fcUI'I'f JBI IIV THM J,MTi:i VHl'.HH NKW8 HKHVICK H K,nllt Vir No. iWM 'S . - . ftwtiiim i "if 2e t efald. .?, v KLAMATH 9 MAM, ORHOOff, THUItHBAV, MAV 9, Jaiff r- - Break in Ditch And in th Fall Creek High Power lane Causes Much Inconvenience in Klamath Falls i i "I. i vmmrtm Twmwm hbk 4 MHMMWHHMMiMilBftAriliaMMBaNtlVXI . '--ft' y '.!... . -MMMMWMVW v ,S zi-tt C JAPANESE NOT READY TO SEND PROTEST HERE ukmi:vi:i to tit: awaitixo tiik M.N'AI, ACT New Ambassador to United States ,l biMiii n (iiivrrnor Jolinxni Mlgna lln AtillAllrn Ijtml Mnuurr, Hur on ChlmU, II la TIiwhkIiI. Will Kilo h Prfilral Hi Vialilnj((n '' IMialf nf llio (lirjtanllit-Hiuni Kingdom. llr)iui llrtumnl l Wellington .. I ' jF?' " .stWfLi ! . j 1 i L t!dt3H fRA'-wf il 'llr ' IH SUFFS UP FOR USING POWDER .TO GET VOTES (ItUMmo.Y IH MAIJK TO THK KX I'LOMIVK VAHIKTV K.olUail Yard Mrn Krrk Kvldrnre In Connection Willi Atleinptnl lyaa HillltiK of Catliolral Over Urc, Million Dollar' M. Katalled Hlnra 1'iilrcmal fr'ranrlilar Hill Went to IWral t I Sever i"TBJ Mrs.mt 1 isuym V . 1 r al Mills And Factories Closed; Town is Without lights For fiitfe n Kamb, a Fortune I'nltrd I'rnu Korlco WAHIIINdTON, Mny 8.- .Jtpnn'a potiiil lu ttio California niitl-nllm Utnl law. It U now tttllowil, lll not be irfclvoJ In U'oililiKioii until ((or llin lw U riiforcwil. It U brllavod ll.tl ll.iriin Ulilndn t wn line until I winiUN'crn.v. Mnv 7 . -ilm ilnv riowrnor Johnioii'a ulictintiiro l f-l,. nc IUHUU nmbiuiailor to tho.'" ,H0 c-urCM Ha to tlin Mil. ll'nltclBUtM. 8lr Cecil Arthur Birlnit llfforo th bill l liii'.l It l rob. Illic, reached Waililnnton the aenato' LONDON, May 8. After Mrs. alia thai I'rrildent Wlbon will tend jtonimltteo en Interoceanlc canala vot- twuminond, who fainted from the f (lo.ermir JohnaonTu lencthr com. iTaliit the ll.iot bill, which lmedl' ' tho hunger itrlke the iuf- niunlcatlun, ilrlailli(K the attitude af'to JRrVtt tclla to American coatwUi"ftctKu havo been carrying on In the LONDON, Miy 8.--Tho hearings of MUi Krnnoy, Mn. Drtimrannd Clay Km and other iiirfragettca In the How Stint court wcru reaunied today. Gotland Yard men aro wprklng on Mn Ht. Paul caio. The home offlce think that the women placed borabi the niltnlnUtTnTlon, .It la contldorcd certain thai (lov. I'ltiur Jolmaon will sign the hill, and alilpplmi through the Panama canal. J". ' remoe4 rrora theroonir That U, the aenate took a poaltlon dl.'H'O trial waa adjourned to May 13th. metrically oppoaed to that of the Tho militant wero released on IB.OOO flil'ltu.ajtaUiUu-atloa wll then lake irllah goteramtnt The moal lm-on "'. action. MirtMBl pbc of .work he had before A bomb'wai fpnnd today In front : llryan arrived In Waihlngton thU i w I" convince the United Hutrai !of a pn nbrokcr'i ahop In Tottenham, nortilng, and la In conference with government that the Hay-PauBrefot , It Is eatlmated that at least 15,000.- 000 In damages have been cauaed by, t . I r Br ' J,v9HlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH All READY TO 1 HELP GET CART 1 liAMATH FAIitM ilKX HNPOND ,ri Hy Power is. Turned On Late in the Afternoon fecllnga, the little mother's longing I WITH OOIS WHK.V PUOHT OV became 4 TIKRB MOTMKK AMI TWO TOTM vounc ladlee a ....... . ..