"W J it? TTfi ft $ !( " SUPPLIED MY TMM UNITED PIUsM NEWS SERVICE Ifte timing Be falfc t V. t tf f tt 1 "..atM- i'XH U9,M ,jv -. . US .V1 SATURDAY, .y IT, lilt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY IT, ISIS DANIELS SCOUTS NUMEROUS WAR SCARE TALES HUMUS VIXI.OW I'ICKHrt Willi Till! AGITATION SrrlHflry nt tin Navy Hlnlrc Tint Urllrr Kiwllng Out Tln-c Unlrim Aitlilr Should lh PrtMvrulttl by llir Government-Vm Ifln Meet In UriiinlH l '" I'rtM'nt AntlHirwi 11 (liM4lt Marls Afreali Dutchess of Westminster, Sued for Divorce, and Duke of Alba Washington, May 1 7.- "Tln-ic ciir tml nr scare stories, , and ttirnotit Ihal Ilia gnteriimwt I fating m crisis nrrr the Japanese sltimtlnii, and U trrirliis (r nn International Strug -, Hto Justified only n lur Urn public Mill permit lUrlf In bn misled b) o rcrtnln iintrritputitiin portion of tlni ir." said Krcrelary of Hie Navy Jim-phus DnnlcU today, "K tlio lltitct Justification exist fur llio imlillrnllon of tin mi torle eiUtcd, I would bo tlio lint to want lb? ivil Hi know," tin continued. "Tlicm l nluolutrly nono. "I ctronslx proirst against tho mis Infornmtlon Hint no met publications are feeding tho ik-ojiIc, who. of rouriv, Ulleie them. Tho men who arc riling these- stories ought to bo rig tuouily prosecuted." "Nor U fha Usuger of these publl ration confined lo tho United 8tatoiTK,M COurt does not favor divorces, stone," ho continued. "It spreads all loaning rather to tho hlfli church orr tho civilised world. People of Vow iuc, matter, eury nation am given erroneous I in- n ,BR nrmcd tho Duko of Alba, n picnlotm I))' lheo falso and malicious Hpanlsh grandee, with a lot of money Kpotti." ami tlmo. I)nleli staled that ho hatf ordered TJiui Kngland will llitcu lo ono of tttr warship of tho I'aclflc fleet to tho scandals which It dearly lovet hold Its present anchorage, lest the once In a generation. The testimony trait change cauie tho Jlni to break will probably reveal comldernblo out In a now quarter. BALL HITS BOY; IS UNCONSCIOUS MIM.H ADDITION LAD NUPPEI.N A MISHAP WHILE FLAYING CATCH LEFT HE.NMKLKNH HKV CIIAIi MINUTKH Floyd Howell, a lad residing In Mill addition, waa knocked uncon scious by ft bateball while playing catch ycitorday. It waa aeveral mlu uIm boforo ho regained lid aentta. Youtig Howell and Lorln Ualloy re playing catch, when tho ball, thrown by Ilalley, itruck young I low ell on tho temple, rendering him tlllClCMU. N. K, Oray, who la homeateadlng nt Coon Point, on the Upper lak, li down to purchaao auppt oa. ! I ' gtEMgtl gKgMaBBgflgtB gggggggggggggn. n . gggBal JWggagaWBgfl IgKagsssHP' -;' vI'SH! fmfSM r gfaHLIagfXfaA DIVES TO DEATH FRUM TOP STORY OF I CITY HALL IIUMHtKD OIRIJi HKK CliKKK'M A LKAI Oakland Oty Oormi i. . for THrei weeM, The Duchc' of Wcttmlnater, ft ImluUoiiio womiin mid wlfn of onu of tho woolthloit poor of tho IlrltUh realm, It to bo haled to court to an utter tho mott icrlou chargo by her hiuband. Tho duko ban -ono o far n to defy King Oeorgo In filing hit bill far nbtoluto divorce, for tho Kit Ksiploye of went, MIc Eaule Uf If Terrible Mctlio Body Htftkm the Hlrtet a FrtMrt. ly MaagJealjMaM of lirokea Hew, Covered WMi lllood OAKLAND. May 17. Deliberately diving to death from the fourtotsth story of the bow city hall, II. K. Mc Ulll, recently appointed city clerk, ended his life, by the su clde route Just before It) o'clock this