MUFWwlKWAl OAHIW DR. (J. A. HAMHO, Dentist All Work Guaranteed. odd )Ipwi' Building. ituom aiK I'hono Oh MAXWKI.I M. 1MSU Osteopathic PhyslcUa, Bulls 1H and 19. White Hlilg. I'lioae IM f Classified Column I OH HKNT CITV AND COUSTV AHHTUAOT COMPANY Abstracts. Insurance Members Oregon Association Tllli Men. IUKI.Y furnished room nt the Ore- icon House, Hlitli nml Klamath FOR "kICNT C-roomhouo,closs III! Frank Word. 13tf FOR RKNT- 7-room, plastered liouio with both and lower connection!, rumor 1 ttli nml Illicit. Iimulru 100S, t-ormir Kith nml Pine, lfl.ct I'uniUliod houiukootiliiK room In 'Tlio City View Apartments, upper KlKhth street. Mont ilollKhtful sum nor liomu In tlio city. 16-tf ft. i luB ikS4t ssaV .SBsbw BSaBaw mrVrV X'y y rlr ,,aU' Mr"' 8,lM Ol""0,in Mr. Ksli ryjvrtff ;i - o-o-o tk ' ''q Stenographer Prettiest Qlrl O, K. WILI.KY Attorney at Law IliNiin IK!0, Odd Frllow Hall MIHCKLLANMOUS .KMI'IOYMKNT Call up COMHTOCK, phono a 0, II you want any kind of IIKI.I'. IttgUrsr at tha COMHTOCK if jou at smploymsut. KOIt UI:NT 2tuoiii houso on hill; pailly furnished; electric light mil city wutori JU per month, In tuitu at W. O. Smith Printing Co. If MIKCKLLA.VKOUH ItOOMH nml hoard In plrvata family, Apply niter Monday, May 20, at KwmniH lluuto. 21-U MONEY to loan. Heo Arthur It. Wil- mil, 517 Muln. 20'0t KMMATII NOVKI.TY WOIIKH Dili anil Klamath arc llUekstnlthlng and general re- pair work dona Aulomobllea a Rpeclalty I). I'OIIMIIAHKO, Proprietor. KSKKIJiON A DACHTKMIKKG New and Hvroailliaad Good llldri, Wool, Pelts, Rubber and Matata J7 Mala M Tel. S4IJ gttTETr" jsuxixry-w0 - Herald Wast Ada bring result. WOOD Diy Slab Wood, lVIrb. .SJH Dry Fir Slab, la-larli. . . .$4.00 in.lncli lUxty Wood 10-lnrli green 11a Hlab. .SB.7fl Id-tacit greca Mr Blab . . KMMATII FUEL CO., O. l'eyton, Menagsr OMce, 1150 llae. Phone Btail WANTED (Jlrl waiter at the ilsdillo Hock rutaurant. 20. it I.OHT Lady's (old watch and fob. Kinder rtiturii to Hector' itoro and rovelvu ruwanl. 23-21 WANTED Refined young girl dcslr- lug an excellent homo with two young people. Wrlto Hox 1, Klamath Fall. 23-41 jj.wm-jii. .u-i.i !t, - '" Hut hale FOR HALE Juniper pott. Ward k Obcrchalu. 20-tf I'Olt SALE- G-paiscngor Ford car In good condition; $200 l( taken ut onrc. See I'clley, CIS Main. 21-0t KOIt BALK Thoroughbred Jorey bull. Tel. or write F. 1). CourUde, Odeiia. hl-r-l TYPEWRITERS New Machlaca BS.00 Dumb aad 9A.00 a MonUi KUwmIIi Fall Munlc Houaaw GENERAL N01 ICES NoUca ' Having aold out my butlnaaa to Vaa Hller llrothen, all bllla arc now pay able to mo at the aama locaUon. ; TIIK MONARCH ailOCEHY, 10-lSt A. 0. LEWIS, Prop. .! ' ' t' aflHaaW 'ggaW' w w .aaaaaiiw Pr fggK4i i tL " :LBr " bT . (u M '" a&t,, J , ' ,Jbk-i aafltBWK Bgggafe Tlio final went of the year fir tlio Klmnath Mlurarv club was held Tiiciilny, wIkii bniket laden, member of tlio orKuiiUatlon auembled for tliolr iinnuiil picnic, and were tranc portuil In conveyance to beautiful nnttirnl grovu in-ar Hwan Lake moun tii In. Hero the day was ipent In pic nicking, and It proved highly enjoy n Mi- for nil. A Hhort builnei elon wnii held, ilurlng which C. P. Stewart wait again eluded prcildent for the