! jr 1.4- HUrTLIaWBYTRK DNITK1) I'RMW NKWI MCRVIOM Uht tu4ttina 1 cfalft. - '- 'C ., UH-WTV " Ji r jtairnlli Year No. . . 'ai 4MiMhk jS7 PMKT n IOBW'im,IMMf ' ''J'i KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON, THUIMDAY, MAY 99, 1S13. RAVItVW VHHP y -rfjii ." " - v Circuit Judge Benson Overrules Demurrer to the , s v A, Alternative Writ of Mandamus in Warrant Case ARRANGE PRIZE LIST FOR THE j ELKS' RODEO' meid: than thrkk thousand imh.i.ahm to ric wivkn Two Klamath County Bronchos I'ui- Will Ito larger Ttiiui IMoir, ' (.ml In AiIiIIIIun lo flood CIi' Vriicm, Special I'riwt Will lie (lliru In a .Number of t'oinprtl lion l)' lcnl IliulneM Men Iimi fur llurklag Clintiluaehli ,jLL tj!j?' iA$mMn n&vv, W4HtKv 0P-nk i-L' wfrT" tlilin I'rllrnn Throning J mill of Oklahoma (Urge llr(uri) anil Cyclone, Viirl!' Champion Ilutk ItiK Horne. Three thouMitd Oollara In caili Knlglila i:nlertaln ladle. A vnrir nleniant llino was sin-nt Ui.t prlui U lo bo distributed lo winners uicnlnc when locnl Knlxhts of I'yth-j of urlotu otents at llio comlnc Klks nlla entertained llio I'ytlilan Sisters. Itixlro, nccurdlug to tlio cumuiltlco In Dancing and card were Indulged In, rlnrKe. In addltlun( a number of Bpe-)anl leu cream, rnko nnd strawberries ilil irli will bo given by local were served. I luerctiaitta at the big ihow, July i, . ' ' nd 6. v, ii, Drotliorton wa )n Wcdnes- Tim largest iriio U for the buck- day from lit Toe valley ranch. jt.l.KH, Ins roiitfM, an appropriation of liOOi - I being umdo for this event? In tbl, f William lltimiihrey U hero attend-1 the rmitostant are to qualify during jnK t business mattera. Ha haa a LODGES TO TURN OUT TOR PARADE (limtlliuru nu rnge i inncli aoutu of thla city. KNKiHTH OF I'VTHIAH, I'tTHIAN HIHTKIW, OI1II KKI. KKI.MtWH AND HKIIKKAIIH TO UK l LINK OF MAIICII- Prize Bucking Bronx to Be Here Tomorrow Square Deal, White Pelican and Chey enne on the Way Here From Ash land. Stars at Two Rodeos Alter mimtln, an abae&co during which ownen of tlio Nearly nil of the fraterna1 ordera of tho city will tako part In the Me morial Day parado tomorrow, and re queita me made for the membera to imeci ai me iouco niu v .. un in tlio morning. I All membera of the Elka lodge are 'rctjtictttd to bo prcicnt at tho regu lar meeting of the lodge tonight. At 'that tlmo It will bo decided It tho lodgo will turn out In a body and ur- rnngomenti are mado for the parado. KnlghU of l'ytlilai and l'ythtan Hiuinra. and nil yIiIIIdk membera will 'meet at tho west hall In tho Odd Fel ilons building In tho morning at 0:30 tt,M Bharp, and will march from the nail or several aMociaiioii. u.pn u. ... "- - . . ..,. , , ,n ,. ..-j. , .k. time they champion. Cyclone, and other itollar -' - ' itnrrrd at iha la Anaalaa and Dal- buckera. They are being brought """" .. u, Tex... Itodeo., Bquaro Deal, cro the mountain. The officer, of tho Odd nuowa Cl..y,nn. and Whit. I'ellcan. tho At the flr.t Hodeo theio hor.c. lodgo have li.ued order, or .11 mm. Ibleo louvl i. I.--., ii.i. ...!.. tr.mn ...in'ron.in in iili tiitnnlo maJe.ty. When 9:30 to take part tlulr native ht.tli, and get In floe taken lo l.o. Angelo. and Dalla.. parade, ibipo for the Klka' Hodeo. they kopt up their aver.ion to o.ing rcnue and Whit. I'ellcan, tho At the (ir.l noaeo mcio i.or.c. ...-.-...---.