fj-tl Burlsik lku nvvvuuuntrmK UMTKI) I'RWNI NKWM iKRVIOM Ik . 9mmmmjL tofttittn UefaliX n t?1 H.i.nlli Year No. JM. KLAMAT VALM, OREGON, TVKtfh, MAY 517, ISIS. Investigation 1 lie's Executive " TTHiiirroiwwBTraaymesmi 7-7 " ',' -: t ' OT if- b ' ' - ?" - ' 4 O BWANA TUMBO . IGNORANT OF THE HIGHBALL Golf Champion Begins Season hTl.i:NI,l,H ONE NEVER CD A IXICKTAIL HOIHT. ItiMxrull. Ih III Trellliwny TiMlnjr, Hporn That He tWl llriiirnibrr Tih-Imu" lira Hall fur n Kroir nf Vr.ira, mill Only l'nl Aliolmllr Ib'trrnitm Aflrr KNM.urr, or Ml.tti AlUckcl hy llilll MAiiqi'irrrK. wi.. nay it. I've never ilmnk n cocktail or a hlstiUII In my life. Neither havo I stslluwed nuy whisky or brandy ex cept upon (lie ndvlro of physicians," ild Colonel Theodore llooaovcll If) IrnllliltiK In today's proceedings of Mi damago itilt against (lenrge A. .Vewllt, mi editor. "I do not like tlio tnata of whisky or brandy," ha contlnuitil. "Neither do I smoke or drink beer. I ilMIke Loth, ami the only tlmo I'vo drunk bliky or brandy without tho advice of a physician hni been perhaps after crrat oiposuro or whqn chilled. "I have nVfrTuad It n practice (u drink at bum, I do not believe I turn Ukn a drink nt n bar or In n aloon In 20 years." Nootevelt was railed it hi own tint willies. He ave a lull outline of lila public life, Including llio AfrN ran lion hunt. Tho rourthouio m crowded with iftnlor. Society xoplo mndo tho mott of tlm occaalon to dlnplny their Ul-il finery, During hla testimony, Hontovett Iriiltd that tho Pro re" I ve pnrty' nillonal organUatlon wan puthlnR Dm mil glit tho kllchlRnn editor. Jnrnli Itlli, Journalist, author nnd oclnl reformer, emitted n volcanic "Lord, not" when atked If ho had ever ren Itnoiovolt under the Infill enrn of llijuor. "Ilo'a n Kentleman?' auld HH "The ort profanity I over heard him iko wai 'tty dodfrey.' " ' r mm1 aLiVf HbIbV ml m i mmLM ' Mmi tmiitsam i BBRS ?XafTBllBB HSIaH i NEGRO RIDES PULLMAN; MOB LYNCHES HIM WAH HUI'IIKMK CIIAXCKUOlt OK t-OMIIIKU K. I. I-OIMJK Jerome 1. Travera, the national Kolf champion, ha Juit becun the neaion of 1913. and he hone to provo during the summer be Is Kood as ever. Ill first play at the. Oakland (lolf ' club tournament, showed him playing brilliantly, but on his second day he was defeated by Kred llerrcahoff, who Is rnpldly gaining fame ns a golfer. lt Trnvcrs has not rounded to chain. ( plonshlp form, and In his match In which llurrmliolf beat him ho did, not piny as of old. Howout, his' friends hate uo fear that ho will 4 show tho samo ability ns of old when the hot woathor warms his muscles. Itrcause He InsUtrd on Hiding hi I'ulhiMii Cam In Mate Ttiero I A "Jim Crow", Wealthy lllnrk I Konibly Ke niiivrtl From a Train In Florida, Taken to the Wood, and Hanged on a Trre NKW OULKANS, May.27. A dlt- patch ha been received from- Milton, Kla., stating that N. W. Green, n writiitfliv rnlnrntl mm. ntiil I chancellor of the Negro Knights of I'ythla, was lynched there last night for violation of the "Jim Crow" law. I Oreen Is said to havo Insisted on ! riding on the I'ullman cars In states where the "Jim Crow" law Is effec tive. Hearing this, resident of the city forcibly took him from tho train last night, and marching him to ad jacent woods, banged him on a tree. G.A.KRAUSE 18 BACK WITH WIFE I'HOMIXK.Vr IX)CAI VOUNG atAM WKIMi OIKli OHpiM CHOfCK ArTKH AW KHOfUiyiHKST Of KOl'ltYKAWI "i AmoBK te aiatiaat' In KUmaih Kail vetterda IwtdMr. and Mrs. (lustav AdoW'.Krause," who came la Wlwrc Meiioi, TVM., ,iepwe rviatnain rails ineir noBie' sfm newiy wea dtd couple will be at. home after July 1. f Mrs. Krause was formerly Mis Nannatte Merrill, and when Kratua lift his Wisconsin hofao, four years ago, to seek hla fortune In the Klamath country, he mad her prom ise to become Mm. Kriise at'a later date. The cereaonr'feerformtd at the" brlde'a home war the culmlaa tlon. if i NINETEEN WILL GET DIPLOMAS lAVII HTAHK JOKDAN OK KTANKOim UMVKHHITV WILL ADDHIXS Till! tSHADUATl.NU ClllSH BOND ISSUERS VOTE ENORMOUS HETCH HETCHY IS ON ITS WAY The final event of commencement vrcck will bo held nt the high school this evening, when mombors of the Senior clium, 19 In number, will be given their diplomas. At tonight's exercises In the audi torium of tho high school. Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland Htanford university, will deliver the will arrive LEWIS. HERE TO JEE ABOUT THE .JIRO PRESERVE AflJC.NT OK IIIOLOCICAL HUKVKY IX CITY Kffri, It In Itelleved, IWH Kcccmk mmhI the ItewlwUna; of the Order I'rotilhllinK Hunting o Certain Ijimhi In tlie KUmatfa Mrd Re serve, lrlrtplly on Private lsnU Near KUnwUi Kail It I probable that arrangeaeBU can 'be made to exclude that portion the Klamath blrj: preserve north tbe'stratuV from Vie restriction against hunting, acocrdlng to U. Alva Lewis, agent of the United 8UIM biological survey, who to la the city from Portland. tltf The matter will be Uken up with the department of the interior, aad It la believed that aa order, can be secured to permit hunting , prl- vaine lanas ana waier potween Klamath Fall and taiTiwHroad across the marsh. tjjr Mr. Lewis expects to rsm'ala la Klamath countr a coaam at week.' He will gtoCtoaj.l aki JammWn L to looK over tae goverameai reswrve there, aad aee that It la properly posted. ONLY KinHT BALLOTS CAST "FKKX1X8T" THK PLAN OP I'AYINU OKF ClTYLTSTASfD hTAMH.NU WAItltANTH Tho Third ward made the hardest flcht acalnst the city's S7C.793 bond Issuo at yesterday's election, three- elsliths of tho onnoslng votea being cast there. In all, there were three "noes" cast at this ward. I The total vote agalast the Issue was eight. However,. 361 voters de-j sired tho Issue, so Is earrled. j Tho bond Issue Is to provide for wcmKMAX KMI'LOYKD OX .COUX- 1117 faaum t.. .- - debtedness. Deglnnlag July 1. the city.' affairs will be conducted on a cash bast. RATTLER BITES MAN ON HAND nilflrnAN. llO len (VfSlH KK"lal I ,.. ini.. Aiin this nftnrnoon. . Memher of Klamath lodge, No. . ,,r0-rnm for this evening fol 01 If .,1-1... II. .1.1.. .H,l ll,. ......,,....,j.j 'k-ri.u IV llll'l! 111(1 ' " ' "I iniitiiiii in ijiiiinf, iiiim .in. ....... .lll.Milir.nn .n . ....... ... 0Wg bcr of the Cascade club will hold n ,M,KU w AUMV M,AIU'H Invocation l'HISTi:i ANI lHS-."8.1"- , vocal WOMEN CITIZENS DEFINED FULLY orlnt session tomorrow evening In I. n (1 V hull nnpln will bo In-', ilulged In. and Ico cream and cako. III bo served Klka PiMttoiif Dance Tlm i:iks' social evening and danco whlrh was to have been held Friday nonliiK has been otponel until n lutiT (Into on account of the date be ing on Decoration Day. Mm. c. Xl'.MIIKIl lillitUlT THIHUTKD -llev. J. S. Stubble- W'AflHINOTON. May 27. Tho first movoment toward the passage of n bill to make It posslblo for tho iiu ., a,i Vrnnclsco to obtain A 'water supply source In tho llctch lleichy vnlloy wa taken today, when tho llouso unanimously ordered tho , .. .... . ...... .iih,., nt ? r,nn conlen of tho irn. 0. I.. Harvey of Wordcn, wno iuuiiuiuu . -.-- . - lm been vlsltllig Mrs. )h 0. Telford, board of army engineer report con returned to hor home today. Icornlng till sumdy. Falls Under Horses and Head is Injured I. , ' George DuFault Sustains Serious In jury at DuFault Ranch Near the Town of Bonanza. Head Hun H. iFault. ton of Kd. Lusly Injured by while (luori liufau fallln work Dona Hi' mi w DuFault mcliod to a waaon itandlna.ln front of box. A audden Jolt (hraw him bT twoon tho liorsos. Tho hoof of ono of tno noraes truck tho prostrate man lu the fore head, cutting uta ugly V-Bhnped gash, md Injuring tho skuii. acl attendance wna iuwiuuw the young man la resi- isslble uuder tno oir- be brought to Soln-"I Thluk" (Quy d'llnrdolot), Mrs. Harry Caden. Salutatory