' it'vfSr&St, . "lit, a. SUPPLIED BY THE UNlTKD 1'KBnVJ NKWM SERVICE W $k betting HcfaUL J V "' ' -c . H 'J' ' - 4 1 i' f .' -i-i -5 " HraBrlljMlBmW eVgarwHBHjmp KcrMlli Year No. SOTI. ' JtTVl ' ,1 "x1 , , .,,'.-,' j- . v. j i - -a kjju HI V . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAV l, IMS. , C . jirect i ; .aw. ..v.. k 2Qnmx . ,. ' 77 "i,ir j. y.v--s 1 v . iw i j r - ,? -iv u.w "v.'' . Klamath Falls Will Have a Stage Line to Crater Lake This Summer; Low Railway li FLOWER SHOWiTO I GIVEN HERE ON AUGUST 16th vvomk.vh civic mmuui: ah hanging details ij Io L laNaea'aiaBSaa' Novelist und Wife Could Not Agree AUDITORIUM In Onlrr to Promote Civic Ik-euly l'rlrt Will lie Awarded fur Hie lkt Krl't lMNa unit Yard, a Wrll iu for I'loHrra -Polled PUnU and (.'in Flowera Will lie Kntrmii fur Urn Valuable Prim A Klurr Show for Klamath Fall. Thl li (ha lateit undertaking of (he Women' Civic longuo, which li working Inrcaaantly for tho beautify IdK of Klamath Fall. Not content llh giving tho ahow till year, they nlcnd to mako It mi annua) event, The floMor allow will ho helil Au gust l thU year. Thin will giro am ple time for the cultivation of flow in. I'rliet aro to bo awarded for tho tat cut flowera grown In local yard, itch a aweet pen, nasturtium, old Potted iitanta will alio bo entered In a mmrato competition. "In addition to the prlie to be awarded for flowera, irliea are alto to be given for tho beat kept and pitttlest lawn and yarda In Klamath Falli." aald Mra. W. T. Forrett, proil dint of the league, thla morning. Kn ttAnti for tho laat two cnmpetltlona will be requoated to aubmlt photo gupha, and tho Judgea will chooio IU winner from tho picture of the U.vn and yard." A numbor of commlttoea have been ntrned by tho Civic leaguo to take clarge of different featurea of the fturk, Theao committee will meet l tin Tuetday, and It la believed that at that time a Hat of tho prUea to be awarded will be announced. Judge Umaon Home Judge Henry L. llenaon nnd Court Importer It. H. Rlchardaou returnad thla afternoon from attendance on tlm Lake county court, Thoy wero atcompanled by Senator W. Lair Tliompion, who came over to meet ' IHggggT I lgggBHHHgF t- ' i HHHIIIIIIIA ' I gaWflgaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaiB i BBf I I?'. ?n ggggKH t 'r J ggalv ilA-A . 4 Bammf"" r i I ti .' A i I 'viri I 1 Bx'jMf.' i I TBBrggggw f'agga laLJg.B I BHgHgULW bi .anjBMKgJBP ON LUTHER M'CARTY BEACH TUMBLES; KILLED IN FIRST 25 ARE KILLEO ROUND OF BOUT ;ilVMIIIKIH (II' I'KOI'I.K NUHTAI.V I.VJUItlKM Luther McCarty, in Fighting Pose, and Pelkey Who Hit Him IIUIW OVKB IMC MEAItT Iri l'A. TAbTOVMHTKIt Kt'contl KIMr of l-oag IImcIi Mualcl!1"11 ,,l Hlow Wruik in ilio Jlalrh; ll Auditorium, Crowded to Iu t'a-j pnrlly, t'.llHM- 1'i-oplo fajwed1 Fall on (he McmU of Thoae on the II ml Moor urw living Hent From Ixm Angelra With Artiinr Fdke fnimplea White Chawnleiutlilp Coatener, and He Diea WHkln Ttilrty Mlnntrw, Xctct ItecoveriiMt Conrl I'elkey Hurreadera to Officer One more union of genlua came to grief thla week when FrIUI Schoff.f tho prima donna, got a divorce from John Fox, Jr., tho novollat. She I now frro to wed again, and ao la he. Humor that (leorgo Anderaon, an act or In Ml" Belief fa company, would marry her came to nothing when ahe iih nuked about It. "I am too buiy to think of marry ing," alio anawered. "I am perfectly aatlitlod with my prckenl poaltlon," aald the actor when Ilia subject wiu mentioned to him. Dulectlvei puriucd tho novellit Imibnnd, nnd they obtained eomo evt- deuca at tho (Icrard hotel In Now York city, which thoy related In court. It wim uufflclvnt to convince tho Juitlco nnd ho algnod the decree. To Incorporate Btore . J. F, Mngulro announced today that hla Ml. Hebron atore builneta la to bo Incorporated a the Magulre Mer cantile company. Tboa. Conner, who v,ont to Mt. Hebron thla week, ha bought Into tho (bualneaa with Mr. Mngulro, and hi brother, and will re main at Mt. Hebron and tako active management. 