it IVI'PMKI) BY TBK ,, wm www WCHVMW Sk m9) turning efaliV . fc (.-,. Jm h-iJi ,,ana--,..aii , 'vt 'i ''a. or"" van lite mWi . , V ' i I - PMifT in ram. not 1 gVwr No. W' KLAMATH PALM, OIIKOON. SATURDAY, MAY SI, IBlt. aw xIL'ruJkl " nMf Ww veaaa Newett Surrenders in Damage Suit Brought By '? p v ,: Cents Kirs SIDE "GATHERS IIS pITNESSES OTTERBEIN aMY TESTIFY AM IIAIIITM TO T. R.'S MM ftho .irtrd Ih-lyguanl While hwrtrlt Wea Prrahlrnl, anil Who ajtit ll HI MM! ' failed '" Ttr llrganlllig ll) Hoh.rty of Ik Colonel, and Hi I'Mlrulli or Ifct.ttlark of llm "Iron Ago LEAD OF BOTH I.OI'AI. MAN IH IXEITKD niiAMi or thi: i. o. o. i'., asm IIIIAM) PATRIARCH OF Till. KM'AMI'MENT COLTS CAVORT AT MODOC PARK Mi:i(IUI.I.ITKS AM KltAMATII atxjrkoatio.n will meet for ki:m encounter tomoh how aiteiinoon Klniiuilli KalU bnicball fans nra ELECTION INFORMATION Tlio game U tot (or 2:30. Two week ngu, tlio local Jour ft .1... r..uillHr IflMjtlllltf flf tClHIIIAt tl IiiiIrk. So. 137. I. O, O. F KrlJxl'okl f"r good game to- fi-tilM. officer wore elected for tl.o n orrow afternoon, llio occa.ion bo ,i,ulng term, which begin In July.lug tjiu uutliiK of Merrill and Klaui N'atn Ottorboln wan' elected nubU'atli KalU on tlio Modoc park dla giand mid O. II. llr-iiiKMiinn v.aln,unij elected vre grand. Secretary Geo, . . M II t l iiumpi.rey nm. ,-...... -!,, l0 ..,, ... ,n Bn M KoiinlMln will hold office unw Jan- , , , , . . .wry I, ni thco officer, are only' fn.t game, tl.oy succeeded In elected onctt a year. j winning ovor tlio home guard by a l!wauna encampment, No. IC, I. O.lrio.u .core. Tho return game l uiimtlim'K. Mar 3I.WItuvc,fi i. -loried tho following officer i,, tomorrow. ik till appear for tho dofdi.o ofiat Hit regular olon Tuesday ercn-i 0 ntcollnt 0f t10 font gnmo that . .... &.-.. m. .... viM rifiMPit.tin. rnier iiairiarcoi Hf6r.t!l Ul low iriiH .im ... iilf ! Ilia trial. """"' .. 7. ... ... .'.... .r. l...l.l. I IIUV Mwwa T alf wltnMa will bo II. O. Tmk. former congrawan front Xmtf. dlitrkt. II will probably tilon Tumday veil-1 (J ntcollnt of t10 fMl B,,mo that irbvln. chief patriarch J 'j,,,,,,,.,, ttom ,10 iB,t mooting of tho lan. tenlor warden: l..wo lcnru-,, and tho fact that both ..-. Tim flriltlll I . ... a . At... Junior warden: Arllo Worrcl, acrlbe. and Krcd lluctlug, treaturer. Murrlll and Klamath have been tho of much bnieball practice cone 1'l0l.i.... .nnv iv nml ovenlnci. fan- .... a. . I . J.l u.lll 1. l.a,-lltMll llinl .. . A .L.l i... ttttRit he lold .wu onuoi -m ......". - action during Hlate unlveralty hi tint meeting In July. lait -LARGE NUGGET EXCITES TALENT U 10BU iftrta it Ike ttar. V. Kaitln Itooierclt, Ihe colonol nuU. tlaud that ho and th plain tin ! ilwtr very Intlmato. and tUtktUd accompanied htm on ov- ml kuntlng trip. I mm mnrn Inlltnala with llllll tku wllb any othar man," ald the" titMW. "I'll iwear that never while I km txn with him, would It hatcif,,.M.MI: Mi potilblo for him to have been , .v..,(,s HMr the influence or liquor. Vb. Ib. who wu formerly AMI WOMK.N teoM-clt'a private aecretary, wa .. ...... (;0,o Urtcilltd to tho (land. i , .... Hili a lemperato aa any man .. ., .,, .. . AUI I.ANII. Ur.. .MBI II. "" 're'. IK.. l .,.