-C, c. SANDERS VISITS DAI HE PLANNED rRtTUN CsTALLKNIUW ARR CRR TAIN TKKV WILL WIN THR IN TKRNATIOXAL CBAMPIONMnP FROM AMsVUCAKS Ualted Preee Berries LONDON, Mar 7. DeelarlBg Uem- selves St oad prophesying Tlctery tor EagUsd, Ue English pole team wales. will play the American cap keMera for tho laternatlonal poVp ekamploa- Ited Ike Clear Lake dam aad recerrolr(thlp on Long Isalad Is JM, sailed to- RBOLAMAnON SRRVKM OVFI CUL MAKRB MRBT TRH TO THR CLEAR LAKK HRBRRVOIR. IN VALLHY TODAY la comaaay wllk Actlag Project Hagtseer I. B. Voorhels aad rtoeal Ageat C. a Hague, W. H. Baadere, consulting oBglseer ot the reclame tloa service, wke U here from Los Aagelee oa a trip ot laspectloa, via ENGLISH POLO TEAM SAILING Tuesday. Thle la tka ant time Mr. Saadara hu aacn tka daai. He wu oaa of tha coMultla engineers participating la tka plan for tka contraction ot the daa. Todar Mr. Saadera ii Inspecting the souU branch ot the Adams canal la compear with B. R. Harden, ea llaeer la charge ot operaties aad maintenance. They are accompanied br Albrecht Oehler, parckaalat agent B. 8L George Btehep la hero from Tha Cedars," hie kemeatead oa tka .lay for New York. Beetaea tka easss ot ten players tka beat tkat Kag- land could produce a targa aambar of promlaest aeclety people aalted at Ida same time, te be oa kaad to wit neaa tka matckea. Otker Britlakera will fellow oa later beat. UMBK Ml TIY-HT INN (Coatlauetl oa Page ) l,glve war to tka Mmeerl arlseiple '.whan It cemea to nleklaa- tka taam. tipper Lake. Ha will be kere a coapla'Towllrt uto , u, -anni-, et or dart. giving attestloB te buslsees ,Kln,Uem pi,, WM ho seed br Ue were. dMdplea of BUckatoae I .Modoc Park ADMINISTRATION FEATURES HEARD DHBATE ON THK 1NOOMK TAX CO.VCLUDKO IN MOUSE CON MBKRATION OF ANOTRmK PMASK Oft TARIFF IB UP la a tryoat at greaada tkia aftersees. It kaa beea deflaltely decided tkat dentists cam be laeladed wltk Ue M. V.'. aa tka orlgmal spedlcatlesi (called for a "deetera team." TkU tree the Docka a Uttte wider raage of kAl ...! .!.. w.... ....A .W. A... iibwiw, awa U.V ,uw aa mm 19PMBJ cj pm em iaa aeia win rainy -eect tka ahyatere. Accordlag to tka plan tka gam will be played at Modoc Park Saaday af ternoon. Tka preceode will be gives to tbe Womaa'a Clrlc League. NOLAN SAYS HIS PR0TE6E FIGHTS DONT KNOW WHO IT WILL Bat, OR WIIKRK THK BOUT WILL MB 8TAUKO, HUT TMKRH WILL BK BOMKTHINU DOING JULY 4 United Preaa Service BPOXANK, Mar 7. "RlUhte will urelr agkt Jalr fourth," aald Man ner Notes todar la reapeaae to a query from the United Prose. "Juet who tka lad will meet, or where the bout will be ataged I canl not tar positive at thle time," aald the ekamp'a pilot "We kava ofera from New York aad Baa Fraacleco. "New Yorkera are eepeclally anx ious to kave Willie tkere oa July i. They have made aeraral atroag ofera for bouta wltk Packy McFarlaad or Leach Croat." It H'a aewt. Tha HeraM kaa prlated It GOOD HOMES hat earn em tew sal wit few Ualted Press Berries WASHINOTON, May 7 Tka todar ceaduded cesalderaUes of tka laceme tax smeadmest, aad beams a lose debate as Ue admlaletreUoa fea taraa of tka Urht. Osa at tka tstereatlag feaUrea la tka resawal at tka ssst far tka aaU- eriaaUo of a torlf earn Tka miserKy srepeeea to s separate reel eaB as away of tka aehedsles. Usdarwaod. as tka