WfflfyW' ''&' Ttft HUPPLIND BY TfM , UNITICI) IHWMJ NEWS SERVICE mt tfaifc nmlli Year fo oa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 101 S. MILITARY MOVES START THE WAR JINGO AFRESH liuuv 01 tii;kiwi tllfUKIlH AUK !.(' MTANDINO War Ih-partinrnl Drnlra Kmpliallrally Kmiiont of MithlllMlloN m Hrt t'ortli In Metropolitan Morning !' P-Hmj Kin Coast Artlllvryl Uwnu" I llrgotar TraMarrr Af rBl for How Month Agu Wrs. D'Oyley Carte Who Died Recently BAN KIIANUISCO, May !. Offi- cliU l tho I'realdlo emphatically do-. ir that Hip have recehed orders fur i lo riliiinu nf Infantry lo Icuvu ut onco fur Ilnwuli. .'ort appearing In the morn-1 Uf I', Ilioy main, I nbaolulely btielraa. Tlito reports liolfl thai two rrs swota wcrn to leave on Iho Montorey lata morning. Tho only movonicut that l io bo mailo F aaaaaaaaBBBBBBBHlAEM LaaaaaLBHl MS BaTB i '"-7.T-vmmMmmrMmiim r'yMmim I for fsTafTafTTal Kiumzm bBKJ PREP LETTERS T COME OFF MS MnVliV ORGANIZED ORDER OF Till: "O" AT UNIVERSITY WILL XtrT AMXJW STRANGE GODS ON VAIIHITY CAMPUS SMALLPOX IS BOUGHT HERE FROM ROSEBURG Every one ot the motlicra and fathers, tho grandmother and grand father of today, who enjoyed tho L a change of poal. ,..,. . .,,.,' BIW11 . ,. to Hawaii for auroral companies of !.. .,., .,... ,.,' .... .. M1lt-W Tlit ,.M....I.... ...w W ' ..w ... HIVLI KVh NIIIMVI, ,1V VU,NH(IIV IIUW on duly III tho lilandt will return. WAHIIINflTON, May 10, Tlio or dn for (lie trnnafer of toveral com- panic of the coait artillery corp to Hawaiian fortification will not tio rttclndcd. Thla wa given out by tat war department thla mornlnit. OfflclaU of tho departiavnt alated that general ordtra for the moving on ,,cr de,Ul of Ihom by tending a garland for tho gravo of Mrs, IJ'Oyloy Carte, who haa Juat died In London. Without her (here might have been llttlo of the great musical combination which en tertained tnlllloni in tho old world and the ntw, One of thoao who knew tho Inalde jof thoatrlcal matter In London In mo aaya or uiwcrt and Sullivan, aald Hera waa the genlua UNIVERSITY OF OltKOON. KU- (1KNK, May 16. "Prep" achool monogram, Icttera and numeral of nny kind, aro barred from tho catn- uii. Men who have not won their "O" are prohibited from wearing 'vanity at ripen, or "O" awcater. The 'vnralty locker room la re- rervod for the exclualvo uie of "0" men. Thla Include locker. hawnr. brnchi, glaaiei, etc. Tho head of each houae (ball be ro- juvaicu iu mairuci ma nouae msin her on tho rule of the Orator of tho "O." Theae are a few of tho drastic moaaure takon by the Order of the "O," which wa revived laat Tuesday night. Wallace Cauflcld, Elmer Hall. John I'araona and Carl Kenton wore appointed to oo that thoio rule are enforced. The committee began Ita work yes terday, when three different frcah- men found It advltablo to remove "prop" achool monogram from their awcater. The committee, backed by aomo 40 Oregon huaklea, will prob ably have no difficulty In enforcing thla rule. ukJl KTIUXflKU IS TW: CITY TAKEN a. i TO PMrTMOl'HK ft Who tj f-1 tnCUa or Moat Cea Arrived CiiNMty, Is ao connection with the Japaneae agl- Utlon. .ff !.. ..... j-- -. - l I . . liuvi.. UIV l. "Wl.,t L,.,. .., ,. .-.h,. BB,I Month, ago. They atate that It lainiO0lfJ out the diracuWei thal Of DOItl. anil Dial ll lina lMnlllllv I -" r . "., vnn. . n ..v ....v.f . 4 .,. I nun vvftH a Jiu aviimw Willi ICharle Wynham, but her itage ca reer wa ahort. She married D'Oy jloy Carle, and very aoon built hi jbualneaa up far beyond what It was. IHho uperlntendcd the production of It ho Ollbort and Sullivan operas, and whn thoy crowed to the United jHtatce abo mado trip here to see that they wcro properly staged Lster, aim arranged lecturo tours for Archl- .. 