r & '.v. MmY DUITUaOBTTXIC VNITKO I'KWNI N1EWS SERVICE mt Unim 1 ffaU. ." . . V!' ,WA vylh- v ff'yft, '.' fMNVlHiliia W. J gtteeUt Vwif W. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY as, JP1S. ' " ' ft it i .j . - - - m jr. 5v. wja Imsm! - ' A 4T ft .V "!)'. rfijmwiiwiv r j t- t. f.-"f i,mt 3t.mmmmtiJt9Wi i .. . T-a?fytt&i3."i.i.i 2tffrf. apan is Not Satisfied With America's Reply to HOUSAND JOIN IN BIG I.O.O.F. PARADE TODAY klAMATH DKOIIKK TKAMfi AUK CUMI'MMKNTKII ON WORK Protest; Laborers Staj to UN VFSSFI TURNS RIPnQIII MM vtoim wrtrk ycott & . '..:' Lawmakers VESSEL TURNS OVER AT COOS TWO MEN REPORTED HANGING T) TIIK RIGGING OF VKMHEL SINKING AT MOUTH OK ROGUE K1VKK oaasjjl ftm I United I'reta Horvlce MAItHIIKlKl.l). Mav 22 An tin. .- w , Ir. Carry M. Ilamaliy Namivily known vi-mtel turned turtle ut the mr. Itrliue Grand Wanlm of IU-- ,,,ou"' ' '" "" river, sccordlug Iwbii MrOfonl l In Gala Alllrr, Mil Clly l IKiImk KvrryllilnsT Pos sible lu Make llm VUlt of InIkc McihImti a Mrmoratilti Onn MKIIFOUD, Mar 32, Over 1,000 J4 llo were lu tho grand pa id here, wlillo tlio slrcota wero atkrd Im Jl block with spectators. 'srly 3,000 delegate from all over' fee ute bare been present In attend' I lOunlinued on Page i) ' to u report brought liera tlili after lioon. Two men nro nld to bu clln IliK to tlio alilp, Tlio llfe-aavlnc aiatlon at llaudon lina jono to ttiu rrncuc. Further do talU rannot bo aecured at tills tlmo, a titlepliunlc rominunlcatlon ha bvpn cut off by tho gale. LEAVES POST; MANYJUITj N6 Violin Wonder Is 20 Veari'of Age IIFTKKX MKX l,KAVK TIIK llllt'CKVIM.K VI.VKYAIIIIH J, A. Tlirumnn U here front Aah land, sIvIiir ottrntlon to builnei mattera. W. II, Slinpion camo In yciterdar from Alcoraa. Sisson Says Wilson Had the Wrong Idea luissippi Congressman Says Presi dent Was Misinformed as to His Speech. Lawyers Interested USIII.SOTON, May 32. "l'reldnt IWIUon wa mUlnformod entirely leut the tenor of tho apecch I urn po deliver In the llouto tomorrow." Thlt It tho way Congrntiman riiomaa Upton Bluon represents one of the MUtlnlppl dUlrlct, lummar- m hi Interview with the president JMitrday. in which the latter roquet him to refrain from Including Ib bit ipech any referenco t tho Jap- nMo agitation which might tend to llotUmo feeling at tola time. A ihort time ago SImob mad a ttch on tho Jnpaneie queatlon, In which ho held that the California Ik Itlaturo had tho right to pan any form of legUlatlon It aw fit to pro liict It proplo and lla Induitrlei from n Japaneio Invaalon. Thli ha alnro becomo a clonic, and tho fiery worda wero flaibed to all part of the world by tho new agendo. "Sine I delivered the speech oa tho Jnpancao iltuatlon In Japan," anld Sltaon today. "Hundred of lawyer from all part of tho United Slate have written to me. They all uphold my contention that the atalo'a right I aupreme." Senior Class Day is Observed Today Clad in Jears and Gingham, Gradu ating Clasi. Renders Program in High School Auditorium Mon Kvrloii ItrprliuU Am Comlag hi lite Mon Wlin Supported the Wclili Anll-Allrii IjihiI1 Mroimrv, .licoitllng tit I'roinlnrat ,"allfr nlaii Itrrrrrnilutii May Inrludc a Hill Ktrluitlutf Jnp furini-m. United 1'rci Sorvlce HACItAMKNTO, May 22. lie- port havu reached here that Japan t'io laborer have commenced a hoy cot I on the member of tho recent us- embly who lupportcd tho Wobb hill, and other antl-allun Hrd legislation. According to the Japaiu-ne foreman at one of tho vineyard at llrucevllle, this boycott la for tho purpoio of making tho Callfornlin real lie that they cannot do their work without Japancso help. Fifteen Jap, employed In the vine yard of 1'. K. Ilradford of llrucevllto, ltd as soon as their foreman made hi announcement. Other vineyards arc similarly auecteu. iiraaruraa cousin was a member of the recent