Huri'MKD by thk VNITKU l'KKM NKWB SERVICE Pe ttrnina ftefaUi. f .:,S '.IMS mit r i - j "rf,"!,". ' ..'i t7 nKNTdHB.HwML MHr' j wa i.."1 w-1 "- Fv jyj J2L v r- Jt V "v.'-' j gttrnd) Vci No- ' KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON, MONDAY, MAY IB, lvlg. s ill - . tf vw BBV jkgi pedal Recall Election is to Be Held on June 2nd; ! ISON LOOKS FOR AMICABLE EARLY Question of Legality is Causing Much Diseusili;! AUA Tinr vnAiinifA -ii I " TT I Ji- r " - ... .. .?? , rv .-.,? ; ' ENDING TIRE TROUBLES PREVENT GAME LOCAL NINK UNAIILK TO OCT TO MKItltll.L SUNDAY NEXT HUN. DAY THE TEAM K.lKCTri TO I'MY AT HIHMON. Dr. Carver to Help Make harmers Joy WPMINH WITHHOLIHNU OV SAV- A.VKMK I'ROTKHT Ktponted blowouts to their automo- Intrrtlrir With UaRril Vn P"0 dnliiye.1 the Klamath Falls team ' M.ff f..rrr.N.H.IeM, Ku-cutlvo R.' lo" "'" afternoon that they worn unable to get to Merrill In time to iIy the game uchedulcd. Instead, fr l Tuurh VpuN tlie Jriln j o( .lurillllm for the JapancMi Mbr All Will Ho Hrtllnl hjr'or In the nouon, they will meet Ouy Merrill' Colli 1a. )liiMiiry llrfora Lang lljr John K. Nevln. (I'otttil I'rc Correspondent.) Wufalngton, May 12. In discuss- Hue the Csllfornl antl-allcn land law tltoatlon, I'rraldont Wilton thla aft raoon atalod that the negotiations Utntn (lie United State and Japan r mutt friendly. II tiiUlnnd tho withholding trap publication the language of Japan' ftolrtt Klnt toe measure waa In- jlr4 iolty by a dealro for conceal- Bt&t Japan, ha dated, dnlrcd frank- ttiH In handling the matter, and Icoold not ripret herelt freely la Icoamanli-Atlona If they were to be lm- Iaw4lttly publlthed. "I am willing to publUh tho pro- llMt of Japan It llaron Chlnda, the iJipintto ambaMador, deatre It," aald the prnldnnt, Wllion itatcd that ha expccU little dllflruliy In reconciling everything In coBDcctlon with the radical leglala Hon. Ilu hold that tha clauin In (he iL'onutiuvu no I'ava 4) Hunday, the player eilect to Jour ney lo rflHon. They hnvo been chat li'iilted by the Bliaon team, which ha an open date on tho 18th. The team will practice a much a poialble thl week. SLEUTH TO BE TRIED MAY 26 IIKTKCriVH ACCCHKO OK CIRAKT. INO BY HUNCOMAM KKTKRM A I'LKA OV NOT GUILTY WHKS AKKAMNKO j ,gfpUgf jagtgtggBir'.V gfc ggagaLHgK ' LLat gglglBtkiL U i nmgrrMm i:kMj ggggftik'1 ' gggggggggggWf gllllllllllllllllllm. aLrglllllllSI gggggggggggW- .. fgggga LgtaCSawV aBalgBI ggggggggggjtWI lgaHgagagKPIj JrHgagT Bigggif! JSHEEP INCREASE IS BUI SU BlrJ BaBBBBBMMHB LAST YKAB IT WAS I PER CKNT AND THM YKAB ITM M PKR CKNT .M HBAB WEAK TVLK LAKE t-OR MWAtMNQ Ran FrancUco, May IS. Prank lola, one of tha detecUvea accuaed of accepting money from bunco men, wait arraigned before Judge Trabucco today. Ho entered a plea of not guil ty Kiola'a trial haa ben aet for May 20, Progressive G. 0. P. For Reorganization MMaa- m awtf' Republican National Committee Will be Requested to Call a Special Convention for This Purpose Chicago, May II, (n order to feet ncomploto reorganliatlon. "lengthen tho Itepubttcan party and' ll n, ' Plnod to tako up at that tln the progrelo and aUndnat ,l,"c tho ,conmoDdln ot tt chn ,n lemi.nt i- . ... - .. . app'Ttionmeni to tno aureront aiatr, -menu together for the good ' yUw0 rcUucnf th, prta. "' 'o party, the Republican national lll(un fr0m the Democratic aoutn. oiimltteo haa been aakad to call o. Ctrnnetr oonoied to tho convention 'I'rrlnl national convention. Tha ro- U Hoiiator Ilorah of Idaho. The (lem '!'"' wn milot today 'a conferonco'Mfctft leglilator foara It I merely a ' I'MitrcMlve Hepubllcan leaden. 