HUI'I'MKD BY TMK tNTi:i ,,aw NKWM KHVICM Ik ffHtttM ' f) 3 ''i efaUk. SF 1. MVsmrainEWMK PRINT TBI KIWI, JrO 'll's XA tlcKiilli Vail ! aWW KLAMATH FALLS, OHKQON, HATUItlUY, JUNK 7, 191 'il Uncle Sam Will Be Asked to Lower The Water In Lower Klamath Lake to Reclaim Marsh Land 'a)aaNaaa WATER USERS WANT CHARGE GETS A LICENSE MINE ON FIRE; UNDER OLD LAWS' THIRTEEN LOST OPERATION Kt.VntAli IIIWJLUTIONH AIMHT i;i) I'lllUAY ntKM'I.Yr HWAI.V IS IHSUKI) A l.. 1 WOtUM'SlIM lti:C0Vi:iti:i ct.sHt: ioiiav, AiTi:it hi:v i:k.i, vi:i:kh of iikavy coh-iti:Ni'oNiii:.N(.'i: Tl.o flrat marriage llconio to Ijo Is- hi I'd In Klamath county ilnco tho Old IIoimI a.f IHrrctore I IlkVatcal by ,9,3 ,,KUtvn jnw ,.t ,,tu (rct rrtri- Wliu lUrai IjiihU t7tilrr,nB nmdo out today In (llcnii A. How- lint lilanmtli Pitijvrl Hot a-ml ard and lla Frieda llrollicrton. Ilotli , a.lulb.h, la. IW. Formaiita-al U, t,B nro residents of Crcsca-nt. HEM- vvv. 'impessiiili: twkxtv nvi: victims or tiii: iilack KAMI Pulled Press Horvlco. I'OTTSVIM.i:, I'n., Juno 7. With thirteen iiiliiem entombed, tuo coal iiiIikh of ttiu Hcott Colliery company near .Mount Cnrmcl, cnugi.t nro at noon. Twenty-five minor, unconclou YOUNG GIRL IS ailullolia, lai ihi lurnaiuni ,".',- - --- i .-...., . ... Under tlio new law It Is naKtssary fair 'from black damp, wore rescued and of (Ik, li.t.ilor. a-r ,..,.,....,.,,.... two comae. have been recovered. ,W..-ml. ri.Miu.al0 t,f health llh his oppll- Tl.o rescue of tl.o otber thlrtoon .cation for n llcctii. Till. a dls-jmeii la Impossible. Th rt,io.liitf of that aatno director, t-oiiaod with In Howard' enso, though. ' " Mutual report of tl.o proceeding ln, " '"l a.pllrnll.m for n llccn.o i7tc:l.ui.Uon service Inw-sllgatlon "J;",;1' ,,,,. ,(l,ri,0,mily. it Wellington, adoption of n-aolu- UWBr(, , ,, nilldalt and tl.o fco, llvtia to ba forwarded to tl.o aocretary .,r - r-tic. Tlio affidavit wa noli if Ibn Interior, and talk by oincluM.rurr,,cl, , t v.n returned. Tl.o cor ed thn raclamntloit nrvico woro foa- rpC(,M nflldalt wn not rlcbt, cither, turta of Friday' annual meeting of nn, t nj, WpUi hack to Cra-scent. A theatckholdcr of tlio Klamath Wo-lt10 ,,r, Bmdavlt n mndo Juno 2, ter t ir Aaioclntlon. (ho llccnao wa laucl under thnt The following, director wero cho. ,.,, an J It Dixon. John Irwin, Abel Aly. Clinrlr A, Hunting and 0. Ouy .. lliirna and J. W. Utter, two Jltrrlll. TliU I tlio amo board that wcn Known business men of Fort tulMHta In oinru for tlio imat year. KlmniUli, aro horo tor a horl o- Itt-lutlont aro udopla-d cl.nrKing kurii. In addition to noing iniorcn MILLIONAIRE VINDICATED 11 lUIIUli 'w I - JV lit ............ - - that In 1904, tlm reclamation nervlca' ,tj otlaaor cntorprliaw, they conduct """'''""'' """ '"Ku ' 'n "",'"'" I1 "'" rft' Maximum Profit Law Suggested as Cure L EADING I sKVKNTKK.V.VKAIWH.n MM W "JOAN OF AllO OF TIIK HTHIK i:HS" SHK 1'AllTiai'ATK IN' TIIF. FAHAltK BY THE JURY woods ih AOQurrrcn on kvkhv ' CMAHGH AttrauK Acaulttcl oil Four Count".. anil Collin Guilty am Two, anal I Found Not Oullty am Three At torney for the Dcfonin; Wants a Ctiarxo of Atteinptal Jury Bribery Iitveaatigatcal la Fall. United Pros Service nosTON. Juno 7.-William W. Wood wa acquitted on nit count, in tlio cao of FroJorlck Attcai.x. tho 'j try dliagretM on four count , and bo ) ..