' SJ V - NUPPLIKD BY TMK umti: vntm nkws hkkvich IW Peititm mtw 4 KM ur ,&' , t '"-1 .1 n , ifvwM ,t'i'-'&st'i f :. ? - K ' ' .'!, .'"' va . - M J V it " . - U' 3 - tf . ' v Seventh Year No. , ",7 .,),.!,'. H KLAMATH PALM, ORMO!. FRIDAY, MAY , ltlt Recall of Worden is Asked in Petition Filed Frank Ira White Will Run as the Recall ! ' . rmm iT ii ii i ill w I 'ML .11 JfciliEJL I J ErMiiMaMiNiMMMMMMiiMMHMiMMi. raw Todaf! " r. IRA WHITE TO BE THE RECALL PARTTS ENTRY lO.SHC.NIH TO OI'POHK UOHKKV IX COMING IXKCTIO.V IWiurr rmHT Man IU llrfii I ikmI (or Home Time lit Hun for Oftlic on tlto llrrnll Tlrkt-I, Hill l'i lo Vrfmlay Hvrning Ho Hail H""lflly ItrftiMit Tody Mr Ailinlu Iking m t'amlhUfr, Minister is Asked to Quit Church Opposed o Wlllluin H, Worden In Ihr coming recall election Will bo frank Irn White of IliU city, whom 1 1, oi ii oiio(il to Judge Wuritrn would I ice In til place a county Judge. MiU was current on (tin street tlil morulnic, an J early IliU aftnrnoon Mr, Wl.lte confirmed tho report. I have been urged for onto time lo run against Judge Worden," said ' White, "and I havo decided (o do o I llt announce my platform In a few1 fl)." , "FT ha been known that oitononti nt tho present county Judge havo been (Ironcly urging White to make the rare crer since Bliss Obenchaln de clined to romo out In opposition to Worden. Tlio position taken by him for the xrratcr part of the time caused many If) lifillnVA lhaf Iia wntltit twil nrrAiil ' I .Af. BBBBBM ggggggggaVP-ssvsV i saassQY ''11 HbEM) kbbVhb tr.xfi I i lflLBHaG2IM LaiBaiBaailBaiBaHBaiBaiBaiBU BaaiBaiBaiBaiBaKi9BBaBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBal MAY LIGHT THE RESERVATION BY ELECTRICITY, TOO M'ltAOUK KIVK'lt DAM TO HKHVH TWO I'UIII'OHKM l'ioJr( KiiKlncfr In Charge of Work Ih-lnjt Itonn by Indian forties Hay HlK llmilwny la Hrlng Made Oihf Knglnrrr of the Indian Krnrlcc Ar thru Tonight lo L'onoldrr Home Al (ration. If the prenonl plan of tho recla im Hon department of tho Vidian icr vlco nro carried out, the dam to bo built on Spraguo Itlver will develop electric power for lighting Chlloviuln, tho Agency and other polnta on tho rrtorvatlon, according to II, W. lllncki, project engineer for the Unit ed State Indian tervlco on the Modoc Tolnt Irrigation project now under con no of construction. Mr. lllncki Is here from Chllo- Tho Kplicopat controveray between 'lu,n lo mccl w M- ned r w"'"- hlKh tind low churchmen ha caught "',on' c"' engineer of the Indian tho Iter. Cyru Townaend Brady, tho crvlcc. nA ' il ' Nl Vokl novolliit, who ha been read all over!81'' Wmd- luperlntendent of Irriga ting world. He ha been aaked S"tonMn thU dlatrlct. Thty wUlarrlve leavo tho Kpkcopal church and Join ,I,U CVfnln t0 'napoct the work, and tho Korean Catholic church. Not long eu" Propoaea change. ngo hla low cliurch opinion got him w ""ve been n"Jerlng Into troublo with tho high churchmen. chnu ln lh location of the Bpraguc Dr. Ilrndy ha for ionic month "Ivor dam from a mile abofo tho con- been the pastor of tho Church of tho fluence of tbe SPaguo and William- Ascension. Mount Venin.i . .nlmrl. "" r"" " P0" nail a mil "I am ready for tb people of Kiamatu county to paa on thla question of ricalt and abide by tholr verdlet,"sald County Judge Worden thk afternoon. "I feel tha;t I have kept ray promise a4 have benefited the county by rmon of my service, 4 which baa taken practically nil my time during the last two year. - "If the PMBla wish me to con- tlnue In onWl shall be dad to ! give them air beat service. , "I ahall igbt tho recall to tbe last ditch m will carry through ' an honorable campaign. ' : ! H06UE OUTLINES RECLAIMING OF LOWER MARSHES 'L'. H. CONHfJIriNG IS.VCII.N'RKR 18 Dr. Ay res Would Apply Psychology Candidate i ' i '3t. . II I ' -r t 4 IVJORE STOCK FOR FORT KLAMATH ItKCIHTKRKU MfOUTHOHNH .SHn. 1KI IN FROM XOHTH YAKIMA, WAKIIIXGTOX, 111 LIMWKY KISKMOKK I'KKHKNT :. II. Haajdem Hugacum CuaMtMrtJiw KaiH-rirncnlal Work on m HnaJI Kcah; llogue' I'lau I'rovhle for 1'MiHplng llaiit