pi '.".'J -vgr":. Vjj fcj",S"i ' c Htl'l'MKD IIY THK fKITKD I'llKHN NKWH HKHVIUK If) fteitim AA stalk :,.v rVMi'"''T- WA?Kfl VWIM 1 4 a r . - u PRINT THE MEW ,lW.,aeewBt? , . JL Ltnilh Vcxm I , ' !!. " KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 38, 1018 Ihoice of Herds of California are Being Shipped to tv VfV& ' ;' , ...-V"l s v:J' ' y m -i i Klamath Falls for Distribution; Train Here Tuesday 1 l. RAIRIE FIRE IS RAGING; MANY FLEE FOR LIVES rsjtUN UIMINY SURROUNDED IIY PLAMKM aha aad VlrlBlljr Will Hitter Great Lom Front Rapidly Hprmdlag Fir, MaailmU Have Urea l-orceil lit Una fur Tlirlr iJvea, ami Many llonmlrailrra anil lUmrlirrli Haw 'blAlllliry Ti: Men Spend Night on Rough Lake in Launch Another Craft. Which Went to Their Rescue Also Disabled, and Pas sengers Compelled to Paddle j' h WILSON WOULD HA 0 NS Mini I'rtaa Service 0IIKAT PAI.I.H, Mont., April J8. Itlfcraplilc communication (rum klttu. Montana, li tu tlio effect that i pralrlo lire l Oovaal.t ln the coun try nearby. TU city llielf U In grave danger. llcuilrrdi of people rcaldlug In (be udalty of Malta ara fleeing before1 kli rapMljr epreadlng flame. colooy of Ituaalaa (armor In lb lath of the flaniea, It la feared, will ta taotbUuly doelroysd. , TU colour la located In a ravlno Mar here, but tlioro la no moans of' camunlratlng a warning, and the owcrapny of tbo country lu &' 'viMim get colour la located la audi that I Mar lit ii mar bo loat lu attempting lo wrap. To apeiid the night In an open boat on Upper Klamath Lake, with the IiIkIi wind laatilng tho water Into high angry wafts that threatened many ilinra to awamp their cralt, won Urn mperlriico of Krnticla II. Oida, Charles J. KftgUJu.t, Clarmii.o U.'i tlerwood, Perry O, Do l.ap and Hank Hrown. Another motorbo:, coutnlnluK li lt. Ilrewbaker, V. I1. McMillan and T. A. Ilobvrla, waa alio atornvtotted niter becoming dlanbtcd In an attempt to low lu the Olda motorboat, but at 30 thla morning tho aecond boat landinl at lluck Itland, and the wearr marlnora wero given abetter and food iij i', rv. laiuiuuu. i llrowbakcr and Ilia party left Bun-1 r dar morning with two laborera aid aupplh-a for the granlto quarry at llaro Itland, but tho heavy aea dls ublml their engine, and they paddled to ahore all mllca from Kagle Ittdge. From thla point llrowbakcr and Mc Millan walked to Kagle Itldgo Tavern nnd ancurcd the aervlcea of Mr. Grlf flth, who took a craft and went to thn acone of tho mltliap, repaired the engine, and took the workmen and E DEFER ACTION IIRYAN IN' JOINT atJUaCUTIVE 81 8ION TODAY Nothing ta (lives OMi by lo Indlrate What Pressure la Being Drought lo Ilear en the tmtkiu -Governor Johaaoa Make) . No Comment Jayaee Gardeaers lllock llrynn'a Alitoasoblle Mississippian Gets Wroth Over Measure In Fiery Speech. Congressman Sis son Says "We Should Fight Be fore Foreign Nation Dictates' ew niHTitiuT JAPANESE SEND SPECIAL .ENVOY MIMHTKH (IK FORKIO.V Ar'r'AIIlN lKKin.V.tTI HTATI; MAN TO IIKI'ltrlSUNr TIIK KM. I'lHK AT HACIlAMi:.NT( l.'nlted I'reaa Service HAfMI AMI-'VTn Anrlt .PMal. 1- . - . I '" " ""'- w, .. --. - . ...PP.. in a ..rger i.uncn .o ar.ltenl w0 wih CMtonlA " .. . . . .u ntJ, lUslalaturo at thU time not to Uka On the way toward town, the Old nn .. n whm. ,.. fh. ... motorboat, dl.abl.d. wa. alghted, and !, of aen, M elth Und 0WB. tho llrewbakor party put In to offer! i,.r. nttlttance. An effort waa mado to ,.,. ,fc .... i u. .... , tow the larger boat, but the heavy1.. , . , . , , , , , - . ,. , , , r illU ll'UVIUI gU'U'UIUVHl. iniinueil on I'ogo at I I( tho m,tter CMMi , Mttled tkat way, tho prcaldent urge that actios United Pre Sonrlc. WA8HIN0T0K, V. C, April 21. "Before wa allow any fortlga aatloa to'dletate to ua what our laad kold Ing law ahall be. wa ahoald