, fit nvrrummrrmM VHnno nuw nmws sbrviok Ik mmim yuMk ''-: 'k ! Vi' ., i it rJ-U .-, -ri Kru L, ,. . ."- MHMNHli r,t'? '"fy! SN. -t, Vi".fc Vi Heventu Year W. TS. "KiWI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAV M, IMS. 1brWbr 11 i 5. ,;.;.''h. eca U. S. Supreme Court Holds Settlers Must Pay the .,.;. .v .ua 2 Operation and Maintenance Charges as Assessed ' BELIEVE FORTY PERISHED WHEN BUILDING FELL MATH MHT, IM HTKAIHLY TING LAHGKIl kt. GREEDY PELICAN DOWNS BOTTLE (Julio a funny old bird Is tlio pelican, Whoso beak will hold more than hi bolllcan; Ha stores food In hU hcak To Uit him a week Hut I'm haixod I I see bow the helccan. A'. Hapgood Has Busy Year Ahead NKWPOUT IIKACII. Cat., May !.. A largo gray pelican waa picked ' til' dead hero today, with n bfwr lioiiln I ItlKlitly wedged lit Ita throat. The llljr (Wmll at lng Hoard I 'Ian. n brU from ,u ,,. of ,,, , HjMtUI Tn to Itrltarc ihtt Suffer-!,l'l"' waa In ilNlruM. It waa seen Inx of Injured, and lo AmUI iIip I'amlllr Injured by llm Ih-aili of Km Inn and ttroOtrra Auttmrl tlr lo Fit I he lllaHut to iiiiiko Into tlin surf, and when It I did not rise flKulu, K. J, Slinfcr. a) fliherrinu, wadiM In and brought the bird aahoro. Ic mm dead, uud thoj liottlo waa a j tlKhtlr stuck In Ita' throat that It m dlilodxcd with dlf- flculty. I.ONO IIKACII, Cal., Max 2. Tbo Hit of poople hilled In the co. Mra. J. II, (larrelt & Kon, Olenn I at tul tlfiirtaiH liuvh v.lnotiAfl ah 1 ... . - a.. . ," ,, stav IVtuuivu HUIU ,-. t municipal aUa.ioriumBl,,ut ,, ,,,, mM 10 mr -y -.-" a.uw,. .. mo xi,, (urrctla hare luued the Kwau d.t.U I. remove. n, ,0UMt BBd w, couucl u , It It believed that the Hat will board Ine and rooming wtabllahmcnt. rrtrb to before night, Thrc-i morel Mlri were recovered today, a fol tl.'OIUIUUCll Oil I'Dtf V I (loorgo T. Ilaldwln boa returned " j from a bualnrea trl lo I'ortland. of Calgary Burn Fatal Arena FamUy Sleeping in Building Where McCariy-Pelkey Fight Was Held. Barely Escape With Lives "iii, i i aaaK W AaWV aaaaaaVL'- W ) 1aa1 AaVBAu HAaaaaal laLaaaaH'HaV HEaafl AiaWAVBiaaBvaaBAaAMBAlBaaBa)aaAiBalHAaAll WILSON HAYS BIG INTERESTS HAVE W HI WORK I'ltKNIDK.NT KVKN IRMM 18 BUMHOlZkD t -." W ' - fr.'-'i-v 1- .,V '-' .V ','? W '.it.;-'-'. Decision Given Today Question on Every Project '1 SEVEN FINISH MERRILL HIGH Norman llapgood, former editor of Colller'a Weekly, has aseimed a big Job for tlio year. It haa Just been announced that, with aomo frlonds, he has bought Harper's Weekly, and wilt become the editor. Hut, In addition, he muit conduct the preliminaries of the anil-Tammany municipal campaign In New York city. Rome weeks ago he waa chosen head of tho fusion committee organ ized by Progressives, Republicans and Independents, to fight Tammany Hall. j uourri bonier iQiiraaieu wnoB ne ,nnd Mr. llapgood parted In October, 1 1012. that difference of political opinion the llapgood editorials run inlng toward Wilton, and, Mr. Collier ! being n Koosevclt rooter, had caused the breach. Mr. llapgood, however, said that tho main trouble was that the advertising department of Col lier' was trying to Intluonce the edi torial department, and that, there fore, ho had resigned. In Interview Today, KacctiUve De-i clarea Uiulae Mteca At Hrlag ' llroHgtit to Hear e LvgfaOatora talCOMMK.VCKMKNT KXKHCWM TO ItK HKLU THUfWOAY NIGHT AT TMK OPKRA HOUSE IN THAT CITY 'i;tP .r.TviL' , .rv j .Mf fff " "' fL-'il fh aHLPI tAla,' " VasBBMaW falffl- m ksatsAjM a4sBk(MsV.naaV 'v.AnatHBtAnat"-' fYaicr users nave icn vJ' ''" ' Order to llriac About a of Chaagea la Um Tariff Kevlaloa Mraaure, New am Um Senate fAI.OAHV, May 2(0. The arena tnoen tla- two hcavywolghta here, fbint Arthur I'vlkey dellrercd the The fatal outcomo of tho bout will Mow (imt rnused the death of l.uth probably put the bnu forever on the tr MrC'nrty, Katurday