Vyj7Sj " j P Kimball - fi-SSKt uiimk nut tfttUO I'BWW WII CHVICK Ik iimina Metalo. -ft print nm raws, iwr.: ... ' Ui Year N- JK7 KLAMATH PALLS, ORBOON, MONDAY. JUNE 2, 1B18 Election Excitement is Intense All Over the County; Men And Women Are Crowding the Foiling Places ' ...,,. Swearing in of Women Keeps Many Notaries on the Jump srA M RUNNING TIME TO SACRAMENTO IS GUT IN TWO1 asnnenaas 1 uw THAI. MIIKIH'Li; limiMIM cni.rim: m'.nd.w lolrml n( lining Only In t'liloi, llii' JIuri.li.K l'iMiiBrr I'mlil TliU I'll) Will Smut 111' IIiiiiiiIiiK In hurra, luriii", AiiumIIhk Tinnllng Pi xurr Agrnl if IIm NiiiIIh in l'i ililr IUIIiimiI ' X no" Irnlii schedule will Into :t nU Hiinday, iw-rnrilliiK to Hit nseunteiiiriil n( II W, Wwuell, llin IMWllO tUMrllRrr BXI'llt of lf fcalhi-ru I'nrlni', who U III Iho cltjr w)i; (rum lUiraiiimtii. Mr Wrlilell U MKDMll'.Mllr.l by liU C in U making lirr lint Irll' to KUtatlli KaIU. lirilniiliiR Hiinday, itio uiurnliiK mi n'll of ' Minalti Knl J Mill run ibiuunli iii fttrrntiieiilu, In. rait y iiofflnc ( Clilco, mi formerly. Thli till tnsble KlnniMli KaIU inu)o l rath tUciniuiitii thu mii d alter tafia. U etmlnc Imlua will arrive at lEiin limn as at present. Hopper and Goodwin Race a Tie in the National Handicap JB5i?if''7Wti f X .gtaaaawaW. Wi "Mm BBI'VB "& . & -.i .arNr araaTaaTanTanvi BTKL&jxKfJxl 1 1 s'y M-"'' tM gnlaiaHa'w.iy 1 1 ''IP i'A KflH II nVtVORRrl 'gsasasasasasasasasasasasnTaT h W2 SMJWr l gtaTaTaTaTaTaVlaTaTaTaTaw f fi S"SfjBjjm)SfnmjnmBenWJ. "Sw n .jahagft'aP WILSON WILL ! HAVE A HAND 1 IN THE PROBE AHHUMKH I'KllHOSAIi CIIAIU1K OK LOUUV QUKHV j M-mlHn of Itolli Huum-m Are lo Af Kr In Alphale(Jrl Order for Kf , mlnalloB aa to Wliellirr w Soli Tlicy Were AppnMMwol in Oiuow j Hun Willi ViMlag -ii tlic Tariff ANDERSON MAY MEET RITCHIE ON THE FOURTH MfAuro l WKKillT NKW YOHK. Juno Z Nnt Qood- ! ami DoWolf lloiiunr, ilnr lu the HutunUyitlivntrlcnl nnil matrimonial nnnninunt i a Ikl.tl v.hiftiHil i.,-. iti.i.it u..i urii.m fur biiv. fur tliiio lUMiiy yunr Iia itnrtlcu ...I ....... i. ., .... I.- i.nM tMMi. rnntiirl.pltiAlr frletlill ftKAltl. Knelt Imi UKutl d Uh a imlilUhliiiC liou.r. I nflli vlfc, ami tlio roro now laiidi rmnensation Act r iinurinn liini Held by Referendum nu At! 5 mfl A I'nlteJ I'rcif Service WA8IIINOTON, U. J.. Julio 2. ' I'reililenl Wllion todar aumed per aonal charge of the Investigation ai to tlio oxlttenco o( a paid lobby In the capital. Ho outlined clearly and uo ftjulvocallr Just bow lie Intends to guldo the Inquiry. Among other things, Wilson said ho summoned Senator le S. Over man of North Carolina, chairman of tho Judiciary committee, tnd Senator Jamvs A. Reed of Missouri, also of that committee, to tbo White House 'to raako a number1 of suggestions and talk over plans with them. Wilson does not Intend to appear .ncrsonally befiro the Investigation. i. 1, KlluJlArdlnoj:; No. Tbo senate Judiciary nubcommlttee Ida Moschor; No. S, Kdna Wallace; today commenced questioning the sen- No. 4. Nolla Ilcrgcu; No. 5, KldnU.oril in n offort to learn whether Curry. lobbyists were attempting to lnOu (loodwln No. 1, Kllia Weathers- cnco tho tariff legislation pending be by, No. 2, Nclla leao; No. 3, Maxlno foro that body, and what steps had nilntt; No, I, IMna Ooodrlch; No. 6, been taken. Mnrjorlo Morelnnd. It l alao planned te learn whether or not tlio senators are nnanciauy in- IMV1DKS I.KVV NOLAN AM) i For the Ballot Started Early Today n " ALEX CHEYNE IS A DENEDICT ItKC'ALL