$ HUWMKD HV THR IJNITKII VHtm NKWM NKIIVIUK mt Uenino Metal. dtvrath Year N , KLAMATH FALLS, OHKOON, rBIBAY, MAY 8, ltlt i& fcY-V,t- ,, . g: ffJWMMMWaW M Rilgore Ranch is Sold to Russian Colonists and if K(.,''J Options Are Taken on Several Other Big Holdings i ' m i"""," . ----- . . -,, n . - n-- - - " J f ,f 1 If '.h "1 SCIENTISTS WILL IFORNIAHS CAL BILL STRIPPED OF ITS FORCF ISI AJIKMMKNT TOUAV MAKKH IT IIIIIICULOUH T THE LAKE IWHTV OP TWKXTV.KIVK OttOO HAI'lltiltH AMI OKOLOOIHTH I'LA.V A THII' TO THK KM MATH COUNTY YVOMKKLAM Old King Nicholas Has Stirred Europe . I ' MKOFOItl), Mar 8. Word has j ... l-. 1.- .. M.kM 1. rscslrsd that a party of foreign ''""" "-" clfDlUta iln to tour ttio United" fouIMn rorrr tlie I'asMgo of aa 'states till year, and Include In their , Amrnilmrat, Making k IWlble for ;l'ncry a trip to Crater Lake. Tho . ... .'party will be organised along the, .Mm to Lcm IasmI lor Periods of ,.. ii--. , .,. ono ,,. . on, Ttimi Vtr, mhI to Then Ittarw 'on a smaller acale, there being about twcnty.flve In the party. Tlil excursion la tho outgrowth of "-"""""" tho ono latt year which vlilted the L'nllrd I'rru Hervlro flnke. Hlnco that time Crater Lake TOKIO, May At nuua Meet ,'has received much attention In sclen- hiT I" U'o ' oJ7. Unc l'"ullctlon ln Europe, which led l. ii ... ... -. ,-.! i. .1-, ,,, m,r,lp coming this year to Include n admu or youag men made the uec ., , , . ,, ... ... ' , itho lake In Ita lllnery. In all prob- UlUm that Ualces CallfoniU moAi. lahmt ,ho Commercial Club will l.k. .sthealtlluiletowanl J.muik-( the ,,, ,0 n,crU thfl tu0. (liming IrrllalloN among JaNUKae Hie lax- any tirrome irmtralnable. I I'nlul 1'rcM Hervlc HACUAMKNTO. May I. Ikeretary ol 8Ute llryan'a mlwlon to HlUfftt ll fillllllMnl nil I llll) .jiujij-ii-sma-tmi i. imu-a Mra. K. C. Au.lln and aon have left for Aatorla to Join Mr. Auitln, who Iim ckirgo of the Western Union tel. u v."-jik iH iFH ri j- 'rfH wm .-----. V------f lJa'"r HBltkL' ' V .rPS Hm .VT fl fwBiMB I l lirV VTOPP wSlPni KMUBk j SAY M0NTENE6R0 I W SURRENDER RUSSIA 18 ADVMMD IN TMAI MAX- nkr MPixm .Ti Mantv: THK HITVATKMf WILL MAFIM.T IIK CLARltaw EXPERIENCES ARE VARIED TALf OP HOW A DOIXAH WAS KARNK1I FOR CHURCH WORK PROVOKKD MUCH LAUaHTKR AT SOCIAL "General" Coxey Forsees Disaster United Press SerrU LONDON, May '. Ruaslaa eort omclals are advie4 tbat Monteaecro Iperlence church. Ono of the most enjoyable affairs held here In some tlae wa the "e- oclal" At tbia t the ChrUUaa' the ladles of the church tcld how they earaed a dollar U ready to aurreMer Scutari to tke 'fowers. The city was captured by ft! 1 i oD..neria irooya lasi weea. ua for church work . tk wm . . T " 7 TnnmnYmrrr' 'nanaer of Ingealua -cheaea breaght Tho ba.dor. wll tt Moaiay ..ut -,,, wome toM of ,. to consider the al a t on. The 4l,le- t,(rlene( ,n we wrUUa -irf ally clear, aaa Ua there will be ao th cIoie of th vngnmt iivvmu tvr war earaak.oHee In the rltr br th. .... 0i King Nicholas of Moateaegro. .--.. ..... . .. . . nlu Af hjt ltlal nf tti ntt- Bl. laey.sm tisii rnenas at rortiand for "- " --- - -- - - a few days. Elks Are Looking For New Rodeo "Grounds kan atates, haa shocked alt Europe b his statement that Bcutarl, wkleh his troops won la the Turkish war. will not be given up. Austria, etroag 1 - - -- 1 nV HOGS WILL EAT SURPLUS SPODS TKX CARUIAMOfr' CAUKOHNIA PORKKR8 COW.N'a TO EAT THK TUHKR8 OX THE ALTAMONT RANCH , was Tea carloada of oa jrlU arrrra la. 