HUl'I'MKH MV THK l'lli:8H NKWH atKKV.CK Ik pcninn lefalk EVENING If SWIFJ 1'RINT THE NBWi, NOT MtTOflY 'rtrMlt Vt ". . KLAMATH FALLS, OltKOON, IIIUI18IAY JUNE 0, lull J : Price, Fle Ocai nation Service Aooroves ADDlication - Horsefly Reservoir Site; Now Up To Interior Dept him yu-ii'wTn"iM""" " i1-1--" "i-rt-1 r i n r r.i i.r i i" r r i- n-ir -,- ii r .n.r j-unj-in.Lri-r-j-ij-irir- -J--r-l-JJ-Jl-P.nJ-l-XJ--J-uxrJn '-' i.ri.rn r .i s-i-anr-i. .r ii .. T -- mm s""aauL-r anmnsnajj-gj"-- ILISKEY CASE RIVERS-RITCHIE MATCH OFF;BUO MAY GET BOUT tHlts l.tOlti:iAHCHAMI"N OPPONENT TOMORROW i i Miit..Mi mas, .c'rsi:i or cm:. .VIIMJ Mhlimil.tM'i: at thi: I'OI.M.'IO IIAVK PltKI.IMI.VABV IIKAItIM) JAPAN WILL BE ; THEME OF TALK , AT BIG BANQUET hl.l'Bl.TARi IIIIVA.N WILL OUT. i.ini: iiih v n:vh OVERMAN SEES ADVISES A ROAD STRONG LOBBY CHAIRMAN OK THK JUDICIARY 1 llltAM.'ll HAVH I'HKHIDK.VrH ! 1 CIIABOKtt AOAINST 1NTEBEHTH WILL Ill: SUSTAINED m-flnllrt.. II I Juntlni (iimi'ii has it liiniorr'iM nn, tliu llinti (or tint pri'lltnlnnry hearing (if August A. Linker (if Midland. lio IMilt'tnl TIihI tin- 'liurK'il wllli creating n dlaturbstire IImk .Vol Dttlilr.! 'United Press Service I .. - .... , , ' wa muiuM, u. j., judo u. Will lt-IMw ... "President Wilson charge that a ,nKi lit 1'nfTHrll 1 Miami i r l.lgliinHitln Will Jluiii tin' poll l Midland incltiit mi IUhIiIp Hi "' IHU "' ilxu iii ll Conrtli . tliri-l'rtiw at l,oa Aliglra, ' I. ,,.... .It. Aiml Ally in 'iimt '! .VI, III tliu rutiliiilnlliK wlt- 'I hit nlli'Kiitlou II proved make l.iakvy guilty of violating (i) of tho inlslona of tin- Corrupt I'rncllrr I'linti Varlou Dinner (ilwn In I'lllitliiirK for New Jnpiuiext Aiiilmnwiiliir I'nttlilriit WIImiii nml Aiiiliniiiliir Chimin Will Bo Present. TO CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY BIGHT OF WAV AGENT VISITS KLAMATH U.IkI l'f Hcf'Ctt JAN KHANCIHCO. Juno 15 Tim I fJrowJ watch between Jou Wor ul Cbtl ion Wllllo Itllchlo for tlio tiktlU title on the Fourth of Jilj It off bt l.u manager ut ltlura. ro Bilcel llrm fur 13 1 pounds rlugaldo tUM.aml Noln held ut for elghl ... . i...... ,1... t.ilv Liitir I liri DDUIB IWIIHVT l,," - 'ac, ami llio mattor may l tnkni lie- 'f nltoil l'rt 8crlco. fort tlii cranil jury WAKIIIMJTO.V, II. C, J i ft. powerful nml limldloui lobby la fight. Iuk to ilofctt tho tariff menaure In thoj mnnto lian been fully sustained," was' tho announcement made today by, Chairman S. Overman of tho ion ntu Judiciary committee. - Overman announced that tho In vfntlKntlon would In all probabilities extend over a porlod of ten days. This Is tho length of tlmo specified In tho OPPENH EIMER IS GIVEN REPRIEVE rlor to koIiik t I'liuliuru to alU-oil Cummins renolutlon asklnc for an In AUIioukIi California lllglmay Ilouto Will Knter Oregon rut of Moun tain, Itcom llcllevca a Good High way From Here to the Hoad Ueteic Corwtrurtvd Would Divert Half the Tourist WANT RIGHT TO SPEECH UPHELD I'ltOMINKNT K(XNOMIHTH AND HO. ClOIXXUHTH ASK CONORESS TO HTOI THE KXCBOACIIMKNT OF POLICE FOWER Hie (iullirlc fun-iu'll linniir(, I'lTnl-i vaatlgatlon. United Tress Service. WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno G. A petition, signed by a large number. of prominent sociologists, and asking congress to servo warning that the constitutional right of etery Amerl-J can to free speech must be observed was presented