piiiuiltiK oir. Dr. Fred Weatarfeld wn choncn a tint vice pretldrnt, and Ml Addle Cnrpenter as second vlcn preildent. Ml Ilelo Applf gite wan chotcn a ecrotary-treasurr of tli? organliatloti. At thl meeting, F.lkg ami thoir famllle v. Ill enjoy a social evening at thu home devoted to various fames anal diversion, and Ice cream and cake were served. Present were Mies Bee lie Applegate. Miss Annie Hales, Mies .. L'.ln llnui Ulu fn Kltlntt Wlaa Klamath Fall lodge, No. 1247, U. P. 1 Alia lialls, Mlis Jennie Applegate, 0. Kll:i, Friday sight. Kspeclal ef- Miss Maysel Sanderson, Max A. Mc foru oro being made by the enterUIn-, Call, Kobert Itlggs, 3. Hardin Carter, iiitut tommlttfo for tbo success of .Joe L. Skelton, Harry Gartarneaux, this affair. Card, music and dancing1 Harry Meaner, Lester Boggs, Albert will bo among tlio diversions. i Jones ana turneii nan. Mlm Helen Forrost was hostess at a ilunclnr nrtv at hor West Bide limine Wednesday ovenlng, when there amicmMod MI11 Louise IJenson, Miss P.lln Dews, Mlsi Katherlne WlllUms, Ml Mnrgarot Williams, Leon Dollar, Itolph Hum, Harry Meuner, Louis Mc- Cluro and Paul Noel. The evening of terpslchorean pleasure was enjoyed by all, and refreshments were eervea. nleaiant surprise was alven MUa Edna N. Adam at the home of Lola Myor, Monday evening. Miss Adams has been principal of the III vers Ids III-.- uiBiiiiiiiuii. ni una uinmi, mtji UOCH principal Ol IU Illril ilnn. for n greater scope of work for i Chool for the past two years, but has ni'Xt year wcro dUcussed. A program resigned her work for the coming committed will bo appointed later to' yoir, and her teachers wished to show arrange the order of events. Attend- l0rae demonstration ef their approcla Ing wore Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Btewart,,tlon of her past kindness. A Jolly Mil Pearl Talley, Mlis Sue Durnott, evonlng was spent at games and Mlrs Laura nice, Miss Kthel Gross, 'cards,, and delicious refreshments III t'ljiaaln fr.ltnti flc llnra .- .. WUim AaAi. wM ftl Crump, MUs IIcnlo Applegate, Mlsr. Mines Kdna N. Adams, Kthel Gross, Allco Peel, Mrs. Krnoat Kddy, Miss winnlfred Wlnnard, Nellie McAn Addlc Carpenter, Miss Cole, Arthur .drew, Racnael M. Uaneman, Lois J. 1). Hay, Hollo C. (lrocibcck, Kdniunil Meyers, Laura A. Dice and Maude M Chllcote, Dr. Fred Wctcrfcld undlfuppey. I sVfnsagfffffA W& '' sasjPHI W-'f gW ITMt,HiLLSgsBB Thy.-.i v.IQJbW Mr. and Mrs. Harry Telford leave In a few days for Portland, where1 they will reside. Auction bridge waa played Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs. Henry P Gator nous entertained a number of women at her residence on Walnut avenue, there being present Mrs. Chales B. Mooro, Mrs. Ida Fink, Mrs. E. X. Ueames, Mrs. Louis J. Bath, Mrs. F. Zlm Baldwin, Mrs. Louie Oerber, Mrs. Harry 0. Denson, Mrs. R. W. Gowen. Mrs. L. F. WlllotU, Mrs. Will H. Ma son. Mrs. O. E. Moore ;of Stockton. Cat., and Mrs. I. J. WaUfeaa. ,Tne prise waa won by Mrs. Keames. Dr-. EfaBa Develaeeo. stenbara- Ina the afternoon a dainty collation' .1 . , i ,u ,. funer'iur mrsv lumovr ma v uhbi waa served by Mrs. Qalarneaux. ,pr.Bclco. Is officially Bronosaeed " -- the prettiest girl In California aa of- fr Tun W. RtAnhona aail dAiiah- ,i.i.iim .