csr. flUPPLIND BY TIM VNITKD I'RNM NICWI SERVICE gibe turning P efaliV ' )1"''. . '." I . yi t r a ' 'i. I .a I 2 Kcrinlli Vm We " KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAV IB, 1911. M & 1 -I..3gTSJJAs ,, irs-.,-" j" ';, - v I. I1 "A1 l' vjr "-i -i .n i t; . PMM. BBaBBBmViiaBBJBi " ew BWMPeBBsBmr tVLlL. DeLap Orders Special Recall Election to Be Held Second of June; Resignation Time Has Expired JURY CONVICTS lf. WILLIAMS OF GRAVE OFFENSE ttrlDIOT MAYS HK SOLD HI KAHIII) MMT 'OK FOOD ANDERSON TO ISI ETAL TCITY 1-rMllX l I'ruiH SAO to B.M Plac - hrnlrmi' Will lla PaserU Late Till. (luMrii Jury, Out lat lut Nlglif, llrtuni .n Healed Vrrtlkt Into Ci.urC TliU Mortilag IIDI), IIIH MANAGER, TRAINER AND IIIIOTIIEH WILL DROP INTO KLAMATH FALLS AFTER Till: MANDOT MIX Hud Audorion, til manager, Dick Douutd, llruttier Fred and Trainer Mohau will vlilt Klamath Pall after flliu Audorioii-Maudot lull. Donald AllrriiiHn by Jurtire of ilio IVare Ima written a lotlor to ilila effect to Merle llouiton, manugor of tlio Klam ath Athletic club. Tlio quartet of fistic notables will arrive hero from Ia AuvkoIo on tlio 36th. They will romnln at loan I two days, renewing acquaintanceship here, where Anderson fought sovcral tlmen before Kottlttr Into tlio ganio lu California. Anderion la at tiroionl lu l.oi An- MANDAMUS SUIT FILED AGAINST CO. TREASURER COUNTY COURT H PLAINTIFF IN ACTION HTAHTER Pound guilty of aniline Ilia moat of a dUeaied cow for food, Krnuk Will liai ol Mllli nddlllou face n flno of Iron &0 to f QUO. Ha Hill bu leutelicod at 0 o'clock! rKT, n Soon aa Filed, Are Taken l l.akericw by County Judge Wor ilm ami Attorney Thomas Drake for Ilio Signature of Circuit Judge Ik'iiMin Court llouso Warrant TIkhikIiI lo lie Itaumn WOMEN'S IjVAGE CAUSES SCRAP HITTER FIGHT HARTED OX THE FLOOR OF THE PENNSYLVANIA - i LEGISLATORS WHKN MATTER COMES UP It Juillco of tho I'caco K. W. (lon. Wllllaiua la charged by J. II. 1'lorco ' f 8bl'iliiKton with lolling the meat ol a cow that died from alfalfa bloat toaHMiiplugton boarding bouae. Tea tlmony waa brought out at tbe trial rttlerdiy thai Wllllaiua bad agreed to baul the carcaia of a cow away from the Utile laco lu Mllla addi tion In return (or tlio aklu. Tbe owner of tbe HUloa dairy took the itand to teatlfy that tho cow had tki of alfalfa bloat, and alio of WlllUmi' offer. Later In the day ht laid hu saw Wllllauii hauling a rri of thu carcaia through town. , According to Klllca, Wllllaiua told Mm that ho waa taking It to Hhlp plniton to ioll for chlckeu food. WlllUmi held that he told him ho m suing to throw It In the lake. WlllUmi admlttod iklnnlng the cow, but Inilitod that ho gave part ft the carcaia to hi chlckeni, and throwing tho reil away. The meat that ho Bold In Bhlpplng ton, William hold, waa from a hclfor txlonclng to him, which he killed at dU plnro on May I. Tho Jury In the cam deliberated Uto lait night, and returned a lealed Ttrdlct, which waa opened by Juitlco Uncn thl morning, and read In court, finding William charged. Member of the Jury wore Kclci, working at Daly' camp, In .rcaratlon for tho mix with Joe Mandot. Thli takci placo at tho Ver non arena on Monday night. Ilcgardlng the chanrea of Mandot, Donald, In III letter to llouitou, ktalei that Hud will have no trouble nt nil lu (lowing away the loulhoruer. Hud I In fluo condition, ho ny. and will ba able to win over Mandot with out exerting hlmielf. If