to Senator Kern of Cal ifornia this afternoon by Frederick C. Howe, political economist and author .. tof a number of books on this subject "I belleva thai ai nut n.u u.e( Tho petulon doclarot that ,nc,denU tourist travel coming north on occurring at tho Paterson. Passaic. California Stato highway could be I Lawrence, Little Falls, Charleston SINNOTT WIRES THE TIDINGS TO LOCALATTORNEY IIF.MEVEI) INTKKIOB DEPART MENT WIMi ACCEPT FILING Notice of Acceptance la Expected la a Few Oays Is a Big Htep Toward Securing Water for Acre In the Vii laity of lioaansa Blda for the Flrt Bend laaue WIU Be at Bonansa June HOi l .. .M -dB.l tin f .nnn lltnt tAiiss iimmiru ui w iui iisaasa a as urn a .. . . . . ,. . Klntnuth county If a II... daiNinr anil. .--.Ior. provod conclusively by their teatl- uu"1 rora n,r"J . ,fc ... 'JZ a lll Ik.1.1 .,,rUln,nfirtiuc to.lay. I mmy tlint ,h(.ro nro at least threa!" l'olnt ne" ,ghJ'' t"!, ... . ...,.. . 0.-.-111US." says !!. R. Ream of Slsson, spcciaiueu u. i,., - - - n.ilL hLh. work, for wool protection, the otter "." -" "Tn cTm I routed through Klamath Fall and .and West Virginia strikes rccenUy in- enmi road wna dlcato that there is n graaual en I'nlU'd I'n-as Serlrv kft thli allernmin for Angeles, ciof. JOII.NSOV OIU.NTS A I.IIAHi: ,,.. r us Nolan and Itltchlo ao Kno to u. ,,,.,.. ,n) J:w u 1 1 1 i:il i:it t'tMf" titfirtmr'm rati Mi. liTIll (I IMITHIiriKl, July C Pending the two for receipt of Japan' rejoinder to Atncr-I i . .. . . . .. sugar and Insurance. lit former's ranch. Nowlbst tho llltchlo-ltlvitrs ml li l, fiM are speculating as t" who, till ori-oe Iho chnmplon. It Is tho itwral Dn.nlmi that Hud Andi'rson.l IU Vancouver, Wash,, lightweight nil t the man rKnrdlui: tho protest oKalnat the, V ,n Mint Oct Mrrnsea lir....l.. ....,!. all... UhiI I. Ill n vn.l nkf I'll 1...A K Wntn.n Wall Ol I.I I K TO JI.W ."'"I"'" ,iii-.i,--, - . -,-; DAi,r., juuu u. "vm., -. -- ,,u lit, i Tiii-,,'r"1 discussion of tho Japanese sllua- UH mcn, must hereafter take out I'.NTII I'AHi: COMlJ I BOM Till. . ... , , ,d , ,,.. vcnliir.'iin.. m fl.h nml linnt.' accordlnr to '.Much Intrniil Is being manifested In1-,,, Interpretation mado ot the game i tliu outcome 'nw by Attorney General Crawford. The occasion for the discussion Is I'niler the old law men only had to n farewell dinner glen liy.ino uusi- (.Ocuro licenses, but tho now law was no men of Pittsburg for Qeorgo mado broad enough to cover women. Tho license fco Is (1 MTItKMi: COURT wnv commission. Mr. Roam, In com- pany with Judge Henry McOulness, Is 'hero for a short visit. "It Is certain that the northern ter minus of the California highway Is at a point on tho state line east of the mountains, so there Is no need for Klomath county and other Central .Oregon people hoping to pun in rout ing through this section. "With a good road through from it nniiinift i n 1'kKn i i (Continued on rune "illicit Press Sen Ire. KACIIAMKNTO. Juno 5. (loicrnor rromoicr (irney .Lied this .Her- ' l" n.lV toon that ho .1111 undecided ns J",. " W -I ", v. -. .- ---.ho,e would match with Rltchl... wuled tomorrow, u nt Juno -Oil. 1.1 h. beiieied that Anderson would In granting the reprieve tho km U Z c lamp on, opponent. It l.rniir lcd that the case w. before r... ih"i he U In communication U.. -"I .e court on appea. and lint .U."S Bon. d. Anderson', man- U. reprleio was g hen that tho con ,' . K "'"'. " ..lemnrd man may hnc oiery chance '" of life "l!S Z Juno -.