- . .77T I IH TOU) TO THKM .uu KfT or me woman a cnuarea C&?,si A. i aeem to them that lhv liovan in lav , I ' " ' ' he wanted,, a baby buggy oh, deP- dark elieme for purchasing! row sne wanua it, as sue trudged the """ "HU -u ue iaej eaiisiea aticets. carnrlna In her arras an Infant ' known rancher. leu than four months old and leading II dld not uk n loaUnt for hint,; n cheerful babe not yet two year old. 1 10 devise the "ways and meats." r, Tho weight of the Infant In arms 'Tnejr were all near the buslneas part! was Itself fatiguing to the little wo-'of the city, and there .'were many fnin knt mAttA M tfcl MM llta Malvk MaaJs k V,- -ft ,.,.m, ... ... mi. ,., m,i ii-u . ii' wrv an siipa-n or the other youngster, who coMtaat-1 thetlc, and. aioreaver, The Um ly tired of walking, and clang to luj aforesaid rancher teM tkeea et the other's hand. j sHaatloa, thuy .were , ganefeaa. Inn And It accacd i tUugb eery aee-v ekett ttea Mssesesrt fada sad ond-aaad atore, everr fursitar Mara raiead'ts mimi Mm saaesi desired Bsaawd. had m dieater.baby bagsjlea . oakr bag?, and Ue tor af Um bmUi Jest the kind ska needed far fear fur, er, comaletely sarartaed by the sjHt, tired., little teta. Ska triad act takaew no boande. notlee them, bat It waa m ase, ska - could not reabH looking ,at tU per-' Atteraaa- K. L. Mlioet la aaibwtators. and srlaktec- Sam rnMsaa,.srarankw Strive though she did to hMaaer lead to . -i.tJSer .. ..&. ,... . . -MJ " apparent to at least threeJt",M,,i ,! rvttiii iwrena. uwmfm So abtoutely necessary nfHCOVKRRD KIVB Mffl HKKR-KHfAHi PARTY' A Mi lAV OX LINK IBhIh Xewpaeifm HaaiMMppid sjkt I Kercctl to Kcestri to raaaMae aa a . Motive Power His; Maalsj ICalg "sr JfclwWBf XlaW sarsarVt: tiT MM OttldPT WW0tf999WH to Mtes. IhtwM Twiar A, At S efts the. v (ContinMcil on rmtc- i (Coiiiinueii ou rnsr Ui. JoUu Kituiti, a pure Ux) ot thej r (the suffragettes since the government I Irish lassie, awoka oae morning in Girl Witness Tells of Big Negro's Wiles Belle Sc3?reiber, Principal Witness in the Government Suit Against Jack Johnson. Takes Stand 'idled Press Service i(ctll!od that Jot nson and tho Schrle- CIIICAflO, May 8, Hello Schrel- liur girl ennte to his atore In October bcr, petite, pretty, and very heavily i of 1910, and that the negro paid rucalled the franchise reform bill at tho liwt session of parliament yciIWmI, started her testimony today In llio prosecution of Jack Johnson. In nn almost childish voice she told of her relations with Johnson, l.'iirllor In tho day Charles Bampstn l, IOC for furniture that tho girl so-liictnd. New Aviation Mark Set By Frenchman I'n I ted Press Service CHAUTflKS, Prance, May 8. A new altitude record vtia established nl the aviation meet here today by Aviator Prangeers, In a biplane. Caryl us. six passengers, Frangeer ruinnlned aloft for an hour at an alti tude of 2,300 feet. J. W. Jory Is here from Midland, attending to business matters. Art Exhibit at the r High School Attracts her home in WaaatnajtM ta lean that thero was $18,080 la a Washington batk for her and a dead (or a bom. "The fairy woaaa sent It to me," sho explained. Months ago there arrived In Wash Inrtnn n mvitorloua Mile. Susanna Frochard. Sbe was 111 and she need-'ColleC'lOtl flmiftifttft Of PhntndlATi1ttl cd friends. Hut seemingly she had bo! tf flflMgol MMM (Ml mk Aa a resaR af sssBe4tssssaw gl baaa to taa aamat Mplr.aftlM Oa. ferala-Orstaa Pa war insami hMt evealag. Klaatata Falks waa'ta a faajsWssii saaarali Idle today. w-w, Amoag the eoaeerae eitMr wkMrtlir or' partly crippled aa accoewt at Um laek of power are' taa'. I" Bar N. Kpstcln of Donania la here from Other witnesses described tho char-'Fort Klamath. Ho spent ten day ncter of the row of Hats In which tho) In the Wood illcr Valley, buying Klrl llu'U white In Chicago. hides for the