' H i HUITLIKH IIV TIIK UNITKK I'ltKMH NKU'N NKIIVICK Ik ticnina 'i ,. m&, .. -fii Hcfalft .. , .-tfl-. IV. u4V .. Ml .h:. f,t'v' . MlMMaMnipaMMM lBTXMMI'1 riuirr Tie'mriiii6'JMiW3 r ', t, . oj j v -v ' n iiJfti HcTrtitli Ywir No. ,0l KLAMATH KAMA ORBOOrt, WKDNKHDAY, APRIL 80, lilt " rW. ' T-H tl IVI'J4l ' '-'-' Lower Lake Marsh Folks Will Ask Government Aid Horsefly District Will Soon Issue Its First Bonds " I "'"''"wawiNaaannnajMs'iai.a.a, 'm'm0mmmMmmll00mmwmmtmim ,m . mm a jus. aw " """ 'J L, ' Jf(p nnnmo ucu it I 77177771777777 I inUHCfll QIVC il f.. D...m, D.. iLr , .A.,,iiii ; : uunnio MEN AT MEETING HELD lASHVENING (KVI.HMi:.NT TO UK ANKKD TO llrlCONHIUKK I'Iaii fin ItwIaiMallim of Marli laa)ria .trtiuml Umrr Ktaiuatti l-akr, a (hitllnril hy ', '. Ilogur Mvti Willi OrncrNl Apnial of Joint I'liiimiltlrro ItrtlnHialitiM OIHrUlo Will IU liilrrratrd In Vu ANNOUNCEMENT Tlili ini(tr will run a series of articles Oic corning year la this space, una earn week, designed to bring the morchaut and th lit ..simper Into eloiar touch with each other, and with the definite iut!oo of presenting veritable (acta prepared for the merchant who mi nil a better buslne. These articles are being prepared under copyright by one who baa for ninny yt-nre made a dote itudy of ad vititUliig from the atandpolnt of the direct benefit to the merchant. The article will analyie step by etep the great problem of adrertla Iiik n huilneit. Home of the aubjecta to be dlicuiied are: lluulneea boomer, kliuU of advortlilng, bcit ndfeitlilng, cheapett advertlilng, why ad vorllin at all, how local mercbanli can kill mall order bualneta, rela llou of uawmmper advertlilng to other admitting, relation of newa pNper to advertlier, relation ot nowapaper to public, relation of ad ittltr to progrr of the town, relation of advertlalng and aalee iiinnihlp, Delecting advertising medium, ruquliltei of good ada, dlf furniro In good and bad advertlilng, the power In an ad, value of canon ndvcrllilng, value of dliplay advertlilng, value of Illustrated advrrtlilng, honrt ads and bonokt goods, descriptions In ada, etc., etc. These and other subject will bo handled In logical order. I.slrr the articles will take up each Individual kind of buslneas mill show what advertising will do for that buslneas. Keep your eye on this space and you will get something good, short and "hot off the griddle" each week. So apparently feasible nro the plans (or 1-ohit Klamath l.ake marsh recla me I on as oulllued by 0, C. Ilogue that the goerniueut Is to be asked to moniMir the matter of reclaiming Iho msrsli lands, which was aban doned several yeara ago at the In tttnee of the board of army rngln eeii. This was decided at a meeting of the Joint committee held last eve slag. Members of the committee appoint ed by the Dorrl Commercial Club; u wrrn preivni were w. r.. jnuuiv,, J II. Morris and J. K. Thackera. The rommlttre uamod by the Klamath' Cksmbcr of Commerce) ia composed of "t0.,.,,'..,..W!.,0,!: wl ,,d M"d In addition to being given copies of , , i. hu. u. . noguo is an ao- 'Chamber of Commerce. tuory member of Iho Joint commit- "" v--i-k.