aOM'MKU UY THK Li wm NKWi -ltMVM Ik yeninjft rfali. JEVJMHM MIH print thb raws, MOV BBmmmeBMmmmmmi Li VMr-.o. IM7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNK 8, 1011 pposition To Policies of the County Judge -' Interred Under an Avalanche of Worden Votes II PAYS TO ADVERTISE," SAYS SAMMY KiHT, TMOHIII, lis .vrr tmi: advertiser fr'Olt CABINET WAITS , JAPAN'S NOTE! IT IK I'MlEltNKMHI THAT .NEW, ItlUtll.MMilt COM'EKNH JAP, TAitMcitH LEAHINU I I.AMI Geo. A. Newett, Accuser of Teddy Ijnvptlatf l Hmihii Affidavit of llir llirlrrii'ii I'uhlUlirr, f'lly lln Bna OiariiMl Morr limn llir I'n jot's llrsular It hi kt 1. 1 up for jMirrtMK MaHrr IIhnmI Html ll u4ltr W Hr Olrr VIIHI United Press Service WASHINGTON, D , June 3 "At today' nutting n( tliu cabinet, Hrro tury Drynti reported that hn etpiTts Japan's rejoinder by Friday or Hntur ilny It U rrti'il Hint Japan limy modify her demands, , It la rumored hero Hint n lie fca turb of tlio controvcray will l ttiv In- 'WOULD INCREASE PENSIONS PAID Utriiro of Japan Hint tlin Webb bill's Inhlbatloti ngalnat tlio ownership nmi IKO.I the city of Klamath Falls ' pfllnK of ,tllU( , rr M jBpm,,. (lit II to adwlUa for blda fur tho now owning nr IobhIiik farms Is con- nl c( botnl for lhi Improvement of rorned, b erased. , trotl itrral. A bill for this ainnuiit . Iy U Klamath Pall Northwestern j mltord by tlio routiclt lait oven-' tt Tit cuargo fur tlm publication uittb rain of H rettta per lino for tUfntlnicfllmi ntiil t crnta for ouch ' HitttdlDI Itucftloil. At tb Mtno meeting IliO North-! tn!ra submitted n Mil for tlio oitl- eul filntlng at tlio rato of & em's itrllM. With tli In ulit aubmlt- Ii4 Ibi itittravnl Hint "TtiU U tlio rtitltr rat for legal ndvertlalug In lis KUasth Palls Northwestern." U!i telng true, then the city wui hllii.p rli Id mi U nauntl I S m'Oly cUrinl for Ick) RilvortliliiK. United Press Bcrvlcs ltoootelt with U bid of I ho llorntil Publishing DKNVKII, Colo,, Juno 3 Increased tjuontly," (loo. A. Newett, editor of IcteptBy wi (ubmlttoil for publlili ikiuIod for nil otoram of tlio Civil'tlK Unpenning (Mich.) Iron Age, liftb treat notices of tlio city nt 'nr Us tlio big topic before tho ex- made a full retraction Saturday. tiitof Scents per Hue for first Inter- .oiiivu committee of tlio Colorado, Ho made tho chargo In his newspa WYOMING A XI) t'OMHlADO CIVIL WAR VI7TKUANH IIEI.IKVK THAT TIII.Y ARK i:.TITI.i:i TO MOIIK HVI'I'OItT a ADY SAYS LANE IS THE PROPER MAN FOR PLACE HtKSIDKNT OF WATKR UHKHS AH- HOC'IATION BACK ItctiimlnK lrlc(tnc to Wellington Conft-rvncc Hnyn I'laclajf llio Con trol of tlm Itcrlainallon Keltic In Urn llnndn of Committee lewvcn Xrwril Hhore of Uk4'ower Hop miii to He Here for Meeting "The action of Secretary of the In terior Lane In placing the direction of tho reclamation service In the hand of a commltteo of flvo men, Instead of leaving It In the bands of an Individ- County Judge's Action Sustained By a Vote of Almost Three to One NIPPON WOULD BOYCOTT S.F. IV ADDITION TO STOPPING AP PKOPItlATION KOB EXPOSI TION, WOULD MAKE ENTRY BY NOHTHERN PORTA United Preu Service TOKIO, June 3. A movement Is ual, Is ono of the best moves that on foot In Japanese commercial clr has been made for the water users under all tho projects," said Abel Ady, president of the Klamath Water Users Asoclatlon, who returned Sun day from Washington, where he at tended tho Investigation of charges nicnlnst tho reclamation service con- Tho Klamath man took a promi nent part In the Investigation. He was clea to boycott in every manner the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion, to be held In San Francisco. This Is causing much embaraasment to the government, on account of present matter pctodlng. In addition to boycotting the fair and cutting off the appropriation (or Japanese participation, there Is a In Only Two Precincts Did the Recall Candidate Carry-Every Other Place Overwhelmingly for Worden FRIEDMAN'S KIN HANDS' A ROAST BROTHER OK GERMAN SCIENTIST CALLS DISPOSAL OK TUHERCU LAR CULTURES KOR GAIN A WRONG TO MANKIND United Press Senrlee COLORADO SPRINGS, June S. "My brother's action In selling his movement to aboll.h the aubaldy.lln-rura for the cure of tuberculosis Is