The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 06, 1913, Image 1

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H,, nlli VilIV No. U.08U
Prlee, five Ceaea
Doctor Cuts Tumor
Prom Crook's Head
illy - '"' v
tfl 'L' "j ."ij
: id -W'
' : '-"
Cuban Gunboat and Commander,
at Maine Monument Celebration
V.1HU A VK.tll
1lr1 ' ''' I'lMMiH'Inl llilllnllim,
iti.iiliii'iii Sloii- mid Other Con
1,1114 Hiibpitewtril by Cimiinllli'i
.M,irlmll I'lelil P) lin Kniilnp
('ruin Tuli l Mlirlrrii IMtntiM
I'nlied Press Service
(IIICAOO, Juiiu J. Tim statu leg
UUturu's romiultU'i) probing tlm vltoj
rowiitloiis III lllluuU resumed It in
teillgalluii hem fudny. ln'ii sub-jkhiiih-
wore sencd on forty lt
r.cixa Theso llicluilu (liu heads of
llii largest bank, department stores
l till littler llUlllll'K houses.
Hovernl students of Momiuilr han
Urn summoned to appear and offer
It U tlio eiulontnr of tliu coiiimU
lull, In tlill manner to ascertain
whithnr low wages paid to main em
ninM heru Is nnr fnctor lontrlbutliiB
. .i I.. .. ......... -1,1.. Tli wll.
tu win rum ui j ? " -
ni3 arw to bo tiakvtl regarding Hi" Hum lirr roulmd the liomu of the
rages paid t" men employes, (iloflor, ami ho as vntiRlil. lit. might
Ti average wage of u mnii v.ork-Hiu been sent to prison,
lot In n Chicago banking house Is Hut the doctor. lulling Hie ninn In
IJOO a your. uceordlllK to Gcorgo M.'jall, asked how ho would llko to hove
l(irnMa tlm first witness examined. hl brain "fixed up."
(Contlnuni on vanv ' ! iioii'.iiiuml or. I'aKo
Enlisted Men to Get
Chance With Middies
Secretary of the Navy Informs Grad
uates of Naval Academy that Tar
Is Just as Ambitious
(ovi:u.VMi:.vr oi'hciai.h in at-tcniianci:
jai'an iioi.dh that thk kouh
ti:i:.ntii amii.mi.mhnt ih vio-
I.ATi:i HV Till! ('AMKUHMA
I.ANII l,i:l8fATI0N
, l.'nltod 1'rcsi Horvlce
' TOKIO, June 0. It wn announced
today Hint Japan' n Jrlmlcr to Amcr
If n will be btineil on Ilia, alleged vio
lation ot the Fourteenth Amendment
'in Mm triiltftd Kttiti-M Cnnitltutlon.
W'lil lli- IINiuwil, Aiiifiiiliiii-iil,c, KUornntK niunl right to nil
nliil mi, miiI v. lli.ili.r Will by the illfferent aUte.
It In held that It ulio violates tin
II rut article of tbo Amcrlcan-Japaneso
treaty of 1911. which gives tho Japi
tlio right to own and Icaso houica In
America. ThU la claimed to be In-
nepnrablo from land owning. I
.Mint AImI Ail) Will .Make (.'mil.
llilr Iti'i'int of t.u- IiiuHriiiIoii In
M'li'ililiiiini, ''mil- Mile .Miitler
lli CIiohiii fur ir Veiir
L'INL'I.S'NATI. Mnv r. . u.. ..
U U tlm tltlv of ihu Omnia In which
lr. H. I' Kruiuer U now takliiK purl.
Mil U tryliiK to mnk.i nu hnniil man
of u burKlar by removlHK n tumor
fimii hli brulu lln mlKht huvu Kent
lliu limn to prliou and lull Ihu tumor
ID tlm brulu, but tho dodor had other
I U'lltiHi I hntf Killed tlio'tlnui lit
lilni," nld tho dorlor, after he had
perfurined tbu operatloi:.
(Item liiiiulreil Kluimilh and Hlnkl-
y ii I'uuiity fnrtiterM, memier of tho
Klimmth Water Unera ArhocI.iIIou, urn
In the rlty today, nttendluK tlio nn
mini Mlovkhtildenr meetlnK of tho n
nlcIhIIoii, which In being hold at the
IIoiihIiiii opera huupe.
In iidilltlon to the Muter uaen, "111
clnln of the reclnmatloii nurvlce, In-
rliiilliiK HuiiorvliiltiK Kngluccr K. 0
lloimou, are prcnent.
hetu from I'orllniiil ctiperliilly to at
tend tho (edition.
Today'H bimliicia Includm, among
other things, balloting on two amend
menu to tho constitution of the as
sociation. One of theso provides for n printed
ballot for futtiro elections. The oth
er provide for candidates for direct
ors filing tholr names ten days before
Hie dnto of tho nnminl moating.
