HUITMKU BY TMK DMTl.n I'HKWI NKWS MKRVIOM tienina 1 tfirift. V- K,wntli Year No. B,wST KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, WBDN KSDAY, MAT f, ISIS ' "M T$VTOnl I'TrKSBBnnnmvl V" ..."J3fl&mnmmmn 3 - " ' J nVgsnnmnl nMmWMmteMriyBMr'')tZtt& .v Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda Car Service Paralyzed by the Gas and Electrical Men's Strike - -e , - - - .. . ir.fLyx -tl-,(-,i-.j--i-iii-.- n n - - - - ----- . -.- .. . i fl - JACK JOHNSON Su'fs Who Posed in a Tableau JURY IS SWORN ' LiJN; KENNEY GONE WXM'V. I'lIAK WITNKHM HAH iTZ .MUllllKIIKM g rHMiroiiHlnlilo AlxK-iirr of Otrr rt 'au KtHlrral Anlltorlll In llnm .iUTlimelf e fur lllf ftefr If uf l.tiriny of .rgro t-'lglilrr -The Takltitf Testimony Will Ciii. nini Tomorrow Morning 1 UoiltJ I'reit tiervlce Cllll'AOO, Mey 7. At noon thei Jurj as iMorn lu l lie federal district' court to lirar Ilia evidence against Jack Jnlimuu, Ilia uegro heavy weight I thtimion, who U charged with vlolat-' Inc tho while stave law, I If la being tried under tht Mann act. , Ttie taking of testimony will com acute in the morning. Asaisiam wo- selected to mm In the tableau ml UUlrlct attorney issue we open-,,,, ,, Metropolitan opera houaa In ciatcmiit for tho prosecution tlilsNlw, v rk ,0 r,nreient lno advance ment or women, are gooa 10 iook tion. The raanagcra of the woman suffrage party, who mad the eetcc- sltprnoou, Thus far, all afTorta have (ailed to turtle Yank Kenney, one of the Im portant witnesses for the govern gg .SgggggggggggggggggggggggggamMF JammL. bV Jmm ggfgggflmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB nSSgggggfamWCSZI BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggggfH I'gggammmmBV KHnHpgKBH i BV!BIIIIIIIIICBw7j HlmRiilHfx7BmlllVi MjgtfgggHgU p3ggBfigmWKi"'l' 'V -' ' gf;i liLLgiiHBu oSgammgMgaWv f ff gfl ' JaMHSmmmmVrM IT 4)(gWH H 5r vKHe: Ifitta f f gfwlB'1 Jw 'iSali Xgsr ggggB', ll . .' -,"' jHrVHKSnttL-M JlemmW. ' vii'wffrjKKSj , i uCw 3gmmmmw JammV-l II a gamTf f& amWK-igggggggggggggggggggggf i YgggammVaW IlL 4V tV.ll -flSaSllfMawMggr-'T 'ME & lw,!iayrrQlTflCT saff .' .; wgmr jgggggr VL ggVTzav ggr IR00E0 HEADS 1 WAT WORK !NKVKItAIi NKWMHKAXaKMKNTit ! MADB LAT:lilHT Fdlt TMK , IIL'CCKKH OV fHK HIIOW .KW OPHCIAUi NAMKU Home, crhape meat, of the young JrV - JKrpkrn I 1'. 1 J Tlio executive eomraltteo of the Kll.n I'.oduo heU,n tueollnt; laat night at which aevefalf' new committee tiin. ujipoliitcd aad pluna, were dla ciiuuj and a program arranged for tho turning big invent. It waa d clfed that blda would be aaked for (thC (.onceulona ewltbe grounda. 'ioo uiombera oithe committee are delci mined to aue the aecond an nual iliow a flaaaatal iuccea aa well ua In other reaWut They have placed U. II. Campbell ai' treasurer, and he will icu that no money la Improperly pent or waited. Leslie Rogera will hao charge of the auditing of all bill, nnd no Indebtedness cannot bej Incurred without Mng passed upon! by the executive committee. Literature, carda, posters and llth ographs are to be secured at once and placed at all nelnfa on the railroad between 1'ortlaad and San Francisco. The new committees appointed were: 1'rlntlng