.1 I'HUFWtMlOMl. OAltlHI lH. 0. A. HAMIIO, Death All Work Ouarantseil Odd tillows' llulldlng. lluum 31V. Phone 01. jtAXWKMi M. M)NU Osteopathic Physician, tlulle II and IB, Whlto lltdg. riiow ini Classified Column nm m:,ST OITV A.VI COUNTV AIIHTItACT COMPANY Abstract. Insurant Member Oregon Assoi latin Till Mm. n lioinestoad entry for the lands act utilly occupied. Hnld lands wore lint ml upon tlio applications o( ths per sons mentioned below, who have (preference rlnlit subject to the prior IrlKht of any such settler, provided lieu settler or Applicant li qualified to mnko homestead entry and the preference right li exorcised prior to July If., 1913, on which date tho land will bo subject to settlement ami entry by any qualified person. The Innds lire ns follows The W& of NW$i and tho Ntf of BW4, sec tion 1, township 21 H rango 6 E V. M., containing ICO acres, applica tion of Kdilla Hantry, Crescent, Ore Kon. I.lit G-71C. , Tho 8WV1 of BW4, section 20, .townnhlp 21 B rango 7 K contain- T CM.AIMB I ran lo-"K 0 acres, application of Henrietta in "(iino kooiI timber i''- Warn, 1312 Ilroadway avenue, tlll.l.l furnUhtMl rooms at the Ore koii House, Hlith mid Klsmnth MIHCCI.I.AM.'Oim Money to loan Kwiulro of John Irwin, Whltu-Muddox building- 29-Cl MADSFN FILES FIRST STATEMENT OWN Hit AND PIllPllll.TOItOFTHK KLAMATH I'ALLH MUSIC HTOKK I'lltHT TO COMPLY WITH THK NKW liAW .tlOVIIIINMIINT rule you on (IiiIimk or meadow tniiiU Address box JS2S, Klnmalli I'nlln. M2t O. li. WII.I.KY Attorney t Iaw IIimiIm ttttU. (Mil IVIIim. Hall SV.IMOS HOUNHKVKI.L Ilrol felnfe Mil HnrN llullitlng OAKLAND, UAL. I nm Ih glad l mii or lirnr front Klmimlli friend. I.OBT On Hnttirdny nn emergency tiro from tiuto on road between Ft. Klnmntli and Klnuinth Palls. Finder notify (I Co. Cnproii. 4-3t lOlt HAI.K FOIl HAI.r, CabbaKe ptnnts. Henry I Jiinmen, 15 Klamath. 27-Cl '! Oil HAI.CFu-ah milch cow. Kn i iiulru Kntetprlie ranch, 23t MIKUKI.LANKOtm i:MI'M)VMKT C'sll Up COMBTOUK. phone 00. If you want any kind of IIKI.P. Iterlitir at the COMHtODK If you win smpluyinrnt KI.AMATII NOVM.TY WOMKM Ulli ami Klnntalli avr. MlMcksmlttilm and general re pair work don Automobile a Hpeclally l. rOll.MltAHKO. I'roi I Y l L W K I I L K S i' .Miiililnr 9.VOII lluiwi and B.VIMI ii Monlli Klumath Kails lu.lr llnu.r. ,. r. g a l Nonces Spokane, Wnshlugton. List C-888. Approved April 23, 1913. , fl. V. PHOUDFIT, Analxlnnt Commissioner of the den em! Land Office. G-29-6-2CU IMKIJXOV WACUTKIJMCHtl Nrn anil Hrronillientl Good Hides, Wool, Pelts, llubbor aad Metals !W7 Main hi Tel. 4IJ .netici: ion puiilication (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, Unit ed Btates Land Office, at Lakovlew, OrcKon, May 21, 1913. Notice U hereby i:lun that Van Duron Fin nell of Kl.-.iuatli Falls, Oregon, who, on February 20, 1911, made home stead entry No. 04371, for Eft SW)i section SB, and Stf 8WV4 section 20, township 38 south, range 10 enit, Wlllnmctto meridian, baa (lied notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to estab lish claim to the land abova de scribed, beforo C. It. Dcl.ap, county clerk of Klamath County, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 30th day of June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses U. S. (IrlRsby, J. P. l.ou, Allen Stansby and John Blade, all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. A. W. OUTON. S-Z3-C-2C-U ItcRliter. To boott Klamath county send Tho Herald to your Bastern frlsnds. W o o j On-cii Hlab, 10-liirli i!.nil( Dry Hlali, llMnrli .( W-M lllitf k WiumI .....' 'W1 lllork WimmI, iloutilo Miil.