1.0N(J I1KACH, Cl May 34. -Atoro than a icorc of people were killed and hundred were Injured when (he econd floor of the munici pal auditorium collapied Juat before noon. The (ccond, or main, floor waa crowded with peoplo celebrating Queen Victoria day, when the acci dent occurred. Tho peoplo on the main floor fell on the head of people on the lower floor, which waa aUo well titled. I.ONO IJEACH, Cal.. May 34. Twcnly-flvo paraona are known to be doad aa a retult of the colUpae of tho municipal auditorium. Of theae, 23 aro women. Search ing partlea are looking through the ruin for mora bodlea. The town I In the wildcat confu sion aa a retult of the ralahap. There are more than a hundred who were hurt acrlouily, and there are any number minor Injurlc. Thero are repeated call for nune on tuo atrcet. too nuraing irr of tho hotpltal are doing everything poiilblo. The mayor I considering ending to Lo Angelea for more nuraea. RUSSIANS AFTER COWS FOR FARMS Mr. Thompion and children, who aro .conducting tho atoro, will movo hla lo arrive tomorrow evening from n -family to Klamath Fall, and will i vIMt to Kugene. probably vngago In builnc horo - I with hi brother. Indian Agent Wataon. Mumm Car-. rlo and Inoa WaUon and Ml Ada Charlca 1'. Magulro, who ha been TWK.NTV MKMIIKHS OF THK OOL- O.W AUK 1IKHK NOW, AND THK 1'. w. Snyder, a well-known Swan Hluo aro here from tho Klamath agen-1 1,ako rancher, la here on a bualneaa cy for a ahort vialt. 'trip. UKMAINDKK WILIi A FKW DAYB ARtUVK IN Wedding of Royalty is a Brilliant Affair Marriage of Kaiser's Daughter to Prince of Cumberland Cements Feud of Years. Standing "KHUN, May 34. The famoue 'tud botween tho powerful houaea of Uobomollerna and Quelpba waa ce- 'nanted Into friendship today wltb the mirrlago of I'rlnceaa Victoria liulio 'o.i'rlnce Erut of Cumberland, Duko f Drunawlck. It wai the moat brilliant ceromon 11 Europe haa aaen In year, and the Mombled gueat comprised all the ffler of Kurope or their representa tive and the representative of every loverninent recognised by the ar-, mun omplre. King aeorge and Queen Mary of England were among the guests. The match waa a political one pure ly, having boon arrauged by the kais er. Presonts equal In value to the ransom of a score of kings wore re ceived by tho couple. It was not made known until tho lost mlnuto whether tuoxctar and ctnrina of Hula would attond. Tho mattor was kept secret to follvany plans anarflhtit might make to tako advantage' omar opportunity to as sassinate the'Ruif tan rulors. llorlln Itaeji tU tho surrounding territory WPP WBI "r"" swarming wlil WfK agents and ae tectlvea of "alMMp.wt government, and almost evew otter person In and about the buildings where the guests assembled' was a ollo official. f t Michael Sllvkotf, one of the mem-r bora of the Kusilan colony, which re cently purchased tho big Kllgor ranch, was in tho city Friday com lettng arrangements for the purchase of cows, horses and stock for the ranch. Three of the families of Russians arrived hero this week, and have tak en up their home on the ranch. Thoro were about 30 In the party first to arrive, Including tho children. Other members of the colony will be hero soon. The Russians have secured options on a number of other large ranches In Klamath county, and if they are aatlstled with tho results secured thla summer on the Kilgore place, these options will bo taken up, and a large colony of these farmers win here. settle Will Examine Barbers An examination of barbers for li cense will bo held by J. E. Swansen, doputy state board of barber examin er, all day Monday at bis shop, next to tho Hall hotel. Chas. Roberts returned yesterday from Portland, whore ha has been at tending business college for several months past. j, u, Carnaban, a local attorney, returned