'lie'a'few'day. te e fatteaed oa Ue u- 5W Bills Are of the Opinion That Sho Would Be More Successful Cios- in a Smaller Enclosure "tent'lnto a fury at the dtlaaee ef king. imontraach aear this city. Taeaerk- In the settlemeat of the Balkaa era are to be fed on the tarsias pota toes at the ranch from last autuaua'a crop. The feeding of pigs with potatoes Is In the nature of an experlmeat, and a war er the powers, as usual, la their treatment of Balkan problems, are following a policy of compromise, aad r one feature of the program reaulred tho Montenegrins to give up Bcutarl. a careful record will be kept of the "We wll light first," said Nicholas, umount of potatoes necessary to add a. In effect, and though he would not 'certain weight. The trial Is betas. last long, his courage was suHcleat to watched with great Interest through make the powers pause. jout Klamath county. The second Klka Hodeo wll be held alio people will be within easy walking 011 a trad closer to town than the 'distance of their homes, In addition to t r grounds It suitable land caa tjn number of other advantages a site . . , . nearer to town offers. . ured. Two automobile loads of ,n eM . groUB(J, ,. t-eltd .. K :s this monf ag travsrsed the out- ,own tl0 Klks will la all probabilities l ru of the city, and a number of purchaso It for holding all future t table sites were dlcsussed. .events. Ily holding the Kodeo at the fair Instead of a half mile track, as at ki unds tho people attending are tho fair grounds, the new grounds '"iced to make the trio either by .will hnvo n quarter mllo track. There tui or by the circuitous road, con imlng n great doal of time, aad pro hibiting the holding of any parade In town. With n ground Inside the city Iim-It-', or just outside, the Elks flgurs tla tho attendance will be larger and dlscerntblo from the grandstsnd. City is Imbued With the "Clean-up" Spirit Trash and Rubbish Being Carted Away From Alleys in Rear of Business Houses of the City Tl business section of the city Is 1 boon appointed to superintend tho ''(.Inning to have a Tory, creditable work In each ward. All of the rub i Poarunce due to tho efforts of blsh Is to be piled or placed In boxes CI, lot of Police Smith, with the co-op or sacks on the ourb, and this will be esptlon of the merohaaU aad business gathered up Monday and Tuesday, "en. The chief of police haa bssn forking for the past month aotlfylng " u business men to havs the alleys at X places back of thslr stores clean "I of rubbish aad faaulsd away, aad i followed up his notices by tours r Inspection to tee that they were 1,1 ! carrlsd out Tomorrow is "Oleaa-Up Day" rougbout the entire city aad th Wnrk will ha extended from ths hus(. mis to resldeat seeUoos of the sHy. TI 0 Women's Clvlo Uague wll assist do city oHolala aad eommlttasa hara uro fow races of any distance, aad as tho field Inside Is used for bucking, roping, bulldogglng and other events, n smaller enclosure will make these J more spectacular for the people at-' , , . . tending, and every movement wll be , "PJ.W Corrspond.nce) Tho bid of the l'lne Tree Lumber icorapany for 23,000,000 feet of Indian 'timber to bu sold was tho only one that Is to bo considered by the Indian bureau, following the opening of bids Thursday. Tho company's bid Is con ditional, and tho matter will be taken up with the bureau at once for ap proval or rejection. Tho I'ino Tree Lumber company was tho only concern to make a bid on tho ontlro tract. Others made bids for certain percentages only. Tho area from which th Umber Is to bo sold Is In tho vicinity of the railroad, whoro It can be easily log ged. It embraces 47 allotments. Tho conditional bids of tho Plae Trco Lumber company are as follows) If more than 95 per cent of the al lottees will sign articles to Insure the purchaser, I3.0G per 1,000 feet; 90 to 05 per cent signing, f 3,08; less than DO per cent signing, 1?.00 per 1,000 Indian Timber Being Sought By Concern Pine Tree Lumber Company Makes Conditional Bidin Twenty-Three Million Feet on Reservation " United Press Sorrlea . ' - JUNEAU, May . Jest before the adjeurameat of tho Alasksa territor