c ft. HurrMKi) HY THK WKITKM I'KWW NKW" KHVIOK Ml ctvurHa! rfali i vbmuhi print ia ram, rot M,i,tn vwi So. ,om KLAMATH FALL8, OHKUON, WKILNKHDAY, JUNK 4, 1018 Prlca, Fir Genoa Congress Will Take Immediate Action Toward Granting San Francisco Hetch Hetchy Filing iii'-ia"Sij 100-TO-1 SHOT "FERGIE" SAYS WINS ENGLISH DERBY TODAY KLAMATH 'SIT MM' HI"'" ' AX" ,M 'ATAI.I.Y INJUHKH ' .u-ioiim: iii.ti iinm .iuim.a.m i hum uitnihii roi.i-ui. ami NOIUIIUtS UAHlll.NiilO.S AMI OIH.IiU.N BREEN GALLED A H U PREVARfCATOR IS HAMILTON nni nooAi RETURN JUN TO E14 ATllIAl IIII.WIIS HIM I iti..cii.M,tii.i:it Attorney Charles J. IVrgusnn p-! - it .,. ItuiK Hill on IViin iiir,'"""l Tuesday from nil .letnlnl Amoi.IImk I" Dm , ,. . ,,.7" v.lt In northern points. Hlncc lonv- (,! llilillc of Running llorc. ihk lnrr he ilsltod New Westminster, l I I'. II- .... II.. a. l...J,i. I. ftnilHAI I HI-' .'! r....li- -. Hit. IIAMIIroN AltRANGKH FOR FAMILY TO LIVK AT HOARDING HOUHK, IN UHDKK TO LKAVK II' ,H , wiii: IH WOHMK I Mother Jones is Now in Capital i. I...I- lu..n....b. ...! i.il.,, lllll.l. li lill III i iniiiwiiii:) hum i ii vi in man ..uallllil for Humping In I In- (oltiitililn rlllis, Heatllo, Hpokano and Mrri.li King nil iurrn Am In WM' Walla, Wash., and I'urttaml. ' Hslom nml Ashland. ' Ihr TIiiimik .tHraillng "Klamath Kails I busy n any "" " oilier town on Mm cosit," said Krr lilted 'tv Hervlcn gitsoii, "and busier than moit." KltfOM l.ngl.nd, Juno I. Aboy. ... . .,....., i i.. a Donovan rirnmiioiit rr. ww"i'i fiitija i.v.i . . II ri. It. It. Hamilton and daughter llilen Hamilton will bo hero Juno 14, of Hi.. IMriiilniiti ., ,. iiiiui uiiik iu ir iiuiiiiiiuu, uiju miu n.mge.1 Win. Clmillim Ky.ninll.- w)ll ,pnt, 10 ,,, Hlnco leav ni l...,trriiic. MniiliiiM-iiii, liur- mK iru Mrs. Hamilton ha been ho. Ihk TrMlli-Wi.iI.iiV sirlhr. KiIhm.I 'jnurnlriK nl Seaside, ami her liealtli -.,,., ... , , 'In much Improved, irnilii-r Ti-Mliimui M (nil mH I by. ,, ., ... , ,. . . ,, . . Dr. Hum Ion hnd Intended to leave a .spirit of Kpllo Klamath KnlU on account of his' "wife's comtltlon. and ho has leased Ms house, Ho now Intends to llvo I'nited I'rt-ss Service with his family at a bonrdlng houso CullV. oii the Kngll.h Derby tl.ts ,'M,,H, ''""" H,,rv,tr- wiiii luiiiii Hi it iM'tiiuuih uuunw HfiKIlV III li 1 A pntMrnrlrnl i.t.llt tn If Mt lln-Mtnn'j linnltti 'diuylnc of the testimony ol William permits them to stay that Ion. ir.riwi, thn stntu's star ultnesr, was. r,"""t ',1' "v ...... f....v-. ..-. .lurnoon. mmlnt lh. dlsUnr. I.. ...''.' ; 1. .Tr iv,,. ,Z.. . '' '' f '"' ""t".0' ",ln'i . n and Kot fl.hUO In neitollahle p.. "f Jn'l" A,,"a,,T' w'". !,:' ,,'-" C II. Lhmay's Crnitniious, lha fnv. 1(,r (MO g, nichcs nml 1200 In drill Wood of Hip American Woolen Mile, llli Johnnlo llrltf rldliiB. tin- ,, lie liumlur .sraped before company, Is rliniRi-J with plantlnc liWd Brit by n neck. Thn Judes .11.- )(,an awokn. dynamite t Uwrtnco. Mass.. laitl ( wllBrd lli nlrr. hoovr, for' . - , car. to 'Inclto piejudln. asalnst the ItuflDX Abo)eur In Iho stretch. ' iviky'n Trial Tlil Monili Irxtllu strikers. W Itifliavl'a Uuvls. IO-IihI, On-, (jnuc, Press Hcrlc Atteam called llreen n "collossal UM Kcond W, Hall Walker's Oreal HI'ltlNfHMHI.I). Mo., Juno I. ,l'r." Ho said that tho Informant' lil tslloped lit third. iMatinicur McCarnoy has received not!