HUt'l'IilKD MY TBK UNITKI) l'HMM NKWB MIRVIOH Hie netting 1 cfato. gtvenlh Vcr No, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TV! Y, MAY IS, ltlS. ' 4EHnmmmmmmmmma 1 'tt .J.... , .. jrf .Mam j... i -i i - .wn 1 . Worden Will Not Take Advantage of Faults in the Recall Amendment; Wants to Fight at the Polls IAN TREATY WILL BE MADE WITHOUT DELAY IhKVAV AMI CIIINDA AGREE ON (IKNMIAL TERM IS BAPTISTS MEET ONE ION Vi:it A TIIOUHAM) DELEGATES HUM ALL I'AHTH UP THE HOLTH ATTEND UIQ CONCLAVE IN HT. LOUIS Chief of N. Y. Health Board ttulilugluu, May 13.- li Is bc- lliotd by udlcluu of Uio statu du- l4itratiit ilmt tlio new treaty with Ijl4n will be iiugutlatvd quickly, uml "Uulted Press Hervlce ' I Bl. IjuIh, Mo., May 13. More than IMrsd of "Grnllcmen's Agreement," it thousand delegates to tlio Southern .. ... . . ...... IlAiillit convention assonibled lioro lo ta inimMttaaeie girsancin win " " ",, ,,, .... , . t 'ilny nt Uio Third HaptUt church for a' He llrattu Up Ma U Japs Will taMk( ttion. The delegates Include ' Ulitn Permanent Hutu 1m ilm 'prominent mlnlstors, lawyers, pbysl- . . . . . . ii, 'clan and educator. The convention lulled Mutt California Irglala- . . ,, , . ,,,,,, ., i tins no judicial or legislative function, ; Uio lu Ailjuuru n every llaplltt church la absolutely lndut)vndeut. Kliturcs slionliixa ireat Jgrowtli of the church wero presented! , today. , I According to the report uiado to day, there are now moro than 2,000,- Ulh..UIU.Of lb.Nll.IH.BN.Wlll!0"0 'taa """T" " "T lu.Uflnll..! a.tll..l ullt I r..Nr,l ,-IHimww. i.hivuiim '"'"w I f MnfM raail ItV it !( mm rnttPMSAtlt Inv I .Lit Qournor Joliuaou of Callfornlal. . ., . ' .. . .,. I4(m alto the California uutl-allen,.. ." ... ... .,. ,r kin "' """ ' -- "" It ! admitted that In. time for th. United 8Utea to U.fla.iu w, bo Mi d,r throughout tUo"m,i!, b d bU -rtc" "l litlyeutllue 1U policy wilt, regard' M, to ,,,.... tOTt.n ml.alona. for.U, LUcd curo ot uapUon ! J homo ...Laloaa. th. Bandar achool. the " "'g00 ,D.CMtt U1 ! ,ar- ",r6 Uwetiry llryan and Ambaaaador' hurrll. -nd tho e.ubllahtnent of . of tloek l.B a CU'P0" ?. CUad have determined on a com- ,, ,nd recre(,Uon aaaoclatlona,11"1' U,, b0Md 0l " "U 0I N "" a.oa iround wh.roon Ihoy can meet.,n , c,iurch(t, M tt mcnn. of attract..11'' 7,",r,, m"1 ,ot. h!' Wn, n. .null will b an untnLtakable',,,, nnJ hold,M youliler mcmb.ra. 1v,e1Jc?B conducld' h" "no"n,C trwty, Imtead of th. proienl "gen- , , ,. "l 't ' ' th r''- .U.n'i arreew-nt." ..,. orlmc. waa In yesterday nnn treatment, ur. brneeiwaene. ,, . . .!.... coramueloncr ot nealtn and th. cnlei 'from lit ranch near Olene. .... ,,..,, . . t -' nt Ihn board, la hsllavM to ba laraelr . ... . . "-- ' Dimiiio, MBy'iu, ai noon io r tho leRlalalori wero atlll await- flag the call for the final adjourn- BBtaalaaaaaBlaBlaam'' 4liBBlaBVBtaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlal 8 In co Ur. Frledmann, the turtle Katr rciiroicntlna' atate llaptlil col- . .. a t.Hg gurua tuu iiutu uviuifluy nuuuiitavvu " iwff m in mn biiuiii. ivci anil idmi. Btnt. The uncompleted enrollment o bill pMioil Monday la caualng tho OUr. ........ . M itaponalblo for this position. I'nyti- V. A. Hmllu has gono to Ban i Kran- ,,. unJor hm u0 wtcned tho-a to attend to tm.lnou matters. tQ whon FrcUmain fayo h, trMt. Carl flrubb has returned to hi ranch ona ho boara hfJ ,BnotlBCod near nnan lour, nuor n iian iu mo county soat. Woodmen to Gather For Big Convention legates From as Far North at Eu gene Will be Here May 20-21. Locals Plan Amusement! Tuciday cvcnlna. May 0. will aeo ouarters. A banquet and dance will Mie inai!on of Klamath rails by the 'bo tendered thorn on the night ot the uuciioiners. Proaa EugM south 31st. ueorgo uayuen ia iu tui o io itnte Una. aanntwra of tha ' tho banauot arrangements. K'codmuit ot the World will coma to' in .t.llilon. tho local Woodmen are . -- .. . , .........., "" city on that date to attend tho wuibern Oregon district contention, Mch will be hold th. foil j wing day. Tho delegates, upon tliolr arrival n the night of tha loth, will ba mat M (he train by a big delegation from "uni, camp, th. local lodge, and !fcorled to W. .0. W. bead- .that no progress toward recovery baa been noted. In fact, the germ ot Or. Krlcdmaun Is not considered as effl 'cnclous as that of Dr. Koch, discov ered many )cara ago, and has not gono so loela. far toward curing tubercu- planning trips up tho lako and through tho Merrill country for tho visitors, and they will tako this up with the Chamber of Commerce to night. It Is estimated that there will bo 40 members ot the lodge here from other cities, and their visit here la to bo made as pleasant as possible. issing Butts Boy Working at Ranch &d Ha Been Employed on Neubert Place in Swan Lake Valley Ever Since He Left Hit Home I Oeorge Uutta, !b U-year-old go rjr and Mrs, T. O. Butts, who has fT missing since April 8S, has been "tklllk- on tha NUulint. Bah r pee ho left Vosse, Word waa re- HlVed nora Vaaaw in Ida affaltt that ho waa ssaa at that raneb Pat- May, and this HMon(lrse4 Utsr Tlio younaata and a ta,t iraaa ikla R bavo bee working nt the Nm- n piace, whteh U four siUea Mrth of Swan Luke, for tbrea weeks. It was through the other boy, who came In Sunday to visit his parents, that tho officers learned the whereabouta ot young Dutts. Although the boy left his home, 'two miles from here, on the Ft. Klamath road In April, the sheriffs otflee here was not notified ot his disappearance until Saturday. A search was Immediately started by Sheriff Lew, GLEAN-UP DAY ENRICHES THE MUNICIPALITY UKHVVn IN CstAmtNO or faVaMaV 1 t to the Rest a- rwiovM Hettlng Aside th. uVatts UiftMsgli llrtwdhmg the HtreeU a4 Yards Made Mere Hlgtitly, tte tsBKotcment It Caused to Cttjr Pas Is Worth More Than Coat i There need be ns fear on the part ot members ot the city council that the taxpayers will object to tho cost to tho city of the recent clean up,' according to expressions beard on the streets today. One prominent cltlien waa beard to remark that "It Is worth more than n few hundred dollars to know that wo have n clean city; one that we will not be ashamed to show to visitors." This follows the complaint nude by Prod Melbase that the city was Imposed on by cWnup 4an and hla hint that the establishment ot an an nual cleanup day was a bad prece dent. Melbase held that tho people were disposed to leave the matter to the city all the time, and have the cleaning up done at the expense of the municipality. In addition to the unquestioned boneflt ot a clean, sanitary city, the cloanup" resulted In the Improve ment of the city to a greater value than IU entire cost. About halt ot Mock 88, which Is owned by tho city, has been converted front n marsh hole Into good, solid real property. All of the rubbish obtained from "cleanup" day, waa used m filling on this property, and the same, after re ceiving n top dressing ot street weep ings and earth, makes n valuable piece ot real estate. As the result ot the anisssn ot Ue city In filling block 18. It la probable Governor Calls Senator a Liar SBmlsaSBSaKsa nSBSBSBSail BHgmalHgPV Wipigi gaaBaBaBaBmaBWl S ft-L ttsaBakaiaBV&M IxBHgaHBBn JSSaamawXS7i A " agafl -SafaBmaFk ? . ' ' afami BaVaBaBaBaV'.em ' - '''.SBaBmfl SaSagaYaW atAT ' '." gaVaH S.lalalaVs.gaLl -.dSgmH SaBaBaBaPalgafaaBaBaBaH SaBaBBaV afaBn .aJmaBaBaBBaH aBmaW gW V .aSmaBmaBmaBn fiery Oovsruor I'AMKU THIAXGf.E GOE8 TO EUROPE New York, May IS. The entire membership of St. Patrick's chapter, No. 14S, Koyal Arch Masons, ot To ronto, Canada, left here today for Kuropc, carrying with them tho fa mous "traveling triangle," wnicn h being sent on a Journey to the Royal Arch Jurisdictions of tho world. The arch Is a magnificent piece, of solid gold. It will inako a ceremonial appearance at every Itoyal Arch Jur isdiction in Kurope, ana wm oo re-j Kd Ak,B who WM injured by n turuod to Toronto, Canada, with elab-.,aUlB 0 ,t tne Doak.raneh, last orato ceremonies. weak. la here to receive treatment from Dr. Hamilton. Akln'o nm waa Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ellott are tnibroken. and he was badly bruised, from their ranch noar tho (Jap. 