- of Talent b?. iUtodu.rd for Uoo.c finding of a . .nm nco K -M .- 1 ...... I BAk t.V (111 111 II Uklll'l ' ...... ..TUt ml Wilson, flwcnuw uw ' - - - t . .. nwiiii i-icrauituua irrvh - i ICUt-'ll III " I six ouNciat mT..v j i'oi' dom I whliperlng around that there will be apeed galore at tomorrow matinee. A big crowd I eipccteo a n rsilllt. Tho loam will lineup In thl man ner!: M.rrllt. Klamath Fall Hlodgetl l BnlTa Hlovtn.on c Thraiher Dyer Arnold p Vnrinimr ...Sb Meaner il.. Vorhnticr....Sb Ambroe HUMlAYli. Vorfiatxer.... French .If Maxwell Itecall election. Monday, Juno 2, , ('andldutei, William B. Wor- dun, Prank Ira White and J. e l. Hitter. I'olU oieu at M . m. folic clone at 7 . m. Votlag PUeea Witt Klamath Fall 1'reclact Hank Kxchnnge bulUlng. Second Ward Precinct Courthouse. Third Ward Precinct Cham- 0 bcr of Commerce. KaHt Klamath Fall I'roclnct Jackdon building. Shlpplngton Hhlpplngton ho- tol. e Mill precinct Mill Addl - tlon Hall. e) e e suss era his WEI6HT NEARLY 3001b, VI.N1CB, Cal., May 31. "Babo" former Barnum ft Rlngllng circus itar, who once claimed to be the fatten man In the world, u oeaa here. Recent lllne brought hi weight from 700 to 425 pound. NEW CONCERN TO COMMITTEE IS ENTER THE CITY AMHI.AM) KMUIT AMHOCTATIO.N TO OfKX KHTAMIiWHMKNT gUlliMTCII tiHOCI.HIK8 TO UK COMUIMCI) Announcement ha been made by i.. ouillltch k Son that the con cern' two grocerle are to be co- iiinnl. it 1 the Plan to move ooin ertabllshmenU to the BrUtol build ing, on Main between Second ana bird atreets. Thl I midway betwoen the prea- cut locations of the stores. Tho building near the Madsen Muilc House, occupied by on ot the Qulllltch store, Is to be occupied by tho Ashland Fruit association, which concern willy open a fruit exchange. This company operates extensively la Jackson county. ' VERY THANKFUL HUtOI.UTIO.Ntf HAH8KD BY THOSE l. CHAItOK OF MKMOKIAI. OB HKKVANCK, KXTKNUING OKATI-TUDK ROOSEVELT ASKS FOR MERELY A NOMINAL SON HOUSTON HOST TO SCHOOL KIDS MnnnliiR cf. Haum u4 HMldint. "I lwy know who waits on a riMldittt at ocry banquet, and kuow nos,.KtmIWi:v:;:;i;; soe. STAYS OFF THE HIGHBROW LINKS MRS. PANKHURS1 IN BAD PLIGHT ACUTK INDIGESTION BESUIrS KltOM ATTKMIT TO PABTAKK or Tins imoTii At hi -w M).S(JI'.n FAST moid a porfoct speclmon nnd worm from $100 to $120. HplUcr ha a placer claim on .... v , 1JlKNT WIIJM).V I'ASSI-M VV imunco what he I. to oat and property, uui - - .. C1J uy ii .. .. . ..- H'UMiar im si iiirn uiinuiu w w." -- .... - - VI'IHIIII 11 PVVIVI - .-... YOU.NOSTKRS WHO MAHCHED IX 1'ARADK AKK OIVKN A SPECIAL MATI.VEK AT OTAR YOONQ TOTS PERFORM children were again the guests ot honor at the Star theater this after noon. The occasion was the matinee git en by Manager John V. Houston for the school children who marcnea In yesterday's Memorial day parade. A good program ot pictures was IONDOS. May 31. rs. ".mme-1 1 lul ' '"" " .. , .intTanu'rst. Juffrag.tte leader. U exclamation. d .deUght and cent n? .orlouily 111 from acute .maigesuon. oouo.o. . ----- - -- ---- aUJllllUB, mw -.