w "-...' o - HUlTl-HfOUVTHK , L)TKo 1'KKWt NEWS SaWVIOH Ibe jEufniflG tataa. A .flat ..shbV vVMvB f ' bH 'bbbb, I r n sjl aanBaaaal amaLaanmaV? gsBal laaaBBBaV. bbbI iLHi BVB1 HS' .H -aVLm XidUl '.-il"-rttytf&t'iBi-i.li1 i' I1 m. MMWih'. ; ;. PRUrY 9BB'jPNKWMpipPHKE?yr M . ,' .t '4? Bmsaif" i.B- -'. .. trniii Vrsi So..WMM. YfnywfW'.' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKDNHfftAY, MAY ill, It IS. 'J'-nM ' 0P, . -,';"'? " .w - .. i mm v 4 1 ST. V Hi IV i-ee Factory Sites May be )f fered as toducmel flLSON WARNS CONGRFSS Toward Securing Mole Industries for Klamath "J7 .. 8 'V '-TV ' ,f?V' '"- COMMITTEE TO Or. A. W. Now el I Has Cancer Cure WAR SPEECHES HKSIDKNT MIMS DIHIIIXJAItDM A I'HMJKIIKNT im of lllMiltl, Wlit Hrry Talk H Vrk Alt" Wrnl All l)rr llio Worlil, I HuhiiiioihhI y Milton, mill ll-iurlril lo Refrain I'miii M-klng .taotlirr Hurli Talk, on Arctium of I'millng llllttmiry WOODM WAHIIINOTON, May 21 Prel- tnl Woodww WlUon toduy dlsro- kirdctl precedent again wtloll tin ex- irtlsti lial mljclit U called n cell- orthlp orcr tlia iirclic mmlo on t door u( congrcM. Itrnloc Hist Congroiinuii Ttioi. L'pum Hlnon of Mlnlulipl Inicndoil Iln Ultcutt the Jmuo qun lloa, Wllion utnmoned lilm for an sttrrltw. Tlit MUiUaltiplan wu Mked lo biold injiblni which might compll- (ril lb Bltiulluii growing ouh ( kit JtpncM prolen. and to allmU tU njr portlona of Mi ipcoch that I'ltt InfUwit feeling agalnit Jtp. This Bluon agreed to do, A ow; (xk ago he gava a (tlrrlug talk r. tbt Japanfin aottlement of Call- Ifcrnla, and It waa quoted all over tie world. Mr and Mr. Jack ion K. Kimball rilurn'd lout nlghl from takevlow, there thoy linvo lio.n kojournlng for mrral month. Thor n:iy the roadi i In rircllrnt oomllilnii ictwnn hro and the like rotinly cni. rigl Ve i?. .lgwawlaBW I NlgiW'F EN FLOCK HERE !Q HOLD A CONVENTION i 4 n MA.VyUKT AMI UA.VCK CJIVII.V TIIIH KVKM.VO Cuban Prpkdent, First LaifyLand to Take Off lc Hay 20 nOHTON, Mar 31, Or. Howard V, Nowi.ll of the Uoaton Ualveraltr Medical achool treated 50 cancer vlctlma at the Maaeachuaetta Hom twopathlc hoipltal the other day, and within 90 houra thoae to whom op latea had to be gives lo alleviate their lufferlnga were ao Improved that they no longer auffered. He utod a aerura obtained from rabbit-. While hc.miliU.4nat hla work la only experimental, nli announce inent of ttie'flrtt threWeeka of tlir treatment of patlentii ho creat ed a aematlon In-the medical world! I)r Newell repeata that lie doe not claim lo hnvc n euro for rniirer. iut ha 1 undoubtedly maklnuwwCreas Inward tho dUcovery of nc I Continue 'on jamK -raK -i cure.. r Claude Daggett Quits as County Treasurer Captain J. W. Siemens is Appointed Successor by the County Court; Daggett is Leaving the State In Addition lo Kntrrlalnnmtt Vf-lur- Tnnlutil, VUlUnx Iodge Mrtnlieni Will lie Taken Ttironrfi llm Klamath llaaln Tomorrow la Machine -Morp