- testimony was Blvcn os a rcvenKo be- An rnuriniiuM Hikmik wltne.ied tho Hmtlon that tho trial of Arthur I'el- "" Aiicnux nan reiuse.. .. no mam riff, hkh Is tho most Important of y RI j Hums .for manslaughter , mailed. "- ; r win t.n .i I'nlmrv Juno St. According to Atte.lUX, a collossal I II iinllliuiMi i it 'ar i .will liegin ai laigary juno " i "'"""' " ' s)stem of blackmail was drawn up. m i llreen, he said, wo tho central figure. Federal Garrison is ;. iri. j- u-a- TiMAi MNb Ur HALT in nanus n ituuiw T DEMURRERS ARE OVERRULED Twenty-four Hour Battle Results in tho Killing of Many Mexicans. American Physicians Work USES AEROPLANE ItU.rit MAKI'-S I'llAt'llt'Ali TIWT or iioMit HiiorriMi ritoM Tin: HI.AVIi:it-TIIA.AIIt TVI'K OK AIIUIAI. CHAI-T SKVi: MII.K RAXCH IN WOOD IlIVKIt VAI.LKY Irt COXCKH.NKI) IN ONK ACTION JiTKARNH IIIMTS HUTTON Circuit Judge II. L. Uenson has overruled tho demurrer' filed In the suit of John Kills against W. L. Al bright. This action grows out ot a disagreement botween the two m to tho farming of Klamath county lands, particularly tho Seven Mllo ranch. A demurrer was also ovorruled In tho nUlon of Stearns against Sutton to collect rental money on a lease. Hold Coim-ntlM United Tress Service WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno 4. QncHtlons pertaining to the curricu lum and the finances of the American I'nlvcrslty, on Institution recently es tablished by tho management of the MEfdLrIIS Pp-Pffi e? : r"f r' -'- s-s-s-B V S f '. - lB-kwas----l B kHNssB o H mmWWm B'.jk'-Ki &' vr Ms----- ' 7 sVs !,. 3T 1MHI l' H(H&p4ia-B(H(H(HH IoV!Hh s-s-ss----a- - - s - sai s SSI V- ESOLA CASE IS IT BY HUR DUNN 'HUM.VO OF JUIM1K THAT ONLY KV1IIKNCK I'KIITINKNT TO C'AHK , CAN UK VHKU DKIiAYH THK I TltlAlj 'United Press Service 8A.VFIIANCI8CO, Juno 4. Block- -1 !. iliK buIIhm f s l on Tti m n ttiB .en U (lie IUKIIK ui xuub a-ruuuv Hjfc jonly evidence relating to tho swlnd-lJKm V" ol Sea Fnsatte. 'ling of Charles Folda of Modesto can Ctty on Uie Hajr WHI bo used In the trial of Frank Ksola.l fcijn Francisco detective accused oft crafting, tho prosecution rested early) today HETCH HETCHY BILL GOES TO CONGRESSMEN MATTKH WILL UK DELAYED NO LONGER Ilcforo restlnc. Dlsmo Dengcre. a . 'friend of Oallo, the bunco man who 'informed against Ksoln, testified that' Huffer From Water Faaitae TMe HuiDmer, Hesuitor FerUaa DeeMea to iBtnxlace Meanare la Coagiw Tomorrow aad Hiwli It Tliroh ,i:ola agreed to permit the bunco men I'nlted Press Service to work If he received 25 per cent of' WASIIINOTON, D. C, June 4. Jthelr spoils. Tho bm proVdlng for tne BCqnlrlag of tho Hetch Hetchy Valley water supply for San Francisco U to be n- ItrfUHOK to Interfere In Hanging ' SACRAMENTO. June 4-It I. semi (roaueed In congres. oaorrow oy 'omclally announced here that Clover- " Perklni- U w be ro,ked nor Johnson ha. refused to Interfere throuu " oon " 0,"'b'-, . n In the execution of Jakey Oppen-J Senator George Ch.mberUla of Or I elmer. who Is sentenced to be hanged c- chairman of the aenate commit 'on the 6th of thl. month. on public lands, ha. "V i formalities requiring the Introduction Miss Maude Ulppey left Monday for ' h bl ln lhe enat More the Ashland, where she will spend the'j,MrI"- i...mm, ui.. ninnv i. nn nf tho1 This comet about aa a result of the local teachers. , WASHINGTON', D. C, June 3. When tho sonatorlal Investigation of the action of Govetnors Qlascock and Hattleld In connection with the strik ing coal miners of their state begins, Mother Jones believes, revelations which will startlo the country will be made Sho Is now In Washington urg ing Sonntor John W. Kern, tho dem ocratic leader of tho upper chamber, to push the Inquiry to tho limit. Mother Jones herself spent three months aa n prisoner under military rule. Sho said sho was treated well, but sho denied the right of the gov iniiiJUr... u..i. - In order to alleviate the sufferings i Ilium VHVM.t.l.!. Tx.. Juno I. of tho wounded. General lllanco, lm- I nlU'd ' i ,'.,. ,,,,. r th. imnort.lornor nml tho military authorities of 1 federal