assembly. Senator Iltrdsall, ono o! the strong est advocates of tho exclusion meat- uro, Is also affected. Ill Japanese cook quit today without r-orvlng notice. .1 miiiiiiiiiH "vBBBBBBBBBBBBTs MBBBBBVSi .BBB .Vbbbbbbt ' .BillllllHIftl i bbbbbbbbVibbbbbbbbbPjibbbbbbV ' bbbbbbbabbbbhbb('bbbbbb ' H.1 h1 LAWMAKERS, ADY "LANE TALK AND LOCAL-PROJECT MAY HKS ijmxtAt, W fummuKKK INVB8TI' i CsttkensU Are in Htmoion WMJi HeersUry 'of Out lmfrior mmi 1'rtsHwt of KUaaaUi Water Usera As tUttosi to Ih later UettermeoU of Frojert, ami aMtef, If Noosed RODEO MATTER SCATTERED FAR LAKKVIKW, NEW TtSK OMUCK AND VAIHPOKT WILL ALL KfcXU WO DHUMATfONsI TO COMING HMOW NEW YORK, My II. OuM Melia, tho' boy vlolmkt, for Im m now under 20 years of ago, has bee taken In charge by risk Jews of New York, Including Otto H. Kahn t tho great banking firm of Kuhn. Loob A Co., Mrs. 8amuel Un.torByor, wfo ot tho Pujo money trust - coaumHtoe counsel, and others, who boUovo ho wilt develop Into a great musician. i Continued on faao l SAN FRANCIBCO, May 22. It has not boon decided yet by the Exclu sion Icaguo whether to Invoke Ihft roforendum against tho Webb bill, or to put through by nn Initiative a law absolutely oxcludln Jap farmer. Thl will be decldod upon by Saturday. MIKADO SICK; CROWDS WORRY JAI'ANKHK ItULKK 18 A VICTIM OV 1WKUMONIA UULLKTIN IM)AIU)S ALL OVKK THK KM I'lltK WATCIIKU i Senior Cliisu Day, one of the most iisilclou occaalous ot tho term y the Klamath county high school, Is Wing obsorvod today by tho ineuibors ol the cIiuh soon to roculve Its dlpio m:. n necorduueo with tho tlmo (cnorud custom, the Seniors, 10 la I), appoarod at school this morning In bluo-checkod gingham aprons and Iresse. and hluo overalls yop, tho boys woro the Jeuns. lio data oxerelaaar waro held In Mia assembly ot the high school, and tha following program was rendered: Boug School. Address Robert nivcs. nresldent of the class, Class History Kvelyn a raves. Class I'oem Ines Elliott. I'lano Solo Alia Ualls. Class Prophecy 10 meat Nail. Ctatt Will Joe h. flkelton. All of tha nuastiara wars of creat Interest. Einaalallv ao WON the clbis wU and class prophecy, which wre written. in a humorous vein. One t - - - --. . - n - ...- u the betaostt ot tho will roturmad to tho Juniors tho picture of the clntui, which they placed In a bottle to bo planted with tholr tree Arbor Day, This was stolon by well, at nny rate, thoro has boon a heavy chiffon of mystery hanging over Its uhductlou. Aftor tho program above men tioned Was given, Miss Anna Hales, In behalf of tho Seniors, uuvelled a splendid bust ot Longfellow, tho gift of the class to the high school. This coremony was followed with the sing Ing of tho claaa song.l Tho Seniors were the guests of the domestic, science department at an elaborato luncheon, following the program, Members of the Senior class are Joo Loveen Bkolton, J. Hardin Car ter, Harry 1', Galarnenux, Jr., Harry Meaner, I-ester Hoggs, Thoodoro Case, Ernest Nail, Robert Ulggs, Albert Jones, Maysel Anderson, nasoi Hum mers, Jennie Applegate, Florence Ward, Ines KUIott, Evelyn dravet, Alia Balls, Annlo Hales, Earl McCoy, and Mattlo Foster. TOKIO, May 22. It was aunounced at tho palaco today that the mikado I stricken with pneumonia. Tho greatest anxiety prevails, and tho bulletin boards all over Japan aro oagorly watched tor any change of condition. DE LAP OUT FOR EGG RECORD THK KIND OF UACKIiKlIKIUtlKM HHK liAYH WKIOH IN AT FOUR TO TIIK IH)UND RIVALS THK OSTRICH While other parts ot the stato aro tolling In blacktacod typo ot the won derful egg-laying propensities of their hens, there Is a Klamath county biddy who has been quietly training for reocrd work. This hen belongs to County Olerk DoLap. Her latest egg weighs a quarter ot a pound. Around the center It measures A Inches, and the other circumference