J. J. Parker chairman, if. Ilolvln and W. D. Cofer. Music K. B.i Henry chairman. J. K. Ilodge and P. R. Olds. O. W; MekeraenHaa beea eeleeted aa chief of notice on the grenncs.'and will appoint .tea asslsUnU to kelp In the work. WILL GIVE S00 PARTY TONIGHT THK MKOFOKO WAYS AJfB MKANS COMMJTTKK OV RKBKKAaW TO K.TKRTAIN MKMllCIM ARB KltlKMM AT CAMEW ' HAWAII ASKS TO LEAVE THE H.S. I'Krrnow in cmotiiAnetf to. DAY-lMiAlfaflM BaKlliAlMi THKY CANNOT KXttT W MtOAB IH FRKaVlJMTKO Tho members and friends of Pre I crlty Rebekah Lodge will be -eater-twined this evening In I. O. O. T. Tem I 'e by the Medford Ways and Means (cmmlttee. Progfesslve 500 will be the method mLIII... ...u Ik. dlA.lK a.AHb .! . T..W "w"7' when a petition to this eect was rnd the winners will be appropriately,.,,.,, mmA . .,i.,.., .fc.. t a - s i m I F m VUVBiaiMVn ! United Press lerrlee HONOLULU, Hawaii, May 7. Tk tht eat of certain wral knsteeae saam to ask that Hawaii be "aUewed t withdraw from tke United States If a free sugar provision Is enacted ky congress," took concrete form teday i c warded with prises cents. Admission SB ilionn. ti eked out some of the most IMOI. Kenney has been missing ln,bflluUfu, ,ney couW flnd, partlcuUr. .!it Tliursday, and the pollco are of , wore ,hey iUCCMf(U n the ease of lbs opinion that he has been murder- .Uno Fredericks, who represents d or fniillv dealt with In Other ways. ,..... .. xi, m U..I.IIU Du ami -- -- r V..I.I. W..1 1W. u www i nennry was jonn.on iriiir -"Mrs. May lleUe Morgan, who were appear in a tireex costume, ana to Mrs. Rose M. Torrey. wfce) is kome-itn former police oStelal. eaadhUey it hu, 'vm, wn,, - .. .-..- n,ong tne ornnmenu or me snow.uve up 10 me pan i am going 10 ?ieteodlng at Coon I'olat en tke Upper 'for tke senate It was declared M.1 Jtltrlr and won the title. Ho and ,r.,I0(j (jrccK costumos. barefooted, Just like the fJreeka In i .v.. i. m u,. ,i(r im.Iu m hui.'i .... '... ....... ! il. ii. i i..l .. !..-. .-.! ..w .. - ...... ..... t . ...- . ' .mi.u niian ma w unmw u ... ui kimvi Mo..v- -", c, snia irs. norian, soierai icsuvaia ana mo uvju in iw !"" nets matters. nJ his oTHcnce would be most uam- jny, before the show, "I am going to time. ikIhk to tho ilefendnnt. . ... , . ,. POLICE PREFECT OUT FOR SENATE WOKLB'8 ORKATMrT CtUMDfAIi KXPKRT IS OCT FOR OmOMlN FKANCK OX BVLUfOOM tMXi' CIPLBS threegk- out the Island. Those behind tke pe tition declare Hawaii will he unable to exist commercially If tke free sagar. provision goes through. They declare that If It does Hawaii should be al lowed to resume ker previous state ef Independence. United Press Serrtee , PARIS. May 7. Friends ef Lnwaa Lepwe, France's famous e pretest of police, and sometimes eattac tke most famous police kead of times, today Informally Mrs. W. Paul Joknsen Is ken from Sen Francisco, to remain for several weeks. LAWYERS HOLD i. TRYOOT TODAY It Is said that Kenney Intended to ltd of the visits of while girls nnd vomrii lo tho Johnson training quar trr nl Itcmi and other places. In or der tn lu-ncl this off, officers are of the opinion that frlenda of Johnson splr lid Kenney away and cither murder- d him or are detaining