fl J!; MUl'l'LIKD IIV TIIK UNITED I'HIWN NEWS SERVICE mt turning P efaHV ViVl f fc- Y v Wf 'I 44 il it. . ' 1 1 l.'i ? tf Hevenlii Year No. B,en KLAMATH PALM, ORBQON. MONDAY, MAT S, !! F - J 'if I rtC ) . ' - ' A - -- ,. ft J if1 i vtB"Vwt Judges in the First Ward Play Cribbage to Keep Awake. Womer. Out in Force This AfreriK a. , , t" " ifr&w,. ' .vX Mir TRUSTS GIVEN A 'OFFICERS LEAVE GRILLING ON THE FLOOR BY WORKS (AI.IHH1NIAN ADVtKJATKH FED. KltAL LAIMM IIILI.fi FOR ROSE CITY 'INDIAN MtKST UOVM TO TI'JiTIKY HKKOItK TIIK KKIIKIfAL OHAND JLIIV-(IUKKITII HAH TWO I'HIMONKItM j Inillnn Agent Kdson WaUon and .Deputy United States Marshal V. II. TRASH IS GONE; ADMINISTRATION FLY IS WITH US! AWAITING! J.' NOW THAT PRINCIPAL UltEKMNG VMMmKSV W,lok EXPECTS PI.ACKH OK THK IKHTIPKHOVS I UIHI, M1M invrirnu TO O I.NHKCT ARE OONK, TIIK SWAT KKHT NHUUM) HTAIIT Hwat the Klyl Tlio thorough cloan-up given the TO WIRE HM ATTITtrDK TO GOV KK.VOH JOHNSON AKTKR FIIWT COXPERKNCK Leaguo and Maror Nicholas, has done a ureal deal to Improve the health cuiiilltloui of Klamath Palls. Thero In .Million to MIhIhiuhi Wage Hill Up Wiiuhl Corb the Piiwrm of Km.jllrimth left Sunday for Portland, tho ploii-n. by llw Knorlmrnt of Lrgl.-,'0"""' "WW "'" tho federal ........ - .... .. r i.1r"a l" " ,Uor" PrllnliiK to ijiiimii ngwievreoem " - - i . -- he Klamath reservation, inu inner in ,g ,nonnco, howovcr, that has not iH.r, iiilllirr 1-rmMrtMiof lmMl,(irKo ()f W() ,,r)mor bmin,, over! been entirely eliminated by the re Sjlrii CungrrM Hwpomlble 0 cmrK0 f taking whiskey on tho'moval of rubblih to the clty'a garbage reservation. In addition to arresting tho pair, flrimth served thirty or moro aub- Klnmath Indlani whoae United PrM Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 5.- -The rllv Vrlitav nml Hnttirilnv. throuvh tho I..I.I.II.. ,.r t, tv..m.n. ni.u admlnlitratloB la merely marklac llllliatMU M wVM ... I Stewart E. White Going to Africa I'nlled I'rcM Service WASHINGTON, May B.'The re iponilblllty for tbl felln of unrcitjpc,lnil Inll.oranK.orunori upon,.o.w. , ,, ,, by ,0 Krana rokcr of the nation," eald Benator.- ...... , , , , Work, of California. In dl.eu..ln the J'")- "'" vUt who l" c,,rc,1 truU on tlw floor IhU momlnf. jwlth a atatulory offenie, and who Worka apoko to some length on the gavo boude for lili apjtearance, alio lOoatinucu on Page V) lent Portland. ge 11 i ewyjM" 44 Jawn Artha" Again Before Federal Judge Black Pugulist is Being Tried in Chi Gago for Violation of the Mann White Slavery Law Recently time, io far u the California leglila-' lion it concerned, umi toe reiura oi Srtrctary of State Uryun. President Wilson has becomo In- j formed that Governor Johnson will) not sign the Webb antlallen land bill until May 13. He eipecU to wire bis attitude to the California executive upon Uryan'a return. Japan haa not formally protested, but this la expected soon. DIRECT ELECTION GIVEN A BOOST dump. This Is the housofly. The old adage "A stitch In time" applies particularly to the fly ques tion, but In this case "A swat In time saves 7,9D,D9,m." Tho fly Is prolific breeder, and It has been cstclmated by bacteriolo gists that between May and the mid dle of September, over 8,000,000,000 flips will descend from a single fe male. Dy awatttag now, you caa kill 8,000,000,000 per awat. Tho following "fly aphorisms" are from a current medical Jeurnal: I "It is Delter to screen me craoie ca1JivirvA hKNATK PABSK TBM and wear a smile than scoff at the .mb-aLim i MK .precautions and wear mourning." mu WAJ IN TKK I 'Tiles In the dining room prteede1 HHANAMAN MEASURE IT NOW 'nurses In tho sick room." I QOKH TO THK ASSEMBLY I "Screens In the windows prevent j rT...wb.dwaUr..pr..d--- r ,,hoid I SACRAMENTO. My 6. Tkt tM "A fly In the milk means a.member , " tternoon unnnlmously ndop. ,of a family in the grave." Senator Bboikus bill for I a n .u. natural enemies: the''dimmu to the political code pro- most persistent and most effective. vMIng for tho dire election of On April 23 he was lined 1 1.000 on ,boud bo man." -Un''ed '""' ,upid ln lha -iin. ,nmnn,i .... .. i . i, . .r.i. door The bill will be Introduced In the I'liniKU VI ..."!..." W .. ..-. V kVIM ! W MH . ...w . .-- . .... am a 'nm.nniiii. iiiuiuiium. to get sick ana lay on lor month." asasasasasasaV9nsamBasasasasasan saisHsaBr'F salarsBrsBsnlBBSBl Atl9UfsV saiaiaiaKssssasaiaiaiaiaiaHl1 mr F BASEBALL BUGS GATHER TONIGHT MATTER OP CMOOHlNe MANA41KR AND A CAPTAIN VtM A .TOWN TEAM WIMi BE TALKHB AT THIS MEETING . . W I ff, 5LC0IB AID THE THIRD ARE THE BAIXOTtMO WKX The Question of n cnptola n4 manager for the Klaatatn PnUe nee ball team and ibe outHataf ef the team's work for the season will bet discussed at a meeting ef the eRy's baseball talent, to be held this even lug at the Hotel Hall. All Interested are urged to attend. A game baa been secured wltn the Slsson team for May 18, nad the locate have been asked to participate la the Rodeo tournament with Skwen, Weed and Ashland. r w " -.' 'fl AirfllB CHICAdO, May 6, Charged with, ..I. ..l..u .. a. tt.. M.t.1 allVAPVlll tt. John Arthur (Jack) ohn.on. the ,nkl.c. Into this W ' J ', han . . -.. i.....i.hi sulcldo white wife, Ktta Duryca John- 'monl nrgru ium.i, uu.v ...-- ..,,.... ,.,.. ,.,. i.i.m. .... . u,, ,. frnm Ihf. car-. champion of tho world, today '".d,."". "--"-"'- - ,,,'.''""",:: .,... ,.hi. via the fOUrte I IIW l'fw,fc,H ""," "" '" RW veae m .... -.- period Koernment today Is Uollo 8chrelber,fly route." 21-year-old white girl. It was on. "if at first you don't succeed, awat. Tired of writing, though R ana au habit to write the kind ef which make money, Stewart Bdwnrn White la about to anil on aneUer (rk to Africa. Now he la oatttlng an aa podltlon at SanU Barbara, i'aIU R. J. Cunningham, who haa anent meat; of hla lUe hunting big and Uttle suae In Africa, will aeeompany lha anther. and the two will nave no whir eons- paclona on their leamey, which to to bu southwest to Lake Nyaaan Thar hope to push Into ether narta of Af rica nver before visited by whRe men. ill. White haa traveled far. lie kuows lumberjacks, rlvermen, hunt- , trappers ni cowmen, navingi !ve among them. UoU of his books are about them, and breathe the spirit) of the open air. Those who are te tartlatoate la the mneleal nreduetten to be staged by loeal talent, will rehears tomor row evenlas at Oraeo M. B. ahnrah. Mnasng jfOManMaajao ;nf ri laaav ..(. Vano r eg "John Je ed," "Sfteen-two. tfteea-ferM t heard a, the Bank, ; tag today. So slew haa tho 1 been laWPIrtt waMthskt Mmn. BritteMiecnArmwiresas, WsananTajhi the other. sorted tQ'wUbasa km ardor t iCWtonoe on PagTT f ratch'lmDmmils Here; Bandeuuu To) ,t New Head (Gear for Rodeo Patfcitr Pat the Motion Plctire Piuichcrt ' in the Shade for Hclghth i Judse Carpenter In the federal court It was the second tlmo within a of lot than two woeka that tho big black had faced a serious charge. ' iOiintiiiui'inn faneO sat. again. i ii," Klamath River and Lower Lake are Closed to Hunters According to L. Alva Lewis of the Biological Survey, Ruling Soon to go Into Effect Will Force All Duck Hunters to Get Their Shooting on the Upper No moro Lower Lake or Klamath .M.ons of Section 20 ot tho now Ore-.make. U unUw Jul onUbjr Itlv.r lluntl.. ROIl (lalUO COUO as pnsseu ujr m ,..