- tee. Mr Ilogue lias evolved a plan inscriptive llteiuture. passengers on JOHNSON SAYS WEBB BILL IS SURE, TO PASS 'MAKKtt VKKV I.ITTLK CHANfiK I.N OKIGI.VAIi u AciIon Will He Taken by Japajsew I'nlll Iho Asrtl-'AIIrn Measure I a I.aw Iteatotafe lo Mcawure ia c California Lrgeslslura llclieved to lie llopeleos lirysit In Han f'nui- .rleco PASSEN6ERS TO MEMBERS WILL LEARNJF CITY! ADVERTISE FACT i ADVAXTAUrM OK KLAMATH, AND I'MOAHWl ARK TO UK MstPLAir. may auk some .attempt to alUr the NTorovKKnuvii.iMiKwiu.Mi! w w mmml''omutM V ulted l'res Service 8ACIIAMENTO, April 30. With possibly a few' minor change, the Webb bill wilt undoubtedly bo passed, said Governor Hiram Johnson today. ' When asked ,'K the measure would , be accepUble to President Wilson, the ! governor mad the following stato- 'ment: I can oaly 'Jadge that by what tliryan says, wMtfc Is that the meas ure would be" uaaattsfactory." It Is believed that the democrats KXI'I.AI.KI TKAINH O.N KAJLHOAD , COMIICTKO HV IMKNtTKK HOUY 'We are member of the Klamath man who Is a member of the organ isation which haa aa It aim the up building of Klamath Falls and the Klamath country. This waa decided at last night's meeting of the directors. lu this way, stranger wll readily A placard with thlo legend I soon n Iia illalilatfjul I t It k nflljkA Aa. mk .. .. i..i ... i. ..... ni.1,. II... Imln. will ! Inlil nt '" " u.-j'.bto iu tun umtv, iwrt ur st apparently a low cost per acre. th. stopover privilege allowed by the ',,f b,u'nl" ' ' ' .bu'"".,e." anil he and the member of tho com-B"Uthcrn Pacific, If the plan proposed mllteo went Into dotal! In connection by W. 1.. Duhl Is adopted by the llh It. All woro much Imprcssod, Klanmth Chamber of Commerce, both with the apparent feasibility and Tho matter was laid before the or the comparatively low cost. .i;nnUntlon at Tuesday's meeting. It was decided nt tho mooting that Duhl plans to work ou commission the matter bo submitted to tho gov- derived from the sale of land to per- ,, ,.., wlin, ,...... m. i,. eminent through tho local branch of sons directed to Klamath by hi cf-',ho ,nlewtU of lho communuy tt the reclamation aervlco. asking the forts. Tho matter will be taken up hcatU nnd lecug he gfni th w lovermnent to rocouslder the aban-'more fully at the next meeting of the' jeoj (eM ilMnanCy t0 u questions' donment of the reclamation work. In organliatlon. ! regarding this section and IU re- tne meantime, efforts am to bo made' - . .--- 'sources. to secure the co-operation of all the' deorgo C. Clark of Algoma la here ! ' ,. I (Coniltiiind on foitti 4( attending to business matters. i iw.imw ivatua ltuav Tho degreo teams of both tJM Be- ( lodges will meet tonight In Odd Fel .lows Temple. Ono team will drill In the East hnlt, whllo the other team 'administration 'measure wken tka MKMBKR8 Ofm comes up for actio tomorrow, , but all admit that tho measure ia r to paas. A adopted at the Crat reading at midnight, tho bill merely change the wording from "alien Ineligible to