(..! M !. ftfth Willi TiASI WIIH atquilivu v., mw ...n., ".... ul Collin wa Mind gallty on tuo .trot two counU and not gulltr on tho other three. Wood wa Immediately dlcharged from custody. Collins and Atteailx remained In their scats while Attorney Hurlburt for tho defense reviewed briefly the chargo of on attempt to bribe Juror ffliiimnn. Ho said 'The charge that an officer of this United l'res Service NKW YOUK. Juno 7. Hannah 811- ermnn, aged 17, and known as the "Jean of Arc of tho Striker," marcn ...i i.. thin rliv today nt tho head of 'thousand of worker from I'ntcrson, Now Jeniey. to participate In tonight procession. ' Thl will Include delegation from 1 1. W. W. organization nil over tho il'nltcd State. PLAYERS MAKE A BO IT IN BILL AMATKUR THESPIANH PROODOE "THK WOLF" IX A MANNER CREDITABLE TO PROFESSION. AL PLAYERS Home talent plays are great enter tainments. There Is nothing that pleases people better, It soems, than to flock to the theatre and watch the bUtronlc ravings of their bosom frlonds, as. streaked with grease paints, garbed In outlandish costumes and trembllno- at tlio knees, they try to make themselves bellovo that In stead of plain John Jones, Dick Park er, etc., thoy are roally the character In tho play which they are endeavor ing to Interpret. Lot of sport to kid them too, at times. Sometime, though, the audience Is happily disappointed by their friends. It is recorded that there have been occasions when tho ama teurs rendered a bill that compared favorably with that given by profes sional talent. Such a surprise was given local ueoulo by the Woodmen of the World last night, when "The Wolf", a stir ring three act drama of Canadian backwoods llfo was produced by local talent, under tho direction of the Mc- viiMnn rtrnihsra. From bectn&lns: court tried to bribe a Juror strikes at ito end, the play was given without a . A- J .!. a .1 ..- aUi WiSHGRE E NWOODfl BACK ON FORCE PETITION BEING CIRCULATED THAT POPULAR KX-PATROL-MAN nB REINSTATED PRE SENTED MONDAY MATTER TALKED FROM ALL SIDES AT BIG SESSION Holding that at alt times he has been an efficient officer, has given close- attention to duty, and In every other manner has been a model offi cer. buMlnns men of the city are cir culating a petition asking that Fred Greenwood be reinstated as a mem ber of the Klamath Fall police de partment. This 1 to be presented at Mnndnv'a meetlna of the COUBCll. There is some complaint among the . business men that tho cutting of one . patrolman off tho city force has leltv certain parts of the city with Insuf ficient nrotcction. To eliminate this - TWENTY THOUSAND ACMM AUK REPRESENTED - n m rSs Committee .Vowed to Amusf 1 MeeUac of All the Monti Owners Lowering of Wats Level Three Fee Wosdd Reels las at Least Petty Then Aerta an Oregon and California t If the United oKate) will permit the closing of Ue g;s nt ..- lt...lh atrxlta anil Iha lnrlaOT danger, tbey want Greenwood again. !of y,, wtter iTi 0( flower KfaUBaUi Lake three feet, 40,000 acres of MM, King Ltnscbe Envoys United Press Service. LONDON, June 7. the King today nirtind the envoys from Turkey j and the Balkan states at Buckingham palace at luncheon. White pigeons vera released in the banquet room, and fitted about during the hour., and Delegates to the king's cabinet ad dressed the guests. now a half Inundated marsh, will he transformed into the Inert kind hay and pasture tend. This was (ne general express M today's meeting nt the Chamber ef Commerce, when the owners of le ooo acres of marsh land bettettmf Lower Klamath Lake, met nt the Chamber of Commerce rooms, te ley before omcuu 01 um reciaaa an- thn very heart of our system of Jus tlco. I dsmsnd an investigation. It nny nttorney has been guilty of on at tempt at bribery, I believe tnai no should bo Immediately publicly dl barrod. In my own behalf, and In iimtieo to myself, my client and asso ciates, I ak tlio court to put wlt- hltch. and the action was quick enough to keep the Interest of the audience. There Is considerable character de lineation to the play, and It can be said for Joo B. McAllister as Juice