At this session n board of direct-
snw niaBBnianiaH sssBHsniaBB vVsr .riStsnjnnissBnjninnK
niV wisBBsniniB P9rBnRs-?k'''i' f9sH
H laKijK E,Yi tt illi t' f.t n
Ituinnr fiirrrnt in lloaton That Mew
Iht r the Venire Ifrarlnff Khlnr
j AKMlnxt Tetlle Trust Head Had
Kxprc-Mttl an OpIidoH, Hat Thin fa
, Fouml to lh Wll him t FoHMilatleM,
(tiargfxl Willi Coniiplracjr.
'i no luouii guiioout Luba, In charge
or Lieutenant Colonel Ozcar F. Que
vedo, was ono of tho principal fea
ture of the Malno monument unveil
Cabinet Consider Itcjolnder
United Press Service.
WASHINQTON, I). C, June 6.
The cnblncl todny considered Japan's I, ceremuncg Memorial Day In New
..!.. I.. .! -. djiAlitPti ti ss t m nrtta
.Ti . V.-Tr . iV whirh ..;Vork. The vessel had been sent from
but did not frame a reply, which watt .... . ,,... .. .... w.
ii ...n ,.m'l"l'oncd until the next cabinet meet- ",B "",uur '" """' "'" " '" " "
IIopon mc .' ' . . , ,.. .... .. up beforo tho Spantsh-Amer-
-I.'.. .,....... -i.i 1...1 ..i.i .,.' Icon war. Kvcrywhere the offlcera
I,... .i .. ...i. w t "and men were received with acclama-
lucludes, among --"'""Yr"" "r.'' "": V "
tlnued Indefinitely, probably until
long after the California bill becomes
a law.
'You may have to help us soma
"Ive Off Uic lJUt Car."
United Press Service
i HAMIIUHU, June 6. Railway em
loyci ara a bit puttied over tha latest
miimI.i ..nltiv "Tli 1at car
o.s will he elected for tho 'ff ,,,,, ll0t o0,'tUcned t0 the two trains
er. llio repor. riwi ' t g ,.,. .ubJect to unpiea.ant
Ady, ho hns Just returned from -'.,.,,.
tindlng the Investigation of charges '
ncaln.t the reclamation service, will
liontnln tho details ot tho gathering
Int WashliiRton.
I . ii. .... It I. I...1I.......I .tin. n
in nuimiiiii, u c"" " -j
: number of matters, such at the devel-
onmonl of oloctrlc power, etc., pr-
HUtf Forest Itescrvo Illll Iteported
WA8HIN0T0N, D. C, Juno 6
Tlic public lands committee has voted
to roport Mfaator Chamborlaln'a bill
ci eating Mitte forest rcscrvo 50,
000 acrea'out bfJtiio Santlam national
forest, giving Wexclmngo atate lands
In the forest reserve. State students
In forestry will receive Instructions
In forestry on this reserve.
,tnlnlng to the Klamath project, will
be discussed from all angles by the
', water users and the reclamation scr
vlro officials.
Might Change Route
of the Klamath Cutoff
l nlted Press Service
1IOSTON, June C The case against
, William W. Wood, Frederick E. At
Iteaux and Dennis Collins, charged
I with planting dynamite at Lawrenet,
Mass., In 1912, In order to arouM
'prejudice against tbo striking taatile
workers, went to the Jury today.
Presiding Judge Croiby gave hU
'charge to the Jury Just before neon.
It was Intended to have the ease in
Ithe Jurors' hands earlier In'the day.
I but this was prevented by a report
that Morris Schuman, one of the Jur-
ors, had expressed an open opinion
Ion the case.
Miss Agnes Hannon returned last! With both the attorneys for the de
nlght from Raymond, Wash., where fense and prosecution pretest. Juice
she taught school this year. She will Crosby subjected Schuman to a tkree
snnd the summer visiting her par- hours' Investigation, to determine Me
day, though you have not as large a
navy as wo have," said Mayor Oaynor
to the commander during an official
call at the city hall.
"We will do It In all sincerity,"
gravely replied tbo Cuban.
Nearly 200 Cuban soldiers, who
had been sent up by Presldont Men
ocal, tho new Cuban president, to
help celebrate, swarmed over tbo city,
and they were the most Interesting
exhibits In connection with the celebration.
cntH, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Hannon.
W. W. Wbltlatch, a well known
Klamath county rancher, la here
from Merrill to 'attend the meeting of
the stockholders ot the Klamath Wa
ter Users Association.
