rv v'- THE UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST HUFPMKIt HY THK lNTKI I'HMNd NKWN HKI1VKK B ' Vh ' 1 nfll gggV. v mraw. THE HHRALV J.JI, -iy:ii'E'w. w .&.- IMMl PRINT TM'lWKHil ! , ft'. 7..., i ' ,;! WW Hffrulli Vci No. ,04T KLAMATH FALLS, OltKOOK, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1019 STAR CHAMBER SESSION IS NOT THEIR PLAN iYEGGS CRACK A SAY THEY SAW ASKS $1,000 FOR ! SAFE IN BANK' VIRGIN MARY TRIAL FEE ANO $100 A MONTH Says He Didn't Fish for Place iVtl.ll'Olt.MA HOMINH WOULD 1101,11 TOmrrilKII I'lTI.l.'.VH AMI HAFK CHACKHItrt i:.V(.'ll.ti: HIIOTH WlltKM .11111 CUT I.VritlJDKHH OVKR. mnik hi;vi:iial in;.Miti:i I'uituil Pros Service iuklvi: oak land i'i:oi'i,i: at-j TI.HTTO HCKIMl VISION IX THK, iie.mi: oi Di:i:,Hi:i) i'iiiknd.i .Hon. Will n. King of Portland has secured a place a appraJaer of etu torn at Now York, a Ufa pcaltlon, at f 9,000 a rear. Mr. Kin make the following tatein eat: "This place came to ma entirely SToitn;H.M, ,wiiti:i: ' MRS SHOOK FILK8 MOTION IN DI VOKCK SUIT , Tnllcd I'rtiis Hervice OAKLAND, April ZG. Twelve Jo- iiiiuimu ik'ciuiu mm i hey daw ii for i" California Drmoerata VUlt of lliu Hod the safe of tlia Onion Safe Do-1 of ttiv htu Itohoit l.avcy, while his lug i, 1'cmteary of Hrparatioa I wu imni. uariy mis morning, mmxi was awaiting nurinl. Tlio np-i I UTMUlfrnu i...ii or ... .... ... i. .1 Inl-Halm.!! ArnMnl' "-v...w, ...... -. ni.-ir tui- Ukc f'e lolt'.li(in wlr' running out en I I'f lif l.fijbHr.iv.l II.-.. w ......... .I...- ..I..I.... ..r !.,. 1M.MI.. t, I.. .1. . . .. 1 - u. ...r.....i...,u, Hiiov JPIIHIVU UIHir , 1IIUII if, 1IV .. H 111 llir X 111 llll IIUIIIH WUe of I'roiiilneat Kluuiatli Coiiatjr Itiimlitr Ankn $ ifMI a Month Dar- Tlie lobbers sot fCO. They ovnp- fcrrrtary of State Hill lie Hrlef, Arrurdlag tu Aaaoaurrwerat Mattel looked 11.600, la Wellington Today j Oicr forty shots wero oschaiiKcd by jdtliviu ami the robbers, but nobod jvas Injureil, the yens escaping In an HUIUIIIUUIIQ. fslltJ 1'ieM Kervlea DACHAMKNTO, April 86. It 1st la general belief around the assern kly todsr, that the conferences be tND Hecretary llryan and the Coll- (aroU leililnlors will be lakeu up lib Uoveruor lllrata Johnson pres ml, slid bdth houses sitting In Joint mmIod. The leaders of the fight for the ptMifo o( the antl-allen laud bill m; tbst they will strenuously object to inr attempt to secure a star chain br huIoii, The matter, they say, Is IWwIlag., aa4 fl.OOA for Trial Money, tu KnaMa Her to llriag Wit nnan From PaHlaad. Iluy Im Han TraNriM-o uili'il rrii. Htrvu HAN KltANCIHCO, April 20. Crarksitieu tudny blow open tlio SAfu of tlio Mnrtiimii cafe, In the heart of the city. They secured 1530, and a rapnl unseen. parltlon, thoy sny, endured from 2 until G this morning. "The room was dark at the time, , aid Thomas Mcdlnnls, n deputy In! the suicrvliors' office. "We opened the doors 'and shllled the window IHflfllIt.lt III Ihriltl' lllfllt llllfl Ilia r. wim . '" ...-... ...., ...w v..v .TU.(., , ... .. but nothing n Heeled It. l",,,"' nlc1 motion In the divorce ........ i . .'. . .'suit commenced by her husband. In "I wrnt and stood before It, but It,,. , , . . .. ., . ....i . ii , .. . , 'his sho nsks for 1100 a month for ..iMu.i .i, tiniuii'iiii.'