- -- ;-" o Premier bucking .bronchoe. be- .pilled rider, galore, and they acted Kr of tho bordhl. RebUh .nd I.ik to the local Ulk. lodge, will In a manner quite becoming a drat Incnmpment to meet at ." j , .. . i' .i., i,i. ..tnnio maleatv. When 9:30 to take part In tho memorial Tho horie. were unloaded at Ah- cmnucreu, anu u.ey .u ...,M Und by the Municipal Amu.ement, tuontinueu nn rage 4 a C. II. Clendennlng ha. returned to Midland after a short vl.lt her.. STATE OFFICIAL LOOKS TO KICKS AGAINST CO. P. COMMIHHIONJiB CAHI'UKLIi iNinwmo In AnHi-r to Complaint or icai llualiieM Mea Aglnt Meter aad Inntruniest Charge. Itequlred by I'ower Oompaajr and Tdepheae ComjMiBy, Hallroad Comwl looer I. Making a laTcwUgatio Her. Mikado Falls Sick War Rumor Cause For the purpose of ascertaining tho right of the California-Oregon l'owor company to require power consumers to pay a moier aepou. and tho legality of tho Instrument de posit required by tho Pacific Tele- phono - Telegraph company Here, Railroad Commu-loner Thomaa K. Campbell of Salem I. .pending a few days In Klamath Falls. Campbell baa Jwt returned from a business trip to Lake county. Today bo stated that complaint haa been made by two local business mm against the two companies bar. aa to their right to cbarg. deposit leea. and stating that the light aad water rates charged her. were too high. To i look Into the former matter be slopped over a few days. "In case sufficient people sign a petition claiming against the rate. charged for light and water, and ask ing an Investigation, tb. atat. rail way commission, under the public utilities act, which became affective January 1, Is compelled to make an examination of the charges, a physi cal valuation of the company's plant, and thus determine whether or not the rates are excessive," aald Camp bell today. lUrber Shop. CteM All barber shops In Klamath Falls will remain open until 11 o'clock to night, and will remain closed all day tomorrow, Decoration Day. P BP3e!! '"' 'iuF aF ' " f!Mr K 'vismr HjnBrj85sAHPF mm CatrHH KTna K9HkZi lPi.TR i Emperor Yoshlhlto, In Ui. midst of rumors of war In Japan, waa taken suddenly 111 with Inflammation of the lungs, the physicians In attendance said. He- bad a high fever aad found It neccssarr to take to hi. bed. At once eignt aoctora were cauea in, Four years ago be suffered from luug trouble, aad at that time the attack waa believed to b. eerloae. The people of Japan were not dis turbed when the Uarned Mar 18 that the emperor had cangbt eeM, County Treasurer is . . Given Until Saturday O ",! JhV to Submit His Answer v BUD ANDERSON TO MEET CROSS ON THE FOURTH TOM. MOAHKVS TERMS ARK AC CKPTKD MY MAKAGER8 Vancouver IJghtwesght aad i:aeera CoNtewder for Tkl. Ar. to Da Tweattjr Roewde at th. Venso Areaa Natal Pay Arrordhg to tho Dope, the Wteaer I. AaMsrad a Chare at Ritchie i coiramr IS HRRVRD WTTli COTr 6' 1HCR TOAY nV-DM M THR RHOALLMB MX JtnNM. Hlstorjr ot iB( IMUMH M war C' "J II CmsMT OMMM ts 'Sn. Actlea by Canty Omttt,, rial Trip to ! rwiwr LOS ANOELB8, May 39. Bad Anderson aad Leach Cross will mart at Vernon arena July 4. This was announced today by Tom McCarey, matchmaker and owner of tbe Vernon Athletic dab. McCarey stated that th. two will make 1SS rlngalde. H. haa tenta tively promised the winner a match with Willie Ritchie tor Labor Day. Business Houses of the City Will Be Closed Tomorrow InAtfdMon to the Courthouse, Banks, ect., Remaining Closed All Day, Every Store Will Be Closed From 9:30 to Noon. Grand Procession in Forenoon Memorial Day PreclaasaUosi Decoration Day, with all tta sacred memories, la one. mor. at hand. This day haa become a festival day for th. whole American people. No other day In the whole jear bring, va ao near to each other aa Decora- tlon Day. Our handclasp la Jvat a little warmer, our thoughts a little kinder as w. meet by th. aid. of a grassy monad to bo- atow a mute tribute to th. mem- ory of those' who rest Beneath. W. all have friend. In th. at. Both managers have accepted the tat 'tbTanuncTtbTtTt Ul ered by the Vernon club, voloped Into Inflammation of the lung, startled tbem. Toshthlto suc ceeded hi. father July 30, 191J, and he Is now 34 year. old. He ha. three eons. The eldest, Crown Prince Hlrohlto. It years old. .During th. difficulties with the United States over the