-Ton, MC. Op.ieliner U e, I Hoping , SrKSS Finishes Serving Jury Summons Throughout wiched with wiiiio Hitch... for "7Mv"7"":lry.k" b,n. 1.1,, he will match l.ech Cross and hinged loil.y. M J W Rimers for tl, N.I.. .r rZl S$S I ICIIIUU, croachment by the police power on tho right to freedom of speech a provided for In tho Constitution. ROYALTY HOLDS CHARITY BALL ELITE OF EUROPE OATHERS AT lintnrnnr JohliaOIl. ' , 7. u ii "1 liiuon't much faith In tho V Inrviiioiit I Hold ' . , Mir i wna rich, A dM vrns closed today by H. :. ronrt-." l.o c.l,i c.l. If 1 1 n. rl I, tallU and W. H. Hlough, wheroh, or UI,,,' H "'""XjUull, the Clnre.nont rooming house on I go up nrrlnk rtouMl, ... ..... vairtrii niro leurlli atrti't was sold to Mrs. nenry i - ," ' ,. ..i.-nunionnl " Lolvlr. by Mary Wells. Tho building -Tho man's i or o I. Pl.enom na u to Ui quipped with n .(.am bent- l' wr. Icn Jo a on. U J ' be Plant anil other modern conven- l.rnUo. ' ",,0 Uw,i, and opened later n an apart- U.i.l.rte.1 him '' V'1 ,,' ''' ment hmi... siBiieu " " List of Veniremen Drawn For The June Term of Court the County.. Men are Summoned to be in court June 16, When Grand Jury Will be Chosen The reclamation service headquar ters at Washington ha approved the application of tho Horsefly Irrigation district filing on the Horsefly reser voir site. A wire to this effect wa tecelved today by Kuykendall Fer guson, attorneys for the district, from Congressman Nick J. Slnnott. Since taking office Slnnott has been active In getting the matter of a flllag on the Horsefly site before the de partment of the Interior. It la mainly duo to his efforts that the matter I now so well on It way. "Now that the reclamation service has approved' the application, there I nn rfniiht hut what the department of '(h Int.rlnp will annrnYA II without LONDON FOR THE SMARTEST1 dc,ay( sald Charles J. Ferguson to AFFAIR OF THE BRITISH SO-'day. "We look for an approval with- .In a few day." CIAL ShAu. Another matter of Importance to I tho Horsefly Irrigation district t the .United Press Service ,salo of a bond Issue for $30,000, to be 1 vovnoN. Juno C. The most faah-'used in dofraylng tho cost of the pre- llonoblo social function of the season llmlnary work. Bids for this lsu I will take placo at Albert' hall to- will bo openea at uonansa June mn. .1.1., .itiAti In Mia nmA nt "PhftrltV' . -. 111111, nuvu ." " .- ., -. society will frolic at the gorgeous Graduation Day at-AnnapoU ball called "a Fete at Vereallle." .United Pre Service , II. 8. Parish, farmer, Merrill. v t i.AAvnr. farmer. Ft. Klamath. . ,Jll 08 Mooro, inrmer, em. - ..,... l8c8t0 Wv p. Johnson, creamery man. Klam- Charles Steeman. farmer. Klamath i... iri.,.1 iiurinc tho Juno term ot tho .... n.,,. , Falls. Drawing of tho thlrty-ouo talcsmonjCco. Looaley, farmer, Fort Klamath. till. . wn...A IrtcmnH flrl1l. . iiin iiiiiiin. iui iiili i m nrt na iurors In the law cases tol , M111 r " " i V. I. JllllHBt .l !"'