Andenon la .aucceiiful In win ning from Mandot, be will be glten a match with Wolgait, Itlver or Ultchle. Another rouud lu tho litigation concerning tho legality of tho court houie levy wu itarted today by the filing of mandamua proceeding agaluil County Treaaurer Claude Daggott. The plaintiff In tbe caae la tho Slato of Oregon ex. rol., and tbe member of tho county court. Nothing definite regarding the ac tion I known hero. The petition for tho writ waa filed with Clerk George Chaataln thla morning, and Imme diately afterward Thomaa Drake, the attorney filing tho petition recelptod for tho document, and left for Lake view with County Judge Worden to get the atgnaturo of Circuit Judge Demon, who la holding court there. liontinueu on t'ago 41 Tornado Leaves Path of Death and Misery t Following the Path of the Fatal Cy clone Easter, Twister Causes Much Damage in Nebraska United Free Serrlev IIAKKIBDURQ, Pa., May 10. A bitter fight against the piopoied law to regulate the condition and houra of labor of womom and children In I'onnaylranla by manufacturer and their representative opened here thla afternoon, when the hearing on thla bill and the bill to eeUblLh a mini mum wage coramuaie opened at in itato houio. Friend and foe of the proposed laws were here today la great number, aa these hearing are admitted by both aide to be the crucial tost put to the legislature to ahow whether that body will place Itself on record aa 'progressive" along these line. The hearing waa scheduled before the special Judiciary committee of the senate. The'womta and child labor bilk were drafted by and child labor bilk were draft ed by the legislative commit tee of the Republican state con vention, and it waa believed by many that they will be favorably acted on. Membera of the Pregreealve party. and certain avowealy progressive Democrats are strongly In favor of tho establishment of the proposed minimum wage commission. -The ma jority of the legislators, however, are thought to bo opposed to It. I Among those who advocated tbe passage of all threo measure today were Henry a. Wauon of Pittsburg, chairman of tho Republican state con vention; William Draper Lewi, dean of tho University of Pennsylvania Law school; Charles Chute of Phila delphia, secretary of tbe Pennsyl vania Chltd Labor association, and representatives of similar organisa tion in New York, Michigan, Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. CABINET WILL DISCUSS REPLY OF 60V. JOHNSON HRYAN 18 AWAY FJIOM CAMTAIi TODAY TBJC 8KWAIID, Neb., May IS. Eight guilty as I'orioni aro dead aud 17are Injured inrv wore here, and ono I dead at McCool Kred Itllchlo, O. A. Oentry, J. V, wilt, P"'"'0 rMUU of ,Mt 'hi, wniiam Whltlock, 8. K. Ogle and J. tornnao, W. Itcdflold The prosecution was conducted by C M. O'Nolll In tho'abicnco of Dl trlct Attorney John Irwin. Horace HnnnhiK npptared for William. RAMSBY'S BAND MEET W. 0. W. lWh WOODCHOPPKKH ARK MAKI.NU OHKAT PKKl'AKA. T10X8 -XR TUK KNTKKTAIN MKM'OFIIIiLICUATKH llnilllby' Flfu ami Drum rnrm has ui proiiud Into lurvlco by the mem Mr of Kwaunn cauiy, Woodmen of ("o World, for the coming district invention of tho order, to be bold wo May 81, When tho 30 or 40 delegates from 'Ugeno and cltlea further south ar "ivo, on tho evening of May SO, they will bo met by the entire local camp, Deluding tho drill team. Headed by ino tifu ami drum oort)) they wm march to the W. O. W. hall, and an informal mention will be held. Tho following day will be devoted chiefly to the business of the order. That evening, a big dance and eater- Mlmnont Wilt l lva In hnnnr of tbt deleaatM. Th. mramrmm for thla lael..