him. Tlio city police and detectives are working on the caao in'an effort to lo- HKKVICKH rate Kenney. In addition a number of secret service men have been tie islU'd by the government. WILL OBSERVE MOTHERS' DAY IN CMURCHK8, WIIITK t.'All.VATION IN BUTTON- Sen la Born Dr. Merryman reports the birth of a ion lo Mr. and lira, flaorea Acer this morning. The Agera realds on Mothers' Day, Ihe Kcao road. "Mother" Is a name that Is sanctified by all. and tho beautiful custom of wearing a whlto carnation on the sec-, ond Sunday In May will be almost uni versally celebrated thla year. The object of Mothers' Day Is to honor and uplift motherhood and to glvo happlneaa to "the best mother who over lived," your mother. Ob- AND tvrvanco loving remembrance of your mother (or ner memory) through somo-dlstlnct act of kindness, IIOLKH WILL HHOW RKHI'KCT vlltt tribute or letter. Live tkts day FOR "THK IIKHT ONR" ' 0XiT ,uolllor would have you live ' 'It. Tho badge la the white or colored " M carnation. Time the aecond Sunday Wear a white carnation Sunday for ,10 uth) of my nnnu,,ly. ,a Ut schools, Friday (May 9th). Founder Dr. K. V. Morrow returned night from Portland. He north for several weeks. last tho Loire district, where he baa Urge property holdings. M. Leplae Is a 'progressive" la the truest American kaa been conception of the term. He la now on 'a vacation In Egypt. Nortk In addition to the wearing or Miss Anna Jarvls, 3031 ! Mowers In respect to Mother, residents Twelfth street, Philadelphia. Kngle of Klamath Falls wll be given an op- Tlio Idea cume to Miss Jarvls while lack II. Dsrrr and O. H. eaino In from the Fort Tuesday after- nortunlty Sunday to attend special i,0 WM planning to commemorate noon for a visit of sevsral days, .Mothers' Day services at the churches, (he anniversary of her mother's death. Several years ago, while she was won- Dairy Butter Must Be Plainly Marked State Food and Dairy Commissioner Sends Out Special Order Calling Attention to the Statute Second Unit Work is Far Ahead of Schedule e Maney Brothers' Contract Calls for 150 Per Cent Completed July 1. Wo?k Now 40 p. c. Finished tlieso are hor reasens: "Its whiteness stands for purity, Its form for beauty, Its fragrance for lovo, Ita wide field of growth for char ity, Ita lasting qualities for faithful ,nesa all attributes of the true moth- er." Miss Jarvls aaked everybody to wear a white carnation on hi coat The following ruling on the brand- weight, but In tho absence of any Upe, on a day n BOBOr of n, -;otlwrt ' of dairy buttsr kaa been sent out .name and address on the butter so as The de ad npmTt d tht y J. D, Mlckle, Oreton dairy and) to positively Identify tne manuwc- BnpolBted day .crciy a van appear- uirer, we cannoniu . -... etl on lne itreets of Philadelphia Ing ruling Is therefore made: wh0ie c0.t WM ot a)lora witk the All dairy butter ottered or eipoaed ftmb,em, for sale will be considered mlsbrand- A whUe carBI,t,0B j,M B0W eo, to ed If It does not hive plainly marked Ue iyBDOllct ot , aotRr deceased on each roll or square the words, iond R C0,0Md carnation ot a aaotker "Dairy uutter," "io ounces tun weight" or "33 ounces full weight," and the