WORDEN IS THE RECITIKNT Of A TREMENDOUS OVATION IN THE CITY em running ton Francisco by boy- Ireouuited to act In nn advlsorv canac - " ... -. ..1a .... he charged Colonel ,lty by tho water users of nearly every cottmg. instead, it v. piannea to give "getting drunk fre- project. .e trade to vessels entering at Port- "Tho chief complaint from all the " "u ".. projects was against Director New-1 ell's methods." continued Ady, "and! Dlrtrlet Deputy John II. Starr of from every source lno alouern nooamea oi America to make ln lno cll' anQ ' eipeciing to meet a gross Injustice to mankind." This statement was made today by Dr. A. H. C. Frledmann, who returned trom a trip East to tee the Frledmann experiments. csa einicni pujiiciau wm use iuu ; remedy under tho existing conditions. tturrcMfully 8 tslned Cwty rial Is Carried Tbremch Use StfMta In the MMrt of I Headed by Bi rlndiac Xeewljr Every Mm a Klaw thKalU The progreeslve policy of Is prea ent county court baa the eniorxanmt of the people. This was Indicated at Monday's re call election, when ky a vote of 3,1SC to 951, the voters of Klamath ceuaty by their ballota endorsed the progres sive policy by electing County Judge Will S. Worden over Frank Ira White. the candidate of the recall committee. this tamo plaint .YW.u.n,'V, ...IV .w. --- lllHMl! . - .. --, .... ... ... . . . Inlii.iillu II. I .HA .ftd:',. rents for each aurrred- nnd WyomliiK divisions of tlio tirana or auruig mo neat or me, . -- "'-"- " "' "-,.,, member, of that order at the He claims he has found and cultivated " can t oe wmeo a lanoauae . Bltirllon. Tlio publication ol the, Army of tho Hopuullc today, mo re- iieii mo uuu Aiooao men wore suo.,. "-..- v- ,.., , nmm. .. ,nmnn, n baccllus which shows eminent cura- ,uore lu" n"uro -" i- ...a,... . I a . m - eaartLt - aahi sm laainn -r -4 a && aij a we -irfaaa-4L -y . wawa b-vti- vt, .. ba maiiAt.. u.o .uruiui.uu . u vUU...u 'i,.J..J...i . . ..,,, ,,v rnnrti. hut th iiii. at. " niy two precincts am me recall It can't be termed a landslide It U The Newell Is chairman' (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock.ltlve properties, but the results at B-oid iir.tft liiiitrnittmniit Lin ml. no l....f..t. ut.lrti Binrti'il lnrilnV. Ii (o I II AC Kfont Jtrol.Cth 111 Michigan tHls lb., Herald would have tost Untln'uo through Friday. I'our hun-'c'olonel lllnd .ult for 110,000 dam-(competent men. K.a.II 1. chairman J l 0n"a' ?,!. 5 w .a m-.. auso ho wanted tho raon-i' "ia coinmuico, uui no uui uue- - - - - - laao nonce, ana oo present, wnoincr members here or elsewhere. Ill 14. or hiv mrmi n nvinir in the .i..i ...i.rntia iim umnllril number HKes. not liKauso ho wanted tho tuon-i btrayera of tho city of $01.18 on')cl in aaaemblo In nnnunl reunion, t, but berauso ho wished to lndl-i'"tl of ' Bn,lro bod'; J-ilontnollco. 'ro I., nltendanco. It la expected that onto hit roputnllon. "Secretary I.ano Is the Idea man to Although It would hat. meant n.o.o action looking to Incren.o of pon-, " ' department of the Interior. Mhl of st Issat 11.000 a year to tl.o'.i,,,,, f0r the old soldiers will tako tho Mrs. W. W. Patch and daughters' l Impressed eterybody at the hcar- ...,i.i .. i... , lr-nlni..l l,.n Mum nv for Iloalnn. whore tney.iK ' ' !"" - - " ll.4........ ''-"'- ...- . . ., .J.. !. .. .. .. ..... . ', bt acrniniux tlio iioralil niu. ror-.rnrin of a Ut membara of tlm council would .n.r.i.iL-iniin Hie country, and to be will Ult relatives for some time. "ikr muaiidrr tho city's money than f.ra.Piiivd to congress when It mstit "lb Herald sat the iirlntlnx. Hath- .,n winter. A reception will bo held this cvim "Ihtn tako a ilianro of titlltiar It to. tote they manngrd to hate nil hlda Aiiaten llnxlen has returnod to of tho nuw pastor, l.ldiT Harinnu fJted, although no satisfactory ren- iinrrlman LodKe, iVoininiimi ini Pavn ' ' Journ In this city. and was alert at all times. There Is Iim at tho Christian Church In honor'iio uouut out wiiat uio roci.un.iiou ,.r n,i...u-iinaiir. l.v.scrvlco will be greatly benefited by after a short o..u.mi. Invited to he present and I l-np. who, through the Investigation. Encampment Meets Tonight Ewauna Encampment holds Its ,,,.,,.l,,n in nlrv .npWr. on