1, aiJPPMKD HV TIIR HMIWH I'llMNM NKWM MKIIVIUK gibe " i AM ,' brnina lefalk w: A 4 ' d--. -,.. rff ,',- , , . 'vit'ff ! -'V'4 ' ' ( - - a' V& it ?$? -' ) lereoUt Year Ne. aes1 KLAMATH FALL, ORROOX, THfTRoWAY, MAT 1 ltlt "Scratch 1m, Cowboy! Don't Pull Leather Efforts Now Center on the Second Annual Rodeo f 'V ' mIH -- -M "-"" 'imiwmmm iii7' 1 1 i 'saAami '" n - ),.'' w r " ;'j w w armV m yVy-xii I JsmnVuSnvm f As,'j -- l BILL 1$ STILL DISCRIMINATORY SAYS PRESIDENT ttllXTAKK MATTKH TO FKDKHAL COUHTX :u' Will Fsal I'-vtrtA Heoa m CUUonUa M iv 1 I'mmI Wiboa Mays Nippon Hill right All Her Untile om La bUlion Through Court -llryaa Marl KM TunigAt tWVM'W Grater Lake is Included In Tours Now Outlined Railway, Hotel and Devel. pmentCo. Force of the Pacific Coast will Arrange Visitors' Schedules I'ullid i'rta Uervlwi WA8IIINUT0N, D. C., May 1 The Webb bill Introduced lu lliu Califor nia kslitature providing for the own trihlp of laud lu that latw, U still dlacrlmlnatory, according to President Wilton and lilt advisers. Aa tltt measure seems sure to past, If It tipecled thai President Wilson 1 lll .uiit.t a the quickest wey to Midi Ida constitutionality of the bill, m action In Ida federal court. Ai toon at llio bill It passed Japan ; will flit a formal protect with the uu department. Tula will be Bled by Baron Chlnda. tbo Japanese envoy utraordlnarjr. la all tbo negotiation! tbua far be- twttn the administration aad Baron Chtaaa, tbo tnoat friendly feeling baa beta ibown. Wilton expresaed a be Utt that Japan wll fight all bar bat Un In the court, and not olbarwltt. Aa llryau's mlMlan In Sacramento U eadd, ho will leave there tonight la an effort to reach PL Loula In time to detUer a c hod tiled tpccch Hatur- lr nig hu 1'Oltn.ANU, May 1. I'uttlng tb tuiirltt on the highway fur n tour of tliu K'ont natural parka of the Weal Ik a part of llio program which It be Iiik worked out by tliu railway, hotel mid duwloptaeut (otctit of tho North wvitvrti territory, When tbo roada Into Crater Iikr I'ark aro flnlthed, wbeu tho Mount Hanler road la prop- orly connected up, when tbo mam moth development work bolng proae ciitvd by tho llrltlah Columbia pror lino In Htrathcoua park on Vancouver Uland It Dnlabed, mid when the still moro rocont park tyateu of tho Qrand Trunk Pacific behind 1'rlnco Itupert it u(i'n to llio public, there will be n It will be tbo purpote then to pick up tho tourlttt In Houtliorn California early lu the tprlng, aa tho warm (iattior prompta thvlr moving north. A trip through tho Yotemlto and tho uauul California tceuea will be In or Utir. Tbenco tho tourlat will bo In vited to proiccd northward until ho riucliei Crater Lake. A tour through thin area, which promltct to become 0110 of the mott attractive tpota of tbo Wt'tt, may bo followed by n visit to the gorgva of tho Columbia and Mount Hood, If tho people of Portland get tho great peak near here properly openod to travel. From Portland tho tourlat will bo DEMOS DELAY ACTION. Of WEBB BILL 24 HOURS FINAL ACTIO AC TOMORROW OTOW IMtactK) of BrjM RiHiTtd to M Ra iKHMlble, the Dtlair OJvta Ik AaV mwlstitaUeta mm Ommmtwmltf U Urine FMrtlMr rmenio to Vptm the Uovi of iho THEY CONTINUE TO GATHER THEM IN ANOTMRR niOMINKirT WVVBA. ORTTB UKADMI M TAKRK DTSO THE RIGOROUS RMBRACR OT THKIiAW .V i y1 ' J. F Maguire wiU be at the Head f 9$ chain of natural wondera on tho ! conducted north, through Itanler elric Dt for tho entertainment of the l'Mk whw At toT trnset) IbiillllUUV.l moil blase Yankee globo trotter. v.r." J.. 1- - r - I uu UK 1 MEDFORD EIXIN' FOR. VISITORS orated with bunting and electric lights than at any previous time In Iter history when the Grand Ledge meets horo In May. All of the busl- Johnson received a eat from President WUtam, eearer- Ing n