana win roniinciico at onco tho maiung or T""'"" I M iii.M.1.. a IiIkIi wml Is upreiiuinB uio uii. pressed stono ibciub "r i " llllll ln.'u " .--..-- ...... . - . I .... Jfiiujtaratnk Sbmbf-PrwJ This I. ono of tho first photographs. itnken of President Yuan Shl Kal after'. 'ho bocamo chlof of tho Chinese lie-, I public. After V. T. William., Amer- m atidt nnniil'can char8 ,a,Talri' rcad Pr,1'nt. I VTAOT Vllllll Wll.on'. proclamation recognizing the, L u I All I oUUH c,nei i"M,c' Mny " Prciw1e,jti L. Ullllll www,1Yuan nml iorao of tho offlclaU. stopped outsldo tho Imperial palace to AIICIIITIHT .McpOUOALL AND pose. Mr William. Is shown on bis loft. J l'HI.Si:iSTO.i:MANUFACTUK-l othor omcMa nro lll0 minister) 1.1, AltHIVi: THIS AFTKU- of forclgu uffalrs, tho minister of war I'M OltKAT VICTOItV OVtM TUB IIAILIIOADH (In Aildliliiu t MlnnrMtttt timk. Ore Kim. Mlwourl, lUwturkjr and Ar kmiui Had HulU I'rndtax la MIsjIh rut Court n to Tlielr lllht to He. rlilc Upon 1'aawHiter Kate. WRhtai Tlirir llonler. H United I'res. Serrlce W'ASHI.NOTOX, D. C, lmm 9 rit.unrlily uphold! tlie rlM maA juiittiorlly of eTcrjr atato te regtiUtc 'railroad rates trlthhi tta bordera. the ;Valtl Htatca a reroe ceft decUred rotwtHaUaal tha Mb law redact the freight ad vr ratnt h that atato. Thh. dectobHt .oaawl. the delaal t the deathblow ahwed by Mm fattr HiHl.rnllroMla at (he riaht af aUtaa m ropilate rale.. It aaTecta'ahl ImmeilUtrly, aad ererjr atate nmlrlr. ' Th iii.pii.inn In thtt' MiaacaoU i also settle sulU before the supreme court affectlBg regulatloaa la Or oa. I tcouitaueu oa raa e Special Election in November is in Doubt and Admiral Tsal Tim Kan. MISS GODDARD IS SERIOUSLY ILL Latter Soon to go to Supreme Con If Sustained, U. of 0. Appropria tion! and Other mill Delayed SALUM. June 9. when tho Day bill, providing for a pecial referendum election In Novem ber, was passed by the legislature, thoro was no such exigency or emer gency exlstlug for Its enactment oa Is ... ...,.' contemplated by tho constitution or. iwlPIIIiAlt YOUNM lUUDh-TO-Ilh IS.,. ... i,,,en rinllnwav Saturday STIUCKKN DV Ii:AD 10180X1X0 ' pronounced It unconstitutional, and .n.nit...ii ilia wtlt nt tiinnflAmu. sued ..wl'ii i.viiidKIVn xiIE.",i,u"q,v' "v "--- - ll'ir.t w.... .- 'building. Il.'l). Morlenson has gono to San Francisco on n business tlrp. Government at Last Gains Victory Over Express Co i United States Supreme Court Today Rules Jhal hM lams Express Company Can be urimmwij for Violation of the Interstate Commerce Laws QUALIFIES IJultod l'ress Service M WAaniNOTON. i). 0.. J""0 0'" Tho AdainB KxpreM company can bo cilmlimlly prosecuted for violation of II o Intor.tnto commorco laws, dosplto tl o fact Unit tho directors do not nil r Bldo.ln the amo stuto. Thin doolslon was handed down to ilny by tho United States .upromo Cdurt, It brings a victory to the depart- U.S. IN SEMI-FINALS HKFi:AT OF AUSTRALIAN TKAM WV McIiOUOHIJN'S VICTOUY MATCIIKS AMiatlOAN TENNIS TKAM WITH OKIIMANS United Press Scrvlco simv vouk. Juno 9. Maurlca Mc- rnuKhlln, tho national tennis oham ....... n..nv u'nn nil three seta nnd tho l.lllll. vuuw - , mutch In tho tlnal game with the Australian contender, for the Davis . ....... torsluto.aumused on tho ground that Joint lonnU cu, w ch u tno symoo. menl oi jusuio ..." - --XMr . ,ock companies are immuno -"-"- .' , Au.trallan . ..... ludlilll Willi IUI JV"'" " ' .t .. Unnl1 IHIH UllUllllHtVU w -.- loiiiinuri-u w .