-. I.' -""'T ?V . " - a nig eniecea oanquei. n membora of (ho order In the city art ukod to participate la the reception, Parade and foatlyiUea, Tho twlitor, which formed near (Jraflon, atruck McCool Junction and Howard, and continued toward Oma ha. It loit lis force as It traveled. Twenty-two houses woro destroyed, boildc numerous outbuilding. A largo corpi of local doctors aro at work. Tho authorities find them aelve nblo to copo with tho situation. OMAHA, May IS. Weather condi tions hero Inst night wero exactly like thoio Kaitor Sunday night, when this wholo section was devastated by a tornado. Hovcrat houses In tho path of the recent tornado, which wero tempor arily reconstructed, wero slightly damaged last night. Dy tho tlmo last night's twister reached tho outskirts of Omaha, It had practically no force. People were panic-stricken, however, fearing n replica of the former storm. SOLDIERS WILL BE PUT ON DUTY KNOM8II (lOVKHNMKNT FIiANH THK UBK OF MILITARY TO PRO. TKCT ifUILDIXdH FROM THE HUFFItAGKTTKH lAndon, May IB, Tho government la said to be seriously considering us ing troops to protect all tho public bulldlnas. This cornea as a result of the renewed campaign of destruction by the militant suffragettes, follow ing the defeat of the Dickinson bill by parliament. A canister, tilled with explosives, was rouna mis momma "" ground of the National Art gallery. A portion of tho fuse failed to burn, preventing an explosion. Judgo "W. S. Worden and Judge At! Thomas Drako left this forenoon In the former's auto for Lakevlew. They expect to return tomorrow or Saturday. AMBROGETWOULD BE AN AMERICAN HTONKMAHON FILES PHTTTION FOR NATURALIZATION MAL IMTK UKCLARK8 HIS INTEN TION OF UEING CITIZEN No more Italy for Tomasso Ambro gettl, local Italian stonemason. Even it the laws regarding the killing of snakes making threaU, etc., are dif ferent here than la Emmanuel's coun try, Ambrogettl want to be an Amer ican, and he haa filed hla petition for naturalisation. Declaration of his Intention to for sake Austria for tbe United States waa tiled today by Karel Kucera of Matin, Ho is a member of the Bo hemian colony la that section. BUTTS IN COURT ON A FENCE ROW NEIGHBORHOOD ROW IS BEING HEARD HEFORE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE GOWEN THMt AFT ERNOON Uaill HU Retura Free New York, Cabinet WW Make No Ceemaae m (lie Tiltgiaai Freaw GaJtfermU's Executive 61taUoa la Jaaaa Is Much Easier, According to IMs natclies From That CeuaUry WA81IINQTON, May IS. No ac tion will be taken regarding the an swer of Governor Johnson of Cali fornia to the telegram of Secretary of BUte Bryan until Bryan'a retura from Kew York tomorrow. The state de partment la extremely reticent re garding tbe matter. The Johnson telegram, aaaouadng the governor's Intention to alga the measure, will be considered at a mooting of the cabinet tomorrow. At thla time the Japanese treaty situa tion will ako be discussed. It k Intimated that bo action will be Ukea la the matter uatll aovsraor Johnson baa affixed hk signature to the aatl-allea land Mil recently passed by the California legkktare. Immediately after the bill k signed It k expected that Japan, through Viscount Sutemi- Chlada, Japaaeae