.r -4: iL ii1 ,? a.ji" wht ttfitinfl Befall J'-' j 1,0' , . v mniHi MMMMMMMHMMM rv . ij" rw.?Ha tt'tt4:; i Year No. , I0NTY COURT 0 BEGIN WORK IN COURT He Must Enforce Pure Food Law KLAMATH FALL, OftBOON, HATUBuUT, APRILS J gig HOUS E ,THH MAY AI'I'KAli IIIX'INION tiu: cMtlall rrrgueoa MaUn No (cniriit mill Tiirjr nrv rwrvri Nth Copy ' ,,,r Opinio '! r jJ((. WiiraVn Hays the Decision Ls brual r&docseuwnt of th Arts foesir Court In tYmarctloa ktk (Viirl lluuac i detlalou proves what we have jl tupposeu wai we nave a it to build the court bouse," said I; Juiiso Will U'orden tltU at- e in iuu preseuve oi loiiiur UUloiir Merrill. Ill U tu udorsiueiil of our ail tU la rrU to in court house, fir as the legMt aspect U con Wo shall now go ahead and rftact too court house, aa wo aald would." Xo Pus save uut aa yet beea served a cop; of Judge Reason's deel mM Kuykeadall A Ferguson, M)t (or Obeachala aad Oraves I wo art not In position to make at. Wo wilt be uuable lo bat action wo will laho until we lac decision." gtaeral Impression provaita t Uo cam will bo appealed to lha i supreme court by the plaintiffs. I awBwaawaaawaaaoMBBjjjBSjBjj BauuuuuflaUiBB'JUUUu' .4 -SlBaaaaaaaaKaBBlBBmU BKl is , bt. ' AbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbI WOK Regular Iter lew Dr. Collin will conduct the l mornloc services In tut Eplsco- I (hurth on Huuday. It waa lacor Kir ttatod tbal Dr. Colllua would fa In lb Methodist cburclt on I mornlug. Uo will, however, b there In tlio evening. lUr, Hamilton, J. K. Uodge and II. Acklojr wont lo lily today la the rows auto to Irr the fishing In Muo HUor. IHImh Freda and Margaret Nltsch- Frank llryant and Krarett liar. akrook loft today for Bnaacer ( oo a OihlnFtrlp. I Project Knglneer V. W. I'atcn mm UiU vnlng for Waahlagton, L., io attend the consideration of nplalnti aitnlnat the racUmatlon Tiro. MU Kills Orem. who la Uaehlnw I Wordrn, li anendlnc the week end fih her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Horn- orem of thla city. Circuit Jtidno Henry U. Ileaion and r" Reporter Dick Rlchardion f Irned Friday avnln trnmt a hual. I trip to Portland and Halam. Knilneor William Bargeant, who la ) ri o of operation! In I'oe Valley me reclamation lervtce, came In '? lo attend to builneea mattere Kraucla (I. C'alfey, tbo new aollcltor of thu dvpaitmcul or agriculture, la lielr lu all the trouble left by bla pro Uvceeaor, Ueorgo I. McCabe, wbooe efforu, with tboae of Dr. Frederick I.. Duulap, cauaed tuo realgnation of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. It will become hU work to enforce tbe law which Dr, Wiley failed to have carried Into the courte. Hollcllur McCabe, with Dr. Dunlap, conatltutM two-tblrda of tbe food lu apectlon board of tbe department of acrlcultura. llotb reelgned abortly af ter I'reildcnt Wlbon waa Inaugurat id. When In a given com Dr. Wiley, the third member of the board, an nounced a decbloa Dr. Dunlap and McCabe uaually voted agalaat him, and the caao waa not proeecuted. Tbo board of cbomlatry, of which Dr. WlUy.waa tbo head, spent 1.190,7I In preparing ovldence of food law vlolatlona, or about 1616 per caao for acme 0,306 caaea. McCabe'a chargea against Dr. Wiley reaulted In the recommendation of Attorney (leiioral Wickersbam that 'condign punlthment" be meted out lo tho doctor. After a congrcaalonat Investigation the recommendation waa not carried out. Tho policy of Mr. Co (toy haa not been announced, but It U believed by the puro food advocates that