cltltenshlp cannot acquire property, etc.," to "aliens eligible mar acquire. Tho intent of the bill ia In no wuy changed, but In this way the Japanese Premier, Radical Leader, and Governor Johnson Spends Part of Wednesday in Jail will occupy tho West hall after the adjournment Pythias. of the Knight of After Languishing a Short Time Be-JX. hind the Bars of County Bastile is Released on Habeas Corpus Kvunts came fast and furiou In to-ton the ground that the case waa one lay's history ot tbo J. II. Carnahanltlmt could bo appealed. The writ waa contempt cuso, and before noon theiilniud y Circuit J in' to Uetison, and attorney wns hnlud before Justlco of Cnrnahnn was llbornted on bond. The the Peace (lowen, committed to tho iimttor will como up for attention .land, whero he attouded a meeting 'ot tho gamo wardens ot the state.) ,Thls waa held for the purpose of dls-1 cussing tho new game legislation. iFSiptii MJMSmm lmiHsOPrl': Iwa ''oUsstsssiissiiBsnr- '"' ssssssssssssssm'" flllssssssssssssssssssssssssBaBCaBi atam.'' jfaM bibibibiV BaaaaaaaSK awsgaaaaaaaaaaam MSJBSJBSJBSJk "EBJBJBJBj assssssssssssssV"assssssssssssssssi LBBBBnBBaPHLBBBBBBBr BBaSBaasBSBSsaasmBaBssasBasAafAk I ? bisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVPbSIb I .sssssssssssssssssW rVPf' 0 .sssssssHsssssssssV ' I WX(WGmSm ITflaaWiBBS n H '', 4 . 'umB'i.sBBBBl BBBBHit'lBH II BsT"'i- ,-BBSSSsB P''H H f';r llaBissssssssssI JBjIf'V ' SfJJJJJJJJJJMf. n '.' r' . ."aWAaPJJJJJJJJJj BHBaBBnaiBBBm II W- ibbtNbbbH HBw"X7ssi rsssB:-v'' '' ; sssl 4sssW bHkbbHHbbbW BLwam- snP'lBissssT' BBBBBBBLV V,'V;; fffalBBBBV .JssssssIbbbbBbbJ 'nsssssss'LsssssssssssssI .bbHssssssssssssssssssssHL MHaWBsDlaLissssssssssssssI ' sBaVBIJssssssssssssssssVrii f: . 'eBaBWalssssssssssBl BBWeBBBT 1 (,- .eBBBBaHHBBBMBV assssst-i.1?; inX-V AVjr'. 1sssssssssssV.'a.-.!i4- waw wAiasssm,.v. f. ;'-t-r. : : i'- MfJassssssW iMm s- MKv U Jaaa)KLjyMBBBBW rvsVJfTLalsssisssssssssf . aassssssssssssssssssssssssV' -' Bi"rtBissssssssssssssss . I . FIRST I8SW TO - . 't (" BE FOR $30,000 FORK vw S. VI Wi ) ' J I If (J UiAttlt BsssaUKaW Hi ;t: M.N.NOTT "A. A, MKNV fMM OstntAU. - '. t M l W sS c V ( -. c i .. v r c laajM esT naas. paa apgesaaajst. MRH .' r ', m Hr of ah )TTS,M .aail 'li V..'fl .. HavaiaaaW IMssstssstaast''' ffl aWWfnPWlay aVaWsTawS Irfrcst, MrceiaM Ctot ,-lv ' )v Th legal Um liaah lwrai Mm foaa of the HaraaaV Irrlajatsasi Matrtat could aMNaalirai'rtiM,'aa1gaM Circuit Jit4jm legality of tke kfa) aired, ArM. Mm alliBitiw a MM !dltrlet at tMir aiaMaair M'aiaW Tuesday taak atafgitiwaaral MMrMa' aaea of fcoaWks t mnr 'a Ms fJgflk Tbhs aaatdlaaM vaatfar Mm HlM owaara af Mm lmii-amm ' f 77i;0M. Tka Mai wll far M.M.k Tttlaa4 tf ,aa. Mai i Trouble between the united Btatea While the Jaaaaaaa vraauar kaa and Japan over the proposed aatl- aoae mncn 10 reairam aau-jaMM alien land ownership act of Callfor- aajaia ula has brought Into notice Qount Yamamoto, the premier;. Count feeling In Japan, the populace tkaro haa looked largely to Count Okaaaa,. Ha answered, tka other r wHk tha statement that nothing