"1 HUII'MKI IIY THM tKITKI I'HKHM "' "KKVIUK Ik tuning cfali. 'V"tf. . " I V fr. ti I ' V'fU ',", Tt ' PRINT THE NaWuV ! f , 4- "PalT i" 'va i Hetmtl Vr No. S,00 KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUHSDAY, APfllli St), ltlS v rffHil i WWW VMM IUDGE HOLDS RAILROAD HAS FORFEITED LAND UNO RWOOD NOT E AFTER GAG RULE WILSON STANDS OKNI.II.W, T.UIHV DKIIATK IH, 'M)Hi:i AMI HOUSE lli:UXH ro.NHIItCIIATIO.V of hciii:i). PAT ON VIEWS OF SITUATION IttOlAlinON IIKCIIIKH K8PKK Dill (Jf H ,. AMJM,MKNT ut.mi:i:ttkhmm IViUthI Juilgn TtMtay Af- 'filliiil Dr.-.. U..rxl. ....v1. mm iiwi nil U'AUIIIMflYftM II It 1 ...II fffi IiimI.Ioii of IViloral Jmlgn Tiway vii. ; M V "" ITI"" rl... nirnl i1lit,l mi tlif. InrlfT l.n frtl Hi" Till to Over Two Million ,j,m( Hn,i ,(, h(nu, tot(l. bBfaD ttv ft trftml Granted to Uio Ore- (In iciialtlerntluii of (he various i ii.ii...! i.. ii... schedules of Uic tnrlfT for amendment lloirrnmcnl In lio Early Part of ( Miijcrlly Lender Underwood Insists Hint In- (lun't Intern! to allow the "gag fiulu." Ilu prupua to try tlio polity, of allowing a five mlliuto debate to .IIHYA.V ItKCKIVKH LENGTHY TKJ, i KGHAMH TODAY i I WW and In ",7 I'lolilcnl In t'nnfftriirc Willi John HamHI MiMirt', International Law Ki it Work Mnkre n HUUtneat. Hn rrtary Ilryan Got lo Han Fran- rlMi Tonight Cabinet Hold a lengthy Snwlon to Consider Anil Allin Matter. SUFFRAGETTE'S LEAVE EXTENDED UPON ADVICE. Rose O'Neill, the Artist, Wins Over American Doll Makers L'nlti'd I'lcna Service President WASHINGTON, I). C April 29. .1. ii. . i iir.w Hnrvltn I'OUTI.AND, April SO. Holding l'r"" P" "! ' minority at ,k.i th railroad company ha. Uot'''''i'l"lllMory tactics. .h.. wilt. ll.. lAitna Ihilllntftil ntl It MAN illlllOUIlCwi tliat fnmiiiicu nitn mi" - - - - it. Hum tlio iraul was made by tlio W'H'on linn arranged to meet the 'l.trry ntnlu ban u right to provide lownrmnt, Koitoral Judge Wolver-jWrnirrii and Houtbern nenntorn who by In who will own Ita landi, and nrn uppoted to free wool and nugar. to vxiopl ullenn from tbls right," aald Thin uuotliig will be held Tburnday. Svtintor Worka of California, dlicua- nlng the altuatlon. Ion today decided that tho Oregon ft California Itullruad coiupany, now a Pitt of tlio Houtbern raclQc nyntem, hit lorfclled IU title to tlio ureguu Und grant. Tnl Jcclilon nlfocta tho ownorihlp of 1,100,000 acre of land. The acre H w grauted to (bo railroad by tU lourniMont In IKCO and 177, to permit the comtructlon of the Oregon 1 California railroad. Handng ami Card Carda and dancing will be the fea- turrn of aoclnl evening to be given In the Went Hall of tho I. O. O. P. building tbla evening by Kwauna Cir cle, Women of Woodcraft, to which the public In Invited. Tlndall orchen- tra will furnlnh the niuilc. Tb grant gave an a bonua for con- itittdlon every alternate nectlon of Aloi Hhtvo lolt today for Chlloquln, public land not mineral up to twenty where bo ban accepted a poaltlon mll- on each aide of the railroad bookocper for the Ilarnea Lumber rlihtofway. (ompnny. 