Proil dent Wllaon will insist on vigorous prosecutions of violators of tbe pure food law. PLEAD FOR SUFFRA6E MUM. I.A VOLlWmt. MKM. KKKT AND OTMKft NATIONAL WORK- KIW llltl.NO W VITAL KACTH IT It CO.VHIDKIIATIO.V United I'leaa Service WAfllHNOTON, D. C April JO If ttrt prices of tbo -leit ktnples are flgfd by monopoly tho tariff which iirfi.cla the cost of ntir children's food tml rlctlirs la tlio only way to right tho wrong la through national legisla tion," said Mrs. Robert U rollette, spooking for woman's suffrage before tho senate committee today. "Women spend 90 per cent of tbe 110,000,090,000 peld annually for food and clothes In this country.. Wby shouldn't limy vole." Mrs. Kent of California and other prominent workers spoke at tbe meeting. TaaTTfv CAFE OWNERS TO BE EXAMINED TOO I'HOIIINO OF nUNCO AN.D GRAFT CHAROKH WILL MK RpWUMKI) MOXDAV IIV UKAKB JURY IN CAUFORIANS AWAIT BRYAN Frank L. Polk to Enforce Tariff CAN KItAXCISOO JUIIV 1 I ANTI-AMKN DIHCUHMON MKLB IN AMKVAXCK UNTIL THK HTAXD OK GOVKRNMKXT IM FULLY OUTLINED I United Press Service SACRAMRNTO. Anrll 2C All .nil- grand Jury will resume Its lavestlga-,.llen ..nd ... ork .. hmU . . .. .!. m it m . . . .1 ' wuq oi me gran cnargeo against local United Press Service BAN FRANCISCO, April !. -The detectives, fltrrlct eonidence Is be ing maintained as to'tn Identity of dotectlves Indicted. Ceaare Roachl, the famous cafe owner of the Oarbary Coast district, wit testify Monday. It la alleged that. ' tne bunco men and detectives plotted thore together. ance pending' tbe arlval of Bryan, and the discussion between he and tho legislature. The comng of Dryan Is tbe topic of discussion at tbe Capitol. Frank Sargent haa Klnmatb Falls from vicinity, where he spent -- -- -1 . retires Portland the wlat Good ActComtsw A musical act of quality opens at tlio Star theater tomorrow evening, ' with Stross and Decker featuring the trumpet, cello, double voiced cornet, rned to . saaaphone, viola, De-Oambla and oth- aad rr Instruments. There Is also n good , later. I bill of nMures. I Benson Refuses Alternative Writ Asked by Obenchain a Circuit Judge Holds That Daggett Would he Liable to a Fine and Imprisonment Should He Divert Money From Special Levy for General Fund I BaSSSSBSSBBBBBSSSBBSSSaBBSn aBBBBBBBBBSSSBBBBHSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsT .ssssssssssssssssssssssa sswssjbVsIb- JSIIIp- - J I J '- t ii ;' v V.' " ' i ? (nj.j- ;'V?--. &:. ' JUDGE LABORS .... o . ' ( MANY DAYS iOI LEGAL TANGLES '! ' . ' i.H ... . ' ," ,'' ., MADK TRIP TO' HALKM IN b. rW (' .. ;'C. '&k: . w - j j ,! ifft-w?! &r..)W . .Jk.V- Ci i : 4 ," 'iJ H MANY VISITING THE FAIR SITE INING AROUND ACTIVE YREKA P" Mill) lUIVIIIli ot'L'tt wuvi MII.KH OF PLACKR (IROUND MAVK COMMKNCKIi THK WORK WNIXKIXUHIMrm J A' AMn Matari Noyea as Dttbboiu. iw ...- ...u.n.i. kkn k MS) liiHW 'I L ; ca ov,r wo ,ta ! "- in the Qreenhorn Or P. commencing where tht.f! es the Fort iv .-i-wiJ,U H nd up as far aad lacludlag taa sir of Yreka nhi.....j j. . jui Pnw of about (wo mllee, have com. vouworKinalaklataliafta. uperlntendwit 8. A. Crall. who la cnargo at prssaait. la alwkl ahafU ' upper end of the nreMrtr. Aa " na mi 4. in. ...i..r.i... uin Hodrlllln The Biu, Oraval mine la Mteluded ' " bonded ground. PROailKHH ON PALACK OF MA CHIXKRY AND OTMKR AOTIVI TIKH ATTRACTH HUNDRKDH TO THK GROUNDS DAILY StHiclal to The Herald SAN FRANCISCO. April 26. Hun- dreda of visitors Journey to tho Pan ama PacH1c(lnternatlonal Rsposltlon