market. Tariff Measure Adopted By Will Be House Today money. That didn't Keep Mrs. Kamn . from pouring out her sympathy and doing as much aa eke could. Later Mile, Frochard recovered. She said that many years ace she u bow aa old woman she waa taken from a convent by Turkish soldiers ad sent Into the harem of tke Sultan of Mo rocco. After four years she escaped. Her father had died In Tulon, leaving her a good property. In Mexico ske Increased this by fortunate mining Investments., VAN RIPEMROS l m. L Democratic Leaders Express Themselves as Confident That Thla Will Result in Reducing the Cost of Liv ing in the United States and Better Business . .WASHINGTON, May . The Un- "Aa the new tariff bill passes the bill la that it olds foreign laborers by dorwood tarIK revision bill, the first i houso toduy, tho democratic party haa ! throwing open our markets to the of the democratic- administration, Is expected to pass the house late this aftornoon. The opoeltlon of the minority. It Is expected, wlllbe'vory feeble. According to promlnont democrats, It will be nearly 6 o'clock tonight be fore the measure Is finally passed. This wll bo done In three roll colli, they asert, 'Ofitlto 880 democrats congress men, iW than twelva are opposed to the1 iiaMure, The republican mem- the .'house, who are against "Wtt(M downward," have 110 votes. 'rJM ( progrsslve votes are dl vidsn, J kotit Its Dlodk'o to tho people," said Majority header Oscur Underwood, who helped framo tho measure, and who Introduced it at tho opening of the special session. "I am confident that this will bring about a real relief for the people In reducing tho cost of living. It should also result In a better adjustment of business here, under more modern mothods." Tho optlmlstio view taken by Un derwood is by no means taken by Congressman Payno of(Now York, one of tho authors of the Payne-Aldrlch moaauro, Ho predicts dire calamity. Tho true Indictment against the products of tholr toll, and dlscrlml nates against the American laborers, who are forced to meet unjust com petition and an enormous Increase la Imports from abroad. As a menace to the present unparalleled prosperity of the country, und,er which the earn ings of the worklngmen provides more necessities that ever before, the bill seems to be a success.' Underwood announced that when tho tariff waa out of the way the house would take a recess of about three weeks, resuming sessions about June 3d. Tho house will then Imme diately take up the consideration of currency reform. BUY "MONARCH" GROCKKY COXCKKN WILL MOVK TO THK IiATTKR LOCATION ON MONDAY TO RUN AUTO OAK DELIVKRY Lumber eoatpaay's sawaiia1 at 'Maw; piactoa; tk Big Beila Laaabar eosa pany's puaala ailll, taa atUI at taa Savldge Brothers' Laaabar easapaay, the Klamath-Tub aad.Pall eoawaay's raciory ana tao plant or taa waaaa Box compaay. ia addlliaa ta thla j several machine shops, motion picture theater disabled. j The Herald lata la taa feMaoea'sH jted up a ao)laealB; ssaa ttrta Hiower will be used ta eperasa'aasa The third floor of the Klamath ilng and sculptur. ia sddltloa to aa- t, lotyaa aad taa press, Taa coaaty high school, long used as a '" ceBery. oriawewera moo its gymnasium, Is this week transferred! and Hand Colored Reproductions of Over 200 Masterpieces Announcement was made today of the purchase of the Monarch grocery by Van Riper Brothers, who conduct a grocery store on Main street, be tween Fifth and Sixth streets, mey wll move to the Monarch, at Sixth and Main, opening up Monday. In addition