'plot or the reactlonarlea to get control flio purpoao of tha convention, nc-of and dominate tho llopubllcau "r'"" t0 Bcnator Cummin, la to ef- party. Marketing, aoclat welfare, and other matter connected with the Ufa of farmer aro to be looked afi poclally by a new bureau ot tha de partment of agriculture In Waahlng- ton, and Dr. Thomaa Nixon Carver of Harvard unlveralty la to have charge ofU. Dr. Carver la a political econo nift of note, and haa taught that aub Ject In aeveral large unlveraltlea be- ildea Harvard. He had dlacuued the aubject vllh tho new iccretary of agriculture a number of congrcumen. They be- Ilovo that aomeihlng can be dona to how tho average farmer how he can icll hla produco to better advantage, and how he and hla family may be lei lonely on tho farm. While a lot ot people think that they cannot learn much on a practical aubject from a profeuor of political economy, the Waihlngton administration la going to make the effort to convince them they are wrong. I. D. ApplegaU raturwd Saturday from tho Lava Bed century, where ho has been looking afuV hla ahaep during the lambing aeaaoii. Accord ing to Mr. ApplegaU, the Increase thla year la not aa grant ujt waa but. Tho Increase will ram about 80 per ccnt, wbllo last year It tteraged 100 I per cent. The feed la not very good yet on account of the late season, aa the graas did not get aa early a aUrt aa usual. Mr. Applegate baa laarcd grating lands from the Weyerhauscr company at Spencer and Clover Creek, and will move hla bnada there aa soon aa the shearing la ever. He expect te begin shearing nboit tha 20th of thla month If tho weather will permit. About 9,000 head of aheep will be sheared In the Tula lake country Ubi year. WOMEN SWEAR 4 IF THEY VOTE HSTfMATKD THAT TRBRE ARK J.SM IN TMK COUNTY KLMtBLX TO VOTE. AT RRCALL THIN POLLINa MAY S. tiont Gus A. Krause left Saaday after noon for Belolt, Ww., to vUlt hla f renU, and IncldenUMr to wed young lady who baa be waiting for him for four years, kranaa baa been Every woman in Klamath eonnty dealrlng to vote nt tha special recall election will be compelled to swear her vote In, aa there are no women voters on the county registration books at the present time, and the books will' not be again opened until June 3, when tha new reglstraUm law goea Into effect. Thla la on tha presumption that the tecall election 'will be held on Jane 3, aa now contemplated. It to estimated that there are at least 1,500 womeu gaalftM to vote la the county, aad If a large majority of them take advantage of their privi lege, it wlU be a bnsy etoetlem day. It takea six freeaoldera to alga a peti tion before a notary paMIc before aa elector not registered la entitled to vote. A separata petition ha to be made aut for ovary volar met regto- Mrs. N. D. Qlaabach eaaw ta Miss MmcKiriney Kindergarten Head JT,r l! smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmll!1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammlh !amamamamamamamamamamamamamama saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamT ' sannnnnxenaV Fejr OE LAP WILL CALL electien: IS ASKED connected with local banking hoasea or the past two years, aad la popalar h the young people of tha aRjr. Chlloanta 8trday ta do aeasa ahoa atag. She to tho wife of oaa of the attachaa of the,Indtaa,eervtea oa tha Ktomath raaarraMoa, I. W. Harkiaa ot Merrill visitor ta tho coaatraeat waa a GalM to Meet The Q race Episcopal guild will moot at the home of Mrs. K. J. Stew art tomorrow at s p. m. All tho members are urged to be present, aa Important business la to coma up. Frank llorxog, a welt-known Stokl- you county resident, came In from Weed Sunday night for a ahort visit. K. J, fl rant, general manager of tho Algoma Lumber company's plant, la Jitro on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adama"aad son, Martin, returned to Merrill Sun day after a visit of aeveral days In the county soat. Dr. C. W. Evan and wife came In from Modesto Sunday to vlitt tho for mer' aon, Sam Evan. Missing Boy is Said to be at Swan Lake Ranch Now e Father of Eleven-year Old George Butts