- pleased Tho committee on Memorial Day exerclies. In behalf of the O. A. R. and W. R. C, desire to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to timin who contributed their time and attention toward nfaklng tho memor ial exercise and services a success. We esneclally extend our thanks to Professor Wirtx and the-High School orchestra. Professor Dunbar and the rhnnihov nnd alrl. Professor Coates and the Boy Scouts, Captain Ramsby's Drum corps, the lodges participating in the parade, and the Klamath Falls Military band. wm lu desire to thank .Mrs. Will iam Wagner for her beautiful rendi tion of a solo, to Mr. J. B. Mason and the Lycenm caoru for their slaglng. to Mr. Edwin Cox for hU superior oratorical effort, to Judge Henry u- n.non for his most Interesting, edi fying and eloquent address, and to up i v Houston for the use or nis opera house and his theatric! enter tainment for the school children MRS. M. B. SARQEANT, rs-tdeat W. J, SHAVER, Secretary. NKWKTTS ATTORNEY OtVMH NICKEL AND FsWmr ' When tho PUtnUff Rested, KsVtor t Iron Age Read a Le of the StJitenMnt veil, asMl Made Profaee Aialsgw ItooMivete Hays He U aw , na Me Achieved Ilwfese MARQVETTE, Mar itodare RooeeveR's agalawt Edker Xewett Um Ism Age was ahntpUy ended Jm 3 o'clock tMa klefemdasrt The Jnry retnmed veriest i lag Raosevek eeerta. After th nenlntiff reaied. New took Um siasML Me read a awe atetaea, defeadsag als aalaUdw an' ckarsjlac ta coleael wkth . . ... .. hln 1 nit a reaull oi nil iwii" . broth after hor long fast. The prisoner I. very much en- ....,in.i. Tho auffragetws are I alarmed a to her health. NIPPON TO SEND ANOTHER LETTER SEMI-OFFICIAL ANNOCNCBME.NT SAYS CALIFORNIA MEASURE IH THE OCCASION' FOR MORE COMMUNICATION cert also eeaaaaasd a rHracOeat af ate eaaaaa' ate rtslssnaat t ate' COUNTRY CI.UIl . . ..I ......Ah hihtt.u.r I properly, in loowng uier m (iuiv os T,,r, ni..u. ....... "Wh, the prcldont 1. away'i-rty Sunday ho k eke. ocr re.. Ir Wellington. I'm aeldom inoro nnd nestling benonth w . n glUUning ttiilhreo fNt from lilm. I'd often iiugRii " '-," ' " ,, vll lllk..,-.,w M.v 31.-Pre.l- U4. , be colonol' arm becau.e ho t.T Tllulde W Z n tW. morning p.ed golf J-.r, lighted, M7W TW',I ""0. mV 0" n put on exhibition.', ' ,0 WllM.,gton Suburban Country lllil aUa took hi arm.' nugRi't " ".'',l .,, is vl. , . .....,. n.n chevy Chaie i ...t ... . i..i iiiiiiiiiir in mi a"' niiiii innin niun iiavi iiiu'U niiu wumvi. ..-.