tir. ?3 HUl'I'LIKD BY TMM IMITKD Vntm NKWI SERVICE Hie fritting II tfalft. nvrntii Ycsr No. KliAMATH FALLS, ORKOON, WKDNKMYAY, MAY 11, IMS. ; r-f ',- v'.j'r -iiBHI ' insSBaBSBBBasjmMSPy & . A$J ", r - Irl Plans of the Battleship Pennsylvania are Missing Believed to Have Been Stolen From the Office CHARGE HE SOLD DISEASED MEAT IN SHIPPINGTON HUNK WILLIAMS IN DKFK.WJ- ANT IN CASK Allegation I Made TwU Mill Ad dition Man, liter Shinning Cuu l) lK IVuiii Alfalfa llloal, guar lioii of II to Hoarding IIoum Man) Allriitliiig Hie Trial Today EVACTUATES LINKVILLF KICK HAMMO.M), MHT TO HK MAIN IN lll'HINKMrt NKAH THK HIVKII, IH COMI.NO FUIITHKH UP TOWN Sultan Mehtntd V., Wants to Resign After 20 yuan In practically onu location, It, I, Hammond It today 1110) Ink I1I1 itock of clathliiK and fur- nUliIng to new quarter Id tlio American hotel block, where liti will Irrcl Hi Cnrc., H.I Mold a I'or-," '' lm.lnc on the IMIi. I ir, uaiumonu wbi appo'uicn posi master of I.lnkvlllo In 1893. Tlie aniuo yoar I10 started a imall store on Main street, between Center and Juniper. Hit ha occupied tlio iarno block over ilnco, but duo to tlio change In J tliu butlneiN icctlun of the city, he; recently decided to seek a new loco- tlon. Charged with selling diseased not, I'rank Williams of Mill addi tion wat arrcitcd lata ycaterday aft cruoun, and today face a Jury lu the court of Jutllco of tlio Peace (lowen. Williams, according to the com tUtbt made agalusl him, la charged llh nlllng tlio meal of a heifer lblcti died of bloat, aucl selling It to a boarding bouie in Hnippiugton. Complaint waa made by the owner of tie ettabllthtnent. According to the ilory of the prose ration, the cow belonged to tlio Htlloa (Continued on Page i) Mid Pearl Itolvln haa returned' from llerkeley, where he I attend-1 lug tint University of California. MIm, Itolvln I atudylng medlclno. (Icorgo C. Clark la hero from Al gonia,' where ho U In charge of con atructlon work for the Algoma Lum ber company. Business Houses to Close Memorial Day Nearly Every Concern in the City Has Agreed to Close Establish ment During the Forenoon l'ractlcally every business houio In ling In the parade. This will Include eclty will be cloaca from 10 o'clock'" a Army, the Women's Itcllsf mo acnooi cunurvii, nuu pmv- ' .BBBBBBBBBBBBBW anm1smaBVlaBBBflllB'BAm anmemeWSansPwameBM R iakl" ' Sri 'Jr. 3i 2aC r,JaWMaaiaay-..-ti a,(.JW Hultan Mehmcd V. of Turkey haa become ao tired of the preient situa tion In which ho flnda hi country at the conclusion of the Ualkan war that he wanta to get out. Seldom U It that a king wanU to gWa up his Job, but tha foreign complications Into which tbo Turka have been thrown aro altogether too much for the ncrvea of tbo preient ruler. Strange to say, the heir who would succeed him Is urging him to stick to tho Job. Youssouf Sin Kd dlnc, the son, who would become sul tan, has argued with the father' to hold on. In fact. It Is hinted In dis patches from Constantinople that the heir himself may refuo to tako up the burden It his fathor quits. JOHNSON WIRES HE MUST SIGN THE LAND BILL TKI.I.H HKCRKTABY BBVA.V PEO PLE WANT IT Hold That a Hrjraa'a PJmdlms tor IMay llrfore tho LegULiturt) Were I'm-Ifm, He CMMt Hol.l lUck Hie hlRnature Will Wga Ullliln Nest Twraty-foer Hour Hour Not lit-rlullrly Htated Sacramento, Mar 44. Stating that the California legislature! almost unanimously expressed the desire of tho residents of the statn for the en actment of the antl-allcu land legis lation, Qovernor Hiram Johnson to day wired Secretary of State Bryan that he fecla It to be bi duty to sign the measure. He added that he will sign It. Tho reply also took up the pies of Uryan for delay In the matter of signing the