etkar! kaad, deelarae tka paeeage ef Ue Mil m aartsls ta aaaar temerrew. SOCIALIST OUT OF THE RUNNING hood. Price BI.SB, as easy for abort time estjr. A four room modem he see Is Mcs mha largo lot, at 9tJH, He cky. t I II Jmammaamaa ITLVUNDER i aad Iota la all aorta of the CHILCOTL Bt. Tka HeraM, deUrered at yamr stare, eeVe or keaae. it easta a masts. otaaaBaBBoaaBaaemeseBssKTsesKBf. Wkat's tke Matter Wkfc the OM Yimtch? roo It'a set gattlag aay yoHsgor, ksew, asd asea Is a wklle It a rest aad oTarkaallsf. Rallraad waUkea are oleaaod aad ererkaaled oaee a year te iaaara aecarata Umo keeplsg. Wky.sot brlag yoars la aad bt s glra It tka atteatles Uat la sceaaary for good time keaaesf. FRANK BL DPP WatosBmassH Jeweler asd o vVoMflR BHRNK AND ROM LRA IN THR .OBRNATKN PRDtARIBB Of LOB ANORLRB HARROCAN Uaiud Preaa Berrlea LOB ANOKLRB. May 7. Job Mar rimes, Ue aoetaUat easdMaU for mayor ot Lea Angeles, kaa baas bar red from tka race ky Ue eosat Is Ue mayoratJty primaries, A casraas of Ue vote showed Uat Joha Bkesk aad Heary Rose lead Is tke race. They wUI be es Ue ballot at tha geaeral eteeUos. The Herald, ifty smosU. INCOME PIOfERTT Ask mo ososta aWrVaTs saT4t WawHI YoswBI to awy gToraTyVrYaJf as oTesaT4a) so aw JmKQ CHILCOTF MoasBt, ePeWOep tataooott aaaao Something Really Interesting a FOR THR RANCH RUYRR ltt acres aaimpreTod load, It mllea.frem KJamaU Falla. oa ceasty road. Rtg eertsg tkat sorer goes dry. Price f 10 per acre THol IR 9 BBSBRBOBRRSSeSBSaSBSBSBR 9 I J l9iimrMTl SB III I'llllll'ill III I IJII.Ifli 1 I mmJ M. MMM.V VA44.1 M. . , , , ( t 8m tmwm g999 eVMsHMV t i a year Miuy - i & i . . 1 Wa wlU ibair ih kaar Ma aaa i , eatloslote. UUaiHKH liOXS 8BBB r . 1NBIDKLOTB Bf Xv Tea per ssst eaab feeJssoa is SB -r' 1,.,-. Urn ' A ' v t so loses ssr tsroe jpaaes, j - IK Not s apssslstlss a gdat issid sv ma"?' fi I' Ism ssgmBBBBj swmwmmmsssi fB . , "4"JV? lalsalBi-Sl KammmmmmHmmtmmmwmm99999W999wwwm99999999m999 : aflBmVAV- " ' f''1 Osa of tke beet farm aadotoek rasekaa la KlaauU eossty; boasUfully loeatod, faatas os tke Lower KlamaU Lake; 7 miles from Merrill, miles from Midland; 70 acres Is crop; heavy loam sell asd s un a.t 98S00. Tcraif Ii J. F. MAGUIRE I 1 BmBBmBBmBBBBBk mm iH BURRRRf Wdflhadjmi RRbI MU5LIN UNDERWEAR Our Mac of MMiiiin MUrwer will iPK to you bccaiic It U the ittf nwtit itylei and workmaniblp excclleat. The valval cm aot be aarpaiicd coniklerlai the qaaUty of cloth aad irlaiminaB. -,1 i lsVll I I I BBBSV bf'BS . WlBmrTk R Ssv dRRriAn I ?' dft aVtul f "sbbeBR Ail "wRRBRRm- a Corict CoTcn 25c to $1 Prlnceti Slips $1.50 to $3.50 Gownt 1.00 to 3.50 Combination Suits 125 to 3.50 Drawers 25? to $1.50 Silk and Cotton Undenklrt. Silk Underskirts In Messsline from 1.50 to 3.25 Hestherbloom and Sateen Underskirts 55c to 1.35 ONE PIECE DRESSES our tin nt one niece dresses consists of' serges, silks, bstistes, linens snd msny no? elly weaves in cotton fabrics. Prices $1.14 to $15 COATS AND SUITS We can save you money on costs snd ruits, sll high grade and the newest summer styles. Prices $9.75 to $16.75 Horner prlcea $15 to $35 s t t .Sl aw jI HW. Hector's Department Store To boost Klamath eoaaty aesd The HeraM te yoar Kaatara frlesda. Um.tte merldlaa, aad for tha sale at 'and have the same peellabed as Us by tha said Uada te sallefy aaM lias asd official ballot for the aald electles. !sun Ajf AsstBBRImkBBBaasasRasm Notice la hereby gives Uat Jobs H. Smart, admlaUtrater of Ike estate of i.outb, raage twelre (IS) oast ef WH'by Districts ef all aemteeea as llod.rou are required to aaivar.MRs 'anil kiu tka . alll.k.J .a IkaiLy Ik. ..