'lipid Korbca, Sir Henry M. fltnnloy, Triui ioimiHni.TM tmat,mm,,,ow Arn0,d' 0iCar w,ldc' nna Tl.l.1.8 I'OltUMI'ONDhNTH TMAT tMnf oUl)rM whcn .no bKMM ,,roi. UK WILL HACK TIIK HOUHK pirou alio lupportcd man old play errand aald llttlo about It. Un lirr huiband'a death, In 1901, ho toft nor HO ROW W L NOT COMPROMISE' i.i:.ui:ii8 "TTiunuiik ON THK TAIUIF the wliolo bualneaa, then upprnlaod nt f 1, 200,000 Wnillllirtnti Uaw IU Prkil.litil Woodrow Wilson Nvill back the lead-,U,kH A," litwmmiX HM.oM),o(K) raoftho house on the tariff rovlalon' I'AIIIS, May 1. Three hundred ucAauro. Uk Hated thla emphat ically at the aeml-weekly conference ltli tho nowapapermen. During the conference, the preal Irnt declared that be refuses to con Ider any compromise affecting the wool or augar schedules. Ho brand ed all alorles to the contrary as bate Ivaa. It Mill bo at leaat three daya more V'foro (ha bill la referred' to a com mlice In the senate. Senator Ten- mm dov not believe It will be voted "pen thla week. Will Tempter returned yesterday from n vlalt with hU parents la Call ferula. White away, be toured the wutlwrn part of that stale. million dollars cash Indemnity today wit formally demanded byt the Bal kan allies from Turkey at the meet ing of tho International commission chosen to adjuit the Turklah nation al debt following tho termination of tho war. Today the flrat aesslons of the rommlsilon wore hold here. De cide tho question of the caah In demnity, tho coinnililaon will con- alder the proposal of the Ualkan al lies to osiumo portion of the Otto man debt In consideration of the ter ritory thoy will receive when Kuro penn Turkey I finally divided. AMATEUR MITT. MFN IN SEATTLE NOKTHWK8T atOXINQ AND WKMtTMNO T1TLK8 WILL BK AT HTAKK IN CITY ON PL'dET HOUND Seattle Woab., May 16 Amateur bolter from all over the Rocky Mountain and J'aclflc Coast states fight here tonight In the contests to aelect the northwest champion In tho varlou dlvlilon. The wret- llng clmmplonahlp alio will be de cided. Tho tournament la being held under the auiplcea of the North western Association of the A. A. U., and the wlnnera will be matched with Kaatern and Middle Western Champion at a date to be aelected aftor thoie dlvlalona have held alia liar tournament to the one being held here. Ueorgo Mackert, Night Vi Xtrnr tlio UgJoti Htage lnHeved Ho Was HafferUg Vmm atone HUght Mkla Itoah Wliea He eatated oa Itiyaktoa Smallpox was aavittlngly brought to Klamath Falls kjr George atockett. who arrived -last algbt from ftose burg, and It was aot until this fore noon that the health officer learned of the preaesce of thla tontagloua dlsesse In the city. Backett has been taken to an Isolat ed dwelling house, and tho room be occupied at a loeal bote I Isst night has been thoroughly fumigated. Aa he Is not acquainted here, ho did not mingle with people last night or to day, so there Is no fesr ot an epi demic " ' Sackett, upon arlfteg thla morning, noted tbs preseaee of the rash which heralda the coming of tl e pustule, or secondary atage, the most contagious period of imallBex. Oellevlag that be was suffering from some silent BUTTS BOUND TO THE 6RAND JURY IXQUIHITOniAIi BODY MUST LOOK INTO THK ALLMKD DK- STKUOTION OF NKIOHHOKf FENCK Charged with the destruction and tearing down of a fence not his own property, and on lands not his own. T.. B. liutt, who resides on the Ft KUauth road, moat faoe tho grand Jury at Ita June deliberation. He was bound over by Justice of the 1'eace dowen this morning. Mutt is accused by Ernest Quaif, a neighbor. The preliminary hear ing waa held la the Justice court yes terday afternoon. Pott i Niece ot Cardinal Farley aTVSMaVNI