AROUMENTS, PRO AN CON, ARK TO BK MKARB ON KVERY HIDK ltln.m WanU IJ13 1'otinda Itlagside. MH8 c'RYSTAIi McHEYNOLDH BK- or Ho Won't llox, Accordlag to Hta cOMEH THK BRIUK OP ALEX Managei In That Cat, Vancouver . CHKYNE, WKLL KNOWN KLAM- lloicr Will lie Matched Wtta the Cluuiiplon at Ban Francisco, and lllvvra Witb Ci ATH RESIDENT United Presa Service SAN FRANCISCO, June 2 Instead of Willie Ritchie and Joe Rivers meet plonthlp, Dud Anderson, the Vancou- as follews: IIoiir No. Miss Wllda Crystal McReynolds ha become Mrs. Alex Cbeyne, as a result or a quiet wedding at the Methodist parsonage Saturday afternoon; when Rev. George H. Feese pronounced the . ... n.i....i.i.t ,. 'ceremony uniting these two well tng here for the lightweight cham- r-ld.BU ol Klamath conntr. known resldenU of Klamath county. Three Important Measures Passed by the Last Legislature Cannot Go Into Effect Tomorrow niltienilum Petitions ngnlnsl tho eniplojcrs In hazardous occupation. ., ., .hu'canio under tlio provisions of the net. workmen's coniimn-mllon n't. ho un,M- ,,,, M gren lo Iho com icunly attorney bill Mid iho "lorlllw im,im i,cforo Juno 10th. Now that llun bill woro nied .vlth Urn ' t, bill has been referred to tho poo tary of statu nl Hnlcm Saturday, jnd',,0 tliU inillco will not bo necemnry, . . .., ..ti.,n tlm otieratlon of tho law Is held 'no new iw i-iiiiuui hj - - - - .,i.. until ,, favorable voti Is tnken en up until decided by an election. (In in In November. Tho rnmiiensatltin bill mm Hill E Id'COltD AHCENSIO.V MAIIK BY LOCAL RAHKBAIL CI.OUTERH vi:sTi:itiAY, thi: whole I i:.M I'AltTICIPATINd ttcrested In the pending measure. ' Membors of tlio leuatc are to b symmonod alpl'alictlcally for uxam ini'.lon. Tho rcKiibtlcan scnator.i pro- I, 'ixc to read tho nimo of hundreds of l.-nmilficnts ,vi. aro protesting ,-ilnt the Uniii.rw.ml bill, and si nm-Wns a fea- hat K will bring about bualnesq ruin. Merrill !; Klamath Falls 0. Sounds llko nil Interesting gamo, doesn't It? it Biiii-toil off llko one. too. Iloth teams started In playing ball ', ,1,.. uinri. nml neither side UIMII " ........ .. . .I..I.J in anlllA ..nnvnil ..ft 111.1 II1I1M HLI11.CU f 0V...V Iteferendum petition. I.avo ',"'" " wfh rea, elWbUoB ll0v...od '...,, KM nKa.nst two o ho u,mer. P-'. " , " -;; CREWS WORKING TOWARD KLAMATH ADVICES FROM LASSEN ARE THAT THE RAILROAD IS RAP IDLY TRAVELING TOWARD THIS CITY TO DUILD NEW 11. & Anm mfttsalnauft fan ski I Affar m s tut tUVM nvvaiuvu svoaeamv ww vr Wtth.. llfthtwftlcht. may h tha ih .- thU wlntr on account of chnmplon'a opponent here July 4th. 'his "skunk" farm. Ho has a Am ranch In case this bout Is arranged, Rivers r ro will meet Leach Crosa at Vernon, in- jstcad of Anderson being Cross' oppo- j nent. Ritchie and Manager Nolan arrived from Portland this afternoon. To morrow Sol Levy, who guides Rivers ring careeer, will be here trom Los Aitgoles, and they will hold a confer ence regarding the Natal Day mix. It Is exoected that Levy for his pro- Icko will refuse to sign articles unless tho champion agrees to make 133 nounda at the ringside. In case this cannot be agreed upon, Anderson Is tbo logical opponent for the cham pion. SATURDAY THE HOTTEST IN MAY THERMOMETER REGISTERED 88 DEGRES COLDEST NIGHT) WERE FIRST AND SECOND OF THE MONTH i no rnmpensaiiiin oiu im "" " . ,. ,,,.. that alt persons nt firm cima.se.1 n.slty of .Oregon appropriation bllU. No Bids Received For the Purchase of Indian Timber Tract on Reservation Containing More Than Fifty