i ' ' II I If rasa, balance on Mate at cent lasicset. It yew waa a toed farm utile me for tafermaUoa. em a good xmatat N. S. HERRI LL. Owner Merrill, Oregon Best Ranch f in Klamath County Oa accoaat of my age, 77 years, I have declted to retire from active bneintee aad I am offering my 240 acre ruck adjoin lag Uu town of Merrill FOR SALE TaJe alaea m recognised aa Um beat Improved dm at eats tj la KUmatti county. All of the Uad la aader a Mali atate af caMlffaUea, and la Irritated treat tha Oar- en raaal Al of the baihttaga are aew aad bm Taa preparty will be sold wkh or warns at leek. I alee hava between thirty aad forty team lata. SHIPPINGTON IS AN ACTIVE CITY PKUCAN HAV MIlJi IM HVNNIM1 moot ani av, and tmk lomi lakk mwmii.i ih run. nino full timk OMA CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES i " . lax"""""-1 SENATORS ARE HEARING BILL TARIFF MKAaWRK OOMKS UP FOR ATTENTION OX A FULL MOTIO.V FROM F1NANCK COM MTTTEK KXPKCT BIG CUTS SUB-COMMITTEE NAMED TO ACT RORAH OF IDAHO HKAD8 BODY OF MKX WHO WILL LOOK INTO MEMTH OF KKRX RaVO. LVTtOX (Special Correspondence) StllPPINOTON, May 11. Tho tang I.ake Lumber company' saw milt Is running full time now. The plant of the Pelican Day, Lumber company I now running double time, or SO boura dally, with a big output of lumber. tt I stated, upon good authority, that the Klamath Manufacturing company will open Ita box factory June 1 for a busy aeaaon. WASHINGTON, May 31. Upon a full motion of tae finance commit tee, Ue senate today began the coa alderatloa of the tariff measure. It la rumored that the ratea on a number of manufactured goods will be lower than contemplated. The California aeJegatlea feara a free list lag at lemoai. It la the oplalea of the member t Ue fiaaaee eemmlttee that the lie will cat Ue ratea even lower mm m m k m (Continued from Pane II the eHy Umlta. which la Ideal for WASHINGTON. May 21. Sena tor Borah, Swaneea aad Shields were named aa a aub-cemmHtaa by; Or. the aeaate labor committee to eea aider Ue Kent reaewtloa. The Kern resolution aaka for aa lavestlgatioa of condltloaa la the coal mialag dlatrlcU of Went Vir ginia. It u expected that the com mittee will report la favor of aa In- veetlgatloa. Kl'KCIAL INVKHTHIATION COM. MITTKK KXOXKIIATKS I.IKU TKNAXT tlOVKIt.NOH AND IIMMKH THK (XIMMITTKK SI'lltNOKIKl.D. III., May 11. The Klteliun committee, appointed by thu IcgUlaturo'tii Investigate the charges of Immorality mmlo agalnnt l.lout. (lor. Jamea O'llara, today rendered a report, exonerating the official. In the report, the committee aUo censured the white slavery luvcetl gallon committee for undue severity. Davie li nlao censured. Notice) to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath In the Matter of the Kstate of I Mary J. Sutton, Decerned. , Notice la hereby, siren by the un dersigned, administratrix of the es tate of Mary J. Sntton, deceased, to the creditors of bald estate, and all 'persona having claims against Ua .same, to exhibit' aad present them, with the aac salary vouchers, within 'six () months from and after the OTKR HIS VISIT TO KLAMATH rirst publication of this notice, to the FALL XKXT wkkk. k'mr. aald administratrix, at SIS Lincoln tiATim win umi' a tnv ,tre,t ,B c,lJr of Klamath Falls, CATOK HILL MAKK A STUD t0regoa. same being