MMlPaVaVFslMF " i i, A" -r ntHrrVniei wmim, ma Wmajak 1 J aBeaseaaoBisWaf a'F " '1 T r av ak sstok si at sbbbusbbb,' l.'ARIRf-T a VaF V 1BJ I . ft .4 JAWK ARTH FLAT AND WOULD FI6HT fOFMtOTH. HOWKVKK, SENDS AN EMPHATIC "NO" TO QUBKY AM TO HIS SUPPORT IN A FWT- IOMIX BAN FRANCISCO. May 16. Pro moter Jaates Coffroth today received a message purporUag to bo from Kd Smith, m. Ckleasa Baartla mrrtlmr tkln dltease, he called on Dr. Fisher ,uttaf ut Jtck JemBm M ,,, and asking It he woald stego a bout for treatment. Fisher Immediately diagnosed the case a smallpox, and he called City Health Officer Traax and Coanty Health Officer Msrryaaan In eoaaaUa tloa. The police were immediately notified, and they secured a hoase on too outskirts ot Mlkto addtttoa. where Sackett will be ke: dertag hie 111 II. A. Anderson, Merrill' poatmas tor, wa horo Thursday on builaeas matters. Conditions in W. Va. Will Startle Nation BENSON SIGNS WRIT IN SUIT Organizer For the United Miners . Says Wages in That State Are Much Lower Than Elsewhere WASHINGTON, May 16. "It the enato should appoint a committee to investigate conditions In tho coal Holds of tWeat Virginia, this commit tee would bring to light a tsory of mrdalilp and squalid conditions that would startle and arouse tho entire nation." Thla statm,eat was mad today by W.R Farley, organkted for tho mtn ra' union,.. Fartoras in eoaforease with g numbs 'ekaiers' and eon. gtaaii.. Mf, H ' - i 1 .1 -. . gresimen regarding the West Vir ginia situation. "The bulletin Issued by the bu reau of the census are proof poiltlve that, by their treatment of the men, tho mine ownera of West Virginia have out the wage cost of producing a ton' or coai io ov cenis. iu m other states, It is to cents higher." , "Tho stories of brutality, as relates by Mother Jones," concluded Farley, art fair samples of everyday condi tions, there." i -, ? COUNTY TREASURER DAGGETT 1H COMMANDED TO PAY COURT HOUSE FUND WARRANTS OR SHOW GOOD CAUSE- Judgo Henry L. Dsnson, who Is at lakevlew, laat night signed an al ternatlve writ of mandamus, com' mandlng the county treasurer of Klamath county to pay the court house warranU aa presented to him. Tho writ Is made returnable oa May 15, The county treasurer will either have to pay the warranU on the courtbouso fund or make a allowing to tho court why he does not do ao on or before May 25. County Judge Worden and Attor ney Tbomaa Drake, wno went to Lakevlow yeaterday, will return thU evening, D. V. Kuykendall, repre- aented the county treaaurer last night at the hearing before Judge Benson. O. J. Ferguson of Kuykendall at Ferguson stated today that the treas urer has refused to pay the warranU simply to protect himself and bonds men until the case waa decided by the supreme court. After the bearing on the I6M If Judge Benson should grant a permanent writ, the treasur er will be compelled to pay the warrants, The sick man stated to the nays! clan that the high fever, which la the first stage ot the disease), earns upon him while he was at Wolf Creek. He aaya he contulted a phyatetaa there, and the practitioner worked to allay the fever. WHeems AsteM Gar Patty United Frees Serrlea WASHINGTON. Mar 16. Mtoe- I tie of officers for the) easslag year. and a discussion ot ladvstrlal art, featared the) closing sessions today of the fomrth annual convention ot the Aaaertean Federation ot Arts. which opened yesterday. President Wilson. Mrs. Wilson and tho Masses Wilson will be hoaU tonight at a Whlto House garden party. TRUE NAME MUST BE PUT ON FILE NEW LAW GOING INTO KFFBCT MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR BUSINESS HOUSBB TO BB CON DUCTED AS HKRBTOsTORK Ray Merrill Is hero for a short so- Jo. , r