measure ment la 8H Inches, STRIKE WILL BE Discussed soon POWER COMPANY AND UNIONS WILL UK REPRESENTED AT MKKTINQ TO DIHCU88 A QUICK SETTLEMENT United Proas Service SAN FRANCISCO, May II. Offi cials ot tho Pacific Oai A Electric company and of tho labor, council will meet late this afternoon to discuss n settlement of the strike brought by employes of tho company. A full report will bo gives to the members of tho union tomorrow sight This session will either settle he strike, or cause the striken to be come more active. NICK, BILL AND GEORGIE KISS MUCH OSCULATOKY WORK CON NECTED WITH MEETING OK THRKK SOVEREIGNS IN BER LIN TODAY United Proas Service BERLIN, May 22. Csar Nicholas ot Russia arrived today to attend the wedding of Princess Victoria Louise, and the' welcome accorded htm was more etfuslve even than the ono given the British monarch! yester day. A feature ot today's receptlou vu tho embracing and kitting ot Nicho las by Kaiser Wllhelm and King Ooorge. Over a hundred members of the Russian secret service are here to protect their ruler from any attempt at violence. Joseph Hesslg, who oendueta tho Klamath Hot Springs resort at Shov el Creek, U here tor a shertrtoU. i United Presa Serrleo WASHINGTON, May 22. As aftermath of.tbo Investigation ot tho reclamation service Just hold by Sec retary of tho Interior Lane, a confer ence regarding , conditions on toe Klamath project la betac held thU afternoon at the offieo of the secre ts ry. It Is possible that a' special in vestigator may bo sent to Oregon to Investigate the charges made against the service by the water users. Participating in thin , contereaeo with Lane are Congreosmsn Hawloy and Slnaott of Oregon and Congress man Raker ot California, and.. Ah! Ady, president of the IOjtti'WMe Users' association. It Is at the Instance ot tho who have boon hearhas from the water users under tho Oregon-California project. On account ot being In two states, and in many other waya different from the other projects, tnoro aro features In connection with tho Klamath project that aro different entirely from all tho other govern ment Irrigation enterprises. Inter state water and almtlar tangles are constantly met with. The congressional delegation, It Is said, will urge him to send n disin terested party in whom ho has confi dence, to make a rough Inspection of tho Klamath project. , The difference of opinion between tho reclamation service and the Klamath Water Users' association seems Impossible of settlement in any other way; and is Is hoped that an impartial report on the conditions there will result In ths adjustment of tho differences. Miss' Lucy Dustln Is here from Dor rls, visiting friends. FOUR PER CENT ON INDIAN COIN LOCAL V. 8. DEPOSITARY WILL PAY SAME RATE FOR AGENT'S MONEY AS FOR INDIVIDUAL INDIAN DEPOSITS v The First National bank will soon pay 4 per cent on Indian moneys de posited by Indian Agent Edson Wat son. This la the same rate ot Inter est paid Individual Indian depositors. This change is made In accordance with the 'following regulation, of the department of the interier: "Commenelng July 1, lll, all de posits to the official credit of dis bursing ettleera In banks bonded for the safekeeping of such mo'neys'saall draw Interest, to be computed 'on dally balances at the same percentage rate and under the same rules as de posits to the credit of Individual In dians. '.'Such Interest, when credited by banks, shall be taken up in the ac counts of the disbursing officers, as miscellaneous receipts, Class lift and deposited In tho treasury to tho credit or the .United States." Lake county and northern Calsfor nls will bo well represented nt the coming Elks' Rodeo, according to E. I). Hall, who returned late yesterday fiom other towns In that vicinity. Hall was away sis days, and was ac companied