Ight, and furthermore, wa abould coataa that flght until we hare tha Held to ouraelVM." The foregoing la a portion of a flary apeech delivered la the bona, of rep reaeBtatlve today by CongTeaamaa iThoma Upton 8Uon, repreaaatlac the Fourth MUaleelppl dlatrlet. Tha apeech concerned tha peadlag aatl allen laad lagUlatloB. Mr. and Mr. Harry Caden, Mr. andj.r,,,,,, ieIlatloB of thlt type be ,Mr. Robert K. Wattenburg and Mr. taken later at a apeclal aaaaloa of tha ,Kmma Talbot motored to the I'hll-ileglalature. Iliu, ranch, rlevcn mile from here on I lu w" ln " ? the the gucala at a aumptou chicken dinner. Tho party remained aeveral 'hour, and report a highly enjoyable 'trip. 1:: ?r llvercd to the m'emberrof tba Califor nia leglalature by Secretary of Btata Dryan at an executive teaaloa today1 laitlng more than two hour. ii.ontiuutHj im re 4) ahould be permitted to owa laad la America. The Callforalani, ka said, took a ttep that every otkar ttit aliould follow. This la the flrat time tba CallforaU Und matter ha been before ceagrata, although It baa bees dlacueeed by all three partlea In caucus. . "If we are to have lb alternative, war or aubmleelon to aaaa'a arrogaat cUlm. I'm for war," Uu adored Wa ton. "What wonld Waahlagtea aay It be was confrlated witk the saaae proposition? "I aak you, shall the Jaaaaes a- Vf: n. f SEVERAL DAIRY COWS INCLUDED IN C0NSI6NIEIT -r m 1 V?, ,. ".c.l c - . Hilton, wbo u one or tne oldest uoy our prosperity, the rruKa of our democratic members of congress, land aad the learning of our laatlta. .poke at some length on the matter, t Ion; and then we eaaaot force them declaring that la his oplalon ao alleatto defend and aoaUla tbeee?" t Charles Gray, a well known Ptee Orove 'rancher, la here atteadlag to buslneaa matters. He to one of tka directors of the Klaaiatk County Dairymen's Assoclatlea. Prank S. Flab waa up from Dorrta to attend 'The Prince of Tonight" at the opera bouse Saturday. NOT CHKATKI) 66 Otlt and Hhaata View dlttrlcta are ct to bo divided In order to make a Ktlnl tchool district. Thlt wat decldod at a seaslon of the dlatrlet boundary board lata Saturday fttrnoon, whoti taxpayers and acbool ofllcUU of tho two dlttrlcta appeared tad mado a vigorous protest against 1U petition made by person living ottwetn tho two school houses. Tho representatives of the two dis trict hold that the territory. If taken r their prctent limitations, would Mir cripple both districts. Ulu lintel l.lttlo of Dorrla la the llMt of Klamath Palls friends. Uncle Nate" Merrill Says He Will Quit the Farm Now ! United I'reta Bervlce I TOKIO, April 2S. With n view to ek'nblWhlug a mu'.ual undcrataudlni; of the text of the California antl-allen ind I.., poreujn Minuter 8e.ruka.Kjinatjl county pioiieer. Whose Ranch is Among the I. ., i. moil an vo tu o to America. """ " rww 7 17 llaron Kbarasoraku was the mss tvngor dealgnalod. He wll start for Sacramento May 10th. Finest in Southern Oregon Believes a Man is Entit led to To Take a Rest After Reaching 77 Tears Mrs. A. P. Clublne of Merrill has I returned from a visit with friends In i Oaklsnd. cUy ,odayi lug to retire from business It he suo- coeds In dltpotlng of his big ranch near tho town of Merrill, In the south- J. Prank Adams and son UoU are lilting the county seat today. Smallest Angler Gets the Biggest Rainbow Five-Year-Old Son of Patrolman Earl Sharpe Catches Record Trout in the Spencer Creek Waters When tha 6-year-old son of Patrol. ran Karl Bharpo bes.au "nestorlng" bl lnd to lot him try his luck fishing '" Hpencor Croqk. the fond naront lemurroil for some time, lest tho boy oo ono or more snoon hooks and a Jrt r do line In the snags; when "" B-yoar-old son landed a trout tbut Urpatted for alto and walaht anv 'aught by hla dad on any other mem- W