afternoon, wlltlboilng gamo here, be tli cono of no more flgbta. Klro ' The coroner' Inquest la being held but iilxlit destroyed the structure. today. Arthur l'elkey, whoso blow Vmly llenson, his wife and two resulted In McCarty'a death, Is held (lilldnu, were aaleep In the frame on n chargo of manslaughter. Ills tulliliritt at the time. They narrowly preliminary hearing will bo held oraped death. after tho luquest. Tliu flro I Relieved to havo been' Warrant have also been Issued ttartiit by cltliens of the city, en for llurns, McCarney and Smith, ractd by tho tragedy Saturday. 'trainer and attendant. Tln.ro was a great deal of protest Canadian law, KliiM tho staging of the bout be-loin bo held In n case of this kind. 8hannlker formerly resided here. Shannlkrr la luck Cnrl Slinnnlkcr and wlf arrived last night from Portland, nnd Shau nlkir will operate the motion fkture Under tbo.machlnv at the Star thoater In pUca oven tho spectatorslof John Hubbard, who haa ratlfBad. WASHINGTON, May 16. Tk following sUtement was gives the United Pre today by President Wil sen: "1 think tha public ought to knew that extraordinary exertion an fee ing made by a lobby In Waahlagtem to gain recognition, for certain altera tions to the tariff, bill. Washington haa seldom aeem numerous, so In dustrious, so InaldleM a lobby M tkla one. "The newspaper, too. arc b4ng kept filled with paid advertteaaMat. In the hope of affecting tha vote of the senate. f "There la vary - videnc that money I being spent without limit to sustain this lobby, and to create an Impression of public opinion an tagonistic to aomo of tha chief Item of the tariff bill." "In both houses." concluded tha president, "there are member who would rejoice as much aa I weald to be relieved from such an unbearable situation." Brower Return) Attorney C. C. Urower returned last night from Portland and Astoria, where he haa been attending to Weal and other business. Jle haa away nearly seven week. State Fish and Game Board Wants Lower River Hunting Resolution Passed at Meeting. After Talk by L. R. Rob ertson. 4gent L. Alva Lewis of the Biological Sur vey Will be Here This Evening From Portland Another bright and shining exam- l'1) 'if tho ndaaa that It Dava to mko u Imllor when there I ono com Iiir, I brought to light through the roceut development In connection with tho hunting within tb limit of dm Lower Klamath Ink bird pre orvo. The (tat flab, and game com- Mission, at a mtlnAUt week, en aorsod tha raaoUtlon of tha Klamath Chamber of Commerce asking that tlio boundaries of tha preserve be "tanged, and L. Alva Uwla, agent or (he Dlologloal survey, will, be here o confer with aperUmea regarding )) matter, and tae wha ean be done toward bringing about the desired "ntai, " Tl'e agitation eMa aa a result of an announoaaaant aaatt 'out by' Law I. 'tlng that thera wuld be ho hunt ln . My landa within the HnUU .."? .???!:w ?1aH: Uf0tm;wmirMiwf ,!, tukes In Mio whole Lower lake terri tory and tho Lower Klamath rlvar. There Is much private land in this, and this order, It waa hold, wa un constitutional, as, In addition to cut ting oft the best hunting III the Klamath country. It prohibited a man from hunting on hi own .laud. ' The rewve, aa originally consti tuted, took In only government land, which allowed shooting on land pri vately owned within ita limit. The gam law paaaed by tha last leuton of the OruonkajUture wa con strued by $, Alv lwl of the United BUte bjoleglcal survey in Portland, to menu that no atttotln ahould be done on any-land within the reserve, i Local poftamen. feting through the Klamath all Chamber of Com merce, took m the matter, and sent L.R. RoberUon to appear before the tat am anl UwrtnwkwiM ita aewr rm the commission resulted In the pas sage of tho resolution recommending the oponlng of the northern portion