. " ,H 'f . ., . . 4 "A-'-Wl1 VII'UKI) HIT TUB UNITKI) I'MIUMI NKWH RKHVIOK gibe -VvvHl"-' ' ;: fbenimt KeVOata Y( No. S,M pefam & KLAMATH FAIAB, OftBOOJV, BATOTWA, MAT t, IMS fif a'.'UBBBaWaBBBBBV Oregon Development League Meeting to be Hell - 1 Here Aug. 19-21J Arrangements Wllf W jot. aJaWBPBeB"m- MARSHALL SAYS HE SEES JOKER IN FEDERAL LAW TIIIIOl'fJH IT, AMATH H WAV IIK MiMK CITIKNH fj . -i ? s.o' , 1-f - '. BI6 TOURNAMENT FOR THE RODEO WKKO, NtNMO.V, AHHLAND AND KLAMATH KAI.LH MAHKIIALL TKAMH WILL IIK AMKKD TO I ceMirrr: von puimk Representative After Ball Trust Is I BTIOM IIF0IMHI1 A baseball tournament with four , ... , ... 'of tho fastest teams in thl section laiiiiirnia nrnair ibum- urn WrfiBI ..... """ competing, U to bo ono of tho attrac- Hill, anil Ita Altmlliiu ill- a. .... ... I ""- jiions oi mo kiks' Kodeo In Julr, ac- Krmbljr l AMUrvil (Jovrraor Jotia cording to arrangement being made mh Haya llr Will Htun llir Measure "X the program committee. It ! In . Hr-m.l.lo igtl, of rtm,Jl,inn'toU"''lhonmtlBba,on- noom, no as the players and specta- iHWaiHf la Talked ,tora will be given a chance to tee the 'contests at tho llodco grounds. United I'ress Hervlce ! ""'"f "" four ,em t0 on,re WAH,NTON, Mar 3.-V,ce ,,..-!" reur U.L to be entered. Ident Thomaa ft. Marshall, saying Invitations will be tent to Weed, 81s that lie spoke solely as "Lawyer" jn. Ashland and the local team, ask Marshall and a private cltlsen, today ,n ,hem " (o participate. A good- Informed the United Trees that ha"'"u ,urw wm ,olDe w,BD,r' baa discovered a Joker In tho federal) lplls I'lmlc iiMursllsatloa laws which may be the) ,.,,, of lht PourUl d mh '" u uoi-aiiHa; Bll anil-aiica Waa,araitM ara liulav ownership bills In California and eU iwlirre. The Inference of the measure, ae ronllng to Marshall, Is that Asiatics may become United flutes cllliras through a decision of the supreme are today enjoying a picnic at the head of Link River. Miss Nellie McAndrews and Mlsa Rachel Manlman are taking' care of the youngsters. , it;uniiiiu-i in fane 41 County Judge Will 8. Wordea left this afternoon for Fort Klamath. Currency Reform Will Be Put Up This Time lmmmmmmmVfJlmBBBBW WfW V TrnuiL. n . I -5?S-i ' X . . , .1 J .jaiim -r-H-----H (B''3P ' , ''Ef I m '' v' Bf ! ' v ,7 rmjmjrmjpjmr -':-immmmF ' BH ' .PT . T",r : ."r j2SK.'Ja---l ammmmWammmi ammVmmmink)jBmml ar 5 -- r i M TVSaa 1 ,1 f -ffa-B r7; .' f Tyi-s Py I V l i i Peltsl PIIWg t a. Ion to be held Mir h. toopen at at 7 p. a. 4 First Wm4 I'laco Bank Kicking Martin Green, Prince of RcportersWMkf M kwlldlng. 4 Candidate for Council Leslie Racers. 4 BiactUn Judges Pant Breltear etelt, F. L. Armstrong, O. A. Stearns. e Clerkar-Jasper nennett, P. K. 4 Mai Iman. Hccoad Ward Polling! Place City Hall. Candidates for one-year Term C. B.'Crlslor, W. C. Towasead. For two-year Term O. D. Mat- them, Fred Melhaae, Frank M. Upp. Judges J. M. Fountain, L. F. WllleU, Qua Melhaae. Clerks A. A. Mehafey. J. Y. Tads. ' Third Ward PsIUag Place Caamfcer of Com- marcs, Seventh street. ' Caadldaies-J. H. Kamlltoa, W. Thomas Gallagher, member of ths A. Leonard, Usratlo Orsaa house of representatives from Illinois. 