yesterday from Peruana, wuero he attended to legal busts. -r i CALQARY, Alberta, May 34. Lu ther McCarty, atrongcat contender, for the white heavyweight champion ihlp of the world, Is dead as a result of a blow over the heart received In hla bout with Arthur Pelkey. The blow waa delivered In the first ! round of the bout thla afternoon. Mc-1 Carty never rallied from the effects. Hu died half an hour later. , Pelkey surrendered hlnuelf to the ' authorities as soon as the phyalclanst declared the American pugilist dead. . An Inquest will be held thla after noon or tomorrow. It if believed thar Pelkey will bc ucqultted. There waa no brutality on the part of either aua; la fact, the blow Pelkey put over Mccarty's heart waa the first blow of conse quence. When struck, McCarty wast down limp, and was counted out by Referee , Kddle Smith of Chicago to ahow any sign of consclousne phyalclana in tho audience the ring In an effort to resuscitate1 tl o rirnslratn nttaalllaf- ' ttv 1'ivsuniu iuuta McCarty entorcd the ring a 10 to favorite. He weighed In at 300 pounds, and Pelkey at 310. lHalalatt. I SSSSSSBmBBBBW M BmaftaMamafta1H3gllK(. BSBBBBBBLSaBBBBBBBBBV3BmsBHm. SWaSalf'.jaaV ffSaWBSBBBBySaeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn .sMta'JEi ':JsynKsBeal .Kmyim&wjmr 'iAl.li.V . BBaBeKJIsmBBBBBBBBBBm JBBBV WWOfSTii ' M3lUBBBBBBr K3laBBHPB''BVlV7 Hbb .A.I i fK sBmlLHkBtLIHJilk. -Isa rrnr .-.-- H3K," A permK Imw beast sjsii' Isjr Mag VHBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBr "BT BllllllllKBlllllllllllH. - A . T ' " . Fl I Bll HI! ((((((((Vfco - amammaw! 'ry-s.tt r;t SBjOBjaBjaBjaBjaBjaBjaBjaBBW J . waajwaga . 11(7 'aBBim r sLlssssssi wsBia" ! AUTO COMPANY -h4, . "f& . .'-VI GET5C0NTIMT, daixv f, :y q VJi.v'''. f? iff jf. m r- Trace Ie - .v. .i f." '(." Cvawvsr The war' Is ever and reign ,ta Mteeaeijle 'circles, wMe have the arivHaaa f. aamtlaa. , W - -w- .Tw-. m W1WI Wt, HMH 11 to- "W vl I, WrlU i- -- , ,tj SiMlEII pi$ 1$ SUPERINTENDENT Preflelasrt Those who were present at the vo cal drill by Director Mason at the Methodist church last evening state that tho singers are showing excellent proficiency under Mr. Mason's able Instruction. It Is certain that the ly ceum concert to be given by theaa on Saturday evening, Juno 10, will be EXPERT IN CHAJtai: OF COURT HOU8K CONSTRUCTION SAY MIS TIME W NKEDED RY KXPO 8IT1QN HOARD Arthur Arlett, who has been super intendent of construction on the Klamath county courLhouna. hm ra. t mt ..-. a- I ' w- -" ' "w one oi iae unci bunch u-ou ever .igned Bto pUce. In a letter to Coun- RECEPTION FOR THE DRILL TEAM AN INFORMAL ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN MONBAT OTaW ING IN L O. O. V. HALL BY WW "STAY AT given In the city. The neat drill will be on Monday evening next, nnd Mr. Mason desire the presence of nil elug- era who will participate In the final event. PERSHIN GOES; WARRANT OUT KltSTWHILK COMMERCIAL PBO TOGKAPHKR IS CHARGED WITH LARCENY UV BAILEE BY BOS PITAL MAN E. R. Pershln's dltappearonce early thla morning has cauied the Issuance of a warrant for his arrest on a charge of larceuy by bailee. The complainant Is A. J. Lyle, manager of the Blackburn hospital. Two years ago, Perchln waa in the hospital for several weeks, receiving treatment, for typhoid faver. For the payment of the bill ha gave Lyle a mortgage on certain eameraa and lenses he possessed. A few days ago, the mortgage came due, and It waa found that a portion of the mortgaged property waa aaias Ing, ,It la believed that Perahln' dla posed of these, , Although the shortage' waa known some days ago, no warrant waa lowed until thla morning, arter the paotec rapher failed to appear. Ha la aald to have left the White PaUeaa lietet at I o'clock thla morntaf . ty Judge Worden, Arlett, who is con nected In a similar manner vlth the Panama-Pacific International Expo sition commission, states that It, will