of the reserve. The followlug lettor In connection with the matter has been sent to the Chamber of Commerce committee. by the fish and game commission:- "Your proposal of May 19 for tno elimination of a portion of the Klam ath reservation for protection or na tive birds, a created by executive act of August 8( 1908, aa therein de scribed, was presented to the board at It meeting in thla city yesterday; and,, after due deliberation, a resolu tion was adopted endorsing your or ganisation in the movement, requit ing the biological urvy;ot the Unit ed State to have the territory prayed tor eliminated from tha above re serve. , jVThe mutter haa alrea t-u.vl PERSHIN HADN'T LEFT THE CITY IN8TKAD OF SKIPPING, AS WAS CHARGKO IN LYUCg COM PLAINT, PHOTOGRAPHER WAS WORKING IN TUB OStUNTRY Instead of fleeing the town, aa charged by J. A. Lyle.who aware out n complaint for hla nrrest an n charge of larceny by bait, R. R. Perahln waa out In the country a few few mile from town, Saturday, at tending to aome work. He returned to town, Ignorant of the feet that ho waa auppoied to have-left "1 had no Intention at nil of leav ing town," aaid Perahln. "I ean pray that 1 did not leave the hotel at 1 o'clock In the moraine, and have wltaeaea to prove whore'I waa every minute of the day." The case will come up In the Jus tice court tomorrow morning. The graduation excrete of the Merrill high school wlU be held Thursday, evening at the Harrlll opera house. The cue of Scaler I competed of Haacl Howell, Ainu W'iuon, Loren Wolfe, Jeanetto Harter, Harjorlu Leigh TerwllUger, Lloyd McKay and Clyde Orabaugh. The claaa colore are sink nnd green. "Not. Up. but Climbing," la the claaa motto, o The following program haa been arranged .for commencement Invocation Rev. Acheaen. Graduation Seng Claaa. VaMMtfrzHtMLrolL Instrumental Soto Harjerie Leigh TerwllUger. Claaa Prophecy Clyde .Grnhnngh. Presentation of Diploma aeerge W. OfflcM. Addrcea Superintendent Fred Peterson. Days in Which to ry EXPO. WORK IS WELL STARTED REPORT OP BtRHOTOR OP WORKS , SHOWS THAT MANY CONTRACTS ARK PINHNiaH) OR ARK UNDICR WAY .i-.iri- r TRtRCNAi. amm.mm; aaimrai viv ! ' : COUPLE HAVE A NARROW ESCAPE ATTEHPTLNG TO FORD WOOD RIVER AT DEEP PLACE, MR. MRS. XING FLOAT DOWN THE RIVER IN BOX ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam King of Ft Klamath came very near leelng their Uvea Saturday while attempting io ford Wood river, near the H1U place. The water waa deeper than expect ed, and the wagon aank to the hot torn, while the wagon box, containing Mr. King and wife, waa.i awept down the river. It floated In clone enough to the ahore to enable Mr. King to get n bold on aome overhanging willows, by which he pulled himself and wife to safety. The team was then cut loose front the wagon, which waa left In the river. tpl Mr. and Mr. W, Lair Thompson left thla morning for Lakevlew, after a short aojoura hare. Mr. Thomaeen came oyer from Lake county-Satur day to i meet Mrs. TborapaenV who ar-l rived last night from Kugnc- Mr. and Mr. E. W, Vannloc re turned Saturday evening front an.a tomoblle trip to Grant Medford. J. it. Dixon 1 here todiijr from hie ranch, on the Merrill reM,grrtng , tentlon to business mntteen., u &' ? William Bandera of 'SfeLUe WW' a xumatn raim vmwac nwner C j. , t A '". 41. (V TO 3f,, WILL INSTALL A NEW CALL SYSTEM NEW' AUTOMATIC. hKJUIPMBNT INCLUDES TELEPHONE, IN AD DITION TO CALL1 AND FIRE ALARM SEHVIOB Workmen' will soon commence the InataUatVon of an;autoauUc eaU sys tem In the Hotel Mali! " I 'The ayatem to be Installed la mere Improved than fomerir used here. The' former ayatem provided; tor auto ntatlc oalte In caoh room at anyata; ed-time, and a generalflr aiarm. wklje the system to be InataUed atoe nas; aa a-peri neat room! n tetepnone tor aaen V t !. U ' iV' S' ewt t .l J r..l..iaiKiLa V.W.I . ., iiwim m wmwwwmn are Ft KlaU?.vltoW today) -' ;ti SAN FRANCISCO; May II. Di-I rector of Works Harris D. H. Cen nlck'. in n report Jaet Mhonkted U the preeMent of the cxpeeitlen shewn i that Use- feUewing eentmeta have I been completed. ,en. the asnealtli'ai Filling In of.landa.at Harbor Vlew February II, If II. , Construction of reck see wail, Jan uary .15, ltll. FlUlng In of Presidio lands, Jan uary 17. 