HUI'I'I'IKO V THE VSITIV I'KKIMI NKWM MCHVIOX Ilk f tuning Metal) j MUNT TM XnTfM, Ml, MMfffT' i V AA-'r "f ( rv i Hrtrnlli Vrni T4i KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, WEDNKhDA Y,f MAY 29, 101S. -t. HHn weWS VHHB a i 5 'M European Situation is Becoming More Critical; rliA'M -.- -fc f SERVICE IS 10 SSUE ORDERS IN FEW WEEKS MUIII IHKIW Ml'HT PAY "O Jl." CUAIU1KM .V ImhI orililnU f Itwlmiwllon hrr lie i.llflnl Tlml .Niill f IMIn ,, ( Will lie MaIImI I" 'IIii.m In BONANZA PAIR MARRIED HERE MINK IIIU'I.AII ( cm, HOLD in:- comi mi: iiiiiih: ok well- KMM'.V VOl'Mi KLAMATH I'llI'MV IWIIMIIH 1 Soldiery n& 4 '& S WVSWWN Solons W io Way Sf op 7ar In tint prcsoire of only n f ftli-iKlK, Miss llmiUh l'cll Hold ami Tlioiiius J. Sparks went liiillud In marriage urly ycsM-nlay. uunlng. Tint ifruumiiy win x.rfoniu(l it the Mi tlioilUl iinrsiinni:c by Hi'V. (horgn Aririii Ahih MMI Hi I W II. Keeso. Wllliln 'Irw Ut r Wiilrr IU. Mint Off Will KuIIuwIiib ilio victory of thu rec l.mutlnii senile In Iho supreme court n.ill In uarvrtulll tho right of tliu i:il e u esses uiH'iiilloii and main tmuiiru rlinrgis while tlio irujrct urn under coiistruilloii, notices will It rrtit to Ihueo who liavu not paid Uioo charges. In mm of failure io pay within 10 .!) of llm tlma thu notices aro cent out, tliu water will bo shut off from tl.o tana of thoia In arrears. Ucal official of the recUDintlon ..NEARLY lco sny tlml llm nollro wilt be ls- nv ird by tho WBliliiKton omco in iwo. or tlirt'o wek. Tho touplo urn wf known rent Oitit of HoiMlitn, whitro Iho lirlilp'ii father. I'. V. Hold, l nn ohl nti'l ro- aptH'loil cltlti'ii. Ihcy will iimku their homo un tl groom' fnrni In thu Pour I. rut t'lcnrr country. vSUB-COMMfTTEE 10 COAL FIELDS Mr. mid Mm. John Kolor and Mlit lUiulah Kolcr loft thU morulm for I'nitlanil. whero thoy will roilile. AM, Oh' TIIK HI'KCIAI NAMKII I.KAVK VOH IN-' vi:ktmiatin w wwt viii- i (IIMA fOMHTIONK IIukIi Clopton of llonnnta Kamnth Kail visitor. WASHINGTON, My 28. Moat of lll.e innate lubeornmlttco I (olttK to il'et Virginia thU week to begin tho probv. 8 anion, Bhloldi and Uorab will miroly eo. and Kcnyon and Mar- C. T. Olltor will to to Kt. Klamath lino may follow thorn lator. All x haturdny to prc.lMo at tho AlbrlRlil-ccpl Hwunton favor tho abolition of Kill, auction. allied terrorl.m. Judge Asks Quicker Work in Wood Case Both Sides in the Trial of Millionaire Textile Manufacturer Are Asked to Expedite Matters in Case J- ,'trr B H liHIHiillV iH' iHIIIIIIHII W-: H WBm t -.-, ''tor "fm mtr TuM " K W'ASHINOTON, May 27. Sona-I P. It. Haywood haa arrived from mr. Prnncli O. Nowlandt of Nevada San PrancUco to Uke charge ot Har IIOSTON, May 28.JudKo Cro.byj J. . Mal.oncy, an employe at tho i.uoiuw, ay W00d i Wood homo at Andoer. Mas.., linn aked both aldoi In tho Woou f-,-rii between trial to oxpodltu proceed I nun n much iiu poMlblo. The magUtratu hope to fluUh thu taking of evldvncu thU ieok. Wood, the millionaire head of tho textile truit, It charged with plant ing ilyuamltu to Incite prejudice nsalnit the woolen mill atrlkera dur ing the utrlke at Uwrcnco, Maw., In 1912. n...i ruKurdlnc u conforenco botweon Wood, Attuaux, Proaldcnt Orocn of tho Pacific Woolen mill t ' i unco and representatives of the Anw.ririin Woolon company's mills. Dlitrlct Attorney Pollctlor charges that Onlllo