measure. Johnson stated that Uryan made this same plea to the members of the California Uftie- lature. but despite It, they took action. "In the absence of anrceatrolllng necessity to prevent It, I feel that It Is my duty to sign the bill,? said Johnson. Johnson stated that he will sign the measure within 24 hours. He did not specify tho hour. Ihp until noon on Memorial day, accord Ins to members of the committee In cniirgo of the observance. The mstn bn linvu been Interviewing the busl ntu hound, and state that many In tend to cloao their places of builnesi ill day, In addition to closing tholr storo, nrixl nf tho business n have an nounced their Intention of participate Corps tlcally every fraternal organisation lu the city. In the afternoon there will be ap propriate exercises In tha courthouse squsre. Judgo Ilenson has been asked to dellVer the principal ad dress, and, In addition to talks by prominent clllsens, there will bo vo cal, Instrumental and declamatory numbors. "Becky 9s" Will Give Last Entertainment Medford Ways and Means Commit tee of Lodge Will Give Dancing Party in I.O.O.F. Hall Friday tho Medford ways and mesns com mlttoo u( tho Ilobekau lodue will give Uiclr last "Joy time" noxt Krldny veiling In the west hall of the Odd ' 1'ellows' toraplo. On this occasion tlio Indies composing the committee will outertaln the members of the li(forent tranohea of tho fraternity, ma tholr rrlsnd, at a dancing party, end tho usual Joyful time Is assured, llidall's orchestra will furnish tin "unto for the occasion, Tho subordinate lodge meet! la the ct hall on the same evening, and n soon ns their bMoUaw meeting Is loncludod the hall will be cleared 'or tho benefit of UM who enjoy contorting for supremacy at the card tables, A nominal admission will be charted, wkteb. will be devoted to helping dofray tho expenses of the Uobekah degrco team on their Med ford trip. The membors ot tho Uobekah de gree will be valuable assistants In the campaign for tho grand lodgo tor Klamath Falls la 1815, and their ef forts are greatly appreciated by tho members of the order. Should Khun ath lodge be successful In tho efforts to secure this meeting for this city, II will bo one of the biggest boosts possible, Inasmuch as it would bring to the city upwards of a thousand delegates from ovory part of the .! and thaae delegates are the moat rourescntattve class of our cltt sens. Tholr word would nave great weight la spreading the news ot our prosperity nd opportunities, and would be a great factor la making us better known to the state at large. WILSON WILL BE APPEALEDJO NOW I'KTITION 18 TO UK A8KKD TO HKT AHIUK THK WUSBKNT IIOUNUAIUKS OF THK KIAM. ATU UlllU UK8KIIVK A petition, asking that the bound aries of tho Lower Klamath lake bird rosorvo, as established by President llooseiett, be set aside, and a new boundary eitabllsbod, Is to be sent to President Wilson by the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce. This Is to be drawn up by J. II. Darling, Robert A. Johnson, J. D. Chambers, L. R. Rob orUon and Dr. Frod Westerfeld. This method was decided upon aa (ho best method of meeting the re cent order prohibiting shooting with lu tho limits ot the preserve, even on prlvatoly owned land. This order means that there will be no lower lake shooting whatever. Wilson will bo asked to change tho boundaries so as to Include a part of the Klamath Straits, tho lower lake, and half a mllo of marsh land on either side. This will, leave ample room for the pelicans, comoranta and other birds breeding there, and will, at the samo time, provide for hunt ers who wish to shoot on the lower Klamath river. The suggestion was made by Hiss Katherlne Prehm at last night's mooting of the