Leaves oh Horseback For tho Ranch Where His Son is Re- DOf ted to Have Spent Last Saturday Afternoon Ueorge Dutta, tho 11-year-old boy Wll tin been nlulif aurlv ! wk, la believed to bo In the ylcbtty of 9an Lai,,, - Vord waa brought to tho office ot jV'erlff Low today, to tho offott that youngator waa at tho Noabort ranch Saturday, The Naubart raaeh la at Two Mile. ' aottlement to about tour atltoo north of Swan Lake. T. H. DutU, fathor of the missing boy, was notified by Sheriff Low. H loft Immediately, on horseback for too fo'vubert ranch. The parent came Into town early to cc nul( with Low aa to plana for mak ing a search for the boy. The youngster, who haa beea mlsa lug since April II, haa resided with his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. T. 8. Butts, two miles from Klamath FalU oa tue Fort Klamath road. According to Ills parents, he left homo at boob oa tho 83d to collect money duo him from a nolglibor, and haa sot been aoea since. Although It baa been nearly three vi'ceka alnoo tha lad loft homo, tha au thorities were not notified ot hto dis appearance until Sfturday moralac. Military Band Will Be Reorganized at Meeting Election of Officers and Outlining of Concert Season Will be Among the Features Wednesday Eve Reorganisation of tho Klamath oMcers will ho elected for the ensuing FalU Military band for tho aeaaoa'a term. At thla time they will atoo do work will come up for aAvoatloa at a cW ut?a, B d'5?ctor , .. , ... . .. . , . Following thla meeting, It to the In- meeting ot the mu.lclaaa ot tho city tentlo . -,., , . hoW .. tomorrow evening. The saooUag will nractlcea. Thera are a number' ot aae- be held at the band ball, la tho roar clal 'event thla. year, at which the ot the Palm cigar atore; aaa) all who preeence of the band will bo desired, aro not at present member ot the and there will atoo bo given a eerie organisation are Invited to attend. ot concerta In tho courthouse equare At tho eemlng meetlac.a.eoraa ot during the summer months. Kinds of A dvenising Upon embarking la bualaaasa tho first problem that faeea tho merchant la how to gfr'oaatoanara. He atarta out after business. That to advertising, Mo poreally solicit trade, or adopta some other mean of advertklag hto buslnee. But one thing to'eortala, If aay business Is evoir.' built up It to built up through tho medium ot advertising. Every buataoas man must admit this, or why not' start a business under grouad aad the proprietor alt dowa waRlag for trade to come to blast A wall-kept' atore in a good toaaUoa, stocked with good goods at reasonable prices, to aa advertiasmeat. A merchant cannot bide hto light under n bushel aad'be a aueeeaa. Me must advertise. ' There are varloua waya ot advertlalng, and tor tho aako ot. oaa venlence, and In tho order ot their Importance, we give thoaa here: First Personal Advertlalng Where thla moreaaat oraoaaHy ao llclU business. ',.'" w" "'" Second Personal Leter Advertlalng Whero, tho , m'erehaai wrttea personal lettera to atlmuUta bualaeaa." 1;i ', Third Newspaper Advertlanag Where, through the aowopaper, the merchant glvea buslaeaa news aachweeh'to thouaaad. i. Fourth Circular aad Other Advertteiag -Where, through - clreu-, lara, bills, bill boarda aad aU other mean of publlelty.v effort to made to Influence the tradtag publle.. ' ""'" There la no denying tho advaatage to a merchant la pirsoaally so liciting bualneas, either vlaltlag prospective customers peraoaally, or, writing them personal 'totters. Th'aaa aro very of f ee'tlvo" ways of ad vertising, and, at the aasMUane vary expenaivo "ways of advertlslag ,r Newapaper advertising to tha Beat bait mean ot advertlalng, and price consiaaroa.u u affarvtae beet advertising (C(wrlgM;ili W Geo. h! Patterioa;) t "-,- ,'j. ' l -, Mtoa Mabel A. MacXlnney haa juet retired aa president-ot tho Iatemaa- ttoail