'but he Is recovsring nicety. SVest Virginia has gono so far In de- finding hla state afalnat-the attack of Senator Kern and others who want au Investigation of labor conditions among the miner there that he has ended the leader of the majority in tl.e the United Mates senate n Unr. Senator Kern has n resolution be fore the upper chamber for an lavesil gutlon. Ue believes that what con st I lutes peonage exists In some ot the minim; districts ot the atate. 'I vlsu to state that Senator Kern's charge la a fabrication out of whole cloth," said the governor, "lie said ono newspaper man was ejected from tho trial of 'Mother' Jpnes. This la n willful and deliberate lie on the part of those who Informed the senator." FURTHER STREET WORK IS WANTED EIGHTH AND NINTal JMaMDCNTS WANT CHCl ROCK lXPKOVamaVirT IsaUJI WANTS WANTLANB CHOMOM A petition for the Improvement of Eighth street, front Main to Mlgm; from Eighth street to Ninth; Ntnth from High to Prospect, end Upfcnsa from White avenue to DeUa, presented at last night's meeting, signed by property owners affected by the Improvement. The petition asks for the Improve ment of the street by grading and the laying of cruised rock and oil. Wlie.i this la completed It will form first-class route to tho business pait of the city from the Shipplngton rocd. The council expressed Itself unani mously In favor of having the South ern Pacific establish n crossing where Want bad avenue Joins tho county road. This will give tho Mills addi tion people n direst entrance Into tho business port of town. . IF DEFEATED SAYS HEW " . "U l i - T OFME , I OU RHMONAMON WJIX IHiMPr ,.r-v -if , RBOAXX CAUfMMai ' ;-' - . mM ... . yMi - , . 'ih .1 ti r t WHt Ho for tsw Best Isskaesd. of -taw Ceemty. no Is WM PM m SMI ta sho LasMMsalBsT. OsjSBWVMsjBfr, . . . this Worden County Judge Will morning definitely i would not take advanusm ad the toon nleal fnulta U.I and protest the betels of tb Uen en June S. brought te benr to i (legal step, to prevent Csemty fssek; DeLnp fresa pnttins Uoii the eapeneo of slssUnm, bvtis. s elded aectsj tnho ndvsjade. of tkm Visits Navy Ti United Press SerrSeo Washington. May !. SeereUry of the Navy Daniels returned, here tedey after n tour of inspsetlen of navy yards in tho south. It was announced nt the navy department today thai Secretary Daniels jrlll shortly make n statement regarding Ue advJeabHBr of reducing the number of navy yards. 8os to Through Attorney Charles F. Stone, the American Bank It Trust company, this afternoon, filed suit usetiltiatP IT T. ITAtiWIne a smaAimp -a - t- "" vamigfni w a-rw- mat to. par ..-. - '11,700. due on two notes, and 1180 Similar lpa luwaru iHfniat , filling IU property which adjoins Ue city block. This entire tract could be gradually tilled and built up until In a few years Klamath Falls would have excellent and valuable park grounds with very little east. attorney fees. T. M. Heller Is. here from Manila. P. I., visiting Prof, and Mrs. W. B. Faught. Mr. Seller has Just re signed from the United SUtes depart ment ot education, and may purchase a farm In thla county. County Commissioner Quy Merrill left Mondsy for Macdosl and San Pranctsco. He will be away several days. ' TONIGHT'S MEETING IMPORTANT TO ALL LONER LAKE HUNTING BETS JMNiNG TONIGHT HTORTSMKN AND BUSINESS MEN INCENSED OVER ORDER PRO HIIIITINO SHOOTING ON FBI VATK TRACTS Whether or not the government has acted without reason in closing the lands In the Lower Klamath Uke reserve to hunters will be discussed to some