HIll'I'MKM MY TIIK I.NITIII) 1'itliW KKWM HKHVIOB Wht tifnhta efaliV V j.f ? w 5 '".. ---4lip ' ' ii A -LLu m ''j"'1! 'sw ., - vC nf rf-jju Jr , . riwKrtrttf nmma w- w rv a- Krenth Vw No tMt .v j. J ri fflV4 y1 KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, TUMVAY, MAY 0, lffll !J?'JJi- - .. Mighty Protest is Being Made Against the Ruling of Closing Lower Lake and River to the Hunters fc Kir1 ",,r .j. '" WOULD MAKE KLAMATH CHICKS STATES ! HAVE SOME TASTE OF CALIFORNIA TWO tUimiltll IIIIIMJH IN A JOINT IttiHOI.UTION A.VOTHKIl M'dUKT IM FOUND TO AltU A LITTLE T) TIIK EXCITE MK.NT AK TO THIH COUNTY'H .MINKItALH Tim Knitwood chickens arc not tho Mrmury l for m I'Mrplw "I Oetllag jwily KlmtiMtli county l.eti who have' the Qurll.n o Hie Hall. lor l,el,ll'v,,01l't", n ,,T,"""' for "Ucl! ho,f" ' inomfU n toll nugneta, n icLtfil In IVuple'a I'lrnauro Proposr Um(,0 Herald xomo two week ago, so- Hutr at T.liacliapl Final Action "ttlliK to now brought hero by B. A. ........... .. . .. ' I'riiiijr, who rojlili en tho Mlckler ti. , Umi lllll Will torn H. l-.rr l ' A)rUll, ra,c, Mr 0flne ,,, Hie Xrliu itiUo brought In it nugget, ami' ho ru . ... .. , reived DO cent fur It from n locnlj Jeweler. I According to Mr. Pontic)' hi wlfo foil nil tho mi meet In tho yard a fow week ago. It li wont ituooth, n, IhotiKh It hml hren curried In a lion', crop, nnil th I'enny aro of tho opin ion tlinl tho arcclou inotal wua plcrf il up hy it hen, nnil that It wn out unobaervcd when the ii ft or bolng killed, waa I'nlM I'rrfl Hervlce HACItAMKNTO, May C Tho dlvl loo of California Into two elnlca la the lubitanco of a Joint resolution lit Irwlurrd In llio neimlo today by Hn itur John II. Banford of Uklah. The mtaiura provide for tho plac- Inv nf lh fifltfllnn tin I lift lialldl liv ... -. ... ,......... ... . , j,rom, ltitccrUry of itatp, In order to lv,c(,c,n Prof. Marchiafava , Who Saved Pope aiHn'"'n9HiH JKHH i LB 'iLLLLLLLLLftaLH HIT BY BUCKET I OF PAINT; REED ASKS DAMAGES : - ,, j. MTHTMIN UNION' 'HKKK.VIIA.Vr IN AOTHiN HLKI) W'. D. Haywood, Leader of I.W.W. P0 th' Cow (May's All(i;lnu That thr'Cowiuiay'a Km pin j ( a Were at VmU, ami Tliat Hla IC.iSi.lnjC Capacity fHaa IImw taw pclml by ltraae of Injury. Iocal Man Afcki tl.tltl Coniwwy Film li IViniirrrr loitajr. the rolm of tho atato au opportunity jdonnril. A half dojen tlmi within the lat llircii yoara word li.iu cam from :tnnie that I'opo IMua X. wat io III aa he waa at tho cerner of Sarattfli Jamc Douilai haa returned to the.""' " could not laat much longer. 'atrett and KUaamtk avenue la Jaa- Uoak ranch at Odcaaa, after a con. HI lllne haa uaually been due to forenct hero wllh I). I. Doak. who overwork. Then haa como the new I. to Mttlo the matter of utato dlvUlon. SnforJ'i bill haa gone to the atate printer, It wll come up later for action. According to tho plan outlined in(owni lno rgucn and Jt vr Adama. that 1'rofeuor Marchiafava haa Uken Kta'ord reaolutlon, tho atatn would hottl ,ttAKV U being uaed In rocla- charge and overruled tradltlon which aurround the pope, r Ho ha generally forced the poaUff to take to hla bed for a few day. There upon recovery haa followed. In the pope'a lllne of March and April the profcior took charge, and deaplte A'WkIiik that, a buckot of paint dro red on him laat January haa In Jtne.l him Internally and pcrmaaently, tieorgo (I. Itced of thl city baa com menced a ault forilamagM agalBat tho Wcttorn Union Telegraph corn pany. Itced demand 1 1,999. Hla attor ney Is W. II. A. Reaaer. In hi complaint