--. .... - in Addition the two Roo children, appearing at the theater with their parents, gave some special numbers for the guest. The youngsters are ...ninnBiiv rUvr. and their act was loudly and enthusiastically ap plauded. Mr. anil Mr. V.l. nilnrlmln uraiNlmllar find. -' "' .... .WW -wwm - ... a Andoron found a HHtUd homo this evening from , Ust Friday J. "" ' -" , Hlord .ud other Jackson count iiukcI on nuf"?" " d?.e0rle. .wlioro they have been visiting same .I.e. and If - '' ihhiu for txo weeks. contiuuo a a I peeled. Mn. J. U. Krye, wife of the presl- ; "" rr.111i1iui,er t of t.,o nrst National bank of I.. H. llrook. odllor nm I ubl W.r OjtsU I'... I. vUltlng Mr. and Mrs.,of tho Merrill Hecord. I hero for r, Tsosr, isnori lujuum, leSamE 1 Wood Chopping Charge 1 bonanza Man. Sued for Cutting Tim . bcr Off a Forcit Rcikrvc. and is pFrccd by Paying tlfc Chargci l UIIIV '"l --- -ri. Huhiirban club Is frequented by pcoplo of modorato clrcuraitanco. He m accompanied by Ur. Cray.on. SAYS NO LEMONS GO ONJEE LIST CALIFORNIA MWMAKKR HK HAS INHIIli: KNOWLKDOh THAT HKNATK WIM- MHWKOT :1TRUS INI1USTRY DIRECT ELECTION IS NOW ADOPTED AMATEUR FLYER FALLS 50 FEET tokio. Mar . It waa aeml-oftl- clally sUted today that the office of the bureau ot foreign affairs is draft- ir,.. .nnihar note to the United states, niiir tha Anti-alien land bill, re- ....... i n.ujui hv ih California leal- wuw !- " " laturo nnd signed by Governor jonn ison. it u aald that It will be cabled to Baron Cblnda, the Japanese ambas sador extraordinary, for presentation to Secretary ot State Bryan. The free aad faH of dmakraaafi "la view e IHarattA.' aalal KoBSftt. ilk court laiast dtately sJtorwarda. -I the court to last ran taa jewy that I desire esdjr aosalaal daanaaas. Never agaia wW It be gosskbls tor any mss, la good faH. to tlieae caarsna." I have achieved nay coadaded Roosevelt, "aad ana ana- teat.." The Jarr retarawd a verdict award- lag RoeeveH cants. a mickal kud a asaai was seseaaa- s ily haaded the eijlaael ay Xevraafa at- v. toraey. x. 4, w VETERANS CANT RE FOUNP NOW PORTLAND, May 30. After the "Jt com hud mounted up to a f lg "? Urlr than tho amount asked In 2 ,u,, United States Attorney M0 to the federal court an 2a; that the government's suit 2" v 0. Dechtoldt, a settler of 'J?"' In Klamath county", had "Khtolut chopped some wood on "WMIo domain, for which tho gov "Ht uktd him to nay 110. Tha government pinned him ior- lHtcnOy'iiaadovorlng to socuro until iho su anna oeeu .. - Sh'so-tlng l.riont compromised ,1th . . i ... ...Xl-...inr hlin only 135 ror. woomakln." U wh.1. "' 1UJ i WASHINQTON. May il'' grcssmau William jvouuvi ' fornla. today declared that ho has positive assurance. ','" will not ho put on mo irew - Ucnato. ,. ., vrV .....jinif tn Kettner, w i..v hnn uralng tho mem- uToTu.;;; finance committee to toko the duty on n- - :. .... i.dr Undorwood Inter- :rd;nd saved the halt, cent duty which the houso uiii cn. i.Z.. i.i.nrdliiK houses and ". .: ;,,uoarUf.clal ice have Ion display ice factory cards. 31-ot W. B. Richardson of Dorrls Is here for ft short SKCHRTARY OF STATE TUUAS PROCMIMS A1H1TI0N OF 1MB SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION ...iuinvn-roN. May 31. The bovontoenth amendment to the con- .. ....i u nnw eircciive. Secretary of State Uryan today .