'Tlio national government ban not any right to enact any law or make any treaty denying or Impairing that right." Russian Colony Locate in Klamath Go. Choice is Made After a Careful In spection of Numerous Sections in West and Middle West L'lilttd I'rcan Service HACHAMKNTO. April 29. Late thin afternoon, Indlcatlonn wore that Secretary Ilryan would requeat no further conference with the loglnla tmo before night, lie apent the great er part of the day an the gueat of the aenato chamber. He will go to Ban Kranclaco thin evening, but will return tomorrow night. "1 am uncertain aa to when I will return Kant," aald Ilryan. "I caal not ntate at thin time what future action will bo taken by the prealdent, or whether 1 will havo a atntement to make befere leaving for Washington." V Another addition In to be mndo to lb population of Kliitnntli county by Ibe arrival of a largo colony of Hun Urn farrnorn. Announcement of tho m lectlou of Klamath county aa the future homo of ilieac thrifty tlllora of Ibe lull wnn made lant night by mem ttra of their committee. The commltteo sent out by the col ony to vl.lt various farming dln Irlcta on tho I'nclnc coant was hare trernl week ago, and they were taken through tho county by W. l'aul Jchrmou of tho 8, H. Johnson com pany, Hucral days wero spent here, during which tltno Malln, Mngell and I'oo Valleys and othor parta of the county wero vlsltod. The laltnrn at that tlmo oipreaaed thomaelves an lilghly pleated with tho proipectn In Klamath county, but iu they bad a number of other parta of the coant to visit, they declined to commit thcmaolven. A few day ago tho committee re turned with H, O. Johnson of the Klamath Development company, have been taken to other parta of the coun ty not previously visited, and tboy liavo decided that the best opportuni ties for nuccess await thetr country men here. Their report will be to llin't afect, they say. Nothing definite ban been given out n. to what land tho colonlntn aipect to purchano. it Is understood, how- uor, that deals nro uow under way. Tlio Interest of tho Klamath Devel opment company In tho coming of the cnmpnny Is n wholly unsolflsh one.thls concern being Interested, with every public spirited cltlten, In getting tho farm lands settled. Knights of Columbus Will Visit Klamath Catholic Fraternal Organization at San Francisco Plans to Spend a Week Here. May Install Local The first big pleasure seeking party ' visit tho Klamath summer pity around this year will In all probabili ties bo members of the Ban Francisco and Oakland Councils of the Knights ' Columbus. R. A. Johnston, rest lent vice president of the Klamath Development company, haa been in torrospondeuce with the organisa tion for some time, and the commlt teo namod to select the locality (or the excursion believe' Klamath Falls d vicinity Is the proper place. The matter will U enltly settled within a few daya, tu soon aa the committee tenders tWmraport to ft council for Its adapafig. According to taa ptens outline to Mr. Johaaea, tntrn wttl ka la Ue nulghborhood of ISO membors of the order on tho excursion. This will ar ilvo here on or about May 16, and the visitor wll remain a week, spending tho greater part of tho tlmo Ashing, nucleating around Klamath Falls, and enjoying naturo In general, A great pnrt of tho time, according to the committee, will be spent at llnrrlman Lodgo, tho summer resort on l'ollcan Hoy, which has become famous throughout California on ac count of Its splendid boating, fishing and othor sources of recreation. Mr, Johnson Is at Harrlmnn Lodge this afternoon. In addition to getting "next to Na ture," the lodgemen may also be rcVritluued ou'l'ngo i ' WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. I'realdent Wilson Is standing pat on hi vlow regarding the California situation. Ho Inlsst that the words Continumi no rage I ti T I'HYSICTAN. rt i If Kit I'AltOLB FROM IItIHON IS, INDEH.MTK i sHIFKIUOETnCH Mt'ltltOU.VH