Reed allege that -HaaaBaoaBiawaaaa-aaamaBaaBaw-w w aBBilllllllA. .aLHIaJBBllllllW m?m- mmm PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 OUT MAY 23 KIOHTM QRADK KXAmHKtOH TO Mt MKLI THCaMMT AST Flin)AV--aKAI)K BKINU ARRANOEU FlNAlil' ARK it, X . SPORTSIEN D9 NOT WANT LAKE CLOSED BY r:am B,i-i 2 t ' . V. ' 'JU " m raoTtssT ntMfTi'o;ili'i - v M ii I mmrnm ooh -- - . eraniaaaa f OraW . ,Waata,'l UkcAuMl Uak IMrar . . era la ,Mei te He VUk 3 Quito, a Bumbor of kMdlea, are daily pawing oyer calendar, eeuaUag the number of daya of ImBrtaemmeat In achool roema when the aprteg day, the good fishing and the aoaga of the bird divert their mlada far from thought of' the "three R'a." Toa; they announced that the term weald be ended oa May 23. ( I Announcement to thla effect waef (aUo made by City Saperlateadaat R. li. uuabar. He etaled farther thati Eighth grade atudeata will oa Than-(,, ,. -. .. ., Jj 1'",' ito eaaaaJ-i" """ " "" TT- wmTTt H fw lWaaa W waaaaWJawP WW J Uteaeea WIN JCe 1 t A . Following kjAllaWaal'i. Tlketr Otm naaaai , w -."..--. h. l. ."Klamath Lake aad the lower Hm t huatera, tareach taa I ,day and Friday Uke the atate nation for high achool eatry, that the queatloaa far the laal ea In the other grade are kelac areaar-i' ,h aartaetit at aarlealMira UMM rf evkani win iwi. .Mi i. k.(U' maeh areteat v Ware, ''aaaaaat daV "' "... " m " , i . . .. ,. . early part of Neptemher. The areaeat raa aa ta tta raMaf. nMr-a . W. D. Haywood, the orgaaiaer and leader of the Indu trial Workara et uary, an employ of the telegraph (the World, haa sot atopaat hla agt company dropped a bucket of palat.Utlon alace he waa arretted, ia Pat- from the top of a telegraph aele.l tenon, N. J. He gave ball aad prompt- & teaching ataaVwaleh haa prered HaeM highly eScleat, will be praeUaatty, la tart aest year. ic'oniluuad on rn' ' Tuatlon work there. Tariff Debate Stopped in Honor of Leader 'report that tho pontiff would not laat more than a few day, ha has iufl clently recovered to attend to hla dutle. the laws andiatrlklng Reed and knocking him va-'ly resumed his direction of thestrU mt alnlaa -. vwaaaivauiaaie aar Since recovering conscleaaaeas, ac cording to the complaint, Reed has not been able to work aad earn 11.60 a day a heretofore. It la held that hi spine has been permaaeatly ta- - Jured. Dr. W. K. Boyd ftaa rested oScea In behalf of the Western Union, In the Odd Fellows building, aad writ lag stlkjaULoaaratera.. Hayweadaad Miss Elisabeth Oarley Flyaa, who has auto been arrested, laslet that the charge agalast them Is groaadlea. and will never be pressed to aa iseae. Attorney cnaries '. biobs today nied I open his denUl parlors aa soob aa hla a general demurrer to the complaint. fixtures are Installed. Fifty-First Anniversary of the Birthrp.AA ,-j-fil-Mi-am- UAM of Oscar Underwood Observed Three COUItCllmen ChOSeil By a General Hand-shaking Again; Two Are Defeated Halted frees Service iby surprise. He stammered and; WASHINOTON, May 6. While the'bluihed a few minutes before he could Urin debate was at 1U hottest polat,' thank his collosguos. i...AM UiMt1tAM l ITnaAH t..AM Al.l.Llrik.l. juit after noon today, Congreeamaa Immediately after the row com 'UWCllBt XiaillllaVIl Q11U jaUelUtl QIC VIIUAC1I JUCOIU UJ inCir Minn halted proceedings to Inform the members of the house that today Majority Leader Oscar Underwood Is SI year of age, and to congratulato hlru. Thl waa followed by applauso, and tlie man who Introduced the tariff meaiuro waa congratulated and given uand ahake by