the place for the OF THK BALKAN WAR transaction of the business of said ee- ' tate. RFFIB g. CIIASTAIN, STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. (Administratrix of the Estate of Mary May 31. Dr. David Starr Jordan' J. Button. Deceaaed. , announced bis rtelrement as presl-. Data of first publication May IS. dent of Lelacd Stanford, Jr., unl- 1513 verslty, to become chancellor of the same Institution, n new office. He will be succeeded aa president by Dr. John Casper Uranner, professor of geology. The change merely means. It Is Hated, that Dr. Brenner will abare Jordan's duties to permit the latter to continue his work for world peace. Two Tables of wonderful values in llert Wlthrow ha his houseboat The June" on the ways. He wilt give It a thorough overhauling. JORDAN DOITS STANFORD HEAD B-i5.nn In the Circuit Court of the State 9t Oregon, for Ua County of Klamath. Hugh E. Dudley. Flalatlf ; vs. Nancy Ann Dudley, Defeadaat. I la the name at Ua State 9t Oreaaa. (you are hereby required ta appear aad Shoes (LUb Shoes I I Over two hundred men's and women', ihoei at $1.05. Not a shoe in the lot told for leu than $3.50, regular price, mo of them are the regular $4.00 and $4.50. All leathers, patent, rid, gun metal, auede, etc.. widths Atol Yovr choice aa5Sagm I r me irusiees 01 me university. Il;nawer Ua complaint lied waa aald, will formally ratify theitm. i tt.. .w. .titii .u . change at their regular meeting hiejbf ore Thuraday, Ua 13U day at' Mar 13. Dr. Jordan will leave jUB, a. D. lilt, that baaag Ua day shortly for the Balkan States to of tk im DttktuiU Ar iau .um.. .. , r . . t Balkan war. but no definite baa been set for hla departure, dale. (Continued from Page 1) Personally, he haa received aad ewered 3,000 letters. All who have afactariag purposes. A PorUoaLlMBirea n been told that the la. .aid rnuM Ika vIvah fr . .. ... of this, he aaid. could bo given free for Industries, while the sale of the remainder for residence property ta employes would repay to the Cham ber of Commerce the original out lay. It waa stated that the tract of 90 acrea can; be purchased at a reason able figure. Much Interest was tak en In Ue proposal. O. K. Bradnnck, who U home stcadlng Just over Ue tine in Cali fornia, la here oa a business trip. Chards J, Ferguson haa goaa to Vaacouver, B, C, to attend to basl nees matters. work la experimental; that no aerum ia for sale; that no patlenta will be taken except through the hospital I study the reaulu there of the Turko- m0M, ,Ba Ut j Uf wlhta whkfc you are required U answer, aa tied by the order aC aaalleaUaa af Ula ' " I summons, if yea fall' to appear aad SHE NY I in IS llan1ff.mtaTB,w,r tk Utetiir wl" "" to tk avis, men mv mrtwj m llHVLm-Jllcourt for ,nt rglf 4,Ma4 ta ,4 complatat. Said suit la brought to (Continued from Page I) secure a dissolution of Ua bonds of1 matrlmoay existing betweea yearaalf live agency, who bad led In the and tha DlalatlsT h.rala search for the boy, furnished prac- This summons is published In tho tleally all the evidence for tho proee- Klamath Republican, a weekly nawa. cation. Among other thing, Per- paper. nrlnUd. nubliahad and Hreu. under whose auspices the work Is kln broul K "Sbt alleged 6-Mated weekly at Klamath Falls, being done. near ponce recoro against