fit' Young Man, i you would appear successful-look the part ;. ., AV 1".1 if?' Clothes may not make the man, but personal appearance, i.1... 4" whice is largely a matter of clothes, makes or mar uic impression we would produce. Kuppenheimer Clothes at this Store r' ;,; will answer your good clothes question ,) '?,: K. K. . K. STORE '?, . $15 and more Leading Clothiers BELIEVE THERE IS A CONTINENT GBXKIUL GRKELKV CREDITS THE REPORTS OP DISCOVERY IN ANTARCTIC UV PROFESSOR MAWSOX American, Charles Wllke. U. 8. N., la 1860. Wllke oBclally reperted: W bate discovered a large body ot land within the Antarctic Circle which 1 hare named the Antarctic Continent.' "This addition of a ntw conusant to the mapa of the world waa discred ited for seventy year, and aa late aa 1905 a Drllieh explorer reported that he had 'once and for all definitely die posed of Wllkea Land.' It la Indeed sratotul to American explorer that British have Justlfled Ue accuracy 1 l i . At l Ital ibuu juoiacu ui one 01 taeir iu United Presa Service ROME, April J8. "The United -...- -. . - . 1.1 ' " ot '" "" .. -. across the eas.' Already made fa moug by bla work la visiting and lo- That'a what It may be In the distant future, for, .according to Major Gen eral Adolphus Greeley. U. 8. A., re tired, recent exploration of Profeaaor Mawaoa at the South Pole tend to vindicate and corroborate Amerlcaa Antarctic explorers, who, aeveaty years ago, fenad another continent at the "bottom ot the earth." Gen. Greeley, himself waa a famous Arctic explorer, and following Profeaaor Mawaea'e recent "discoveries" he to day declared he will present to the Polar Congress here what be claims eating the south magnetic pole under Shakleton, Professor llawson haa now raised himself to high rank aa a leader of scientific and adventurous expeditions," sssBBsmjnjms i 'i i m K HtSM WMU WEI ACTION (Continued from Page 1) Every phase ot the land situation was dlscusaed during the conference, llryan spoke at length during the Joint conference. The president's messenger wa Wk Sfflfl IGNT IN A IAUNM (Continued from IUe II to the htgheil bidder. Dated Hits 4th day of April, 1913. C. C. LOW, Hherlft of Klamath County, Oregon, lly (1KO. A. IIAYDOS, Deputy. 6.1J.1J.36-J h What's the Matter With the Old ttatcli? It's not getting nay younger, ynu kaow, aad once la a while It aeeds 1 a rest ana overnaaung. Railroad are irrefutable proofs that American WMUbm m d-Md M- overhauled led Ue world la discovering new laad once a JMt ,0 Umm accaraU Um., at the South Pole. . keeplag. Why net brlag yonra la aad "The aew. seat north by Profeaaor u. , g,T, ,t atu.Uoa that to' Mawaoa irom aie wireieee euuoa oa BtfCet4liry for UlM kplaf . Adelle Laad, telling of the 'discovery' ...Rl M of aew land." aald Qeneral Greeley w.tclUMto,t IvKtltr , Batnxtr, inAmw "will t. hartl1v rmtmmA Iiv I H. r. Watch laepectar sea and tho high wind made prugrv difficult, and drove the boat far out of Its course. IjiIo In the evening the Ilrewhaker boat (agatn became disabled, and Mhllu effort were being made to ro- rather reticent, however, aa to the l) t the two boat were blown by representations Japan haa made upon the high wind Into a bed of tule. It the subject M ,hcn decided that the two crafts In answer to a direct question by '. " r uc Notice for Publication one of the legislator he reXused tot w L , ,, , ,r,ul. ""' '""""' ,. , ' llrewbakvr and hi companion. 1 Department ot the Interior, United state exactly what pressure Is being a(,cr much padUnc reached tho Is- state Und Offlw at Ukevlew, laud, hungry and chilled from the ex-1 Oregon, April 1, 1913. posure. Till morning they were I Notice I hereby given that K. . rowed aihore and cam to town. 'uinliror Miller of Odra. Oregon, The crew ot the Old boat suffered (who, on April 39, 1913, rovlo home worse luck, for tha wind drove themjitoad entry No. OSS78, tor HH Nii to the vicinity of Algoma during the Hectloti 19, Township 37 H., Ilange 7 night, and with but one comforter, . i:., Willamette Meridian, has filed land no provisions, th quintet suf-(notice of Intention to make final com Ifcred Intensely. Late this morning j mutation proof, to eitntillth claim In 'they paddled to Iluck Island, were, the land above described, before C. rowed ashore and cam on to town, it. De Lap. county clerk, at Klamath after being on the lake In the storm Kails, Oregon, on the Slit day of 'for more than twenty-four hours. May, 1913. I The Olds boat came to grief Sua Claimant names as witnesses: day afternoon by striking a partly I L, Hleln, Henry Htraw, II. L. submerged log. This damaged th Kulkenon, James Illalr, all of Ode 'shaft and propeller. ', Oregon. week for lx (6) consecutive weeks M. Worden, Judcent IhetOHtyMtn In the KUmalh Itepubllcan, a news 'ot the stale of Orcjon. KUeutt em. paper, published weekly within the'ty, and the tint puMlctttea tseM city of Klamath Kails, Klamath counlU made In iM neeipiper u ly, stale of Oregon, pursuant to aa Sttli day of April, 1)11, ,inlr itimlfi ntiil anturnd on the 3 1st AI.IIVMtT V t'l nrm thereof as may be necary to satUfy , jay of April, 1913, by the Hon. Wm. J-6r Allornrr for tUhtm said judgment, witn interest anu roeu at the court homo door of Klamath county, Oregon, suit at public auction all th right, title, claim and Inter et of- s.tld defendant In and to the abote described properly, or so much JslfiPfBfc BHC 'JgamaataaitiiSsr i today, "will be heartily welcomed by all persons' Interested la the thrill ing story of American Polar expedi tions and explorations. The dis patches Indicate that the Australian explorers under Profesor Mawson have proved the continuity of the con tinent of Antarctica through 80 de gree; of longitude from VVIUltte BaOdeac CHEAP LOTS fSOVERNOR JOHNSON California's Executive, One of the i Foremost Upholders of the Prlacl . pie, "California for the White OICKKVVILLE DOI.NGa I- t-34-S-39r A. V. OltTON, ItegUter. - Notice of HHUetncat of Pinal Arcotuil of AdmlnUlrator Notice I hereby given that John II. Race.' lleaned from Olckeyvllle Clarion by the Uend Dulletln) lly Plank says he's held all sorts Smart, administrator of tho eetate of of mean Jobs In bis day and done a !ucy Loosloy, deceased, ha rendered heap site of peaky mean things. All 'and presented to the court and filed Lars lot oat Creeceat ave. at 'roufht to upoa ,he .dmlnlatra-, 10 WU now, ho says, is to get elect-'wUh the clerk thereof, his report and ,i i. .1,-. i.n... -mv,....- ed to the council and then die. .final account of his administration of Good let la Nichols acMkJoa at, ' ,;, . . , - ald estate, toaether with hi netlllon victoria 9330, terra. ,.. . . . .. .J.l... Th noleut ha mt mm. inHivi.t. for final d Utrlbut Ion of the neraonal Iaad of Roe to Adelle Land of Da. . Oae la Secoad Hot Swtacs at MM. u.OB '" "?ru . l"T T'"" .""" " ...n.w ... .i .-... .'..,..,..,in. n,.,.in. .,i .,. mm,m views or ine tana legislation la noi -- -... ... ...-, ...... He listened with w'c know of. .rrmay, me avin aay or May, a. v. 1913, at 10 o'clock a, ra,, and In the lly gravy, when a feller weara eye-1 curt room of the county court of Nevele and Termination Land of Wllkea. Mawaoa and his companions have thus permanently placed upon the mapa of the world the disputed area of Antarctica. Tbla continent avata llaAAWSkail In 1 fi 1 kw sawa AaAtl lean, a sealing captain named Palmar, t CHILCOTt and more fully explored by another jea Mala St. , luaia o .k. h u. i. klim definitely known. Idkia. atrf oa Craaeeat ave mmr " ,B"e,t,t0 wrT "" 'I0" "M ' .and to BrVan'i anawara. hut he ma, aew tuait aoaee at tt saw awteeai ..... i,.,fc. fc. ....j . Ictuses he kin stay out all nlht ! Klamath county, stato of Oreaon. In Uf UUgae,isJ viaM7i J ajk'i w mis vg " w - -. j - - disapproved the president's request. look ,lk8 college profeaaor In thej" county court house at Klamath l Th. n.nh.r. tha ii.1mi morning. 4Falls. In snlil county, have been ap- followlng the executive session refua-l oo-o ipolntcd by tho court aa the time and cd to go Into detail regarding what! u' ,on Uno lhl DM no ' ,'larc for n hearing ot said petition, waa talked of. 'noblle garage. report and final account and the set- They aar that Brvanmada no state.! o-o-o tleracnt of said account; at which - - . PERCENT ment that would Indicate 'that Japan haa threatened to proceed to extremi ties If Japanese are barred from land ownership. la than goo4 lalentt oa your Mmy We will show yea haw yea eaa make this interest oa Lakeriew Aa dition lota. CORNER LOTS INSIDE LOTS Tea ier cent rash; frnfaartr la M uiouUily payweaU. No latereet . ao taxe for three year. Not speculationa see -y Tin. Klamath OflvtlaNMat Co. 1803 Mala Klaaaats) Vails, 'Ore. h United Presa Service SACRAMENTO, April 28 "What ever I have to say I'll aay before tha California legislature," said Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, who arrived from Washington early this Biornlng. A large crowd asembled at tha sta tion to greet Bryan, Including tha