to a general delivery, the concern will operate an auto car. The Van Riper Brothers have been la business here for the past sevaa years, opening a grocery la the fall af 1806. Since that time they have built up a lucratlva,buaiaees. , .Angus McLeod la hero from Stoat on a business trip. r Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heldtaua of Merrill are In this city visiting their many friends, ' F, V. Burna to here from taa Fort for a short visit. Moto Interested la lumbering in that eeetlea." . - TJt& "S Into an art gallery, containing large reproductions of the world's greatest paintings- The exhibit will be kept here until Monday, and for tho bene fit of tboae who cannot visit the school during regular school hours, the high school will be kept open eve nings from 7 to 9 o'clock. The exhibit Is the property of Hor ace K. Turner Asoclates, lac, aad was loaned to the high school by that concern. It consists of two hundred pictures, Including beautiful large productions of the standard art mas terpieces of the world, both la palat- The pictures are faithful reoroduc-1 yeral hoars late, after a tlons. There are many color repre- Wle was pressed lato servtae tofMr, ductloas, which aro exact replicas of M saauva power ror im pftas, their famous originals, made with the, The "Bk ot tB overaBMBt a aid of color photography. The mono-1"1 fratoaes water passer ta taa) tone reproductions are a trlamoh of ,oe P'" M the photographer's art. washed out last night, aad at" The pictures are arranged aeordlac MBe tlao tbo hln power Haa earry- to the artists, aad aa Is the case la aay '" Power here from FaH.Craak, i art Katlery. they are number, aad went out. ' i' history and title are glvea la a cat alog. The collection to splendidly ar-i ranged for the beat lighting efect. The exhibit to for the purpose of creating a lovo of the beautiful. No charge to made, and all are tavMed to stead. In case only oaa of these"a bad been suffered, t!MraBsrfAlfa bee u no lacoavealMMe to th aajblto. The comblaatloa, hawsvsc, iMpalrad the service, .. ' -., ' George. J. Waltoa, njnrtmmim '"i" " OMaa.' m rirm.ni iCorU Faese to Preack pi LiVwi lafriifc, Nmc Three discourses on pertinent so ciological subjects are to aa glvea at Grace M. E. church by the pastor, Rev, George H. Feeee, during the three coming Sundays. Those will be given at the evening services, The Brat of the discourses will be given Suaday eyealBg, the theme be ing "Love aad Courtship." This will aa followed by talks on 'The Home" aad "Marrtote," '; RobekaaDctTee Tea Meets Members of the. degree team of Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will meat la I. O. O, F. Temple at o'clock sharp thto raveBlBg. Please be oa time, ay-araer or tao vapwia. ' V- J, H. Keroa, a welt knewa raaMaat of Red Bluff, to a Ktoawtkralto Tto- itor. . "iiotJW" Mothers' Day WU1 be Celebrated Here I ,Y"f Two Special Services Will le el; at me rirai rresoyrenan cjAorcB Sunday. Veteran to Attciul ! j ,' K ' t 1 A' Aa observaace .of Mothers' Day toiprsasa. to bea part of taa servleea at taa First Proaaytartaa ekvrch Saaday. Members of , the araadArmy.of taa R'aaaMte aad tha. Womea'Sv ReHaf Carps s have Bfeptad,' laviiatioas aad wan axieaaia-a aaayaaa taara win kaja torgeaussoUMKtoltofa ; The largest attoaaaaoe wlU at taa lla'eloelt servtoe.-Atlato tMaasW.It.J.'ffgia praa'-a Mrteaaj,, sbsirveMW ataal will aa a tjNrtlft piwHill J,l s0MMltaaaira,a Mataara' Sajr aamfstoM A aatoasast' Bsstlga I illsssalf manr ' tH. ? V3 $M ? JJ&f 41 -.m&Al- ibr