1 William Saaw. has locked boms with the baseball I 'T- wh,Uok magnates. He has Introduced la tk house a resolution for aa Investiga tion of the "baseball trust." aa as calls It. and ths friends of ths mem bers of the natloaal commission aavs donounced him. (lallagber's action to soma' sxtsat grows out of ths case of Ty Cobb, who demanded 1C, 000 a year salary from mo Lrviruii bins oi ibs ABtsricaa League. Cobb will, of course, aot ha! kfotsckeabaeksr Polllag Plass Batk Hess. Candidates Bern Owsas. (Mrs. Mauds Mak by aeetallst asm- Inatloa.) Mlks aac Juuas) Fsaslli Ward Administration Measure Will Be In-1 traduced at Present Session. According to Wise Ones llDruiiiieu iu iia7 is auj oiaer ciuor a. iuu umucr now aiucn u would pay United Press Ssrvle WABHINOTON, May J. An ad ministration currency aud banking reform measure Is to b Introduced at the present special session of con gress. Announcement to this effect was mnde today by tho currency oiperta or both houses. Their announcement followed aa sstsndcd conference. Although ths measure will bs In- troduced at this session, It Is not ex- him. Last year Gallagher tntrodaosd similar resolution, which did aot 'attract attention. I Daseball men, when they speak frankly, of course, ndmlt thsrs Is a 'combination which controls players. iThey also Insist that without such a VnmlilnatlAn n nlt1 tiatiatt mwU ' nol continue. "liustball players," said oa of Judges R. L. Alsiaaasr, Jsaa Potter, O. H. Haatsr. ; "Clerks L. A. Wills, Frank L. Applegat. fifth Ward Polling Plaes Building ospo- site Falrvlsw grocery." Candidates W. O. Hasoa, Fred Hyndmaa. Judges J. W. Stout, Bird . Looslsy, J. H. LlBdssy. Clerks Frsd Bussing aad Alss Nosier. Msadar. . -SammmmmmVaaW. . ., 4,. I ..' t V .-Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakw aad ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW 'at.amraaaaV ' , aWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa' afaataBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' Vu 3 TiP!m atmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVir.. jlW'MmSt 11b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1bHb1b1b1b1b1bK - aft r - ' -"- -"-" .. . "'- allBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmi ' MMl IM ,M-' tvr. tnpu mm imwmm IbwbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbV; '4'i k TaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ' iJ V CkaMha SbbbbBbbbbi &. rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW ,- --.-- . .- - : . .WF BB.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.BV '".. ,' -4- -- pW m . , w wsawsr mb sj -aBBBBBBnlalBammmmmmmmmmm " ' dawBBBBBBBBBfllBh am ' 'aam. '"'i ." WWimBBBBi I4H UH....HLi : Ami '' JbIbbbw -r '' - winia mm- JJPPfg-j- - L" ' ! -i', TasssW" WaiiwawaV BB'Vawamw f.llllllllllllllllHptf;!'lftt.llllllllli'' & U.m7m7!mm9m asaa, kaa mm m'-m? ?m' ammjmvmmm - - tlM OTSbbM aBVBaaaaaBBaVBBWaBBBia SWBBl BB w BaB .vvaBBBBBBBIBBBBBBJna laaJaa WasM hi TiMBtBita(aBttjstMaVHH daus sst r KlWlWIWll ! BiraaaV mm mmmmWM agami " awr.mm) wm " OTImwJ wtitm m;jumt km t- mtmm'W wm Martla Gross. sm of tks kaowa newspaper msa la tha Uattad SUtss. kaa fessa honored la a aer asver hsfors shows a workla aswsaaasr rsaertar ia Now Tork aaf kaaa la tha Ualted States. A dlaasr fsr klm;at Jslmsalso's., a dlaasr Wis sal of taoss gtvsa deata aad trast oAHUIs, kaa ranged for klm, aad soma of tas groat mea of tas aattoa wko aars will attaad to tsU wkat Usy Ulak of For tweaty-Ivs years Qrssa, waa SECOND WARD TO ELECT TWO MEN i w tttttttvvvvv Kcted to bs passed at this time. The tlirso, "are like sailors. Fewofthsm lenders say It will be tho chief fea-' are responsible. If a sailor oa a ship iur of the