ial legislature today, Oorermer Clark vetoed the aatl-aliea fehlac Mil. hay ing for, ita, purpose, the prereatlea o( Ashing operations be Alasksa waters by Japanese. The leaders of both houses accept ed the veto. Governor Clark refused to say whether his actloa la Tetolag tke -tea- sure was the result of advleee from Washlngtoa. The city Is to furnish the teams to haul away the rubbish, and a man is to bo placed at the city property on Second street to Inspect all loads hauled there. Such things as bottles and tin cans wll have to be hauled outside the city limits. In order to stimulate Interest and reward the workers, John V. Houston has arranged to give a special mat inee at the Star theater. Free tickets to tike performance are to be glvea to all jjkyoungsters working either thla aftWHdm or tomorrow. i t tr iV feet This Is the first big sale of ladlaa timber this year. The meat oae will effect 60,000,000 feet of Matter. Bids for the second lot of Umber will ha opened June S. Persons successful la purehaalag Indian timber are give six years la which to cut aad nmeve the trees from the reservation. The Plae Tree Lumber eempaay Is a Portland concern that eemmeaeed operations here this sprlaff by taklag over the Meadow Lake Lumber com pany's mill. It bos been kaowa here for some time that It successful la securing the Indian Umber for which bids have just been opened they would move the Meadow Lake mill to tho reservation later la the year. Hugh Maguire and T. B. Whipple. who are connected 'with tho 00m pny, are here from Portland. They ie at Fort Klamath aad the Klam ath Agency today. I. o.'p. Klamath Lod will hold a r In Odd Felows'JT be work la thd JhH Itlng brethren are meet with the Ifd r-r Oeorge B. Mofc$ Kruttvale la here looking after, property Interests. He owns considerable farm land aear Midland. Bishop Paddock Here M17..I. O. O. IV , nicht Reverend Robert L. Teddock. I'fctetlBg tonight .bishop of the Eastern Oregon Bplsoo- pal diocese, is here for ft visit of a fow days' duration. He earns la yes tor-ay from Lakevlew, ' Bishop Pad dock will, In all probabilities, hold corvtdes Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Simmons aad daughter came Is from Lakevlew Thursday oa their way to Portlaad to Tlatt frteads, aple. There will ktfy degree. Vis- Miy larited to ANTI-JAPANESE FISH BILL HIT t . . . .tksHBBBBBBBBJkv 'afgaBk ' ' ' aaaaaamr fsA?7 - .'BaanaiBW ai nL ' maaaaltjiSffia ' saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalTsaaaaaam mymmK .aaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaamaaaaam 'MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamkrSaaaaaam'' ..niBaammaamBBamaaBs7r. t . c KLAMATH LOOKS BEST M PARTTi AFTEIJOMi ',A. !'' rwxnadT., Deessiaa W siL aoaMsi' sUmssV ssasw awBBMsa) smaamjE,, esi ssHslsai OsfsawMat wsslBaw vejg & WW: ALASKAN OOVHeVfOH TO SAY WaWnDHt I OXADVKSFIIOMTHHABlBTK- ISTRATtON Qeaeral Jacob S. Cosey, ha.wk led tbeICeaer army" te Washusjtesj, as wss shooed away by tote aasessag '' lleemea bseaass his aeMlen tsamsd " 'the ;Xeep Off the Oraaaa1caa,,hM ljaet;aaaouaeed that ''Bbsad'-wffitfiipi la tho gutters la ltis. -tm oral" wUl take ao part, sor kf The irst steps toward taemsetTsa la tam beea take kf'U fsrmers seea t pnrehase 9t tha a.k iMi !!' rb.,Au' i," "". " rmf; ;n B.saw the purchase ec- beeetsesd.ajMUUka the KUfstw ketra to tka , TtelUspatwi 3S9 aeres ad asia-tathiaaf. ,M k leeated aear tke Wlbjam heJisja, as ttss vletoity al th Lost dam. , Thts wfll ha the 'cmps a3sliTrt lavestmeata armrhs tuae. "He Mwsaeaia mast al time at laektoaaMe hotels, where ke philosophises oa eurreat areata aad watches his buslaess lavsstsasats,. Daaoe Peeipoated The dancing aad card party which was to have been glvea thla sTealag by the Jlu-nl-Yel Club hat beea post poned, owlag