foreooofl. I A hundred ahepglrls, employed In Capowoll's depiMmcnl store, saw Mc- lillll as he clliKd tho coping of tho i(IOTrBor rourtcontn noor'oi mo cuy nan. isey stood almost frozen with fear aa he stood looking out over the bay. A moment later, McQIII suddealy threw up his hands, and dived head foremost for the street. Ilia body hit a projection at the twelfth atery, and It rlchcbetted a little freai IU downward courts, striking In the atld dle of tho street Every boa 1ft the lifeless body waa broken wbea tk corpse waa bMhmI up. The featares were aiaagUd beyond resogaillsjia. and the body waa a most alckwtag sight. McGlll has beam 111 for ajmo time. for tho last threa weeks hs ha beaa unablo to slee. aad lata la believed T j. & .. to nave preyea arm wm about Kngllsh society, and will mako (good reading matter for tho man In the street. An additional point of Interest Is tho fact that the highest rourt of the empire except the house of lords has Just decided that tho hearing of dhorco cases In secret fs unlawful, ft has boon stated that nvory subject of the realm has tho legal right to enter n courtroom nny tlmo official proceedings are on. Thus eery word of tho testimony will behcard and some of It published. llcbckana, Attratloal Tho last drill here tonight at 7:30. Ilrlng needles and thimbles. A mat tcr of great Importance la to bo pre sentcd whlAi needs tho attention of nvery membor of tho team. CAPTAIN OP DEOKEK STAFF. Kitra Htady Arraaged Eighth grade pupils who were pro. motod conditionally will bo given an opportunity to prepare for tho com ing examination In Juuo by special itudy at tho Central school next week. Thoso who failed In ono or moro sub ject will bo thoroughly drilled by City School Superintendent Dunbar and tho two olghth grade teacher. School Kids Will Take up Gardening Experimental Plot it Being Plowed on Main Street Between Seventh and Eighth. Many Entered In order to give the pupil of the public school aa opportunity to put Into practice what they have learned regarding agriculture, arrangements have bees made for experimental gar ln plots, to be framed by the pupil luring the aummer. Work of plowing aad Uy.lag out tlo lend wa eammeaeed this morn ing' by Max A, MeCall, iMtraetor In nurlculture. A tract oa Mala street, between Seventh and Blghth atreete, h being prepared for the Juvenile farmer. The youngeter who care to pat Into praetlee their kaowledge of ag riculture will be allotted portion of the field, Thoy will bo glvon vege table and flower eed, and will plant the ground allotted to thorn. During the summer month, they will take care of their tract. Mr. MeCall la to remain hero all year, and he will be available for the schoolboy to call la consultation re garding any difficulties tneyuna while raising their crop. - la the fall, prliea are to be awarded by the county fair to the pupil mak ing the heat showing with their gar- deu. Taw far, there are it young Btera''who are to try their head at farming. MILLS DISLIKES PESTHDUSE THERE mCSOIAJTIONS PASSED BY PBOG HK8e CLUII KIUDAY NMHT OB JKCTIN'G TO SMAIiLFOX PA' TIENT BRYAN AND HIS REPLY PREPARED 18 HKADY TO TIIANBMIT DOtlU MENT TO HKPIIKSKNTATIVE OF JAPANE aOVEHNMEXT AS MJO.V AH WILHO.V APPROVES WA8HINQTON, May 17 Secre tary of State liryaa has compietea the form of reply of the United States to Japan's formal protest agalaat tho California