- nth Falls. Water Users' Meeting e Of Great Importance In Addition to Constitutional Amend ments to be Voted Upon, Report of Ady Will Be Heard Wnlor users from ull part of tho Klamath project will bu In Klntnuth 1'nlU tomorrow to nttond tho tiunuul tockholdorV mooting of tho Klamath The otlior amendment provide, for l-rlntod ballot, tor uso In otoc Ink ifflcw. Tin. iiBftvo"18rx1:.o of tlmo at tho meeting, and eliminate Juno term of tho circuit court nas boon completed by County Clork Do l.iil) and Sheriff Low. The men driiwn for Jury servlc. fnllnu C. M, Merrllt, furmor, Merrill. Wilbur Miller, farmor, Merrill. w ii uiuwik. stockman. Dairy. Jack Kerr, carpenter, Klamath Falls. W. K. Nicholson, farmor, Ft. Klamath Wm. Tlngloy, farmer, Midland. It. V. Tutllo, farmer, I.orella. i iui nmtr. rnrmor. Murrut. Chas.W'oodard, retired, Klamath Falls Clmn. Koontx, farmer, Ktamain raua. W T. Klilott, farmor, run. PARRISH TO HELP ARRANGE SYSTEM tat ... . . s.l a. rtilllfllrllnll. MMor ITfli.iu Auannlullfiit. lO L)U IIQIU miiiii " , nn at 2 ov.u .".." nn house. All Another mutter mat -- -. A. D. Stack, mlllmati, llonanxa. II. F. Chapman, farmer, Keno. Albort Uorgdorf. farmer, Dairy. Glenn Johnson, photographer, Kiam- nth Falls. Clydo VnnMcter, fnrmer, Olene. Will Humphrey, farmor. Ki.matn Falls. i? n. Pnnraon. furmcr. uairy. John M)ers. laborer, Klamath Falls. t.v.ui nook, farmer. Dairy. Charles E. Drew, farmer, Dairy. W. M. Cosoboom, larraer, iwuiumu Pnllfl. Jumea Boyd, farmer, Illy aii nt itm delected have been served with tho Jury summons oy onenu Low. This summons order, them to be at the court house on Monday morning. Juno 16th. At that time tho grand Jury wilt bo drawn, and will commence Its work. Th first trials of tho June term will commence Wednesday, Juno 18, when the trial of W. H. Marcho, ac- cusod of steallug a calf, will be lateen up. Tho criminal docket alio Includes n n.i,r,ir rnae and a charge of horse ..innilne. Besides those, It 1. oeueveu that the grand Jury wll return ev- The ball la given for tho benefit of , ANNAPOLIS, mc... June 6. ecre .i. ci.h.. .r. s.iinr. Rnpitv. tarr of the Navy Daniel and other and King George and Queen Mary andj navy fflcll arrived here today to .Queen Alexandra head the long list ibko part in iuo in"" u.,v.,. of patrons. ial lne naval acaaeray. oeweuiry - ! All the dancer will have to wear. lei will deliver an addres tonight costume of the period ot Louis XIV, 'after which the graduate and their XV or XVI from 1646 to 1783 irieno win auena a larowni u. I and the ball will culminate at mid-' Tho old graduate or tne acaaemy night In a grand Bpoctaclo In which attending the twenty-eighth annual Louis XIV will receive his contempo-, reunion considered a plan to place a rary reigning sovereigns attended by memorial window In the chapel of tholr courts. Many promineui Amer-jiuo i"j leans will be present, among them Furngut. A subscription of f I tre Lady Nowborough (Grace Carr of ,each graduate was pianneo. aiw Kentucky) and Lady Arthur Pagetldow will cost about 17,500. (Mary 8tevons of New York), whoj have taken a leading part In the or- O. o. Johnson, connectea wun me ganliatlon work. The former will S. S. Johnson company, U here after rflnrMitnt Poland and the Utter will la flvo months' absence, spent In Tarl- appear as Franco In the spectacle of ous coast cities. Ho say much Intor tho nation. 