aevernl regular meeiingtonignt in I. u. v. r, 'ntm-lnn. nlnne.1 thorn down to facts " Visiting ratnarnc. are coruiai wilrome the now inlnUliT. Can't Spit On Sidewalks or Throw Handbills on Street New Nuisance Order, Sweeping in Effect, Adopted at Last Night's Meeting of the City Council. Provides for Sanitary Methods in Markets has a clear Insight Into the condition throughout tho projects, and Is In a manner to make adjustment where necessary. I will make a full report on the Investigation at tho annual meeting of tho Water Users Asoclatlon Friday afternoon," concluded Ady. "At that time E. a. Hopaon. supervising en gineer for tho sorvlco, will also bo In nttondance, and a number of matters of Importanco to the water usera will he discussed." Alter this, ulinit rwldcnt of Klnm " I'alls flnlih the imistlvatory npor 'Hods connoctel with tho cansiimii ",B fl nn orango u biinunu, or oen Posmit, and they start to throw thn Mi shell, or whatever name the ""went boars, Into tlio sticot they n'l. unU'HH they wish to pay a fluo. "ulead, If no garbago can Is nigh, will carefully deposit the peel- im '" t,,olr own l,ocket or' uoUor '"'I. If thu opportunity affords, Into wmebody else's pocko't. Tho roason for the carefulness Is n n nulsiiiivo ordor passed by tho '"uticll Inst night. This prohibit JMttlng Biuowan,,, ,,cnttorliig of 'ndbllls on tlio atreots, regulates the 'Ply of foodstuffs, etc., as not forth 0 tie tltlo of tho measure, which follows; "An ordinance declaring .what shall wmtltute nuisances, providing for "" lfttoinont thoroof, fixing tho pun "bment for creating or maintaining "Usance; regulating the disposition ,f ,,M, ruhbl.U and refuse, nnd Iconve) unco, inibllc building, church. IS tho punishment for depot- theater, public hall poitofflco. or on E roi ml other matter In tho any sidewalk within tho city of KUm- or vacant lots, or tuo um rm. "it uiuiii tin nil awiui iu nvvi u.ij meat, vegetables, fruit or other pro- parod food stuffs In nn open rccep tnelo loss than two feet abovo tho lloor. It shall bo unlawful to keep smoked fish, chceso, cooked meats, Hlri-ntM. ill leys inalntonnmo of ilniiRuroiiB uutiuings, and regulating tho construction mid uso of buildings for stables and dnlrles; rogulntlng nnd prohibiting ,i. .iuninv and dlsiiotltloii of adver- .. . ..n.lru rnffllllllllli! till! I Z Z "re. i.Wi u. -V mear.,d ... dates, dried fruits olives sauor J 'hyvo!,C thereof; providing for.kraut, mincemeat lard , r i. mil.,, in und romoval of unused .lurmo, ennuy, tr.., v.... ---. XSa Sit'Imi for the instnl-ior J- Pod foo posed for ,nU0"m lc!Sa.n dSSs a d 7e ij Hud, chaVacUr as w... exclude dust era. within certain cte, anu reg vogotablo., meat,. tun Btoraita nun . w- i . ... and othor foods Kopi, or soiu, or uuoi- od ftr Bale, shall bo kept in recepta cles froo from decayed mnttor of a uiniitiir tho .torago ami plosives, and providing for tho pun Ishment for Infractions of tho ordi nate nnd reponllng ordlnuncos num bered 123, 138 and 130." Bomo of tho provisions follew: "It shall bo unlawful for any per son to doposlt nnd spit human oxcro ment, cigar or clgarotto, pooling or rind nf any orange, banana or other RAISE TROUT FOR MARKETS ASHLAND MAN IS HERE .LOOKING MHt SUITABLE SITU FOR A PRI VATE FISH HATCHERY ONE IN SIGHT ly Invited to be present at this meeting. lfllni IahJ uklta. fa. auabv k6Vak hma - talned so far In America do not cor- """" ". ""'"' " "'" vsumr "" cinct woraen lea oy neavy oqom. The vote given Judge Worden ie respond with bis assertions." Fred Jonson was In from Swan Lake Valley Monday, ostensibly to purchase supplies, but primarily to cast his ballot In East Klamath Falls precinct. George Ager Is here from Midland. England's King is 48 Years ot Age Today Military Honors, Demonstrations in Cities, and Telegrams From all Over World Mark Occasion rina oi Buy uium u..... :; , i ,, fruit, In or upon any nubile or hlrodmattor. kinds. "It shall ho unlawful for any per son to throw Into or leave In .or upon, or causa to bo thrown or loft In or upon any street or sidewalk any bill, iinntor. dodEor. .or other advertising A now Industry, that of providing Itnlnbow and Dolly Vardon trout nud ether game Ash for tho edification