antl-allen land measure. If It Is approved today by Wilson It may bo transmitted at once to Viscount Ghlnda, tho Japanese' ambassador ex traordinary. It was stated authoritatively that tho note 1 written In conciliatory laa guugo. Its publication Is withheld until tho nolo Is delivered to Chlada. NEW PARTNERSHIP IS FORMED HERE C. V. HTOME NOW HAS ASSOCIAT ED WITH HIM FORMER SUPE RIOR JUDGE OF THE PHILIP PINE ISLANDS . Judge Herbert D. Pale, until re cently a auperlor court$dge In the Philippine Islands, and C.T. Stone have formed a law partaershty. It Is understood that the formation of this copartnership baa been la con templation for several raoatbs. The nrtlcles of co-partnership were signed-today. Judge Oale haa been closely Identi fied with the formative history of the Philippines since American occupa tion. He waa appointed prosecuting cttoraey of Manila by Governor Gen era! Taft la July. 1802, which por tion he resigned la 180C, to eater prl- ate practice, remaining In the prac tice of law until October, 1909, wbea 'l e was appointed to tho beach by General Forbes. Judge Cale remained oa ahe bench until April S of this year. Judge Gale still has Interests la the Phlllpptaeo, aad a reach of sev eral hundred acres Bear Lakeview. The reach was purchased hut year during a vaeatloa trip of the Judge and his family. Judge Gale ateo owas a beautiful resldeaee la PortUad, at No. 1119 Eaat Pleaders street, where hie family has resided ateee last earn- The Galea wlH remeve te Klam ath Palls at eaea far permaaaat resldeaee. Mr. Stave aad J edge Oale were well aeaaalBted la the PaSippmee more laaa It years age, wheat the termer wasadtter e-eaMBBua Dally Times. Judge Q ale says he got all the newspaper meat of that time Into the pealteatlary for libel eaeept AlghssaisSffYaataOM MADRID. Spain. Mar 17. gratulatory messages from every court la Europe, from the United States aad from other couatrlee of the western hemisphere were received by King Alphoaao today la honor of his 27th birthday. Artillery salutes were fired this moralag la the capital, aad at all military aad aaval station. Tho premier with members of the cabinet aad the diplomatic corps called at the palace to leader their coagratluatloas. aad the klag after wards received aeveral pelitleel, Mills addition reetdeaU do aot rel ish the Idea of bavhag a smallpox .1 - ,kl mIJ, rfttfa -jria ,,Th,,.., -ZaE JZnn. "Z scholasUc and clvlo deaaUUoaa. Klag manifested at last eight's meeting at . the Mills Addltloa Progress club. when a resolution to that effect was adopted! George Sackett, who waa fouad to be Infected with smallpox, waa taken to a house In Mills addttloa aeed by scarlet fever patients, hut the resi de rus would have him moved. Afraid of Bombs BT. PBTEHSBUnO, May 17. Fearing n ulhlll.tlo plot, the war de partment today began preparations to guard every Inch of the railroad route tho cxar will take It ho decides to at tend the wedding of Princess Victoria and Prince Ernst of Cumberland at Borlln, on May 14. Three army corps approximately 100,000 men -will be soattered along the route from the llusslau capital to the German froa tier. Besides the vast army guard, 6,000 police and seeret service agents will patrol the tracks. As an extra precaution, It has been suggested that a score of Imprisoned revolutionary leaders be chained In cars la. front of and behind