but the, tola-1 total wtttoaaV. U wws saaawwai raaaa com bMJb wkmr-mU', nMlMaMJaV m t: , Tka aaryaaasMf'aai. isrNr.iMte Wl WWmKfj taat,aa. laartaa. : TMa.wark.wtM U aoea aa aoatMa aflar, tka boada. i' ; ' Caarlea J. reryana, Hajdd Mm meeting far Ma trm, Um tagjat' JV risers. B. F. Kataalk, a arvft CMMi. i aloe attaaMMV aojdlM with tka dlreeUra aaattara lag tka aaaaartas rnV , in eaaamiiwaJrssi saw kendalt Pari following N. J. Wavsat. raawnakac Mm skoHoraalyattoC On raaaiyaat tka the rervotratU:i ,wraW'jM' n -Vl, "r M.': II. 8. Anderson, a well known resi dent of Illy, Is here for a short visit. county jail, roleasod ou liaboas corpus proceedings, and hi caso was appeal' 'l to tho circuit court. Yesterday Justice ot tho Peace flow Usuod n commitment, citing Car nalmn to appear and pay a lino of 10 tcr Judge llonson's return from Laka-j view. Tho case grow out of the trial of Crls Conley, charged with n gam law i violation. In tho trial, Carnahan', ., JACK JOHNSON INDICTED 7TH PRESIDENT WILSON ,Who Urge California Legislature to "auno itasie Biowiy iCallfornlan have got around Presi dent Wilson' biggest objection. There will be no action during tho absence of Bryan. It is admitted that i resistance to tho measure la hopeless. United Press Service WA81I1NQTON, D. C, April SO. Japanese who are In the best position who conducted the dofeuso, attempted A.NOTHKIt TIIUK 11ILL, CHARGING ,t0 v"ow aiva told the "" Bt iioai aapaa will iuus uv inw , IIHl HI.AUK with whitk wiiAV-IomaUc representations to A KIIV 1H IlKTURNKO MY FKDKK- regarding her attitude on the iiornia iaou iraniaiiuu uaui y its made a law. Okuma, who ha done ao much to stir once of Christianity could nrevaat Rat faarkaf laat OM:WaaaMaa) 1 f up trouble, and Governor Hiram W. war between the. two coumtriaa. .He Johnson ot California, late candidate J said be hoped the Influence iwould he for vice president on the progressive 'exercised. He haa addreaaadiaaronU ticket, will become Important ilgurea I large meeting where asuch aatl In tho situation. American feeling waa ahowa. Mrs., Marlon Barae has aewa' U MINIMUM WAGE IS THE TOPIC MKMIIKKS OF MTKKARY CLUB 1IKUKVK LAW WOULD, RK LOXQ IX THK ItlOHT IMUip STfU' TION 'or contempt of court or bo Imprison- lo show that the case wns tho result en tor iivo daya. No aettoa was tak-lof personal splto, nnd prosecuting i en yestorday by Carnakati '' 'Attorney John Irwin sought to rule' This morning Sheriff Low took the'out HiIh testimony. This resulted In BUorney Into eustoilv. and haiad hlmlmnuy torrid vorbnl encounter be AL (lit AM) JURY beforo tho Justice, who, when Ca'rna nan rofused to pay the fine, commit ted him to the county Jail. Carnahan, through Attorney Kuykendall asked to appeal to the circuit court, and of ired to poat a eaali bond, but Oowen hold that the case waa one that could hot be appealed, io'Caraahan waa In carcerated, " ' Hhortly aftarwarda, Kuykendall Prepared a writ of habeaa corpus, up-, 4 tween the two, untl Carnahan stated tlmt hn could not got n fair deal la the court. For this remark, nnd others