. I nun i, iiui can't explain." The statoment Is corroborated by Through her attorneys, Woeradla & Haas of Portland, Mrs. Cora Shook the others who were In tho house . the time. To Give Dance A dancing and card party will I given Tuesday evening at I. O, O, ittM.I ! 1,'taaii n I1!-!! tl.si(tMfi nf ot IUllnrt.resl to California iople.Wo0),crft Me fof diDc w) wdjhey should know the full ' rumi,,,.,, by the Tlndall orchestra. for fear politics might Jeopardise IttUUtluu, the democrat leaders have tabled to hold no formal entertain tst for Hecretary llryan. SFNATE CONFIRMS OREGON OFFICERS WAWIINOTON, April t'Coannusu on I'age SG.- Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. K.. holds Its regular meeting tonight In ' Odd Fellows Temple. There will bo HHCKIVKItS work In tho Degree of Truth, and I Important matters wll come before l'rcsl',010 lodge. Visiting brothers ara In vited to meet with us. her support during tho pendency of the trial, and 1 1,000 trial money. The motion, which was Died today, asks the circuit court to Issuo an or dor citing the plaintiff In the action, ,JoIin 8. Bhook, to appear nnd show causo why ho should not pay the money demanded by tho defendant. Circuit udgo Ilenson Is not jln Klamath Falls at present, so no ac tion has becu taken as yet on the mo- ,tion- Shook, 1 ssssssssHssssssssssssssssssssssssfl ipi bH: :'' aBf.NMs.isssssssssssssssssssB SVW l aBBTSBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBl sbssWbIsbsssV 'JssssV'' . .bbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH i rvjma . jm BSSSSSsBl ''SsVJslBSBSSSSSSsi Hf MARIS TO VISIT KLAMATH MONDAY KIKIJI WOHKHK FOR MSFAKT- MF.SST OF a)UCATKX WILL HI'KXD A WKKK VMITINQ THK DIKFKKKXT DIBTKICTtt .',"-,;j.. ' i w "v ----v tawB .. i .cmai "ClEANOeiK I t "f. 'n ''v. ? !.i MUM I Vi'.Nk" iTl 'rOM M BETHORI SHYSMLtt W-.J. n M Vl .11 , L . 'V . . It AMiKYfAND.I . AtmmmcuuM '' i '.- ; - ' V" ' -.'! mmmmmmmtmimm ' -.. I n .r sbssMsIIsT i&K&'Mr' been hero rn tba Interest of my party, and not a an oflco seeker." There 1 no doubt that Mr. King I win accept me piace, aa ii pays store who owns ranch lands la jtban any of the others for whlck ha For tba purpose of explaining tba Industrial movement to teachers, 'pupils and parentaef Klamath aeane ,ty, N. C. Marls, Held representative of 'the department of edueatlen in tha fdlroctloa of Industrial affairs, will ar- riTo nera.Moaaay. During tae reaaalndftr of tne waak be VllI visit different senoate la tk county, aeeompaaled ky Canty School Superiatendeat Fred Fetanom and Max A. McCaU, Instructor In ag riculture at tha high schooL Addreeeea wll ha made la aaah dla trlct visited. Tba first awetlng will ha held at Midland crhtutl Ifuti mmmmtmm 'i.a ifoltowing day Mr. Maria and tha .wall ". S.V" S ?' local Instructors wUl talk at tha Uaalll rTT Wff"""!' aniaarthar wlH r " " -Bat la taa d yard, allays and atiaataW, taa rlenaaalaaaanaataV having proven tha'aaa'f -a. eoncectdtMtiaa trf'tr'tn$ii t " along thai Una; M '-'f's'-'ii .- Tharalani.,1, ajr jtftaaaff taa d a, aatMrity Invaatad . ... .. . .. .-. ' & x ara as aanaai Ckjra Mearalsva.OsBaaawl 'jsAmj wmfcTah, h,cr.i k eTe at 5 '1,-"r '"- Hi '3 -- V . ' nooLuusaw L "'.''