HVITLIKU HV THK UlTKO 1'HKM NKWft SERVICE Ik umia 1 tUb. frulli Ymii No. KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, SATURDAY, MAY 10, JtlS ; 7 ,'.jL, nf "rV ' vf X XS T ' r ft ' even Year Old Boy Missing From Home Since: April 23rd; Sheriffs Office Has Just Been Notified .K CHINOA CONFERENCE IS HELD IN OFFICE bWWTOOO JAP PROTEST IM TIICHUIUECT JORDAN ACCUSED SUFF BOMBS ARE FOUND BY "BOBS"! BY COMMITTEE uiiliitf U Urtiim ot Wilton From Moeat Vi-niun, Hccrrtary of Slate Will IHcii Earlier Coafcrrare. , I MHTHKIt ONE EXPLODED ROTH ' WERE 1'I.A.NTCII IN PROMINENT PI.ACKM, AMI WERE MAIK 11' EXPERTS INVESTIGATING limiMMKM) THAT ATTORNEY GENERAL TAKE ACTION United Press Service I.ONHON, May 10 TwosuffregettuL , . u. ..... ',..., . , , , ,, ..!. .. i. inniTwij wi ra.m lauiiin niav iu uaa luiium nng iimuii uj iiiv i'uiiih uiibj linuriiliiK. Nclllier liu eaploded. One vtiu planted at tlio Heading liui.titfftr. IIim nltinr In Itm l.lvjtrrmnl Ak.llo A.IJu.tmeeH Stem a tVr- rj,W)iy .,BtIon, Tlll)y Horo ovdntly lately Acoinllag to mwrlaia All Vf u llrjan ilttd Press Bervlce IWASIIINOTON, May 10 Hecretary i L State llryiui and llaron Olilnda, the antic envoy eitraordlnary, held a icooiultntloii In the forinera office , at which the California sltua- i can up for consideration. They tn clottled for nearly tin hour. firyan will this aftornoon confer lib Wluon upon tho latter a re- i from a trip to Mount Vernon, tho ab cf Washington. Thla evening III gln confer with the Jap- tuuilii by an export. IDAHO'S AND llti-n Itwnn an Injunlkr, and Hay lln Will Welcome a Complete Legal liumllgatlun ltrKirt .Says More Ttian f.1,700 Waa Diverted From Urn HUto Treasury BILL IN FORCE GEM STATE IK THE LATEST TO RADICAL CHANGE IN TARIFF BILL BEING DISCUSSED GIVES IMMENSE POWBK TO THK TREASURY DBFARTMENT Wllaoti Said lo Approve Proposed Anx-mlmrat By It, Secretary of Trraaury Can Fl Standard of Value for Aaaeaaatcat of Putirs, Ir respective of MarkH FlertuUJoM Here and Abroad Woods to Corner European Pictures United Prow Senrlca WA8HINOTON, May 10 A radical United I'rciio Horvlro 8ACHAMKNTO, May 10 SecroUry of Ktntu Jnrilnn ! arnlttv nt mmtmnm. anco of omcc, according to tho report ndment to tho pretent Uriff r londcrcd to tho Itglila'turo today by 'llon muaiuro haa Juat been proposed Mora Mi departuro Trcaldent Wll- branded aa baaoleat the report at be liu planned a apectal cabinet m(Ib( to consider further the Jap kM iltuatlon. Ilryan ha told the prealdont that amicable adjuitraeut of the dim tho apeclal committed appointed to lliirc-itlgato tho charges agalnat the I of!) cor. Tho report atatca that Mri. llrowor TAKK ACTION ON THK OWNF.H-Jaecurcd In ilxteen monthi, moro than NIIIF OF I'KOFLK LANIM'HV FOHKION Unltod l'reaa flanrlce IIOIBK, Idaho, May 10. After to dar there will be no restriction to ownerihlp of Idaho land by allena. Ilio action of the recent legislature repealing all lawa restricting ownor ahlp of land In the atate by allena went Into effect today. Tho leglila- eltr iremi rnrlnln. ao Ilia latter la. .... .,.-.... . - I ..... !. I left wholly In tho secretary' honda.-turo' action wa baaed on tna ocnei n i. .......m...i ,i.., ,i.. ..inini.i,.. Hint tho former lawa restricting aliens Ion will on Monday publish tho form ha had tho effect of keeping thou- Mho Jspancao protest, and tho gov and of dollars or foreign capuai oui rnnienl'a reply. of tho tato. est to Bring Suit Against the Telegram Szecutivet9 Attorneys Busy Prepar ing Papers. Complaint Will be Filed in the Next Few Days 8AI.KM, May 10.- Qovernor West, "funds "havo been dlsslpatod and that ktttlDK tlrod of attack! made upon Idovornor West Is responsible thore- l by the Kvcnlng Telegram of Port- W " " -l el'"gcd tho governor M. l bring an action for crlra- suanuereu .... ... . .