ot a slmllur nature, Oowen held Carna liuu guilty of contempt of court, and In addition to Imposing a 150 fine he sentenced Carnahan to serve twenty,-, live days In Jan. hater ne wunaraw the Jail sentence, and reduced tho me to f 10. It Is ald that Japan'a attltd most conciliatory, and that tha United Press Service OHICAao. April SO, The federal ernment has not made a ilngla i urand Jury thla afternoon returned,,ntatlon to America that coul anoiher true bill' aaalnst Jack John- construed a an ultimatum. Thai son; negro pugilist, charging him 'onese government and tha ami' with white slavery, "ere regret the Jingo metlag la .ThlB'ls the seventh white alaveryin ana uongrewman snsaoma Indictment to be returned against the (speech. hurley black. He will be arraigned "Our nttltuda la WW tomorrow. ' tuohiiauaa ujiafli; While the enactment ot a atlal mum wage law could' not be expected to wholly abolish certain evil to our Industrial system, tt might he a step In the right direction, Waa the unan Imous opinion ot those attending laat light's Interesting meeting of tha ith Literary Club,, v .meeting was held at the homo .and Mrs. 0. P. Stewart, and kject was "Minimum Wage.!' ibblefleld. was the leader, and ho spoke on the1 question thur D. Hay; Mts. Dora Dr. Fred Wocterteld and O. rt. A general discussion f el- srison of the Banking Sya- I Ik anhtAAt fAt ihn mvI mmm ha held next Tuesday at the home. Arthur D, Hay will idlseussloa. " ' &'' . Ht, Cblloqula to Join her huakand, wko ia Intereatad in sawntlUInc . oaaraUana there. -, j celvad. aalffkt hatka tory .eteraatyaed MaforauMaa, gdaja ay ta aaaartmeat,-1 ujh iij --------- --- k. T," rT.T"-' ? k' aloaer and took tka nuttar nn -wk him, urging expedition, skowsngt Men ike steceeslty fair Immediate aaejaay ,J w jmw mm mm sssMPv; the. matter i'apaclal,'. and MnUMm ' i,'i.' ,Continueit on. agjw;i f J . it- ,ft.(.j X -Wft-'l JS' Jy. .p":'.A.'fc- '. w f!' ff.y- -mm ' waa ' j t WB BB--t' saunas noaeo f oiks After Klamath Bronx ? . 1 'C .M-v 'fflaisBHliVVi (aHfHT?1 's.r.'.'t . i- i si California Horse pressed With Tactics of ftnn SaiiAFs njaslPsft1ujAii w....wy ..w. w m-j . mm-mwmm,. ,7 M , . la. to, to?jmtmtoZ'-i si U- W-Wl.-'f (. 'L ,.CJ i. W. '(,. Mti. .-M txr'vivw ;.;,:' a ::S V'? la addition to appear Ingat tha Laa Angeles Rodso and at tha DaUaa, Town. Wild; West, Show, tka trU'of premier bucking horaea owned kyrthe local waa, ipage may.anrS; m neaa liners at W big SaUnaa Rodea. . AV ready tka .director of thla atgaala Hon have nude. mulrleaM,t ,tk and e-Cfcaf MMMh.-wejdf.. losslbilklea.ot eUln Mm Immm tor tN,iluuaM knjnea .a their nest ekow. fcf Vif'fT'S ( - wniM.Mi BsHnaa, u,, ,; of thbv etty( met Ru44pk Spmkel; race korea entkualaatmnd "otker.id rector .UaMlRasJaa., ' 'W,hi. B9!?Ki3H!re. asemaer aviM.raaM aHna'vsmaw ImraadiaMsr iMaaui ta. askka lnwan UngUhevloai;k'laf;a4r i "BpraatsaMgl T"7 a",T"TT .ti"W I ' akow," said Mr. aloLoajart, aaytkat.MM'.Mtr). are,''ljuar 'Deal, JWF&--J 4JnkiaMaW JsMlflsMt) , & ."'r sCTraF la ka) tka jato ( WfaW W4J)aaW WF 'wWSr JtA- rammjnumiKmsrm