of the party, the pride of tho "rent know no bounds, and today l looking up hoy'a alio Uckle for , Ud wl" catches man's site rainbow trout, "harpe am! hU ! in Dn.1.1.., l& Sunday n company with Arch win,' A' l" Wlahard, Patrolmen Matthews and "Hub" Wakefield la ll;o luttor's car. Tha mat In nn tha early momtna- flahln2 aad all had I'lenaia luck, ulng thlrty-alae la rainbow trout that fought like Tro jans. Young Sharpe possibly Inherited a liking for angling from hi father, but at auy rato, nfter ho had whee dled his father Into letting him have his rod and line the youngster seated hlmsolf on tho bridge and angled In dustriously. 80 quiet was he about It that tho othor members of the party woro brought to their feet In an In stant when tho youngster yelled that ho had ono. and tho tug of tho pisca torial victim was so strong that the rod was nearly bent double, and the boy's quickness In getting oft the brldgo to tho shore saved him from being pulled In. There woro soveral othor parties Ashing at Bpeucor Creek Sunday, and all reported protty good succoss. The best luck went to those who were at (he stream in time for early morning fishing. ' Uncle" Nate Merrill, who Is In the .nets which he has to attend to. announced that he Is go-l . joins tno town or aiernn, is oy tar the best Improved place ta Klamath county. It contains 240 acres, with lbO acres In alfalfa. All of the laad crn part of the county. Mr. Merrill la Is improved ana unaer a nign siaio 77 years of age. and ho feel that of cultivation, ana is unasr tne gov- tho work nnd responsibility of run- orument Irrigation system. Mr. Mer iting hit big farm la becoming too! rill has given hie attention principally groat, In addition to the other busl-'to raising mules, horses, cattle and hogs, and baa a small number of dairy cattle. In addition bo raises a considerable quantity of apples aad smalt fruit. In recent years Mr. Merrill has constructed many new, buildings of the most modern type In the county. Ills home and barns are all furnished with electric lights and electricity Is used lu operating bis machinery around the barns. PAYNE ATTACKS r . TARIFF MEASURE 8AY8, PASAGE OF UNMaBWOOB MIX WOULa MKAJT aMaDvsWNI MSASTBK UPON NATION United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, April 38. An attack on the Underwood tariff re vision bill and the support of ale owa tariff measure waa coasmeaeed La ea gres this afternoon by Rsprossato ttve Sereno E. Payae of New, York. The New Yorker predicted dlsaaair for the couatry If tka Uaderweed Mil la passed. HaaTragctte's Leave United Preaa Service .LONDON, April J 8. The leave of absence of Mrs. Emetine Paakhurst from Holloway prison baa been ex tended. Her physician says she la critically 111 and her Ufa would be jeopardised by a return to Jail. ARK AIX FltOM FAaVF. OaA ' $ ' '. Tl, w- - ' .. " ' ,'. I r v -- vrm t. . nm Vsv' .. tha year, waa .' m :' v - -.t.v: "MERRILL MULES" MUCH LAR6ER MKItltll.li FAnMKK KAI8K8 AN OTIIKIt SPAN THAT 8UHPAB8 KVKX HIS WOHIil) . I1KATING NON . DISPUTED PAIR Kveryouo has heard of the famous big team of mules, raised by N. 8. Merrill a few years ago, which held the world's record, for slxe. The fact was published throughout the United States, and was printed In all the stock Journals, and the claim tnat they wore the largest known was nev er disputed. It has remained for Mr. Merrill to break tho record established by him self, and he has another three-year-old, which la heavier than the largest of tho team by HO pounds. The big span weighed together 2,630 pounds, the larger weighing 1,330 pounds. Mr. Merrill haa .rawed anoiaer mule on his farm near Merrill, which on Its third birthday stood 18 hands high and weighed 1,450 pouads. This flaaaflSK5fcfc,'V 'lWW&& M