Than Flfiy Are Here, and Arc Very Kntliunlaallc Upwardi of CO mombera of the Woodmen of I ho World, delegate from Oregon cam pi aa far north aa l.lnn county, are arsembled In thU city today, attending to the affair of the dlitrlct. White In aeMlon, they will name delegatea from thla dis trict lo the neit general encamp ment. A good many delegatea came In Monday evening, but the majerlty arrived on I ait nlght'a train. They were met at the elation by a urge delegation of local chopper. From the train they marched In proceaalon In the I. O. O. F. temple, Ramaby'a Fife and drum corp heading the parade. , Thla evening a reception will be tendered the visiting delegate by the local lodge of Woodmen and the Women of Woodcraft. Thla will be In the nature of a big chicken aup per, and dancing will aUo be en- Joyed. Arrangement- have alio been mndo to tako the vliltlne member through the Klamath country, In order to make their vltlt here more tiiijoyablo. A number of automo- bile will be prewed Into this aerv .leu tomorrow afternoon. Ycilcrday, the first Woodmen to arrive were taken out through the I country In machine, and they re turned very enthusiastic. Several talk of coming here to locate. ' i, T wmmmmmmammmmtmmmmmtmmmmmm -jmajy' ' aaaB-aaaaaaHK ' anaanV gfllLllinaV 'JEaBaV sssssKiassBissBBV .gHHIIHgC?i1'' I BJnWnBnWanmnBMiBWja"- ONLY PROPERTY OWNERS TO VOTE ON BOND TSSUE IMWMtTAXT KLKCriO.V TO HELD MO.VDAV BK SUFF BOMB HITS BIG OBSERVATORY HOLB TOtN V HHCOND .FTjOOR Of BOOTTIMH 8TRUCTVRK, KIT AflTMO.VOMfCAL IXSTRV MK.NTH UNHURT EDINBURGH. May 21 A bomb ,tcday damaged the Royal Observa- T.we of the Cky by Their B.I- A nok, WM throuf h I 1.. -ltl v.u. J.. n.u,iu . ...., f-.- A k .-. 1f .. nwvm tii iwmv nv gmvmMgm ui vim iHrer, -, v hi wan was way I Clnudi) II, Daggett today resigned u rounly treasuror. The resigna tion Ueffcctlvo May 21. The rcslanutlou. wlilrli waa ten- I 'lred tlio county court, w;i accept ed by that body, J. W. Siemens appointed aa Ills successor. Rlfilnillm l ,vmMam nt tll.t Vlml Trust ft Saving bank, nud I also CltV tritflfliirAt ITnlak m natw law. effectlvo January 1, 19H, the coun ty treasurer Is alao ei-offlclo tax -.. .' collector. Thsf. salary iNpisOUrt n year. "&Jfy" . n..-.,i uin,.,l Ia7aia raatkiintton i iMin-ititi v --t- It lint business utfalrap-IU tnke him out of tho stato tUa.grcator part or tho tlmo. Ho ls;,fctorcstc(l In or chard lands In ChtMn county, Wash ington. . t fi Intercitod wUh Mr. DaMett In the fruit land Is Fred Schallpck. The two plan to spend the greator part of the summer Jjjire .developing ineir properwea. ,-w Lorimer Would be Senator 'Even Now Dllnoli Man, Whose Graft Methods Stirred theWftole Nation, Said to. be 4WorHi Old Office . ClllOAao, My 21.-rWllllaiS.vH Lorlmor. fnrma- mkiIiw frnni Illi nois, who wa reraoy from offloa after nn Ibu.H..IaU huhla nnl. Kuos, seeks to return to thi Spited Btatea senate. Atfnnittirutnti in tilfl affaei B..J. ..."