3lllilcit '" beln taken ln KUmtn F1- r:, Klamath, leral more criminal indictment. t Ilia Hill,, ., l.nnr.l nt illrnCtorS Will bO tloctcd for tho oiuutug yonr. In itihlltlon to tliu election ot olll frs, tliu water user will tomorrow ballot on tho auioudmonU to tho con t'ltmion of tho orgaiiUutlon. Ono "t tlieuo provUU'a for candidates for tho olllco ot director to make known tl'olr candidacy by tiling a, potitlou to tlmt effect with tbo socretary of tho 8oclation nt least ton duy. before Dm dato of the meeting. Tho petition filed, according to the Proposed uuiondmont, must be signed hi at least ten water users. iall.o meeting l "" L" L I.h Abol Ady. Pre. woni o . . --- Water Uor. w. "- thu local loli'Biiio io inu ,vv... of tho reclamation service held In WiiBhlugton, u. u. .. will mnko n full report o tho pro reedUiBH of tho mooting. Insofar u thoy alfoclod thl. project. BiipcrvlBlng Knglnoor B. 0. Hopaon of the l'Bcino division la oxpoc od ?rom Portland tonight to rth meeting. Ho and Project .- W. W. Tntoh will nwo ..-.-mooting tomorrow. the ... man NAMED ON IIUAKH jivaii TO DKVMH A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTANCY FOR COUNTY OFFICIALS n. i,. Parrlsh, who ha. beon ex porting tho books of Klamath county, ha. received word that he ha. been given a position on the board which will proparo a uniform syswm . - oi,t.ngfort.,ecnyra-.o cere, under tne u" -- ----- the last legUUture, wu.u duccd by Smith of Klamath. Mr. Parrlsh oxpoct. to iinisn uis work on tho county book, hore so as to leave for Salem Saturday morning. Mr. Parrlsh has a statewldo repuia tlou ns au expert accountant, and his long oxperionco with tho affair, of county olflcos will maKo mm a vaiun bio man on the now commission. Mr. Pnrrlah was nlso appointed by Ooornor West ns n member of tho d,.n lmnrii of accountants, which will oxnmlno nud Issuo llconsea to puouc nicouiitnnU In tho state. Thl. board hnB already been organised with Jonn Y. lllchardson a. chairman and A. M. !:. Ball secretary, tne uri wm of tho board will be held Monday In Portland. Kebeknlis Tonight i.rnatinritv Rebekah Lodge will .... In i .i.tI,i in reKuiar aeiwiuu u tho east hall of I. 0 O. F. Temple. EIGHTH GRADERS TAKING SUBJECTS -1HOHK WHO FAILED IN TWO OB LESS SUBJECTS LAST MAY ABE GIVEN A CHANCE TODAY TO MAKEQKADE a Qn-ci&i examination for Eighth grade pupils who failed In one or two aubJecU I. being hem at ruernu, iu Klamath and Klamatn rniu touay. The puplU who make up tne suo JecU at thl. examination in which they were deficient in May will be awarded diploma, entitling them to enter any high school ot the .tate. Klamath Widows Applying For Pensions New Law, Just Gone Into Effect Pro vides $10 Monthly For First, and $7.50 For AdditionalMinort So far. there are tour Klamath i There are four Qoddard children, county, heads of families, who win ngea irom o to u year. a y u "4 mkn advantuse ot the relief afforded by the widow', pension bill. All Bled their application, with tbo county court today. Those making application are lira. Rose Catharine Tull, Klamath Falls, widow ot Albert B. Tall. Mr. Tull ha. ono daughter, 8 year, ot age. Mr.. Ada M. Shldler, widow ol Oli ver Shldler. Mrs. sniaier no a daughter IS year, old and a on one year younger. Mr.. Rose Qoddard, KlamatD rail. v ! &' M w" Mr.. Mary B. Jon., who ha. a 4 homestead on the Upper Lake, Mr. -" i , Jones has several young ehlMrea '''' support y . 7- The widow' PMMte MUHNl ' c- tho measure that wt bom ay.lM - last leglslatur.. It wwt m-tmmn Tuesday. a- " y Under it provision a wirwikj if celve tie a month for to J. Jt, who hi desendeat uMMr, ana nj.nsi for each .WlUoa.l'shM." 1mm Imurn moathly 9nmttM&9 ' " -, 'I -P'vV iT iii