V ' - ' t'tj - . McfaU.. rf'T ,t , 5i' J'J' v. -f,? ..KV- & Vl t 4t ,' v-' PI a Jfe ..j IT iif pfmv: f V ..J .. Hcu-hUi Year No. -WTU, -?' IA.jp iva 1v- y ii .', ' . MH"Srj'21 j , i KLAMATH VAL1M, ORKOON. FRIDAY, MAY M, 1P1P. ' SJ Im jt'lVf' San Francisco Police Accused of Having System A M Similiar to That Just Bought to Light in New York BATTLE BOB IS LODGE PEOPLE IS EDITORIALLY RETURN JOYFUL AT IT AGAIN (TIIIIKNT IHMUH MUAMTH IIKMO CRATH KLAMATH t'AUM l'i:oi'l,i: AT TK.Mil.VJ MIIA.MI M)IMJi: HKH HIO.NH IX MKUFOIIII IlKI-OIIT HI'M.'MMIt IIOMI'ITAMTY HImiwIii Mrtor, In Today's Imuo of urollHIc' Maaulne, Way Tariff (Vntrul by H10 ItrHtocrMl l brought In, among othor. tlio follow lu I'rvrml a Ik-fort-, anil Will Nut Tlio return of delegate from the lirnnil lodgo of Hie I, O. O. K. and IteUukali at lodford, commenced lunt ulglit, ana the evening train GALLS COOLIES TOOLS OF THE CAPITALIST SET hiksovh Hii:i:rii cituuiw thk UAM.KIIIKH Admiral Twining Has Plans Stolen lln Trrnlrtl I" an Kconumlc Prob lem MADIRON, May 33. In an editor liTfiesded "Tariff Making In the lurk," Lat'ollelte's Mngailno today illicuitu tlio defaut of LaKolletto' proposal In tlio tenato to have tlio itriMie roramltlee on flnanrti uuMtlon tie manufacturer of a number of j Ingl C. II. Coon, Mr, (leorge It, Hum, Mr. 0. I). Matthew, Mr. and Mr, (leorge Humphrey. MIm Ureta McMillan, Ituth Avery and Mr. Claude- Daggett. IjiIc yeitenlay, Itohort A. Kmmltt and family returned by auto. All tliono attending are loud In their liralie of the huipltallty of Medford. Kverylhlng posilblo for the ontortaln- ment of the delegate wa attend- cd to. The Klamath Kail delegation wa tuple article before proceeding lone of Ilia largeit at Medford, and further with tlio tariff measure. "Tariff legislation under Democrat Ic control I to proceed exactly aa It did under llepubllcan control," iaya Its article In part. "The lubject I not to be treated aa an economic problem. Unload, It la to be the stake the work of the drill team from hero won much favorable comment. There I every assurance that the 1916 scs ilon of tlio grand lodge will be held here. Mr. and Mr. H-P. llolne have gone In a partisan' game, and the Amerl-.lo Han Francisco, alter a year resi cd people aro to suffer the como donco here. They will make their bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv Bm7 . r31f gggggggggggggggggggggggHggHVQ ggV amaaaW : iW ..gfJBgggggggggiiggggggC HgggggggggggggnaigW 1 NamaBBBBBBMJMMMMMM KT ggggggfiKrggggggi BtgfgfB -t j I Tfc- Uttffca-u HueJaraB-i JAPANESE PRAY IN STREETS FOR RULER'S HEALTH WILHO.V WIIII INQUIRY AS TO HIS HKALTH Kii-pluK Hi Pronil-e to I'rcelih'al WIlMin That He Would .Not Maku a "War Kprrrh," or Inflame IUUed ARnlimt JniNiiM'M', MliwbalpplaM Continue Drfrrikv of C'allforala'a AntlAllrn liml Hill f. WAHIIINOTON, D. C, May 13. A further ipeech upholding the itate' right u NUprome, and defending tbo talirornia antl-nllen land bill, waa kUcii on tho floor of congrei tlila congreiuman from Mlillppl. Ilolluvlng that Sluon'a addreaa to day would contain omo of the ex plotlve itatement ho made a ahort tlmo ago agalmt tho Japanese, the vliltor' gallery of tbo House wa crowded. Tnoie who were expecting .paftm a fiery apeech, characterltlc of SI Washington by the ear, were draw noii, were disappointed, as be kept hi .under the supnrMon of K.ir Ad miral Nathan C. TwlnlHg, chief of the Slsaon (bureau. Should cotgressvor either llalleUa ReUterato BUUwal That Is ta No ImwwMatw DM bwt AnatoHAcesscM That Hla Is at 1M Caatws Math Ap- AsBoag Hi Mabjecto 8ada ThMks to Wtweta theft of the wiring plaaa of ught Pennsylvnal from met bureau of the navy - tV which has set official promlao to WlUon. In opening hi address, 9,t.nce4.' I homo In the iiay City. Bank Checks Figure in the Woods Trial . nieint Attrnv Sgkgl to KRtaDUSIIl Proof That Money Was Paid to Breen by the Defendant