name and address of the man- - m, m ufacturer. Any person offering or ex-' a. .. h.i. ... posing for sale dairy butter not brand-."'" - " ed incompliance with this ruling wui - b. nros-outad under the statutes pro-1 Bee the lateat arrivals of retrlgw Fifty thousand yards ot dirt were moved la April by the sne-eentraetera under Maney Brothers en the excava tion of the Second Unit1 laterals, ae- derlng what flower she would lay on cording to Igures compiled by the rec her mother'a grave, It occurred to ner i.nutlon service. A still greater that It wouid be a beautiful tribute to .howlng will be made during Mayi as all mothers, tho living as well as tke the weatker will permit hill erews tn dead, If the children would unite lRork the entire month. tho simple wearing of white towers. I Mt month's showing nukes tke Miss Jsrvls thought that the wh,lte eavatlon ot the Nortk and SouU carnation would be the most approprl- Poe valley and ilrimiU .n Nnss Lake ate blossom for Mothers' Day, aad 'i.i.rala 40 ner cent comnletsd. The food commissioner, for'tkn guidance ' dairymen: The statutes regulating the manu facture and sale of butter provide for the branding ot creamery butter, but ot for the branding of dairy butter except that eaeh roll or square must o plainly marked 1 ounces tall "eight or "jJMir full weight. We nnd some 0f' butUr tt la not so marked, and weJriso. fend same tkat ' hort waiiit. ' We would an tad to hold the man utacturer respenslble for tke mis branding, and ataa, for . the. skert Hiving, vlded for the branding of food pro- ators at Klamatk Valley Warekenee dtwU. company. -" I contract wltk the government oelia tor the completion of 66 per cent by SAYS HE'LL 6ET THE HIGHER-UPS GOTHAM DHTRIOT ATTORNBY SAYS LAST NrOkirS OONVtO. TIONS ARK ONLY TUB RUNNBR OK BXPOSK July 1. From tke progress b.log male tke vork will be Bonked several weeks ahead ot tke time epeclled for kaTg naif tke dlgglag done. XttokeUernd that tke earthwork on tan two Fa VaUey laterals wlU be T I per sent completed by tke end ot May. and on the other two laterals It wlU be still nearer to completion. Lumber and eulverts for structures on the laterals and suh-laterala are being seat to the seeas ot activities. Thejr are being Installed by tnren no-count. United Press Service - NBW YORK, May T-Tne), MTta tton of the oflcers higher up wke are ImpllcaUd lu the poUee'departsnint graft seandal. la predlete kr PIseHit vlctlon last night ot Inspectors Has sey, Thompson, Murtka and Sweeney. It Is understood tkat Inspector Murtka'a frjenda are asking WkMntan for terms under whiek Martha ean get Immunity! .'-, Whitman, R la said, aaa tndloated tkat the. only terms are a complete revelation ot tke workings ef tke "systeat" aad tlio names of the higher w r UP. Frank Ughtfoot la here frees Ba nanas, ' giving' attention to business mature. . Judge v Drake, wko kaa keen aa. Jouralng at kls ranek In the, Wong River Valley.'ls here agala. " 'v Mr.A. M,HeUlngrof Attorney Whitman, f eitaweag tne eon-1 acre to do akepplng. ! LBOAIi LMSTTS WILL AROUND MOBOC PARK TODAY. MbRHCOS HAVB MANY flOOa) PROSPBCTS The report la The Herald Tuesday to the effect that the doctors