lloddlck, chauffeur for Wood, Is being kopt out of the Jur Udlctlon of tho court to provent his giving testimony. This Is denied uy tho dofenso. SAYS COLONEL WAS NEVER IN DRUNKEN STATE M'.WHPAI'KIIMAN HAYH UIIAKGKH MADK WKIIK HfU.V . llrlllxli I'nprrs Are IMolbig ColtitmiH In (lie Trial of lUxwvelt'e Damage Hull, anil Are Running Uloaaarlea of AtneHrnn MHeil 'Urinka De fenoo Kay No lletrarilon Waa lie- maniUil by Kormrr I'rmlilent MAIIQUKTTK, May," 28. "Not only can I say that I haVe never seen Colonel Itoofovelt undoj tho.lnfluenco If . i.... .... -'.. ln It l Ul IllJUUr, UUb 1 IBIl UUU IHUI lb ubiolutuly silly for anybody to bring Ducli a 'chargo against him," said John Callnm 0'laugblln, a newspa perman who testified this morning at Itoofovolt's libel suit. Ho stated positively that the presi dent never mixed drinks. The defense Indicated today that It oxpects to prove that Kdltor New ,ett, In printing the charge of drunk- enncBH and profanity against Kooae- volt, merely repeated a story that was currently reported. and which was generally betlerbd. ' In a long argument. Attorney Bel- din, for the defense, demanded the right to show that the publication of tho itory was not malicious. He de clared that tho colonel demanded no 'retraction. Essad Pasha Who Was King One Day MmnwnwsMg1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiigtgtgtgflgtHitTff igA SOCIALIST WILL SPEAK THURSDAY rXOVI C. llAMP HI IX TAKK VI TKCHNIQUK OF MOVKMK.NT AT MII.M4 ADDITION HALIj TOMOR-ROW Floyd C. rump of Portland, o'ne of the most active Socialists in the state, Will arrive this evenlnsi from the north, to hold a series of lectures on socialism In this county. Tomorrow evening. Ramp will ad dress the MilU Addition Progress! club at Mills Addition hall. At this time his subject will be "Economies) and Phltosophy of Socialism." It Is the Intention of Ramp to speak at Merrill Friday, at Bonanse. Saturday, end deliver an address here Sunday. a'.fcj AUSTRIAN HOSTS REMOBILIZE BY LATE ORDERS IIAI.KAN MTVATfON MORK ACUTK M? A H I Essad Pasha, the Turkish com mander in Scutari, who gavo up when surrounded by the troops of King Nicholas ot Montenegro, and later declared hlmsolt king of Albania. was the victim the other day of the assassin. The Turk had. by holding out for months while the siege of Scutari waa osu proved himself Uo (Continued, on Page t and Thomas J. Walsh of Montana hac, within tho past fow days, shown distinct Indications that they would not volo for free wool as pro vided for In tho Underwood tariff bill now beforo tho senate. Walsh Insists on a duty on wool, and New lands may side with him. Rlnca Senators Thornton and Rans- dell ot I.oulsliina hao made It plain they will not accept frco sugar, the' rlman Lodgo. Extensive Improve ments ore being made to this Upper tako summer playground. (Continued on Page 4) Mrs. Oscar L. Carter returned last nlcht from on extended' visit In Chi co, Susanvlllo and other California towns, slie was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Arthur B. Uvermore, who will remain here several weeks. THE MIKADO IS GAINING HEALTH PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING ARE BEING SAID IN ALIi THE NIPPONESE TEMPLES AND AT SHRINES More Than , iTtl0 JswMMCw (W MM) las Army b AdvaeteisMC HoyWa, Preeared to Ones U UUIasafi vt si MMlVJ-''"' W " -? " i efMfWspB M PeWieie4 