Helen 'Klamath County. Bute of Oregon, by ooyie. uue denied tbo record aa a order of the Honorable Henry L. frame-up, and during one session of Denson. Judge of the Circuit Court, the trial dramatically denounced land dated the 30th day of April, A.D. eraim, leiung mm. acapite efforts lote Tha flnt nuhii.tin. tiu He haa now admitted for the first time that be bad apparently cured a great many rabbits of cancers grown from hla cancer virus, which Is ob tained from a human malignant growth. He had previously an nounced his success la immunising rabbits. He ia treating Ue human beluga at five-day Intervals, aa be treated the rabbits. He haa 16 pa tients in the hospital all the time, and 26 more who coma for treat- meat. 20PI(M 8 3. Men'a and Boys' Elk Skin and Outing Shoes If yon want to aee the beat, and moat practical Outing Shoe In towi, come In aad let ua show yon the new onea Juat received. , Among tae good feature' they have, la the NEW, K00MY LAST which they are ballt over, aomethlng different to the ordinary way. There are all aiiea tor men and hoya, different calora and two height, the regular low cat and the eight Inch top, which la very practical fir an ontlng ahoe. MUSE KLwMATH FALLS OREGON of court official. to'quU,VhV. that,.. -a on h" Ht day" u. u i.-a.- -" , he would lire to come before a Judge May A D 1913 and tha uLmUL Mn r P cU,mlB ,,B, cour l,ou ' Klamath Falls, la aald NatUfy the said Judxment ia temsf , aa a d.feadant. begglag for mercy. ,c.t,o'a UeVaof ' will be Jda aaoa I'V' .""..k' IT'll" 'B , T! "" coun,y' l a v' "" '- A- "ow' nd ol" H'1"" ,! isssxr ":ss-,,,,',,Sir!i: rrsr-S!!Psrass -, --.,- ,. .......... -. -- : ... .. . . '. . 11S. .i.nnn.i ,iii., -j -.. . j ...- .the follnwlnc daarrlbad nrnnult In. Iliatnn. Inaallier with all fSMS BBS Attorney Reese today declared he "" 11300.00) dollars nnd cosu and dto.!1!"' MIowlBd described property, to-.tbetoii, together with all If gin aafWT maT BfaBranun la. I m u baa evidence which win abaniuiM . . - --" ."r T .." 7. .. bursenwnU, on tha lh day of April. " dUburaeiuent that have aeerse" prove that the alidad uii. e-cori '.:"" ."lw"" w "i" 1. ' lMi ock 7. Klamath Ad- W accrue. waa without foundation. He present. SJerlaT Mala Notice 1 hereby glveu Uat I will. u'llon to the City of Klamath FalU, ' Haled at Klamath Klh), Oteeai. t By virtus of aa axecuUea la fere-. on the 38th day of Mny, 1913, at Ua "n. l May Btli, 1913, f fwasf imttnut i, aw jfwHff A90M0Y Wa win show yaei asm yam eaa make tkJa lataraat aa Talrarlaw As deUeateta. OOKNaWIVOn UtsUDSLOTa Xaa per aaac aaah; bslsasa la M afxeaats. Ma fortaee je Jfa a aanalatlaa a t He present ed to tha uardoa Wuril arrM..!,. from Helen Boyle's narenu and 'eloaura duly issued by Ua dark af .'ront door of the court bouse i,'r",B "d 'avled upon aa tha proper 0. 