--.- - . - .., HOGS HERE TO . FEED ON SPUDS i - over six hundred brought HERE PROM PRK8NO BY JIM HENLEY WILL MB PBD AT THK ALTAMONT RANCH PARLIAMENT WILL VOTE ON VOTES 'MEASURE GRANTING BALLOT TO i HOUSEHOLDERS OVER TWKN-TY-PIVE YEARS IS CROWDING THK HOUSE OP COMMONS An experiment that will be watched with great Interest through the Klamath country haa been started at the Altamont ranch, following the ar rival ot 6S0 hogs from Prone, Calif., I Sunday. The hone are betas fed en I the surplus potatoes at the ranch, and I notations are belag made to tost the lvalue of tubers for fattening porkers. United Preaa Service LONDON, Mar 5. A crucial vote on the women's autrage question la In sight la the house of eemmone. folowlng commencement ot debate on the Dickinson Mil. This measure provide tor tho en franchisement ot the d.eee.m or moro women oyer J6 years ot ago who i are householders or wives of heneo holders. The galleries are crowded. "Pipe the bovine man's skypleee." "Just wait till the baadaanaa got here." The newest thing for giving infe licity to tho Rodeo to Uotodoo hat. which a loeal Mm Just put on tho market this morning. Tho bonnet to ualaue la maay ways, and R to, the typo adopted by tho Etta for advortto- Ing. To begin with tho hat to mot a derby; neither to of tho "O. T. M.;, pattern. In keeping with tho WttS West stunts to be pulled o at tho Rodeo, the new beancovor to of tho sombrero, only It to rivalled for height ot crown by tho Montana hat alone, and tho brim to antsotoatty wide, when pulled down in tho nsoth od latest approved by cowboys imported frees Mow to make even the met er look aa tkengh ho ntvapa aajst side under tho stars, and won the iser of real eotou utisat - A- .- A T I sivsaj- iv iswerwMSSBK. '- J mat wars not an., earner, r.' Tanunji sreenOaV In lutely free with that fairly aeoui usosteawe. . . -j.. And still K haa.net all 1 There to rot another This feature to doe In artJw ttfto evening. Tho neeketsih la. Is son and other attraetltm Rodeo doao woven into M. '" f", IP" No mora coIbjc at'r Uutkn In tho legislature. Klxinuth Hlver marshes. "Tho provisions No more skipping Oowu Mko llwauna early In tho mornli'rf to plutf i a few mallards. I Upper Klamath Luke, hereafter, Kill bo tho sceno ot tho groatcst shoot lug activity. The whole matter is this: J Warden J. J, Furbor ot the Lower Klnmath Uko'blrd preservo hu Just recetvod a letter from L. Alva Lewis, nicont of tho U. 8. biological survey, In which Information Is, given that there l to he no moro hunting within tho boundaries ot the bird preserve. , The limits ot the Lower Klamath l.ako bird preserve, as set aalde by executive order, begins three miles below this city. In addition to taking in the Lower Lake and Klamath Hlrnlta h tarrllnrv InsludM both .1.. . .. ... ... n, . .ln I lues oi tno luamaiu mver v ... half a mile this side ot Keae: Pollowlng to bt letter rsgordtag the order whleh haa been received by Purber. "Your attention to aallea to tho pro of this hVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ I BaHgSBHgSBHtsnBBHgsaHH I SBtsBtsBtsatsBtsBtsBtsatsH I saffsaffsaffsaffsaffsaffsaffsaffsBH bird or game reservation or National section! Parks. - - , "This