- . k- .. K ik DaaU ter. Miss Eileen Stephens, wlU leave ' 'f clival committee. And the Pertc4a in a lew uays lor lorumuu, wuo . reii.i u an lmooruni luncUO IB Mr, (lolJimlth. they will Join Mr. Stephens, who hultDa uU9 m Imnnrfanl tialtlnn In thdfe RnsUI nu IMII'UIIWtiS iveiivi w w City. Mrs. Stephens baa been active in social and church work here, and abe will be greatly .missed by a large circle of friend). The Mar basket uppor held at ML l.ako church Saturday evening was an enjoynblo affair. A largo crowd gath ered to hear tha program and enjoy thu lunch, and the neat sum of 120.25 was received. This goes toward pay Inr thn minister's salarr. The ladle of tho aid wish to tako this oppor tunity of thanking all those who so kindly cave their assistance In mak ing tho program one of the main at tractions of the evening. 0 0 0' A nleasant afternoon was apent by tho members of the Lelsuro Hour club at the borne of Mrs. O. W. Robertson. when the afternoon waa devoted to five hundred. There were la attend ance Mrs. K. U. Hall, Mrs. Thomaa Hamilton. Mrs. Fred Melhase, Mrs. Maxwell Long, Mrs. Henry Newnham, Mrs. C. 1. Robertson, Mrs. J. F. Ma Mrs. Drldges entertained about a loien veuns: ladles at her home IB The Argraves on Saturday afternoon, complimentary to Miss Rachel Man n-man. who will laavo soon for Cali fornia to spend hor summer vacation. The afternoon waa pleasantly spent nt needlework until 6 o'clock, when light refreshments were served. Those Invited were the Misses Addle Carpen ter, Cole, Chandler, Bice, Etbel Grose. Winnlfred Wlnnard, Nellie McAn- drews, Kdna Adams, Maude Rlppey, Rose. Lola Myera. Mra. Harry Bern- son and Mrs. O. V. Delany. ooo Mrs. W. Paul Johnson left Friday afternoon for Berkeley, Cal., after n short stay In Klamath Falls, during which time she superintended the na-k'na- of her effects Drior to remov al. Mr. W. Paul Johnson is at present and bis wire i at Haiti jftnn ! g, 1IUUVI waas .-. w -- (1 at gAUI. -.MM.t .w gulro, Mr. Tom Connors. Mrs. R. K.(mar join him there this Aanner. Mrs. ... as .. Wu ff faaat .-.. & meat Asa lea r1". , , f"rv - ' EASIERKUSi .vV 'J ikfsMsi'",-,ksmyl ssBJI SHUIjVUB imfamjTsj www-' m 0UJPOaVllB.' ., t;, v . ..iil, Ul HITUATtON IN UROMfiY TSfse NHrerarAMssMfifot 1 xism 'tfBrf . ?f . " i i "..'',, Hotel Anivals FRANK IRA WHITE Hirmony Candidate for County Judtfe A voto for Frank Ira Whlto Is a vote to stop extravagance, conceal ment of public attaint nnd gross inlsuianageinont. He Is n progress Ito, cloan, suite buslnoss man. He Is using cluuu methods In his cam I'ftlgn. Ho appeals to all factious of good cltlsens for support. He will bo nccoptnblo to nml will sorvc 'til tho people, He will complet the now courthouse on the new site ns speedily as fundi permit. He will continue road Improvement. You have a chance to restore good gov- , urnmont and peace In Klamath county, Voto for Prank Ira White. ' UKOALL OAMPAION COMMIT J TEH. Pd.AdV. Notice to VoUrra Tho recent cbaugo In tho several different election precincts have not His yet gono Into effect, and all elect- tors who wish to voto at tha election to bo