alien land question In California, no word of the attitude of tbe mikado has come forth. Ills sentiments havo boon a closely veiled aa those of th. king of England In a similar situation. Nothing has arisen sine. Yoshlhlto ascended tb. tbron. to Indicate his ability aa a ruler. Tb. father had two chances one In th. war with China and the other In that with Rus sia, In both ot which Japan waa victorious. i:ury store in the city has agreed to cloao Its doora from 9:10 until ixxni tomorrow, and a number will rtmnlu closed all day In observance "t Momorial Day. So far as possl Mu. the business mm Intend to par tlilpato In th. exereises to be bsld. The parade will start from tbe courthouse at 10 o'clock and march to tho cemetery, after th. Oread Army and Women's Relist corps con cludes Jhs beautiful ceremony of Growing garlands of flowers on the waters ot Link river In honor of tho dead sailors. . Assembly Is announced for 9:30. Tho membera of tb. Klamath Falls Military baad'ar.; requested to meat ot the band fal at that time, Thn fniiah it i ii vmIm mr The folMrwIag parade '.rder w. . uoen lsau.4 f. has 'In tha arranemanta for th. Mr rade tomorrow, Grand Marshal Oliver ft. dlsbaad. O. Applegate will bo assisted by Col onel. W. H. Mason, Hnrry Stilts. E. L. lUllott nnd William T, Loe, encn beliia: asslKUod lo a definite duty, nnd with a particular division. Mason nnd Lee wjll bo with the first, aims with tho second, or school soctlon, and Elliott with tho third, or mili tary section, "Th. band, In position on Main street, as assigned by Muson, will play at 10 a. m. as a signal that the march will begin. Tho band will stay as It choose., on march, and upon arrival at tho cemetery will play a dirge. After tho conclusion of tho ceromonlea of tho O, A. It. and W. R. 0., the band bugler will sound "t,ap," nnd tho roturn march will be gin In tho aamo order In which It waa mado from th. courthouse. On arriving at Its plac. ot tlrst forma tion, th. band will Ptay as a signal "Cltlzons In nutos and other con- veyoncoa will follow the county and city offlco'ra In to first section, and those on foot who do not care to go with tho third soctlon to the bridge con form with tho sccoud, or school section, Immediately after the Boy Scouts. This section will be organ ised by It. H. Dunbar, and will be attended on the march by coionei Stilts. 'Tho third section should be ready to movo towards tb. bridge promptly t 0:30. so as to be able to complete the program and return to their posi tion In time tor th. general marcn toward the cemetery." In the afternoon, exercises will' be hold at tho opera house. ThU elude, musical renditions, patrlotlo readings and addresses, aad a me morial address by circuit Judg. Ben son. The exercises commence at WOULD COLLECT ON $100 NOTE ALEX A. DAVIS COMMENCES AC WON IN CIRCUIT COURT AGAINST RESIDENT OF C-ILO-QUIN TIMBER TITLE IS IN 60DRT Suit for tbe collection of a promis sory note has been filed 1st th. cir cuit court by Alex A. Davis, a well known cattleman. He Is reprwmted by Attorney Fred H. Mills. The defendant Is R. B. Herman of Chlloquln. In his complaint Davis asks payment ot th. not., 1100, and 150 attorney's feM. lent city; so let us all' Join la this beautiful trlbut. to' (heir memory, as well aa to th. mom- ory of th. honored dead. On. day la th. whole year devoted to sentiment and patriotism is not much, but It will ssrv. to strengthen the ties that bind tbe great brotherhood of man. Aa mayor of Klamath Falls, I call upon the people to close their stores between the hours of ":30 and It of Friday, May 30; to lay aside their ainereat - vocations, aad join with tbe vet- erana and 'their friends In dec- orating tb. graves in tn. mora- - Ing, aad conducting tb. exer e clses at the opera house la th. e afternoon. Circuit Judge