..." T- . . .V au ioaay uy his menus, . auld that ho will open his campaign within a month, Lorimer Is known all over the na tion nn account of the scandal mgbt out In connection with nta lection. It wu practically proved that nW purchased the vote of mem bers orthe legislature. ROYALTY THERE FOR NUPTIALS KINO AND gUEKN OK ENGLAND AltlUVK AT fOTSDAM OTHER 'notahlkh WILL UE COMJNU, TOO tionerai aiatio Menocal. who waa Inaugurated president of Cuba Tues day, and'Mme. Menocal. a typical Spanish beauty, who baa beevme first lady of the land. The sew president I believed by. moat of the Cubana who live In the Ualted Btatea to be capable of haadlla- the situation. MEXICO AFTER BIG ADVANCE CONQRH88 APPROVES NBQOTIA TIONB FOR A LOAN OF A HUN DRED MILLION DOLLARS FRENCH WILL ADVANCE SUM Hie MiwictstUUy'a Otrt-I WevlrawSVw 4araHygwRJJg)J,fJH lleaMlta atandlac ad Dotac Haatieea Ctwfa ea a fMHctljr The) property, owner of Klamath Fall will have aa opportunity to de cide whether the .city shall be placed on soaad financial baste, or whether It will continue Issuing depreciated warrants. A special eleeUoi la to be held Monday to rot fuadlag bonds to take up the outstanding wnrranta of the city.. Mm and womea who. are property wnera 'are entitled te vote at this election. The amount) o( boas to be voted Is $7.e;Tas ehiartsr provides the foltowfcss quallficatloas for veter: ' "No person shall b satlUssi.to vote at any speelal or sjeaeral flec tion wlthla the cHy ot Klamath Falls wh kHra iWtl slosisr- tho state of Ofsg) . aad who Ms. sot been restde-4 of t etty of Klam- sthFalte for stnty ) days meat preceding snch eleetlosi, sad who Is not a resldeat of tVwsVam which he appHe to votsv a4,wo 1 not registered as ' herttfnaftor ' provided. No pecsom shall voU at any election for the purpose of vot ing upon the creation of city Indebt edness or the Issuance of bonds of the city unless.. In adwttloa above requirements, ho shall at. the to the time of voting., be the owner of real property, or the bona fide owner of sfock of a corporation awmlng jreal property within the ctyy, nbjeet' to tuaUom." ' n , HKnuiN, May 21. Tho king and quuvu of England arrived today at Potsdam, to he In attendance at tne marriage of Princess Victoria Loultc, the kaiser's only daughter, Saturday. Kaiser Wllhelm., the kaliereln, the toms receipts.. The crown prince snd bl wife, audi will be advanced by Chancellor von MEXICO CITY, May SI. Con gross today aanctloned ths proposed 1100,000,000 loan, bearing Interest at 6 per cent. The loan la auarnnteed by the ap- ' portioning of 38 per cent of thsseus- enure amount a syndicate of Dethmann-Hollweg French bankers. welcomed the party upon Its arrival. Tho visiting ruler were escorted to the palace by cavalrymen. A Monarch from 11 parts of Europe will arrive Inter today, and tomor row and Friday for the