hold on June 3 wilt voto at the 'niiino products used at tho November, 'till 2, election. I C. It. UK LAP, County Clerk. I 20-H&R ' (I. i:. Willt')' Iimm Taken uyit tlio fire limuntiire huitlnrss furiiirrly conduct nl hy II. P. tlalareeuv, anil Is pre- piinil l write iKillcle lu tlio follow I lux t onipaulcal Niagara, Caledonian, Now VSralaml, Orient ami Fidelity Vn .ilcrMrllvra. Offlr, !0 (Mil Followa' hullilliiK. " Upper Lake Points The new 37-foot launch Empreaa ta -l. .. !. niiw runnina to an voisia vm . Vpper Uke, carrying both freight and passengers. Launch leaves winema landing nt 8 a. m. J. H, HAMILTON, Phone IW. ROI k'S. - M u OXEOON 4UUI WAfMlNOTON Business Directory A Dlrsotory ef seen Clly. Town and Villas, alvlag dasorlptlv skttoli of Itch Discs, location. DOliulslloU. UtS- srsph, sblpplac and bsnklns point lo Classlasd Plrtclory, compllsd by bmitiMs and profsMlon. r h. x rout oa. hkattlb MONUMENTS We have Just received from the East a carload of marblt monu ments, all new designs. w also manufacture monu ments to order Bare Island Monumental and Stoni Co. 41S Elevens 84, Hmlth, Mrs. C. C. llogue, Mrs. I. Jay Knapp. Mrs. Uert E. Wlthrow. Mrs. O. V. Campbell. Mrs. Karl Wbitlock and Mra. Slieehan. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Tim Klamath county high school Is the sccno of much activity at present, nit nccount of tho exercises nnd cere monies being held In honor of the Senior class. Tho final event will take jilaco Tuesday, when diplomas will be nwarded to Annlo Irene Hales, Robert Milton Itlggs, Florence M. Ward. Evelyn Lucllo Graves. Henry I'oter Gnlarneaux, Jr., Inos Katharyn Elliott, J. Lovoo Skelton, Alia m. Units. Jcnnlo Margaret Appiegaie, Thoodoro Ilwlght Case, J. Hardin Carter. Harry Calvin Mesner, Haxel I. SummorH. Ustcr Vernon uoggs. Mnttlo K. Foster, Albert W. Jones, Mnyscl E. Sanderson nnd J. fcrnest Nail. Tuesday ovenlng mo oeuivr appeared nt Houston's oKira house In "Tho Editors," nn naapiauon ui Oorman play, and they gave a per fortnonco highly creditable for ama teur tnlent. Thursday they held their class day program, and were guests .. . t..nMinnn stven by the domestlo ..I.-.. .loMnrtmont of tho high school, BtlVlllu uvi'fi . and last night they men inem.c- to Folrvlew addition for a taroweu TAinnrrnw evanlnx at tho high .rhool auditorium, the baccalaureate sorvlcos will be held, ana itev. uww ti !'.,, nml Rev. J. . BlUUUieuom II, r vvv - - - will deliver addresses. mw" ovcnliiB. when tho diplomas ore ais ..... rtr navtd Btarr Jordan, late (president, nnd newly chosen chancel lor of Lelnnd Btaniora uniYr.j. will address tho graduates. 7.. i aoon Drii Hp rial aa HORBI Mi id Saddle to 1NU BOLD. ry Ce. Johncon baa long been n favorite In Klamath Fatls society, and. her de parture is greatly regretted. Last week sho was the honor guest at a number of social events, and thto week two dinner parties were) given lu her honor, one by Mr. nnd Mra. B W. Gnwen Tuesday evening, and the following evening nt the borne ot County Judge Will S. Worden and wife. o o a rim iiil2 Needle Work club met Filday nlternoon nt the borne of Mrs. Chester Avery, and n highly enjoy- ni.i,. arsolcu was held, the