length at tonight's meeting of tho Klamath Chamber of com merce, and some form ot memorial may bo prepared on the matter. In addition to ordering the publto lands to hunting, the ruling ssnt here by Agent V. Alva Lewis ot the bio logical survey closes even tho private lands. This preveaU a mam In that part ot the county front shooting itucka and ceese even on his own premises. GRATER UKE TRAFFIC FROM THJ CITY NEXT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WITdb TALK OF THE POSSDHLITY OF GETTING AN AUTO STAGE L1NH Now that the Southern PaeUto baa granted a through rate front San Francisco to Crater lake via Klamath Falls, la the service to be hampered by the lack ot a sUge line treat Klnmath Falls to the lake? Thla to a matter to be threshed out at tho Chamber ot Commerce. The Crater Lake company, which owns the stage concession (tat the park, last year failed ,to rum amy auto sUge to Klamath Falls, Instead, making connections wRk hledford alone. At present, mt, urwnjem manager ot Ue company.. seek a Orator lake routing via Meilerd. OHNAIE'S PUOUCITY MAY IE GIVEN STNY PROPERTY IS FOUR MILBS FBOM TUB CITY NO LOTS ABB OF FERED FOR SALH IN KLAMATH FALLS A New Bey Dr. Hamilton reports Ue birth ot an eight-pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Royce. The Ud put In an ap pearance Monday night. law's fanM. ' "- .., jfc, tin tbeeeewdeV l ,- result of the aettvtty of sosm of ms eeks."'seJd Jud We4ev"l)at I fr believe that It will bo for tho beet Js terests of Ue eeeaty as the) kskf nut to hold aa sleetlen. ,tf I'na cessful at Ue potts there wttt ably be aa end of tkto wjg4aans. If I am defeated I shell suecesser will bo to law." Attorneys differ as to Ue of a successor of Ue oenaty eenrt hi iContlBMed en fasje 4) '21 Says Bank Secured. Signature Falsely i f r. : MIm Henrietta' Maaon Filet Croaa Complaint in Action of the First Trust and Sayings Bank Co. v xf Alleging that her signature to Ue note Involved waa annexed by mis take, Mrs. HenrletU Musea has filed a crose-blU la equity s gainst tho American Bank Trust eeaspaay. Mrs. Mssoa and her husband are de tendanU in a suit for Ue ooHoottoa of a 14.500 note, tiled by Ue First Trust ft Savings bank. In Ue cross complaint, tiled today by Mrs. Mason, Urough KuykeadaU ft Ferguson, she states that, to secure the note, made out to her he gave a mortgage on sosm awainp land, and Uat sho went to the liamf to alga the mortgage oa her dowry Interest; K She sUtes Uat whoa aft tho mortgage, Ue orftslam bank also handed nor the sign, and sho, Uroaftt signed It. Mrs. Maoea i the note surrendered, aad w i . .-,-1 - A .-At,. mrv atrwrnait una "fc'r aj ".? v Jr M fttse li aav. Sanitation Was One Of Topics of Last Night l Mj 1 "i.. - Just what claims Ue Oregon In land Development company makes Orindate-addition, four miles from here on Ue Pelican baywagon road, ulll be ono ot the nutters for con sideration at tonight's meeting ot the members end directors ot Ue Cham ber of Commerce. The property to said to be selling at from MOO to, 1150, a lot, and there have been numerous purchasers la Portland, Tacoma, and la Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, aa4oUer middle western sUtes, floae. ot Ue property wait ever offered tor sale la tkto neighborhood, , .' . Cleanup Day,. Better Sewigeff Mfis ance Ordinance ewd OOiff Jto- mmm?M Now that tho eRy'aaa expended money to clean up Ue elty, It h up to Ue resldeatoot KUmaU Fails to keep their preastosa tree front rubbish and trash, orbo forced U do so. This waa the soaUiiat expressed' by iUis LaluM nf k aaumall laa a4a ;j it Is pUnn to provide' la; the aal saaee ojdlnaaee!eaaptof as'to'the keeping of yarda ajseri tot a altat i - i ' t'. 7 . eltr, underrtao up tho part at taa owner or NmaVJBBNVem JJnT VJawaT Bareai)BsjX yBBPi T tor a mow aujsaaao emr i crsjUe prsvtolaai seetssl ia tot heoJtaaf stake. Tkei .-r- : i . J-W f " A ..'