managers of the Chamber of Commerce. She pointed out the advantage the change In the boundary of the preserve would be in aiding homesteaders In the Okla homa district, and how It would tend toward the success ot the lower lake reclamation scheme. j. L. Beatty ot Yalnax; u a Klam ath Falls visitor. MERRILL COUPLE GRANTED LICENSE MRS. LOUIZA J. CANN TO BBCOMK THK HRIDK OF JUUVM JOsJKPH UCKN8K WAS HMVaW LAST NIGHT A marriage license ni last night to Mrs. Louisa J. Caaa aad Julius Joseph, both resident of Merrill The license was Issued upoa as affl davit seat In from Mefrlll by Justice of the Peace Otfleld. Mrs. Llody Read, ' Aprll Fool Bride BlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBBimEfcBBlBlBlBlBlBlH IbbY 9BBBSa. , j$ ta1- il BBSMsmaMfllmn tz.iS&ji" aVMsl BaVJaVJaVJavsKl ST flSvkT TuJaVJI Mrs. Lloyd Read, a very pretty girl of tbetolbson type, haa told her stor of how she became the April Fool bride of an Akron, Ohio, millionaire. She wants a divorce, aad her ease to now before Justice Oerard la the su preme court la New York, the Judge who was mentioned as a probable se lection of President Wilson for am bassador to Austria. Mrs. Read was Mum Sadie Mullen, and a show girl. 8he met Read at Akron, when she- waa traTeUag through there with a beaaty shew April 1, 1913. After a furious cross country drive la Read's big car the couple were wedded by a Pittsburg aldermaa, whom they routed out of bed early April 1. According to Miss Mullen, she sud denly awakened to realise that she was an April Fool bride. Without a moment's further reflection she left Read In his car, boarded a train and went back to her company la Akron that night. Two days later she went to New York, and told her mother of her foolishness. JOHNSON ASKS A NEW HEARING MOTION TO UK ABQUKD LATKR NKGHO WONT HUB VMMTOM HKLIEVK CASH WILI aMTAB LISH PKKCEMCNT t . HAVE BEEN GONE SINCE MARSH 4; OFFICERS WORRY I1RK CONTROL ,AiO Chicago, May H. Jack Jehi tha negro heavyweight pugilist who Wiui convicted of a violation of the white slave act yesterday, baa asked for a new trial. The argument ea this motion will be made May It. Johnion refused to see amy visit ors today. He Mas la conference with til tlnrtiMV tnr unrAral hnun Ui' Is under close surveillance. "Till verdict will go around the world," said Assistant Federal Dis trict Attorney Parkin, who conducted tho case. "It will be a forerunner ot laws to be passed throughout the country, forbidding mlscegeaatloa." The Jury In the federal dletrlet court found Johnson guilty oa all sevea of the counts under which he waa ladlcted. The Jury was out aa hoar. He Is seedfleally charged with traaeportlBC Belle Sehrelber frern Pittsburg to Chicago for lauaeral purposes. Other white girls areseid to be vlctlsss of Us big Meek. The aaaxlmam'peaaky Is Its rears' mprisonmeat aad Sl,09 One. UBVI atkSksaansf: mtsaiBaBflaBMsa a Ctas Vpm Ogsisllssis Neey 'oomntwu,',- oaYsssiler ,'L am ThatJi Mrs. Llassey O. Msessers at Ft. KUraath Is the guest ot Mrs. Will iam 8. Wordsa of this eUr. -oaaaaaaaaar-vi-niaBai aaMe for tb aMs i WASHINGTON, May 14 for the battleship Pesaeylraala aa disappeared fresi the e(t!eo C she)'' navy dsaartmeaU. Secretary Pailsls ef the aavy iie partmeeH snnesnse,d teeter that kr-t3 have evMeaUy sees) stole., -, r .x A yen of the atoas Tsntohed ea Iks J night of Marek 4. tTbs have besa take steoa that The mattec has beea kst a by the Borerassent la taikor:ef -. learalac ef the -Jlsfesitlea' -f ssart Haas, to far, tks'saersi sert4aam4j detalUd M'taaessai'aws ainkis uasarth a etas. "-', ' ! Secret servtee mesi esmsWjaajsmsajssjasj amsmAf "sFTjsTffaBVsspaF Bfl9 , .. : : M .!." r A2- sseai. it as wr 1 s .saw -,- if. i VI tCoaUaasc s. I p