Mil lion Feet Will Be Disposed of at Open Sale, Accord ing to Officials. Timber in Vicinity of Chiloquin SCHOOL HOUSE POE VALLEY DISTRICT WILL OPEN BIDS ON JUNE TWELFTH. THE BONDS WERE VOTED SOME TIME AGO . Pupils of School District No. 10, la Hoe Valley, will attend school at a new school house this fall, as it Is the Intention of the directors to have a new school constructea as soon aa possible. Bids for the work will be opened June 12th. A few years ago the school house In the district was destroyed by Are, and since that time the sessions have been held in a rented building'. Re cently the tax payers of the district voted bonds for a new school house, Seldom Has Any County Been Stirred Wkh Campaign Interest aa It Klamath Cosutty Today Wewslea and Whtta Faction Each Have No Urlea Busy Swearing In tho Ust- registered Etecteta Whether William 8. Words to re called aa county Judge, or whether Ma policies are endorsed by Uo vote et tho people, It will be a perfect expres sion of the sentiment of Klamath county as to hi oBclal eareer, aa wwy person who can-possibly get to the poll today la doing so. ,ln every precinct la the cKy, there. was a long line of me mm womb waiting to -cast their ballot at tho time the poll opeaed this moraiacv and at every ward there ha heea a continuous stream of elector going to vote on the recall question. Reports from all over Uo ceuaty are to the same effect. Every country precinct forecast the heaviest vat lu history. The Interest that the nswly qual ified women electors Uke la today' nht at tho Dolla has heea demoa- Istrated by their early arrival at the various precinct. A largo peroeat age of the early vote waa cast by wo men, aad they have heea going to Uo polls all afternoon, too. In order to facilitate Uo oaoraUaa. lot voUng, both the WMiM aWrisM supporter have smfajaamuomnva.wo. women ana. terod, swe ceins: to ' convenience, for voter as well a for the election oBclals. (Hpoclal Correspondence) KLAMATH AOENOY, June 2. Al though tho salo has been extensively advertised, there woro uo bids rocolv od for tho purchase of a tract of 52, 000,000 feot of Indian tlmbor today. Tho tlmo for submitting bids for the tract closed today nt 2 o'clock. Ah a result of tho failure of any body to bid on tho tlmbor, It may ho old In open market forlSJo l'r thousand feet, provided tho entire tract is purchased nt that price. Special permission must be secured fiom tho government In order to pur chase smaller portions of tho tract. ri.1. uu tho minimum llisuro sped- lied lu tho notlco for bids. The tlmbor Is In tlio vicinuy ' Chiloquin and Kirk, and is in cany i each of tho railroad. For tho most part It conslstB of western ye" I,IUAporlod of six years from tho date of tho acceptance of tho purchase .... i. nmmi8Bloner of Indian -... ii i. niinwad for tho cutting and removal of tho timber covered by tho contracts. Actual logginn - tlons will uegln within six months after tho llrst ogrooment has been ex ecuted, and will bo continuous until tho tlmbor has been removou or mo coutracts oxplre. Ten per cont of tho eniimaieu vmuo of tho timber on on allotment must bo paid within thirty dnys of the date of tho approval or tno coniraw .u,. ... .i,.. niintment. The timber will bo paid lor In advauco payments of not loss than is,""" weu "" " .... ,i. niPor in charge. The amount deposited with the accepted bid, or otherwise, will oe creuuw .. . nrst payment, During the past month an army of men and n never-ceasing stream of