democratic leaden. Thar were m'aay Japa In the crowd, but there war ao demons tratlona. The time of Bryan' arrival coin cided with tha hour when th Japan ese gardener war brlnainc their vegetable and truck to market. Sev eral time Bryan' automobile waa forced to atop until the congestion caused by the Japanese agricultur ists waa rlivd. Bryan's first conference with th legislator commenced at 11 o'clock, when both house Jointly went into executive seeslon. The members of th legUIature and h state officer at this meeting dia- cusstd with Bryan th international features iavolvad la th adoption antl-Japaacae land lsglalattoa. rasesAge of President Wilson oa subject waa also read. Mrs. HI Hlgglns, who recently mar-. "mo and place any person Interested rtad III, threw one of her first bl- In d estate may appear and HI ex cults at him the other day and uls ceitlons to the said account and con recovery U not expected. 'tost the same, ' tl:,1 till. JI. .I.u A. .-II a V. I , uia situ tiuj Ul Airil, A. U, 41913. JOHN II, SMART, AdmlnUlrator of tho Estate of Lucy Ioocly, Deceased. 4-24-6-23 r The Herald, fifty ceata a moath. INCOME PROPERTY Aak ate about a wall located Mala street lot with balldias Mat food income, Yoa will seldom, if ever, have aa oaaertnalty to bay Mala street property at audi a low price. CHILCOTE Mala St. Faoa M To boost Klamath cohi Tha HaraM to your friaad. SherireBale Under and by -virtue of aa execu tlon Issued out of th circuit court of the stato of Oregon, for th county of Klamath, In an action whrln V. II. Mills was plaintiff and Hcary Jackson defendant, upon a Judgment rendered on the 4 th day of Deeember, A. D. 1912, In favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant for tha'aum of two hundred saveuty-ly (1171.09) dollar, I did upon th 18th day of March, 1918. levy upoa all tha rights, claim aad Intercut of said de- aad to tho following da- property, to-wlt; n (9), tea (10), lvea (18), Bita (li) U- ), ssvenUen (17), aad lgh- ) In block 60 (10) of Oraad- ddltlon to tb city of Boaanaa, ath couaty, UU of Orcoa. otic is hereby given that I will, n th 6th day of May, 1811, at 11 o'clock in tho forwooa of aald day, Hummoaa In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. Margaret Denney, Plaintiff, v. Clarence W. Denney, Defendant To Clarence W. Denney, the above- named Defendant: In the name ot tho State of Ore gen: You are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above entitled null within six (0) weeka after the first publication of this summons In the Klamath Republican, a newspa per, to-wlt: On or before the 6th day of June, 1913, which Is th date of me last publication of this summons. and you will take notice that If you iuii to appear and answer or plead within tl;o said time, tho Dlalutifr tnr want thereof, will apply to tho above entitled court for tho relief demand. ed In the complaint filed In aald suit, u-wii, or a uecree ot the above entitled court forever dissolving the uona oi matrimony exist an batwau this plaintiff and the defendant bore In, and' for such other and, further re lief as to th court may seam equitable. This summons Is published one a F,u1VB a Thm wagon that ttands up like the reputation of its maker" When you buy a Studebalicr vnon you buy wagon that wilt last until you turn the farm over to your ton and bo tuma it over to his eon. One of the first SliiJthatr wncons ever made saw constant aervico for thirty yents, mul wo will jjIsJIy end you the nntnes of farmers who linvo in their possession wagons llmt hnvn liecn inconiUntuiaany wlieto fiom 17 lo-'ftyenr nndllirronrnlliotnandtol them. Wo ato building tho samo kind of wncon hnlsvi A SluJthnl(t wncoti la nn investment that w II give you full rcliitn for your outlay. It U !u'!t en honor. Iron, steel, wood, point nml vnrniih UMtlh Nennitrue Hon nra tcctcd and rclcstcd to mnko sura each it tho let!. For woik,i)tulnenrplennuro--for town or country uee tlvetcin5ofio;cvcliiclotoritouriciuiicmcnti. Frm wsront, dump !, Iiutl, lugst', mcjiiW' Iiouit, puny ciii(, liutitncit velikU vi ry d"o with Imimm oi l! torn high uih1iJ. St tut lJit of tceHt at. STUDEBAKER South Bend, IncL nxwvoK oiicaco niiiji r.Mtcrir . twit wxNtAtvm siLriARxcrr. an nuj.cjko r mTuJ,- SATURDAY IS CLEAN-UP DAY So get ready early. Our itock li trr. sh Md complete, 4 GARDEN RAKES GARDEN HOES GAR02tT HOSE v' FLORAL SETS , SPADES, SHOVELS WHEELBARROWS and everything ele ln the gar den line, . Baldwin Harjlwar) Co, utittttisssssas. '" mi V