threat that tf the Ween MH passed, action wftl be ukam to le the lunrimn Mart. ' A licit houses on Main street were so-lf Ucited todir- for ordera for bunting e . V.e e it -4&j-Aeiaf a ft ! - - ! nASBBt tnti 14 ' - uvwmiv uva yiw 1 smw warm - eee)eee4ef United Press Serrlee e) SACRAMENTO, May 1. Tk ) Impression la general her tna e mo real odjoci ei aeuy in low land measure action U to gtvt e more time, so farther prsesnre e might be brought Cross Waak' Ington. The first Instaaee of Ule frs .ej? sure arrived when OeVeTMr I. I-OIX1K8 THKUK 1,-tanttf litoitkaA C J, Alexander has received rwltlon with tho Southern Pad lie. ssanT T-mrTranTTiTTiivj 1 l la aiwfirvlnt? tb rnlnra to ha nad 'United Presa Berrlca TMK CITY IH BKING MADE AT( . ' .....' ..,.Mv.- M aorcrai inoutana yarns or ounung n-rtv, mmj TBACTIVKPK.UIXaTHi:HTTK , , bo Uicd , (mf uUlagt Qf , rmltal Wiles.' roVl'KVTinV OP TIIK I.O. O. P l.l-ffrle llvhtt will b itrunr acrnu ?rKr Joh on seat Main street. Kvery piece of business ""timn rcpiy. n lu tho city la to be BDDroDrlatelr dtc " aet H,Ul 'orated. UH PrmKted on the MKUKOItD. Mar 1. Judxtng from. Th. inni inri ha ik nn ih. Johnson further I HW ,-- OWWBBW -- WW - . . Uho plsns formulated by committees NnUtorlum complete This building Cnliforraln admlnJatraUeei will h prs- blslof tho locsl lodju of Odd Kollos,wlt bo used for all assemblies Of tbo l" " " waw-wer IOICMWI 'United Press Service ' SACRAMENTO, May 1 The nrtvaW Intluencea exerted npem the demo cratic members of the CnMfofmb nam- ate by Secretary of tUto WII1U Jennings Bryan today proved potest enough to again delay Innl Mtle em the Webb substitute for the rLgkaal sntl-sllen Und bill. t Continued IModford will bo moro elaborately dec-j grand lodgo and for festivities. - -- -- . Clean-up Will be Thorough Here; School Boys to Work Superintendents Appointed for Every Section of City to See That the Work is Carried on Properly To morrow and Saturday. Boys to be Rewarded If tutro Is a stray tin can. bottle or old shoe decorating nay street, yard or allty In Klamath Kails on Monday, it will bo one that haa miraculous coders of escaping observation, for so thoroughly have tbo plans for Clean Up Day been arranged by Hayor Nlch olas and the Women's Civic League (hut very little trash should escape Election and deportation to tho city's tarbago dump. Saturday was designated s Clean l'l Day by proclamation of Mayor Nicholas, aud urrangemenu have been muo ry tbo city for teams to tra terse all parts of tho city Monday and haul away nil the rubbish placed in taxes and barrels and But out tear ,lho tldowalk. wkr th taimatara - can seo It. ' order to have all the work tbor urtly done the clean-up wll start tomorrow, and City School Superin tendent Dunbar has Informed tbo Women's Clylo League that a hall Holiday will be declared la the public cbools tomorrow for all tho children who express a desire to help make ,Bath Kails a "spotless ibown." The chief center oClnUrott tomor row, according to Mrs. W.T, Forrest, Wwdent of tho CivU Lonfft, will klng moro nightly many et Ue trash strewn vacant lot. Tbo boys who report to tholr district supervis ors aud work at this clean-up will each bo given a ticket to n spsclal mntlnco to be given for tho workers ut tho Star theater Saturday after noon. Mr. J. V. Houston Is giving tliu matlnco for tbo workers, and he announce that all youngsters expect lug to attend must have tickets show ing that thoy did thvlr share of the clean-up work. , fa ordor to have tho work done thoroughly, Mrs. Forrest has named u number of public spirited residents (0 direct work in tholr respective neighborhoods, These appointments follew: Weal Side Captain J. W. Siemens, I, Jay Knapp, O. A. Harris, Judgo A. L, Loavltt and J. Fred Ooeller. North