HOyMK , United I'rcss Service) i IX)NDON, April St. The ticket of, leave of Mrs. Ematellne I'ankhurst, cillltant suffragetUMntcnced to three years penal servltnsTe, has been ex-' tended Indefinitely. This Is on ac count of tho condition of her health.! Superintendent Qdlnn of Scotland Yard and n physlsUn from Holloway1 prison visited Mn.Fank buret at her apartment today. Thy officially re ported her too III tevMturn to prison. Hundreds of anfragettes crowded 4 the streets around tile apartment. No violence waa offerei .by them. FIRE DESTROYS : A rani m VKS HUILDINQ ON SK MILK RANCH IH A TOTAL LOW ONL UN ISWHASCBm-JmSTH, LTC., ARE DHSTMOYKD 4 (Special Correspondence) FORT KLAMATH, April J 9. Fire Saturday destroyed the ranch novae of Albright ft Ellia' Seven Mite ranch on Seven Mile Creek. Tho building waa a total loss. A defective flue la .supposedly the pauiA of th eoBlacratlon. When the flra waa illarnvaraal It had aaada a-nnd I headway, and on account of tho lack of Are SghtlngtaeiUtlae, it aoon knra-J ed to the gronad. Tho leas la mated at f 1,600, Including a number ... , a.id e.UMm tBM na-dl-. and .-". . . ... . . . . BHBHaHBHaHMRataHBfX f SaHHHHHHHnKiJ aHaHBHaHaHaHaHHaHf JHbHbHbHbHbHbHHbV' rtj' YrT2 P;1IhB v r HbHbHbHbHbHbhK 't. anaHaHBHanul I H1h.hH 'J HbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbW ' JhbW HbHbHbHbHbHbHbHbHB w V LHBHaBHBHBV'A - HaHBHaHai S I RdHamW HaHBHaHM T sHanHBHaHBHaHaHaP i WVHBHar9L. L I ' Kf- 'r'HHaVHHlM I JIhhhhL - 'Mmmfm ' iAHHNa"' 4' WC,HHHar ,4HHHHHHHHHHHHHbV "t '' VaHr hhhhhhhhhhA '--- VMW nHBBHBBHBBHaBHHsm'' ' rirsk-4iWtMm saHBHBHHaHBHBfw ;''! ( ,7? -HBHtsaHHr ' HHHHHHhHhjEj J t.?S!MlHHHnHHHf 9 " ' hhhhhhhIIhF WORK RESU1EB ON THE COURT E .if ' HOUS BUIL0IN6 I ift ,) .' Pii M .il HltlCK WORK WILL ME STA! ; 4VMUIHIUWt I m Htrrl i Wnrfcers New at Work I If II ,? awnBa" t I'P OtrAtn am WAsTsWaamalBSHaBBataBlk amei aVnKFavjmHJFJf Wfce "'- Ti A wanleel aft Oenetiet sWtavs) war, wan -J MW 7 -K t! J'- aadvCakrkMOras, V laJTtrVMtlt Rosa O'Neill, Ue artlat, whoa cre ation for the comic papers have boom one of tho feature for years, haa Jaat won a victory which will make her In dependently wealthy, If that la net already her condition. When the CubUt agitation came along Mia O'Neill looked on It with amusement, and she reached tho con clusion that It aha eonU tarn ont n Cubist doll aho might Snd a amino like that which came to tho maker of tho Teddy. Boar. AmerJean oteHawk era told her that there waa ntlhlng an her plan, that a Cabtet aU we14 not sell. She waa disgusted 'with thotr tack of enterprise, and an harried to Oar many. There aho presented nor Men to the greatest doll makora to tho world. They grasped It at one, and now the returns have began. ' of tents, etc., stored there In readi ness for the spring work. The Insar snee carried Is f 500, AUSTRIA AFTER MONTENEGRINS tOIIMAL ANNOUNCEMENT MADE THAT COUNTRY WILL MAKE IN DKI'KNDKXT ACTION FOR SCU TA IHH EVACUATION United Press Service LONDON, April 29. Austria plana to commence action against Monte negro to compel that nation to ovacu ato Scutari, recently captured from tho Turks, according to Vienna dis patches to the Dally Mall. Unwilling to wait longer for the power to net In the matter, It was an nounced In tho Austrian capital that tho the nation will shortly commence an Independent action against Montenegro. HARPOLD CASE IS DISMISSED JU1K1K IIENSON HOLDS THAT CITV OI'FICIALS ERRED IN PROCEEDINGS WHEN THEY AR RESTED HELLIGERENT Holding