for Ixmering the Level of Water om the LasMto l of lUllrosul RosMte WMrted. Reclamation of the awaap laada .a dlscuiied with a large number of the land owner this moraine at tbe Chamber of Commerce by W. H. Hea der of Lo Angel, conaultlag ea- glneer of the United State reclama tion service, and C. C. Hogue, flacal agent of tbe service on the Ktamath project. Mr. Sander was chairman of tb Llndtey O. Siaemore came la latiU)rd r tovernment engineer that night from North Yakima, Wah..jBt,t PPovcd the KUmatb project, Ington.brlaglmg with htm eleven, head D1 "de the ettleaeat wlU tke of yearling bulla for the Meeaaw !Klftmatb Canal company and other lo Pelton ranch at, Fort Klamath. Thel"1 Irrigation companle mamy yeara atock Is all reglatered aberthoraa. Much 1 belngr done to Improve their atock by the Wood River Valley ranch owners. Several handrnd bead of atatidard or registered cattle have been (hipped In there during tbe past few month. ago. He baa vlalted the project number of times elace. aad-te ottgbly Informed of tbe coadlttoaa here. The engineer apparently haa ao ob jection with tho suggestions offered Page tccatinueu T sagaavaw gggggggHPililA ssssssssssssssssai.aoaBssssssl aaaaaflBHei,,si kw ngggggga gSBBBRBaMHEfflP"'' 1$ ggaBBBBBB ' aaBBiiwllSgggal 1 HiVglgfeJrwL ' aaiHaWHf'-f I gggggggga:ar . igggggWfv-l'l ajajf,' i -'i kiJJJJKaftir r . ak '.aggggtV ggggggggtM ,'y aggggggsaiH a A) 'ft 'aBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBa MM t aBl gggggggggen :,'' al gagagafjagwal ., ,-,Wi . aal iggggal'f'agggsBl ggggga Vi' sssssssssam ASK JUDGE TO OUITpvPteP; Will 5 SAYS M i i. t x l OVWt MX WVN call rnmoW Cttmmtf 0Beu1 la tm j'-, - mA Ceewt Uem Are Xet Owe and to the Bet Court , tho offer, but he made up hi nilndof New York. Tho Hev. Kdwln II. I,"0V0 chllo1u" hrldge." said Mr. Thursday to como out. Hcc. who wn n.lntnnt pastor there ulMk i0,ia'' "la connection -vith White, prior to coming hero. wa,for eighteen year, recently loft and "ll, ll '" PomIu, that a power plant engaged In nowaiioitor work In Port. I went to tho ono other Knlsconal ma' bo lntallJ nt tho dam. Suchu land anil In Iho Mlddln WV.I. Ha bus church In the su'mrb. Ho ima stlrrr.1 ,,!,m wou,'1 lolop BOO horepownr. resided hero for six or (even year. I up tho ngltntlnn ngalnst the novelist w,,,lcl! errent could be utlllied In lo- and during that time ha taken an 'minister. All of which camo about nctUo part In tho work up the Klamath country. of building through the Kwharlstlc candle pro Thl I the scnted by Mr. Horace flrccnfleld. Dr. first attention ho ha given politic In thla section. Women Get Noisy Md Are Ordered To leave A trio of women front Plcard, Cat., and tlireo men engaging In baccha nalian Joyfulnua last night wero ar retted nt a houvo In Falrvlow addition ly (ho police, Tho party wero bols lumus when the offlccr appeared. The threo women wore ordered to llrudy placed the candle on tho attar, announcing they would remain there, desplto criticism by hi vestrymen. Then n report wna apread that ho pro ioed to substitute red cassocks for Iho black vestment. "Wliv mnnnt IhiMA HIfltilAp In f ........ . ...w W W...v.... ... ,,,.. ... ... tho Kplacopal church." niked Dr. Hlco """ ""- In an open letter, "follow tho monk of (laldy, and go over In n body to tho Church of Home?" vcloplng tho Industries around Cbll oquln, a well as lighting different part of the reservation. "The Indian service I atao consid ering the advisability of Irrigating in additional 3,500 acre of reaervatlon land, In addition to the 6.S00 acres now arranged for. Thla laritl Is on tho west side of the Williamson niver, and the water for Irrigation could be t Continued on Page 4 I ZunmalU (lo Kouth Mr. nnd Mr Don J. Zumwalt leavo this nftornonn for I.os (lotos, Calif. They wore summoned by telegraph on h'uvo town. One of tho men pleaded incount of tho condition of Mr. Zum-, RUllty to a charge of disturbing thetwnlt' mother, who I III at her home reaco.and waBndll&. iin mm cuy. WARRIORS BOLD IN