guest In- dulcJiiR In" needlework nnd conversa tion. Late In tho afternoon reirean- mnnta were served, and there were present Mrs. Claude H. Daggett, Mr. Fred Melhase, Mrs. 8. a. Heniey, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Earl Wbitlock, Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. J. J. Parker. Mrs. William McMillan. Mrs. W. T. Shivo, Mrs. Robert A. Emmet t, Mis. Orota McMillan. Mra. B. M. Marple, Mra. M. Q. Wllklna and Mra. Kip Von Riper. invitations have been received here for the marriage of Miss Vent Cope to unaaitar Loren Mlkel. which will be solemnised Tuesday ovenlng., Juno 10, at Plymouth Congregational .Mirrh in Oakland. Cal. Tho bride to be la the daughter ot Mr. George William Cope, and is one or tbo moot popular young ladles In tbt Bay Cities society. Mr.. Mlkel, better known aa "Rusty" since be entered the univer sity ot California, Is well and favor ably known to Klamath Falls people, as be was connectod with the local newspapers in advertising work for Hotel HaH J. A. Wolf, C. Center, San Fran cisco; P. B. Sibley, Portland; J. Lath- !tu, Mrs. J. Lathlm, Mildred Palmer, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. A. Wllklna, Dorr Is; Cuss Nelson and wife, Lake view; Nrlllo Carson, Lakevlew; John Car sou. Plna Creek: B. H. Duncan. Los Angeles; Harry Eagaa, Portland; T. J Faulkner, Ban Francisco; W. D. Warner, Eugene; T. J. Jackson, Ft Klamath; Charles A. Lewis nnd wife. London. England; Gilbert v. Brown, Liikovlew; Roy Smith, Chaa. Ander son, Geo. it. Moray, Altars. vraJaa Saallma Gro. Beams, Jr., nnd wife, Victoria, C. 0.; Mr. J. P. Fay and wife, Loa Angeles, Cal.; K. Beaton, Bam Fran cisco. Cal.; E. J. Grant, Loa Angeles, Cal.; Thos. L. Ponnoyer, St.t Louis, Mr.; J. Spencer Holmnn nnd wife, Cftdlllac, Wis.; C. E. Rankin, Red ding; C. M. LeValley. Portland; E. 8. Miller. Portland; Joe Schloas. Baa Fruncli co; B. Applegate. Portland; II. H. Phllbrlck, San Francisco. The nrettlest slrl in California, which, aver since the Dlacer minus daya has been noted for Its beautiful women, means something. Hundred) ot photographs of pretty girl from every section ot the state were sub mitted to the committee, and she won. Bbe will not only receive the 1100 oris, hut will be the coster girl of the festival, which, la to tako ntoeo I October 22-2 J, It will celebrate tho tCOth anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Balboa. Miss Develaaco Is SB years old. She waa born In Loa Angeles of n family of Baanlsh extraction, aa hor name Indicate, and In 105 she moved to Ban Francisco, where abe waa edaeat- ed at the Santa Monies, high sehooL iihe is not bnljr pretty, bnt a musician of some ability, and baa sung nt many private concerto. FARM LANDS There an two kind of Chllcote write the kind that tars- New location. Owe of tk the vaHey, 7 aeJaaaj from Fasts, alfalfa, deep sastdy nam, fTt) pa WASHINGTON, may II tfcs mlareeratentaUosm California and condition there tp,M rccont controversy brer tbo altM asms) legislation would bo! toagbAbW wefti It not that they added te the WTsmg' Impressions already prevalent hs .tho east. , y" ' ;, - The most recent are thooo nt.tfes): '-, latest