that the city officials had no Jurisdiction to try A. D. Harpold ou an asault and battery charge with out a complaint being made, Circuit Judge Denson this morning dismissed the action of the City of Bonansa against Harpold, appealed to tho cir cuit court, from the Bonania court by Harpold. Harpold and Walter Broadsword engaged In a flstlo encounter at Bo nansa, some time ago, and Harpold waa arrested and a fine Impoaed. He appealed to the higher court, COMMITMENT OUT FOR COUNSELLOR SHERIFF'S OFFICE INSTRUCTED TO PLACE J. H. CARNAHAN IN JAIL UNLESS HE TENDERS A TEN SPOT An echo of the fining of J. H. Car nahan on a contempt charge by Jus tice of the Peace dowen earn up to day, when the sherlf'a oHc waa served with a commitment, ordering the arrest of Carnahan and hla Im prisonment for five daya. In default of payment of a f 10 ana. It la understood that th attorney fined will fight the commitment. Th matter wll probably b taken up late this afternoon. The fining of Carnahan followed a aerie of disputes between Carnahan, who conducted the defenaa of Crls Conley, and District Attorney John Irwin, during the trial of th case. The commitment sets forth that Car nahan: "Did publish, utter and any aloud, and In the hearing of th eourt and others, that the court and the prose cuting attorney were then and there railroading tho aald Crla Conley In the case pending; thai th aald Crla Conley could not get a fair and Im partial trial In said court wherein said E. W. Oowen waa Justice of the peace; that said defendant charged said court and 'district attorney with running a steam roller over aald Cria Conley; that It was a notorious fact and general street talk la Klamath Fall that the court and district at torney had and were combined to gether for the purpose of railroading Crla Conley and convicting hla of M offens of which he then stood cha.rg with the view on u part action Into contempt, and that such misconduct did, In fact, Impair, hi der and prejudice th rights and edlea of Ue Stat, of did, In fact, interrupt and Imped and hinder the course of Justice In th hearing and deliberation of aald action, and that the aald J. H. Carna han bad become liable to punishment for such disrespectful and conUmp tlonn language." BUNCO MEN TO PICK OFFICERS DETECTIVES LINED UP IN ORDER TO GIVE CRIMINALS AN OPPOR TUNITY TO SHOW WHO TOOK MONEY United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, April . Th grand Jury 'today resumed its probe of the graft charges made against members of the San Francisco nolle department Fifty San Francisco patrolman and detectives are to be lined up la a cor ridor today, and the nine bunco men now In Jail are to be asked to point out the men to whom they paid mon ey for protection. Evans, owner of th Nortfc- wesUrn, returned to Klnanata Falls last night from aa autamobtt trip, to Lakevlew. The machine met with n mishap at Bly, and Hr. Evans same in from there on on of the Southern Oregon machines. .7.' FMw!ag th dismlsn r Judge BaasM.ta UM,svt fiM, Obeaehals umiii ua isgaiisjwi house Mvr.'Mswk It 'of Mat, addition I again th saw est sieMfRi. Workmen' this njaftlag t again th handling f greater part of, th atl , put in pine hfr th nalted several weeks ag. Th brick work wlri th aaernlag. M. J. who, haa th atrtt, will .pat - oral brleklayara to work at . i In a abort Has, work tf lifiHmg th ground and Impravlaag th av, proaehes to th'aw ewui asm be taken sp. This win, la JsH binty be la charge C Oaav who saperUteadesl