(.. f - " af Bfc.l .V VIN.I Vt rWIIIMM.B summom. ii ou uu te aaaavmi suer tl.P pUIatlff olHtapyaiBi; ruurl tor Ih. r.llef J.a-4IBaa1' compUlnl. H.M eult Is breuMb ....... . .tl..ttlnllnn af Ik. featfc 4 ' ,1'tHI w m t.ivi.. .r - malrlKony eiUiisg MtwemieamiH , .L- ..1.I..IM k.aa This iUitimoni U pebHaWd B a. ' 1 , l.e debt secured tkereby, aad for such Doae at Xlamatk rails, Orates, .other aad fartker relief aa to tka thle 31th day of April, till. court may seem eaulUkle. ALBKKT B. KLDRK, .,.. ..,. ... . Thu summoaa u subllsbed once a """' niamaia waier users e tteek for sli l) cessecatlve weeks In the Klamath Republleaa, a aewa paper, published weekly wllkla the soctatlos. (Baal) Ml r Iucy LssalM araasod tul MaA-rIi't,lr of "". Coun"r ot , , , Klamath Uepabllcaa. a WteSY ITlr ! BsTsraasUd iTtiTeaS HaiS I KUa,h' BUU of 0r,M' "ur,u"1 'S lh ClfCUlt CUTt f U taU "lft. irlaled. publhW aal v rtUkTaSIuJimr Or.goB,forU.CeBtyefKI..,B,ca -ckl, st KUsoU FA , with tka clerk thereof, hi. report asd . f ... . . h . MB, i...., r-ir. stite ef Oramlf "XZZ B.V " r "- "?..rll..Bry U lleaso.. Judg.of the .b... HB- Dudley. P....,.., aald eeUte, together with hie petitloa I for fl&al Ulitrlbutloa of the persesal I property bcloDilog 'therete: aad that I Friday, the 30lh day of May, A. D. IS II. at 10 o'clock a. m aad la tke court room of the couaty court ef Klamath county, sUte ef Oregos,.!sl thm fAUtttv rnurt bauaa UI.M.Ik ' rails, la said couaty, have boas as polated by the court aa tka time asd place for a hearing ef aaM satKles, report aad final access! asd Ua set tlemeat of said aeeeuat: at Itntltled court, aad tbe first publics. vs. Hon thereof Is made la said aewapa per on the 10th day of April, 1913. ALBERT K KLDKR. Attoraey for Plaintiff., 4-10-I-S3 r i Nancy Ana Dudley, Defeadast. la the name of the state ef you are hereby required to appear asd ,-u.war in. COHpiami BICS agSISSI ou la the above entitled salt, es or - before Thursday, tha lltk Bar of NOTICK Juae, A. D. Itll, tkat betsg tsa ssy To the Stockholders of Ua Klamath of '- lut publlralles of Urn asm Water Users AaaeclaUes: - mo-. and tka last day wltkls wkleh Yea are kereky Bottled Uat tka 'Klamatli Ccunlr, State ef0rims.h? . . -L II.....VU UjBft L oraer oi in- nuw-w - ;i Denton, Juil.e of the CceH0ia-i miiiI dateil the 30th da; ot Am. ' i, ri.. ,.i nnMiMtlea ef SB ? !, " r- . summons May. A. ..iIhm tli.rmf Will icttivn -. --" .... a Thursday, the 11th day ef - tan. ! IIOIUCK M. MAWWJj. s.i.a.iir Attorntr isr ---: j The firit pnMlmtiea ei we t s u made on the W otr ' I). UI3, andtMUmtasV ih.r.of will be Boat , Wales 'annual meeting ot the stockholders 431 jrrUi Street time aad place any persoa Istereated Is said eetate may appear sat lis aa- ceptloas to the said accoual asd coa test the same. Dated this 2ltb Say of April, A. D. 1913. JOHN II, SMART, of the Klamath Water Vt tloa, which aald aaaual meetlag la far the purpose of electing n board of di rectors for tka essulag year, aad the transactloa of auck other business as may regularly be brought before said meetlag, baa beea called, asd will be 1 . r I Admlslatrator of Ua Batata of Lucy,'1' '" tBa HoutOB wra keaae Is Looeely, Deceased. 