site dally to watch the progress on the Palace of Machinery aad other activities. Tbe construction of tbe Immense exhlbla palace la not only roinarkablo, but unique From polata of eminence for miles around the groat brown framework, surrounded by millions of feet of lumber await ing IU placement may bo seen. At closer view tho gigantic structure looks alive. On workdays It Is dot ted with tiny forms of raou. Three hundred and soveuty men are at work on tbe building, which Is being con structed with surprising rapidity. In the cou(er of the columns are chords for single beams of great thickness; la the centor of tho coluess-g.M) .pg The chords are 110 feet-high. To the summit of them are attached the arches, also fitted together on the round and hoisted In structural completeness to their lofty eminence. They are roceived at tbe top by scores of, wen, who Immediately rivet them to the, chords, and then connect the whole to the next column by stanoh tona 15 feet In lengtnl Machinery Hall la being built la three naves. Thia maaas 'foun ' lines of columns (running tho length of the building. Holding that tbe county oBetala, should they divert money raised by a special tax Into tbe general fund, Would bo liable to fln and Imprison- i nrnt, Circuit Judge Benson today rendered an opinion adverse to tho plaintiff In the action of M. M. Oben chain against County Treasurer Dag gett for the payment of certain war I ants, holding that this should be dona ou account of the money In tho court house fund,, the legality of which lovy Is questioned. In tho same opinion Denson over rules tho demurrer to tbe complaint In tbo action of Charles Oraves against Treasurer Daggett, the opin ion being as follews: "The attorney for both plaintiffs and defendant In tkt above entitled suit have apparently conceded that both suits Involve tbe same questions, and should be argued together. At tho outset, however, It should be borne In mind that In the cose of Obonchaln vs. Daggett tho basis of iiroceedlnc Is si prayer for writ of mandamus, to compel tbe defendant, county treasurer, to use tbe fund which has been set apart as a fund for the construction of tho now court house, for the redemption of county warrants, drawn upon the general fund of tho county; while the case In which Charles Oraves Is plaintiff Is a suit for an Injunction to restrain the tofendant county treasurer from seg regating and keeping as separate or different funds any or all of the mon eys received rrom tne tax levies aei out In paragraph 7 of the complaint ns folews: For salary purposes, Z mills oa tbe dollar; "For circuit court purposes, 1 mill on the dollar; 'For Jail purposes, 1-10 of a mill on the dollar; "For county poor purposes. 4-10 of a mill on tho dollar; For court house purposes, 3 mills on tho dollar; "And enjoining and restraining the said defendant from paying out any of the funds received from said levies la payment of any warrants, except general fund warrants, la order of presentation and protest to date. "A careful consideration will coa vlnce a candid Investigator that the two proceedings are really wide apart In their logio, and In the conclusions to. bo arrived at therefrom. "With reference to the case of Oraves vs. Daggett wo may dismiss tne consideration of this causa vary briefly, for It Is my opinion that the nature of a tax, aa to whttaer It b a general or a special tax, la aot to be determined by the language of the county court la levying tha aame, or