wnennn loaded with construction sup plies have been flowing through Susan ivllle to the west, says the Lassen Ad vocate. Certainly the continuance nr tho Vernley and Lassen railroad to ih Wnlker properties at Robber Creek would not demand any ucn force of men, or anywhere near Ue oqulpmont that has passed through this place. Thorn la. then, but the one conclu sion to prcsont Itself, and that Is that tho road la to continue on to me wesv and north ns rapidly as possible. vnt niinntlttes of material ana ap pliance are arriving dally over the Fomley and Lassen, and the prepara tions that the Utah Construction com pany has made at thl place lend col or to tho report that the U. C. Intends tq maintain branch headquarters here for somo time to come. There are Indications to tno nortn- ......i .i.n iht the road is to De pushed to completion to Kiamatn Falls. mm. Marlon Dames came hero Sat urday from Chiloquin to spend a tew days with relatives. Mlsa Estol Campbell I vlsltlag friend at Wood. Saturday. May 31. was the hottest day of the month Just ended, accord ing to tho meteorological record at tim reclamation service headquarter. Tbo thermometer reached 83 degree. Following la the report for the menth: Temperature Mean maximum, 67.4; mean minimum, 40; maximum, 83, on May 31; minimum, so, on Mv 1 and J. Precipitation .71 of aa men. Greatest In 24 hours, .28 of aa Inch on May tt. Summavy Number ot day with u of nn irch or mora precipitation ; clear, IS; partly cloudy, 8, and cloudy, r The ladles of the Dower committee on Decoration Day wish to thaak the public and children for the oeauuiui llowers. Also, Mr. O. M. Hector for the use of the room so willingly donated. Clrde Farrar of Ashland la the cuest of his brotherln-ln-law aad sla ter, Mr, and Mr. Claud B. Coon. iroraAlMNJelartea i UtTyolJTfu to a Install Fb-eKscaffe Workman today completed tho In stalling of a Are escape from the third floor of the I. O. O. F. Temple. Thto Is equipped with a swinging Udder from the first floor to tho groaad, making esctpe from tho bulldlac te an emergency perfectly aafo. deorge J. Walton, district ubotIb- tendent for the Cuiuoraia-uroswa Power company, returned last aigai from a visit to various power station of the company. Mr. and Mr. Fred O. Meloy were In trom "Broadview Farm" Saturday, visiting frtoada. Second Street Fill Crowds Into Court! G. W. White. Member of Committee Nameb to Solicit Funds for Com pletion of Boulevard ii Sued A ult Involving the work on the. Dale, ha filed a demurrer, ta whtok ... . .... . lvrv nictation ot ta oovapeasn m Second treet noujevaru auwiMw, - -- . - ...... ,1... mIa..I AH,l lAA atlM'",, --. fcF. was uieu tu iu n.m " - urday evening, when C. A. Arnold commenced action against G. W. White to recover 1640 for hauling dirt for tbo all. Aceordlnsc to the complalat, filed I by Attorney J. C. Rutenlc, Arnold was hired by White to haul earth for a All on Second street from Oak to Klamath avenue, at the rate of 80 cents a yard, He say he hauled 1080 yard, and art a Judgment .for the cash value. - la answer, White, through Stone denied. The Second streot fill waa a aatt af a plan for a driveway tram Ua atsjagf fair ground to Mat atrat. wttiatv to ,, ddlttoa to furatoalat a haaJaomBI ta the eltjr, provided a fir tmsjaaM m, the Weet Bad o XtoaMth PMal . a .uu a .m ' .' the Merrill i la order to put so am eatraaee eoald hwi load street. It wag aiiiaM 111 for several hloehn I toaeUotttMdgfw'tUgt was Hrani. sm af IM lafG.F1 ',nt Hb.