ambassador extraordinary and pleni potentiary, will file a new protest. reiterating her treaty rights, and aoti tying the federal government that the enforcement of the law la Call fornla la considered an Infringement of Japan's rights. Tho administration k watching closely the events la Tokio. Ex-Mayor Guthrie of Pittsburg, who has Just been named Amerlcaa ambassador to Japan, has been urged to proceed there aa soon as possible. WHITE VISITS KLAMATH FALLS RECALL CANDIDATE FOR COUN TY JUDGE W HERB ARRANG ING his cAMPAfGNnerrnoNs TO GO OUT SOON For the purpose of arraagiag hk campaign aa recall candidate against Couaty Jndge Will 8. Wordea la the coming recall election, Frank Ira White came la thk morning from hla ranch ouUlde the city. This is the first visit Mr. Whit has paid KUmatU Fails since he was urged to make the race. He stated today tUat he does not latead to make a peuoaal campaign. Petitions for tbe aomlaatloa of White are bow being prepared. They will be soon clrcukted in the varioua precincts. FIVE OAY TIME : FOR RESI6lfi CLOSED 'TONY 4 Charged with tearing dowa a aeigh bor's fence, T. E. Butts, residing oa tho Ft. Klamath road, two mil from here. Is In tbe Justice court to day on a criminal charge. Qualf, whose land adjoins the Butts place, Is the compUlnlng witness. John Tollman waa la yesterday from bis ranch near Btukel Bridge. H. H. Qlllette Is here from Ashland for a short vklt. COMPANY AND MEN CONVENE REPRESENTATIVES OF ROTH SIDES IN SAN FRANCISCO STRIKE ARE DISCUSSING ARM TRAHY METHODS San Franckco, May 15. Represen tative ot the Pacific Gas Eleetrle company aad the striking employes ot the concern are In conference today, discussing terms for a settlemeat at tho trouble. As yet, no detalk have bean glvta out. It k believed that the pacta for an agreeable settlemeat are very bright, S3. R. Hoaley Is her tram. Merrill. Ha conducts a butoaer shea Uara, TOKIO, May IS. A semi-official statement, Issued today, aald that ne gotiations between Japan aad the United States are progreaslag in a manner that is highly satisfactory. A friendly and permanent solution of the difficulty Is expected. The government newspapers are Ig noring entirely the anti-American agitation. They blame It to irrespon sible sources. STUDYING PINE BEETLE AGAIN PARTY OF ENTOMOLOGISTS TAKK TO THE WOODS NEAR POKaV GKMA KDMONSTON Kf IN CHARGE OF THK WORK ASHLAND, Hay IS. A party of offkkl bug 'busters, headed .by Mr. Edmonston, entomologkt la charge of the local forest Insect field sta tion, have gone to Pokegama, where they will study the Insect peats la the big pine timber. Messrs. Sargent and Hofer accom panied Edmonston. GeC-Ewlag NaatlaU In the presence of a few Intimate frknds, Miss Blaacbe Ewlag beeama the bride of Edgar A. doff last sight at the Methodist Epkeeaal parson age, Rev. George H. Freeae perform ing tbe ceremony. They will reside la thk city. B. F. Nicholas k here from Bonan za, attending to business matters. He will remain several days. J. D. Donohoe k here feom Sac ramento on a buslaesa trip. Ady Makes Charges Against the Service Says Goat of the Work to the Farm ers Has Been .Greatly Inflated, and Asks Newel's Dismissal KLMCmoff OtYKJUIdl POfNTB FOR TOUM Former Cforfc Aad That Tlsar Aswan , Frees a. as. Order far A. eUeatssi Tf . - f Wfcfctaw at aha if Following tbe end ef the fWe aaf a glrea la which Ceaaty Jaagaj WW . Wordea eaaM resign1, Caaatr Otarat