Salem, Or., May 14. A tot ot per son in the atate who are conducting a business under a compaay name, not Incorporated, or under aomo as sumed name, are going to have to go oa record as to the nature ot their business and their business associates when a new law passed by the last legislature goea Into effect June S. This law provides Uat persons conducting a buslnemu under an as sumed name, or when tho names ot all those Interested hi tho bnslaess do not appear In tho builaeas desig nation, muat fllo a 'oortlf isnte with tho county clerk, giving tho stylo and name under which tho business Is be ing conducted, and the namea and addresses of all persona Interested In the business. This applies to those now engaged In bualneas, and those to come hereafter. Those now en gaged in business must tlio their cer tificate within SO days after the law goes Into effect. Corporations organised under tho laws of this state, or foreign corpora tlona ndmltted to tho state, aad part nerships where tho business designa tion Includes the names, ot all tho partners, do not come under tho pro visions of the law. Any person subject to tho law who does not comply w, lth, it la denied the right to bring any action In tho courta of the atate, and a failure to file a certificate is prima taetV'ti- deaee" ot fraud la soenrlng credit. Violators of the law aro subject to 100 fine, , r ,' between the big black and Lather Mc Carthy. Coffroth sent an emphatic "no1 In awor to tho telegram. Mr nrtlve GarreUs WUI Retana J. H. Garrett and sons will here In the course of two .MLHfc sTsBSsTsbV -msnsnsnw sTbbbbLtbH "r !BBsW TALKS fi, f ABOUT PROPER TIMETOIffl, BRYAN, WILHON.ANB I f -.'.tMl PHOT TO COKFMM, ,' Vi" JiSrV slvfl ,r m af c VLl Jf -5a5a MSNbM IWbV m$ i .. i . ShU I r -. s ' wl juevenaaseM M anoJans to gajnss CMsb ,, -s ' MmAmm W.srdaaag fa.Twilli . i'i.- May IMay Aasww to i igfn Bss $J -V ; anal Pretest In Aftor ttOJM - f '- ' nrit Mtm 4MWh mnlsi,af nswmtajsm ta nmd s Hmy JB I hatT Bryyf to tmmiUU'JjTZ S - -- r - i-e-j-- aww pmnansjgssisoj an . " !. 1 , it a j. , T " .Ta II, Psoas It has just been learnou ti Kath- crino Ward, whoso verses aad poems, chiefly aboat children, have appeared In newspapers aad msgsilnee for tho past year "or mors, and have widely noticed, la n nltce of Cardinal Farley. She Is Mrs. D. Francis Mar- phy, whoso husband has largo tostlle Interests' in Philadelphia. Mrs. Mar pay has chosen to appear malar a n name, her maiden naate by .the way. .bat her poems have attracted ao much attention that tho PUladM pels Catholic Standard aad Ttaaso, which has paMlehed memy of latlbV IVM BrsBT ,M9t7i. rfevijsw Af Mrs. Marphy haa no ehildrea of her own. But traTeUnc about maeh over tho United States wHh her has band, sho has become a keen ebssry- or, aad mothers and children hare appealed to her. Many of her poems on tho subject have been printed and reprinted all over the country. Mrs, Murphy Is a handsome women, re minding one of Lillian Russell la daya of the past. as to wests i eTst eTSjSjBjaraM I W ! -J I ! ' .i! WASHINGTON, May dent' Wilson and Ms .eabtoei ksMsj (ong session this aaernksg, at.whesllo the Jspsaosr sWaatlbn? was aln close aUeatlen. , J " Tho eonferanse was devoted oatofty to adUeusslsnto to tho alTssablBty of sending aa Imsnsdasto rogdr to, Japan's formal protott, or to await a ,' ssora rnaaalaii -"- --- --- chaage, f onto wing) tho lllat at Bw aaU-alton aaadbstrby tOoTOSaot Btt-' rasa Jehnoonot OaHatornoa. Thto-aftorsiowa1! ntottof'-MB tcj eoaMeieTesiisans)eT njr Wilson aad atoerotary o I A Vatlia, " Im V.ilul v.oeks to Join Mr. Qarrctt, and again i,,..,. P ... take up their residence In Klamath .,... T"., mmj ad. a coai manor named Lack