$.1.0O Nut Coal, Urn flil.CMl (m Hid hill, IWr .Urn) UiaMATH FUHIi (")., oniri ftO.1 Main. O. IVyton. Mr I'liono IH7. I'liono'JIHll PRIZES FOR FISHERMEN You ara overlooking a bet It )ou dou't try for ouo of tho prlxoa bolng offered for the three largest trout caught In Klamath county with nn 8-os. rod or less. First I'rlxe, fill rod. Hcrond I'rlxe, fS reel. Thlrtl 1'rlio, fa lino THE GUN STORE J. II. CHAMIIKllS, l'rop. mmmmf tht Not Hays That Dry Feeling Como la anil refresh yourself nm! friend with a delicious leo Cream or Ice Oroaw ftxU. The hifci.ti 4HO Main St. Maker of I'ure Candy HIIMMON8 , In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Orecon, In and for Klamath Coun ty Kiiulty No. 485. Itone (lodard, Plaintiff, : John Hod- ant, Defendant. N.. I.. I... ilmlnr.l Dnr.initnnt: In tho name of the state of Ore Kon ou are hereby required to ap pear nun answer mo cumiin"" I tlu. plaintiff fltod In this suit against )ou on or beforo the 7th day of July, 1913, that boliiK tho dnto set In the (order of tho nboto entitled court for our appearance and answer In tho order for tho publication of sum- , inuns, Usued In this suit, and If you full to so appear and answer, plain tiff will npply to said court for the rollef demanded In her eald com plnlnt, U: For i decrco dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore oklttluK between tho plaintiff nnd defendant, imd that plaintiff have tho custody nnd control of tho four minor I'hlldreii named In said complaint, nnd that plaintiff bo decreed to bo tho owner of tho equity In nnd to lot .it (H. block, nluo (9) of Falrvtow addition to tho city of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, state of Oregon as descrlbod In said complaint. This summons Is published In The i:ouliiK Herald, n dally newspaper, iirintoil mill published and oi general circulation In tho city of Klamath Fnlls, county of Klamath, state of Oregon. undr ttna by v,rluo ot sn order of Honorable Henry L. llenson, JudRO of tho circuit court, raado and entered on tho 17th dny of May, 1013. First publication, undor said order, to bo on tho 23d day of May, 1913, and tho last on the 4th day of July, 1913, bolng for six consecutive and successlvo weokB. i:. L. ELLIOTT, Attornoy for Plaintiff. 23.30-0-13-20-27-4I1 I.UU 0.715 aud MO ......,., i-riMN TO KNT11Y OFH lli.nii"" -- .....,. I,AMS IN NATIONAU unr.os Notice Is horoby given that the nnds descrlbod below, embracing nn ncrg. within the Paulina natlon- nl forest, Oregon, will be aubject to settlement nnd entry under the pro visions of tho homestead tnwa oi ui Unltod States nnd tho act of June 11, 1900 (34 Stat., 233), at tho United Btntcs land office at Lakovlew, Ore gon, on July 15,1013. Any setter who was actually nnd In good faith claiming nny of 'said lands for agri cultural purposes prior to January 1, 1908. nnd has not abandoned same, um a preference right to make Notice to Creditor In the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for the County ot Klamath In tho Matter ot the Estate of Mary J. Button, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, admlaurtratrlx of the es tate ot Mary J. Button, deceased, to the creditors of said estate, and all persons having ctaiaa agsinsi me tame, to exhibit u4 present them, 'with the neeeesarr voucher, within six (f ) months from and after the first publication et this notice, to the said administratrix, at 315 Lincoln street, In the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, sent being the place for the (transaction of the business of said es tate. Err IE 8. CHA8TAIN. Administratrix of the Estate of Mary J. Button, Deceased. Date of first publication May 15, 1913 5-15 6-11R It, Madscn Is tho sole owner and proprietor of tho Klamath Falls Mu sic House, according to his statement filed Wednesday with the county dirk, In accordance with tho require ments of a now law passed by the last lcKlnlaturo. Mr. Madsen was tho first business man of tho city to file his stiitoraent. The law provide that: "No person or persons shall hero- atfer carry on, conduct or transact business In this state under any as sumed namo or undor any designa tion uamo or style, corporate or oth erwise, other than the real and true name or name of the person or per sons conducting such business or hav ing an Interest therein unless such person or alt of such persons conduct- liiK said business or having an inter est therein, ahalt llle a certificate In thu office of the county deck. In tho county In which said busi ness Is to be conducted, which certifi ed to shall set forth the designation, name or stylo under which said busi ness Is