wedding. Hon la Horn A 10-pound son arrived at the home ot Mr. and Mr.. (Korge W. McDowell Tuesday. The MePowelU reside on the Horner rsnrh, on the Midland road. Attorney J. H, Carnahan has gone to Portland to attend to legal mat tors. . New Davis Hoy Dr, Hamilton report the birth of a sqn to Mr, and Mrs. William Davis this morning. Frank Hutchinson on n business trip. I here from SAFE IS BLOWN BY CRACKSMEN POWERFUL EXPLOSIVE BLOWs DOOR SEVERAL YARDS ?04 TAL AUTHORITIES AND SHMR. IFF WORK qUEKNEVILLE. Cat, .May II. f Expert cracksmen this morning bw open the postofflee safe and rifled It, The loss la not Jtnown yet, Tho explosive used eras powerful, as It blew the door ot the, safe sev eral yards. The sheriff and postal authorities are at work on the case. - CAMINETTI MAY ; 1 GET GOOD POST CALIFORNIA LBOI8LATOR SAID TO RE SLATED FOR THE POBK TION OF FEDERAL IMMWRA TION COMMISSIONER -. WASHINGTON, May lit John Camlnettl, senator In the California legislature, la aahltto be slated for th 'position of eoasibwIOMr of Im migration, ' according' to" prominent Democrats here. information tromj the White House today was to the effect that. although' no appomtmeat has- how made as yet, Camlnettl will, la all probability, be named. I.. R. Robertson, county maaager of the Pacific Telephone ft Tele graph company, has gone to Pert' land on business matters. 8am' Padgstt Is hers from Keao, He conducts a mercantile establish' aieat la that eity. C. B. Cleadennlns was a Tuosdny visitor la tho-county seat; oomlag la from hla ranch on ths Midland road. John Nsuhert e- wsa Lake val ley, waa In ths county seat Tuesday oa a busiaess trip. Joseph Kent left this morning tor Hornbrook for n, .hurt visit. Alex Shlve has 'returned to.Chllo- qula after a short visH hero. slderably Injured. None of tho ts- tronomlcal apparatus, most of It.lr ptaclhle, was injured. Suffragettes are held respoaslhle for the outrage. SHIPPINGS TO PLANT POTATOES ... . 's .-,- ,M " ' .". ' "j ' . S.- v. .i r i tt .J . 'l .' J I'LL J- X' r Ui '.' u. tt REUHVB SOON RE A largo aersssjo at Raoaa Vsna. near Shlpotoctaa. jWltt be pUatod M) potatoes this year. Much of this, was pUatod to tab- era t-ssM.r.hataho tho taadtare ot tao.esaloa thotiUo prices for good pstatsss, wbH, be muea better aoat fSH taaa at eat. ADVISABILITY y JACOB' PROtHMRSr aVJaaaMK'. Art. -.''. ,: F MRoX7ixRr'MftmSMri " i " - ' r ' jvrr i"' - ' f"s v.-.f ? Local rissWrmi Urawo,C4aaBW,'of ' . '' """- "-----. a) OgaWBWV J SaBBBBBBBBBB-aBB-r , B-pf ' -, .4 V . . . tTlll I Si ?' V ' 'iBaaaaZ Lat ' LasMt Beoamhes 'for FsMtoirf' mm, & seal AoVertme sslsimlessf oho lia. gtaatla-aSl 'ata sfaaisaAsmaW W-lkaaaai i gajgaaafa' Slam wRswoai W9f .JPTvRamm dhlamBJHJJI BRBSoHSj) smaj ft aTna"OMs9fn9 fv1l aBaMoRsMrtSV' ... - -, - . jr- l ,, ' k' it-ltHi' nMawssmas oBsBsBPP aa h ' addltlea -t 'other advaateges offered ractarer la KlassaUi Falls, INe tory sites will .B,aJMlatf4..IJ .a iider4.at, yssteSways J RarnHf .fHBBB)SaBsp Bm) eRBHSBgfTgWommnH ufoearesuaadJ lPiaSt 'hav Whitla n -Mar assiweiiM The- BBS. VaVTMaafVJjBjF RSBjBBMBJgmifJBBgBB , BBJJ, fJaiPJai VsfmaaaTsV 1( i Tam rRYCHS WHA h, cuamirss wlU JstoJSK t.ajai-' ;. aBB) flBfRvRHBjreSBRSj "i BBJJ, . TafBiBSBBmfBHSf saarBBJJ awJSmn 'sliM.M,aa IsafaMssasmt J t ';'i talaa - - -:-.