0. LOW, "aerat frlsads In Chicago in which it u tb circuit court of tha eonaty at Klamath Falls, in said county, at 10 ly o( u, ld J. P. Satterlee. or aa My (li:o. A. IIAYDON, Perttf declared Uat. during the five years. KUBtMb' aUt " Oregoa, daUd the o'clock la tha forenoon of said day.'""" """' way be aeceaaary to I Ctl-lH-lfl b il'ia oay or April. ISIS. In a aartala.se I at UUbl c auction In th kl.hi ......... , , , il-jw m n i itmmmmmmmrmmrt-m aetwa iaue circuit court tor aaid't'ldder, the t 1 PamanHnnnjamj BmmnanmnnBHHjaBnjK Ws police record covered, the wo had been at, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Dermott, and that she had not left her Chicago home until 1 13 months before the kidnapping, .of Billy Whltla. A plan waa also made by Attorney Reese today to the effect that tha 35 year aeatence,was grossly unjust, and Uat the woman has been suffi ciently punished for her pert la the kidnapping. Other arguments made by Reesa today ware to the affect that Helen Boyle knew nothing of the kidnapping until Ue child waa taken to her in Cleveland by her husband. Fall, Or. h t 1 a- Sir-' ;W ROOMS and board in plrvate family. Apply after Monday, May 36, at Kwaaaa House. 31-tt for caah. the following da. ... J.-A- . . . . I 1.. J . . .. mtmm, waeraw Jaaepa t. 'enoeu property, to-wit: 1 Peters,, aa plaJaU, reearerad Jadg- Vh of BKU of Section 30; N ! mn'. against Leaa ardy. Ira Hardy. t SK of Bectlon 31. Two. 31 s..l Jine Dee Hardy aad'Jaaai Daa Hardy, ". 9 K-, W. M. , heirs at law of J. Frsak 'Hardy. . (Taken and levied upon aa the oron. ceased; also the unknowa'heara af J.!ty of the aald defendants, or aa Frank Hardy, deceased; alee all par, much thereof as may bo necessary ta .uiy saia judgment la favor of Joioph T. Petera against said dafaad. ants, with Interest thereon, together! with all costs and disbursements that' nave or may accrue. Dated April 9, 1913. C. C. LOW, Sheriff. By GEO. A. I lay don, Deputy. 2M-13.Iq.37 b I Tim new courthoaae wHI be completed on the, aew ske. flood rtNuls work ,M4II not atop. Vote lor Freak Ira WliMe, Harmony t'aadedate for County Uudge. HKCALIj CAMPAIGN COM- MITTKK. (pt Adr.) 1 aaa .it' L SUMivmgiTT or ORIGON UMMER SCHOOL Jane 23 - Angnall, 1913 Twenty-five tetracaora ; fifty (fcaraea IMatlngalrtad laatcrn Idacatora Added to agalar facalty. Ualveralty Ixjrndtorfaa open, Board and Room at $3-50 par week Rtfnc abroad Ratea. j For complttc mailratad catalod, aadraaa Tat raglatrar, UalvaVtHy of Oregon, ! a Notice of SherWa bale Dy virtue of a csrUla axecuUoa duly issued by the clerk of tha olreult eourt of Ua county of Klamath. a.t. at Oregon, dated tha 1st day May1. 'tail.! la a certain action bag aa la tha ? caurt for tha DUtrlet of Lhtk. vllJe, Klamath eonaty, OrHea, where kyoia. McUa. ,ad;,. A. Hawu aa rwuawwa aa April 13th, 19H, reeoy. fad Judfmeat against J. p. Oatti.. nmwii ier in sum of line aad eanta aad disbursements, taxed at MC4C, oa which Judgment there ra alaa naMtUflad the sua of U.,, da tranwrlpt of the said judgment wit baea duly docketed la thartr ealt court of the count of vi..V. J. April itth, mi, M fcy Uw " Notice ia hereby .., . .... oaUhefUdayatJa.,,!,!,;; Would you blame her if she kicked? IW'ifli I" BatJHi Vaaw m y 1 WTMrT1-' Tim light, Hlmi'K Haaltarf Tulmlar Cream Heiwww Yon'dconakler yonrwlfe lacked apunk,lf ahe didn't kick at wiihlug (he ten feet, of ri tllng dtaca, from a aingk common "tucktc bowl',creamaeperator, when aha might as wan be waihlng the aimple, light cleaned ln-a-n.wu Dairy Tabular Bowl. t Th picture akewsaM there la ta the light, almpl, '" nelly cleaned Afcerples Uaky Howl, td eclalvely VJ7 .Dairy Tabular Cream Separators-tho cleanest skimming lermaoe, M i., lAff yy n. c. hurn HARDWARE DEALER J Agent L 'i'A