to be conducted, and the true and real name or names of tho party or parties conducting or Intending to conduct tho same, or having an Inter est thorln, together with the post olllco address or addresses of said person or persons." The law does not apply to duly or gnnliud corporations or to partner ships, where the names of all of tho members Interested In the partnership appear In the business name. The certltlcute ot persons conducting busi ness under assumed names must be filed within thirty days from June 3, and any person violating the provi sions ot the act shall bo guilty ot a mtsdemcanor, and upon conviction sliult bo punished by a One not ex ceeding 100. PROSECUTE SUFF IF SHE SURVIVES WOMAN WHO UltAHI-KD IlltlDLK OF IIUN'NINO HOItHK HAS DARK CHANCE TO KT WELL THE JOCKEY IB IlECOVEllING 7 TEXT BOOKS ARE SELECTED COMMIHHION SELECTS NCMJIElt OF TEXT BOOKM TO HE U8KD IN THE HIGH HCllOOLH OF STATE FOR NEXT SIX YEAIIS SALEM, June C. The state text book commission has definitely select ed a number of the text books to be United Press Service ,ONDON, June C. Miss Emily Da vidson, tho suffragette who marred the English Derby at Epsom yester day by rushing out on the track and grasping the bridle of Amner, one of the entries, has a bare chance to recover. At noon she recovered part consciousness and took nourishment, following which alio relapsed Into iford'ss ancient history. MUST OWN LARD TO GET A VOTE; UIVENT OF WOMKN'S CON'PUSM MANY AS TO ENTITLED TO VOTK ON MATTERS Ujr Fredl (County School Superintendent) A large number of Inquiries i used In tho high schools of the stato inK reeoed Bt the BHperlnteeenfn. during tho next six years, and tenia-offce relatlvo t0 quaiJtiee tlvo selections havo been made on'volcrg at iCh0ol election. Tie die many of tho others. ,trlct attorney's office ha rul4 to nw uuvu Boictivu me nuyitma ),0 following effect: physical geography, Hunter' biology. Forman's civil government and Bolts coma, If the woman recovers she will be prosecuted by tho police. Jockey Jones, who was riding the horse, nnd who was thought to be fatally Injured, Is recovering nicely. DIVORCED WHILE STILL IN LOVE CONDITIONS SURROUNDING THE SEPARATION- OF WENDUNGS AUK EXPLAINED AtTI.lt DI8.1I PEAKANCE OK THE LADY Tho commission has adopted a re vised edition of the Wells and Hart "Tho passage of the women' f frage amendment no way atfeeta qualifications ot voters at school el ections. To qualify n voter or wnmanhla nr hP nftnn Miul algebra, and bos re-adopted the Web- nn , rnlI BOW ta mtotam .. . stcr and Wells high school arithme tic, tho Lyons and Carnahan book keeping, and Myers' mediaeval and modern history. Tho beautiful chorus "Now the Roll of the Lively Drum" from La Flllo Du Itcglment, by Donlsettl ex hibits a great variety of ahadlng. em bracing passages ot the most elastic piano effects, and also those of great power, sung oy tne uycenm uuorus Juno 10th. Subscrlbs for The Herald, 60 cent a month. "EMER6ENCV" DEFINED III KM-HOU LAW ATTORNEY GENERAL GIVES HIS I.VTEItPRETATlON OF THE LAW APPLYING TO PU1SL1G WORKS IN ItESPONSE TO KKyCEKT pie under the Initiative at the last ' SALEM, June 5. In reply to an COQUILLB. Jjne 5. J. F. Wend- inquiry from Attornoy Jonn ii. aic- llng, formerly of San Trnndico, and Nary, Attorney General Crowford has a nephew of O. X. Wendllng. tho 'ghen his Interpretation of the new wealthy lumber man. secured a dl-ielght-hour law applying to all public rorco In Judge Coke's court here on. works, which was enacted oy me peo- charges of desertion, although he tes tified that his home life had beVk happy, and that the love betweeu him self and his wife had not diminished. Wendllng married at Weed Calif , In 1909. Two years later Mrs. Wend llng disappeared, and Wendtlnif re ceived a letter from her, In which she declared her love for him, but said that she had discovered that her dl- orce from a former husband was not lection. If one ha shares or owner-, ship In any firm, corporation or co partnership having property on toe roll, one may vote, even it hi or her' name does not appear (A wife' to tcrest In her