J. Krncst Nail. AiiiirPBs "Tho Conquest of Eu rope by America." Dr. David Starr Jordan. Piano Solo "Nocturne" tcno- pln),tlcorgoA. Wlrti. Valedictory Jennlo Appicgaie. Awurdlng of Diplomas Judge Wllllum 8. Wordcn. Henodlcllon Hev. (leorgo ll. Feceo. Member of the clasa are Maysei K. Sandorson. J. Krnest Nail, Albert W. Jones, Mattlo B. roster, tester Vomon Hoggs, Thcodoro Dwlght Cnso, J. Hardin Carter, Harry Calvin Meaner, Hl Summers, Jennie Margaret Applognto, Aim w. jinus, j. Uveen Skelton, Honry l'etcr Oalnr- noaux, Jr., Evelyn uuciie Uobert Milton Hlgg. Florence j. Ward, Inei Katharyn Elliott and An nie Irene Halos. i n. Annieaate returned today to (ho Lava Ilede to look after tho shear ing of hi sheep. He was accompan ied to Malln by MUa Rosa Krupka. ono of the high school students, who goes homo for a short visit. , Miss Alice Peel, ono of the teach-'.- in ihn.eitv schools, left today for California, to spend her vacation. She will visit her brothers a naraus and Oakland. i Attorney J. H. Carnahnn returned last night from A visit to Yreka. UUREAV OK .NATURALIZATION 8EXD8 OUT INFORMATION AS TO WOMEN WHO ARK KLK3I BLK TO VOTK I FOR TREATMEXT WASHINGTON. May 37. Sena tors J. R. Thornton and J. E. Rans dell of Louisiana have "run out" on the national Democratic admlnUtra- 1 TY ROAD IMPROVEMENT XEAR tlon so far as free sugar Is concerned. . Tner will not voio lor mat pin ui MODOO POINT IIROUOHT HERE ' "' "... mt hr w. Ub. M . ... . -. derwood, leader of the bouse of rep resentatives. They wilt not sUnd for J .... T. ..... Henry H. Weatherley. who worka W sugar aaaavocaieao, -.. on the county road near Modoc Polnt..Uon aad W'J 4o ao uf . """""-"'-"-r- 'bin. which came up In the last tto came 10 muuiaiu ru uu attended today by Dr. Taylor. Ho has considerable fever, but it Is be lieved that ho will soon recover. nnNV'kBSNe4 Two Democratic Loulsimnm Senators m 1 Ta r . i -mmKaCfsW ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmlamBTmTaBmmmC ssssssssssssl sBBBBBBBBBsanr mmnmaBaaRBBBBsl asssssssssK iaP Si" Mlssssf BssMtBnr Ti2!nt 'WfumW aanBBnu?3k&' OXKg ' gflgaHgVsWVgn, 3mm amafSrMa., SBnBsanmT nRyn wWBPi ' ''sssssPmV mtL mSSILdsMr mam wwwwwwwWaaaaaaaaaF r aaaaaaaaaaam wWSalaLaaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamiiWamja f 'JfiaaaaaaWaw hm rrVsKggggHHgv'' ssssssssssssssssssssssssssmV'rt V ggflHgggHJ nsssssssssssssssssssssK - ' iSamWMgl aWTlB sa)saaasMswaw.. ' aafjamtsM PifnirDFTiiDK cbiin itwumJt ATWASMm x PHOJKCT , , t KJKMJMMoV KOHLAKR. .wC . . ' ""- m. 7 0' KetnmlsHC Head of Wtfc est nth Prsjert ftafa ,w Ibe Interior Iwprrsaed AM tag t Costfewaee AH a0' lVW . . r , t.- That Whatever Artie WMI KeHew CarerM I believe thaC Instead oCtaJarms) Director Newell of the rs'ilsmaHsa service, the teetlmeay offered at ta confereace proved" eealaalves'lmai1 ho did the beat -thlu avaaaMa an every clreamataaea, and be la er than ever." said Proleet W. W. Patch, who retaraad from the reciaawtlea servla hwfasmV gallon Jaet cleeedita Wsshsa'gtasi, It will ba'some time, of sasjwav before anything eaa eoase ,' tada meetlag, owing to the vaUmlaatai testimony, bat all thee atieaatac, both reclamation aarviea- sflaaala aad water users, ara agreed thiat tto decteiea ot"Wra-LawiJi' unbiased, aad will only, bo given attor careful Investigation. Laae, nroeow himself to be endowed with a vary retentive memory, aad durlag Ik dally seaslona, which finally eosr umed 11 hour a day, ho waa alwajm' closely Intorested, nnd asked a aaat- ber of questions. He waa easeful to Din nil complainants down to faeta. and many kicks were exploded by Lane on account or the lack of evi dence or specific details. "There Is no doubt ll tho of anybody but what there la for much Improvement la tho reeta matlon service, aad I believe Mat meeting In Waahiagton wUl braac about many change needed. I, ad dition It wlU