In . t'.t, VIENNA, May 28. Orders were) Wesley Masten. who recently grad-1 tar the remobllliatlon of the AustH uaieu iruoi me uuiversifcj k o?mr ley. Cat., arrived In the city last night erf route to his father's ranch In Poe valley, where be will spend the summer. EUie to Live Ken . John Ellis and family of Ft. Klam ath hve moved to Klamath Falls to reside. Mr. Ellis wiU occupy tho Bishop home on Conger avenue. Will W. Baldwin has gone to Fort Klamath on n business trip. - I Reserves, which were , recently set to their homes niter an emeawtve se ries of maneuvers. In the eyea of diplomats, this to m Indication that Us Bnlgnrmn Istr Un dispute Is considered most arrtt caL DteMtehes from Soohln'gM la th effect that . Bnlswriam trim are massed at SeyfcM. Hi Hto rtaon there Is being sMlnUkMdon , . war feethag. BnlsmrU, rihsiss jm psssaiss1sisjssissssssijaasSjemjsss v J Page r . uJ. , j 7 Jf I" ' "I I ' V. -I, r ' .j7M Drummer David Is nmoag the vis itors here from the Agency. "The Woir Will Be; k Given By Local Gait Strong Play of the Northwest -WIU: Be Staged June 6 and 7 Under -f.UaipiV-Cal VJl U WW WWUVH - .. i TOKIO, May 28.- The mikado has quite recovered. Thanksgiving nruera aro being said at the temples The empress Is also bettef. Steel Charged With Sellirul PollV BoOZe Arregied ThU Afternoon by Patrol man Sharpe. Bootlegger Waives Right to Preliminary Hearing Tom Steel, long a resident of Ibis Wclulty, was arrested today by Pa trolman Fred Greenwood, on a chargo of bootlegging. He la bolug held In the county Jrntl. pending the arrival ot a federal officer to tako htm to Portland. to PoJrFtlsfcloman who has long been iToWslgk..KUBth FalUy arsoiwood mnPBJjnilM Steel for somoUmo, and, Winy ho vv ........ iiin unrinr arrest. inovvu ... - --...., ui. .i-hi Tho accused man waivou to a preliminary hearing, and said ho w.. wiiilna- to wait In jail until tho fodornl authorities made a formal complaint against mm, anu . to Portland. Ho Is confined In the county jail. . Stool was one of the witnesses In the Bellamy case, which concerned a shooting fracas at the Comet Lodging House some months ago. -. Memorial Day Program is Fully Arranged by Workers Procession Through the Street! in the Forenoon, Scat tering of Flowers on Water For the Dead wavai Heroes,Ceremonies at Cemetery to be Features On Friday and Saturday evening, Juno 6 and 7, Ewauna Camp, Wood men of the World, will present at nrrnmrlo la Dractleallr the l Tho play la being prodneod for eft '' Woodmen under tho dlreeUmj of Me- Houston's opera bouse Eugene Wal- Naughton Bros., who come fear keakt- tera1 sreat success. "The Wolf, thrilling three-act comedy drama of the great northwest. ThU play Is re garded as Eugene Walters' master piece, and those who have seen his works, namely, "Paid In Full," "Tho Easiest Way," and "Fine Feathers," remember how clearly tho characters and situations aro drawn. In his character delineations he Is without a peer. The scenea of "The Wolf" ore laid In the sreat northwest, which haa I given birth to. so many quaint and thrilling romancee. Everyone re members "The Barrier." and the Tho following program for Memo rial Dny Iibb been mrangod by the commlttou In charge. It Is earnestly deelrod that all who Join lu tho parade to the ceme tery will moot at tho courthouse Lquaro nt l):30 u. m. to permit the march to begin at 10 o'clock, The following order ot march, sub- Jott to rearrangement, will be ob- served: First Section Orand Marshal Capt. O. 0. Apple gate and aides, W. B. "Barnes and 0. 