forthcoming winter see- bound from England to tho Dnltsd Ion. -SiHlcn quits It when one-half tha Toy It was stated this afternoon that ago Is completed ho may bs placed la President Wilson will send n specialisms. It Is criminal for a sailor to mcMgo to congress, outlining the bn-itk his contract, yet It la oaly a plan of tho administration In this re- mum of civil action for any other jjnrd, Tho message, It la oipected, will employe on land to disregard a coa bo rubinltted some time next week, 'tract." Rake. Hoe, Wheelbarrow and Elbow Grease Glean City Second Annual Clean-up Day Proves Highly, Success ful, and Dirt, Trash and Debris Disappear as if by Magic. Special Matinee Given For Workers Tho Star thsatsr. with Ita aula floor aad gallery, eaa held a largo crowd of growa-ups, but this after noon, It was fairly crammed with youagstsrs, pa tight that It would seem ImsosslbU for them to novo; Add to this, a continual tura log aad bobbing of hands, aa laeas ut flrs of chattsr and'cxclamatloas ih a high key, aad aaovlos suok aa tho youagstsrs still to kit tho 'tssas like, mi you kavo some Ida of how the thsatsr looksd this aftsraooa. This aftsraooa's psrformaaos was special matlaso given by John V. Heastoiai owaar of Mm thsator for tho Heod bofsad grrts," that to, for tke boys aim girls who assists la eteaajwc V . Ttat ths cUaa-ua was thsroagh is attosisd by the atendance today, for there was a kiddle present for every bottle or can In tho city. Long before the door of the thea ter opened there had assembled a horde of Juveniles that reached from the lobby to the middle of the street. When the door opened the scramble for seats was so wllrt that six ticket takors were necessary to garner In the special tickets given to the work ers. Nevsr before In the history of Klam ath Falls has so much Interest been taken In the clean-up move aa has bsen manifested yesterday and to day. All day yesterday youngsters worksd Incessantly, slthsr la their owa yards or cleaning the trash of vacant lots, and the work waa la full force all day today, Already there are treat piles of rubbish r'lsd up near sldewnlks awaiting the coming of the city's teams Monday to haul It away to the city's garbage dump. Many of the unsightly trash strewn lots .Ikataysis been an eyesore tor the Wet yea-care completely trans- forays, by thSvlgorous application of rakefnd hoeF&awas aad front yards also earns In for tbslr share of clean ing, Vbo, and the city will comaieace tomoMrow with a neat new spring garblf, P To&tmuch aredtt cannot bs given tho Women's t CI vlo Leacuej for Its work of Interesting aH la tae'Ctoaa Up Day movement, or tot the super visors tin the Jilf ereat parts of tko city. EPISCOPALS WILL HOLD 3 MEETINGS IN ADDITION TO MKKTINQ TaTJB AFTKRNOON, THJCRB ,WIUi BK A KECHPTfON TONKJIIT ANB HKUVICHS The presence Robert L. of the East occasion for vices la first of tb this afts Interest rOOVNCIIiMKN TO BB FOR BOTH'LOXa ANB SMORT TKRMB VOTKK8 MUST THJ8INMIND Is yet a youac porUr'aadre-wrtta1 that thae oa tka New aad aoHtlrisas wrKtea.aaasah-tlMBW Mala et b laisl jsgalai immm tka TkeoowBOBa lo lHieal dtaaora aad attMaig at baav aneta at whloh big aat BMIa bmsi mad auaay foar-lasksta wore' Ma' sots of hoasrs. ssailadsd to what they oamld do for "a SPEAKING BOUT HARD WITS WMBIUHM flBHk afBvoroad addjHBIahoy aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV la-gaBBBBBBBBBBBBM..H (M JjHklail ssr- KaHniss. Tho