issue of the Jowakslr of .tJM ', ,. American Asiatic A ecwM , iV ,: ganlxatlon of benevolent tsofatn;eV New York, devoting their mmmi money to laudatlen of Aatotle fBJMsV' ' ' especially, tho' Jaoanoe. ,' ',:'; . In an edttorieJ reenmo of tim;,-., troveray a letter from n'JssjSsMiw'hl ; published contalnlnsi tho teMewanf: ., "Tk northern half of th'Bam' : quia valiey m, noted for m winters and aeorehing cans of It imelement sHmnti veteemest of tho eonntir wasi toyo. ; f . Vl '. "Tha flsrrsmanta vsdilasr.'sssst tasi' ' southern part of tho Bm JenajialisaV :r' toy eonjW, mostly of lowmna. :nl' way damiwaM oft hMslntg.J TfstJ seetton waa, threforo,.tow najuwssl' aa unhealthfnl. and waa nbsmskH by , most immigrants. It wa tho JngMMi- . who opened U rlone 4,tlW:s- vltatio of CaUfonsa. Ho btwf4 tk; heat iad eotd of th , nsrthf B h . .::-..! Joagnin valley, and convert K hwts) a thriving frnH eowntry. Ita ralstna nnd wksea. Ho worked upon the unsanitary tho lower reaeheaof th Ba and 8m Jesk rivers, nad hsm the eonatry rieh wlta. aasosm, toes, bean and rralu.'' - ' N Not content wnn .tut, tao sine deliberately falstfled ta can-Japoaeao treaty, by ipraatlssi ttb.' ctoaa of ta tranty raadkssj ."'(' and' eeenay hsass. 'awassinssstosdnss-' rkd,"t wa r Ismm kiiad mm. .aa m -aM Baa samssassslsnsn r ejasBSBBSsamsBSBssssmmam . WW BsSrSHSVlt PBMSaVlBatJ1jW1B WsjsWssBWbJss,BJbf and eh." i ' .. . i1- 'r ' -' i... v.. . s '-:. laiieaw awaas ,pw .mr maad their eymi out tho Mtera rroaa. Visa' ta n nresa one vnh tatahr ta JaB-' aneso had reclaimed a lead that wan a combrnatJoa of Bnanra dsrt aad Ca NthatsL '"(T' l';i , $ A aae SO-acra traet ta ta heart at the valley freatiag oa Lea Mfvet-; deep aaady aoll; exceHsat drahssaje; weU Improved, with sasn alaaJfa; BBt per acre; turns Stock reaches, wheat lands ta aH parts ef ta CHI L COTE New locatloa. BBB Mahs Bt. ICT17T MSt I ;; t -- Cut Bowers at No CUi Ji - r tteet Moan at. " x . qzes The Fly Cannot Burvlve WImto CleaallaeM Prevaaat v .i ..i.. I... vi- Rlnca laav O-o-O mmiirsi um " -, - ---- r n.i Mrs. Frod Schallock are ling, here, he has engage In publicity .7! :... a. i i.kaviaw. Unon work In Oakland, and la rapiaiy ao- uiaiiinv iriiiuua su -- .i..i. .....m tn Klamath Falls, they will go to Chelan county, Washington. to spend the summer, mr. bcuih. Is interested In orcnara tanas m section. Members ot tho Jlu-Nl-Yel club woro entertained by Mrs. Fred Mel hase Monday, ther being three tables of bridge. A feature waa the splen did repast served by th hostess. At the party were Mrs. I. J ay iwnupp. Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. Frank Ward. Mrs. S. 8. Henley, Mrs. George R. Manning, Mrs. C. 0. Hogue, Mrs. R. E. Smith, Mrs. Clarenc o. mor gan, Mrs. E. J. Btownrt, Mrs. . . quiring success In his vesture. T.a Raaita." the Brockenbrough v..M.nrs on Falrvlew Height, waa the scene of aa enjoyable stag party last evening, given by Mr. Brocnea brougb, with O, H, Hunter, Bernard Reuteatlt and Will Bnariry aa guests. Auction bridge waa play. rihnnaronad by MISS Bul APPlft- gato and Max Adams MeCall, mem bers ot the Senior class, ox tn aiga school Journeyed to vFatrTlw, whar tbsy held a "hlghjlnks,'' th final so cial event ot their scnoot year, -a-atj svsalag was highly eajeyee. y au. I T i t The fly la a natural scavenger, and scavengers have a reason for exist- Let her bo killed by all means, but before relying on this alone, we should follow her up to her breeding' place, which la seldom beyond 100 to S00 feet away, and then make that place decent and aanlUry. One ahould not rest content with kitllna- the fir. but should get rid ot the places where she laya her egga the unsanitary closets, the manure heap, tho uncovered garbage can, the putrescent dead dog and horse pa tho public highway. All refuse and decaying material. and all vegetable and. table wast should be removed and be burned or covered with lime or kerosene oil. All nrbas-e cans must be covered or screened, or their contents sprin kled with kerosene or lime. The sewace system must be in good order, up. to date, not leaking, uot ex posed; kerosene should be poured Into drains. Manure' should be put into tight pita or vaults, with aa outer door from which It eaa be shoveled awav: a barrel of chloride of lime la to be constantly, at hand, from which each deposit ot mau,r,aaoui o sprinkled. Shallow, dishes should be placed about the house, on la each room, containing eaoh two twutpoasruu ot formaldehyde to n, pint (two tum blers ot water; pra teupoontul of, hiKhMUiis or noiaaaiuai lu vvuwi, tumblerful 'of W "sweetened with plenty oi auger. fall to tho floor, "whence they cut ho cathered ud and burned, or aold It the market rates .make It worth the whit. AU foods and drink must b screened or covered In some way; nil windows la dlnlagroom nad Uttaan doors must be screened. Greserles. fruit stores, meat nad fiah store must have their ware screened, and, above all things els. fUea must not get near the milk. S, s Ml i i i t Ten ar overtoehlig a Mfi you. da't .tryr.tot , c Ml prises being sdftvl ffw'tka f it three largoet, treats maghtf T Klamath asuaty wh'aatl-i.- rod or "C3 rf-r - ! " St First Frsas, SAB twB, Vdsnini lnfM9t SSM saSBW .i-i a Vl ,1.-. ' '( I THE GUN 1TOM ..' A T u. T- III It U I MIX 1 1 Ht X &l GRAY HAIR TURNS ITS NATURAL COLOR AFTER APR YING SAfif TEA ' t.'V" Mixed WHb SaJahar, K BeauMfally and Take Ot? DaadruB Almost everypne kuovia that Bag Tsa and Sulphur, properly samyouad eo, brings back th atlural esdar aud lustra to th hair whea faded? atreak- sdor grey; aura cure daadrat, Itsk- ing scalp nad atopa faaaalaav. Years ago th only way. U,gt thl mutur waa to ,m k, aii asms. which u mtissy nad troublem. , Nowaday, skilled ebtailat; aa tala better than rourMlvaalM,t any urun twre ivt mm - nroduet ealUd "Wyath'a Bacaaad Sulphur Hair. RemdyV--yu ;watt sM i a1 i i t C t tt'a usually too stteay. M. taalat afsav getting ''Wyth','';wWh eaa Is) aW pendsd upoa to rstr anlayal and beauty t ta aatr ajajt m SffBBy S wSawSfBw' y '" tBBBs1sa"al'aBamS; gSTBBJ hair. .;. V ' W99mm SSpS) WSSjsgj"sj SSBBSf SSSS pnur";issam ijwijW'rftj It. d ': saysa,wU lmmam ( SSBjSSdPSjBj4' 1 iu wtiwaBmjB huraai In si lairgaaa KrlUsl XOT i.lf ..tuarat tUi sVthat. thaySom drugaalaUmsk,. glst.T brush nad dram It saM'smjmil jiypjla gajjajlsjm fcfavi PSI '& ,fi1 t 1 "f... K W',