by the label which Jtbey may put oa ! It, but rather upon tho yarpoee for which the tax la levied. - .V." The distinction ketween a foaeral tax and a spoclal tax is oae that la sa plain and clear that I have been un able to Dad mora than one adjudica tion of tha thing by any saarssas court In tha United States, and thU hi the cose of Sullivan vs. Waltea, 90 Florida, C58, In which the court very clearly and logically disposes of the question of the difference between a spclal tax and a general fund, and their holding Is fairly well expressed In substnnco thus: 'A special tax la a sum not embraced In the usual an nual expense Incurred by tha munici pality under Its general powers, but Is a tax which does aot apply, to the usual annual budget of a municipal ity.' We therefore conclude that alnce the levy for salary purposes, far cir cuit court purposes, for Jail- purposea and for county poor purpoaee are Items of the usual, regular aad an nual budget of tbe county, that they ore thereforo necessarily porttoae of tho general fund, and the eounty court has no power, under tha eta tutcs of our state, to segregate these funds, and differentiate them from the general fund of tbe county; but tbe construction of tbe court house la clearly not an Item of the cuatoasary, usual and necessary annual budget of county expenses, and therefore must be In Its nature a special tax It fol lows, of course, that the demurrer must be overruled, alnce the eee plaint la good aa to all, exeept the court house levey. The court, la there fore, compelled to overrule the de murrer la the case of Qravea ve. Dag gett, aad aa order may be entered la accordance therewith. ' "The queatloa raised upoa the stip ulation of facta, In tho case of Oben chain vs. Daggett, is not free from difficulty, ' A careful examination of tbe authorltlee disclosed the fact that this question haa never yet boea pre sented to the supreme court of our own state. There have been many Oregon de cisions cited by-the able counsel oa both aides, which are supposed to throw some light upon, the vital ques tion ni this case, I have examtaed them all, with great care, bat etaoe the questlona considered and decided therein are totally unlike the ease at bar, they render very slight aid la tho solution of the problem. "I have also examined carefully ev ery citation from otner states, -mltted by counsel, but I And that ther are based upon constltutloaal aad statutory provisions so wldelyfrliferV -- Vii .UI. L.: TTepre- ent from our own aa to practical jalue la the he ef eaeett ,'f ' . ', 'n$ Here follow extracufrosa the laws of Oregon oa the aubjeet, ameag them the following; "la Bectlea'IU, L. O vide for the erectloa aad repatrlat ef court bouses, Jails, aid other aeeee- scry public bulldinga, for the use of the county, aad "Sectloa S76: 'When any meaeys shall have beea collected or received by any officer for any distinct aad specified object, no portion of them shall be paid or applied to any other object or purpose without due au thority, but shall be kept a separate fund for such specified object, aad any officer failing to comply with the provisions or this section, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $500 or to Imprisonment la the county Jail not exceeding six months. These statutes Just quoted con stitute ail of tbe laws of the state of Oregon which throw any light upoa tbo question Involved la this ease, aad In the Interpretation of these several statutea I am frank to say