of Main, Conger to Fourth street Will Ualdwln, II. K. Momyer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Dr. Maxwell Long. South of Main, Second to Fourth trod Harry Ackley, A. A. Mehaffey, Klbert ll. Hall and Mrs. Kmma Tal bot. North of Main, Fourth to Sixth street Judgo B. W. do wan, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Matthews. Frank M. Upp, Captain J, P. Leo and W, 0. Tow MAS South of Main, Fourth to Sixth Andrew Hutchlns, E. B. Henry, Rob ert Huntaker, Judge L. F. WlUota, Fred Melhase, John Schallock and Harry P. Uslsruesux. North of Main. Sixth to Twelfth Dr. Mitchell, W. H. Shaw, M. R. Doty, Dr. Merrymau, Marlon Hanks, O. H Peyton, Dr. Truax, Dr. Leonard, Clar ence II, Underwood, Dr. Fisher, O. A. Wlru, 11. H. Dunbar, K. B. Smith, Mrs. llrockenbrougb, Mrs. Bavldge. South of Main, Sixth to Twelfth Mrs. Mary Jackson, Harry Caden, Charles Martin. H. J. Winters, Her bcrt 8aldgo, John Shannon, J. W, Cain, W. United Press Sorrlee LONDON, May 1. MhM Ktenoy too suffragette leader and agitator, wao arrested at Dover today whom too tamer arrived from Calais, remanded to HoUoway prlsea with out halt, on too charge of eonsplraey. Tho raMon' thought MhM Kenaoy woo, among the. leaders nrrootod la yesterday's raid, but later tlaeoTorod took- mUUke. She was la Parts at tho time of tho raid, eoaforrlac with Chrhrtable PankhursC Detectives in Paris shadowed her until oho returned to England, the plaeodhor under arrest no as. tho boat docked at Dover. GOOD PROGRESS MADE ON WORKS r ii w !!l July's Great Show KKVKNTY HORM AXB .Msmt mumm .or xcm WORK OH TH MUCH WRT MOVED Great progress was nude am too xeavatlon of the main waterways of the second unit during tho month of April, according to reports sent hi by the various sub-contractors under Maaey Brothers, who have the eon tract for all Ule work. A force of thirty men and ooveaty horses were kept busy all the month, and they made groat headway. It Is probable that the 'close of May will see tho earthwork almost completed in both the mala and sub laterals. SINGERS1 WILL HOLD PRACTICE 1U MVsVO AMMVaW FOR CAKTAIA TO BK STAORnt BY kVOGAIi TAIi TOMORROW i r Muate'fer tho eaatata to bo too ntjooieos of too Bureau haa, arrived, na4 to oToaiasT .relsarsal' wttl''bo held' at Grace M..aV.oaaroa..At ton. tho Srst praetleo win I iho leadership of J.' Ml 4m VAFiiSosMSS aoastto t- -"7 -V ci tmiao ffi-at (uu !. 1.' , ,,., J Mmmm rta. r orrooind. niwRs.si ii-' '.; " ' ' TmulBJomuRa)". -.r, . - J. 4 rA Jt ,.,$. ', . Varloao Cotsussnoosa'lsaaaoi aft a -t i j ,i a ' ' MesOonp;' -J saw wtitmtt lamt NlsM, aadl Wot Wat r Mo Osna ' aaeoiso vema Toresn Banejer samnl ' v ' ' ,f i 1 s "srsttb 1m. Cawbawl' This i. tho'eessm. to. of tow ostalo.1 WM.. PS -S WESTERIJEK on Page 41 Social Kresdac i Tho Udles of Ue Chrlstlaa ehuroh will hold aa experleaco social at too church this evening. They will aloe serve cream and cake. F1M6SU l :-r WliaOX Tfe&LB'VnUml MR , STAND PAT---USUBTSR WKfiT AMD SOUTH ATMKBTTNG 1 1 FOB) Approach of Election Puts Ginger in Talks . PaaFe r Days Have Developed a "Go Out After Them" Spirit in Candidates in the Contest Unltsd Press Service WASHINGTON. Mayl !c senator , froat too Wootora SouUern and lntermonatala coaferrod with President Wlloea lUree'hours.today oa too tarUf Theyexprsosed tbimsilfao as alterably opposed 'to free' wool Mat Buh m flilnl uumit i'llaaf..' A mmm constltuoau. President Wilson Is expected to stand pat ea ihoso two sohedules. Tho conference, 'however, oaaaot help bat establish a mora friendly teeUac. The lull that haa been apparent la local political circles, following the announcement of candidacy for ooun cllmen from tho different wards, has given way this week to a little activity 11. Mnsou, 8pcrry Urothers. on