stated that It had not been his Inten tion to make what might be termed a "war speech." On this, he stated, , the president waa misinformed, aa he merely Uhed to defend the Webb bill. I 8Uon made no direct reference to me Japanese in 111s tain, ue aeciarea that tho unrestricted admission of liens meant tho ruin of the Ameri can farmer. J This Influx, ho said, threw the bulk 01 1110 lana inio me uuuui 01 great corporations. In ordor to Increase their wealth, these syndicate, the peaker alleged, would people the 'tracts with cheap laborers. hoiiso hold an Inquiry he will become one of the chief wltnosse. The tint set of plans was missed March 5, having been taken the night of tho Inauguration of President Wilson. The remainder disappeared later. Naval officials havo not said If their suspicions centered on any one, and detectives havo been unable to get' a clue of tba thief. The first statement of tho department thnt the iConunueu on Page 4) Hiram F. Murdoch, who has a farm on the Keno road, came to the county seat Thursday to attend to bnslnea matters. TOKIO. May 2J. Although the hourly bulletins reiterate the state ment that the health of Mikado Yo- f hlhlto Is no cause for alarm, the peo ple are much worried. All day and all night ecore of peo ple bate knelt In the streets aad Is the temples, praying for the apetdy recovery of the emperor. Many ques tion whether Ue bulletin give the real danger to the public. Today, the mikado's fever reached 103. The pulse action registered IS beats to the mlnate, and resplra-tleal. WASHINGTON, "May 33. PreeJ deat Wllsea today received the fol lowing personal cablegram from Em peror Yoshlklte of Japs: "I am deeply touched by your klad message Inquiring as to the extent of my Indisposition. Permit me to express my slaeereet thanks to your self, the Americas government and the American people." LODGE THANKS TOWN FOR HELP RRfiOMJTIONS ,PASMD PIUMMXa IKO TVOMC WHO PlLACIB At TO AXD MOTOeKAT AT MP POtiAIj Of OOMMCTTKK The following reselutlM was adopted today by the commKtoo to chares of the entertaining of the dele gates) ta Us district W. O. W. eoavea tloa Just clesed: "Be It Resolved. That we, Ue sm tertalnment committee of Bwaasa camp, No. 799, W. O. W ettsfd esr sincere thanks to all Usee 'who ae ably elsted the committee to mik ing the entertainment of Ue ahrU dle- trlrt convention, w. O. w., a and especially to those who Uelr antos aad 'motor bests at Ue disposal of the committee, and to Ue dally papers for giving the fall no tice 1 aad reports of Ue eeaveattea, we extend onr hearty thaaks."' "Respectfnlly submitted,' R. R.' Brewkaker. W..P. MeMIUaa. Gee. H. Haydea. Bea I. Oweas, W. . Taraer, crmmlttse." Mr. and Mrs. Dow DeLong left this morning for a visit with the for mer's parents la Salem. Mrs. C. E. Pell came la from Ash land last evening on a visit to her sister. Mrs. W. O. SmIU. IIOHTON, May 33. That ho will directly connect William M. Wood. president of the woolen trust with the idnntlng of dynamlto at Lawrence, Man,, to arouo prejudice against tho trlkora last year, was tbo announce ment lundo today by Dl.trlct Attorney t'elletler. Through woolen mill employe, ot flrotnttaches of tho textile company, telephone operators and other wit ntoicK, he stated that he could build, a chain of clrcumstantlnl evidence connecting all the defendants wllh tho plot The paying teller of a bank today lilimtlfled sovoral large checks, made piDAbto to Wells Atteaux, signed by tho American Woolon company, and' npprotod by Wood. It U expoctod that the stato will aland or fall on theo chocks, l'clle tier mndo It clear that he believes they v. ere given to relmburso Atteaux far the IGUO, which Dreen alleges Attoux gave him the day the dyna mite biding plot was hatched. Recall Ballot is Arranged by Delap; Rival Statements Gotham Fight Fans I I Want Bud Anderson ' St. Nicholas Athletic Club Anxious