ueauuien. a young r rencn uanaaiau. Jerry Darrel as Batlse LeGrand. a Lieutennnt Governor of Illinois Be-, ""ril"0" """ neimc up before It and get at the Canadian trapper, and E. E. Mc trulh right hero and now." Naughton as Andrew McTavlsh, tne Judge Pellet lor said that the grand blgottcd Scotch settler, that tbey wore Jury would Investigate the charge on Monday. lieves this Method Will Keep Minimum Wage Bill Straight i i cncAoo. j ,-t. . . Z2?JZ oi icKisinuou proir.uiu. .. - vtXm investment. n urn profit for merchant and olhor ' lf guc u ,cnlUro a this I pa employer of labor ha been suggest- 0(, rllI(1 o'llnni today, "It will curb ed by Lleulenant (lovernor Jumo(,MU,n of tl.o largo omployer who O'llara. who is lu chargo of tho social nro right.,,,; tho m ';-b ' ; til InvcllKntlon being Conducted by Ylicso peon In l.o ( J a conunltteo from tho l.l.nol ZTuSZ tlon- ".Ucording to O'llarn. .hi " ruZSSS iSLLT" ul.l bo In tho form of a "" " " "r"t ",c" "" Program is Arranged For Teachers Exam Tests for Those Desiring State Cer tificates Will Commence June 18 and Continue to June 21 .r ....... t..h.M desiring id In Ungiingc, Thesis for I'rlmnry slalp one-year, primary, fivo-yoar and Cc5"JlJryl Korouoon Theory and llfo toachlug certificates will bo given ,,rncUco or Teaching, Orthography, the stnto examination Juno 18 to ,, Literature, Lueniwi ,. Juno 21. The examination will be Aflornoon-orcgo - llotnny, a.b'. """" ,rv. Haturaluy Forenoon ' tioology. ,,. Aftomoonoenorni hj. " keeping. ,rt.all Thesis for primnr, . v .. . - bo written on any ono of tho follow ing subjects , "What B.ouiu i "." ---w ...,.. wn T.iuaht In Books." nmry vw- "...,- .,, rim.., "Home Oeogrnpny u "" ilrndes.'' "Tho Use of Phonic in First arado." "Primary nendlng. Sure Study." "nusyWor'-Ttio Montessorl Bystom of Education. taft Tries in Vain to Use Wilson Seat Though Lighter by Thirty Pounds than When He Left Office in March -is Still too Large . . v. '... .Jvice their plsTutTortkhUniln Ues unaries moon ui raw, , . t.. here to visit his parents. Mr. and Mre.i"""" " C. 8. Moore. tCoeumd on i-ane e Say Proof is Now Up To The Republicans According to Senators Conducting Investigation. There is livery m . dication of Powerful Lobby Ideally cast, and brought out every thing In their characters, from the humor to tho emotional, with true to. life expression. Miss Marjorle McClure was happily cast as Hilda, an unsophisticated daughter of the woods, and her work was good throughout. The parts of .kA AmAimn QiirvAvnn. McDonald illJ 4VU.V..VMM ..-, and Huntley, were well taken by C. WASHINGTON. D. c. June a. I J. McXaughton and Harry Meaner. The 'fact mat uenaior um -. tho former ono being one of the dlt- Townsend or Micnigan bu .iu w tlcult narU of the production. Mcs- President Wilson is ine u.gcv "'" ner brought out all tho humor In his lobbyist, making a charge by hearsay rollicking rolo. against tho president, puts the bur- Unttcd Press Service WASHINGTON. U. v., juuo .. . . 1 ifB sail Fprmcr Frcsldcnt wnimm -.-Tnft spent mi hour visiting the Capl- tul today. Whlio inero no .... roinlnlsccnsos with members of con- Kreiis. viewed tlio now . -" ., in i,n houso of roprcsenta- !;" "vnndercd Idly about tho corridors. . , ..., Kntorlug tho executive """ "" in. tho absence of President Wilson, Tnft surveyed for some time the new presidential chair. He tried Talnly to sit In It, hut couia not uo so. Tho former president was tne i..nM.nn eiiegt nt the White House. kvhllo thoro ho told the reporters that he had lost thirty pounds since leav ing office. This afternoon Tart piayea go i tho Chovy Chaso llnks Th'e introduction of real pine trees, a log cabin and other natural props added much to tho realistic