alt taw m HANGING SIM PART Of.pt CALIFORNIA FKAM . S i am-imF lAHsnVsafVMi fjaay rj AaXMJM lOsWHMLt FTOalsaV ' v MRNTINTHATMMiB,,' : . t r l ' r , ) sea Bcva ; it- Tn Mlaa Hasel Little has retumd Dorrla after a abort visit her. Little and her mother conduct n lion picture abow In th Butt Valley metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kilgere and from Bonansa for a son are here short visit United Pr 8ACRAMBNTO. April measure providing tor i Ital punishment la feated la th aeaal Th vet waa IS. to It. The action th i um rerm oc umanmsat nr aM' ed murderers watt at b all Man si bf , the grwMt IserUlatere., (,- th stoto was'ew-i thia altorasa.r i 3. M. MBrMhas meat to aetoad to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Browa were la Monday from their ranch near Olea. Charles W. Sherman Jr. waa her Monday from hla ranch la Yonna Val ley. He has a large traction plow this year, and la plowing many ranches. Will W. Baldwin left thta morning for a business trip to Merrill and Bo nania. J. Frank Adams Visitor. Is a county seat Oeorge J, Walton, manager of the Klamath division of the 'California Oregon Power company, haa gone to Will to attend' to business matters. McLemoro returned to Klara- ot the said J. H. Carnahan to bring ath Falls Monday from Monterey this oourt and Its proceeding la saldlcounty, California, where be purcbaa- . .al.u !... AHaiiamni San 4 la a 4 am a a jb, la I --i itaillA haa ahlnmnvti fAA " d cattle for shipment here. mnk Blo'otnlngoamp of Merrill la here lor a vlalt'st aaveral days. ' ;;et sav Court House Levy to Go to Supreme Court , x. a- .Tt'l.4 Notice of Appeal it Filed by dall 6c Fergufon Brief of Twenty One Paget it Prepared vA 'VI i' K J. - V X - ' Taking th stand that th county ferred creditor out f n'v t court Is not authorised by law to levy a special court house tax, and that la order for them to show their statu tory authority, KuykeudaU A Fergu son, attorneys for M. M. Obeaehata and Charles a raven in their suits at tacking the court bouse levy, hav filed notice of appeal to th supreme court and prepared their brief. The' appeal Is from th decision rendered Saturday by Circuit Judge Benson, In which a demurrer to the Obenchaln complaint waa upheld. Aa attack Is made on -the county court's policy of segregating the general fund levy Into separate funds, which la th bails of Obenehaln'a action. . "Th whole plan on Ita fae u and Is Intended to be n subterfuge to avoid th constitutional limit of In debtedness," says the brief.' "And to Impair th contract of th oonatr with th holders of outstanding war rants by paying 'eounty nKnaa' (3681) lacurred at a later dat b. fore those of aa earlier date," vv I By segregating th general tend. the appellants la that brM a that ta county urt ntakiag' a ' s f' rant holders. ' , (' ' ' "To put thee vsi' leta tognlnW. er lor u pfMSJ' C them." says th bfW.' mediately, havtiag taaa) aaMitattr validaud Um, nad, iilvM thean'aa aV atanuneoas 'immaariy them apart again and; tnem aparatiy m 'e neither logic, reasoa r opens th way for va areiaair 1 lhan have been her attomptod. H not more logical, rsaaeaakto nal Jsjpv havlag corte 'ta .wraf at n1a i-suHir ewut, u a. rllVfJnx corrected ruK,ra4k;aVu m aw eK Wa;! - erroneous ' segarallea. braftorr.'V ,fi v "To allow lerle to ba atl to vsllaato.thesn and to ai . -rdrto arlv nyiJMnfg , county eC.fcfMlr Jtsgt mim trifllag with tholaan at lag feajHfj leWaWoHt tt adopstag.g ow.of.th L m au a. VXs -r o, -." tu A :