to a coalllctlag soelal ovtnt. Instead, the Jlu-al-rel affair will ke held aext Friday orsatac. F. L. Bolton, civil engineer, who Is associated with Bernhardt Reutealk In engineering work at .Bead, Is here for a short sojourn. Mr. Boltoa la an expert oa swamp land rectamaUoa work, and he may be employed here la thta capacity, following the pletlon of the work at sajsmsrlsmgu asmi ta hilisihi tliisaH. T 1 safjniwiBJ ass sami ap saaaam,-. least . asfaa af asamv La jaamaamaBsai saT" "' m t- . ' IHsaai "' Carl Robeley returaed to MstiBt today after a short sejeara la the county seat Horace Mardea is aero from Berke ley, the guest tX. trleads. fla tlaasamatl farm hwds !'! ebaeeseli made la thai .Lees! eelved ward that ta Irst '1 reach here wttl arrtre course of a week or tea 'days. that Ubm ea the famlHes wfll tlauo to eome, uaUl la all 160 aew families la : As the aeweomers tad taasd at them, It wlirbe parshsss Awes 1ms ortffiaal owaers.: ' V- ,k The faith afilaeal kosststa a M Kkuaatk, ssaatty has keea, alaaa ! aaK arta :i,tuaaeaws,rarir sbbbbbbbbbV.' Large Force WiU Work On Crater Lake Road May eafcapar M f H Cl w(i "V i Clerical and Engineering Forces ArriTing DaUy Am Headquarters at Portland. Many Men and Tea9 WiU Be Added as Fast as the Snow MeKs r '' . " H ' "In all probability work oa the Crater Lake roads will rosea suek a stage that employment wUl he of; fared to quite a aumber of maa aad teams by the middle of thu meath," said Q. Goodwin, United States as sistant engineer, who earns la tram Portlaad last night to take charge of the, work of coastructlag highways throughout the Natloaal Park., C. 8, Chapla aoeompaated Qoodwla, and will have charge at the edsee work. Other members t kath the engineering aad elerleal staff will follow la a few days, aad the work will' be well under way la a short time. "A small fores of mea employed have complstsd a warehouse far the government at Kirk," said Qoodwla Thursday, '"sad they aave Swamped but tea miles of road toward aaad Creek. There Is at present a foot or aoreof saow at tka park line, aid aa fast as ths'saew melta tke work will ue'oarrled forward to saable i7to ' H .;s- get aa satranoe lata tke park as as possible, so the work saa he start ed there. "We have already shipped arable conatrueUoa 'supplies equipment to Kirk, aad others will be arriving In a fsw days. Orders bare just beea made for gredlag equipment, sprinkler tanks, etc., aad also for a road .roller, reek eruiher and a grader. These will ha at Kirk, la a short Uma." , .. Ji ' Ths work that has heeadoaa sat of Kirk ao.far Is of a tomporary . der,'' coailaued Ooaitwlii. j'lasefer'sa It Is to oeaaeet Kirk wltk the Baad Creek eatraasiijta.tka park, at'.' wkleh point tka Plaaaolss raad) wlll oaai, Acnes, aad. run w.a.polat'a aula south of Aadersaa. aattomtf iTnm that potat the reais Jelaa t'raaalaf roadt ( ;v , sil ' C iAI tt; i vour purpose Uto.use tka I4T.00 now avaUable, to crada ts road ka- .i -- ' -. j.1 '' aaaeatsssap queat'werk." laildsatslti this year, laetadeatka of tke last ssttear two sta rim termlaas ot road by, gradiag. ! Tkls the prsseat,' stsep igni Camp'Araat aad tka risa '1 i smnlksaaT aaiaHssaT-'BsH J ejwewws ', aaww eaai tals'ysar's wofk.wm h f, uoa.er several Vseatod far afl smaatft f. .... . -.- . t .'. ., '.! tka amtk saaaaamfa nil I'UHiipVt &HmW: ':'3 tka Bast SlsBBBam7' ,vi , t road TaesBBLAr alalBBBB ,-Taa: emTaaajaBBpaB1 aaaaaav saaaajaam A'raag eald Ooadwta. UMl tnawstkaihai J. vr tween uml?&(.')iitoamm'WlyNlaiKm h vnYsaia:AuT. 'lik U la' ----1-- fl :;'TkfTrZL ""R.T f? .T"-fTTT.T. 1 y$m:n iw:m,mtiw'mnx eaaaaatmmaBHaaa aaaaaai mea. mama maaaa. aasaaaw aaaaa xaasaaa exemm wem vajBaanaaaaaaaaaaaBBaBM .aaaaaaa amm aauaan, aHaam, amamr imam aaajsm aaaaaaaaaan y: f U VV I' ' '. v ;:1.j ., : 'jLteM