side oi tho show. Tho last act, with the stage set as a deep woods and the light varying from a dim sunset to total darkness, with a duel to tne death between the Canadian lover (Continued on fnge 4) "Wo aro seeking to find a lobby," said Senator Overman. "I belleTe, too, thnt wo have succeeded. It rep resents mighty Interests arrayed against the passage of the Underwood tariff bill." .,: nf ,, of on tho republican party. "It any republican neiieree ue according to democratic member of democrat, are forced to vom tne senate. ...,,.. ., , ,i,...i ti "This Is a serious charge to be scienco,-aaueu ivu, u. -----made from hearsay." .aid Chairman exertion of part, power. the, nr. rt need of the sub-committee conduct- liberty to name a commUtee and e ing tho.lnve.tlg.tlon. "The commlt-.nmluo tho member, of Je party. K teo did not Intend to aummon Presl- thoy don't do this, they cant eom- dent Wilson." 'l"aln , hold nt tho high school, nnd will bo conducted by County hciiooi nupua Intondont Frod Peterson. Tho following program has boon iir ruiiBod for the examination:, Wednesday Forenoon Writing United States History, Physiology. A ftor noon Physical Ooograpliy, Hendlng, Composition, Motho(a In Heading, Methods In Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Mothoda In Oeograpby. . Afternoon arammar, aoosranhy, American Literature, Physics, Math- TRAIN DITCHED; TWOWILL DIE HI-LIT SWITCH THHOW8 TWO UN- OISK8 ANI SANTA FK LIMITED TltAIN F4OM THK TIUCK8 NF.AH IHIMOSO United Pres. Senlce POMONA, Cntir., June . - - suit of a split switcn. vwo -..,,... ai. santa Fe'. double header overland limited, were thrown from tho track this altornoon. vv- . .. !. li-inmatiVAB. Two member, of the train crew will dlo from tho injurlo. received. None of tho imssongora wero iuju. - ously, INCIPIENT FIRE STARTLES CITY FRAMKWOIUC OF SAWPU8T INC1N. ERATOR AT BIO BASIN MTMi CATCHES FIBK KASttV EX. TINGUI8HKO Tho catching nro of the woodwork on the sawdust Incinerator at' the m. Lumber comnany'a East Side plant caused an alarm of Ire late this afternoon that sent the nre de partment to the scene. Tho nro was easily extmgutsnea, and the damage' amounted to almost nothing. Operation and Maintenance Charges Will Be Due soon Officials of Reclamation Service are Confident That Recent Ruling Providing for Shutting on water in Case of Delinquency Applies only to u. ana m A ' k . t " . VvAV ' That operation and maintenance i charge! must be paid within ten day. after .notice Is sent out, in order to avoid having the water shut off, is shown by the following order of the reclamation service, lasued Just after the suit In Question wa. decided In favor of the government "The engineers of the reclamation ervtce are hereby authorised to de liver water to any water uier without payment ot the Installment on ac count of operation and maintenance pending action oy iu supreme court of the United States (In the case of Baker versusnwu- gerL) in . of failure of any water ...... tn maika navment a. provided above within ten day. after public notice ot decision by the supreme court ot the United State In the cose above noted the water supply ior, n land .hall be promptly .hut o and .0 remain until payment aaa aeen other charge, dueat that Usee; I . . made of said charies. and alte et any jeMttea fd ceu of one full laitiWaieataCJ buildlna-. operation and ameJseihM 'ThmMnWafilleoa ,h m charge.' en aeconnt 'el BiaratJra aM mamtenanea aa realJ W lf firsw ui orawis . ' 't ' According 'to. eaUUle of mtloB MnrlM:R has never ' .t . . . kV.; r -'- nataA inmut wosar oa bjt meat'ef bnlMlac eaawjae, nmmpt " ,.ur. Iht 'the .ettf,';wh-a; tafW K wlU aply esdf to.tha faMaOTHam, '.' i x & ".. L ,m J- "V. " -n. ? :'