that I wel come the modern demand that stat utes shall be Interpreted without mys ticism la their logic, or finesse la their reasoning, and that they shall be taken to mean as nearly aa possi ble what any Intelligent laymaa would understand them to meaa from a casual reading, and la the Interpre tation of statutory provisions, aalees controlled by the authority of higher courts,' It has been, aad la, my policy to accord to each provision of law the meaning which any latelUgeat nun would.give to It. "Let us then note what the stat utes of Oregon declare: "First, We' have the constitutional provision' that no tax shall be levied except by virtue of some law.' Second. The county court la di rected, at Its January term la each year, to levy any other taxes which by law it Is required to levy, aad any other taxes which It may determlae to levy, aad which by law It la per mitted to levy. Third, We have the statute de claring that the couaty court have power to provide for the erec tion or court nouses, jeus, etc;, aac it stent to me to be perfeetly plala that If the couaty eourt haa newer to pro vide for' the erectloa of a eourt house there la a complete aad ample war raaty ('law, expressed therela. for taking any necessary ateao for rais ing the revenue te carry eat their purpose, aad that It is iateMeV by thlaseetlonot the Code to ikWthem full 'pewer to levy a special' ekx for the purpose of providingmeans for the eeaatructlon of such eourt house, aa4 I ain 'convinced that the power so tra'ated la clear aad uaequlvooal, nasi SsasSkssaasssaasaaseasSkssasssajasssasaasMBl tcoaiiauw en Pi v W Fifty per cent of the talk about the tariff, which la new troubling the house, the senate and tbe Brseldeat, will la a few'months simmer dbwa to Just oae man Frank L. Polk who. It has beea Renounced from Wash ington, will be named eeUecter of customs at the port of New Tork by Prenldeat Wilson. Fifty per cent of the Importations into the Uaked States duriag the Ust'aeeal year weat through New Tork. U ether words, the total value of Importe were $1 65S, Ui.tU, aad the valae of theaie coming through New York wais ItlT- l5,sar. If he aames Folk, the will have alapped Taause asssU, the democratjc orgaalMUMe4JtBjrcs city, aad Charles F. Murlhy. Im leasK er aad leader of, the state democracy. Whea Mayer rOeorge B. MeCleUaa aad Murphy, fell out several ago, the mayor named PeUt Mtl-Tamaaay preeMeat of the Clvtl Service Commlaslom. Folk is a law yer, who has aotlatc1y shown violent anti-Tammany feeling. But when he was told that the Tammany leader ef the assembly district la which he lives claimed him as a member of hie organisation, the prospective collect or repudiated It. For many years the republican or ganisation of New Tork' city.' shorn of municipal pauoaake. virtually liv ed on what cam to It from reauh- llcnn presidents through tit collector of customs. The democrata had hoped the many fat place la the gift of the collector would come to them. But there te no indleaUou'thk FoUr. wM evea recognise Tammeay Hall, NKCTION WITMAaM . - In AiMMte to .Fuefeff flaee ashl' Karly Over AalhurtMsa tflaas Ow4, j otmv vuMi -a asftlgsasMl Ism aaasaaat laaaadLaa uaurasmjwi najsj ammaaj majaauuej .i gKAgjMKmkaaast suaMasu C Oregon 'have (5 W It la doubtful if any rendered la Southera ever caused eueh aa eipeadtture "midnight oil" so studious work, aad aaeh a ef AfC ?: tloa of authorities. aa the '(' ions concerning the legaHty ef (tbe court house tax. levy aad 