----. al libel agolnst that paper, his at Proneya being now busy preparing the PPra lu tho caaav T,be BJattora al- sv io ) iivtioua km statements l-iawt. I., ll. . M - . ifM.av .a " hi mo leiegrtj laat ina prison In an artlclo published March 25 tho nmcrtlon was made that tho 'state could rocovcr funds from Oovornor West through a civil action, and thatj $6,700, which should have gone luto tho state treasury. Tho coramlltc-o recommends that tho matter bo explained In letall to Attorney Qeueral Webb. Shculd he find sufficient causa ot action, the committee desires blavte eesasaeaee legal action to compel Mrs. Drewer to refund the money. Jordan holds that he Is Innocently arcuted. Ho says he will welcome tho fullest posslblo Investigation of thu nffalrs of his office. FRESNO WORKERS LEAVE THE JOB ALL THK UNION MEN ARE OUT IN THAT CITV, UUT THK PLANT IS IIUNNINO SAME CONDITION K.XIHT8 KL8KWHKRK United Press Service FHK8NO, May 10. Thirty em ployes of the Pacific Gas and Electric company walkod out this morning la accordance with the state wide strike order Issued by tho labor council at Enn Francisco. All of the men going out are mem bers of tho union. The plant Is still In operation. BAN FIIANCI8CO, May 10. Tho strlko situation remain usnehanged hero and In Oakland. llonunuvu en 1'fcUe ittle Girl Falls to Death Under Harrow Thrown From Seat When Implement Jolts. She Falls to the Ground in Front Harrow. Breaking Neck Ton year old Lola Moore, daughter r Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Moort, met loath Friday afternoon by falling un w disc harrow at the farm ot her PMonta In i00 Valley. The remains "TO brOUailt in Ihla nl.v ln far Intonnont. Tho girl was driving a team hitched to tho harrow, through -a, ot Ue "Ws bolng 'broken. Late la the af (rnoon the team waa found standing na lho Klrl was not In the seat. Qo m to Investigate Ue parents touna TEACHER'S BILL OP TO GOVERNOR THK CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE PAHHKH HILL PROVIDING FOR PENSION FOR EDUCATORS OF LONG SERVICE United Press Service SACRAMENTO, May 10. Tn. toachors' pension bill Is now up to their daughter's body undor the har- Oovornor Hiram Johnson for his sig nature, naving passed bou. uuuava. The measure provides for a pen sion of f 500 annually for educators who have served thirty yean la the schools of California. row. Tho nock was evidently broken, 'flioro was no Indication ot a run away, and tho team Is known to be gentle. It Is bolleved that Lola waa throwu from tho aent whoa the har row struck bump nnd tho horses stopped. The funoral services wero hoiu mis afternoon. The girl's father Is a brother ot Joe Moore of the Western Transfer company. Jacobs Family Hack L. Jacobs, who for the past year has been living la Portland, haa re turned to Klamath to remain for Ue summer, His family will arrive la a tew days to take up their reeMeaee here, to Oacar L. Underwood, father of Ue measure and house majority leader, and Senator Simmons, chairman ot tho finance committee. Tho amendment proposes to give tho secretary of the treasurer author ity to proclaim flxec standards ot value for tho assessment ot duties on Imports,. This Is to be maintained, Ir respective of price changes In foreign markets. , t It provides that such a standard would be In force within flfteen dam after notlco Is sent out. but Uat no change could bo made without n sixty day notice to Importers. Tho chango la designed to avoid confusion In tho change to the ad valorem system ot assessing Talues ot Imports, as adopted In tho Underwood bill, from tho specific system of the Payno measure. It Is reported that President WlUon approves the, change. smmanmnw '., 'Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak elninlnnininininH. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHJ I L-JHnMniiHnM BAD CHECK IS MIXED IN SUIT FIRST NATIONAL RAXKfMtnraS ACTION AOAINST BAM KVAXS TO RHCOVKR SS.TM ADVANCsH ON PAPER "' Al 11. Woods, the theatrical man ager, who began bualnese wlU n cane rack at country fairs, haa gone to Europe to monopolise the moTtng pic ture business there. His mission has been kept somewhat secret till the present time. Now It Is learned h. has acquired theaters la eighteen large European cities, and hopes to present a combination ot moving pic tures and vaudeville. There has been some mystery about those In the plan with him, but It la suspected that ho la backed by Klaw ft Erlaager, who head Ue theatrical trust. With the exception ot U. at tempt of Oscar Hammersteln to es tablish opera in London this will be the first big attempt ot an American to go Into the show business oaa targe scale on the continent of Europe. Suit to recover 5,700 waa menced today against Sam Brans by the First National beak- The com plaint was Sled by Attorney J. C. Rutenlc. The bank alleges that Evans ten dered a check for 15,700 en Uo Mer cantile National bank of San Francis co the latter part of April. The hank credited him with the amount, and ssys that Evans drew out the money. The check waa aent to San Francis co May 3, and waa returned, protest ed, and marked "N. S. F." Recovery ot the amount Involved, ft protest fees and 6 per cent Interest is asked. LOCAL BOY IS AT U. HONOREO Food, Air And Sun Are Only Cures Now Assistant Surgeon General Tells the Public That Government Will Not Comment on Friedmann Cure WASHINGTON, May 10. The fol lowing meaage to tuberculosa safer- ers waa given to the United Press Uta afternoon by Dr. D. O. Rueker, assist ant surgeon general: "Food, air and sunshine, and prop er living. These may offset n euro lor tuberculosis, but this cannot ho aald of some of the wldeiy heralded pan aceas recommended by. some willing and sympathetic friend. "Aa to the Friedman care, Uere are tbousanaa or inquiries veanac Into the office of the service every day. Pitiful appeals from Tletlma ot the white plague tn all parts of the land, eagerly seektng Information re garding the serum which they look to for thelrrestoratloa to health. "The government officials cannot tell tubercular afflicted persons to use the Friedman cure; nelUer can It tell them not to use It. "No recommendation regarding It can be made until Ita reputed curative powers havo been either proved or disproved. We are absolutely Impar tial In this Investigation ot Its mer its, and Intend to give it n thorough test before making nny report" CALIFORNIA IS AFTER OUR HAY PRICES ARE ASKED ON TEN CAK- LOAD LOTS BY STOCKMEN OF DYRON AND VICINITY, WHO FACE SHORTAGE Agent Bailey ot the Southern Pa cific Is In receipt ot a telegram from Byron, Calif., atatlng that there lo a shortage of hay there, and asking tor prices on hay here. The Calltornians seek to iracaaate the feed in ten carload lota. Mr. Bailey Is busy ascertaining Scare. POSTAL FORCES TO BE BIGGER CONGRESS TODAY MADE AN AD DITIONAL APPROPRIATION TO HELP OUT THE PARCELS POST SYSTEM WASHINGTON, Msy 10. The house of representatives today passed' an emergency resolution appropriating 1600,000 tor Uo hire of additional clerks by the postoHoo department Thin action Is taken to prevent tho crippling ot Uo postal' service, fot lowini the advent ot Uo parcoM post v a- VERNON TO BE THK NEXT HEAD Os? THE STUDENT BODY OF THK UNI VKR8ITY OF ORBGON To be a candidate for president ot the student body of U. of O. Is a strong indication that the man nomlaated Is popular la the schorl, but to bo named for this position, with ao opposition Is a still higher tribute from Ue stu dent body. This is Ue case at Eugene nt