Kladergartoa union, which hotd IU annual meeting la WaaaJagtom. Uader her admlatotratloa for saw aaat two yoara tho orgaatoaUooi haa growa greatly, and aha toft the. chief offleo with the aalea la a flonrtohlag eoadl Uoa. ' During tho meetlag ah preaid ed wHh the dlgnJty.of a preeldeat of tho UaKed State aeaato; aad farltaw saeatarlaaa la Waahlngtoa whor they are afeattral-rosaarhod that aha was aao of tho boot praatdtag offtoora they imdkaowa. I i. Mtoa MaeKteaay to a graduato of the Chicago Kladergartea " eoUego. now the National Kladergartea col lege, and at thto time ah 'to nupar vtoor of tho Brooklyn Free Klader gartea aoclety, aa unofficial organisa tion which baa done much to promote the interest of kladergartea work la connection with tho pubtk aeheel sys tem. i;fft:mt';:--M rpV' gggggV '' sjVSE - tlllfr i ".? '"WM ,., c-, c."t. ,., ., !9S Minu'SLii- winami' : ""' , -" IS r-' T. - -T tT-l MV J. .T t! t..M I JJBI I'fovtoteas efths OreajanC. Maaoa;aw -! 1 to ta Retail luslia Asw aaaaWV; ": vrhat Vagmo M,a) aamW's fta. "; -, . . ftiag ihi rtnVad sfa-ssiagiaj ahj '" ct-M M Ia Nr Cto to slko "' MveaawOowt. . ' " '"'-- - it Ml-.. " I" . 1 ,, WORMCN WMX MOV ", -. i-,-.' ? The aaoeial etootlea, to.TOto oa tao reeall of Couaty Judg W.B. Wotetos -will proaabtf WhaM'JsW.I,Va)Ooaov'' Inc., to .a sfUea4tn4o.teW t County Clerk DeLag. tie aa tho daty of ta to call a recoil to too taWooaatyeiork at a too Jaoi-' Howavar.Baiat aad bat" fight H oat la tao Mario ht taw Jadga Woraoa'atataa that a wdR 0 notaJag to delay or aM ay i what to) am. that swam aam MaW RISK HOME IS STONED BY SUFFS MovsK of nnnMiMn or MOUSE OF COMMONS WMO OP POSED THE DICKINSON BILL IB PtaTHD BY MILITANTS laaoBS ha) ,.( 'H .i "' Tha rceaaiameadmaat to tho atltaUoa waa prensssd hg tho by InttlaUre pettttoa, aad by a majority of tha oa at th general. 1, mi. and took oBoet Jaaa BS procUmatloa of. tho Tho ameadmaafy "Suck addKtoaal aid tho operation of SHALL bo provided by tho assembly,' taetadiag provtotoa for meat by the pubUc traary af tao reasoaahlo speetol slsstloa expeasea of aaeh otReer.""1 No naaaaaM km mmsr by tho. Icgtolataro yattaac that hav i'asstao) ray a, Dublin, May II. Aa a preUat against hto opposition to vote for women, suffragettea, thto mornlag. atoned the homo of Joha Dittoa, a Natloaattot meataor ot narltomeat. Every window waa brokoaju ''' ' Dlllea opposed tho Dtoklaoea saoa-. aro In tho hoaoa ot "eomasoaa last weak. nor la which K ahatt ho tboriaiag tsw.paymoat of tao ofaaehelaeHta. ":.,u"'.- Bosao ot tho Ue city havo oapreaasd tho' thai tho racaM aaioadawat'of tha atltaUoa to aet aelfeaaettag, ama ttat It would take aa act of aaaka tt aa. It to there to ao provtoloa paymeat ot the' capon 'of tha) ttoa, and that aay toaaayor vfaafcl Is) jusurted jn proUtthng-.a drawn fer.that yaryoaa.; ta other awa was sleetod It would tako, a suarosao' : ' ,0oaxla-.c 'ray IT f tholagaiia. i slataissfihaA - OMitJI - 3 V .i Thousands is,.-F;,W (kweniorSItt 7 " ,"9 4 " i- v iSz- : tf !- t' Hf California Executive Beged WHt TittirBmin Tslsrtrskin Tinnlrki'lgBa1 . "wt. -t t Trrm r ? ? wah . . mm to Sli Und Meaaaro '-? ?& X .! !- t'Cj ;-i. !.. : : :r:, !.' '?' . ''',, J rifi, -v T . f s -"m.- I .,'!, . , Saorajaaato. May II. Wall Ow-aHato BnMsv, aaor, maraxa. jonana; at .aosatag. t anaaattr, tho aaaaxiacaf hto alaaatar to tha irhaa aa wttt aaU-aUca laad bttl th todh totatura, kto aoNooto hoong flMlilhy thousand M Htter: aad aaaiag atarto bmsm tha attl 'a'anyvu- wwtotiM .majority of UMiottoya Ohtaaa. at era from CaMotato, Uboro art aovoral gwor : to huarM cvaca CJtralaaa ta oaabbra Jeaaaoa f te. - isss.uaanimuuay argo ta vowigft"etoad,pat aad atsa th R to Lata too aanat: fkiTasaiar Jcaaaaa. m akgaAgaoagaAt a -ujauajaaaaaaaV Aaaaaaa aaaasjuAaagagst Aaat srSakaaaaaMaana ' . v; - S. &' TttsjTiJjh c.?t:,t , vi 'Lr ,! (i.Vjf .-':i" A