'wertifaev ' dered today by Ctreutt' Judge Meaty. ' Benson. - u , For the past two meathe he, haa used all hte sparcaseeaeata tat study- lag the ease. For several dayu at a time he haa remalaedia eeelusleej.'aa order to give hie oattre atteatieii to the queatloaa HsTetved. : . v After he. had eahauetod a the ge- tboritlea touchlag uaea the enea ta hia ewa library, aad 'fat libraries. Judge Beaeei by Court? Reperter Ishardaatv,. to Saiesa to further atudr ttoew and the'aeAawrMau la the) sMet Lawr library, aveistldare .wmtiatmit euV igeatly la ta,suMe,ae,ahe Judme . and hss'reperter retorted 'aea-assit1 ajght-rt: lt, - - .r ';;il ' j 1 '.'i' m-i ! J. T.'sTalsHs, a west ssee asansmv . vvmnaui Friday. " --.. ' MtssmwaVJu -' !-. -0 . i r-j? - i annaauem avaanaaaaW nnuajejaj" lat1unuuuuuaw , gggKsasssaa-ft -' i Meary and htrHeri aa face eeeeatricRy, "Leag are gtvlsig aatreaa of the Mar I tbe best MU that haa la the show heuao etaea vuaaeassa waa Introduced there. The pair ate clever dancers, aad their gestures; poses; etc;, have called for' repeated: The.voieee ef the team Mead aesecy,';-' too, esuecially whea they stag "Dante , Moon." Tealght te"1 their ,saa,asw pea ranee. SHERIFF'S WIFE TO GET PENSION WIDOW OF OFFICRR XKAR MatDFORD W1XL UK BSN- KFITKB BY, THK RBCCNTLY KN ACTKD STATB LAW ASHLAND.' April It. The widow, aad children of the late Sharlff Sta gier, killed aear Medford by an out law,- will aot be left entirely desti tute, aa was feared by many' whea the news of his death first reached Aah land. They will draw a penetoa from the state,-or, rather from the eouaty, under the widow's penetoa act passed by the last legislature, of llOa yer menth: .,; Y'S jV In addltloa to Ula'Mr. Slngler haa $1,000 innuraace fat taa Woedmea of the World, aad aleo a heaie valued at 11.500, which la clear, ' ' V There are' aeM to be practically ae debts. ThU.1 with' the aid prouileed by the brother. William Siagler,J will relieve the family of diAger of desti tution. '!,-''' u " - ,, Mrs. Hiram ,F. MurdeVfamtae guest of loeei;frUndsrMe,.'( la from'taeMurdeck lesMai. ( 1.VK.?. t iJll l'!W,.tll .. V. -- jp''' W ueP"JsaawyBt i i " T Jl"7 -"-',' 'I Vi. 1 n-&fm 1.1 Jul v Luke Cksafi la MIIBlalBBaal lunaanssi a , jm '- , v i .i The feUowtag mshejss4MeajB haee':' beea reeetved 'tor.'th 'reief ef Mai,) Koee ueeuare, vrMwemieev ausasl) eaeldrea: la U needy e'reumetantsa:-; , -. "MssmlSl " ' " " ''mmX-Sl ' . ertraaurmusmaj eeeeeefeeeeeeeeoue efgVJP F. -f'B.-aV'Oraialhy r..v..-.,V,.:fvf!l' '?' J. C. SasKh ...... Caah .J- "- seBayfjl e e e. e et e e e e f Mrs. Joe Meere .....Previeleae; . w. F. Araat ' it " . '& 't li ,...,. .l'rovlslsaa ' 1'aaa - '-' e e e e e e a i, e e e ee e e slWP'V., " seelMtoajuriauwS ' Ueas ef money, and. pravMcina far, lief . et'rieeIMttoBssmtay., Wftji - " 'i - , ' ?i Mlee Florida Lee, MiaSiKahy Davie f.The Herald wUI HP ' V ,' -. MILKING ON ADAMS RAJHH ' . '. . Aanaunarl h. r Vn ' ae:itaWL4i FuuMgaji aa a. . - . " -.1 ' . - 1 iml . , KLAMATH C50VNTT MAM MeV'-',' ' STALL, MtsCKAXICAL , AU Jl UASStxsnis ji, ,'. i ' -:-,. i uJ "'.. C- 53 t& I - as anTnnf atanuunnnnfnwi S.xC: L$ ISSUb .-j. i . ' . &Zw. MKRRIU,, April SI-aeMaM . tha Shaj-nlaaa -' : - ka.K. Hied' a mechanical !i atus st the WUI s ta the am ecaHrrvaato at oe put lato.uae u.eaio tonuav ggsi. uecesa will be. wutohed titojlr toeta..1l,i HW ' The maehiaew eaeeataal hf trie power, easTi i: aald to be able to mtth nary eeuv naa. li'TM an, ratw.sotastttlto VrTaSi uuuaai .,44 jm j"