Southern Pacific Not Satisfied With
Salt Greek Stretch. Route Along
Kitson Greek Looked Up
K. C. Erickaon, who Is connected
with tho forest supervisor' oHce at
Medford, Is here for a short business
trip. - - - - ,. ,
right to alt In the case. It wa taally
decided that the rumor waa Ms"
The principal defendant1 ie William
W. Wood, multl-mlllionatre, and pres
ident of the American Woolen compa
ny. He is charged with a coaeplraey'
to plant dynamite In an attempt to
discredit the strikers at tke Lawrenet
mllU in 1911.
Unlike previous trial la wale
lUoauauen urn Pasje )
'NAIUB. Md Juno 6.Under
tl . pnwrtt prcsldcntnl admlnUtra
tl ii, the imw who enlUt I" '" u,,lt
n Htatra unxj Is to bo given exactly
II i snmo chanc for mUaiuomenl as
if Rheit tbo grniluatcs of tbo United
.s les nnval acadeiny.
Announri-mont to till ottea was
iiimIo today by Joseph!" lnloI, ec
r.,inrr nf tho navy, who Is hero nl-
leudliiR the midshipmen's rommenco
iih ill exercises.
Daniel' talk ns to eiiml opportun
ities for nil men who servo on I'nclo
Sum's floating fortresses ramr during
tlm speech bo mmlo Jt before pro
netillng tbo grnduntliir mldMilpmen
with diplomat
"Tho llnio I not far off," said Dan
iels, "when every ship In tho navy of
this rouutry will, bo a school ship.
You gentlemen must remember that
tho enlisted limn I Just n nmbltlou
and n patriotic as ou, and It Is up
to ou In imslst tbem In uery wuy
, "In It advertisements for recruits
(liu navy department has been prom
ising tbo young men of the nation
i that It will loach them trades. ThU
'. .. ....,.., from
i llll CUIISOU sit" ...
......... i.. iim intnrlor. and
ruiiiur mnii" -
this Is composed largely of young men
'Alio are ambitious to gain promotion.
Wo Intend to neo that this promise to
lh enlisted men Is kopt to tbo very
N'i!v YORK. Juno C.Maurlce Mc-
iLotiglillu won tho tlrst sot from Au-
'strnlla In tho Davis Cup maicn. no lllco C-l. C-3, 0-3.
The lightning drives of tho Amor-
It nn champion wero a corapieio pui
xlo to tho Australian, and he waa
easily eliminated from tho contest.
Crater Lake Road Forces
Now at Work in the Park
Temporary Road etmtSST
Begin Grading Permanent Roadway Monday
OAKRIDGE, June 6. H. I. Ran
dnll, rcaldont engineer for the South
I era Pacific company, hat gono up Kit-
son Creek to seo If a more feasible
routo for the Klamath Falls cutoff
'cannot be found In that direction than
'iiv unv nf tho nrasent survey uu Salt
I Creek, llo expoctt to go at far at
'tho summit If tho snow does not pro-
I vent tho trip.
I Tho Sotuhorn Paclllc has never
been fully satisfied with, tho survey
L..1.1M. i. mlmiiAft iIva vcuirs aKO for
n.tlill w,.. ... m -r w -
j this lino, nud hat been at work over
slnco making topographical survoya
lot wldo stretches of territory on
loltbcr sldo of the survey, so that the
longlncors In the San Francisco oMlco
imlght work out better grades and
curves from tho platted maps ot tne
mountainous country. ,
arades and curvature within the
maximum set by the company have
been securod In tho surveys, but to
.. .... 1 t.aa llntM I. ffnltlff
UUIIU IIIO ruuu lu mw . -
to bo more oxpenslve than the com
pany would like to stand.
At an example of the costliness oi
Tho temporary road for hau lug
supplies from Klrk'to tlm l1" Im
hits beou practically couiplotoJ. uc-
... .. i u onmiwln. United
lUIUIIIB iU l " "-
Hnttcs Knilneor Corps, In cliargo or
v ...1. A itnnllt
Ibo Cruter Uko road worK, wn v.
In Tliuradny from Kirk on n buslneM
trip. .
"Tho construction forco In now at
work n mllo Insldo tho imrU lino.
Hiild Mr. Ooodwln this morning. "Tlwy
io ut Wheeler Crook, whoro pormii
nent camp has boon ostabllthod,
"From Wheeler Crook tho work
will carried on toward the rim of
tbo Inko us fast ns tho snow disap
pear. In getting into tho point def
Jguntod ut a permanent camp, It wait
,w..rytrowuy.lo attorno
,iu in Hhovel n ronu uiium" -
' ,f mow (our and vo feet doop. Tlio
Ui'ow, though, in rapidly disappear-
'Ing. .. ,,! on
"Wo expect to common" "---
.i, ...rnwnont roadways by Monday.
onOnuod aoodwln. 'Tho wor
bocomo i.ioroonm. -------
loaves. I" au" wu .
lOioiB- . .nlimB at
largo forco oi men -
Work. . . . timm nro
According to tno on.. ---
lwonty men and vo or b It :W
u-nrk now. in loss i. ;-
,r.K """'.. "I. ..fareatorBCope
least forty or nfty men and thirty or
construction, tho company lot a 'con-
. . . ..AnM BJ n hnir nirn far 30.-
looo feet of grading beyond Oakrldgo.