- - ta4- a-a- 1 ,j sW .at'.' CegrceZjsi !. I? aWtftaaatai 4-laaet aaT . k asiaaL1 Waataal YfM ,;. r - iJBUMiioi w j -. :$m ' Case! '&&?? 3 Again 4r'.Vrv , ;, .1 the Courts. -r , t . Attorneys for. Woman toatltf - T'i LUAnnHsud 9hwm a .HslaMlMaaaal " .".i- .. lAil '.'? . " - 't' aKrS,.'JlL'7 m ' I W""-'?a. 2 ' - - 2- away ' t .-V . ' iot a raorrtr rnron totm lV Ualted Press Servlee HARRISBURQ, Pa.. May 11. Tho "Billy" Whltla'kldaa'aplas which mystified ths poUeV et Us country about fear years ago,' sad which resulted la tsculauoa maatag the offense' a r crime Twtalshshls by life seatoace la several states, waa feaght over- agala hero today-'whoa lawyers for Helen Boyle argued 'bw- fore the Pennsylvania state' aaroea board la behalf of lealeaey lor. their client. Helen Boyle te ssrrlac a 15 yoar sentence la the westers Penia- sylvanla pealteatlary fori her part In the ssasatloaal ktdaapoing ease. Her hushMdt': James Boyle, la aafi lBB-i'lafitsawsjso, .- ' Atteajsm.Rred. R.Beaaa 'ttJSajl preseastat rtdsaee,.tea4la so aBwwi that Helsm Boyle's "leesrd," wMtkv syVTJaVww.rioleB osbm; saaBSaTSJW.wrB" plete "f rsme-ap.t' t Tao" Bans 1 eoavlcted alter;-s 'jt-M 4afal tte WUtlstafr wsa.sBj Jp una la Mn.. uoyiea amssmaiv BV?y hadJdemsasT a iairrjr sum for the Mtto fellow. At the time etr the Perklas, head ofi the r (CoaUaaoioa '&.:& vmw?itjiiiM 'A!.ai ""'; -jit v ;-.m h '!;.''V,'H & " H VA. Mt'f laaaL BaBaaaa.aaJI "y"aws"eraB. . ' HsmssawlaaaaamWrf num.!- ! I i-"l Steamers Bring Pests to Calif omia r43T r ii ,. 1 . h'i'. " ... ... 'BW, 1. ' . I . -O's c-IMJ it ' frTiy (laf - 1 -if.i ' t - - . . 4 Asa Reiult of Brliiglng in of Fl-itt YwaaWsail lA7ltla Vl sa fiaasaa-Mll9av. liuvvtvu wwaaaa ,f,iB 9mmmmmW, f a- , - ,' .' .-rska.. Captain is under - . . rV i i " ' -i.,rJ , ' i' j Bm ajShaaBsBm, ; fr. . 8AN FRANCUCO, Following the report by Federal District Attorney MeNab that' Orien tal . , o - 3? iL ': c ," . r.rm Mar ll.-i, MVaVuls4B"W .' k.tVa.i-l.il. a jy- - - " -" M vi swtejaj' V.-st'" Medlterraaoaa flysjMl.qtaweeaeB la W-.V- ..-1.1-.VW -M-,H.W- fruit. croe ;Callforam.th!'ree)s sanuin.' eiirUrmasW s . keesM They will ii .w. u-vi--i.-Ji---. ;- a mi aM-aa-r awvrva. aear . bteo,the iajasaRarial r- .- t". l;" Vr H friffii-Sti issawjis'.' ai- - --""-'"-'-- ETOi' Z( i. VP,.'TB,ePFS-l Jw to csmtela ftf IT. (Ha-m r w II srws wt saj inaglfaalat iao saaiaa sw'eFa-aa-j aaaaaaiBai way maaaa' laaaaafatar ' , '',' '". ,.'''M" vm .'- -' T gh- aSSBI 1-rSaa.ci i-v ' rr.TTS T&aftil '?., . .."' r- c