ot tke city had organised a baseball team for the open aad avowed purpose of getting a gamcwHk tke lawyers waa aumclent to set 'tke attorneys to work searching for available mnterial In the regular ranks of the profeeslen.c It was found upon tngulry tkat there are several lawyers wko kara played baseball; In fact tnere are some wko have played wltkbs tke laat ten years. Marquard. Collins. Davla. Conk and Baker kave netking on somn of ear bsrrlsters when It comes to playing ball. It what they have their fellow lawyers Is However, all ot tk lawyers, for some unknown reaeeev kave decided that tke word ot nobody la to no Ink- in tke matter, and oratory Coattaued en Page, 4) SAN FRANCISCO WILL Bf LUiX vJ k. ' THIS EYEWI WAMIOfJT WILL SMt BtAI ,-IN MB MOM '. r, , ' ' V Kastotwaf vr. 31 V 1 . .' . . .- j y.M ,' . ". reeafsMsf to' aseeS' et 4ssaenaf law an teereane of Wngna Is sesnnansiV i".. --1"S!!.-."' 'r"- -' n lrgg"4,if gHfgaC nmNMaSPnM MsT' ggl ewBgej WwwmKttW99mmWKttl9t&9 erggt eBnmV CMIew U at n geanrfeaflt . t k em m na m m ', ' l" As ' VJrSBkdk nftnw United Praia Servlee FRANCISCO, may of tkeanWatod ployed In tk vnriona I Paeiae One and Bteetrte tkrongkont Cnnewrnw, this meratog on neeeminf i agree, en questions 'of., and other msttsrs'. Tn members ec tn for aa laeresss m'wngei day n week rest., ,rv., T . From toS meg) an asm , and more 'are itpsitid In enaaa owt'.tedny an4j Sen Frsnesiss;'ang tk cHy'wIlt'. trsaspsrlatlsn crippled. '-. - In Oakland, wMk f car service Is tied np and tn dietrlM to pnrnsynsc.f-' -"- gaewj HsBVeTWw nenB'Wemeai amain ' fc-iwrinrT, ' 4Aian mawBnMspns! t SSennBggPeWsjt . 1 ' !r . i; e- r . j The tranepertotlen service e amttto ley, Alameda and Ba tied up) and tkoneaads arc to walk. DEBS SUIT IS ORDERED DEAI ATTORNRY OnWnannf .nttv TnUTTBUC Pamiai 4tnVIM AOAINBT SOC4VUJnW,ldnnaBBB IHw 0tBBBeUnWnmmV " v ''It FORT SCOTT. Kasie., Map t; A tfian order of Attorney Oeneral Jneton S Reynolds, tke suHa sgelast amBeamV. Dees. J. T. Skepperd tk anltoft af . tke Appeal to elalUts have been ,Ji "Thirty-Seven Settlers T,axaf - . . nmna g : , :.. j C"BBB BBrgt If.' yy .'-? J' " -' ' " Vkoriot-t Carnahanand MilU Receive VMta That They Have Won for Ok99 In Circuit Court of AppeaM F. ' T - i- tf,? 'V Homesteaders kave scored Mctner victory over A. D. Daalela In" In t'37-10" lead oases, secoreiagtotel graphle adriecs reoelved W, J. ' Oar nabaa aad Fred' H. Mills, attorneys for some of tk dsfendants. Tne tif attorneys kave keen nttnd tkat tkeir ciieam wcre.Tictonoue tn in unit States drenlt.eeurt of appsnla at Ban Francis. , "' ; ' - - . Carimknn ' represintcd Jnka O. UeaaH, Yeetal W,Wakin, Yaton- tlne Bsmkatd an4 nmrk . atonnpi In Ua esse.- Mrs. CI. Biliieiinm Mllta'eUent '., 1 Tk salt embtnees atntnan eases is whkh Isanlam. laiauni nl k iatorwt'to.mtny'f4at'HM Uon,.afmgkl aV - . . 'V 'Stt. fJ !."t,s . 'de'fendaats j. dcclsrsd to to. truM.lorkbm.X'M anf meeuy. in towns 17 ltea.rtt4tvaHn qutohatonttunnknn set. reserve iy Cattto'enpanr Ban af county. Fntt o4-kMM nWbytnMst to set Tk fertkel w- V aBw kJBmJ JW Vf'1 i ,4' wNHfiau Bnmnw wanfjnv nwamamf 1 minsenl ISenmn aamm m "toBBKnnnu klBkteWuweaj V'J .3W . v.