Several hundred men have ncen ai
work constantly since then, and even
now the contract Is not completed.
iConcrcto work will bo done In a week,
Ibut tho grading crews will not bo out
I for six weeks.
itnfnre tho heavy grading could uo
begun It waa necessary to build roads
by which supplies could be taken to
tho newly established camps. If En
gineer Randall's roconnalssance
proves tho Kitson Creek route tho
better. thU stretch of expensive grad
ing would have to be abandoned.
rom Oakr dge. the present icrmi-
nus of tbo Natron oxteuslonLtoOdell
Lake, nt tho crest jf tuo cascaaea, is
hut 18 tnHes, but In this distance tho
prosont survey would call for a score
ot tunnols.ot varying 'lengtps.
In this mountainous section mere
nro many narrow rocxy riuges in
tending out Into tho river. These are
bo steep they will have to bo tunneled,
In Bomo casoa with boret barely ou
feet In length.
More Subpoenaed by
Lobby Investigators
Seventy-five Men to beEzamined by
Judiciary Committee. list In-
eludes Many Former Senators
fUulted Press Service
I WASHINGTON, June . In addl
I tlon to the members of tho senate
who have been examined already In
tbo Investigation ot President Wil
son's chargo that an Insidious lobby It
working to defeat tho underwood tar-
llf measure In the senate, a number
of more witnesses are to testify.
Senator Lee S. Overman of North
Carolina, chairman of the senate Judi
ciary committee, which It conducting
the Investigation, stated that subpoe
naes aro being prepared tor at least
seventy-five witnesses.
Included In this list, according to
.Overman, are a number ot former sen
ators and congressmen. They are ac
cused of using their privilege to the
floor In order to argue against the
tariff bill.
Senator George T. Oliver ot Penn
sylvania, who was examined today,
stated that ho Is worth 17,000,040.
II.. av n Innir Hut nf PIMlhurV SM.
jiifacturers who called on him regard- V h tariff. ' 'Vfc J
"None of these men were lobby
ists." said Oliver. "They were a-
orablo citizens, seeking to Impress the
national legislators of coarietieat
they believed to be honest."
moro toams.
a ...I, ...-nuiier for use In prepar
ing dressing and foundation for the
government's system oi roaus .u .
i, h. i,n received at Chlloquln.
Other road building machinery It ex-
pocted dally.
Tho system ot roaus i -,,i
in Crater Lake by the United
States Englnoor Corps Is very exten
ivU. and tho roads will bo construct
ed with it view to permanency. It it
planned to make a number oi cross
sections of experimental road. In
...... .n.,nr it will be ascertained
lino . - "- - .... . .,
...... .... nt rrvnil tmllUinK IB udv
adapted to the climate and traffic con
dltloiiH lu tho park.
poi.m:d a,a votes, frank
The official canvatt ot the recent
recall election wat completed at tho
court house today. The reeult fol
wiuiain S. Worden a,86
Frank Ira White ...,.,.. 97
j, R. Rltter M
I llurrows of'Aihlnnd It vTsRlng
Klamath Falls.
Falling from tho front of a ftatcar
between the rails underneath a mov
ing train at Shlpplngton Thursday,
Jamea Finnell, an employe of the
viamnth Manufacturing company,
lost tho toes on his right foot The
man remained between the rails until
three cart patted over him.
Finnell wat taken to me maca
burn hospital, where bit Injury It be
ing attended to.
Marsh Land Owners to
Confer With Engineer
Head of the Pacific Divison of Rec
lamation Service Will Hear of
Lower Lake Reclamation Plan '
A further consider consideration of
the feasibility ot reclaiming 609,000
acres or more of swamp land around
Lower Klamath Lake will be held to
morrow afternoon at the Chamber of
Commerce, when the plan outltnod
hv the owners of marsh lands will be
explained by Supervising Engineer E.
Q. HopBon of the reclamation service,
In charge ot the Pacinc division.
At tblt meeting the local people
will lay the entire matter before Mr,
Hopton, In tola way they '
mscortaln whether or net a
their Diana teaelMe. aad wttl
mend that the govermmetU
tblt reetaBMtlem wee, h f
Ther have bee aerefM MM
gesUd for:the.reelamatlssi (4
lands, ana one biij m ,t
Untiu liu Mtets1' ky'thi
'owners, at it provUUd fif tlw
tne worg:ai.a eteitmi smssv
said that aeexly'att the ltl
era,, ara mhIC-I
A' . .!
0" , ,fy
-, ,-
.vi a-
0. O.
Oh, v