- i Mm ndontlon of this amendment, which provides tor tKe I m v. .1.1 OtattAAil ATI ft direct election oi um - i,r.. A group of statcsmsn wlt- Inessed the formslltlc. SKIRMISHING IS STILL GOING ON WIRES OF UIPLANE GET ENTAN GLED IN A TREE, AND CRAFT, FALLING FIFTY FEET, KILLS AVIATOR CHICAGO, May 31. Jamea Colo- a a..j..k af aiiiarirui van, aged zs, a siuueut i .. . was killed by a fall at the Cicero aerodrome thl morning. Pntnvan wu using a Curtlae bl- ni.nn. and. when 50 feet from the ground, the wires supporting the planes became entangled In a tree. The engine crusnea me oooy the air craft struck the ground. BAN FRANCISCO, May II. Dr. J n nmn.r smith, dsoutr national ' i commander ot the Army-Navy uatavt who baa been held at the detention a hospital, following threaU , Lincoln Bavldge, has dlsapaearad, - and cannot be found. I Smith walked out of the deteatWa thl. mnrnlnar. and alaaa tfcM.r. IhsB not baen seen. ..,.. iM i. over from Ash- He Is believed to be meatally aa-' V Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Loosley ot Ft Klamath are here for a short visit. land attending to business matters. I balanced. ri. Tennis Tournament Siiiht tor Summer .- 'it" ,. .v.a LdalT Formation or a Team in noi apno j ....av HATTKHY BOM- HUI,'" HARDS A GREEK CRUISER, HUT NO DAMAGE RESULTS FROM FUSILADE ATHENS, Ma73TTA Bulgaria battery today ."- "...--"7 cruiser Speotsai, on ""--" Neither the fort or mo ....... - '"skirmishes continue around Ba- MW n..1lai-a Aft. lonlca. The QreeKanu -.--- ;- troU have engaged in o.v.. . Ing. with but little damage. Good BUI at Star A program ot exceptional merit opened at tho Star theater laat night, when the Roth-Roaso company opened an engagement. Tha com- pauy Is composed ot a man ana w . .n.i to children, who are excap- itlonally good singers and dancers. In addition, there Is a gooo piu -.- gram. - Goaa to Gale County School Superintendent Fred Peterson has gone w -. where, this avenlng, he will present diplomas to a class of seven grad uates, A splendid grauuaw - gram has been arranged, and Issuance of a Defi Causes Racquet Weildersto Wake up l-r -if k r j. Prospect for a series ot tenant touraamenta thla summer w - ,nin..i in the announeemeat that a tennis club has been forms by resi dents of Hot Springe addition. The organisation la laying out a aourt there, and has ewfeased a daalrejto arrange n series wrtn aiaer' playeraotthaclty. i As n result. It la possible that a meeting of other tennis eathaauate will be held during the eomiag wets to arrange tor a twraameat. Tare are a number ot devotees N.w gam haw. aad tkera has beeaiteWt all sprngvot formlnt a.clnb aad lay- IDg W av!, 7 .-1 it a-i ; 7.1 w Members ot the Mot ayrasaa aew ,l-t, V A " tlon team lncjuaa Mr. aad Mitf.O. tl.,3 '' w- .a u avajik (liuiiaed. . ueorge, mi. - -mrJ jrr7 1 Mr, and Mrs. WllHaaj r.'ing . r Mtaa Carol Carter, aua "-""V- ' Caaotoa, Mam Lwi-v. ImtmkJ HarrlagtoaAnaralldWaw & 3 'r Amoag" tha'aUyata a teas! at) kA n at osaaaa tte-aleA 'ateamsjl' i are Garreyt Van Rlaar, "w leflWaf j at the Ua.verslty of a aob a. Wller. a airaag ta" eaejaateaaau mwawi brothers7rstorU .aa, tte w .AAuria: Diak.Satl Evans aad others who aft la raMuet wsa. - .v sr .fv.