the car the esar will vie, It being argued the reyolutloaleta' or anarchists would not want to rUktae lives of their comrades even to slay the eaar, . . ' TROOPS CALLEO TO CINCINNATI CAR LIFTED OFF TRACK BY STRIKERS, AND BRICKS USMD TO DEMOUSK WINDOWS STRIKEBREAKERS INJURED Alphoaso was bora in 188, -six moatha after the death of his father. Assasslas have tried half a dosea times to kill him. He married Prin cess Victoria Eugenie of Batteaburg, grand-daughter of -Queen Victoria, aad haa four chlldrea. Qeo. W. Quthrk, New Ambassador laaVaBmamaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamm .atafleBmBsJmmaaaaaamaaaaaaaT amaaammpf' V1a(Plsaaaaa.BlimaaaaaV. ammmk '..; X'-'JammaV' mmaV-J' hj0ivmf- imaai gaaaawllw amaewS ftnmmTl gmaaaaBsmamaTewP' ' ";jV'bf-I WASHINGTON, May 17 George W. Guthrie, the former mayor of Pittsburg, the reform mayor, will be the man lo settle the contrevsey be tween Japan aad the United States over tho new laad-holdlag Mil passed by tho California legislature. His nomination for ambassador haa been eent to the seaate by President Wil son, aad Baron Chlada, the Japanese ambassador at Washlagtoa, has la- formed the preeMeat that Mr.- Guth rie will be persona grata. Mr. Guthrie was elected mayor of Pittsburg the first time la 1961. He defeated Ateaaader M. Janaiaeoa. the mllUoaalro candidate." Darts hie term he kept the poUee force stirred orer sjueetioae of subtle meraHty, aad there area lot of people ta Pittsburg who are glad ha la going ae tar awar as Japan. " NOT STR0N6 FOR BILL JAPANESE FROM ALL PARTS OP ARIZONA MEET AT THE CAPI TAL TODAY TO PROTEST ANTI- ALIEN LAND LAW COURTHOUSE TITLE IS TO i PERMANfil IHCKO M PLACHD IN -,.. .;tf " ftk m fUl At M v memamwt FaH THto-ta aas. ' Jan ga-aMSm- ' 1 .ta taV S4telaPateTllasitgw Vp e Beeel, aa Jke Ostaatr Wftee. Wask em - 3msm?m Upon' the isWgsiimn af an snW -, V HassU ' ssasnav eamaaAamd .-Nr. Klamath eoeat'conrthsaBB, of mejf.ilaga addrOen m.tna ty ol1 Halms Ik eoaaty.wlth a hmtba ooadltlcoa. - H f,'? !-""' A auH'cUlm Seed far tMa I has beea pieced in Klamath Development will be given to the county i the eempleUea aad, eourthoneer The deed haa been yeaeed ha First Treat tt Savtaga beavk. Ta uunnw nfjB(-iaft turn -wm m wmr( Ulaed in the Mle-wlag.fNaa f, Q Johneen, president of the : Devslepmsnteeaaaemf: "Wa hand yon lasiawtiBV sascatsd by the mt company on t)M'lJ May. 1911. scewerlswaa fMatl Wsjejj) JsWslsn'. Bag? asWeMnVi Serines addkUan la tho stey at i ath Palls. V . - ' f Tbwtalaa4emwBMtl seantV la nw capstans lt ear par X daw ad HnMBnm laaHeJ T, TC r--UtjcA- " ''rt I three' ILJ Mk. i w,tP lIfc "1. Whan tna der.eenatrneHen. 1 aad accetted by PTameth i "I., Whan the lacladmc aB o( Mock 19,- knv Improved- by the STadaac aff tarn grouads aad the eonatraetfem af seno walks, street perklag and earba. "J. When tho aeat of goTsmmaat of Klamath eouaty Is mored t aad peruaaeBtly loeated la tna I house on said Mask 19. ' 'Yoa are hereby enreete PHOENIX. ArU., May 17. Ta pro- this dsed In year FaraweU Party Mr. aad Mrs. C. B. Crlslsr. who leave tomorrow for a trip through the middle west aad the south, and their daughter, Mrs, Westwood, were ten dered n surprise party last night by their friends. The affair was ar raaged by members of the Maeeabeo lodge. The.evenlng was highly enjoyed by all, aad present were a large namber of frieads of the family. test