all. Undorwood waa taken completely menced again, Mann attacking the frra lumber clauCo In the revlalon bill.) Tho houue I also battling today ( over the free raw wool clauio and the froo lUt of wool, pulp, paer and wheat rtour. Boveral predict that the sonnto wll lamcnd tho bill and free Hit cattle. Constituents, the First Named Without Opposition. Crlsler is Beaten By 2 Votes and Melhase 14 A hot debate I expected when the froo moat soctlon I comlderod. I Following aro the members of council chosen at Monday's electien: Say Modoc Northern Running Here By 1915 Report From Reliable Sources Are to the Effect That Work Will Start at Susanville Soon That the Modoc Northern Railroad . Modoo county. compauy'a trains will be running lato Klamath Falls by-m Is the asser tion made by contraction omclal of Oio company, acdcrdlBg to reliable In formation received here from Busan yllle, The railroad, which commences at ernley, Nevada, has Just completed U lino to Susanvllle, and work trains ro now running Into that city, V First Ward Leslie Rogers. 8econd Ward Long term, 0. D, Matthowa; abort torm, W. 0. Town- aond. Third WardJohn H. Hamilton. Fourth Ward Uen 8. Owons. Fifth Ward W. 0. Huson. A very light voto was cast In the 'the Second, finished 'city, duo largely to the fact that there hind Melhase. were no contests In either the First In the Third ward Council; or Fourth wards. Balloting was heaviest In the Second aad Third, where there wero several seeklag office. In the second both of the present councilman were defeated. 0. B. Crlsler lost to W. C. Towasead for the ono-year-term by two votes, aad Fred Melhase ran second to Matthews. Frank M. Upp, another candidate In three votes he- John H. Hamilton won out over his three pppoaeata, Horatio Oram, Dr. W. A. Leonard and William H.,8haw by a big vote, polling 119, while his nearest competitor! Oram, received 78. The Held was pretty evenly eaUt between the three atso-raaa. In the Fifth Ward only 70 votes were cast. Of' these W. 0. Husoa re ceived 40 and Fred Hyadmaa SO. The name of Mrs. Maude link was written on 99 ballots In the Fourth, but Owens polled 106 Votes. " STRIKERS AND POLICE CLASH :47t the Una ivllle, ao- t.wlll be 111. The r he start- track look,, Ia CAlllllKHH AND OFFICERS KXCHANOE MULLETS MILITIA COMPANY SUMMONED MANY Thla Dlece of work will Include the iinn throuah the 1'itt River canyon. IIIOD Following Its completion, the next to J be taken up will be to Merrill. Arnnrdln io the rlatllt of Way SO-1 cured for this railroad, the route will! INJUHBD ', LlThTune ?,VSrthS!; BVltACUBE May 6 -Striking hod of tho lake to Merrill, and from there wrrlera and other laborers this morn- II wlU be run to t Hs city. ' I"8 cUBha wlth the poHc "ttempt' ' ClookrtL no kern terxnluu. of to protect strikebreakers, and J. " I... ,n i, taken u by theluurlng the battle firearms were used construction department of .the road, battle took place near the court house and the strikers used steaes aad club. Two mora policemen were tak-j en to the hospital. The local mllttla company Is held 1b roadlness to aid the police, aad all the ambulancea are being held for emergency use. " Is about 90 miles from here. The closeness bf the work outlined Indi cates that the remark about the rail road entering Klamath Falls In two years wan not a boast. freely by both sides, , Seven Italians were shot during tho melee, and six policemen were in jured seriously, One of the strikers may die. Later in the day a second pitched Members of the Rtaekaa Degree