DeLap today koasd aa atae eaJMM for a special recall sliaMaa, ta few held June I. Nattcca thai thar am ta aerra at tbe aaUa daraajr haa eaea lag eteetlea have beea aaat at a aWi regakr slseUoa efftoiala aa avary aaa-T eiaeL' DaLaa'a araar fatlaajat -.." U ta matter .at raters and eaattfled Hiiliiaaf ah couaty. Oragoa, raean at .WUMaai aV Jadgw 9t YkmaH which aaM petKJem waa fttai la ttw y. offlea t the eaaaty dark' at KlaaaataY'--ceaaty cm the Mh day at Hay. A. aX ' "": ' . ; Aad it aayaaravtaaem aa aaaaml ' nation at the aaM aetstsea, that R la. correct aa to form, aad neatalaa at- least K par aaat 9t the aaat aar at electors who voted ta'eaM KiaatatB. couaty, state mt Oragoa, at the are-,, cedlag alaetkm far Jaatiee of taa aa- preme court, aad that there k sat forth la said pctltiea the raaaaaa far said demaad; Aad It furUer aaaaarlas that flva days have ekpssd aiaaa taa ttttac at';' said petttloa and taa rnlgastlna ( ,- the aaM Willtaai s. Waraaa aa aaak county jadce'haa aat aaaa sttaral af -, -filed; aow, taeretere, XJ. aajaajusaa of , aad ia Minrdaan wtth tha ft. U taa aaaatttatlaa al -IM state at Oragoa, I.K C. V Btfdtgv taa ' eaaaty stork ot Klamath coaaty. aaHa) t Oraaea, da aaraby araar a aBaaHl eleetloB to ba heed ea-Meaday. aha ' .- Sd day ot Jaaa, A. D. 1811,'hitwaastji if- I the hours at t o'stoek la taa I aad ? o'clock la taa aftoraooa at aaM day, ba Klamath aoaaty. prafaa, la determlae whether tha aeayla'vHl ia call the aaM officer, aald spsrtal tlaa to he goveraed by aad pursuant ta tha proviateaa at tha saam ot the sUto ot Oraaaa." ( Washington, May 15. Tha water users of the irrigation projocta oi Orland, Truckee-Carsoa and the Klamath project of Oragoa were rep resented at the hearlag aefor Sep- rotary ot the Iatertar Franklin K. I.nne 'Just heW ta dtaeaas the com plaints at tha water users against the administration at tha projects by the recUmaUea esrvlee aaaar Direc tor Newell. Heat of tha Water Users' aasoolaMoaa are opposed-to the pres ent director, aad have asked for hk dlsmkaaL Preatdeat Abel Ady ot the Klamath Water Users' astoektwa, la hk speech, made some, ot tho strongest ehargas brought out at the meettag against the management ot tbe'rec UmaUoh servlee." Ha claimed that, thanah nart of taa Klamath .project had aaaa reclaimed at the aaat at i aa acre, after tbe government had bought tbe ditches and reclaimed other land, tbe cost for the whole project had beea brought ap to 130 aa1 acre. He said tha malateaaaca of the private ditches, had aaly aaat between IS aad 59' oeate ua acre. while the goverameat aaat ram oyer, 7 esata. Ady charged that taa raetaataUoa serrtca added large sums ta taa coat ot the reakuaaUoa servka by htetti ckat mansgamsat. uaasesasary aad targe overhead ehargas. He eUed aa uaneoeasary taa kaealag at. what aa oatted tha aafervklag eaglassr taare. aad tha raaalag at a Ursa taree.la Washlagtaa; Ha aaM etRekat maa agemeat wau hladwedaad, nadirad costly by tha nee of r great deal at red tape. ". . j - tiL, ' Ady laM tha grcateat vraslatiaii (CeaTatta U pajl H BAND GETTtUG IISHArf FOLLOWDM LAST NHHaV,' R. MCHOSalN AS JOR . 1i iV With taa Btha'c disuaee away, ;a ooaaerw ta ha gagemeat darbaf th taa, Caattal aaaaaaaaaawjaai X W9999 IW m aWa assies ad aaaamaa. M hm- at- & the. WRRTwSRbbbjf , RayHJgT eaaar meBaas s Haataryaaaa. ThMawH at kat aidhta aBBaBaiaaBBafl ta aaaaaamJ aB"aapapaaj a aaaaaaaa maw m a H A PHaaaraji i..!