pres ent. Vernon Motschenbachor ot this city has been named for Uo place, and will be unopposed at Uo poll. Prior to enrolling nt Ue University, Motschenbachsr attended Uo Klam ath county high school, and ho at tained fame aa a debater and aU lete. Since going to Eugene ho haa become one of Ue forensic soars ot the varsity, aad haa represented Ue Institution In several iateratato de bate, f In addition, ho Is a member ot Uo glee club, a tennis star aad catcher for the baaeball team. During hie freshman year he waa elected presi dent of the class, and ho haa etaee held other Important oHces. NO TRACE FOUND SINCE HE LEFT TO GET I0KY SHERIFF LOW FLAWS A VMMtiAJfT us .7 J " i '-t1"-''- iv Leaving Mis Bosao Wsemssisf, AfotJ ' aate6UssHeMleaan " i ..CTftmifrf taavtnwi , aovawsj With Mas Fntemto em tho Fee - lUssnatti Roast, Few Masse ,'Fmsi t T-f am Bat.-- Waaaft sataissismai a al - fJBaVm JMIVf JRaanVj JiOTSffaMS otsffM offsffsnl r WheraahnnlsIs Mystery j i-.. ' Oeorgo Butts, aged 11 yean, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. BejMi missing for mere Una two as yet ao da haa been lsand.ao.so his whereabouts. Although ho haa boss aaejgM by his parwMsstoe April St, tho sJw. irs ottoo was at natiaed of tho dst- appearan until last night The missing lad aad hi live on Uo Fort FUmsth road. we mils from this erty. A4aomnthe) day of hi dlsappsaranse, ho baft, far. tae Jamieeon pin-, near h tOteeUeet 10. sent, whlah Jasaleson owed him for bilfbag hen. handle cordwood. Steeo thorn ho haa not boon aeon. Jamiesoa waa In Klamath Fatts at the tlaso Ue lad started far lho MM. and did net return' antUefejaatal. Ho says he did net soo tho her aB. Sheriff Low this meralag started a search for Uo missing lad, aai haa sent word to Uo depatlea "TTigfcrit the county to look for him. Tho of time slneo young Butt loft however, k a serioo handicap. Whea young Butts left for. tho Jamieeon place, ho ware ororalla, white hat aad a khaki eoat ' v The parent of tho lad aroat a a to any motive for Ma aaco. They say that a wm UaBfcnW tent contented, aad they foar that htj has met wlU foal play, rather than that ho ran away from home. ' ?' - ), Fr C 'V ' t ... , , , Yoemc Mttg I Horo ' A son was horn last night to Mr. aad Mrs. WaKer Fahlg. Dr. Many man waa In ntteadaaee. Leave for Mrs. Hoary C. Celiia nnd bom eh dren left this morning for tho stead taken up by Dr. CeHtaa, " j!-. Fort Klamath Ranch Involved in 1 , V ' i.-. ,' J s" awi'a f; lAWSUt V rt". . r fs i1 I -1 -. -j". John Ellis Brings Suit Against $. fc Albright to Recover f4000.Say- . ing Impossible fill Contract ' bu M s. ti'J Alleging that Ue action of W, L. Albright baa made It ImpoeatM far him to live up to Uo term ot tho contract between the two aa to Uo ownership ot tho Oardner or Seven Mile ranch, near Fort KlamaU, John Ellis this afternoon commenced 'oak against Albright. The action ta to recover 14,000, - According to tho complaint 114 by Attorney Xutoalc. Albright BtUs entered late; an agreement ta lrff. whereby Elkta was Jo hwr a half in terest in sororal Urge raaehe owned by, AlbrahttrH,pald f 4.00 dow, aad was to pay.110,090 by Notombar W.,1014., ,'' , V , -If The contrast, aoeordlag f th oeea- lalnt, also provided that tharanha 1 k , liUn ,'A, i v t-- s v fi V"" . 1 t- would ho operated ante, aWlaVeaM) Albright would taraiah tM'MdoSnHf capital. . St Uea, BlUs haa tjJalftV Albright hi tateroat tn j ,hpl flk Seven Mil ranoh. .;V - , During thnatyeaU?,Btthliama, Albright haa, failed HtmUk m K money necessary ta properly, JUaa a ,ns, n,.s i, B avABanMBnmaBBaaj i oaavejpmjmmmma ami,. wlU laat weak salUM aa) ttb aad farm eanlnmsejfroM Mil ratten, leartag ta UM deauaod, and with a emBj eamemmaaw rv BBBBBJ uaaoeaJoMK! emama emnpr mmmmnnj wttnaaar "1 "5v' i' oi jtfi