.' fel- a.. To tha Cttlaeaa tt KlaMh'FasBK - v it kciag aaeaaaarr as , ,i without solicitation, althoagh one 'schools. Tuesday aveaiag' thar via would think from reading tha Port-' explain the movement to tha papUe T "JT A land papers that I had been here with and patrona of the Millar HiU aahool if ' ;' hook and lino, fishing for anything 1 1 house. The remalader at theiwaek could get. Aa a matter of fact I have ! will oe divided' aa follews: .1 OF MO.XKYH AT U OltAXDK, THK DALLES AND IIUUXH, AND IOUTIiAND POST- .MAHTKIISIUF HKTTLKD the vicinity of Dairy, Is a ploaaar jbaa been mentioned. In addition' to resident of Klamath county. He mar- being for an iadenalte term nnd not affected by a change of admlnlstra- JOHN 8. SHOOK Many Cattle Coming For Summer's Grazing McLemore Went Scuth to Purchase Larger Herds, But California , Have Raised Prices of Cattle t nttod I'rou Hervlcn WASHINQTON, 1). C, April 15. Tho senate today confirmed the fol lowing Oregon nominations by Pres ident Wilsen: Hcct'lvcrs of Public Moneys No land Skiff, La Grande; L. A. Uooth, The Dalles; Sam Mothershead, Durns. Postmaster at Portland Frank Myers. Fifteen curs, or about COO head of Mr. McLemore went to California' J-Iesr-old steers and cows, and year- ,,, Intention of purchasing' Hags, nlll arrive hero tho first of the . ,;UOfc0 ''"V "'nco ,ho rocen)t ""j'' , . . . stockmen who beforo were anxious to week from Hanta Clara Valley. Thoif ,,BV0 wh(,rnwn tb,,r cMtlo fr0m' rstlle wero purchasod In California ,,e market, and as a result the prlco by Ii. M. McLemore, aud are being of rattle has advanced. ! iM.if J tu Klamath county for sum- A large number of stock cattle havo : mtr rsnie, I'ait of the shipment will been shlppod to Klamath county from ' ttuhacrlptioii Grows Thu following subscriptions have been received for the relief of Mrs. Itoie (loddard, who with four small children, Is In needy circumstances: Herald 16 11. S. Urlgsby 1 J. L. Smith ,,.,,,, 1 .asn .,,..,, x Mrs. Joe Mooro Provisions V. F. Arant Provisions Miss Florida Leo 3,00 Miss Huby Davis 1.00 Tho Herald will receive contrlbu ! aLlg,lg,lg,lgM BBBBaHlEBLgsH I naLgHHH jtloa. Mr. King succeeds n former , member of tha hoard who lent lila i place through exposure of hie fraud. ,Vell Known Klamath County Ranch ' cr, Who Figures In Dlyorce Case ;rled several years ago, while a mem ber of the legislature from this sec Itlon. In his dlvorco complaint Shook nl- h sold to local cnttlemon.und the re- California this spring, but It Is be- tlons of money nnd provisions for the) logos that hts wlfo Is avaricious, sei- milndur put In pasture. Luke Wat-'llvvid that this will bo tho last large stricken llttlo family. ;Dsh nnd overbearing. He seeks full hf, hn Is Interested with Mr. Mc- Nhlpniout mado this year. Tho Ira- . .tltlo to nil his property, estimated to l...n.v... .... . . . . ... .... . .. i... ni. ni.i...l. rt-...... An Ullllll. .....l. P AAA .n.uiiir, hbk Necurou pasiuru on mo piuremcni iii mo nrn, vuu u mi uu v". v,m t,,,,,uv nunu fiu.uuu. Grades. cxrvniiou, itud nil those not soli! rnlu, will result in mo raiuo ueing nicoi in mu wesi nan oi i. u. u. r.i mm. uuook uns ueen giving in fort-1 THESIS SUBJECTS ARE GIVEN OUT KTATK SUPKIIIXTEXDKXT HKNDB I.IHT OF SUHKOTS FOB PORTION OF I'11IM.AHV GltADK KXAMI NATION a. State Superintendent Alderman ha prepared n list of subjects for thesis work by applicants for primary teach ers' certificates. The thesis work In the next teachers' examination, to he hold In June, will be on these sub ject. The list prepared follews: "What Should De Taught la Pri mary Ora'des That Is Not Found