to Have the Western Lightweight Matched With Leach Gross NEW YORK, May 33. Bud Andsr ou. the Vancouvsr, Wash., Hght wilght, may appear la tho squared dicle In this city. The Ht. Nicholas Atuletla club, one of the most ex clusive organisations In aotham for the promotion of sport, Is anxious to Imvo Andsrson appear, and toward this end thsy have Uksn the matter up with Dlek Arnold. Andsrson' nviaager. According to officials of Us club. Donald has been offered a match be tea Anderson aad Leach Cross. ". like ths westerner, Is a strong rival for Ritchie's title, ti good ifsd cut of the mossy, with afoorpu tat guarantee, la also'offsreaor h 1 bout between the two In July. Boxing In New York, under tho di rection of a boxing commission, Is a contest thnt Is decided along the point system. It amounts to but little more than sparring, but in tho 10 round mixes ths topnotchsrs ocear slonally show flashes of their real ability. Anderson has bocomo quite a fa vorlto with the New York fans, fol lowing his rise from obsourlty within a few months. It has long been In the minds of Gotham fans that K. 0, Brown was practically Invlnclblo, and his defeat by Anderson, also ths suc cumbing 'of Mandot, has boosted the westerner's stock considerable. CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST NOROEH BY RECALL PETITIONERS Unlawful, unwise and Inefficient management of county finances; the Incurring of a largo amount of un lawful Indebtedness; unnecessarily Increased taxation; waste of monoy In couuty oxponsen; favoritism nn con tracting with and employing relatives of members of the county court and certain firms and corporations at a financial loss to tho county; unlawful Issuing and selling warrants of the county nt a discount; carelessness and Inofflclency in auditing bills agalnBt tho county; accepting employ ment from corporations whose Inter ests are opposed to the public Inter ests and at far greater salaries than that paid by the county; Inefficient and unsatisfactory service as a coun ty Judge; failure to get value re ceived for money spent for roads, though petitioners are not opposed to good roads; lack of ability, as snown n the past to expend future levies for roads; Inability to construct a new courthouse with economy and a due regard for cost, though petition ers are not opposed to ths new court house and are Indifferent aa to its lo cation, but only Insist that it shall be built economically, and that ths cost shall not bs sxcssslvs, whloh Us past actions of said officer laaioate that he will not be able to do, COUNTY CLERK DELAP A QUANDARY FOR SOME TIME The ballot form for the special re call election, to bo held June 3, was arranged and given to the prlate- by County Clerk Dol-ap this afternoon. The form of tho ballot follews: . .OFFICIAL RECALL ELECTION. . BALLOT Klamath County, Or., June 3, 19 IS For County Judge Vote For One. 13 J. R. Rltter 13 Frank Ira White 14 Wm. S. Words This la followed by Us statsments for and against tho resell. The style of the ballot has been the cause of much discussion around the courthouse for the past two days, The failure of the legislature to com plete the Initiative measure creating the recall has elft a number of mat ters unsettled. This Is especially true regarding tho form of the ballot It was first thought that, In addition to the eas dldates, there would be submitted to the voters on the same ballet Ue question of voting sitae for. or against tho recall. This waa finally believed to be contustag; aad upea the advice of District Attorney Irwta, DeLap left this questle aft Ue tal lot f WORDEN'S JUSTIFICATION OF NIS COURSE AS AN OFFICIAL This Is not a regular election. It Is aa attempt to remove ms from of fice la ths middle of my term. Two years ago you. elected me oa a basis of Qood Rosas aad the building of a nsw courthouse oa the Hot Springs hits. I have kept my prom