SISSON TRIP IS STILL IN DOUBT ALTHOUGH UUT A FEW MOM DAYS RKMAIN, JJOTMINQ Bti Fl.MTK HAS BBBN HaURD FROM THK CAUFORNIA TOWN What's tho matter with tho Blssoa ball team? Do they want Klamath Falls to play there or not? la case they do, why don't they ..send word at once? In case they don't, why don't they do the same? These, gentle reader, are a few of the queries that the baseball talent of Klamath Falls Is pelting at Itself In the hope-ot finding what's the aa- .1 . ...in m a.u swer la connection wiia auaiiaya game. 8lsson challenged some time no for a came Sunday, aad the challenge was accepted by the locals, but since then nothing mere has heard, Merrill Is anxious to have the Klamath Falls team Journey there Sunday, and this trip will be made unless' Slsson Is heard treat. t CALIFORNIA T GETS A MILLION GIFT OF SAN FRANCISCO WOMKN IS TO BE USED IN THK H8TAB LiSHMENT OF MKMCAIi RE SEARCH WORK Berkeley. Cat., May 14. The gift ot 1.000,e09 to the University of California was announced at com mencement todsy by President Ben jamin Ide Wheeler. The gift Is made by Mrs. George William Hooper of Baa, Francisco. Tho Income from the money la to be used la the establishment of aa In stitute of medleal research. STRIKERS TALK OF ARBITRATION REPRRSENTATIVBB OF THE UNION AND THE COMPANY WILL MEET THIS EVENING TO REVIEW SITUATION Booster Meeting is . Highly Success! :jr i! i. , r." t ' a Firtt Monthly Meeting of the Mem- . .. -; . ,.-' -V bera or tne luamatn cnamDtr or Commerce of Importance a-.viV. t -" l i . y i That the monthly mteUng of the membership of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce Is one of the best boost er gatherings yet devised waa proven at the Initial meeting held hut alght. The meeting was largely steaded aad matters ot great Import were dis cussed by all. Special attention was glvea at this time to the matter ot Us lower Klam ath lake bird reserve bouadary ques tion. Another matter eemlag up was the Investigation ot tho methods used la the sale of lots la Orladale addition s.t- l'" ' ' r proposed - railroad frees Falls to Baraks. CaL. vis .Yrssm. a i Mtlng of delegates ' frost :asl thv booster bodies la the towns oa tko j right ot way hss been arraamsd, aad' wlU bo held at Yroka ea Jaaa li: A'ra delegatioa ot five from here,wml a-. teas. r .; t p A letter regarding tho ntssjresnv , Uat has been mode, writtea by (, Rockwell of Us HnmboHOaasaksriv of Commerce, was read at hart alaktfs meeting. .' u A number of other matters, Inslad ,.- Ing rosd Improvemeat, eeaaiy.ssjsr. etc., that aro vital' to , Vfej v"1 la order to eoastder farther the I were discussed at the '& Crimson Glim Doused; Inmates Quit the i . CHy l ": .A, ,fv Will O. Daltoa Is ho trass tha Daltoa raach oa Tula lake. ' v. Saa Francisco, May 14. The strike ot the employes ot the FaeUiq Gas Electrical company may be settled by arbitration. ', Members of the Gas Sleetrloal Workers' union will meet this svea tag with rspreseatatlvss ot the eom pany, to Ulk over aa amleablo 'set tlement. Proepeeu tor adjnstsseat are bright. , v" -jO Chief of Police Smith and Qty ANp ney Rutenic Imtruct Oak :?Wm Denizens That Thev MttatOflr 'Klamath Falls' dlmlauUve teaser- loin Is aossoro. Following the uaeereaaoalows visit ot Chief at Peltee Smkk Jaad City Attorney RateaU, rssUsata -of the Oak street dletrlet, have'eoauseaeed a departara'ttrosi the etty.aad yes terday sfteraooa's trala for Uo.soatk bore atgsadMaay.awsy.trosa Klam ath Falls: s-, w , ' . ,J Tko siodas toBowa, avisafersass ot Mayor pWeksiss, ,jWKov f"".-!' i ; .ft .". the matter was fP!. w y f!?lWJ isafWJM by several sttliisjai af tha 'It' & ttH'UMkt la esasts mmv Pasa SBmgmwsfi sasBBBat' aamsSU flfRaQ fJKHlkfll acj si -" '