4-S4-6-33 r MMIMMMMMMIMMMM PRIZES -A FISH EI MEN Yea are overlooklsg a bet If Van Aua't trv tmr au b t Hiaos belBg ofered far tss ' Ursa largest treat eaagbt te ; Klamatk eoaaty wMk as as. ', red or, leas. rirst rrmey f IB rod. smssflsmaamj BJHBJBBj HBHI sTaVaBby Third rHaev.SS Use Daa Van Brimmer, WalaUf, TS, rred Kyleafeldt, Oafaadast. To rred Sylonfeldt, Ue Above-Named Defendant. In the Name of the Bute of Oregea: You are hereby aammesed asd re quired to appear asd aaswer Ua eom Plalat flled la the above estlUed salt wIUIb all (6). weeks after Ua Irst publleattos of this asmmosa Is Ua Klamath Republleaa, s aewspaper, to wlt: On or before Ue Sid day of May, 1913, which Is tka data of Ua last publication of Uis aammoas, aad you win take settee tkat If yes fall lot," and be voted only by electors at . mVrn, .au awwer or ptoas wuais me pons la persoa. The directors . ... .-.., BMiaua (or wast snau ae inspectors of all elections IBaSaal Will AKau AS.- n m ... - so is Keeoived by tbe Stockholders of the Klamath Water Users Asaocbv HUB IB ABBUat the city of Klamath rails, KlamaU .couaty, state of Oregoa, es rrlday, I tha etith () day of June, 1911, at (the hour of 3 o'clock p. w. I You are further aotlled Uat at I said aaaual meetlag Us follewlsg ameadmenU to tha By-Laws ef the 'Klamath W.t. 1,.... a .... ... .. ...m nmi VHII JWVCISMOS win be submitted for your aceoptasee or rejectioa, to-wlt Be It Resolved by the Stockholders or the Klamath Water Users A as tela tloa Ib Aaaual Meetlag, That Beetles three (3) of Article Ive (I) ef Us by-lawn of the Klamath Water Users Asoctatloa be aad Is hereby amaaled to read aa follews: Bectios 3. Votes ahall ha k. i.i. ed balloU designated as "OMelal Bal- Still With Us and proving a big: success Mr.Harrv W illianis of San Francisco ( Master of Ragtime and Entertaijtf thereof, will apply to Ue above titled eeart for the roller semaaded Is tha compUIat flled. Is said salt. to. wu:. ror a decree of tke above es. titled court ferecloelag a certals lies gives by a mortgage executed by yes, tne aereasaat, to the plalatlf tkerels os tbe 13th day of May, 1911, apes be followlag deaerlbed laaoa is Klamatk couaty, state of Ota, to wit: The sortaaoat asa simrfM- af TBI OUW 1TOJUB I S ' ' oM-irter (NBU of . - ' NH) of secMoa atrss (7), asd the .aOsasJamassslBSf. , laortk oso-kalf of. Us sorthwoat sso .,,, ssrtsr (NM of NWH) of seoolos MIMeeMMMIMiMMee''" ") towasalp fettysss (U) : maetiajr. That tka louowiag aectioa be aad bereby is added to Article Iva (6) of the fly. Laws of the Klamath Water Users Mecwuon, to oe designated aa Sec tion four (4) of said Article. Bectios .Nominees for tha .. of Wractor shall file their petitloa iBSsd by at leasi tea 10) attained electors with tha aeoreUr . .k. oflee of the Asoelatloa at least tas (0) days before the date of the as. Hwal electloa of directors. The Bee. rotary shall thereafter prepare s list . Oar eatertaiRMeat will alcaie you. Kices are aoMgluir than othera a'd aieala tha baat. So why Hot dine at the H OTEL ALL Q Rl LL - CABB I AVasrai Path' Mly"fintfMt,,ui-m "'