garrison at Mnlnmora. n-.Mllalely tor tho surrender, n-1 I of 0 ,g profram fo 0 nt0 t0. make her a pruoner. al- .Hy this morning surrendered to. American ph)slclans to cross the bor- ,,Jn ' ", ),rtIlrKto mko Jtll0 flr8t conVocatlon of the unlvemlty.' though sho was willing, she said, to rral l.uclo lllanco, tho MaderUta d,r and attend to the wounded. (f )t.uior.t,mn.nlr Tll0 institution Is housed In n series have tho matter tested In the civil fotuiiiuiiili-r. igmseer " - . , .... , ,. -., ,,nn,.,,mn bnlldlncs on Massacnu- courts. bDO Wll DO ono oi uio mam The flRl.t preceding tho surrender Immediately after tho battle estimate ii- , &y north of Qeorietown. wtnes i. . . . .i... .1....1 i tnis .I'UPin. -i . wiru twenty.four Hours, ana n" ""' " "" " ,, ' ordered Tho monoplane used maintained an wrkrd by heavy losses by boll, sides, , General ", t '"'"' ". ,0" ,.,,,, (lf ,.3I,0 feet. While In tho Thr ...fferlng of tho Injured was In- tho o.enmon ., .. , .-.- --. ,:rainnMU1., I continued on rage 4i Home Building Co. Growing Prosperous Change of Management is Greatly Beneficial to Local Concern. Its Annual Report Encouraging Its chief purpose will be research and post graduato work. Tim suffering of tho Injured was In- tn execution '"' ,. ,,'"," Bir King l.'mmanuel dropped bombs ium. owing to tho uttVr lack of .Hers who wen, violating dl-.l ,-r. kiiik i.inmnii nudlcM am, ,f u Hag of truce. ,nr''; Levy and Nolan are Deadlocked in 'Frisco Managers of Anderson, Cross and Welsh Have Been Wired For Their Terms For a Bout Knglnecr William Sargeant of the reclamation service In charge of work Mr. and Mrs. Karl Walker of Illy, In Poo Vnllcy, is nere loaay on a are Klamath Falls visitors. business trip. United Press Service. SAN FUANCaiflOO, Juno 4. Kith " Manager Nolsn, who guide, the deitlules of Lightweight Champion Hltchlo, or Bol Levy, Joo Hlvors' man nDr, must buck down on their do "londu this ufternoon, or there will no Fourth of July conflict In this city with Hltchlo and Hlvors a. tho lrlucpau, lvy U firm In declaring that Kllchio, In order to get a crack at tho ""icaii contondor for the champion- "'P. must tip tho. scale, at 133 I'iiiiiuIh nt tho rlngsldo Just beforo th light. In case ho doe. not Hlvors V'HI not moot him. On tho other hand, one Mr. Nolan ' t'luully firm about hi. view. In the matlor. A. hi. protege I. tho pro. t imssossor of the championship, and Is tho man cnaiiengeu, i w n rlulit to havo Bomothlng to do with tho weight proposition. "Hltchlo will make ia pounu. n.r... hours boforo tho light," said Nolan, and ho will stick with It. nlAb tlnnnhl. liinnngor Ol liuu - derson, has boon wired for terms by Kddlo Ornney, who Is promoting ho bout horo. It Is also understood that tho managers of Leach Cross and .....ii ir..i..i, imvo also been askod Ifor terms, In case tho Hltchlo Hlver go Is not nrrangod. i. .,. u favored by tho '" as Hltchlo's opponent In enso Hlver. does not light tho cliampion. ii. . , . .i.... i... i, n iinnn ovorythlug ask- led of him boforo being eligible to got a chanco with Hltchlo, nnu m " entitled to the bout. witnesses for tho minors before the senatorial committee. Mother Jones Is now 81. She has beon agitating for fifty years. "Whoro Is your homo?" .he w. askod. "Wherovor labor Is In trouble," she answered. Crater Lake Will Soon be Had It not been for the reckless' manner In w-hlch tho affairs of the concern were handled during tho first six months of Its existence by a pro- motor, who also acted ns secretary, tho Home Building and Realty com pany would be able at this time to do Iclare a substantial dividend. This was brought out at last night's annual meeting of tho stockholders, whon the annual report was