quell the aarsaaasmMs) l:lcka made on some prejecu wMoti 'cannot bo substantiated." Ob nt Ihn rreatnt' eoasBlaJnaaV made against the reclamation sorriest .Tj6. T, o nountv Clerk DeLap la in receipt of Information regarding the rights of women to the ballot who are either foreign born, or are married to foreign-born men. The informa tion Is sent out by tho bureau of nat uralisation of the department of la bor. Th. yiniinn of the right of suf frage to women In many of the sUtea has emphasised the necessity for as certaining definitely the citizenship status of the womon -residents of these states. The following provisions of law are applicable to wemen: Act of March 2. 1907; "Sec, I. That any American woman who mar ries a foreigner shall take the na tionality of ber husband. At tho tnrmlnatlon of tho marital rotation she may resume her American cltl ..n.hin if abroad, by reilsterlag aa an American cltlien within one year with a consul of the United states, or hv returning to reside la tho United States, or, If residing In tho UaUed States at the termination or tne mar ital relation, by continuing to reside therein." Sec. 1994. United States Revised Statutes "Any woman who Is aow ... .v hnrAnfter be married to a cltlien of the United States, aad who ""(Continued on rag i NO MOKE SCRAP . IN ALBERTA NOW PREMIER HAYS HE WILL SEE THAT THE ANTI-BOXING LAW IS RIGIDLY ENFORCED IN THE PROVINCE CALQARY. Alberta, May J7. There will be no more boxing bouts In Alberta province, according to Acting Premier Mitchell. He stated today that hereafter ibe antt-flght law will bo strictly enforced. Mitchell gave no Intimation that the prosecution of Arthur Pelkey, who hilled Luther McCarty In Satur day' bout, would bo dropped. Miss Rachel Manneman has gone to Concord, Cal., where sao win spend tho summer. She is connected with tho local schools. Mrs. Katharine Turner and daugh ter have gone to Colorado to visit friends and relative. congress, was opposed by." " b. aeor-tainie) 'h C ilon of them, so far as the sugar schedule was concerned. Ransdell. aa a mem ber of the house, and Thornton, In the senate, voted against free, sugar then. Nevertheless, President Wil son has such a strong bold on the senate that few members of It and few political observers la Washing ton believe that free augar will fall. Already there have-boon ladlcations Patch, waa tho lack- of co-operation. - " On this nolnt. however, bo saM. tho v , ''- various water users could not ooosa"1 ! jj to agreo as to what -constituted oe-y- t ' represcntatlvo stated that ska wafiV Wonunuea on Page users there were willing to eoaasajr au engineering expert at a hlflk aa ary to' act in an advisory eaiMafV with the reclamation aorvloaMi'tM - iOuntlBuea' '&"&?""" , rj: Woman Asks $743fe Damages from City : . i,' 1 .Tl.lV "" . Owing to Defective Condition of the Sidewalk at Eighth & High, Saya She js Permanently Injured ,wV 0t - L. R. Brooks Is hero from Merrill on a business trip. mn n. Vincent, of Midland a I Tuesday visitor la tho county seat. The following1, etalm waa at last night's mooting 'MIIMllll L "To the Honorable Mayor; Caai; moa Couaell'andPoMce Judflof tho city of ' Klamath Fall. Klamath County, State of Oregon "You ara hereby notified that I received prr sdnal lajuriea by betas throwa down upon, the sidewalk and grouno, occa sioned by a' defective aMowalk aad loose beard thareia. botag a e tho arth side of Jsjah aU, at or close toth totirsssmaaof.aaW High sUeot aad abshth atroot, h aaM vi S."" . iirf ..VBlJI t V." . p." iAv m Hosead,ey ,of,Klaa,rallS) of tho oMf aeeount:o(,wMMsBftBma4jB - ! !, K2M i. ' cved'laatlaclaad les aad ohr;4aBMlia1.M To 'damages o stothlag; To altyoiolam'a MB, . . , ... To nvsdleUo' 'ri ,v. vTv T6lossej'taiif.hrr.... To lajaroa, tt . mv- fertag.. .... .m.m mlii!. ',':K .-liz.iGiM l""W ,.-v- "iftlavoV tJ sMI'M TfMM -f ...iv.