team are requested to meet la I. O. 0. F. Temple tomorrow afteraooa at S o'clock for practice. All that aa pos sibly attend are requested 'to ha pres ent at this meeting. Hy order of the Captain. John Koonts Is up from hla ranch, eleven miles south of taa alty. Ha says that much of the plowing and seedtag In bis neighborhood 'hi bow done, and the farmers are looking for ward to a 'good' seoa,vavea taoaga spring is later thaaaaaaL' ' ' HOOKWORM CURE 0. K. IN 06DEN FIRST APPEARANCE OF TME MB EASE IN UTAH W BUOOaaWirvlV LY COMBATTBD RY PaTYBICIANS .DETAILED , ' Bpaelal to The HeraU OQDRN; Utah, May Followlag a period of some wseka during wMea time tho attending phyalclaas have worked assiduously, the family ot'F. A. Bhumaa, seven in number, hav been pronounced oarad of hookwara. This la the 'rtV abearance of taa parasite la this state. , pi Martla McAadrows haa reatad Ma Lobs Lakl reach to H. H. Taa Tal- keabarg, who wBI aae K as quarters for the extaaatve he la carryMg on. clara that thai la aa haaaejaia 'as' stapa an kkag takM eh.aaM a"ta).V leK.asaesaBf. ; ft ;i"Wlh use lawer rtve a4 html, oloaed ta haasra,'':hw wM at- . aate to dM aar hasaUa.aC aatr MW7 ' Haraer Chmhisn,.task, aslstssliga "All thla adveMliimiat aa to tasvf tomaaaamun mci A' ittHff Big Cinder's Tr Missing; Trial Man Who Conditioned Jack son at Reno. Cannot Be FoiuMk Important Federal WHnetM V r tf.- 'U v' CHIOAQO, May . Taa tloa of Jack Joaaaaa aaaer aha white slavery aet was glvea a Jolt today whea It became kaawa that Yaak Keaaey. Joaaaoa's trataer. at Reno, Nevada, waa mlsslag So 'far he haa not beam fouad, ted a'aamaer' of secret service mem are lean-lag far him. Keaaey was the mam who eeaat tloned the big negro for his boat WRh Jim effrtes em Jaly 4, !!, whea he wob the heavy weight eaamalemaalaot theworM. Federal oBklala'aave mat seem stem Bey since Thursday, rear haavbeem expreasea teat aa aae beam etaim or spirited away' by Jehaaom's trtemda. The aegro aad hla former tralaer have beem lea . X Kearney's tsetimsay sired by taa prsssoatlsm. It ia t-J if-'in M the aegre's retaUemawRb m Nevada amd eleewhere, believed that Joaaaoa's. frio ed to Ktveatthla. . Attoraer Baeaaeh, who Jahaaem, la qaeettoafctc aj tlve vealremea closely 'aa.-.to views reamrdlag evldeatly lateads to. eraers from Jury servlee, , V Belle Bearieber, the aees, Is seereted at a' betel,' the oBealae- of the same:. . JohBsoB appeared very, ebstofaj a dAy.V.'l oatyfwamt a tear aaew.JeX VVtkA i ;' Memorial Be fnruM tlaae. uM.v ... - ' ti ',V Z ' 't sa3 ! ' aaampaBaasmiasBaBmaaamaBaBaaaav( lay Wi aaamav ma i aanm i - aaa t. i..j' bbbbbbbbi m. ' m aa.'a. --" XLZ.i , BBbatl.thaaWLK t i inKfrvfi in 1 3r i Vm 'vm. -'- ' O'i t-" i :tk Meetintf of G. A. IL. W. R. C. -J .'' v :: M y ,-... War Veterans and , AU Othr .wmmmwmmm iwm ' :t ,,f. ," ' 3t VAiVV-wi- y - Mm 1 V .!! ,Vl . .i .: . i rr ",. va m n- ftt ' '! . ',l To arrange for a tttlag obaervamee of Memorial' Day;;a meetjat of, all those Jatereatoi will he aele at.the court house tomorrow aftermeem. Thla win bailee; to order, at a'elok. - r All avMabera'eCtae aima4rAraur. tbeNVoaem;aReiat,ldai;j, of ktb War,Tataraaa.am4 all at the and fratermal aeelettea ef Utoflty Mrgsd to baiprsssali. Oltlajaj '" i , r ' i y ': i ,' Jl t i . Mttair mrp wmmmm if -! 1 '' -t arranged, am4 vmjpRM UiMtoUasMifaef eat fsatitrea,-aa eNerviuifla.-Te aartslaaaa.'taB4 tarn ew mejmgmaBBBBBj aataaaaa ajamam will he baked to wTMjdJjrk a? ' ILilI pnMjH toed aRdbaaaaaw ifSPffl ' ,L '-' - .a . i- ., l.i.H "if A'-1 v ,