In !lookT" "Home Oeography In Primary (liadcf." "Tho Use of Phonic In the First Wednesday Morning, Plan Grave; afternom. Dairy; evening, HlMa brand. " Thursday Morning, Traanss; af ternoon, Shasta View; aveakeg. Malta. Friday Morning'. ManfU; after noon, Lone Plae. Palrvlaw'aavd'Haa Uy. On Saturday Mr. Maria wMI leava for Lake cenaty, to tana aa tha waek In that sectlon. It U tho lataattaa of uaek-a 'to stimulate the internet' at paaifa aad pareau In tha "back U tha farm" moyeaeat, and pareaU arajsrgad ta attend tha meetiage.la thatr atttrleta. MarshaliOrr, who haa a ranch near Lost Hlver diversion dam, 1 here to day, attending to buslneea matters. rt " - wreasea . am ana. aa m lK-'tha;aira('ansaBaMi d' rail, da set aeida aad fiilui 'ataraay, May . aa -HlaaajPn d ' Day;'r'nad'l'aa.'aall'ataB4h na Ha . , "Jeaafla.h'' hav 'liars aad haajc WA v i' t' ! Klamath IMsi,' fl&.llIS. .n. . iv 1 ' . .... S 'it- ' ' v.S; -. , ' ' m ! I M f keelaeata 'at.'tha" atty watt WltfNaV c'oaUnaa4 sa .re 4.- ' ". ill be taken there on arrival, kept In California. Tcmplo tonight for practice. ; land for soveral months. County Court Adopts Set of RAG PARTIES IN Resolutions About Library! BAD AT PORTLAND "Nature Study." . "The Montessorl System of Kduea- uon. "Primary Reading." "Play and Playgrounds." "Busy Work." In Memorial Passed Today, Members State That Coun ty Will Furnish $2000 Annually For the Mainten ance $20,000 Library of Carnegie Commis:ion K)'KN IN PRIVATK HOMMa, PO LICK CHIKF 81XJVKR DSOIiARt TANGO AND OTHKIt VARJBTIK8 MUST HK STOPPKD Whereas, Said offer was aud isigou, and will maintain said free It contlugont on the county court of , brary at n cost of not loss than two od In by tho younger solcal set la As proof of their Intention to pro vide for tho maintenance of tho 10.- uo Carneglo library the Carnealo Klamath county. Oregon, by resolu- thousand (2.000) dollars a year. Corporation of New York offers to tlon of said county court, ngroolug to I Datod , at Klamath Falls, Oregon, build' here, resolution w nuod inatntnln said free nubile library at a! April SS, 1913. I... A. . . .. .1 - . . .. .. .1 ' W PORTLAND, April ' 25, Society bunny hugs, turkey trots, tangoes and 'gristly bears must not ba danced la Portland, oven though quietly tndulg- today by the membenuof tha eountylcost of not less than two thousand WM. "t, setting forth that tha county "" Provide at leaa 1,000 annually - ... luienance or ma uorary. "o resolutloaa follew: Wheroas, On tha data of March 14. "3. tba Carnegie Corporation of. " org offered to Klamath county, yreion, tha sum of twenty thousand ii! i?.'000 d0,Ur to ' '- library building for Klamath taan- y t Klamath Falla, Klamath eaun v, Oregon, and v- II ' (12,000) dollars a year, and to pro vide n suitable- site for said froe libra, ry building In Klumath Falls, Klam ath county, Oregon; now, therefore. Do It llosolved, That the county court of Klamath county, Oregon, agree with the Carneglo Corporation of Now York, that said Klamath coun ty, Oregon, will provldo a suitable site-for building a free publlo library building for Klamath county la Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore- private homes, This Ib tho edict of Police Chief Stover, who caused the arrest of T. A. Watklna. aced 24. and Mia Doro- jthy Anderson, aged 18, at n private dance at 80 Kast Stark street, when