husband' property la ( not such as to qualify under the foro golng clause, unless her nam appear on roll.) "In districts of the third else oar head of a family, who ha children between age of four and twenty may vote. "Persons having no property on assessment roll, who are not head ot families having children of school age, or who have no share or own ership In any firm, corporation or co partnership with property on roll, are not eligible to vote, and It t tho rlfht of any school elector to challenge any doubtful voter. "In case ot challenge the chairman shall administer oath touching qual- geueral election and re-enacted at the Iflcatlons ot the voter. L.1VIUE UH HVHWHI w in last legislature owing to a detect In the first act, Tho law provides that lu caso of an emergency or necessity employes on public works may work more than eight hours a day. "Emergency might cover, and prob ably would,. case where an Insane asylum might be partially destroyed, a school house burned, a hospital Summon In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County ot Klamath. Hugh E. Dudley, Plaintiff; vs. Nancy Ann Dudley. Defendant, In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed ngalnat ou In the above entitled suit, on or beforo Thursday, the 13th day of June, A. D. 1813, that being u any ot tho last publication of tbla sum mons, and the last day within which you are required to answer, a fixed by the order ot publication ot this summons. It you tall to appear nnd answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In said complaint. Bald suit Is brought to secure a dissolution ot the bond of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff herein. This summons Is published la tho Klnraath Republican, n weekly news paper, printed, published nnd circu lated weekly at Klamath. Fall, Klamath County, But of Oregon, by order ot the Honorable Henry L, Uenson. Judge ot the Circuit Court, and dated the 30th day of April, A.D. 1913. The first publication ot thu summons Is made on the lat day ot May. A. D. 1918, and the last publi cation thereof will bo mad upon Thursday, tho 12th day ot June, A. D. 1913, HOHACE M. MANNINO, 5-1-0-12 r Attorney for tho Plaintiff Notice for Publication (Not Coal Lands) Department ot the Interior, United States Land Offlto at Lakevlew, Orecon. April 1, 1913. Notice is herobv given that Willi Neubart. of Klamath Falls, who on July 20, 1908, made homestead entry No. 0130, for Btt NW, Wn j, Section 22, Township 37 8., Rang 9 E Willamette Meridian, ha filed no tice ot Intention to make final three- year proof, to establish claim to in land above described, before 0, R. Do Lap, county clerk, at Kiamatn Falls, Oregon, on the 14th day of June, 1913. claimant name m witness: John E. Janasen. Chariot Uaal, nr stile.. John Neubert. nil ot Klamath Falls. Oregon. A. W. ORTON, 6.1-6-13 r Regtotor, Every Street in Clamath Falls Has Its Share ot the Proof That Kid ney Sufferer Seek UackachoT Kidney weakT Distressed with urinary HUT Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look far. Use what Klamath Falls people recommend. Eery street In Klamath Fall ha It cases. Here' one Klamath Fall man's experience. Lot N. Marchand ot Warden ave.. tell It. Says Mr. Marchand: "About two eara ago I first noticed symptom of kidney trouble. My back pained m Intensely, and I was obliged to arise many times nt night, owing to too fre quent passages ot thL kidney secre tions. Often my bant waa o weak that I had to quit work. Doan's Kid- ley Pills wore finally brought to my attention, and I begun using them. They restored my kidneys to n nor mal condition and removed the pain In my back. I give Doan'a Kidney Pills the credit tor my cure, and high ly recommend them to other kidney sufferers." Foi sale by all dealer. Priee 10 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United BUte. Itemember the name Doan' nd take no other. legal, and that she had decided that '.damaged, In which case an emergency her only proper course would be to would be created to have the build drop out of sight. Ing rebuilt or repaired, and It would Wendllng searched for two years j be necessary for the protection ot the without finding a trace ot bis wife, patients ot the asylum or the hosplut and Anally gave up the hunt and ap-.that tho work ot rebuilding or re plied for divorce. pairing be entered upon Immediately Judge Coke was the only, person and pushed with all possible speed," who saw the letter in which Mrs. 