by L. J. Morser and J. 8. Johnson. In addition to the passenger, the Hall machine was laden with litera ture descriptive ot the Rodeo, and thl was scattered broadcast wher ever the party found a mall bos. Ib addition, they talked Rodeo at every place they visited. Reoinns PosJtlosi Hcrry P. Qslsmoaux, who has been employer by tho Baldwin Hard ware company for several years', 'has savored his connection wtth that firm. He expects to go to steernmonto be f oi o long. In Mr. Galaraou, tho eon corn loses a conscientious employe. JAPS SAY THERE IS 10 LEE! to amm LZ 'i&ti i "m MHPLY .fl.rtTrf .DafVUM ,AJCT VfOLAnON Japan's inUipislaClan of WW Ho CMasm to mw.M . . i i ... aseM'Vidnr.-kir Kry Manas No ' fin seal ft akl t UJ - .n thn fttttrtmt WmlA mt T. i.V "t Jf.;v United Press Soryloo TOKIO, May 21 Tho government Is not satisfied wRn ;iho reply of tho UnWod Matoo to tho for- mal protost made. by Ji tho California eat! a a) an mad bmt it is hold by ometals. thnt ,i American interpretation U the) trtsstp, Is sltogothor dttforent ftesji ttMTsp- .' n A .i aaaSBSassi v ymku 49ssrtr Socialists Advocate T nn. . 4 ElectkHi of T -- ."BSBmnmmnmnmWnpPpWtJlK -f -: Beliere Governors of Unirersity rt California Should be Chosen by People. Strike Breaking Cause ,L r BERKELEY. May 22. The board tho. San Francisco labor eosnoM. ot regents of tho University of Cali fornia will be elected by the voters of the state. Jt the initiative proposed by locarmosabors of the HoclaUsl party aro carried out. At a union meeting of all the So cialist locals in Alameda county, hold today, stops wero taken toward tart ing initiative petitions to have tho plan for the choosing of regents be come a law. The matter la to bo taken up with iisk''Ag.f'' w tt. lp i M. m 'OTgffcV' Mwo-koMdCJf tho cnaisjlsjt u-r i soon as this body movement 'w be)'" "Wowmh crowd, wWek, sow, M swaphsc. aad a prominent orinHst todsjr. The aiovsmsnt le snsnil by fin dents oftMtUMTorsttrior Csdttlffsn taking pMltlone as strlkebrishors (n-J; ins prosont issor ireuoie., ror:.inss. dum against the, unlvorsrtyi prnwton. . - ' , ia ' BsmmmssBBBBB)9EatBssm-esssBBsssBsm ; Vr- - ."iifJ L Alva Iaewiil Wiir" yf 1 Tnlc fntn th Martsiy ; .ee ".- "rws 'SBBwasaonmssnespsm t a '$-:$ Agent of Biological Survey is ing From PorUand in Co0Hll With Lower River For the purpose of conferring with local sportsmen regarding tho closing of Lower Klamath river and lake' to hunting, L. Alva Lewis, agent of1 the biological survey of the'' department ot agriculture, Is expected hero from Portland In a' few days;" News of his coming was ctMumted tbm asornlng. Lewis' visit U' bellevcli Vbeprl- arliy.or tno purpose o taking up the, question ot ctoabMi itho . Lower, KUmathitakt d,resefve,tOjhntln of-all kinds. A ruling to uW.'tffoet recently sent. to Warden? J. J, Furber of the reeervo by Lewis.' .1 ,' This caused, n. mighty, protest. frotn Ical.siiorUsnen, ho'hod.that theit rights arVlmposed'' upee))", and nt u... ...' jVbIwj ' tiSUt' ! n aiuHa ! um unpin Tlio protect' 4partioloyt' against the portion of ,tns .ruung watch prohibit a' annn.bMSjt oven i bis own laaWL thmMM JMU '- '- 1', . ( ' s kt t. : iij .t ft t'r- " ,-,: jx- -v the llmlu of the prcserv,' Heretofoie, the) ruUnif BM forced' only around .the.Lownr. MmmrmUiWimXrA, laluda 'mam' I . --- :-.7?nTZ7?-" and on n part of tno By the order, of -Lewst,' thsro bo no hunting on the Lovep .1.1. .U-. - .-." .11 ",sw... -,.'.: :? . ..' ' 1 iV'm Musioa). I ' :- iA'w- i''.'i wSBtfi.SM wwencj . v,.-;ikSi rlvsr from n point .Ukfop mk JQtJpBjCJh .The ground thai is ossssw Am I fsy -tals'ruslssl s&j i fWww'"'' y .B c wsaT07 ftmv'HnWap lWi W and tKe sportsanip nj nn ; the': ruling. taittnts.hnvnlJMii l"1 eBWilIjeToJPJ emnj j vmnr v Leases, an the nntMrtty. mpj "NSM Ingaaywhsf,, o vw. '.s,U " 7' ""r.v'iSSl ! A