be necessary for hlaa lo Tire ats entre attention to work at tho fair alto. The resignation of Arlett la muck regretted by the county court, aa ka la one of the most capable construc tion engineers on the Pacific coast, as the White Pelican hotel here, and numerous fine buildings In California prove beyond doubt. Arlett's letter of resignation fol Iewa: "My Dear Judge: It becomes noe- oaaary for me to press on you tke ac ceptance of my 'resignation, about which I have been talking to yen for aeveral months. Aa I explained to you, the responsibilities oeoaslen by nay appointment on tho exposition commission have Increased my lakpra hero tremendously, and I fool that I cannot, In justice to either myself or you, continue longer aa your superin tendent of, construction. "At present, aay private buslnosa la greater than at any period of amy, ca reer, and. I cannot longer, allow my obligation to you to atand la the way of meeting what I believe to be my di rect responsibilities' here. The mil llona of dollara being expended under our direction at the exposition alto, call for very careful seannlng, and I feel that I would be falao to Governor Johnson If I permit the work of tho courthouse to come between mo nnd that. "You have understood, of oourso. that the" monetary eoasjderatlea kaa MTor had, at any Usae, muek weight Ipoattnuea on Page 4) ts roeAott) Oraeer: tesvo .wttt ft stoutkora Pnelfto railroad to j tkesMM ay koat to. nsM rreaa tnor co by aU. Tke aoU tkroack. m tketr Km to CMtor tote, t , Parties eoa aloe iaV'sUrwi "to "6mm Uke from Klamath fkUavihi ft . Sotttkera 'OreNa AntoaaokMo oon pany win aaako'rotwd trtoa 'tolatov lake from Klantatk Vnllo,aB to omit side of Uo Khwatk lake, la MbB way tonravta eta apend oevend Iwato' at Crater, lake, and retora' to Haato, ath Falla tke aaaae day. ' . . .': Tke i'Soatkora' 'Tassfls ksw ' aa' aeuaeed;Uat k wW atako afstol aVt eureten ratea to. CraW'lako oa oojk. tola datea datiac'tao aro to be i too Hm aaearatoa wilt ko It. wkoa 11 aaeenkon of tot 1 of eolnakao watt apoad a Klaaoatk ooaaty Tiotttac Orator and o4ker;reaet.' ,:' Ali- ' v , r"A sveelal oaauaer. rate af MT.aV to-Crator VaMSaHaBn fammmmaw. Wk- A number of tke members of tke Odd Fellows' lodge who were unable to go to Medford-wlth tke local' dale- gatioa, have arranged an informal ro- V0M aTT ception to the Rebekaka and 0401- ura . eWeetlTo Jty I, tows who did sucn excellent work at the grand lodge meeting. Tke rosea tlon will be held Monday eveaJag at the Odd Fellows' tomplo, aad aooai bers of all branches of tke ardor aro Invited to be present, ospsslally tkeee composing the two degree tosms, loo cream aad oako. will ka aorrod, aad dancing and, oardo ladnlaod Ik '-rfj Tkla trip U rooted via aad Uo Priee of, tke.tloiMt railroad, .'otoaaaor aad i ' William M.Skaw.kf grand lodge seojtea at: turatd to.: Kltoaato Va aigai. nta wtro.win ae v. iv ..- : -J1 Water Users Would Ne: Change suaAjf, t'i:S . 1 ' ' Ki - . i- -j 35 toamaamaMaVaMV 4ammav rx sftsmtoiT MTr- JTS f.m m ;;. -M'x-? yi.v&. WllllHlnff " ampaBajeasaBaaBBajamaaaami ; jgj 'Is Instead of Naming Candidate SNrf Directorahipa On the Floor of the Meeting, PcUUon 04 :-4 ,.-.,'-." : .v The primary eiecuoa will supplaat theold-tlme eoavoaUoa area la too affairs of tke Klaaoatk Wator'UaOra' assocltioa. If the ooaotttaUoaei amendment Is passed, wktekla to k' fubmltted at the annual stookkoldorai meeting ;Juao , .. ' .- t'V.rt By tke provlelena of 'tkolprtsioia amendment, tke eandtoatef tor .sttfaf- tors, Inatoad'of beiag nomwatod m the floor Cot thewiiiajng, ' wttl k nominated kyVpetltMOk lltad' .vrato'' tot dlrootora. of tke a.iaJUIrm K dava before too satoaatWMtosgnaaa- '-au, . f f s V' tlttoaa auiat ka wiwef . vaavt ' ."! J.w' i SW n r.Klj m pflatodiaitalalaitBmvi mH$wmm tkMA a aa aasasi - -- T" '''' "if1 jt- aianev. Hw.to otlparuoltoa; a''Hajaj ojBa toDraaatt tlto lL- y v Jfl i t