ENLARGEMENT Many Unique Contests For the Coming Rodeo Pamphlet Containing Rules Gevern: ing Various Competitions is in Course of Preparation Now Dr. Leoaard P. Ayres hast Jat writ ten for the United Statea bareaa of Education a aaataury at araeUeal paychology, that la peychotogy aa aa-iUtod-U Ue auauwksraBU.iJ). Paychology, he latlsU, may datanahia whether or aot a caadMato far a eUee aa motormaa la a street ear or ehaaf four la worthy of the'Job. He ealla attention to tb fact, that Profeaaer Muaaterberc of Harvard tested moter- imen la Boatoa, aad found out by psy chological tests that 25 per east of the candidate had to be eliminated. S. E. Thompson used psychological testa, "called reaction time testa." Inj selecting girl to pick flaw la tb Itavld Phlpp of 'or a short visit. OAITA1.V O. C. APPI.KOATK RK- Xa'nd I. her. I P. K. Gray, who I. home.tead.ng ' AN AI.I.ITION TO HIS . near Odessa, la here for a hort vlalt. TltOPHIKH ANI RKL1CH OK THR MODOC WAIt Work Resumed on the K. F.-Natron Cut-Off; Believed Southern Pacific is Clean ing up Present Contracts Pending Settlement of Merger Case I'OIITLAND, May 9. Work haa ngaln been begun on the Natron and t the Klamath Falls-Natron line, which will provide the Southern Pa cJno with a new main line between Natron, Ore., and Weed, Calif., nhort en the distance between Portland and Han Francisco, and reduce the run ning time by'abo'ut four hours. No new contracts have been let on thla line, however, but It Is believed that the Southira Pacllo Intend to Captain O. C. Appteguto, whoae In formation regarding tho Klamath In dians' history -nnd the history of thla '.... la KmtM.llikaa lini tL'llfl,fc eAllAA. WVIIVH i.WMiM.W, . ....W..W w..w- tiou of Indian trophies, curio, etc., U nothing short of a muaeum Itself, haa received another addition to bis treas ures, u number of enlarged photo graph of various leading actor In 1 1. ml II A kHSl SfAll J tt A k m All !' 70', Tho picture Include Wlnema, old Chief Sconchln, Scar Face Charlie, Captain Jack, hi wlvee, Doctor Mo- Kay1 and other. They are from old print and photograph owned by Cap- tain Applegate. Tho picture, together with other cloan up all of tho existing coutracta, so that It will bo in readiness to pro ceed at onco with new work as soon .. tho mercer case Is settled with tho .Information regarding tbe modern In government In July. dlan, were sent to a daughter of Thero yet remains 80 miles of road 'Professor Horner; one of the Instruct to be constructed on tho Natron line, 'or at the Oregon Agricultural Col and this Is through a rough country, lege, as an assistance to her In get and will cost more than 17,000,000 ting up a thesis, nearly $100,000 a mile making It In returning the photographs, etc., ono of the most expensive pieces of sent by Applegate, Profeaaor Horaer railroad construction on the coast, the Jalso Included nicely mounted enlarge mileage considered. Iments of all the pictures. There will be sporta and contest galore at tho coming Elk' Rodeo, July i, 5 and 6, accordlag to the member ot the committee who are framing tho program aad the rule governing the coateat. All of the feature or last year will be Included, with a number of new onea, and much ot the stunt given aa exhibition last year will be competition thkt year, with several contestant honored. In addition to the championship bucking contest, alway the big fea ture, the cowgirl will also ha given a show to abow their ability at riding broncho. A special competition haa boen arranged for lady rider. Women will alio be given a chance TWENTY WORK AT COURT HOUSE KTKUL WOHK WILL BK KIMSHKD in a fkw days urick ma sons mark good proqiuess undkr Mcdonough ' aa a Cbaratec that he clea ha snaaaaaaas si clal afTaJm; that he haa that he la planing th eaanwy leaatjr fae dee aw W poNry, wMeh Mat det ami e aia PCUwwMata or reeatH ad aad Uuat he neaa Isaeafaanaa Werdeei waa deed ,a Us ajaawa ad' ;' iTke swtMlem wa aaesl aw VlineJk' ' Ward. H rnejsit ed aMsdadaaa Bern. . ; " lewder Ma raaadeanY BaVKtaw , ease h deea aot aw. aav stta aakedl la urdsra aaw-.'v - The prthlam dew day. la rewavty clerk is rial Of the thlrty-alae peiMieaa. were circulated by J. W. MeCejr ,ed' this city, aad aevea by M. M. Okea- . rlialn ft A. fitfaarma uS Al mJ-: each circulated, four, aad stasia astw culatlag them were H. Saowges. M. steel ball used In ball bearing. Dr. Ayrea eea great poalbllltlea In u Alllon.W. A. Dnncaai C N. yjvuvtunt fcvsia tur CflUJUB IB0 right person for Job. He aaya: "When the beat poaslble adjust ment shall have been attained be tween work and workman each one wKI have his full opportunity to' achieve at least something for the commonwealth and common weal. The task of the world will be better done and the worker wll receive greater reward, deeper Joy and fuller In thla, satlaf action in their doing. to compete in tbe relay race, lady's race has been arranged for In addition to the men' contest race each contestant will rids two. mile each day, changing horses each Odd Fellow Toalgat half mile. Tbe total time It Ukea to , Klamath Lodge No. 1S7, 1. O. O. F., ride tbe six miles, change saddle, etc. meet tonight in regular aeaaton. VI- will decide the winner. t 'In addition, there will be' a pony express race, where the rider change to saddled ponies, cow pony race for men and women; halt mile aad quar ter mile daahes for Indian riders, and a cowboy quick change raes: In this there la much saddling and unsad dling before the contsstanU come un der the wire. In all ot these events t n r - -i - -r"r ri.ii.iii i . lUoauaHM.cn Pave 41 Work ot erecting o steel frame work ot the Klamath county; court house In Hot Spring addition will be completed In three days, aceerdlng to Con Murphy, who la one of he men ln the seryico ot the county on this work. Twenty men are nt work, at thsslt. ( ' Great progress Is being made the brick' work by the teres of' sea sons under contractor M. J. McDoa ough. Nearly all of the bases for the columns In front of the building nro finished. v. Jiu-w-m CLUB DANCES TONIGHT IN .ADDITION, CARDS AND OTHF.R DIVKRStONS WILL RK INDVLO- ED IN AT TMIS aWENING KN. TRRTAINMKNT itlng brothers cordially lavlted. Robert aad Alex Cheyae were In the county seat Thursday' morning. ivlng their attention to business mat-j tore. H. H. Van Vnlkenbnrg, P..L, Fi tain. R. W. Tower, P.. W;, John Jaaaeea,. Frank Ward. R. DuaUp.aad W. B. gpeaeer, " 7- The petlttoa died with Do Lag taleow: "To C. R. Do Lap, eenaAy stork. of. Klamath Ceaaty,- Oregsat , . "We. ,the uadarslgasd Ugal -atsrs ' and quaUded ,e4eestao(i: Kaa-sath y MUBtV ftiut ' ----- 'J.,1'J .V the recall, by the people; )t'Wny'S.; worsen, county juago wKtaujsaw'u county, Oregon, for the r lewing: "Unlawful, unwise and management of couaty incurring of a largo ai lawful ladebtedneaa; .creased taxatlea, waate ot county expenses'r favwriilasn fat ,CoeU,u,4 ,oe P.WVn V u o Ji Ed Akin's Escape is Almost' Miruniotii 4 T - u '' v Huge Log, Rolling Orer the Frogtrgt Body of a WorknMui, Break ln . Wrist, Bruises Fe Md Jm t A card and dancing party will ho given at Houston's opera house this evening by the JIu-NI-Yel Clnb, which promises to be largely attended. Splendid musk) haa boss)) mured for dancing. Daring tbe eveodnig re freshments will so served. i ' 'IV .iVl'J'.'.-'l.. t'-A rf ? . i ' .- -.- ,rAjv . ii .. , !,Were It net for the fact that to ViTo M'fa ad oatw I f atUag be Piraek tk i a, Mat book that wag kv7jUmb.(Theljls)j (VfMfs eBsalwl TwfVJsVJPsS afTVsU body of Akla. bralolag not sooa for taw kjsl) I ho would torn I as the lag wan t Dr. HaSBlltes) i M Hf. ie v Jl ,?i fid Akla, an. oannloye ot Ue Doak ranch, near Odessa, weald' be lav a winding sheet today, instead ot la aid at the ranch house, aursiag a broken 1 Akin wa weng,Wk;a; party, '.of man talaglefs,ef '$( eariage, whea a largo tog'joljsdot tho barrlagol Akin waa'Maadlag ;ta.tao patb the to eeeaae'the weaaaa trtaaed 'bjsA1 feU. " ?! a vjt :h A h:j 1,.1-v . ' ,t '..' '(, '-' t- -r f, -. S.i- .. . JAtff. l-c Jaat Mum ..A jJfcf-K - V .a-