the part of the contestants for al- North of Main, toward Shlpplngton dormanlo honors who are contested Con Murphy, Rev. William McMII (or the oRoea thoy seek. This hah not yet reached the spell luu, James Straw, C. A, Arnold, Wm, Wagner, H. Oreai, Mrs. Sanderson. Clyde K. Urandonburg, William gar geaat, , High street 0, C, Hogue. Wblte Pelican, Hotel and Hot Springs addition A. J, Lyle, L. O. Mills, Charles F. Stone, Robert A. Johnson, Judge George Nolaad, Oscar IC. Wllley, D. B. Campbell. White Pelican Hottl to depot lloUrt A. Johnson, Baldwin ft Gor don, S. J. Bailey, .Miller ft Johnson, H. J. Darling. Mills Addition Ben S. Oweas, J. N. Stiles, Frits Markwardt, Mr. Nit schelm. against blm. The same rule applies In the1 Fourth, where nobody Is oat against Councilman Boa B. Oweas. There are two places to bo tiled la the Second Ward, a long aad a short term, and there Is a corresponding number of ea&dladtes. For tho short terra Councilman 0. B. Crlsler aad W. C. Townsend aro pitted against each other. There aro .three who would ho the long term councilman. Those aro O. Dj Matthews, Rrank M. Upp aad Fred Melhase. ttso4.Tblrd ward, , electa but one but there, aro many wao binding and public meeting stage, but there are several candidate talking long nad earnestly to prospective votes, 'and their friends aro also as tilting in the "personal appeal" moth. od of snaking in tho reouwlto bub, ber of ballots. Several have, mallodJ seek tho. place. CouaeUasaa J. H. out letters to all the regwterod voters, Uamlltoa 4 ouMo suoosoi himself la In their respective wards, telling Jus ibe Third,; while PPd to him aro where they stand oa this aad that William. sthaw, Dr.W. A. Leonard problem in municipal affairs. X; S Horatk Orfm. In tho First aad Fourth wards 4 la thojrutairar, Coaacllmaa W. there la no campaigning at all. Loolto & HusoseeU another 'term. Fred Rogers Is aaured tho hoaor of MST-SHladman wouMj awoa thoaMerxaaa ceedlng Councilman Ruasol A. Alferd (fcm JthelFifth. aadtoo'eeatest'bo-, la the Flrusfltthoro U;ao. fX..J ( men wanes awrry. Rebekah Prosperity Lodgo holds Ms regular meetlag toaight ta OMM low's halt There wttl holsklttattsa. aad vUlUag members aro xaTttod to meet with us. , ';- mm oaat jjyajjSfc . i'. t-4. . amaTWnTa 'J C .'VI ' Besrsui7---Caariss J. " Last year's Rodeo, look befora k was. alvoo) worn toojbrtgat. proved but He glarr wiM ha ptetely by too show to ha year, iinrd)a las too . Bilk" of too etty. sveeoso sttaiasd wtta alvoaams at bast night's mi itlag to show that. wilt bee too lag for aUay atoosm to 4 j- Mora fetitaros. horsss ,, msaair pataa ssoettac last aagM s)aojao w too foaOWsMoasBsamass parses, raeeov moro Wootora' area few of too tolag toss to at tootr upon, mm sao rosowaa; (to,talss aa.at 4 difforoat dotatls of .too wowkt Audrtla-LoolJo Rsgosa ottosi I Iadlaa Rveate WIU Daa W. Ryaa aad Labs TraasporlaHoa W.'"F. Hunter Savidgo aad H.D. Comlsssry--. Fraafc' R.Dwoaaadd - "".;. iz,Lir:asrm' tf (! woiotimBtow oanupar j Powers Deiriahd That Hostilities lStopp. 1 t aaV' v'dlmawa :: sM '""- -&M 4i!S t-LjtsflS X?i ' '' l Ambassadorial Conference EipsiaW to Reach a Compromise in tlvi Question of City of Scntait i , iB Vc VH ' 'V aetioa i'. -y. '" United Press Sorv too CON8TANT1NQPLB, Mar !.- powers today dollvorod to tho Tasaato' government a Jout aot,' an lmmdo;eossUoa, against too hwlhM aWos ajsi ho asv sMatmoM of m posoo dolovstjos for too Ottoatsai mmptre to'too aaaoo sa toace'r'4vr' tO '$" K i Thoaoto amttMaoaptaas Iho Tmrav lah goveraaasat will has too amatoto swroa to of Usttia whore tlto oaftjaoaa will I tho ai htoMSjUOT tttm- oltbsHutorlarihhlsi " l ii ,- unns m I MVlflllt oaMV 5 WafjMaktiMrmaaatll day H m iqiafht mm,- proosoaa. . mm wmrm t" v,X p it " l'l IA. ui. LW. ". . .Ui