Uea. The work has heea. dose well. ud as cheaply as consistent wlU pur tuanency. What has heea. doas will not have to be done ever again. The new courthouse haa been built economically aad well. We have saved monoy for you la our plan. I deny Ue accusations of ths op I'osltloa oa the ground Uat Uey are gross misrepresentations, and Intend ed ts aloud ths Issue aad fool the voter. No ether eouaty la the state has accomplished so mash la ths way of good roads.,. Ths men who arsbe hlnd this reeatt have Ureateasd ms svsr slace my term of office begaa unless I would submit to Uelr dteto tloa. The grand Jury report waa not eerj rect.aad has bee so prove relative to culvert, harness aad other matters; It wrong ta soms, wrong ta othsrs; AU I want Is a square deal. The op position will net glvslt , - 0. Lewis, formerly of Ue arch grocery, returned last alfht from Portland, where) he ssleeted a nsw 113 Cadillac toariag saw. The machine was shipped to The DaMsa, aad was drlvsa from; there to ath Falls by way of Bead.,' Will C. Daltoa is a eouaty seat visitor. He ewas a ttae Hmji em Ue j shore of Tale" lake, near Malia. a tw - J I, I nil SAYS POLICE 3 "ft. 'j . n '; j?--1 mum , : raw w : --. "; n.i vl iNiri-f a - ' -H - - ' spwa- ix Jmaaa agri P fff' w in-w asm w-s- Pi P sm BsVJ mj "H"HH4r PsmmP "sbjsPp samaHpm"JamNJsBmBswJR9 ttasfs TmsHsdsaa asul Clammami as? she restee - f rim it -aaae. ml aTmasm li saai ssemmvs- ej-a-s s)-a maa M aaaj sjaasamajp gfpgf maajsm -- -. t Befe eg andleted Otmiata - SAN FRANOMCO. MsM--'fM ty thousaad doUara haa besaV sy.memaers of Ue psitse 1 for Ue defease) el. Ue seght mea aad deteetlvee aow said Psetriet Attor-sp1 CtmHim g. Flehert. Uis atterMaav v Mc c FMuwt aapa ha ha Kta Ms week sf f v evMeaee sajsta-t the saah amm warn WwsbpwsjbV sis 1 W-ejl sib-INMJ WVswsl MjprjMMiaBFSjv are stsersa hesays, rtag eeavlaeed Maa that savgwaaf Aeeerdlag t VlelHit. br ttm thmft WrsjF HsTPaPpajsjsPam"m W . vaVsJjp Psjbbpbjf sm mFlrvaV .ader way. rt wW ha ahwwa thmt Bm': teetlve Fraak 'smeta aad sdawr osm eers uaderJaslHmssr. are staJr aaaajft oeiWiV ? usmuaae-K -iwra j Hoieiman Absconding StiU Being Sought 'U C t '! Sheriffs Office Has Sent . 4, -. to AU Parts of tlQo&mmi , t His Arrest Soon Expected .. n - V I Although it has heea four days since Theodore Braker, bookkeeper a. the White Psllcan hotel, aheeoaded wlU 1300 or MOO of Us. hotel's money, he to stIU at liberty, despite a rigorous searea iaai m seiag earnea oa la Oregoa. California aad Nevada, A strict watch U betas kept for Brak er all over, Ue coast ,r , Braker has. heea oeaasetod wtU the St. Francis, Palace.aad other Baa Francisco hotels for some time, aad be has. worked. ta the.sapaslties, of 1 1 if bellboy, elerk aad beehhsspar. same to XtamaU Fatts a' ' Monday, aad took Ue eeaaeeper us aawwr. j r All Ue meaey bsadisd ay the toaat passsd Uronghitae and la Just a-week'aftar he 1 the place aad c er failed' to skew up gar ' has aet heea aesa seaee-r the iwruait was, graphte deserlptwas were j oui, est aw jar vntw imasm. f. 11 .!.. ? V ryv -" Chinese Girls Held s -Uyl, J .1 v4' as Slaves, (i EKEi -V i , tv j Included in Sextet rlj-i 1-, . i...'li -4C.--L ... 1V . . u -,s. ' 'Tr ' - Born in the United States . rW Vlfi iTT-,' rW , SAN FRAKClaXXJ.-Msiy 33.-ac Chinese glrUaeld-.sleves'ta Uia clty;s Chlaatowa. , want WsJ ' bondage this morning y a'eorps.sl detectives eoaasetsd with the bareau Among ; Ue girls' reeewdwa-,Ah - g f 1 .. - r- . -. ?V W Bow, a pretty chtassa girl, h sad daawa editoated ta'Cslltorala. .iM'tolto alsaacm pitiful tale of UeUeataMBt aiserdsefsts thestavegsrla. ". -- ; ' The stv that' gHri & bM ta boadage wm atojsrad hjr Visa. Osm. aldtoa Caamvea. Ssjsbattsat haaa W i. i k it . - i---.. .- , VaasWawsf sjaTsJjVf figmMP PPsausfaejayeSF wsaa aama maheaataf taeafc-7.i worttallf TJS2. aBBma-l "lmF' PPPea pjaamaaaapaaj aaj4aHn Tr--"" "r'y v ,!4