BaBBBBaaBBaBaBf to bo held rjHr matters of tjlKuh bo dlscusseddBjVHP This jHepUoa wUl bo tenderaHs'ock at tho Ho tel Hf-VlO o'olock. All are laaaaBBBBBBBBBBat TQaaBBBBBBBBawit SerVMaaTBBBBBBBBBBatO Opera 'faffa'aBBBBBVaffalOP S In taja-a-aBa-aHe the aBaaBaBBBBaal tlon BBBaaBaBaBal dellverjdH' B.a.a.a.HkooaB' IBaafr? (r-( mm' - A. A, to mov quartan Jewelry bs shi County concsrns provemsaJ Art from at It o'clock, inducted at the Paddook. At wll admlalster pttsm, coalrma- la addltloa to havoarraaged to oflco to the by the gplak quartera will h thoOlty and aad both aupberot lm- 's latorlor. V ' ','. ta.thia moralag In the First. Third. Fourth aad Fifth wards of tho city the voters. oa Monday will cast their ballot for aat one candidate. Ia the Second ward. however, there are two couaclhaea to, be chosea. One of these Is for a one-year term of oBce, the other for tho full term of two years. Secoad Ward rotors should bssr this la aUad. ,. Leavttt Oa Traaa Arthur Leavltt. who la with tha local Wells-Fargo oBco, Is oa the scares ear raa tweea here aad Rod Blu. durlag tka Illness of ArUur Uttoa. the. reguku messsager. While Leavltt Is oa the trala. Harry Oakuraeaus Jr. la attaad- tag to tho loeal delivery. 1 RAIL HIGHWAY BILL PASSES CAMINBTTPS BILL PftOVIBINfl FOR MQIJAIi FACTUTIBS; FOIB ALL RAILROADS OBW MX , MtNATB " " United Prase Berries aACRAMBNTO, Mar l.-Hkaator CamlnetU's measure arovlalag for the, estabUBMMat aa of state rail highways, oa,; waleh raUwaysiwlU kavr equal rlaMa tho'asaato,; ' ,i'-?V K Ths only epaoslng vote was east bir ssaator wrhaat. " ..,,;. arbl s. ...... rr. ''!: $ Jaek Doaaelly la tot tha. soaaty aauatriaa ff' i Vwv'Ji V'V -.ivir n ". '-. rfrw v ' t: i aaawawBBBt Tomctm to om RBBBOrabfraM W A.BBBNB --TaebsAaaaMa WBBD, Mar vsrtlssd for tomorrow at been sailed off. aa tho Weed tsaaa'ti badly eriaalod. Cotehsr Msstoa hi gone, Buck Croaser kaa a aettt taamtb and AaUoay Iota bed wtta a Frank irtoBm by Jaaa ibwibf j awaal ,oC; Bead, tla b3I koto vHsMa a mw watftg wnk tka eaat aataabaas mnH mrMtmmmm waged Urwaib the CkaajBa at O attheAagaot iiaiialaia. wt ta Kima apoa tke eawd-o Oaaftfal distrtet the lan.rtaaii rnmm flflaB bBB 'B-tBVJBBBBm-taVBB aB-aaVfWiBaa1 Word troea fmmmSmm Ue4.wbo actsadaaaa mmmm mtmm, Mmtmwmmmmi mm the trt ! mmmmWiSA ptaa oa rewaM la order to -tsN Ija-aa BBaflBhda fA m BilMagkaal ', - , ,,,, ,i " - mmmmmmm J - Marry W. WBM i n wmmr jg H BFw wadarvl mfmwmt BBS BJIIBBwWBBaBBaBaalBmS fvar. i aero tress Baa Braaalaoa m 'Wm 4 - -- - A .& ft aM 4m Um w' d V -. ' "BaBjBBBaa-, as saw mam apeak vj BMrsd Is aeea trosa Bo- wU aaako Mi ttat atBtMnB'Bl ! f i iraayaa .'- "' "T ' ' ljLW aBaaaBa-mamaamaaaaaaamiawamBawaaaa r- r '.' ' ' '.t SHI c,.'aaF9J-)WMB'' . aawBaffataffl , ',;' ,i--'';'f,,l.M ' '"toR ,: .itmutm Holds United if . -k ,"Vr Two Americas Countries, onto Editor. HattkdB; . , ,j.i.i-,"a ! ' iLJEoL WtranonWliewOawfi ''i ,-'' UalUd Press Serrleo BT. LOUW. Mar I.- and tao'UaJto Biates haws set tka woTHiaa iiaiii ei smw wtsraattoaal VatoUaa Mhaflfl' ed aaaaalHsaw: BFa BBVaafBBBBJBBBBBpBBJBa4 l tho aeemjMUa today of Mui LowbA oc tae Toroato Mar, ai m a. - at '.a JU. .a. . --. L. ' -, ' a. iaaiairg.aM.aaaa llBNt ofttMFoattb 'V;v-. The OaaaaUa editor or oil to ttat, dasautea "tor mm wrttaa imp waiea.MTOM atajr aai faastrac wara, Urn bB too aaUMaottoa if bosh wBaVVwafwaWaamajtoi VVP BbV"BbB VB m Watl wavovamaemnn JW"mBBjjTw wwB" WmJmK-Bjm Pm . y ,!'. wmfflm