Hary L. day overruled th. efeamnr at Owa ty Treasurer Claud H. Dssjsjilt Is' the mandamus rniBlln c th county court to e.mset Man t yay warrant lesMd agakast tha aar i house fund. Daggett waa slvaa nattl, Saturday la whteh to ftU aa Uader a aslatakm ImsHii th. defeadaat did aot tataai ls aay aaswar It his, d mr overruled, "th. cart wderid tka suance of a crematory wrttaC mam- damus, anmanaatas or aad aav.all fund warraats. This waa asnrad Daggett today. '- ! r. When Judge Beasoa was that th. defendant wlsMd to I ... .. M aoawer, prepuj mmwi Saturday for U. fllUg at tha aav swer, and reeaBed th. maadaU. 4 Th. case Is bsssd upoa tha l.aaH ty ot the courthouse levy, aad It af fects i he paymeat ot warraats tor labor aad materials aswl lav. tha courthouse coastruetloa atsw ruary. The county traawrw tu pay th. courthouse fund wanaata presented, aad tkls'reealtod'Hi this commencement of aaadsmu. ceedlngs against Daggett by tha' ty court Tbe petltloa for a. writ ot mua was tiled wall. CUcultJada Benson was hoMlag court la Lahr view., Th. aatRtoa was.sMtft Mai, ' by special messenger, ''aad ha Maaas1 aa alteraaUve writ ot mandamus. Since th. Judge's return to 'Klam ath Falls, Daggett, Uough Kay boar v daU - Fsrgusoa, tiled a ittmmnm holding that th. county court had at) - Uhl mam em , ttJ ml-Jl llH .WWW4-uv mw-w was) i J' (?' while the legality of tha law pending In the supresae soaet;'. I demurrer was ovarratod today. " ' i a . Can't Swear in Voters 1TOTER D. HALL OOMMENCKS ACTION TO QUIET TTTLE OF JACOBS TO VALUABLE QUAR TKB SECTION A heavily-Umbered quarter saetlsa In the eastern part ot Klamath ooua ty, Just south ot the boundary at th. Crater Lake national forest. Is la- volved In an action commeaeed by Foster D. Hall to quiet U. tttl of L. Jacobs to th. strip. Th. papers were filed this morning la tha circuit court by Attorney O. M. O'Neill. It Is understood that, Jacobs will make a tight for th. toad. Th. tract' la a portloa ot section 8, In township 39 south ot rang. east. Until Election rU ' . . ii ' W 1.!VS ymm.. a Q x Worden'sTime Saving PUn for Ital Benefit of Women Voten KiUe-l f by the Attorney Generrtu; I also request all children aad the members of th. fraternal orders ot the city to Join la the parade to the cemetery. All otty officials and councilmea-elt aro requested to met at tha courthouse at 0:16 to tak.aart in the parade. T. F. NICHOLAS, Mayor. ! . -i Advertise, in Middle Wtot Advertisements placed la Swedish aad German newspapers and mlddl. western farm papers, teuiag oz in. resources ot Klamath county, ar. bringing good results, aeoordlag to C. T. Oliver, manager at th. Klam ath' Exchange, who la ustag thla means of publicity. Mr. Ottfir la la receipt ot scores ot totfcfs from reader, of thess aapsra who ara la tsrsstod la Klamath soaaty. " Y r iX.'V According to an opinion received is wear la an taos. aot o hv Pnnniv f!irv iib fmm iThls would'jhave btoa.'i l --- lvilac na.lallT to' th Attorney General A. M. Crawford, r. . ' ,' .- .. . XI 'V;' voters who are aotr.gkrt.red ana aot .wear their vote, la uatll .lection day. Thla wlll-awaa that th. ar rangsmwts whlsh wsraawd. torh. convealeae. at tha womeaj rotors to enabls thsia'to slga affldavlU aa Fri day aad Saturday, win nave tooa abaadottod, aad all at th. women aad others "aot registered .will, hava.ta v. alt uatU Monday before ' Qualify la tUemselvto to toto ,f 4 ' .ArrangeatoaU had besa. suMU by Couaty jdarwbrdaa ts ayda'haa ivartorsiOaMata, stfaat.'va a - tary aabUa waald ba-iasimH .ta sfttTwm I hay I "V s v,, Vr& aad have aavsd tlon day.r vAs aoaa ars navs aaa,aa 7 -i Mlef ti- woat lato aNagtv it Ii iit (. tba'vafam wf sweralaaiihasaaal . i- ti-.'V'1" oanpaay.s.v, , v i l'" la whlsh aasat- swora la. but tkaaa ta tta as to -hs aaatr mm ma eouaw -M-4 tkift liter nu v "t)rtJ-