today began a two months' prison sentence for eaHans a man ''an Baleabarg." ,,,Tke, courts held that the epithet ta a UbeL' Prlaee Eulenburg was at tho -head "ot the notorious "rovad taMo' clicus, or club, which was composed ot high of ficials, aad whose expose by Maxi milian Harden several yean asm created a ' tremendous sensation In court circles. Falls. During ths past winter, they hMtt been living at Seattle. The Garretts have laased the Hwan- na Houae, coraer Third and Ma street. In addition to lodgings, tbey will conduct n boarding houo. for Loot Hair VIENNA", May 16. Dectartag the hair had been literally "scared from his head," a young motorman on a local street car Una, today began ault for,, damages against the owner and driver ot aa automobile which collid ed with his car, and so frightened him that hla hair, eyelashes and eye brow fell out Medical circles here are greatly Interested In tho ease. Ot D. Chorpeaksf .has returned from a business trta tot aetata near Merrill. Ho was away's! daya. Oat BnnnHos Deputy County Clerk Charles Do Lap ta busily engaged la mailing election supplies to tho different election precincts la tho county, ta readiness for the recall election, to bo held la Juno. PUTTING FISH ' OVER THE DAM GAME OCTiOIALB AJMC BNGASBD IN TRANsTOMtlNcI BUWBLB OF FINNY TsMBB OVER THK BfO STRUOTVRal Mx hundred' Lost River mulleu' and about 40 trout worn carried above tho Lost river dtreraioa dam today by algVmsa to. the employ ot District Oame Warden Ramsby. The fish were carried in sacks. i On, account ot tho big dam, R; to impossible for tho ftoh to nroosod further up stream, so they, will, be helped. The men will be busted ta this way for several days, , . . f u'Lf t Attond Freo Fretgttt Bone Hearing United Press Service WASHINGTON, May 1C Repre sentatives of railroads, bsards ot trade and morehant'a aasalatlns from many citlea werokere today to attend tho final hsarlagaoa the free freight aoae, delivery eases before the Interstate commerce oosamtaston. Fi nal argnmoata beaaa this morning.' mo-t fj dBBlBaBBatgldl gsBafl gtsVasl sBsmgaV . V " 1 " """. -f Baas as f - -- "" -T . ..' ' a' The awTirnmant isv hmj to ' t? prewat any Jlagalsm by ssortag ao k , farther mTamento or rTirlSjl ' - bytbeaemyoraavy. --, , 'tV WILLIAMS TO IE& 4 LIBERATED SOW APFSALaWND WILL IN THK CASH OF LOCAL MOUr COVKHD.OVrYKMnOM.Jsir PURE FOOD LAW Frank WIUtomvwWvMtm;i of seUtag the moat ot a Isiisuf gaa tor boetYto.a statdngsga hajiggat-,. aw.fMatr' lit by Jnsdaw of e Pae OabnsV,1 In dofanU ot payasont, h. wag'gta to Ue sherttt to ssoe a-tt-day tajtonV la JaiL- ,, - V z Today.frtoadsof Wintaam ami gta ' attoraeyJkare seeking' to aoea MB roleasefrom Jail oa It to tho circuit ooart y! ;, Ita tho tatoattoa to take tao k f -. ' j l Talk of t f Trout D. B. Moore aad wit at BjiiMin, Csl.. came ta yesterday to aasmd Mm summer wfth their noaaow aad stfamV sir. ana Mrs. ivh. rlvsUwaa a happy mmsm HW. imb-v: 11. J 1 oagaBB , " ,' Leasing a Hatiaii4;1ftf n? Si A , ' , V- . -u..-) V ! 2 . - if. 1 Over Half Mmton lUiitbow Trort . .. - ' '.i, . ' T-r- '3 i Idga Hare Been Shipped ftosi the IraworktodHaUdtaTt Just !. abort ot aaU a aatUtea trout egg, wore brought Iroai'Saoa- dktrlct dpVsmato 'wasdoaH'lor shlpmsat to the trout batehery; ta CUckamas; ooaaty. This 'makes a total of lltlMII mm that have it eFoBawasawgnaj gsyagga, gaBgaB)BB; VfjaawaMk gggas spriai.jrv 4v ;. i ; , ' J bafdBejj a;'BrAafma bttag ahlppsdiBioUer, parts of the state. Sy.nv,j!ii. -i,i ni 1VJ. "VW- &z J" 1 vJ . H i ) v H r - , tl aatttd M aMatst tafd t,Z?l22T having t)SM to doag atMsaatUpaMsfa4 Met ! orwys"wswssjgaw eFy to asoara a laaa M to sanaaitaa a A. 4. atoMgatj i JSTmSti "flF ?! K fl,HI