0. Merrill, mounted. Klamath Falls Military band. County and city officials. Firemen In uniform. Business men. Woodmen of tho World. Ludles ot Woodcraft. Independent Order ot Odd Fellows. Sisters ot Rebecca-, Knights ot Pythias. Pythian Bisters. Ladles ot the Maccabees ot the World. Benevolent Protective Order ot Elks. Independent Order of Red Men. Blstors of Pocahontas. Second Section School band. ' Schoolgirls with flowers. Schoolboys with flags. Boy Scouts, Professor Coatee In charge. The above second section la to oe under the direction of Prof. R. H. Dunbar and teachers to bo detailed I by the' director. Third Section Ramsby's Drum corps. Volunteers o'f Spanish, Indian and other late wars, and all cltltena who wish to participate In the 'honors ot the army and navy. Women's Relief corps. a rand Army of the Republic. Tho third section will be under tho command ot Post Commander Sar gent, and will form tat reverse order west ot the courthouse squire at 9:30 a. m., and mnreh, to the bridge i on Link river, Q. A. R. In advance. ly reeommendedand who, wttk Urn, ' assistance of local talent 1st mm osnV, ' ance ot tho east and sneesoMtoW nt. dues n show that has anraosl aVmUv pralee In wrlteups In eoost iMeW.;,.' Double specialties are lntrodnsad ko tween acts, special seeaVM ofioeu.of. ranged and no expense wlU m i in making the show n success. On Saturday eve bo given after tho tlal change of 30 of the local neonta will kt aeav SB the cast and splendid men to as sured. , . .. , ,". m noeineowtti At the bridge, the ceremony of Bhowerlng flowers upon tho waters in honor of the naval heroes wno perlshod In war will bo performed, after which the section will return to its place in the general line, followed by cltlsens generally. In the afternoon, nt Houston's opera bouse nt 2:15, tho following program will be rendered: Selection High School orchestra. Singing "Amertea." by tho au- dlenco. Invocation Rev. Larkln Stucker. goto "Just Before tho BatUe, Mother," Mrs. William Wagner. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Mr. Edwin Cox. Singing Male quartet. Reading "Thomas nt Chlfikar msugs," Mrs. Bimer. rrencn. Music Male quartet. Memorial Address Hon. Henry L, TUnaon. Lyceum Chorus "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." Benedtetlon. Gale School Graduate Seven; Plan Proppa Closing Exercises WiU Be Held 4tt- urday Evening. School Yesr Has Been Highly 'dlV -?-.. 1" p i." CCofmmmni -a Graduation omreisos wUl be held at the Gale school. District No. a, Saturday night, when, deptonwa' will bo 'presented to seven etndonU.:who were sueceaoful la passing tho recent eighth, grade examination. Memeers oi tne graauaiwgeessw aro IrmaAnderson, Qoldle Johnson, Audrey Telle, WIHlam hwwm, Clareneo Robleen. Myrn Andersen and Arthur Andersen. .A Utornnr program aranged for the esenslon, a4 -$? J-tf . r. .T, ' ' A -'-J V.-V-r "A t -nT. ' - a ' t-Sx i l '- 4 "v. .i ' r Tti,- t , .. WHS.. A pile art i.buromjrf dam & dlrectton of their tsmshlgm llmmU ''iE!l&r'mMA entertsiniWmT-ii46r'" e9SBsmmm,mgmm) fgmmmmHy ent'Ffed, gradnnens. nnptts wttfc mm TUrCMto garnpnt J-"- iwesmeml . Trrr . r TT Ti jwmgfa WiU' T?"ry sPw A a ,ssi