of California and Oregon people at their tables wlien game fish are scarce, la to be added to Klamath county'a list of resources. Charles Hosier, a well known resident of Ashlaud, Is respon sible for the move. Mr. Hosley, who Is the father of H. L. Hosley of Merrill, Intends to se cure a tract of several acres, with proper water for trout, and take up prlvato fish culture. Ho has orders from the leading cafes In San FrnncU co for nil the trout they can handle, and ln his opinion, there will be a T United Press Service LONDON, June 3 King George to day celebrated his forty-eighth birth day, and In honor of the event salutes were fired and flags hoisted at every naval and military station throughout the British empire. At every garri son town In every British possession military parades were held, the most Importaut being that In London, where on the spacious Horse Guards parado grounds at Bt. James' Park, the king reviewed his Guards and con ducted the picturesque and Impressive (Continued, on m Grenadiers, while Lords Roberts and Metbuen wore the uniforms of the Irish and Scots Guards respectively. Prince Arthur of Connaught, riding on tho king's left hand, was conspicu ous for the big gray charger and the white gauntlets which distinguish his regiment, the Scots Greys. Queon Mary, with Princess Mary nnd the young princes, drove to the parade giounds separately, and took up positions In a window overlooking the saluting base. After Inspecting tho regiments drawn up In hollow square formation, the king presented ceremony known as "trooping ot the. the new colors to the selected battal tolors." I Hon. ana with stately ceremony the RiirrnundMi hv hla Held marshals. 'standards were consecrated ana generals, the headqutrto's staff and foreign military attaches ot all em bassies and legations ln full dress uni form, King George rode to the parade ground from Buckingham Palace to the accompaniment of enthusiastic cheers trom the vast throngs which llnod the streets. The king wore the uniform of colonel-ln-chlef ot the Guards, and as usual looked decidedly uncomfortable In the high bearskin head dress affected by that regiment. The Duke ot Connaught, who rode be side him, woro the uniform ot the trapped," a march past the review ing stand In slow time following. Among the Innumerable telegrams, cablegrams and messages from the heads of almost every nation on the globe, was one from President Wood- row Wilson. During the afternoon members of the diplomatic orps call ed at the palace to present their con gratulations and tender the format messages of good will from their re spective countries. Later, Foreign Seoretary Grey gave a big reception at the foreign oHce. the largest ever polled In Klamath county. Instead of being a resell election, It turned out to be merely a testimonial on the part of Klamaeh county's cltlsenshlp for tkMLpeilcles) in (Permanent road bylsdng, court house construction and other progressive j matters of vital ipiblic Interest,; ) It was not a choice between Worden and White, both ef whom have Ions been respected cjtlsens of Klamath Falls; It was a question ot whether or not the Improvement work started throughout the county should be con tinued, and the voters have decreed that It shall, despite the fact that permanent work costs more in the Brst place th,an does temporary, make shift methods. It was merely pregrses against lnerita, and the former wen by overwhelming odds. A complete return from the various precincts follews: PRECINCT Worden White Bitter East Klamath Falls. . 3SS 81 West Klamath Falls.. 7 14S .. Second Ward Zl8 111 I Third Ward SSI 111 7 Mills US 54 S. Bhtpplngton . , 65 4 . . Poe Valley 16 IS 1 Midland 6 88 Plevna 58 45 1 Lost River Ill 81 Langell VaUey 40 II 1 Sprague River 54 81 . . TuleLake 806 78 Dairy , . . . 84 64 Pine Grove ........ 14 4 Odell 88 IS . T Wood River 888 ' I Klamath Lake 41 II Malln .,..,. ill ed O A V M 11 'f'-fi- t V, 7 m A t ,.-4 i 1 a J - 1 ft 3l Total ,wvj rst WW emkr.fnt This was the JYUtKSlR raillll wmfi ymrwmmmmf . in, ana tney were o m vre neap. polling place. The female vet gf a heavy factor In the election, ami Wit result snows iasinM, sb-,- Klamath eonnty nn bcntttW'teyi 5 hf