---. Piimlnnl jirosocuiion, unriue "-. ollmlnatcs the z , WU.M r .1... .!' .... ':r" , i ; z : ... s. rz ssisJSsstSA'z u Aittaiiin tT ranw itun. ew -- tho goicrnmcnt was practically un- trophy. service oi suupuouii. '.. i.....a omnany n connm :;zz''r, upon orneors su over ... . -- . i.rn.iaiit suit In tho fodoral district court ut Clnclnnutl. A-grand Jury Indiaou mu . for alleged ovoicuargos on package. sent iuto OhloJ Tho Indictment was ..1.1 .. n LnrMU A UUIU IU PWmw --. .i FMislon of many fodorat iiaouiuua , tho Joint stock organisation was charged by tho department of Justlco lagalust tho company. ni,... Ri.nnaon. aunerlntendent. oi Lchools at aroonacres.AVuh., left this morning for Snu Francisco, awer Visit with his coualn, Louis Bath. . DAY MXOTYFK Rtrickon with lead poisoning tho idoy uftci .ho resigned hor position as llnotypo operator In ono ot tne iocoi printing establishments, Miss Maude nn.irinni. who was to become ttw brldo ot Albrocht Oehlor this week, Is at tlio Illackburn hospital. Her con dition, while not critical, U serious. Miss Qoddard has worked as a nn- otyplst hero for tho past year, but heretofore symptoms ot lead poison ing were not evident, rno aay aiwr i. milt her position to prepare for tho nuptials, she was stricken, and Dr. Hamilton dlagnoxea tne case aa load poisoning. She may be operated upon today. G. A. R. Bncawpmeat United Press Service NEENAH, AVIs., Juno 9. Tho an i.uni ntntn nncamument ot the Wis consin department ot the Grand Army ot the Republic openod nero iuu7 with several thousands of age-ooni veterans In the parade. A. P. Jack son, commander ot the J. r. jacnaou Post. Q, A. R., acted as aiae ue n of.. Commander In Chief Alfred u. Oeers ot tho national aepanmeuw The reunion will last three days. unrrv nndan. who la connected with .k. inni tirnnch of the reclamation service U hero from Portland, where he has been detailed wjm tne Oregon Investigation work. out by W. T. Slatten to compel Secre tary ot State Olcott to tile the peti tions asking that the dentistry bill De referred to a vote of the people- Should this decision be sustamea by tho supreme court, then bo vote will bo taken on any of the measures Declaring thattTeforred until the regular electte ta Novomber, 1914. Petition, nave aeest Died with the secretary of state ask ing for reference ot university appro priations, the compensation set, tho county attorney bill and the sterilisa tion bill. All of them contain tho pro vision that should no special eleeUoa be held this fall they shall be Totod e at the next regular election, and -rotary of State Olcott stated that If tho higher court upholds Judge oo- way'n decision, be will so havo taeai filed. Secretary Olcott reiusea to ate aw m b- T"""- (Continued om, rago i Big Investigation Is To Start Tomorrow Believed That Federal Legislation Will Come as a Remit of Probe Into West Virginia Matter : .- m x Vjti m r.'-l v m 1 . &: WASIUNQTON. D. C, June 9.--, iiitoatisatton ot conditions fa coal fields of West Virginia will be startad tomorrow. The committee named by the senate to look Into the matter leaves tonight for Charleston, According to Senator Borah or iaa ho It Is more than possible that fed eral legislation, covering workla- men's rights and the duties qi em ployer., will be passed by congress. "Wo Intend to gel possession " il, l.nl. In rnnnaction With the tTOll- .. . .. , .. ... ..nau.. ivi...a. bles in west Virginia, ' ?r? 1 , Tjrr.-. William St Kenyon ot lows. iTa dolrecarejlp hi. v ara aolBK right M inm nt conditions, and vW 'i hau.tlvo. iniorxaaiioR r, y- ployera and osiplojredj" ,. y i 1, r It w.oaiy wiHuawwr w can bono to ftnd out waois f m. w' lataad to as.crtata the satlafaetlom ot eversosT. 'truriBeraser, - see what eeaaw'et do la order, to prosaot h from a reeoMUoh Of Sitoh will ewehw'.wo eM W "VP 'tiffij ,1' -! - ?r' i'HIvC C W ?M-t ft