against antl-allen tandhoMlag legislation In Arhmna, Japanese, reel; dents of Phoenix and a deaea ether cities aad tewaa throughout the etate wilt meet here tomorrow, On Monday, May S, the lower aonaa of the Ariaona legislature passed aa antl-allen land ownership bttl mora drastic than the CaUforala legtelatlea oa the same subject; The act pro hibits any alien who haa not declared intention to become a eltlaen from ac quiring title to real property. , There sceau to bo no doubt that the seaate will pass It without change. unless the Japaaesa who -meet to morrow can focus aatloaal attaatloa, aad secure the Inftueaoa at the ad aUakrtratton setMetcat te proveat R becoming law. There were only six opposing , vetce whoa the measure aeava -reawBaJsg"gJ aTsnBaa aaaejt ejBjjsgBS CINCINNATI, May 17. -Mayor Hunt, this atternooB, telegraphed Ad Julant Oeaeral Woods at Columbus, demanding that he Immediately scud tho mllltla on account of the rioting In connection with the street carmen's strike. The disturbances started early this ruoralng In the heart of tho business district. Fighting waa carried on nt three different points. At one point, the crowd attacked n oar, aad, .after demolishing the windows with bricks, lilted the oarr off the track. A num ber of strikebreakers have been In jured by flying missiles. John Healon Is hsra from Poe Val ley, where he has a eub-eentraet tor a part of the work on the second unit Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crleler leava to morrow for New Orleans. St. Lanle aad other polats In the middle west aad the south. Thsy wlU ha awayV at least a month. Marshall Orr came In from hto ranch yesterday to attend to busii mS'f- ". SBCBSCncSB7S r3 time aaLthe beoa fally time yea wttt etrver R to I Uronghtaeeenntri Tna fermsr . to 'the eanaty nana couKaeaee should be atahatalaael aaoa Judge Warden today, "Then removca that condition aad tk ( ty saa sell the new alto at Mi . - - " atlr The eouaty ooart'doea sat 1 the new .coarthaaae ' wttt.' moved, eiace It Is 1M years. . V-. A "All the Klasaai eompaay, wants to aaasr m aew bulldiag will beisasatns the magnificent alto naajr lnss aa-. seated to the senaty traa af aaat, n iamgiMtMacmananaaaa - trLrizr-"BQ "- ' wmm it - iSX... t. n t it-m-. -aetbea-a Itt.'aaar f ejmtocfat m lace It elam of resaaveb' mouve " '.'f-iV i , V laterals. f. Mrs. James Qullltea, wkn as visiting her moUer' to Baa Dtose, has returned to KkufwHsVlaH f JOHNSON WILL HOLD SIGNATURE CAUPORNIA EXBCUTIVK WUtL MOT SIGN ANTI-ALIBN BILL FOR SEVERAL BAYS, IN ORBBW TO GIVE WILSON A OHANCE 8ACRAMBNTO, May 17. Govern or Hiram Johaoaa today anaouased that he wlU not alga Ue antt-aUoa Uad measure far several dayi, : It ta reported inat ho dsstrsa.to give the officiate at Washington ovary caaacc for dlplomaey) - Large Eighth Gass Gets Grade ? wi, vm b k v. M- ST-,1 am i r f.' ; Out of Orer a Hundred A ittcMttp - only to fwm wmtwtEf $ -a '"iT - ". Oat of.lld alcanto Jar elghU neat maajh. kt atjlsavfj) crane osnsfl sates In Klaatata aaaatyi only twa failed la tharaeeat ettati aatloa, and the amber passed eaa tloaally; waa very aatott.'aitoiikag.to the.meaakaas af the heard at era. MliaaaaLrCartetoa.aad Weiu; and Iaeaars.'Pisa9na aev bar. waa haa samilisaf na C rirnmniad aaahnanmsntr'a aweJpaaniaBeBavsaT ajanBsapsycsBisrBBBjsnaBBa V'f SHU up tJto SMKM WepBjBJi UjjBTJjBJBH TM 9f.ll f