MBBasBaBBaBBasBBOaBBrvn'Siam XaTfl. ' w rW . ral, a r .' r BsBsBraslBsi9HiLaaVa!v - 1 it U.J.iQJP' ISlaaasaiTT N. 8. MEHRILL Plonoer Klamath County FarmerJ Who Reilrea at the Age of Bevea-ty-Sevea Years. animal has not been stabled thla wla ter, and haa received no grata wkk iU teed. STILL PROBING SLAVERY CHARGE Judge 8KVKRAL MORE ARRESTS MADB, AND OTHER LOS ANGELES SCHOOL GIRLS WILL OFFER TESTIMONY United Press Service LOB ANQELKS, April 88. The grand Jury this morning resumed Its Investigation of white slave charges preferred against Loa Aageles men. George Blsby, the millionaire who to accused, by several young girls, was recalled to testify today., WUllasa LaCawe. an automobile arrestea loaay upon worn to by a lo-year-oia Richard Holllngs worth, was arrested on a slm- County Commissioner C. Quy Mer rill Is here to attend to business asat ten. s John Cunningham waa a Saturday visitor in the county seat, coming la from bla ranch Bear Plae Orove. erf taw CM .. -v Vp Cassia at TrsdaLoaaied Arrival Men far Dtot abatteav. v What to perhaae the largest sM meat of eattle to tka Ktomatk try alaee tha Srat of come ta leaserrow, rhea trlaa wlU brlag la aeveral head of eataU frosa Calksras fary local dtotribaUam. Theaa ea4U'WlM be plaeedea sale, aaVltWawt-an'Mt aold wlU be seat ta ta pared for asiaaaaer aad Tha train toad af caaaad kr D. H. kaowa toaal -aa4iaBaa.'; trip to Meaterey evaalr Use bv .Mr. be km tttoaWeraoemee afteraaoa at the) totaat. Oa aeeeuatof the aaar the aoar anas. Mr.'. ao dWkaMy 1a fanaara, waa were-an 4eavar C lag taeas, aidjamaed at tba of aelllag. By brlagtaff tha here and fattaatac theta aa tea daatepea raage of tha Klamath try, McLeasoro will aat a tura oa hfa aaoaey, aad taoae a better grade ox eattie win ba flted. Tka shtoaseat laalaaaa of Ue beat caule to ba faaad ta' tersy county, wklek haa laac led ta thla line of eadevor. Taara la 'a aa,. tocted lot of aatlve reda aa-raaas,, and flfteea or mora dairy aattla. Tha drill eaatata at team of Prosperity aaBeuaeee' that the meettag tar'swtal called for thto'evaalag haa'beea'paat-.'; ;" posed" oa aeeeuat of the west hall aV-' lag la uae tonight. Tha mssttaj "'; '' c be held at S o'clock tomorrow 'iMtifVf aooa. Promptness la atteadaaea to' reaueated. ' v ' 'fa 'it, 4' M I c'"l l ft xX . ' Odd Fellowa Toaigal luuiaoi ill a uunn tmm awaaat) team of Klamath Lodge No. 1ST. LC..J o. P., wilt meet for praetWta'Od Fellowa Temple, Captalaj.Piel ,a-'.i quest all members of tha, team to 'be)( there, and to be there oa ttoae. ' ' . " ('. xi, '4 1' iuA y"J Wfi Listen f, -" ..v? ",' .& tca r..n ?; to Many Atitori&mm - I IV ' ' . AilM.w'V' ' .1. .. - K nAMM Vaawa Taaawvaa YA7I11 ka BaaearWfXaail VU1II1IIM ffviu avrojrav VYIU ? .JkeVaVll ,h b ;.,,' .,... ' ik.41 . '' ii to Hearing of MoUons and !f murrera in Pending Suils aaaBBwaauvas aaaaaaaaal '''aaaaaaat pouesjenava'w suaeltaUa rchool girls, say the ivea intormMioa nil ta 'the charges made by the Qrayaoa girl and against other wW. Prior io his departure for Lake view, to hold the Lake couaty term of the circuit 'court, Judge Beaaea has arranged to hear arguments ba mo-1 tlons and demurrers peadlag In, the local circuit eouj't. Commencing tomorrow morning, Benson will hear the argameata ta the various 'eases pendlagv wkerela demurrers , aad motloaa led. order. hTa T That will be take up ta Uelr 41 I Bailiff CtareaeeO. to today- - . .-.-' j . ' i . : ' t " ' ' - w aotlfyiag tae attoraeyata preaare tor - qn. -vt- i.T-y- - :. .i' , L the hearlaga, Tha meaea at 11 o'eieek lag, KI7. t ' 'Tka laet : samaato'.'wtW; ati rriaay ,;eemevr,, n aai ::-X,rZ& 19 LlMWnjw, ;.'.;: , 'ji aarae savaa ajsaagei aag sjgsav clreuR oourt neaaaa. win aa thrara ar4'. that 'Wf lskawt aaawaaal aaaV aaaaaalaaaV t T --f " j ic t -if wJh