S. WOllDEN, (Jounty Judge JOHNHAQELSTKIN. C. O,. MERRILL, 'Patrolman Russell reported that tha County Commissioners, 'forbidden torjdschoreaa aoveltlea There la now In tho county treaa-lwere being g'lveu. ury, available fof county library pur- poses, If, 083.71. This amount haa Girl la Dora boon raised by tho lovylng of a library Dr, F. M. White report the birth tax. Tho levy amounts to .83 of a mill, aad this will raise mora than the 12,000 annually required by the Car nogle Corporation. ( ' i oarly this morning of a tea-pound girl to Mr, aad Mrs. U. K. Reeder, who live on the .Merrill road eouth of Loan lHaa,!i '?W , - ' , '- CoarhUttee ta Entertain A dancing and card, party will ba given at IO. O. F. hall tomorrow night by the "Medtord Ways and Moans" committee, which ta rawing funds to send drill teams to the I. O, O. F. convention; There will be a pro gram rendered during tha evening, and lght refreshment will be tar nished by the ladles. Tindall'a orches tra will supply tha music Admission 25 cent. SeUa Cattle Luko Walker haa sold 240 head of stock cattle to Jim Dixon and Jaaa Dlakesley of rort Klamath. Tha.eat- tie were taken from the Walker place near Bly to Fort Klamath last week. See No IUsUon" "All this talk about inflated values In Klamath Pall one hears of In other places is decidedly arardarwa," sayaP,, A.Kotoeh,,a prominent iSan Franciscan; yrbo ia.'vtaltlng tha city.; "Blnce coming here, I have aotleedj but, one Instance of, the kind, and that wajnfar removed fromjaad yaluea." Floyd Brandenburg ,i hart fraea) London Paper Raps at Grape 3'V ,5, TC3 -f, "We Should Worry-It's Sane Amj-w how, and HBeaUDoUrDik- acy,- Sayg Mrs. Lockwood a . '...Vrf .i ii' T ' , niiieii itom service -i years aa "Wlahr Waahbaaia. " LONDON, April 26. Tha follaw-, '., a -fr.',; v -;u-l' Ing comment regarding tha (rap jilted i.'raii rve " - v Juice State dinner given hy Secretary of , WASHINQTON, D. C.i aatM Bryan to Ambassador Bryee, ''Qrape Jute aatetr I alaaat Iha flvlU.. M.ka.aJA. ...J. .? JJ i. l.tf!..1;"' "V .'-'''-V "" H-W-.1W, , ,' sain- fa.-ajofta day in the Pall Mall.Oaaatt: 'v ' " (wood, aoaiety l'--i'"'"!fiitirii 'ns,uii tic-1. Br..wi--. rLv.N ' i." j,-1 -iiii VvTTTT v.. ..., a. o !'" WT) UWIIUS IHfSWS. " 'll the Wlwon-Bryan regtma hatda bat I f "We should M,'wayJaoaI ...... r r7 - v. n,nmij iiimuui eriirciva, vc ,; fear that the Amarieaa eaprtal wtU;ploaMcy.!Mtlasaaahi become kaow;duriag Ua;aat. fear jttian doIUr'dlplemaey. "'-i'.l'TtN :'-'ff: UuL2 ,' ;i4 M iff Mj g aa T fi9 SI m Informer Will Soon Be Released t t ; 'r' ;-v-'?ir Li District Attorneys Office BeHeetJ nits iiiia -31 "a-1 19 '" .' 4t" A'fM ' ,n ' '-w r .V .... &',....J,jt,'fe m-'j ., . , ' :'.jtar W. ,tr-;?.M& ' , 'om Ortle McManigal Ia EnHUed.tta u" irfS i'v .'-.VVi Hi Liberty tor Paat 8erlca ), m i- : ft fc1 United Pres Service , LOSANdBLf,4 April 15. OrU 09CMHnil miter, i, i according thin yjj.; a : . i.ijfe'.'-.-,T.i: uaree nearly; bm of aix carpeiad, , -v- j - . :. 'Jr?:!W eorW JMW ot pa released fraea prUoa, to a autemeat iaaaa by An? 8il8.lSn.V iiairin Attorney , Fard mdrnlna. "k ' v rrV .r',7-M McMaag; Iaip to; VN.Hbarijr,VAalf; 9M" life baa beoe a ferUbWraat daya ta waa to aava .car 4ji i ffi nesa'tlwjtttt af tthrl byothat.vf -- vVMaaawhUa tag MdNii horug 4ght hoa a atHpea at taa Msg While taa MaMl PTJaW .jije.! p4'Vjflj K li. ' :.tt