1911. Construction of fence around atte, March 1, 1911. Construction of three greenhouses and a potting house In the Presidio for landscape gardeners. November II, 1911. Service building, which I now be ing used by 150 architect and engi neer, waa completed on January 16, 1911. Construction of n roadway through Ft. Mason, completed on February)?, 1911. North service road aewer, complet ed December 1, 1911. The grading of the site for the ma chinery, palace and railway yard waa completed on March 19, 1911. Sewer In the main roadway of the concession district section waa com pleted on April 9. Roadways adjacent to the aervlee building were completed on March It. Director of Work Connlek also gives some, very Interacting informa tion aa to the progress of. eeeitraeU that have, been let on the i continue, on Pasje ft Ti.aaa Case Is Om Tfcoi ASMendrRBAnr r . (. -"- "-.- V Um fin - . ' Ice Thiwamhsnt- the Wenav-Jajhai' - Tastsat sssne BMsneesne) wsjesm snanns she Yms lfiiil .atatsilj AH PaysaeH HM V' PenJaaw Re-'''. ' ' rtslaai 1 , - ' ., WAaVaa)eTKt MakjrV euj smm ,; -j PBnn VcVt flnVav Vej ohV VsanF W H Raw RT Ssw u Ji ,. -v IbV Ajanal ny If Ml WMsn te.sDi ay'ir kuyrssat nwsrt t an bringbt aa4Treewt hrTa ewnwSjBl9sT WJP eRWeaRsmRlf fVHmdmBBma 'entt;,,enaw iVJrrrrV ssAeaej "msr Srt The dlalen la one'e i- -t.t. .- '''' - 'U -. '?. Important that has this year. It affects the mllllena of doUara In to. the of Ua department, of the wlthla the neat few day;:: ' The deelalon holds that the) user Is obUged to any the annnal e eratlen and mlatcnanee eed until such time an tho' Is f uHy paid for by the water and Is transferred, to the Watsr;.ria. era'.aaaaetatlesi ay the) sjaeijasnenjl.. by the ma . ntation' aervlee fan mahatenaiaa t great, federal Irrigatlan hinged. nnM.todnrn federal eenrts e(the.'nrthwent elded, Uncle Snsn.mnst pny thei and eenld net levy aaaeeantenti the, water iissrs unUl thestpIsnlMt to prhaee the arid laadr'na). weaW rights waa eompletely paid :f) jpg the project theasselves turned etet )' te the henteateadersr '-''' ,V"-Viv - , D. P. Baker. a.aettlern lasei Is : the Sunnylde:reclaBatW:nteia an' the. Yakima valley of brought the Uetoaae.-w':''' WtT.iUI on'PnBn IV' h : x- CKT - Memorial Service is Held At M. E. Chvrdi 1 i-m ;r 1 . . i. .1- Veterans and Women's le4kf Cjm Hear a Most P e Lt- -x . ji2 .i- -' :PBenanaflnVT : fi s't'; '; Given By Rev. G. H. Teesc e. 4 . - t 1 M - - " "i , s.-r. r,v I - .! The anuual Memorial aervlee of the grand Army of thsRsnnbUe and the Women' Relief corps wee "bald yesterday forenoon at .Qraee.M. B. church. Good-stasc dtlesmtlcna' tree both these pntriotk ordera were' In atUndance.,' . w ,ti ' 1 Monumental Days" was the ser mon; tneeBSi 0SwRes.,gMeesje BvBseasv and t tkja ha Hvered -enne' that waaftUed wlthiVatrisik. fervor, aaid an InsntAtloh-to the:yonngnn4 .:-'TacFa;v:bec. aiWlrem the ranasd' jauMsnanaa at' ' mr?Mkklimal "fmjw. Br',rw. s r " ''mnwi lMe, ', tanv paster, agiihiag ed the Mibjeet, jiJy bm hs tHft 1 as ssdhnnni hvikmnnsmnManw T-rmnn."fJ"aiewB grudisg rereas el iiiihsmh Hastsj i..f ." . -."Jv li'!' ' V ' they have been the sacred bleed triot' faartfleaf Hfted'towwcV.tlvi cmrnencehy aoW Isapnhnj; oed to the W:fW'ff: tSerhnvs) nrds lawsja ' " -- bn i V-VjJ - . . -- . - XTJMkm. Hft -TafaV UaaW' ffMtii WmWJ'i SBSBRW (RnBfBfl SRRRBjT 'fWfJ BBpT "fm BMsanc mtmmMk. wm life 1 '. w WJUMH L .j- CjI '"7" Cifs -Ik" :-