section, therefore, will after , Juno 3d, make it unlawful to hunt oni private laiujs witnin me uuuuui.t of tho Klamath Lake reservation as olKlnully sot naldo by executive or-l dor. . "Arrangements will soon bo made by which )ou will recolve a supply of postors for posting private lands on the Klamath reservation." " tack Prom the Pasa , ' Aifiort McCoy and Yule Larrlck re turned to Klamath last, night from,, Orants Pubs, where thoy took the civil ....,! .nmlnlllnn for DOlltlOttS With WUllllB.."""""' J tho railway mall service. There were (twelve applicants, ten of them being residents of Orants Pass., L.AXVA LEWIS Agent U. 8. Biological Survey, Who Cltea Order Prohibiting Lower Lake and River Shooting. Dr. Wright reports the birth ot a daughter to Mr, n Mrs. B. L. Thomoson this morning. The Theap- " - sons live at the Loot RiTr;Trnen dam, where Mr. Thompson w om ployed. Business Boomers The difference between a dead town and a live town to the dlff er- ... hxtwwn daad'merchanta and live merchants. 8ome merehanta are so doad orfree from enterprise that it takes stealing hot truths to awaken enough lift In them to even penetrate tho outermost rim of business progress. They will sit around endeavoring to catch trade that comes to town without offering Inducement to draw busi ness. They tell the public that they do not adverttoo la tho news papers, but give their trade the beaent ot the JKtle money they might spend in advertising by giving them moro tor their money than the advertiser twhlch they know to n falsehood. ,Tae advertiser al waya gives moro and better foods for the money than tho merchant who don't advertise, for tho advertiser's goods' are turned quicker and are always norland up to date. Besides, the advertiser 'to tho town boomer, while ,th non-advorttoer la tho town sponger. Tho'adTor- . User, through the medium ot hla ads. to rsaehlng out and bringing newpeople to town to trade, aad to thus both dlroctly and Indirectly advertising the town. Thero to a way In wheh every parson trad ing In this towaW help tho town, and that ,to to encoursge en terprise by patronising tho merchant who does adverttoe. Thafa ,one war to boons. town that should have our admiration. This is the tret of a series ot arUolea prepared tor the mer-t chant who wanWa hotter bnalaoss. Our aim to 'to .bo ot sorrloo'to the enterprising 'msrahant V," , 5 Industrial Work Will .IT' . Be Extiited? Kidf Field Worker of ; State IkMaiiWUt of Education and Two tflil I iruciora io lour inewumj : w What the Industrial movemontin the schools. ot the aUto.roallr.wwii and what haa already' boon aosoaa-; pllsh'ed through this aetlvltr to'W expUtned.to tho p untto aad 'patrona ol Klamath, oounty sohooto. hr N. ro; ennlaUi.iaa' Msrl; toM renreaeajtatrvo. of th sato;anA'tirog l department bf wiblk InotruoUon.iihcsie.'. Tno n " -. . " J r I . j. Mr. 'Mar to wH aaoad aovesat ,sayi wiw H grrma aa vtoltlnc schools la different narw ot the eounty, aeeompaalodxbr ,Ootr v.. .(, will address the nantl. BjlvassBBV asSsow daaonj oannnmnn smnnnnnnnnnnf Temorrnw.mevaiat afsf Maria. MoOaH nai wHfOjs OBTejmnoj annnnnmvBsnni nnnnmm) 'bmmbW Tsl WL9FKli9 School SupertateadUt a'PoaowoB and Max A.jMeCoM.JIsuRrnetot of na rlcnttnro atKlaasnth souagr sohtol Talsalwm nTnte at tt hj dtotrloto, aad .the; latoato are .nrgst vf fla"'! ..:'. tNtfWM nil . i m Sou woriMra antvo )mmm mwmmwSm Inn nMrn'Sntaan.' thOBMtl - ? i -. attaraioa, brand. ' Th lhffjvi JSS onsSspPo oianmnmrny m YMsBna- g 1 0 I' .