'says the attorney general, "it Is In Wendllng explained the situation. Ithat sense that we consider the words 'necessity' and 'emergency' are uscav Kef rlgcrators at actual cost; $7 tol Ho holds that the contractor or 12. Klamath Valley Warehouse Co. 'sub-contractor would be tho Judge of 28-t 'tho necessity, but his Judgment must .j i mi n-uu-i I.U..JJI1 7 De reasonable. Ho says some facU Imust exist upon which to base the Judgment. t The Herald cover tho groat Klam ath country. qualify." There are two kino of CMIcote write the New locoUeat CITY PROPERTY Block Wnnii I'll de- A good foor-i low on Use MU( hood; 91,9m; cosy Large let oa descent or hs; $480 cook. Good taeMo let fas Nickel next to asodera oaaaaloa terms. Corner let la Second Met gjHVOOa (MM Fine view lot oa the Mil; term. Mala street property that nojr. Hoiwe aad lots la all part of tho city. CHILCOTt New tocaUea. M Moan Be. Jsst leave u order. llder promptly. GREEN SLAB WOOD 16 lack DRY SLAB WOOD 16 Inch and 4 foot LIMB AND BODY WOOD 4 foot, 16 Inch and 12 Inch Special pricea at the West Side Mill: 4 ft. green slabs $1.50 4 ft. dry slabs $1.75 16 inch green slabs $2.00 Leave ordera at Bradley Har- sveaaCo., near 6th and Main. Fhoae 127 p. C. Carlson New Player IHaao Meek raWWrl Lam Next Door to Postofflce. DAIRY RANCHES Oae of the beat 40 arm tract In the Spring Lake Valley, 7 miles from Falls aad SJs wile from Midland: 8 n'l-cf la alfalfa; deep, saadr Iowa m.)I; all la crop. Price 70 hot acre; trim. A tlae 80 acre dairy much la the lert of the KUm.iUi Valley; nearly all la alfalfa; deep, saatly loani soil; cxrelleat drataago Into Lost Klvrr. Price $80 per acre, half cash. CHILCOTt New tocatloB, 85 Mala St. Business has steadily increased I aeed more room. I aeoved to larger quarter. My new store I 483 Mala St. I ran serve you better tana .before. I need your trade. You need my oerrlco. ir ou uro not aty caetosnor we are both loser. frank m. urr Watchmaker, Jeweler aad Ka graver. Southern PacMc Watch Inspector DON'T STAY GRAY! SA6E TEA WILL DARKEN YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFULLY a uktsr. of Bnao aad stalnaar Pro- phur" and draw it through your hair. A MUtar of Sag nan mM trMM ftt Um, reaw ssaaorsas osm ,.u Bt .ht d b -.,,-1-- -u Any size Ranch vou want lag Hair When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur no one can tall, because It's don so naturally; so evenly. It la alo spisnaia w rmue dandruff, cure itching scalp and atop fiillne: hair. Preparing this mature, uougn, at home la a uuasy ana woewo task. For about 50 cent a hottto you can buy at any drug ator the ready-to-use toalo causa "wyewn Sago aad Sulphur Hair Remedy." Some druggists put tat mlmtur up themselves, but make it too tteky, brush with "Wyeih'a Sag and Sal- gray hair disappear aad alter -aa other application or two beatulfully darkened aad saor sy aad luxuriant than fr. Ton will aUo dlaeovor aaaaras a aaao aad tho hair has stooped folssag Gray, faded hair, though ao Ale- grace, la a alga ot old ago aad. a wo aU desire a youthful aad attractive appearance, got buay at a,wlta Wyeth' Sag aad Sulphur, aad you'll look year younger, teeairy all pharmacist la Uwa here aeU Ma oMU ao lastat you waat "WyotaV' thar wtU bo ao dUaupolatmeat. v Yea Juot damson a apeago at aoft Two 160-acr raaehea, oa 40-acre raach, oae It-aero ranch, from 1 to It mile from Klamath Fall. KesMeace Property Oae 8-room house, oae room house, two 8-roe: three 4-roora houses, aad two 3-room bouses; also some va cant city property. t , Will sell for eash. or oa pay ments, or will eieaaaaoaa all of the above property, (ay ranch or city 'preporlfi fa) handle oaly oar oia aaaaagf H Com la aad talk It i P (V -; n " w . y. i ismtsi j V , anum; 'iVi