read by Arthur Wilson, the secretary. The statement read Is highly cred itable, under the circumstance. It showed that tho stock wu not worth over 50 cents on the dollar after six months' manipulation by the promot ers, while at tbe present time it is paying 8 per cent on 87 stock value Superintendent Arant, Home From a Trip of Inspection Says Snow is Soft and is Memng very asi. nc Believes Park Will be Accessible by June 20 and there Is every Indication that the stock will sell at par within the year. Member, of the company wore greatly encouraged at the showing that has been made. It waa announc ed that the concern I. In a position to lend money on city real estate. The following directors were elect ed for the ensuing year: Robert A. Johnson, Fred Melhase, R. E. Smith. Marlon Hanks, Robert E. Wattes burg, D. D. Campbell, C. W. Murphy, It. H. Dunbar and Hunter Savldge. The officer chosen by tne director. are: President, D. u. campneu; nm vice uresldent. Robert A. Johnsen: second vice president, R. K. Smith; secretary treasurer, Arthur R. Wll- son. Summer be a Rodeo Official "Tho snow nt Crater Lake Is about Iho sume depth Hint It was last year al this time, but It Is softer, and Is molting uiucli more rapidly," .aid Superintendent W. Frank Arant of Crater Lake National rarK, who ua Just roturnod from a trip of Inspec tion to tho park, lie naB uoew " sovoral days. r imiiovo that with tho way tho Mtow U molting now, It will bo possl bio for vohlclos to get within four miles of tho rim by Juno 80. At this point thero Is a deep canyon, neavuy timbered, and tho snow melU more slowly than on elthor .Ido. From thore, It will bo oasy to reach the rim on foot." "Tho snow lino has receded until nnv it la a mllo Inside the park line," "continued Arant. At tho headquar- 1 ...... aam a&VAIl atiA tors, mero wub wi -eight feet of snow. Thl. Is rapidly melting." Arant stated that ho found every thine in first class condition at Camp Arant, tho park headquarters, mmi of tho bridges spanning the numer ous creeks In tho park are taken up in tho fall, in order to save them from being carried away wne tne eu- Ing snows swell the stream.. "When tho Park wa. abandoned for the winter last fall," continued Arant. "ono of the buildings was left open for any winter sojourners. This wa. filled with wood and other tnings for their comfort, and notices direct ing travelers to It were posted in dif ferent parts of the park. "This was used by Ciapp ana uauey and their party tho 1st of February. Later In tho month Berry Brother, and Llsk from Fort Klaamth also Journeyed over tho snow to the lake and used the cabin. I found every thing left in first claw condition,," Man Prominent in Management of California's Best Rodeo Will Act as One of the Judges Here F. J. Qrltlln. a well known Salinas, Piillf.. business man. and one of the men prominent in the success of the annual Rodeo held there, U to be one of the judges of the Elks' Rodeo nest month. Marl. Miller, of the Bank of Lakevlew, wa. named a. a Judge some time ago, and tbe third will, bo named ln a few dayav Griffin has always been active lu the work of making tbe Salinas Ro deo a success, and be is an exper a judging event, or inui kiuu. n wm V s . .S- . . -'. t . , s? u , ' 1 one of the Judge, at, the Los Angel. Rodeo. r- It I. exoected that when OrUht - turns to uaiiBM iron aere, ae via . "" -H . take with him "Beuar Deal." "OnW- v '; enne" and "White PeHeaif," Uw thm je) ; v Fibs' hrnncboa wan nava avatsoaa . . n. i...Jll'y'1'i ,. ( into unconuueraaio ksbh r. r: , i- Grlffin wu muenmpraam ,?.( the work of these normal .Mr; . 1.. Am khwImuM &' ftft geiee, mn ff y ! tnera lorneauinsr. at, .how.,.,.. y.,: 'h:l A.-. -" v " i;W v